HL7 Terminology (THO)
3.0.0 - Publication
This page is part of the HL7 Terminology (v3.0.0: Release) based on FHIR R4. The current version which supercedes this version is 5.2.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.
These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide
MIF concept relationship transitivity |
Indicates whether the relationship always (transitive) or never (antitransitive) propagates such that if the association exists from A to B and from B to C that the relationship can be inferred to exist from A to C |
MIF concept relationship is reflexivity |
Indicates if the association always holds for a concept with itself (refexive), never holds for a concept with itself (irreflexive) |
MIF concept relationship is navigable |
Indicates whether the relationship is intended to be navigated when selecting a code |
MIF concept relationship kind |
Identifies a type of relationship between codes that is supported by this code system version |
NamingSystem version |
The business version associated with the Naming System |
MIF concept relationship inverse name |
Identifies the name of the relationship that references the inverse of the current relationship. Allows linking a relationship and its derived inverse. |
MIF concept relationship symmetry |
Indicates if the relationship always holds in the reverse direction as well (symetric), never holds in the reverse direction as well (antisymetric) |
NamingSystem title |
The human-readable descriptive name for the code or identifier system |
MIF Associated concept property |
Concept Properties that are associated with this Code System or Value Set Version |
These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide
chromosome-human |
Chromosome number for human. |
Special arrangements |
This value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate the kinds of special arrangements in place for a patients visit. |
Discharge disposition |
This value set defines a set of codes that can be used to where the patient left the hospital. |
USCLS Codes |
This value set includes a smattering of USCLS codes. |
StateChangeReason |
Indicates why the state of the subject changed. |
Coverage SelfPay Codes |
This value set includes Coverage SelfPay codes. |
Subscription Error Codes |
Codes to represent subscription error details |
QuestionnaireItemUsageMode |
Identifies the modes of usage of a questionnaire that should enable a particular questionnaire item. |
ChargeItemCode |
Example set of codes that can be used for billing purposes. |
Medication knowledge characteristic codes |
MedicationKnowledge Characteristic Codes |
Example Diagnosis Related Group Codes |
This value set includes example Diagnosis Related Group codes. |
Service type |
This value set defines an example set of codes of service-types. |
SNOMED International Global Patient Set (GPS) |
SNOMED International Global Patient Set (GPS) value set. The value set includes all of the codes from the SNOMED International Global Patient Set (GPS) subset of SNOMED CT. The current version of the value set contains all concepts (26,158) from the September 2020 release of the GPS (based on the July 2020 SNOMED CT International Edition release). This value set is provided as a FHIR ValueSet resource instance for the convenience of implementers. |
Test script operation code |
This value set defines a set of codes that are used to indicate the supported operations of a testing engine or tool. |
Validation-process |
The primary process by which the target is validated |
ResearchSubjectState |
Indicates the progression of a study subject through a study. |
Network Type Codes |
This value set includes a smattering of Network type codes. |
Immunization Funding Source |
The value set to instantiate this attribute should be drawn from a terminologically robust code system that consists of or contains concepts to support describing the source of the vaccine administered. This value set is provided as a suggestive example. |
LibraryType |
The type of knowledge asset this library contains. |
AdjudicationError |
This value set includes a smattering of adjudication codes. |
Condition Clinical Status Codes |
Preferred value set for Condition Clinical Status. |
Claim Information Category Codes |
This value set includes sample Information Category codes. |
Missing Tooth Reason Codes |
This value set includes sample Missing Tooth Reason codes. |
Primary-source-type |
Type of the validation primary source |
MeasureType |
The type of measure (includes codes from 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20368). |
Audit Event Source Type |
The type of process where the audit event originated from. |
AlternativeCodeKind |
Indicates the type of use for which the code is defined. |
Validation-type |
What the target is validated against |
CommunicationNotDoneReason |
Codes for the reason why a communication did not happen. |
Goal category |
Example codes for grouping goals to use for filtering or presentation. |
GoalAcceptanceStatus |
Codes indicating whether the goal has been accepted by a stakeholder. |
Example Revenue Center Codes |
This value set includes sample Revenue Center codes. |
StatisticCertaintySubcomponentRating |
The quality rating of the subcomponent of a quality of evidence rating. |
Push-type-available |
Type of alerts/updates the primary source can send |
Forms |
This value set includes a sample set of Forms codes. |
Consent Scope Codes |
This value set includes the four Consent scope codes. |
ActionType |
The type of action to be performed. |
Process Priority Codes |
This value set includes the financial processing priority codes. |
Example Vision Prescription Product Codes |
This value set includes a smattering of Prescription Product codes. |
Goal priority |
Indicates the level of importance associated with reaching or sustaining a goal. |
Substance Category Codes |
Substance category codes |
Episode of care type |
This example value set defines a set of codes that can be used to express the usage type of an EpisodeOfCare record. |
MeasureImprovementNotation |
Observation values that indicate what change in a measurement value or score is indicative of an improvement in the measured item or scored issue. |
StatisticSynthesisType |
Types of combining results from a body of evidence (eg. summary data meta-analysis). |
Contract Signer Type Codes |
This value set includes sample Contract Signer Type codes. |
AdverseEventCausalityMethod |
Organization type |
This example value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate a type of organization. |
Appointment cancellation reason |
This example value set defines a set of reasons for the cancellation of an appointment. |
Risk Probability |
Codes representing the likelihood of a particular outcome in a risk assessment. |
ClaimPayeeResourceType |
The type of Claim payee Resource. |
StatisticStatisticType |
The type of a specific statistic. |
Example Diagnosis on Admission Codes |
This value set includes example Diagnosis on Admission codes. |
AllergyIntoleranceCertainty |
Statement about the degree of clinical certainty that a specific substance was the cause of the manifestation in a reaction event. |
FHIR Device Types |
Codes used to identify medical devices. Includes concepts from SNOMED CT (http://www.snomed.org/) where concept is-a 49062001 (Device) and is provided as a suggestive example. |
FamilyHistoryAbsentReason |
Codes describing the reason why a family member’s history is not available. |
Medication request course of therapy codes |
MedicationRequest Course of Therapy Codes |
ReferralMethod |
The methods of referral can be used when referring to a specific HealthCareService resource. |
Reason Medication Given Codes |
This value set is provided as an example. The value set to instantiate this attribute should be drawn from a robust terminology code system that consists of or contains concepts to support the medication process. |
StandardsStatus |
HL7 Ballot/Standards status of artifact. |
GuideParameterCode |
Code of parameter that is input to the guide. |
QualityOfEvidenceRating |
A rating system that describes the quality of evidence such as the GRADE, DynaMed, or Oxford CEBM systems. |
PayeeResourceType |
The type of payee Resource. |
CatalogType |
The type of catalog. |
Example Message Reason Codes |
Example Message Reasons. These are the set of codes that might be used an updating an encounter using admin-update. |
FHIRDeviceStatusReason |
The availability status reason of the device. |
SupplyRequestReason |
The reason why the supply item was requested. |
Flag Category |
Example list of general categories for flagged issues. (Not complete or necessarily appropriate.) |
Example Related Claim Relationship Codes |
This value set includes sample Related Claim Relationship codes. |
Adjudication Value Codes |
This value set includes a smattering of Adjudication Value codes which includes codes to indicate the amounts eligible under the plan, the amount of benefit, copays etc. |
Encounter subject status |
This example value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate the status of the subject within the encounter |
Admit source |
This value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate from where the patient came in. |
ConditionState |
Enumeration indicating whether the condition is currently active, inactive, or has been resolved. |
SubscriptionChannel Type Codes |
Codes to represent subscription error details |
Surface Codes |
This value set includes a smattering of FDI tooth surface codes. |
Claim Care Team Role Codes |
This value set includes sample Claim Care Team Role codes. |
SubscriptionTag |
Tags to put on a resource after subscriptions have been sent. |
ConformanceExpectation |
Indicates the degree of adherence to a specified behavior or capability expected for a system to be deemed conformant with a specification. |
Contact entity type |
This example value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate the purpose for which you would contact a contact party. |
Location type |
This example value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate the physical form of the Location. |
Contract Term Type Codes |
This value set includes sample Contract Term Type codes. |
Test script profile destination type |
This value set defines a set of codes that are used to indicate the profile type of a test system when acting as the destination within a TestScript. |
Encounter type |
This example value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate the type of encounter: a specific code indicating type of service provided. |
CompositeMeasureScoring |
The composite scoring method of the measure. |
Service category |
This value set defines an example set of codes that can be used to classify groupings of service-types/specialties. |
Failure-action |
The result if validation fails |
CharacteristicMethod |
The method used to determine the characteristic(s) of the variable. |
ContractDataMeaning |
How a resource reference is interpreted when evaluating contract offers. |
Consent Action Codes |
This value set includes sample Consent Action codes. |
Condition Category Codes |
Preferred value set for Condition Categories. |
ResourceSecurityCategory |
Provides general guidance around the kind of access Control to Read, Search, Create, Update, or Delete a resource. |
Test script profile origin type |
This value set defines a set of codes that are used to indicate the profile type of a test system when acting as the origin within a TestScript. |
Payment Status Codes |
This value set includes a sample set of Payment Status codes. |
Benefit cost applicability |
Whether the cost applies to in-network or out-of-network providers. |
MatchGrade |
A Master Patient Index (MPI) assessment of whether a candidate patient record is a match or not. |
Supply Type |
This value sets refers to a Category of supply. |
MedicationAdministrationLocation |
Direction in which lists of possible answers should be displayed. |
Medication dispense performer function codes |
MedicationDispense Performer Function Codes |
Oral Site Codes |
This value set includes a smattering of FDI oral site codes. |
MeasureScoring |
The scoring type of the measure. |
Consent PolicyRule Codes |
This value set includes sample Regulatory consent policy types from the US and other regions. |
Immunization Evaluation Dose Status codes |
The value set to instantiate this attribute should be drawn from a terminologically robust code system that consists of or contains concepts to support describing the validity of a dose relative to a particular recommended schedule. This value set is provided as a suggestive example. |
SubscriberPolicyholder Relationship Codes |
This value set includes codes for the relationship between the Subscriber and the Beneficiary (insured/covered party/patient). |
Observation Reference Range Meaning Codes |
This value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate the meaning/use of a reference range for a particular target population. |
Validation-status |
Status of the validation of the target against the primary source |
Example Payment Type Codes |
This value set includes example Payment Type codes. |
RejectionCriterion |
Criterion for rejection of the specimen by laboratory. |
Contract Term Subtype Codes |
This value set includes sample Contract Term SubType codes. |
Coverage Class Codes |
This value set includes Coverage Class codes. |
Need |
The frequency with which the target must be validated |
Program |
This value set defines an example set of codes that could be can be used to classify groupings of service-types/specialties. |
AlternativeCodeKind |
Indicates the type of use for which the code is defined. |
Coverage Copay Type Codes |
This value set includes sample Coverage Copayment Type codes. |
CopyNumberEvent |
Copy Number Event. |
Example Claim SubType Codes |
This value set includes sample Claim SubType codes which are used to distinguish the claim types for example within type institutional there may be subtypes for emergency services, bed stay and transportation. |
MaxOccurs |
Flags an element as having unlimited repetitions. |
ConditionVerificationStatus |
The verification status to support or decline the clinical status of the condition or diagnosis. |
Basic Resource Types |
This value set defines codes for resources not yet supported by (or which will never be supported by) FHIR. Many of the codes listed here will eventually be turned into official resources. However, there is no guarantee that any particular resource will be created nor that the scope will be exactly as defined by the codes presented here. Codes in this set will be deprecated if/when formal resources are defined that encompass these concepts. |
Example Procedure Type Codes |
This value set includes example Procedure Type codes. |
MeasureDataUsage |
The intended usage for supplemental data elements in the measure. |
Example Use Codes for List |
Example use codes for the List resource - typical kinds of use. |
Insurance plan type |
This example value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate a type of insurance plan. |
Example Diagnosis Type Codes |
This value set includes example Diagnosis Type codes. |
List Order Codes |
Base values for the order of the items in a list resource. |
StatisticStudyType |
The type of study a statistic was derived from. |
AdverseEventSeriousness |
Overall seriousness of this event for the patient. |
Exception Codes |
This value set includes sample Exception codes. |
AuditEventEntityRole |
Code representing the role the entity played in the audit event. |
StatisticCertaintySubcomponentType |
The subcomponent classification of quality of evidence rating systems. |
SubscriptionStatusAtEvent |
A status code for the state of the Subscription. |
StatisticsCode |
The statistical operation parameter -“statistic” codes. |
Structure Definition Use Codes / Keywords |
Structure Definition Use Codes / Keywords |
EvidenceDirectness |
The quality of how direct the match is. |
Modifier type Codes |
This value set includes sample Modifier type codes. |
Provenance participant type |
The type of participation a provenance participant. |
Adjudication Reason Codes |
This value set includes smattering of Adjudication Reason codes. |
CoverageEligibilityResponse Auth Support Codes |
This value set includes CoverageEligibilityResponse Auth Support codes. |
ResearchStudyReasonStopped |
Codes for why the study ended prematurely. |
Contract Type Codes |
This value set includes sample Contract Type codes. |
ResearchStudyPhase |
Codes for the stage in the progression of a therapy from initial experimental use in humans in clinical trials to post-market evaluation. |
Example Provider Qualification Codes |
This value set includes sample Provider Qualification codes. |
Nutrition intake category codes |
NutritionIntake Category Codes |
VerificationResult Communication Method |
Attested information may be validated by process that are manual or automated. For automated processes it may accomplished by the system of record reaching out through another system’s API or information may be sent to the system of record. This value set defines a set of codes to describing the process, the how, a resource or data element is validated. |
CommunicationTopic |
Codes describing the purpose or content of the communication. |
Immunization Program Eligibility |
The value set to instantiate this attribute should be drawn from a terminologically robust code system that consists of or contains concepts to support describing the patient’s eligibility for a vaccination program. This value set is provided as a suggestive example. |
Can-push-updates |
Ability of the primary source to push updates/alerts |
MeasurePopulationType |
The type of population. |
Consent Vefication Codes |
This value set includes base Consent Verification codes. |
Diet |
This value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate dietary preferences or restrictions a patient may have. |
UsageContextType |
A code that specifies a type of context being specified by a usage context. |
Benefit Category Codes |
This value set includes examples of Benefit Category codes. |
Claim Type Codes |
This value set includes Claim Type codes. |
Benefit Type Codes |
This value set includes a smattering of Benefit type codes. |
Present on Admission Indicators |
Concepts that describe whether a condition is present when a patient is admitted to a healthcare facility. |
Medication request category codes |
MedicationRequest Category Codes |
AdverseEventSeverity |
The severity of the adverse event itself, in direct relation to the subject. |
DefinitionStatus |
Codes identifying the lifecycle stage of a definition. |
Supply Item Type |
This value sets refers to a specific supply item. |
AdverseEventCategory |
Overall categorization of the event, e.g. product-related or situational. |
Implant Status |
A set codes that define the functional status of an implanted device. |
Contract Actor Role Codes |
This value set includes sample Contract Actor Role codes. |
GoalRelationshipType |
Types of relationships between two goals. |
ExpansionParameterSource |
Declares what the source of a parameter is. |
ActivityDefinitionCategory |
High-level categorization of the type of activity. |
Contract Subtype Codes |
This value set includes sample Contract Subtype codes. |
Contract Action Codes |
This value set includes sample Contract Action codes. |
MedicationRequestAdministrationLocation |
Direction in which lists of possible answers should be displayed. |
Benefit Term Codes |
This value set includes a smattering of Benefit Term codes. |
Observation Category Codes |
Observation Category codes. |
Payment Type Codes |
This value set includes sample Payment Type codes. |
Example Coverage Financial Exception Codes |
This value set includes Example Coverage Financial Exception Codes. |
MedicationUsageAdministrationLocation |
Direction in which lists of possible answers should be displayed. |
Example Service Place Codes |
This value set includes a smattering of Service Place codes. |
HandlingConditionSet |
Set of handling instructions prior testing of the specimen. |
Financial Task Codes |
This value set includes Financial Task codes. |
DeviceDefinitionParameterGroup |
Codes identifying groupings of parameters; e.g. Cardiovascular. |
ResearchSubjectStateType |
Identifies the kind of state being refered to. |
ChoiceListOrientation |
Direction in which lists of possible answers should be displayed. |
EvidenceVariableRole |
The role that the assertion variable plays. |
StrengthOfRecommendationRating |
A rating system that describes the strength of the recommendation, such as the GRADE, DynaMed, or HGPS systems. |
Immunization Subpotent Reason |
The value set to instantiate this attribute should be drawn from a terminologically robust code system that consists of or contains concepts to support describing the reason why a dose is considered to be subpotent. This value set is provided as a suggestive example. |
PayeeType |
This value set includes sample Payee Type codes. |
Audit Event Outcome |
The type of process where the audit event originated from. |
HL7Workgroup |
An HL7 administrative unit that owns artifacts in the FHIR specification. |
AdverseEventCausalityAssessment |
Codes for the assessment of whether the entity caused the event. |
DiagnosisRole |
This value set defines a set of codes that can be used to express the role of a diagnosis on the Encounter or EpisodeOfCare record. |
Medication knowledge status codes |
MedicationKnowledge Status Codes |
Medication administration performer function codes |
MedicationAdministration Performer Function Codes |
Immunization Recommendation Status Codes |
The value set to instantiate this attribute should be drawn from a terminologically robust code system that consists of or contains concepts to support describing the status of the patient towards perceived immunity against a vaccine preventable disease. This value set is provided as a suggestive example. |
SpecialValues |
A set of generally useful codes defined so they can be included in value sets. |
DefinitionTopic |
High-level categorization of the definition, used for searching, sorting, and filtering. |
Payment Adjustment Reason Codes |
This value set includes smattering of Payment Adjustment Reason codes. |
AllergyIntolerance Verification Status |
The verification status to support or decline the clinical status of the allergy or intolerance. |
ExpansionProcessingRule |
Defines how concepts are processed into the expansion when it’s for UI presentation. |
Goal achievement status |
Describes the progression, or lack thereof, towards the goal against the target. |
Financial Task Input Type Codes |
This value set includes Financial Task Input Type codes. |
SmartCapabilities |
Codes that define what the server is capable of. |
Funds Reservation Codes |
This value set includes sample funds reservation type codes. |
Medication knowledge package type codes |
MedicationKnowledge Package Type Codes |
StatisticCertaintyRating |
The relative quality of the statistic. |
Common Tags |
Common Tag Codes defined by FHIR project |
Enteral Formula Additive Type Code |
EnteralFormulaAdditiveType: Codes for the type of modular component such as protein, carbohydrate or fiber to be provided in addition to or mixed with the base formula. This value set is provided as a suggestive example. |
Unit Type Codes |
This value set includes a smattering of Unit type codes. |
CommunicationCategory |
Codes for general categories of communications such as alerts, instructions, etc. |
ResearchSubjectMilestone |
Indicates the progression of a study subject through the study milestones. |
Endpoint Connection Type |
This is an example value set defined by the FHIR project, that could be used to represent possible connection type profile values. |
AllergyIntoleranceSubstanceExposureRisk |
The risk of an adverse reaction (allergy or intolerance) for this patient upon exposure to the substance (including pharmaceutical products). |
StatisticAttributeEstimateType |
Method of reporting variability of estimates, such as confidence intervals, interquartile range or standard deviation. |
sequenceStatus |
Codes providing the status of the variant test result. |
PlanDefinitionType |
The type of PlanDefinition. |
DoseAndRateType |
The kind of dose or rate specified. |
Contract Content Derivation Codes |
This is an example set of Content Derivative type codes, which represent the minimal content derived from the basal information source at a specific stage in its lifecycle, which is sufficient to manage that source information, for example, in a repository, registry, processes and workflows, for making access control decisions, and providing query responses. |
Example Program Reason Codes |
This value set includes sample Program Reason Span codes. |
ContainerCap |
Color of the container cap. |
AllergyIntolerance Clinical Status Codes |
Preferred value set for AllergyIntolerance Clinical Status. |
List Empty Reasons |
General reasons for a list to be empty. Reasons are either related to a summary list (i.e. problem or medication list) or to a workflow related list (i.e. consultation list). |
Immunization Evaluation Dose Status Reason codes |
The value set to instantiate this attribute should be drawn from a terminologically robust code system that consists of or contains concepts to support describing the reason why an administered dose has been assigned a particular status. Often, this reason describes why a dose is considered invalid. This value set is provided as a suggestive example. |
Medication request status reason codes |
MedicationRequest Status Reason Codes |
ResearchStudyObjectiveType |
Codes for the kind of study objective. |
ResearchStudyPrimaryPurposeType |
Codes for the main intent of the study. |
ServiceProvisionConditions |
The code(s) that detail the conditions under which the healthcare service is available/offered. |
ValueSet/action-participant-role |
Either a practitioner role or a relationship type. Note from UTG import - may have been a temporary entry that subsequently disappeared from the FHIR source; unable to locate. Version set to 0.1.0 |
ActClassSemiFowlers |
Deprecation Comment: This value set has been deprecated because its root code was deprecated in an earlier vocabulary release. |
ActClassTrendelenburg |
Deprecation Comment: This value set has been deprecated because its root code was deprecated in an earlier vocabulary release. |
CodeSystem |
Code systems used in HL7 standards. |
ActClassConditionNode |
Deprecation Comment: This value set has been deprecated because its root code was deprecated in an earlier vocabulary release. |
ActClassSubjectBodyPosition |
Deprecation Comment: This value set has been deprecated because its root code was deprecated in an earlier vocabulary release. |
ActClassLeftLateralDecubitus |
Deprecation Comment: This value set has been deprecated because its root code was deprecated in an earlier vocabulary release. |
ActClassReverseTrendelenburg |
Deprecation Comment: This value set has been deprecated because its root code was deprecated in an earlier vocabulary release. |
Act Procedure Code CCI | |
ActClassSupine |
Deprecation Comment: This value set has been deprecated because its root code was deprecated in an earlier vocabulary release. |
HumanActSite |
An anatomical location on a human which can be the focus of an act. OpenIssue: This value set was approved for deletion in November 2008, and was deleted at release #762. Subsequently, however, it was found that this deletion caused the legacy software embedded in the RMIM Designer in Visio to fail to show appropriate options for concepts in the subject area of this value set. For that reason, the value set was re-added in releasse 813 and DEPRECATED from general use at the same time. This value set should be deleted as soon as it is no longer required to support of the legacy software. |
ActClassSitting |
Deprecation Comment: This value set has been deprecated because its root code was deprecated in an earlier vocabulary release. |
ActClassProne |
Deprecation Comment: This value set has been deprecated because its root code was deprecated in an earlier vocabulary release. |
ActRelationshipUpdate |
Description: Deprecation Comment: Was mis-named, and a proper representation has been provided. Replaced by value set ActRelationshipCompliesWith. |
ActClassStanding |
Deprecation Comment: This value set has been deprecated because its root code was deprecated in an earlier vocabulary release. |
ActClassRightLateralDecubitus |
Deprecation Comment: This value set has been deprecated because its root code was deprecated in an earlier vocabulary release. |
MIF Concept Relationship Kind |
Codes for use in the ext-mif-relationship-relationshipKind to capture V3 Model Interchange Format (MIF) SupportedConceptRelationship.relationshipKind values |
MIF Concept Relationship Symmetry |
Codes for use in the ext-mif-relationship-symmetry to capture V3 Model Interchange Format (MIF) SupportedConceptRelationship.symmetry values |
MIF Concept Relationship Transitivity |
Codes for use in the ext-mif-relationship-transitivity to capture V3 Model Interchange Format (MIF) SupportedConceptRelationship.transitivity values |
Yes No Unknown NotAsked |
This value set contains 4 concepts commonly used as answers to items in a questionnaire. |
MIF Concept Relationship Reflexivity |
Codes for use in the ext-mif-relationship-reflexivity to capture V3 Model Interchange Format (MIF) SupportedConceptRelationship.reflexivity values |
hl7VS-practitionerIdNumberType |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of number used for the practitioner identification. |
hl7VS-riskCodes |
Value Set of codes that specify any known or suspected specimen hazards, e.g., exceptionally infectious agent or blood from a hepatitis patient. |
hl7VS-queryFormatCode |
Value Set of codes which specify which of several types of formats for data to be returned in response to a query. |
hl7VS-employmentStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the guarantor’s employment status. |
hl7VS-cclValue |
Value Set of codes that specify the clinical complexity level (CCL) value for the determined diagnosis related group (DRG) for this diagnosis. |
hl7VS-armStick |
Value Set of codes specifying the arm(s) receiving a stick. |
hl7VS-intendedProcedureType |
Value Set of codes specifying the type of intended procedure. |
hl7VS-non-subjectConsenterReason |
Value Set of codes that specify a reason consent was granted by a person other than the subject of the consent. |
hl7VS-errorSeverity |
Concepts documenting the severity of an application error as reported during acknowledgment of messages. |
hl7VS-reportTypeCode |
Value Set of codes that identify the kind of patient document. |
hl7VS-relationshipModifier |
Value Set of codes that an observation definition to describe the subject of an observation in relation to a patient. |
hl7VS-informPersonCode |
Value Set of codes that specify who (if anyone) shouldor should not be informed of an error. |
hl7VS-documentCompletionStatus |
Value Set of codes that record the state of a document in a workflow. |
hl7VS-specialtyType |
Value Set of codes that identify the specialty of the care professional who is supported when using this location definition. |
hl7VS-sequenceResultsFlag |
Value Set of codes that specify the sequencing relationship between the current service request and a related service request(s) specified in the same information model structure. |
hl7VS-donationDurationUnits |
Value Set of codes specifying the units of donation duration. |
hl7VS-phlebotomyStatus |
Value Set of codes specifying the status of a phlebotomy. |
hl7VS-typeOfAgreement |
Concepts which specify codes to further identify an insurance plan. |
hl7VS-deferredResponseType |
Value Set of codes which specify which type of deferred query resonse is desired, as specified with the query parameters. |
hl7VS-specimenCollectionMethod |
Concepts to document procedures or processes by which a specimen may be collected. This is one of two code systems that are used instead of table 0070 (code system xxxx) which conflated specimen types and specimen collection methods. Used in Version 2 messaging in the SPM segment. |
hl7VS-advancedBeneficiaryNoticeCode |
Status codes specifying a patient’s or a patient’s representative’s consent for responsibility to pay for potentially uninsured services. Note that this set of codes is generally used in the US only. |
hl7VS-personLocationType |
Value Set of codes that specify the categorization of the person’s location. |
hl7VS-jobStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify a next of kin/associated party’s job status. |
hl7VS-controlledSubstanceSchedule |
Value Set of codes that specify the class of the drug or other substance if its usage is controlled by legislation. |
hl7VS-chargeTypeReason |
Value Set of codes that specify the choice of, and providing the clinical rationale for, a selected charge type. |
hl7VS-sourceOfComment |
Concepts which are used to specify the source of a comment, as used in HL7 Version 2.x messaging in the NTE segment. |
hl7VS-subtypeOfReferencedData |
A subset of the IANA media subtypes of binary data that are encoded in an ascii structure or stream. |
hl7VS-accessRestrictionValue |
Value Set of codes that specify the information to which access is restricted. Note that the new codes as of November 2018 have been temporarily loaded into the underlying V2 code system pending availability of the currently unavailable new tooling, at which time this value set will be retired and a value set based on the HL7 V3 ActCode code system will be used instead for this table, and the rendered URL will be valid at terminology.hl7.org. |
hl7VS-actionCode |
Concepts which specify actions to be taken with respect to the specimens that accompany or precede an order. The purpose of these are to further qualify (when appropriate) the general action indicated by the order control code (code system xxxx). |
hl7VS-pcaType |
Value Set of codes specifying a type of PCA. |
hl7VS-volumeUnits |
Value Set of codes of units of measure that are used to specify volume. |
hl7VS-cumulativeDosageLimitUom |
Value Set of codes specifying the unit of measure (UoM) for the cumulative dosage limit. |
hl7VS-documentAvailabilityStatus |
Value Set of codes that define whether a patient document is appropriate or available for use in patient care. |
hl7VS-consentNon-disclosureReason |
Value Set of codes that specify a reason the subject did not receive full disclosure. |
hl7VS-daysOfTheWeek |
Value Set of codes that identify the day(s) of the week when a location may be scheduled for appointments. |
hl7VS-precision |
Value Set of codes used to specify the degree of precision of a time stamp. |
hl7VS-rangeType |
Value Set of codes that specify whether a composite price range is experssed as a flat rate or a percentage. |
hl7VS-encoding |
Concept identifying the type of IETF encoding used to represent successive octets of binary data as displayable ASCII characters. |
hl7VS-eventRelatedPeriod |
Value Set of codes that specify a common (periodical) activity of daily living. |
hl7VS-consentDisclosureLevel |
Value Set of codes that specify how much information was disclosed to the subject as part of the informed consent process. |
hl7VS-name-addressRepresentation |
Value Set of codes that provide an indication of the kind of representation provided by a name or address, but does not necessarily specify the character sets used for the data. It is used to provides hints for a receiver, so it can make choic |
hl7VS-documentConfidentialityStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the degree to which special confidentiality protection should be applied to information. The assignment of data elements to these categories is left to the discretion of the healthcare organization. |
hl7VS-transfusionAdverseReaction |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of adverse reaction that the recipient of the blood product experienced. |
hl7VS-phlebotomyIssue |
Value Set of codes specifying a phlebotomy issue. |
hl7VS-temperatureUnits |
Value Set of codes specifying the units of transport temperature. |
hl7VS-exclusiveTest |
Concepts that define if a test should be a specific event with no other tests to be performed with this test, or not, or other special circumstances. |
hl7VS-cycleType |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of cycle that is being executed. A cycle type is a specific sterilization method used for a specific type of supply item. |
hl7VS-sourceOfSpecimen |
Value Set of codes which specify sources for speciments for clinical testing. These concepts are used in HL7 Version 2.x messaging in the OBR segment prior to version 2.7, and was replaced by the concepts in table 0487 Specimen Type and table |
hl7VS-versionControlTable |
Concepts which are used to identify an HL7 version in the Version 2.x family of published standards. |
hl7VS-organizationUnitType-Org |
Value Set of codes that specify the classification of the organization unit. |
hl7VS-organDonor |
Value Set of codes that specify whether the patient wants to donate his/her organs and whether an organ donor card or similar documentation is on file with the healthcare organization. |
hl7VS-reimbursementTypeCode |
Value Set of codes that specify the fee schedule reimbursement type applied to a line item. |
hl7VS-medicalRoleExecutingPhysician |
Value Set of codes specifying the role of the physician (“self-employed” or “employed”). |
hl7VS-allergySeverity |
Value Set of codes that specify the general severity of an allergy. |
hl7VS-whenToCharge |
Value Set of codes that specify codes for an event precipitating/triggering a charge activity. |
hl7VS-whatSubjectFilter |
Value Set of codes which specify the kind of information that is required to satisfy a query request. The values define the type of transaction inquiry. |
hl7VS-diagnosticServiceSectionId |
Concepts which specify a section of a diagnostic service where the observation may be performed. |
hl7VS-processInterruptionReason |
Value Set of codes specifying the reason for a process interruption. |
hl7VS-certificationTypeCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the code for a certification type. |
hl7VS-patientResultsReleaseCategorizationScheme |
Value Set of codes specifying the scheme for the patient results release categorization. |
hl7VS-institutionRelationshipType |
Value Set of codes that specify the relationship the staff person has with the institution for whom he/she provides services. |
hl7VS-bloodProductDispenseStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the current status of the specified blood product as indicated by the filler or placer. For example, the first status change of a product that may trigger a Blood Product Dispense Status Message occurs when it fir |
hl7VS-appointmentReasonCodes |
Value Set of codes that describe the kind of appointment or the reason why an appointment has been scheduled. |
hl7VS-privacyLevel |
Value Set of codes that identify the level of privacy a patient will be afforded when assigned to this location definition. |
hl7VS-sequenceConditionCode |
Value Set of codes that specify the relationship between the start/end of the related service request(s) and the current service request. |
hl7VS-levelOfCare |
Value Set of codes that identify the level of care a patient may be afforded when assigned to this location definition. |
hl7VS-cyclicEntryExitIndicator |
Value Set of codes that specify if this service request is the first or last service request in a cyclic series of service requests. |
hl7VS-bpObservationStatusCodesInterpretation |
Value Set of codes that specify the interpretation for the blood product observation status codes. A status is considered preliminary until a blood product has reached a final disposition for the patient. For example, when the product is first c |
hl7VS-appointmentTypeCodes |
Value Set of codes that an appointment request to describe the kind of appointment. |
hl7VS-preferredSpecimen-AttributeStatus |
Concepts that indicate whether a Specimen/Attribute is Preferred or Alternate for collection of a particular specimen. |
hl7VS-checkDigitScheme |
Concepts used to identify the check digit scheme employed when a check digit is used in various HL7 Version 2.x datatypes. |
hl7VS-telecommunicationExpirationReason |
Value Set of codes specifying the reason this contact number/email was marked as “ended”. |
hl7VS-deviceDataState |
Value Set of codes that specify the state of the data as provided from a device. |
hl7VS-annotations |
Value Set of codes that specify the coded entry associated with a given point in time during the waveform recording. Note codes beyond 9903 may exist; extensions to this table may be done by incrementing the code value. |
hl7VS-name-addressRepresentation |
Value Set of codes that specify an indication of the representation provided by the data item. |
hl7VS-quantityMethod |
Value Set of codes that specify the method by which the quantity distributed is measured. |
hl7VS-formularyStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify whether or not the service (pharmaceutical) is in the formulary. |
hl7VS-livingWill |
Value Set of codes that specify whether or not the patient has a living will and, if so, whether a copy fo the living will is on file at the healthcare facility. If the patient does not have a living will, the value of this field indicates whether the |
hl7VS-universalIdType |
Types of UID (Universal Identifiers). |
hl7VS-consentStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify whether the consent has been sought and granted. |
hl7VS-presentOnAdmission(poa)Indicator |
Value Set of codes specifying the present on admission indicator for this particular diagnosis. |
hl7VS-roleExecutingPhysician |
Value Set of codes specifying the account role of the physician, for example, only billing for the professional part, the technical part or both. |
hl7VS-lotControl |
Value Set of codes that specify whether the sterilization load for a device is built in the sub-sterile area adjacent to an Operating Room or the Central Processing Department. |
hl7VS-processingId |
Value Set of codes that specify whether the message is part of a production, training or debugging system. |
hl7VS-statusPatient |
Value Set of codes that specify whether the length of stay is normal or respectively shorter or longer than normal. |
hl7VS-relationship |
Concepts specifying an actual personal relationship that the next of kin/associated party has to a patient. Used in HL7 Version 2.x messaging in the NK1 segment. |
hl7VS-certificationCategoryCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the code for a certification category. |
hl7VS-VS-observationType |
Value Set of codes that specify types of observations to enable systems to distinguish between observations sent along with an order, versus observations sent as the result to an order. |
hl7VS-observationResultHandling |
Concepts regarding the handling of a result. |
hl7VS-locationEquipment |
Value Set of codes that identify the equipment available in a location definition identified as a room or bed. |
hl7VS-documentStorageStatus |
Value Set of codes that describe the availability of a document in relation to the type of storage. |
hl7VS-bloodProductTransfusion-dispositionStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the current status of the specified blood product as indicated by the placer. For example, the placer may return the blood product to the transfusion service unused because an IV could not be started. The blood co |
hl7VS-serviceRequestRelationship |
Value Set of codes that specify an additional or alternate relationship between this service request and other service requests. |
hl7VS-patientLocationType |
Value Set of codes that identify the kind of location described in the location definition. |
hl7VS-productSource |
Value Set of codes that describe the evaluation state of a product identified in an incident. |
hl7VS-VS-observationSubtype |
Value Set of codes specifying an observation sub-type. |
hl7VS-processInterruption |
Value Set of codes specifying whether a process was interrrupted and whether a needle had been inserted in the donor’s arm prior to the interruption. |
hl7VS-messageType |
Concepts which specify message types for HL7 Version 2.x messaging. |
hl7VS-eventReason |
Value Set of codes that specify the reason for an event. |
hl7VS-delayedAcknowledgmentType |
Concepts which specify a response type used in deferred processing two phase reply for delayed acknowldgement mode of the original acknowledgement mechanism defined in HL7 Version 2.x messaging. |
hl7VS-bedStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the state of a bed in an inpatient setting, and is used to determine if a patient may be assigned to it or not. |
hl7VS-sideOfBody |
Value Set of codes specifying the side of the body (“left” or “right”). |
hl7VS-consentBypassReason |
Value Set of codes that specify the reason the subject’s consent was not sought. |
hl7VS-ambulatoryPaymentClassificationCode |
Value Set of codes that specify the derived Ambulatory Payment Classification (APC) code. |
hl7VS-tqConjunctionId |
Value Set of codes that specify that a second timing specification is to follow using the repeat delimiter. |
hl7VS-drgTransferType |
Value Set of codes that specify a type of hospital receiving a transfer patient, which affects how a facility is reimbursed under diagnosis related group (DRG’s), for example, exempt or non-exempt. |
hl7VS-treatment |
Value Set of codes that identify the specimen treatment performed during lab processing. |
hl7VS-alertLevel |
Value Set of codes that identify the highest level of the alert state (e.g.,highest alert severity) that is associated with the indicated equipment (e.g. processing event, inventory event, QC event). |
hl7VS-governmentReimbursementProgram |
Value Set of codes that specify codes that indicate an agency that the practitioner is authorized to bill for medical services. Existing codes only for use in the United States. |
hl7VS-productionClassCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the code and/or text indicating the primary use for which the living subject was bred or grown. |
hl7VS-continuationStyleCode |
Value Set of codes identifying whether it is a fragmented message or part of an interactive continuation message. |
hl7VS-addressUsage |
Value Set of codes that specify how an address is intended to be used. |
hl7VS-administrationMethod |
Value Set of codes that specify the specific method requested for the administration of the drug or treatment to the patient. |
hl7VS-dietType |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of diet. |
hl7VS-package |
Value Set of codes specifying the packaging unit in which this inventory supply item can be ordered or issued when purchased from the vendor in the related vendor segment. |
PHVS_Race_HL7_2x |
This race value set is based upon CDC check-digit codes, but using the HL7 table 0005. HL7 adopted the CDC Race and Ethnicity codes in HL7 Table 0005 in 2005. This value set has been created for backward compatibility and some historic Implementation guides (E.g. Immunization). Recommend using Race Category value set based upon CDC Race & Ethnicity code system. |
hl7VS-drgProcedureRelevance |
Value Set of codes that specify the relevance of this particular procedure for the diagnosis related group (DRG) determination. |
hl7VS-orderStatusModifier |
Value Set of codes that further define an identified status. |
hl7VS-product-servicesClarification |
Value Set of codes that specify the Product/Service Code. |
hl7VS-processingMode |
Concepts that indicate an archival process or an initial load process. |
hl7VS-purgeStatus |
Value Set of codes that define the state of a visit relative to its place in a purge workflow. |
hl7VS-signatory'sRelationshipToSubject |
Value Set of codes that specify the relationship of the consenter to the subject. |
hl7VS-quantityUnits |
Value Set of codes that specify the adjustment quantity. |
hl7VS-segmentActionCode |
Concepts specifying actions to be applied for segments when an HL7 version 2 interface is operating in “action code mode” (a kind of update mode in the Standard). |
hl7VS-ReasonForStudy |
Value Set of codes that provide additional information to the universal service identifier on why a test, study or review was ordered. |
HL7 Value Set for State/Province |
Concepts used to specify a state or province. Used in Version 2 messaging in the Extended Composite ID with Check Digit (CX), Performing Person Time Stamp (PPN), and Extended Composite ID Number and Name for Persons (XCN) values as well as the Accident (ACC) segment. |
hl7VS-auto-DilutionType |
Value Set of codes that specify the pre‑configured dilution to be applied on the instrument, which can be used instead of a numeric declaration. |
hl7VS-orderStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the status of an order. The purpose of these values are to report the status of an order either upon request (solicited), or when the status changes (unsolicited). The values are not intended to initiate action. It is as |
hl7VS-itemStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the status (useful for reporting and item usage purposes) that applies to an item. |
hl7VS-patientClass |
Concepts used by systems to categorize patients by sites. |
hl7VS-date-timeSelectionQualifier |
Value Set of codes that allow the specification of certain types of values within the date/time range. |
hl7VS-administrationDevice |
Value Set of codes that specify the mechanical device used to aid in the administration of the drug or other treatment. Common examples are IV-sets of different types. |
hl7VS-derivedSpecimen |
Value Set of codes that specify the parents and children for diagnostic studies, especially in microbiology, where the initial specimen (e.g., blood) is processed to produce results (e.g., the identity of the bacteria grown out of the culture). The pro |
hl7VS-addressExpirationReason |
Value Set of codes that specify the reason this address was marked as “ended”. |
hl7VS-incidentTypeCode |
Value Set of codes specifying a classification of the incident type. |
hl7VS-local-remoteControlState |
Value Set of codes that identify the current state of control associated with the equipment. Equipment can either work autonomously (‘Local’ control state) or it can be controlled by another system, e.g., LAS computer (‘Remote’ control state) |
hl7VS-specimenComponent |
Value Set of codes that identify the specimen component, e.g., supernatant, sediment, etc. |
hl7VS-schoolType |
Value Set of codes that specify a categorization of an academic institution that grants a degree to a Staff Member. |
hl7VS-commentType |
Value Set of codes that identify the type of comment text being sent in the specific comment record. |
hl7VS-containerStatus |
Value Set of codes that identify the status of the unique container in which the specimen resides at the time the transaction was initiated. |
hl7VS-procedureDrgType |
Value Set of codes that specify a procedure’s priority ranking relative to its DRG. |
hl7VS-rxComponentType |
Value Set of codes that specify the RX component type. |
hl7VS-stockLocation |
Value Set of codes that specify a stock location. |
hl7VS-religion2 |
Value Set of codes that specify a person’s religion. |
hl7VS-relationalConjunction |
Value Set of codes used with relational operator values to group more than one segment field name. |
hl7VS-organizationalNameType |
Concepts used to specify the type of name for an organization i.e., legal name, display name. |
hl7VS-processingConsiderationCodes |
Value Set of codes that specify special processing requested of Payer for this Product/Service Line Item (e.g., hold until paper supporting documentation is received by Payer). |
hl7VS-eventSeriousness |
Value Set of codes that a sender to designate an event as serious or significant. |
hl7VS-eventExpected |
Value Set of codes that communicate whether an event has been judged to be expected or unexpected. |
hl7VS-priceType |
Value Set of codes that identify the intent for the dollar amount on a pricing transaction. |
hl7VS-alternateCharacterSets |
Value Set of codes that identify one of a number of possible standard alternate character sets for a message, either single-byte or double-byte. |
hl7VS-supplierType |
Value Set of codes specifying the type of supplier that will distribute the supply items associated to a contract number. |
Confidentiality |
Concepts drawn from the HL7 V3 Confidentiality code system . Used in Version 2 messaging in the Security Classification elements in the Message Header segment (MSH) and the Access Restrictions segment (ARV). |
hl7VS-drgGroupingStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the status of the use of the gender information for diagnosis related group (DRG) determination. |
hl7VS-drgProcedureDeterminationStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the status of the use of this particular procedure for the diagnosis related group (DRG) determination. |
hl7VS-admissionType |
Value Set of codes that specify the circumstances under which the patient was or will be admitted. |
hl7VS-userAuthenticationCredentialTypeCode |
Value Set of codes that specify a type of user authentication credential. |
hl7VS-coordinationOfBenefits |
Value Set of codes that specify whether this insurance works in conjunction with other insurance plans or if it provides independent coverage and payment of benefits regardless of other insurance that might be available to the patient. |
hl7VS-substitutionStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the substitution status. |
hl7VS-diagnosisPriority |
Concepts that identify the significance or priority of the diagnosis code. Note that the codes are numeric, and the number of the code represents the ordinal priority of the associated diagnosis. Used in the DG1 segment in Version 2 messaging. |
hl7VS-additivePreservative |
Concepts specifying any additive introduced to the specimen before or at the time of collection. These additives may be introduced in order to preserve, maintain or enhance the particular nature or component of the specimen. Used in Version 2 messaging in the SPM segment. |
hl7VS-tissueTypeCode |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of tissue removed from a patient during a procedure. |
hl7VS-languageAbility |
Value Set of codes that specify codes that indicate the ability that a Staff Member possesses with respect to the language. |
hl7VS-equipmentState |
Value Set of codes that identify the status the equipment was in at the time the transaction was initiated. |
hl7VS-artificialBlood |
Value Set of codes that identify the artificial blood identifier associated with the specimen. |
hl7VS-administriveSite |
Concepts that specify a body site from which a specimen is obtained. |
hl7VS-confidentialityCode |
Value Set of codes that specify the degree to which special confidentiality protection should be applied to the observation. |
hl7VS-statusAdmission |
Value Set of codes that specify the admission status for the diagnosis related group (DRG) determination. |
hl7VS-transactionType |
Value Set of codes that specify a type of financial transaction. |
hl7VS-eventTypeCode |
Concepts specifying the trigger event for Version 2.x interface messages. |
V2 Table 0942 Version Master |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of measurement of the state of an automated laboratory instrument. |
hl7VS-publicityCode |
Concepts specifying a level of publicity of information about a patient for a specific visit. |
hl7VS-weightUnits |
Value Set of codes of units of measure that are used to specify weight. |
hl7VS-telecommunicationUseCode |
Concepts for specifying a specific use of a telecommunication number. |
hl7VS-bloodUnitType |
Value Set of codes used to specify the type of blood unit |
hl7VS-nameType |
Concepts for types of names for persons. |
hl7VS-specialProgramCode |
Value Set of codes that record a health insurance program required for healthcare visit reimbursement. |
hl7VS-taxStatus |
Value Set of codes used to specify the tax status of a provider. |
hl7VS-diagnosisClassification |
Value Set of codes that classify whether a patient visit can be related to a diagnosis. |
hl7VS-maritalStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify a person’s marital (civil/legal) status. |
hl7VS-ethnicGroup |
Concepts further defining a patient’s ancestry. In the US, a current use is to use these codes to report ethnicity in line with US federal standards for Hispanic origin. Used for HL7 Version 2 messaging in the PID segment. |
hl7VS-routeOfAdministration |
Value Set of codes that specify the route of administration. |
hl7VS-systemInducedContaminants |
Value Set of codes that identify the specimen contaminant identifier associated with the specimen in the container. |
hl7VS-degreeLicenseCertificate |
Concepts specifying an educational degree (e.g., MD). Used in the CNN datatype (names and identifiers of clinicians) in Version 2 messaging. Used in Version 2 messaging; note that in releases of HL7 prior to 2.3.1, was also used in person names (XPN), but this use was deprecated, then withdrawn in 2.7. |
hl7VS-organizationUnitType |
Value Set of codes that specify the environment in which the provider acts in the role associated with the provider type, and inludes codes for venues outside of formal organized healthcare settings, such as Home. The provider environment is no |
hl7VS-allergyClinicalStatus |
Value Set of codes specifying the verification status for the allergy. |
hl7VS-specialHandlingConsiderations |
Concepts describing how a specimen and/or container needs to be handled from the time of collection through the initiation of testing. Used in Version 2 messaging in the SPM segment. |
hl7VS-languageProficiency |
Value Set of codes which specify the level of knowledge a person possesses with respect to a language ability identified. |
hl7VS-analyteRepeatStatus |
Value Set of codes identifying the repeat status for the analyte/result (e.g. original, rerun, repeat, reflex). The following are assumptions regarding the table values: Repeated without dilution — performed usually to confirm correctness of r |
hl7VS-penaltyType |
Value Set of codes that specify whether the amount is currency or a percentage. |
hl7VS-natureOfServiceTestObservation |
Concepts specifying an identification of a test battery, an entire functional procedure or study, a single test value (observation), multiple test batteries or functional procedures as an orderable unit (profile), or a single test value (observation) calculated from other independent observations, typically used as an indicator for Master Files. |
hl7VS-trayType |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of dietary tray. |
hl7VS-payeeRelationshipToInvoice |
Value Set of codes used to specify the relationship to the invoice for Person Payee Types. |
hl7VS-telecommunicationEquipmentType |
Concepts for specifying a type of telecommunication equipment. |
hl7VS-adjustmentCategoryCode |
Value Set of codes used to specify the category of adjustment and is used to assist in determining which table is used for Adjustment Reason. |
hl7VS-paymentMethodCode |
Value Set of codes used to specify the method for the movement of payment. |
hl7VS-patientStatusCode |
Value Set of codes that define the state of a care episode for a patient. |
hl7VS-invoiceProcessingResultsStatus |
Value Set of codes used to specify the processing status for an Invoice Processing Result. |
hl7VS-visitPriorityCode |
Value Set of codes that define a relative level of urgency applied to a patient visit. |
hl7VS-identifierType |
Concepts specifying types of identififiers, as used in person and organization identification datatypes in HL7 Version 2 standards. |
hl7VS-providerAdjustmentReasonCode |
Value Set of codes used to specify the reason for this adjustment. |
hl7VS-product-serviceStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the processing status for the Product/Service Code. |
hl7VS-VS-limitationTypeCode |
Value Set of codes specifying a type of limitation. |
hl7VS-administrativeSex |
Concepts specifying a patient’s sex for administrative purposes. |
hl7VS-mimeTypes |
Value Set of codes specifying the general type of data. |
hl7VS-allowSubstitution |
Value Set of codes that specify whether substitutions are allowed and, if so, the type of substitutions allowed. |
hl7VS-masterFileIdentifierCode |
Concepts which are represented by codes identifying HL7Versions 2.x Master Files. |
hl7VS-dayType |
Value Set of codes that specify whether the days are denied, pending or approved. |
hl7VS-processingType |
Value Set of codes identifying the processing type that applies to the test code. If this attribute is omitted, then regular production is the default. |
hl7VS-otherEnvironmentalFactors |
Value Set of codes that identify the other environmental factors associated with the specimen in a specific container, e.g., atmospheric exposure. |
hl7VS-patientConditionCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the patient’s current medical condition for the purpose of communicating to non-medical outside parties, e.g. family, employer, religious minister, media, etc. |
hl7VS-segmentGroup |
Value Set of codes that specify the optional segment groups which are to be included in a response. |
hl7VS-precertificationPatientType |
Value Set of codes that specify the category or type of patient for which this certification is requested. |
hl7VS-eligibilitySource |
Value Set of codes that specify the source of information about the insured’s eligibility for benefits. |
hl7VS-file-levelEventCode |
Concepts specifying file-level events for master files. Used in HL7 Version 2 messaging in the MFI segment. |
hl7VS-amountClass |
Value Set of codes that specify the amount quantity class. |
hl7VS-providerBilling |
Value Set of codes that specify how provider services are billed. |
hl7VS-drgStatusFinancialCalculation |
Value Set of codes that specify the status of the diagnosis related group (DRG) calculation regarding the financial aspects. |
workClassificationODH |
A person’s employment type as defined by compensation and sector (e.g. paid vs. unpaid, self-employed vs. not self-employed, government vs. private, etc.). |
hl7VS-onlineVerificationResultErrorCodes |
V2 Table 0971 Version Master (Online Verification Result Error Code) |
hl7VS-inactiveReasonCode |
Value Set of codes that specify the reason the staff member is inactive. |
hl7VS-insuranceCompanyContactReason |
Value Set of codes that describe why an insurance company has been contacted. |
hl7VS-invoiceReasonCodes |
Value Set of codes that specify the reason for an invoice. |
hl7VS-volumeUnits |
Value Set of codes of units of measure that are used to specify volume. |
hl7VS-adjustmentAction |
Value Set of codes used to specify the action requested of a party that receives an adjustment. |
hl7VS-invoiceType |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of invoice. |
PHVS_ManufacturersOfVaccinesMVX_CDC_NIP |
Value Set of codes that specify the organization that manufactures a vaccine. The values are maintained by the US Centers of Disease Control. Note that the source of truth for these code values are maintained by the CDC, and the code system may be acce |
hl7VS-onlineVerificationResult |
Code values used to indicate the result of an online verification of insurance data. |
hl7VS-statusRespirationMinutes |
Value Set of codes that specify the status of the use of the respiration minutes information for diagnosis related group (DRG) determination. |
hl7VS-countryCode-3alpha |
Value Set of codes that identifies a country of origin for a message. It will be used primarily to specify default elements, such as currency denominations. The values to be used are those of ISO 3166. The ISO 3166 table has three separate forms for the codes for each country, this value set includes only the 3-character alpha form. |
hl7VS-responseLevel |
Concepts specifying application response levels defined for a given Master File Message at the MFE segment level, and used for MFN-Master File Notification message. Specifies additional detail (beyond MSH-15 - Accept Acknowledgment Type and MSH-16 - Application Acknowledgment Type) for application-level acknowledgment paradigms for Master Files transactions. |
hl7VS-roomType |
Value Set of codes that specify the room type. |
hl7VS-substanceType |
Value Set of codes identifying the type of substance. |
hl7VS-applicationChangeType |
Value Set of codes that specify a type of change being requested (if NMR query) or announced (if NMD unsolicited update). |
hl7VS-severityOfIllnessCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the severity ranking of a patient’s illness. |
hl7VS-advanceDirectiveCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the patient’s instructions to the healthcare facility. |
hl7VS-cweStatuses |
Concepts that represent an exception identifier code; that is, a code that is not defined in the value set (either model or site-extended). These are occationsally referred to a ‘flavors of null’ although this set of concepts is specific to the CWE datatype used in Version 2 messaging, and the codes may be used in the ‘identifier’ component of the ‘triplets’ in that datatype. |
hl7VS-caseCategoryCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the reason a non-urgent patient presents to the emergency room for treatment instead of a clinic or physican office. |
hl7VS-occurrenceSpan |
Concepts drawn from the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) code that identifies an event that relates to the payment of a claim. Used in Version 2 messaging in the Occurrence Span Code and Date (OSP) value. |
hl7VS-alertDeviceCode |
Value Set of codes specifying any type of allergy alert device the patient may be carrying or wearing. |
hl7VS-matchReason |
Value Set of codes identifying what search components (e.g., name, birthdate, social security number) of the record returned matched the original query where the responding system does not assign numeric match weights or confidence levels. It |
hl7VS-policyType |
Value Set of codes that specify the policy type. |
hl7VS-addressType |
Concepts specifying types or kinds of addresses. |
hl7VS-sterilizationType |
Value Set of codes specifying the type of sterilization used for sterilizing the inventory supply item in the ITM segment. |
hl7VS-route |
Value Set of codes that are used to indicate a means of administrating a medication dose. |
hl7VS-statusWeightAtBirth |
Value Set of codes that specify the status of the use of the weight at birth for diagnosis related group (DRG) determination. |
hl7VS-priority |
Value Set of codes that specify the allowed priorities for obtaining the specimen. |
hl7VS-payeeType |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of payee (e.g., organization, person). |
hl7VS-studentStatus |
Value Set of codes that designate whether a guarantor is a full or part time student. |
hl7VS-escortRequired |
Value Set of codes indicating whether a patient must be accompanied while travelling to a diagnostic service department. |
hl7VS-transportArranged |
Value Set of codes defining whether patient transportation preparations are in place. |
hl7VS-benefitGroup |
Value Set of codes that specify the benefit group. |
hl7VS-procedureFunctionalType |
Value Set of codes that classify a procedure. |
hl7VS-typeOfData |
Concepts declaring the general type of media data that is encoded. |
hl7VS-preferredMethodOfContrct |
Value Set of codes that specify which of a group of multiple phone numbers is the preferred method of contact for this person. |
hl7VS-itemImportanceCodes |
Value Set of codes that denote a level or importance of an inventory item within the context of an inventory location. |
hl7VS-amountType |
Value Set of codes that specify amount quantity type. |
hl7VS-matchAlgorithms |
Value Set of codes identifying the name or identity of the specific search algorithm to which the RCP-5 Search Confidence Threshold and the QRI-1 Candidate Confidence refer. |
hl7VS-commandResponse |
Value Set of codes identifying the response of the previously issued command. |
hl7VS-occurrenceCode |
Concepts drawn from the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) code for the event or occurrence relating to a bill that may affect payer processing. Used in Version 2 messaging in the Occurrence Code and Date (OCD) value. |
hl7VS-sensitivityToCausativeAgentCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the reason the patient should not be exposed to a substance. |
hl7VS-triageCode |
Value Set of codes specifying a patient’s prioritization within the context of this abstract. |
hl7VS-patient’sRelationshipToInsured |
Value Set of codes that specify the relationship of the patient to the insured, as defined by CMS or other regulatory agencies. |
hl7VS-remoteControlCommand |
Value Set of codes that identify the comment the component is to initiate. |
hl7VS-bloodProductCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the blood product code. |
hl7VS-admissionLevelOfCareCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the acuity level assigned to the patient at the time of admission. |
hl7VS-messageStructure |
HL7 abstract message structure codes. |
hl7VS-substanceStatus |
Value Set of codes identifying the status of the inventoried item. The status indicates the current status of the substance. |
hl7VS-sequencing |
Value Set of codes identifying how the field or parameter will be sorted and, if sorted, whether the sort will be case sensitive (the default) or not. |
hl7VS-protectionCode |
Value Set of codes that specify that an address needs to be treated with special care or sensitivity. |
hl7VS-militaryStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the military status of the patient. This field is defined by CMS or other regulatory agencies. |
hl7VS-whichDate-timeQualifier |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of date referred to in the other date fields in the QRF segment. |
hl7VS-mfnRecode-levelErrorReturn |
Concepts which code status values for requested master file record update operations. |
hl7VS-itemType |
Value Set of codes that specify a classification of material items into like groups as defined and utilized within an operating room setting for charting procedures. |
DeviceSafety |
Codes used to identify medical devices safety characteristics. These codes are taken from the NCI Thesaurus and are provided here as a suggestive example. |
hl7VS-rulingAct |
Value Set of codes that specify an act containing a rule that the item is legally required to be included in notification reporting. |
hl7VS-queryResponseStatus |
Concepts defining precise response status concepts in support of HL7 Version 2 query messaging. |
hl7VS-reportTiming |
Value Set of codes that identify the time span of a report or the reason for a report sent to a regulatory agency. |
hl7VS-livingArrangement |
Concepts characterizing the situation that patient-associated parties live in at their residential address. |
hl7VS-jurisdictionalBreadth |
Value Set of codes that specify the breadth/extent of the jurisdiction where the qualification is valid. |
hl7VS-reportSource |
Value Set of codes that identify where a report sender learned about an event. |
hl7VS-invoiceControlCode |
Value Set of codes that specify what invoice action is being performed by this message. |
hl7VS-relationalOperator |
Value Set of codes that define the relationship between HL7 segment field names identified in a query construct. |
FHIRdeviceStatus |
The availability status of the device. |
hl7VS-masterfileActionCode |
Concepts specifying an action for a master file record. Used in HL7 V2.x messaging in the MFE segment. |
hl7VS-whichDate-timeStatusQualifier |
Value Set of codes that specify the status type of objects selected in date range defined by QRF-2 and QRF-3. |
hl7VS-itemStatusCodes |
Value Set of codes that specify the state of an inventory item within the context of an inventory location. |
hl7VS-codingSystem |
Names of coding systems. Each coding system is assigned a unique identifier, which is generally a short mnemonic derived from the full name of the coding system. |
hl7VS-precautionCode |
Value Set of codes specifying non-clincal precautions that need to be taken with the patient. |
hl7VS-primaryKeyValueType |
Value Set of codes that specify the type for the master file record identifier. |
hl7VS-riskManagementIncidentCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the incident that occurred during a patient’s stay. |
hl7VS-specimenRole |
Value Set of codes that identify the role of a sample. |
hl7VS-messageErrorConditionCodes |
HL7 (communications) error codes, as transmitted in a message acknowledgement. |
hl7VS-recreationalDrugUseCode |
Value Set of codes specifying what recreational drugs the patient uses. |
hl7VS-newbornCode |
Value Set of codes specifying whether the baby was born in or out of the facility. |
hl7VS-responseModality |
Value Set of codes identifying the timing and grouping of the response message(s). |
hl7VS-reportingPriority |
Value Set of codes that specify the available priorities reporting the test results when the user is asked to specify the reporting priority independent of the processing priority. |
hl7VS-accept-applicationAcknowledgmentConditions |
Concepts which identify conditions under which accept acknowledgments are required to be returned in response to a message, and required for enhanced acknowledgment mode. |
hl7VS-ambulatoryStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify permanent or transient handicapped conditions of a person. |
hl7VS-relationshipType |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of relationship that is established between the instances of Source Information and Target Information. |
hl7VS-approvingRegulatoryAgency |
Value Set of codes that specify the regulatory agency by which the item has been approved, such as the FDA or AMA. |
hl7VS-livingDependency |
Value Set of codes identifying specific living conditions (e.g., spouse dependent on patient, walk-up) that are relevant to an evaluation of the patient’s healthcare needs. |
hl7VS-eventQualification |
Value Set of codes that qualify an event related to a product experience. |
hl7VS-bodyParts |
Value Set of codes that specify the part of the body. |
hl7VS-eventReportedTo |
Value Set of codes that identify the type of entity to which the event has been reported. |
hl7VS-containerCondition |
Value Set of codes that specify at each receipt the status of the container in which the specimen is shipped in chain of custody cases where specimens are moved from lab to lab. If the container is compromised in any way (seal broken, container |
hl7VS-orderControlCodeReason |
Value Set of codes that describe reasons for the chosen order control codes. |
DeviceType |
Codes used to identify medical devices. |
hl7VS-siteAdministered |
Value Set of codes that specify a location on the body where a dose is to be administered, e.g., IV, IM, Subcutaneous. |
hl7VS-acknowledgmentCode |
Concepts specifying acknowledgment codes used in Version 2.x message. For details of usage, see message processing rules in the published Standard. |
hl7VS-active-inactive |
Value Set of codes that specify whether a person is currently a valid staff member. |
hl7VS-militaryService |
Value Set of codes that specify the military branch. This field is defined by CMS or other regulatory agencies. |
hl7VS-processingPriority |
Value Set of codes that specify one or more available priorities for performing the observation or test. |
hl7VS-modifyIndicator |
Value Set of codes identifying whether the subscription is new or is being modified. |
hl7VS-gestationCategoryCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the status of the birth in relation to the gestation |
hl7VS-alternateCharacterSetHandlingScheme |
Concepts that specify the scheme used when any alternative character sets are specified in the second or later iterations of MSH-18 Character Set, and if any special handling scheme is needed. |
hl7VS-modeOfArrivalCode |
Value Set of codes specifying how the patient was brought to the healthcare facility. |
hl7VS-procedurePriority |
Value Set of codes specifying a number that identifies the significance or priority of the procedure code. |
hl7VS-facilityType |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of facility. |
hl7VS-overallClaimDispositionCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the final status of the claim. |
hl7VS-providerRole |
Value Set of codes that specify the functional involvement with the activity being transmitted (e.g., Case Manager, Evaluator, Transcriber, Nurse Care Practitioner, Midwife, Physician Assistant, etc.). |
hl7VS-locationRelationshipId |
Value Set of codes that specify an identifier code to show which relationship is being communicated with the segment. |
hl7VS-specimenChildRole |
Value Set of codes that specify for child specimens the relationship between this specimen and the parent specimen. |
hl7VS-pharmacyOrderTypes |
Value Set of codes that specify the general category of pharmacy order which may be used to determine the processing path the order will take. |
hl7VS-procedurePractitionerType |
Value Set of codes of concepts which specify the different types of practitioners associated with this procedure. This set of codes is known to be incomplete. |
hl7VS-allergyType |
Value Set of codes that specify classification of general allergy categories (drug, food, pollen, etc.). |
hl7VS-loadStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the status of the information provided in a device sterilization or decontamination cycle. |
hl7VS-deviceStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the state of a device. |
hl7VS-actpriority |
Value Set of codes specifying the priority for a shipment. |
hl7VS-participation |
Concepts that represent functional involvement of a caregiver or member of a care team with an activity being transmitted (e.g., Case Manager, Evaluator, Transcriber, Nurse Care Practitioner, Midwife, Physician Assistant, etc.) |
hl7VS-computationType |
Value Set of codes that specify if the change is computed as a percent change or as an absolute change. |
hl7VS-actionTakenInResponseToTheEvent |
Value Set of codes that define the action taken as a result of an event related to a product issue. |
hl7VS-allowSubstitutionCodes |
Value Set of codes that indicate whether the appointment resource may be substituted for another by the entity assigned to fulfill the appointment. |
hl7VS-providerRole |
Value Set of codes that define the relationship between a referral recipient and a patient or between a referral initiator and a patient. |
PHVS_VaccinesAdministeredCVX_CDC_NIP |
Value Set of codes that specify the administered vaccines. The values are maintained by the US Centers of Disease Control.. The code system is maintained by the CDC, and may be found at URL; https://phinvads.cdc.gov/vads/ViewCodeSystem.action?id=2.1 |
hl7VS-actionCode |
Concepts used in Patient Care for the intent of a problem or goal. Used in Version 2 messaging in the GOL segment. |
hl7VS-fillerStatusCodes |
Value Set of codes that describe an appointment status from the perspective of the entity assigned to fulfill the appointment. |
hl7VS-certificateStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the status of the certificate held by a health professional. |
hl7VS-relatednessAssessment |
Value Set of codes that provide an estimate of whether an issue with a product was the cause of an event. |
hl7VS-confidentiality |
Value Set of codes specifying the confidentiality for a shipment. |
hl7VS-queryPriority |
Concepts which specify a time frame in which a querry response is expected. |
hl7VS-observationResultStatus |
Concepts which specify observation result status. These codes reflect the current completion status of the results for one Observation Identifier. |
hl7VS-diagnosisType |
Concepts specifying a type of diagnosis being sent in HL7 Version 2.x messages. |
hl7VS-grouperStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the status of a grouper in general. |
hl7VS-quantityLimitedRequest |
Concepts which specify the maximum length of a query response that can be accepted by a requesting system, and are expressed as units of mesaure of query response objects. |
hl7VS-bodySiteModifier |
Value Set of codes that specify the modifier for the body site. |
hl7VS-locationServiceCode |
Value Set of codes specifying the types of services provided by the location. |
hl7VS-locationCharacteristicId |
Value Set of codes that specify an identifier code to show which characteristic is being communicated with the segment. |
hl7VS-marketingBasis |
Value Set of codes that specify the basis for marketing approval. |
hl7VS-revenueCode |
Value Set of codes specifying a revenue code as specified in the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) UB-04 manual, UB form locator 42, the service line revenue code. These are claim codes indicating the identifying number for the product or service provided. The UB-04 Data Specifications Manual with the codes is available by subscription from NUBC at http://www.nubc.org/become.html. |
hl7VS-visitIndicator |
Value Set of codes that specify the level on which data are being sent. It is the indicator used to send data at two levels, visit and account. HL7 recommends sending an “A” or no value when the data in the message are at the account level or “V” to i |
hl7VS-dataTypes |
Value Set of codes specifying the data type. |
hl7VS-networkSourceType |
Value Set of codes that indicate (in certain systems) whether a lower level source identifier is an initiate or accept type. |
hl7VS-paymentAdjustmentCode |
Value Set of codes that specify any payment adjustment due to drugs or medical devices. |
hl7VS-authorizationMode |
Concepts of forms of authorization a recorder may receive from the responsible practitioner to create or change an order. Used in Version 2 messaging for orders in the ORC segment. |
hl7VS-consentMode |
Value Set of codes that specify the method in which a subject provides consent. |
hl7VS-reorderTheoryCodes |
Value Set of codes that specify the calculation method used to determine the resupply schedule. |
hl7VS-transportationMode |
Value Set of codes that specify how (or whether) to transport a patient, when applicable, for an ordered service. |
hl7VS-visitUserCode |
Value Set of codes that specify categories of a patient’s visit with respect to an individual institution’s needs, and is expected to be different on a site-specific basis. |
hl7VS-supplyRiskCodes |
Value Set of codes specifying any known or suspected hazard associated with this material item. |
hl7VS-interpretationCode |
A categorical assessment, providing a rough qualitative interpretation of the observation value, such as “normal”/ “abnormal”,”low” / “high”, “better” / “worse”, “susceptible” / “resistant”, “expected”/ “not expected”. The value set is intended to be for ANY use where coded representation of an interpretation is needed. Notes: This is being communicated in v2.x in OBX-8, in v3 in ObservationInterpretation (CWE) in R1 (Representative Realm) and in FHIR Observation.interpretation. Historically these values come from the laboratory domain, and these codes are extensively used. The value set binding is extensible, so codes outside the value set that are needed for interpretation concepts (i.e. particular meanings) that are not included in the value set can be used, and these new codes may also be added to the value set and published in a future version. |
hl7VS-VS-communicationLocation |
Value Set of codes specifying a communication location. |
hl7VS-shipmentStatus |
Value Set of codes specifying the status of a shipment. |
hl7VS-causalityObservations |
Value Set of codes that record event observations regarding what may have caused a product related event. |
hl7VS-notifyClergyCode |
Value Set of codes that specify whether the clergy should be notified. |
hl7VS-messageWaitingPriority |
Value Set of codes that specify how important the most important waiting mesasge is. For example, if there are 3 low priority messages, 1 medium priority message and 1 high priority message, the message waiting priority would be “high”, because |
hl7VS-bloodProductProcessingRequirements |
Value Set of codes that specify additional information about the blood component class associated with the Universal Service ID. The placer of the order can specify any required processing of the blood product that must be completed prior to t |
hl7VS-referralCategory |
Value Set of codes that describe the patient care setting where a referral should take place. |
hl7VS-mimeBase64EncodingCharacters |
Value Set of codes that are used for base64 MIME encoding. Base64 is defined as follows (adapted from MIME Internet standard RFC 1521). |
hl7VS-startOfEvaluation |
Value Set of codes that describes the status of product evaluation. |
hl7VS-indirectExposureMechanism |
Value Set of codes that identify the mechanism of product transmission when the product has not been directly applied to the patient. |
hl7VS-signatureCode |
Concepts that indicate how a patient/subscriber authorization signature is obtained and how it is being retained by a provider. |
hl7VS-securityCheckScheme |
Value Set of codes specifying the scheme for a security check. |
hl7VS-VS-collectionEvent |
Value Set of codes specifying the limit for a collection event or process step. |
hl7VS-re-admissionIndicator |
Value Set of codes which are used to specify that a patient is being re-admitted to a healthcare facility from which they were discharged, and indicates the circumstances around such re-admission. |
hl7VS-orderControl |
Concepts which are used to determine the function of the order segment. Depending on the message, the action specifies by one of these control codes may refer to an order or an individual service. |
hl7VS-contactRole2 |
Concepts which specify a relationship role that the next of kin/associated parties plays with regard to the patient. Built on the updated code system. Also used in referrals, for example, it may be necessary to identify the contact representative at the clinic that sent a referral. |
hl7VS-deviceType |
Value Set of codes that specify the kind of device as defined by the manufacturer. |
hl7VS-valueType |
Concepts which specify the data type of OBX-5, Observation Value, and are a subset of the datatypes defined in HL7 Version 2.x. |
hl7VS-consentType |
Value Set of codes that specify to what the subject is consenting, i.e. what type of service, surgical procedure, information access/release or other event. |
hl7VS-orderType |
Value Set of codes that specify whether the order is to be executed in an inpatient setting or an outpatient setting. |
hl7VS-packagingStatusCode |
Value Set of codes that specify the packaging status of the service. |
hl7VS-immunizationRegistryStatus |
Immunization registry status codes of a patient. Used in Version 2 messaging in the PD1 segment. |
hl7VS-identityReliabilityCode |
Value Set of codes that specify the reliability of patient/person identifying data transmitted via a transaction. |
hl7VS-actionCode |
Status codes of record operations. |
hl7VS-certificationStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the status of the practitioner’s speciality certification. |
hl7VS-specimenAppropriateness |
Value Set of codes that specify the suitability of the specimen for the particular planned use as determined by the filler. |
hl7VS-reportPriority |
Value Set of codes which specify the priority associated with a report or update run using a query. |
hl7VS-responseFlag |
Value Set of codes allowing the placer (sending) application to determine the amount of information to be returned from the filler. |
hl7VS-dateFormat |
Value Set of codes that specify the date format for a decontamination/sterilization instance. |
hl7VS-assignmentOfBenefits |
Value Set of codes which indicate whether an insured person agreed to assign the insurance benefits to a healthcare provider. If so, the insurance will pay the provider directly. |
hl7VS-hospitalService |
Value Set of codes that specify the treatment or type of surgery the patient is scheduled to receive. |
hl7VS-rootCause |
Value Set of codes specifying a root cause. |
hl7VS-natureOfChallenge |
Value Set of codes that further describe an observation definition that is characterized as a challenge observation. |
hl7VS-identityMayBeDivulged |
Value Set of codes that define whether the primary observer has given permission for their identification information to be provided to a product manufacturer. |
hl7VS-timeSelectionCriteriaParameterClassCodes |
Value Set of codes that describe acceptable start and end times, as well as days of the week, for appointment or resource scheduling. |
hl7VS-referralPriority |
Value Set of codes that designate the urgency of a referral. |
hl7VS-referralType |
Value Set of codes that identify the general category of healthcare professional desired to satisfy a referral. |
hl7VS-primaryObserver'sQualification |
Value Set of codes that provide a general description of the kind of health care professional who provided the primary observation. |
hl7VS-sequenceCondition |
Value Set of codes that identify whether sequence conditions or a repeating cycle of orders is defined, as part of the Order Sequence Definition. |
hl7VS-organization-Agency-Department |
Value Set of codes that specify the agency or department that assigned a specified identifier. |
hl7VS-timeDelayPostChallenge |
Value Set of codes that classify an observation definition as being a component of a challenge test. |
hl7VS-overrideType |
Value Set of codes that specify what type of override can be used to override the specific error identified. |
hl7VS-outlierType |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of outlier (i.e. period of care beyond DRG-standard stay in facility) that has been paid. |
hl7VS-weightUnits |
Value Set of codes of units of measure that are used to specify weight. |
hl7VS-queryResultsLevel |
Value Set of codes which are used to control level of detail in query results. |
hl7VS-specimenCondition |
Concepts of modes or states of being that describe the nature of a specimen. Used in Version 2 messaging in the SPM segment. |
hl7VS-specimenType |
Concepts that describe the precise nature of an entity that may be used as the source material for an observation. This is one of two code systems that are used instead of table 0070 (code system xxxx) which conflated specimen types and specimen collection methods. Used in Version 2 messaging in the SPM segment. |
hl7VS-referralReason |
Value Set of codes that specify the reason for which the referral will take place. |
hl7VS-eventType |
Value Set of codes specifying the type of event of the message. |
hl7VS-nameAssemblyOrder |
Value Set of codes specifying the preferred display order of the components of this person name. |
hl7VS-completionStatus |
Status codes used in the workflow of treatment administration events. |
hl7VS-formularyStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify whether or not the pharmaceutical substance is part of the local formulary. |
hl7VS-disabledPerson |
Value Set of codes that specify to which person the disability information relates in the message. For example, if the value is PT, the disability information relates to the patient. |
hl7VS-specimenQuality |
Value Set of codes that specify the degree or grade of excellence of the specimen at receipt. |
hl7VS-extendedPriorityCodes |
Concepts describing the urgency of a request carried in an order. Used in Version 2 messaging in timing/quantity; in older versions of the Standard was used in the TQ datatype, but in later versions it is used in the TQ1 segment (which replaced the TQ datatype which has been withdrawn). Many of the codes are widely recognized values used in healthcare settings in the english-speaking world. |
hl7VS-yes-no-Indicator |
Codes specifying either Yes or No used in fields containing binary answers generally user-specified. |
hl7VS-chargeType |
Value Set of codes that specify someone or something other than the patient to be billed for a service. |
hl7VS-bolusType |
Value Set of codes specifying a type of bolus. |
hl7VS-override |
Value Set of codes that define whether a Charge Description Master description may be overridden or if it must be overridden. |
hl7VS-eventConsequence |
Value Set of codes that describe the impact of an event on a patient. |
hl7VS-kindOfQuantity |
Value Set of codes that describe the underlying kind of property represented by an observation. The categories distinguish concentrations from total amounts, molar concentrations from mass concentrations, partial pressures from colors, and so |
hl7VS-expandedYes-NoIndicator |
Value Set of codes that specify an expansion on the original Yes/No indicator table by including “flavors of null”. It is intended to be applied to fields where the response is not limited to “yes” or “no”. |
hl7VS-referralStatus |
Value Set of codes that define the state of a referral. |
hl7VS-referralDisposition |
Value Set of codes that identify the expected response from the healthcare professional receiving a referral. |
hl7VS-durationCategories |
Value Set of codes that classify an observation definition as intended to measure a patient’s state at a point in time. |
hl7VS-calendarAlignment |
Value Set of codes that specify an alignment of the repetition to a calendar (e.g., to distinguish every 30 days from “the 5th of every month”). |
hl7VS-patientOutcome |
Value Set of codes that describe the overall state of a patient as a result of patient care. |
hl7VS-chargeOnIndicator |
Value Set of codes that define the event upon which a charge should be generated. |
hl7VS-natureOfAbnormalTesting |
Value Set of codes that specify the nature of an abnormal test. |
hl7VS-relevantClincialInformation |
Value Set of codes that specify additional clinical information about the patient or specimen to report the supporting and/or suspected diagnosis and clinical findings on requests for interpreted diagnostic studies. |
hl7VS-drgDiagnosisDeterminationStatus |
Value Set of codes that specify the status of a diagnosis for a diagnosis related group (DRG) determination. |
hl7VS-moodCodes |
Value Set of codes that specify the functional state of an order. |
InformationSensitivityPolicy |
Value Set of codes that specify the reason for the restricted access. Sensitivity codes are not useful for interoperability outside of a policy domain because sensitivity policies are typically localized and vary drastically across policy domains even for the same information category because of differing organizational business rules, security policies, and jurisdictional requirements. For example, an “employee” sensitivity code would make little sense for use outside of a policy domain. “Taboo” would rarely be useful outside of a policy domain unless there are jurisdictional requirements requiring that a provider disclose sensitive information to a patient directly. Sensitivity codes may be more appropriate in a legacy system’s Master Files in order to notify those who access a patient’s orders and observations about the sensitivity policies that apply. Newer systems may have a security engine that uses a sensitivity policy’s criteria directly. The specializable Sensitivity Act.code may be useful in some scenarious if used in combination with a sensitivity identifier and/or Act.titleValue Set of codes that specify the reason for the restricted access. |
hl7VS-resultStatus-Obr |
Concepts which specify a status of results for an order. Used in HL7 Version 2.x messaging in the OBR segment. |
hl7VS-mailClaimParty |
Value Set of codes that specify a party to which a claim should be mailed when claims are sent by mail. |
hl7VS-laborCalculationType |
Value Set of codes that specify the method used to calculate employee labor and measure employee productivity. |
hl7VS-dispenseType |
Value Set of codes that specify the type of dispensing event that occurred. |
hl7VS-specimenRejectReason |
Reasons a specimen may be rejected for a specified observation/result/analysis. Used in Version 2 messaging in the SPM segment. |
hl7VS-dispenseMethod |
Value Set of codes that specify the method by which treatment is dispensed. |
hl7VS-repeatPattern |
Value Set of codes that specify the interval between repeated services. See the Comment/Usage Note in the table below, as the table contains both precoordinated codes that may be used in an HL7 field or component and also explanatory patterns i |
hl7VS-coverageType |
Note that this set of codes is used generally in the US only. |
OregonAthapaskan | |
PerineuralRoute |
Perineural |
NullFlavor | |
RoleClassSubsumer |
An entity that subsumes the identity of another. Used in the context of merging documented entity instances. Both the player and scoper must have the same classCode. The use of this code is deprecated in favor of the term SUBY which is its inverse and is more ontologically correct. |
ObservationInterpretationNormalityHigh |
Interpretation for a quantitative observation of degree of abnormality (including critical or “alert” level) above the upper limit of the reference range. |
x_RoleClassCoverage |
An abstract domain that encompasses the roles that arise in the context of providing, purchasing, and managing health care coverage and insurance. |
LingualRoute |
Lingual |
ParticipationCallbackContact |
A person or organization who should be contacted for follow-up questions about the act in place of the author. |
RoleClassIdentifiedEntity |
Roles played by entities and scoped by entities that identify them for various purposes. |
EntityClassHealthChartEntity |
A health chart included to serve as a document receiving entity in the management of medical records. |
TableRules |
These values are defined within the XHTML 4.0 Table Model |
ActCoverageAssessmentObservationValue |
Codes specify the category of observation, evidence, or document used to assess for services, e.g., discharge planning, or to establish eligibility for coverage under a policy or program. The type of evidence is coded as observation values. |
ActMoodProposal |
A non-mandated intent to perform an act. Used to record intents that are explicitly not Orders. Professional responsibility for the ‘proposal’ may or may not be present. |
x_ActClassCareProvisionObservation | |
ParticipationDistributor |
Distributes material used in or generated during the act. |
TrustPolicy |
A mandate, obligation, requirement, rule, or expectation conveyed as security metadata between senders and receivers required to establish the reliability, authenticity, and trustworthiness of their transactions. Trust security metadata are observation made about aspects of trust applicable to an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability). Trust applicable to IT resources is established and maintained in and among security domains, and may be comprised of observations about the domain’s trust authority, trust framework, trust policy, trust interaction rules, means for assessing and monitoring adherence to trust policies, mechanisms that enforce trust, and quality and reliability measures of assurance in those mechanisms. [Based on ISO IEC 10181-1 and NIST SP 800-63-2] |
ActRelationshipHasSubject |
Relates an Act to its subject Act that the first Act is primarily concerned with. Examples
x_AdministeredSubstance |
A type of Manufactured Material that is administered to a living subject, either by a healthcare professional or auto-administered, within a healthcare context. |
CoveredPartyRoleType |
A role recognized through the eligibility of an identified living subject for benefits covered under an insurance policy or a program. Eligibility as a covered party may be conditioned on a relationship with (1) the policy holder such as the policy holder who is covered as an individual under a poliy or as a party sponsored for coverage by the policy holder. Example:An employee as a subscriber; or (2) on being scoped another covered party such as the subscriber, as in the case of a dependent. Discussion: The Abstract Value Set “CoverageRoleType”, which was developed for use in the Canadian realm “pre-coordinate” coverage roles with other roles that a covered party must play in order to be eligible for coverage, e.g., “handicapped dependent”. Other codes in the Abstract Value Set CoveredPartyRoleType domain can be “post-coordinated” with the EligiblePartyRoleType codes to denote comparable concepts. Decoupling the concepts is intended to support a wider range of concepts and semantic comparability of coded concepts. |
SuppositoryRoute |
Suppository |
ActClassSpecimenObservation |
An observation on a specimen in a laboratory environment that may affect processing, analysis or result interpretation |
AnnotationType | |
x_InformationRecipient |
Used to represent participant(s) who should receive a copy of a document. |
RoleClassRelationshipFormal |
A relationship between two entities that is formally recognized, frequently by a contract or similar agreement. |
RoleClassIndividual |
Description: A role played by a party covered under a policy as the policy holder. An individual may be either a person or an organization. Note: The party playing the role of an individual insured is not a claimant in the sense conveyed by the RoleClassCoveredParty CLAIM (claimant). However, a named insured may make a claim under a policy, e.g., a party that is the named insured and policy holder under a comprehensive automobile insurance policy may become the claimant for coverage under that policy if injured in an automobile accident and there is no liable third party. In the case of an individual insured making a claim, a role type code INSCLM (insured claimant) subtypes the class to indicate that an individual insured has filed a claim for a loss. Example: The individual insured under a comprehensive automobile, disability, or property and casualty policy that is the policy holder. |
LifeInsurancePolicy |
Definition: A policy under which the insurer agrees to pay a sum of money upon the occurrence of the covered partys death. In return, the policyholder agrees to pay a stipulated amount called a premium at regular intervals. Life insurance indemnifies the beneficiary for the loss of the insurable interest that a beneficiary has in the life of a covered party. For persons related by blood, a substantial interest established through love and affection, and for all other persons, a lawful and substantial economic interest in having the life of the insured continue. An insurable interest is required when purchasing life insurance on another person. Specific exclusions are often written into the contract to limit the liability of the insurer; for example claims resulting from suicide or relating to war, riot and civil commotion. Discussion:A life insurance policy may be used by the covered party as a source of health care coverage in the case of a viatical settlement, which is the sale of a life insurance policy by the policy owner, before the policy matures. Such a sale, at a price discounted from the face amount of the policy but usually in excess of the premiums paid or current cash surrender value, provides the seller an immediate cash settlement. Generally, viatical settlements involve insured individuals with a life expectancy of less than two years. In countries without state-subsidized healthcare and high healthcare costs (e.g. United States), this is a practical way to pay extremely high health insurance premiums that severely ill people face. Some people are also familiar with life settlements, which are similar transactions but involve insureds with longer life expectancies (two to fifteen years). |
RoleClassRegulatedProduct |
A product regulated by some governmentatl orgnization. The role is played by Material and scoped by Organization. Rationale: To support an entity clone used to identify the NDC number for a drug product. |
LaryngealRoute |
Laryngeal |
ParticipationResponsibleParty |
The person or organization that has primary responsibility for the act. The responsible party is not necessarily present in an action, but is accountable for the action through the power to delegate, and the duty to review actions with the performing actor after the fact. This responsibility may be ethical, legal, contractual, fiscal, or fiduciary in nature. Example: A person who is the head of a biochemical laboratory; a sponsor for a policy or government program. |
SecurityControlObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about the control of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. Security control metadata conveys instructions for secure distribution, transmission, storage or use. |
ActCoverageLimitCode |
Criteria that are applicable to the authorized coverage. |
x_ActEncounterReason |
Administrative reasons for patient encounters. Example:Medical necessity, patient request and dependency. |
ManagedParticipationStatusCancelled |
The terminal state resulting from cancellation of the Participation prior to activation. |
ParticipationAttender |
The practitioner that has responsibility for overseeing a patient’s care during a patient encounter. |
StreetName | |
MedicalDevice |
A device with direct or indirect therapeutic purpose. Values for EntityCode when EntityClass = “DEV” |
EPSG-GeodeticParameterDataset |
Description: The EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group) dataset represents all Datums, coordinate references (projected and 2D geographic) and coordinate systems (including Cartesian coordinate systems) used in surveying worldwide. Each record includes a 4-8 digit unique identifier. The current version is available from http://www.epsg.org/. The database contains over 4000 records covering spatial data applications worldwide. |
ParentInLaw |
The player of the role is the parent of scoping person’s husband or wife. |
ObservationInterpretationChange |
Interpretations of change of quantity and/or severity, such as “better”, “worse”, “increased”, etc. At most one of B or W and one of U or D allowed. |
x_ActMoodDefEvnRqo | |
HL7SearchUse | |
ActRelationshipCheckpoint |
A code specifying when in the course of an Act a precondition for the Act is evaluated (e.g., before the Act starts for the first time, before every repetition, after each repetition but not before the first, or throughout the entire time of the Act.) Discussion: This attribute is part of the workflow control suite of attributes. An action plan is a composite Act with component Acts. In a sequential plan, each component has a sequenceNumber that specifies the ordering of the plan steps. Before each step is executed and has preconditions these conditions are tested and if the test is positive, the Act has clearance for execution. The repeatNumber may indicate that an Act may be repeatedly executed. The checkpointCode is specifies when the precondition is checked and is analogous to the various conditional statements and loop constructs in programming languages “while-do” vs. “do-while” or “repeat-until” vs. “loop-exit”. For all checkpointCodes, except “end”, preconditions are being checked at the time when the preceding step of the plan has terminated and this step would be next in the sequence established by the sequenceNumber attribute. When the checkpointCode for a criterion of a repeatable Act is “end”, the criterion is tested only at the end of each repetition of that Act. When the condition holds true, the next repetition is ready for execution. When the checkpointCode is “entry” the criterion is checked at the beginning of each repetition (if any) whereas “beginning” means the criterion is checked only once before the repetition “loop” starts. The checkpointCode “through” is special in that it requires the condition to hold throughout the execution of the Act, even throughout a single execution. As soon as the condition turns false, the Act should receive an interrupt event (see interruptibleInd) and will eventually terminate. The checkpointCode “exit” is only used on a special plan step that represents a loop exit step. This allows an action plan to exit due to a condition tested inside the execution of this plan. Such exit criteria are sequenced with the other plan components using the ActRelationship.sequenceNumber. |
x_DocumentEntrySubject |
Used to represent the role(s) of those who can serve as subjects of the contents of a clinical document. |
ObservationIncomeValue |
Code specifying financial indicators used to assess or establish eligibility for coverage under a policy or program; e.g., pay stub; tax or income document; asset document; living expenses. |
GenericUpdateReasonCode |
Description:Identifies why a change is being made to a record. |
Yukian | |
Yaqui | |
ActClassLocus |
Description:The position of a gene (or other significant sequence) on the genome. |
ActClassStateTransitionControl |
Sender transmits a status change pertaining to the focal act of the payload. This status of the focal act is the final state of the state transition. This can be either a request or a command, according to the mood of the control act. |
CountryEntityType |
A set of codes identifying specific countries. |
ActClassDetectedIssue |
An observation identifying a potential adverse outcome as a result of an Act or combination of Acts. Examples: Detection of a drug-drug interaction; Identification of a late-submission for an invoice; Requesting discharge for a patient who does not meet hospital-defined discharge criteria. Discussion: This class is commonly used for identifying ‘business rule’ or ‘process’ problems that may result in a refusal to carry out a particular request. In some circumstances it may be possible to ‘bypass’ a problem by modifying the request to acknowledge the issue and/or by providing some form of mitigation. Constraints: the Act or Acts that may cause the the adverse outcome are the target of a subject ActRelationship. The subbtypes of this concept indicate the type of problem being detected (e.g. drug-drug interaction) while the Observation.value is used to repesent a specific problem code (e.g. specific drug-drug interaction id). |
ActClassGrouper | |
RegulationPolicyActCode |
Description: A rule set by regulators of product that somehow constrain the use of products. Regulator may be any organization with a mandate to issue such rules, regardless of level, regional, country, state, and local (e.g., an institutional Pharmaceutical and Treatment Committee.) Examples:
ActConditionList |
List of condition observations. |
Race |
In the United States, federal standards for classifying data on race determine the categories used by federal agencies and exert a strong influence on categorization by state and local agencies and private sector organizations. The federal standards do not conceptually define race, and they recognize the absence of an anthropological or scientific basis for racial classification. Instead, the federal standards acknowledge that race is a social-political construct in which an individual’s own identification with one more race categories is preferred to observer identification. The standards use a variety of features to define five minimum race categories. Among these features are descent from “the original peoples” of a specified region or nation. The minimum race categories are American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White. The federal standards stipulate that race data need not be limited to the five minimum categories, but any expansion must be collapsible to those categories. |
IntrabursalRoute |
Intrabursal |
EskimoAleut | |
DocumentSectionType |
The type of document section. Possible values: review of systems, medical history, family history, microscopic findings, etc. |
RefrainPolicy |
Conveys prohibited actions which an information custodian, receiver, or user is not permitted to perform unless otherwise authorized or permitted under specified circumstances. Examples:
x_ActMoodEvnOrdPrmsPrp | |
ActClassComposition |
A context representing a grouped commitment of information to the EHR. It is considered the unit of modification of the record, the unit of transmission in record extracts, and the unit of attestation by authorizing clinicians. A composition represents part of a patient record originating from a single interaction between an authenticator and the record. Unless otherwise stated all statements within a composition have the same authenticator, apply to the same patient and were recorded in a single session of use of a single application. A composition contains organizers and entries. |
v3 Code System ActReason |
A set of codes specifying the motivation, cause, or rationale of an Act, when such rationale is not reasonably represented as an ActRelationship of type “has reason” linking to another Act. Examples: Example reasons that might qualify for being coded in this field might be: “routine requirement”, “infectious disease reporting requirement”, “on patient request”, “required by law”. |
x_ActClassCareProvisionProcedure | |
RoleClassClaimant |
Description: A role played by a party making a claim for coverage under a policy or program. A claimant must be either a person or organization, or a group of persons or organizations. A claimant is not a named insured or a program eligible. Discussion: With respect to liability insurance such as property and casualty insurance, a claimant must file a claim requesting indemnification for a loss that the claimant considers covered under the policy of a named insured. The claims adjuster for the policy underwriter will review the claim to determine whether the loss meets the benefit coverage criteria under a policy, and base any indemnification or coverage payment on that review. If a third party is liable in whole or part for the loss, the underwriter may pursue third party liability recovery. A claimant may be involved in civil or criminal legal proceedings involving claims against a defendant party that is indemnified by an insurance policy or to protest the finding of a claims adjustor. With respect to life insurance, a beneficiary designated by a named insured becomes a claimant of the proceeds of coverage, as in the case of a life insurance policy. However, a claimant for coverage under life insurance is not necessarily a designated beneficiary. Note: A claimant is not a named insured. However, a named insured may make a claim under a policy, e.g., an insured driver may make a claim for an injury under his or her comprehensive automobile insurance policy. Similarly, a program eligible may make a claim under program, e.g., an unemployed worker may claim benefits under an unemployment insurance program, but parties playing these covered party role classes are not, for purposes of this vocabulary and in an effort to clearly distinguish role classes, considered claimants. In the case of a named insured making a claim, a role type code INSCLM (insured claimant) subtypes the class to indicate that either a named insured or an individual insured has filed a claim for a loss. In the case of a program eligible, a role type code INJWKR (injured worker) subtypes the class to indicate that the covered party in a workers compensation program is an injured worker, and as such, has filed a “claim” under the program for benefits. Likewise, a covered role type code UNEMP (unemployed worker) subtypes the program eligible class to indicate that the covered party in an unemployment insurance program has filed a claim for unemployment benefits. Example: A claimant under automobile policy that is not the named insured. |
RoleClassCaregiver |
A person responsible for the primary care of a patient at home. |
ActEncounterCode |
Domain provides codes that qualify the ActEncounterClass (ENC) |
ActPriority |
A code or set of codes (e.g., for routine, emergency,) specifying the urgency under which the Act happened, can happen, is happening, is intended to happen, or is requested/demanded to happen. Discussion: This attribute is used in orders to indicate the ordered priority, and in event documentation it indicates the actual priority used to perform the act. In definition mood it indicates the available priorities. |
RefusalReasonCode | |
RouteByMethod |
Route of substance administration classified by administration method. |
EntityClassPerson |
A living subject of the species homo sapiens. |
DoseDurationDetectedIssueCode |
Proposed length of therpay differs from standard practice |
ActResearchInformationAccess |
Definition: Consent to have healthcare information in an electronic health record accessed for research purposes. |
RoleClassIngredientEntity |
Relates a component (player) to a mixture (scoper). E.g., Glucose and Water are ingredients of D5W, latex may be an ingredient in a tracheal tube. |
x_RoleClassPayeePolicyRelationship |
The specification of the relationship of the Payee to the invoice. Can be used in cases when an insurer is not directly paying the healthcare provider (as payee) but reimbursing the party that paid the invoice/claim. |
EntericCoatedTablet | |
ContainerEntityType |
Material intended to hold another material for purpose of storage or transport. |
EligibilityActReasonCode |
Description:Identifies the reason or rational for why a person is eligible for benefits under an insurance policy or program. Examples: A new employee is eligible for health insurance as an employment benefit. A person meets eligibility criteria for government program coverage based on financial, age or health status. |
x_VeryBasicConfidentialityKind |
Description:Limits confidentiality to effectively a yes/no decision. Usage Note:x_VeryBasicConfidentialityKind is a subset of Confidentiality codes that are used as metadata indicating the receiver responsibility to comply with normally applicable jurisdictional privacy law or disclosure authorization or that the receiver may not disclose this information except as directed by the information custodian, who may be the information subject. |
PadDrugForm | |
ActAdministrativeAuthorizationDetectedIssueCode | |
ICUPracticeSetting | |
Chew |
Chew |
RaceAmericanIndianNavajo | |
RoleClassDistributedMaterial |
A material (player) distributed by a distributor (scoper) who functions between a manufacturer and a buyer or retailer. |
ActRelationshipHasPreviousInstance |
A relationship in which the target act is a predecessor instance to the source act. Generally each of these instances is similar, but no identical. In healthcare coverage it is used to link a claim item to a previous claim item that might have claimed for the same set of services. |
ActClassAccommodation |
An accommodation is a service provided for a Person or other LivingSubject in which a place is provided for the subject to reside for a period of time. Commonly used to track the provision of ward, private and semi-private accommodations for a patient. |
ActClassClinicalTrialTimepointEvent |
An identified point during a clinical trial at which one or more actions are scheduled to be performed (definition mood), or are actually performed (event mood). The actions may or may not involve an encounter between the subject and a healthcare professional. |
RaceAlaskanNativeYupikEskimo | |
CapsuleDrugForm |
A solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosed within either a hard or soft soluble container or “shell” made from a suitable form of gelatin. |
ExpectedSubset |
An occurrence that is scheduled to occur in the future. An Act whose effective time is greater than ‘now’, where ‘now’ is the time the instance is authored. |
NonRigidContainerEntityType |
A container having dimensions that adjust somewhat based on the amount and shape of the material placed within it. |
RoleClassInvestigationSubject |
An entity that is the subject of an investigation. This role is scoped by the party responsible for the investigation. |
RaceAmericanIndianIroquois | |
RefillPharmacySupplyType |
A fill against an order that has already been filled (or partially filled) at least once. |
SubscriberCoveredPartyRoleType |
Description: A role recognized through the eligibility of a party to play a subscriber for benefits covered or provided under a health insurance policy. |
HospitalUnitPracticeSetting | |
OralInhalation |
Inhalation, oral |
ActRelationshipHasOption |
A relationship between a source Act that provides more detailed properties to the target Act. The source act thus is a specialization of the target act, but instead of mentioning all the inherited properties it only mentions new property bindings or refinements. The typical use case is to specify certain alternative variants of one kind of Act. The priorityNumber attribute is used to weigh refinements as preferred over other alternative refinements. Example: several routing options for a drug are specified as one SubstanceAdministration for the general treatment with attached refinements for the various routing options. |
SeverityObservation |
Potential values for observations of severity. |
RacePacificIslandMelanesian | |
AddressLine |
Description: An address line is for either an additional locator, a delivery address or a street address. |
UpdateRefusalReasonCode | |
ClinicalResearchEventReason |
Definition:Specifies the reason that an event occurred in a clinical research study. |
VaginalFoam | |
LiquidLiquidEmulsion |
A two-phase system in which one liquid is dispersed throughout another liquid in the form of small droplets. |
InformationSensitivityPolicy |
Sensitivity codes are not useful for interoperability outside of a policy domain because sensitivity policies are typically localized and vary drastically across policy domains even for the same information category because of differing organizational business rules, security policies, and jurisdictional requirements. For example, an “employee” sensitivity code would make little sense for use outside of a policy domain. “Taboo” would rarely be useful outside of a policy domain unless there are jurisdictional requirements requiring that a provider disclose sensitive information to a patient directly. Sensitivity codes may be more appropriate in a legacy system’s Master Files in order to notify those who access a patient’s orders and observations about the sensitivity policies that apply. Newer systems may have a security engine that uses a sensitivity policy’s criteria directly. The specializable Sensitivity Act.code may be useful in some scenarious if used in combination with a sensitivity identifier and/or Act.title. |
RaceAmericanIndianCreek | |
RaceAlaskanNativeInupiatEskimo | |
ContextControl |
A code that specifies how an ActRelationship or Participation contributes to the context of an Act, and whether it may be propagated to descendent Acts whose association allows such propagation (see also attributes Participation.contextControlCode, ActRelationship.contextControlCode, ActRelationship.contextConductionInd). |
GenitourinaryRoute |
Genitourinary |
EntityRisk |
The vocabulary table for the Entity.riskCode attribute |
ActRelationshipExcerpt |
The source is an excerpt from the target. |
RoleStatusPending |
The state representing that fact that the role has not yet become active. |
ActRelationshipCostTracking |
Expresses values for describing the relationship relationship between an InvoiceElement or InvoiceElementGroup and a billable act. |
RoleClassAdjuvant | |
ActClassCareProvision |
An Act that of taking on whole or partial responsibility for, or attention to, safety and well-being of a subject of care. Discussion: A care provision event may exist without any other care actions taking place. For example, when a patient is assigned to the care of a particular health professional. In request (RQO) mood care provision communicates a referral, which is a request:
PayorParticipationFunction |
Definition: Set of codes indicating the manner in which payors participate in a policy or program.</ |
ActControlVariable |
An observation form that determines parameters or attributes of an Act. Examples are the settings of a ventilator machine as parameters of a ventilator treatment act; the controls on dillution factors of a chemical analyzer as a parameter of a laboratory observation act; the settings of a physiologic measurement assembly (e.g., time skew) or the position of the body while measuring blood pressure. Control variables are forms of observations because just as with clinical observations, the Observation.code determines the parameter and the Observation.value assigns the value. While control variables sometimes can be observed (by noting the control settings or an actually measured feedback loop) they are not primary observations, in the sense that a control variable without a primary act is of no use (e.g., it makes no sense to record a blood pressure position without recording a blood pressure, whereas it does make sense to record a systolic blood pressure without a diastolic blood pressure). |
ObservationMethodAggregate |
A set of codes that defines how a set of values are summarized in an aggregated computation, for use with sets of values do describe which aggregated statistic functions are to be applied (e.g., average, mode, min, max, standard deviation, variance). |
TransplacentalRoute |
Transplacental |
RoleStatusActive |
The state representing the fact that the Entity is currently active in the Role. |
RaceAmericanIndianArapaho | |
PrimaryDentition |
Primary dentition, the first teeth to errupt and usually replaced with permanent dentition |
ActClassElectronicHealthRecord |
A context that comprises all compositions. The EHR is an extract that includes the entire chart. NOTE: In an exchange scenario, an EHR is a specialization of an extract. |
ProvenanceEventCurrentState |
Specifies the state change of a target Act, such as a document or an entry, from its previous state as a predecessor Act. For example, if the target Act is the result of a predecessor Act being “obsoleted” and replaced with the target Act, the source ProvenanceEventCurrentState Act code would be “obsoleted”. |
RadDiagTherPracticeSetting |
A practice setting where radiology services (diagnostic or therapeutic) are provided (X12N 261QR0200N) |
ROIOverlayShape |
Shape of the region on the object being referenced |
ActClassIncident |
An event that occurred outside of the control of one or more of the parties involved. Includes the concept of an accident. |
RaceAmericanIndianChippewaCree | |
PedsClinPracticeSetting | |
ActClassDiet | |
KitEntityType |
A container for a diverse collection of products intended to be used together for some purpose (e.g. Medicinal kits often contain a syringe, a needle and the injectable medication). |
RoleClassManufacturedProduct |
Scoped by the manufacturer |
ActExposureCode |
Concepts that identify the type or nature of exposure interaction. Examples include “household”, “care giver”, “intimate partner”, “common space”, “common substance”, etc. to further describe the nature of interaction. |
ParticipationReferredBy |
A participant (e.g. provider) who has referred the subject of an act (e.g. patient). Typically, a referred by participant will provide a report (e.g. referral). |
SecurityAlterationIntegrityObservationValue | |
GTSAbbreviation | |
EasternMiwok | |
ActInvoiceDetailGenericCode |
The detail item codes to identify charges or changes to the total billing of a claim due to insurance rules and payments. |
ObservationInterpretationNormalityCriticallyAbnormal |
Interpretation of a critical (or “alert”) degree of abnormality. Concepts in this category are mutually exclusive, i.e., at most one is allowed. |
SecurityClassificationObservationValue |
Security observation values used to indicate security classification metadata. |
ActClassCompositeOrder | |
ActDetectedIssueManagementCode |
Codes dealing with the management of Detected Issue observations |
ActCareProvisionCode |
Description:The type and scope of responsibility taken-on by the performer of the Act for a specific subject of care. |
IntratympanicRoute |
Intratympanic |
Apachean | |
WorkPlace | |
GeneralAcuteCareHospital |
(X12N 282N00000N) |
Yokuts | |
x_DeterminerInstanceKind | |
EntityClassCertificateRepresentation |
A physical artifact that stores information about the granting of authorization. |
RaceAmericanIndianShawnee | |
ActClassSubstitution |
Definition: Indicates that the subject Act has undergone or should undergo substitution of a type indicated by Act.code. Rationale: Used to specify “allowed” substitution when creating orders, “actual” susbstitution when sending events, as well as the reason for the substitution and who was responsible for it. |
ActClassProcedure |
An Act whose immediate and primary outcome (post-condition) is the alteration of the physical condition of the subject. Examples: : Procedures may involve the disruption of some body surface (e.g. an incision in a surgical procedure), but they also include conservative procedures such as reduction of a luxated join, chiropractic treatment, massage, balneotherapy, acupuncture, shiatsu, etc. Outside of clinical medicine, procedures may be such things as alteration of environments (e.g. straightening rivers, draining swamps, building dams) or the repair or change of machinery etc. |
PatientImmunizationRelatedObservationType |
Description: Reporting codes that are related to an immunization event. |
x_PhoneURLScheme |
Restricts scheme to phone numbers at which a human can be reached |
RoleClassCoveredParty |
Description: A relationship between a party that receives benefit coverage under the terms of an insurance policy or program and the underwriter of the policy or program. The role is played by the party that receives benefit coverage under the terms of a particular insurance policy or program. The organization playing the underwriter of that policy or program is the scoping entity. A covered party receives coverage under a policy because of some contractual or other relationship with the policy holder. In most cases, the policy holder has discretion over which parties may be covered under a policy, unless the policy holder assigns or is required by a court to assign this right. A covered party receives coverage under a program by being determined eligible based on program eligibility criteria specified by the program sponsor. Discussion: This reason for coverage is specified by use of a role type code from either of the abstract value sets beneath the PolicyOrProgramCoverageRoleType abstract value set. The CoverageRoleType abstract value set can only be used when the role class is the concept code “covered party” (COVPTY) because this value set contains precoordinated coded concepts relating to coverage criteria that was developed for the Canadian realm. This is to avoid overlapping concepts, e.g., the DEPEN role.class cannot be used with the FAMDEP Role.code The CoveredPartyRoleType abstract value set may be used with any of the covered party role class codes to support post coordination of coverage criteria. Where coverage under a policy depends on the concurrence of a policy holder, a relationship link with type code of indirect authority should be included using the policy holder role as the source, and the covered party role as the target. Note: A particular policy may cover several parties, one of whom may be, but need not be, the policy holder. Thus the notion of covered party is a role that is distinct from that of the policy holder. Note: The entity playing the role of covered party is an organization, a non-person living subject or a group of persons, the role class codes Subscriber and Dependent may not be used. |
ActRelationshipSplitInclusiveTryOnce |
A branch is executed if its associated preconditions permit. If associated preconditions do not permit, the branch is dropped. Inclusive branches are not suppressed and do not suppress other branches. |
RoleClassAgent |
An entity (player) that acts or is authorized to act on behalf of another entity (scoper). |
materialForm |
A value representing the state (solid, liquid, gas) and nature of the material. |
RaceAmericanIndianYuman | |
LOINCObservationActContextAgeDefinitionCode |
Identifies a type of observation that captures the age of an entity involved in an act with no implied method of determination. |
ActSpecimenTreatmentCode |
Set of codes related to specimen treatments |
SecurityTrustAssuranceObservationValue |
Values for security metadata observation made about the digital quality or reliability of a trust assertion, activity, capability, information exchange, mechanism, process, or protocol. |
ActTaskClinicalNoteReviewCode |
A person reviews a clinical note of a given patient. |
ActContainerRegistrationCode |
Constrains the ActCode to the domain of Container Registration |
PaymentTerms |
Describes payment terms for a financial transaction, used in an invoice. This is typically expressed as a responsibility of the acceptor or payor of an invoice. |
ActMoodPromise |
An intent to perform a service that has the strength of a commitment, i.e., other parties may rely on the originator of such promise that said originator will see to it that the promised act will be fulfilled. A promise can be either solicited or unsolicited. |
RaceAmericanIndianWinnebago | |
ActClassDeterminantPeptide |
Description:A determinant peptide in a polypeptide as described by polypeptide. |
ResidentialTreatmentPracticeSetting | |
RoleLinkStatusCancelled | |
IntracoronaryRoute |
Intracoronary |
x_SubstitutionConditionNoneOrUnconditional |
Restricts substitution to effectively a yes/no decision |
ParticipationCoverageTarget |
The target participation for an individual in a health care coverage act in which the target role is either the policy holder of the coverage, or a covered party under the coverage. |
ActRelationshipSymptomaticRelief |
Used in the diagnosis of the indicated disease. |
RoleLinkIsBackupFor |
This relationship indicates the source Role is available to the target Role as a backup. An entity in a backup role will be available as a substitute or replacement in the event that the entity assigned the role is unavailable. In medical roles where it is critical that the function be performed and there is a possibility that the individual assigned may be ill or otherwise indisposed, another individual is assigned to cover for the individual originally assigned the role. A backup may be required to be identified, but unless the backup is actually used, he/she would not assume the assigned entity role. |
ActRelationshipHasPre-condition |
A requirement to be true before a service is performed. The target can be any service in criterion mood. For multiple pre-conditions a conjunction attribute (AND, OR, XOR) is applicable. |
ActPolicyType |
Description:Types of policies that further specify the ActClassPolicy value set. |
RaceAmericanIndianSioux | |
WesternMuskogean | |
RaceWhiteMiddleEast | |
RoleClassHeldEntity |
Entity that is currently in the possession of a holder (scoper), who holds, or uses it, usually based on some agreement with the owner. |
RaceAmericanIndianIowa | |
OticRoute |
Otic |
EntericCoatedCapsule | |
VaginalRoute |
Vaginal |
ActClassClinicalTrial |
The set of actions that define an experiment to assess the effectiveness and/or safety of a biopharmaceutical product (food, drug, device, etc.). In definition mood, this set of actions is often embodied in a clinical trial protocol; in event mood, this designates the aggregate act of applying the actions to one or more subjects. |
AcknowledgementDetailSyntaxErrorCode |
Reflects errors in the syntax or structure of the communication. |
EncounterAdmissionSource | |
Wiyot | |
ObligationPolicy |
Conveys the mandated workflow action that an information custodian, receiver, or user must perform. Examples:
NephClinPracticeSetting | |
RoleClassActiveIngredientMoietyBasis | |
ParticipationExposuretarget |
Description: The entity playing the associated role is the target (contact) of exposure. |
DeliveryAddressLine |
A delivery address line is frequently used instead of breaking out delivery mode, delivery installation, etc. An address generally has only a delivery address line or a street address line, but not both. |
PackageEntityType |
A material intended to hold other materials for purposes of storage or transportation |
HemClinPracticeSetting | |
ActStatusAborted |
The Act has been terminated prior to the originally intended completion. |
RoleClassPreservative |
A substance (player) added to a mixture (scoper) to prevent microorganisms (fungi, bacteria) to spoil the mixture. |
Siouan | |
ActInvoiceAdjudicationPaymentGroupCode |
Codes representing adjustments to a Payment Advice such as retroactive, clawback, garnishee, etc. |
RoleClassICSRInvestigationSubject |
Description: The class of the primary role by which the party is identified as the subject of an adverse event assessment. |
ActRelationshipEndsAfterEndOf | |
RoleClassMember |
A role played by an entity that is a member of a group. The group provides the scope for this role. Among other uses, groups as used in insurance (groups of covered individuals) and in scheduling where resources may be grouped for scheduling and logistical purposes. |
SnodentAnteriorInterarchDeviationTypeInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for dental anterior inter-arch deviations utilized to calculate the Salzmann Malocclusion Severity Index. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
SecurityCategoryObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about the category of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. Security category metadata is defined by ISO/IEC 2382-8:1998(E/F)/ T-REC-X.812-1995 as: “A nonhierarchical grouping of sensitive information used to control access to data more finely than with hierarchical security classification alone.” |
ActInpatientEncounterCode |
An inpatient encounter is an encounter in which the patient is admitted to a hospital or equivalent facility. |
EntityClass |
Classifies the Entity class and all of its subclasses. The terminology is hierarchical. At the top is this HL7-defined domain of high-level categories (such as represented by the Entity subclasses). Each of these terms must be harmonized and is specializable. The value sets beneath are encoded in Entity.code and are drawn from multiple, frequently external, domains that reflect much more fine-grained typing. |
NorthernCaddoan | |
LocalRemoteControlState |
A value representing the current state of control associated with the device. Examples: A device can either work autonomously (localRemoteControlStateCode=”Local”) or it can be controlled by another system (localRemoteControlStateCode=”Remote”). Rationale: The control status of a device must be communicated between devices prior to remote commands being transmitted. If the device is not in “Remote” status then external commands will be ignored. |
RoleClassConnection | |
SecurityTrustMechanismObservationValue |
Values for security metadata observation made about a complete set of contracts, regulations, or commitments that enable participating actors to rely on certain assertions by other actors to fulfill their information security requirements. [Kantara Initiative] |
ActRelationshipIndependentOfTimeOf | |
ElectroOsmosisRoute |
Electro-osmosis |
EntityClassNonPersonLivingSubject | |
ActClassEncounter |
An interaction between a patient and healthcare participant(s) for the purpose of providing patient service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient. For example, outpatient visit to multiple departments, home health support (including physical therapy), inpatient hospital stay, emergency room visit, field visit (e.g., traffic accident), office visit, occupational therapy, telephone call. |
IntracavitaryRoute |
Intracavitary |
ObservationMeasureType |
Observation values used to indicate what kind of health quality measure is used. |
ActRelationshipAdjunctMitigation | |
EpiduralRoute |
Epidural |
CentralNumic | |
x_PayeeRelationshipRoleType |
The specification of the relationship to the covered party of the payee in the case when an insurer is not directly paying the healthcare provider (as payee) but reimbursing the party that did pay them. |
ActCoverageReason |
Description:Codes used to specify reasons or criteria relating to coverage provided under a policy or program. May be used to convey reasons pertaining to coverage contractual provisions, including criteria for eligibility, coverage limitations, coverage maximums, or financial participation required of covered parties. |
NebulizationInhalation |
Inhalation, nebulization |
ActInvoiceInterGroupCode |
Type of invoice element that is used to assist in describing an Invoice that is either submitted for adjudication or for which is returned on adjudication results. Invoice elements of this type signify a grouping of one or more children (detail) invoice elements. They do not have intrinsic costing associated with them, but merely reflect the sum of all costing for it’s immediate children invoice elements. The domain is only specified for an intermediate invoice element group (non-root or non-top level) for an Invoice. |
SubmucosalRoute |
Submucosal |
ActEncounterAccommodationCode |
Accommodation type. In Intent mood, represents the accommodation type requested. In Event mood, represents accommodation assigned/used. In Definition mood, represents the available accommodation type. |
ContextConductionStyle | |
LineAccessMedicalDevice |
A hollow tube used to administer a substance into a vein, artery or body cavity |
ActRelationshipSucceeds |
Definition: A new act that carries forward the intention of the original act, but does not completely replace it. The status of the predecessor act must be ‘completed’. The original act is the target act and the successor is the source act. |
HL7StandardVersionCode |
This is the domain of HL7 version codes for the Version 3 standards. Values are to be determined by HL7 and added with each new version of the HL7 Standard. |
EthnicityHispanicSpaniard | |
ActAdministrativeRuleDetectedIssueCode | |
AccessMedicalDevice |
A device used to allow access to a part of a body |
RoleClassClinicalResearchInvestigator |
A role played by a provider, always a person, who has agency authority from a Clinical Research Sponsor to direct the conduct of a clinical research trial or study on behalf of the sponsor. |
ActRelationshipArrival |
The relationship that links to a Transportation Act (target) from another Act (source) indicating that the subject of the source Act entered into the source Act by means of the target Transportation act. |
RoleInformationSensitivityPolicy |
RoleSensitivity codes are used to bind information to a Role.confidentialityCode per organizational policy. Role.confidentialityCode is defined in the RIM as “an indication of the appropriate disclosure of information about this Role with respect to the playing Entity.” |
ControlledSubstanceMonitoringProtocol |
A monitoring program that focuses on narcotics and/or commonly abused substances that are subject to legal restriction. |
SubconjunctivalRoute |
Subconjunctival |
ObservationMeasureScoring | |
SubstanceAdministrationPermissionRefusalReasonCode |
Definition:Indicates why the requested authorization to prescribe or dispense a medication has been refused. |
x_EncounterParticipant |
Clones using this x_domain should have a name “encounterParticipant”. |
RaceAfricanAmericanAfrican | |
RaceAmericanIndianNorthwestTribes | |
StepParent |
The player of the role is the spouse of the scoping person’s parent and not the scoping person’s natural parent. |
NorthernIroquoian | |
SecurityTrustObservationValue |
Values for security metadata observation made about aspects of trust applicable to an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability). Trust applicable to IT resources is established and maintained in and among security domains, and may be comprised of observations about the domain’s trust authority, trust framework, trust policy, trust interaction rules, means for assessing and monitoring adherence to trust policies, mechanisms that enforce trust, and quality and reliability measures of assurance in those mechanisms. [Based on ISO IEC 10181-1 and NIST SP 800-63-2] |
DoseDurationHighDetectedIssueCode |
Proposed length of therapy is longer than standard practice |
CentralSalish | |
InterstitialRoute |
Interstitial |
EntityClassMaterial |
Any thing that has extension in space and mass, may be of living or non-living origin. |
StepChild |
The player of the role is a child of the scoping person’s spouse by a previous union. |
CoverageRoleType |
Role recognized through the issuance of insurance coverage to an identified covered party who has this relationship with the policy holder such as the policy holder themselves (self), spouse, child, etc |
Aleut | |
ActStatusCompleted |
An Act that has terminated normally after all of its constituents have been performed. |
PowerOfAttorney |
A relationship between two people in which one person authorizes another to act for him in a manner which is a legally binding upon the person giving such authority as if he or she personally were to do the acts. |
EntityClassHolder |
A type of container that can hold other containers or other holders. |
RoleClassAliquot |
A portion (player) of an original or source specimen (scoper) used for testing or transportation. |
x_ActMoodOrdPrmsEvn |
A grouping of Order, Promise and Event moods. |
ActUncertainty |
A code indicating whether the Act statement as a whole, with its subordinate components has been asserted to be uncertain in any way. Examples: Patient might have had a cholecystectomy procedure in the past (but isn’t sure). Constraints: Uncertainty asserted using this attribute applies to the combined meaning of the Act statement established by all descriptive attributes (e.g., Act.code, Act.effectiveTime, Observation.value, SubstanceAdministration.doseQuantity, etc.), and the meanings of any components. Discussion:This is not intended for use to replace or compete with uncertainty associated with a Observation.values alone or other individual attributes of the class. Such pointed indications of uncertainty should be specified by applying the PPD, UVP or UVN data type extensions to the specific attribute. Particularly if the uncertainty is uncertainty of a quantitative measurement value, this must still be represented by a PPD<PQ> in the value and NOT using the uncertaintyCode. Also, when differential diagnoses are enumerated or weighed for probability, the UVP<CD> or UVN<CD> must be used, not the uncertaintyCode. The use of the uncertaintyCode is appropriate only if the entirety of the Act and its dependent Acts is questioned. Note that very vague uncertainty may be thought related to negationInd, however, the two concepts are really independent. One may be very uncertain about an event, but that does not mean that one is certain about the negation of the event. |
ParticipationBaby |
In an obstetric service, the baby. |
RaceAmericanIndianSerrano | |
ArtificialDentition |
Artificial dentition, artificial subsitutes for the natural dentition |
SnodentOrthodonticTreatmentPreconditionInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for patient conditions that may preclude starting orthodontic treatment. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
ComplianceAlert | |
ActRelationshipHasCost |
A relationship that provides an ability to associate a financial transaction (target) as a cost to a clinical act (source). A clinical act may have an inherit cost associated with the execution or delivery of the service. The financial transaction will define the cost of delivery or performance of the service. Charges and costs are distinct terms. A charge defines what is charged or billed to another organization or entity within an organization. The cost defines what it costs an organization to perform or deliver a service or product. |
DiagTherPracticeSetting |
A practice setting where diagnostic procedures or therapeutic interventions are performed |
OralSolution | |
x_ActMoodIntentEvent |
A constraint domain for RMIM design. |
ObservationEnvironmentalIntoleranceType |
Hypersensitivity resulting in an adverse reaction upon exposure to environmental conditions. |
RoleClassStudent |
A role played by an individual who is a student of a school, which is the scoping entity. |
ActRelationshipProvidesEvidenceFor |
Indicates that the target Act provides evidence in support of the action represented by the source Act. The target is not a ‘reason’ for the source act, but rather gives supporting information on why the source act is an appropriate course of action. Possible targets might be clinical trial results, journal articles, similar successful therapies, etc. Rationale: Provides a mechanism for conveying clinical justification for non-approved or otherwise non-traditional therapies. |
IntracerebralRoute |
Intracerebral |
OintmentDrugForm |
A semisolid preparation intended for external application to the skin or mucous membranes. |
ActRelationshipJoinExclusiveWait |
Wait for any one of the branches in the set of exclusive wait branches to terminate, then discontinue all the other exclusive wait branches. |
AcknowledgementCondition |
Acknowledgement Condition codes describe the conditions under which accept or application level acknowledgements are required to be returned in response to the message send operation. |
SerranoGabrielino | |
IntravascularRoute |
Intravascular |
MedicationObservationType | |
SecurityTrustAssuranceObservationType |
Values for security metadata observation made about the digital quality or reliability of a trust assertion, activity, capability, information exchange, mechanism, process, or protocol. |
Transfer |
Transfer of ownership for a product. |
ActRelationshipSplitExclusiveTryOnce |
The pre-condition associated with the branch is evaluated once and if true the branch may be entered. All other exclusive branches compete with each other and only one will be selected. This implements a COND, IF and CASE conditionals, or “XOR-split.” The order in which the branches are considered may be specified in the priorityNumber attribute. |
EntityStatusNullified |
The state representing the termination of an Entity record instance that was created in error. |
RoleClassEmergencyContact |
An entity to be contacted in the event of an emergency. |
SolidDrugForm | |
Utian | |
Liquid |
A state of substance that is an intermediate one entered into as matter goes from solid to gas; liquids are also intermediate in that they have neither the orderliness of a crystal nor the randomness of a gas. (Note: This term should not be used to describe solutions, only pure chemicals in their liquid state.) |
GasLiquidMixture | |
Tepiman | |
PedsICUPracticeSetting | |
ParticipationPrimaryPerformer |
The principal or primary performer of the act. |
ActAdjudicationResultActionCode |
Actions to be carried out by the recipient of the Adjudication Result information. |
ParticipationPhysicalPerformer |
A person who actually and principally carries out the action. Need not be the principal responsible actor, e.g. a surgery resident operating under supervision of attending surgeon, and may be the patient in self-care, e.g. fingerstick blood sugar. The traditional order filler is a performer. This information should accompany every service event. |
MilitaryHospital |
A health care facility operated by the Department of Defense or other military operation. |
EasternApachean | |
ParticipationProduct |
A material target that is brought forth (produced) in the service (e.g., specimen in a specimen collection, access or drainage in a placement service, medication package in a dispense service). It doesn’t matter whether the material produced had existence prior to the service, or whether it is created in the service (e.g., in supply services the product is taken from a stock). |
ParticipationExposureparticipation |
Description:Direct participation in an exposure act where it is unknown that the participant is the source or subject of the exposure. If the participant is known to be the contact of an exposure then the EXPTRGT participation type should be used. If the participant is known to be the source then the EXSRC participation type should be used. |
ActStatusActiveSuspendedObsolete |
** none supplied ** |
MedicationCap |
Cap types for medication containers |
ObservationLivingDependencyValue |
Continued living in private residence requires functional and health care assistance from spouse or life partner. |
ActClassVerification |
An act which describes the process whereby a ‘verifying party’ validates either the existence of the Role attested to by some Credential or the actual Vetting act and its details. |
RaceAmericanIndianPawnee | |
ActRelationshipTreats | |
ParticipationTypeCDASectionOverride |
Identifies the set of participation types context that can be blocked (overridden) at the CDA section or sub-section level of a document. |
ActRelationshipTemporallyPertainsEnd | |
IssueFilterCode |
Description:Indicates how result sets should be filtered based on whether they have associated issues. |
x_ActMoodCompletionCriterion |
Description:These are moods describing activities as they progress in the business cycle, from defined, through planned and ordered to completed, and any applicable criterion or condition over actual and potential services that must apply for an associated service to be considered. |
ExtendedReleaseCapsule |
A solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosed within either a hard or soft soluble container made from a suitable form of gelatin, and which releases a drug (or drugs) in such a manner to allow a reduction in dosing frequency as compared to that drug (or drugs) presented as a conventional dosage form. |
ActAntigenInvalidReason |
Description: Coded reasons why an antigen is considered invalid. |
RoleClassFlavorAdditive |
A substance (player) added to a mixture (scoper) to make it taste a certain way. In food the use is obvious, in pharmaceuticals flavors can hide disgusting taste of the active ingredient (important in pediatric treatments). |
ActClassReview |
The act of examining and evaluating the subject, usually another act. For example, “This prescription needs to be reviewed in 2 months.” |
ActSubstanceAdministrationCode |
Describes the type of substance administration being performed. |
ActInvoicePaymentCode | |
RoleStatusNullified |
The state representing the termination of a Role instance that was created in error. |
EquipmentAlertLevel | |
SnodentOralCavityAreaInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for regions in the mouth utilized to calculate the Salzmann Malocclusion Severity Index. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
IntratendinousRoute |
Intratendinous |
ActTaskCode |
Description: A task or action that a user may perform in a clinical information system. |
Eskimoan | |
ActMoodEventOccurrence |
A service that actually happens, may be an ongoing service or a documentation of a past service. Historical note: in previous RIM versions, the event mood was captured as a separate class hierarchy, called Patient_service_event, and later Service_event. |
RoleStatusSuspended |
The state that represents a suspension of the Entity playing the Role. This state is arrived at from the “active” state. |
ModelMediaType |
Model media type. |
ActClassExposure |
The action of coming into sufficient physical proximity to allow physical or chemical interaction. Examples include: exposure to radiation, inhalation of peanut aerosol or viral particles. This includes intended exposure (e.g. administering a drug product) as well as accidental or environmental exposure. Actual vs. potential exposure can be differentiated using Act.uncertaintyCode. The agent to which the subject was exposed is conveyed as a Direct participation or specialization there-of. Constraints: The following Participations should be used with the following Roles and Entities to distinguish the specific entities:
BuccalMucosaRoute |
Buccal mucosa |
ObservationInterpretationNormalityLow |
Interpretation for a quantitative observation of degree of abnormality (including critical or “alert” level) below the lower limit of the reference range. |
Nootkan | |
ActRelationshipObjective |
The target act is a desired outcome of the source act. Source is any act (typically an intervention). Target must be an observation in criterion mood. |
BarDrugForm | |
ActFinancialStatusObservationValue |
Code specifying financial indicators used to assess or establish eligibility for coverage under a policy or program; e.g., pay stub; tax or income document; asset document; living expenses. |
x_DocumentSubstanceMood |
Used to enumerate the moods that a substance administration can take within the body of a clinical document. |
IntralymphaticRoute |
Intralymphatic |
EntityClassMicroorganism |
All single celled living organisms including protozoa, bacteria, yeast, viruses, etc. |
SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason | |
AthapaskanEyak | |
GeneticObservationValue |
Description: The domain contains genetic analysis specific observation values, e.g. Homozygote, Heterozygote, etc. |
OverriderParticipationFunction |
This code is used to specify the exact function an actor is authorized to have in authoring a consent override. |
LavageRoute |
Lavage |
InvoiceElementPaid |
Total counts and total net amounts paid for all Invoice Groupings that were paid within a time period based on the payment date. |
River | |
RaceAmericanIndianKlallam | |
IntravesicleRoute |
Intravesicle |
x_PersonNamePartType | |
ActRelationshipIsAppendage |
An addendum (source) to an existing service object (target), containing supplemental information. The addendum is itself an original service object linked to the supplemented service object. The supplemented service object remains in place and its content and status are unaltered. |
RoleLocationIdentifiedEntity |
Description:Describes types of identifiers other than the primary location registry identifier for a service delivery location. Identifiers may be assigned by a local service delivery organization, a formal body capable of accrediting the location for the capability to provide specific services or the identifier may be assigned at a jurisdictional level. |
PharmacySupplyRequestFulfillerRevisionRefusalReasonCode |
Definition:Indicates why the request to transfer a prescription from one dispensing facility to another has been refused. |
BiotherapeuticNon-personLivingSubjectRoleType |
Description:Animals, including fish and insects, and microorganisms which may participate as assigned entities in biotherapies. |
ChronicCareFacility |
(1) A hospital including a physical plant and personnel that provides multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment for diseases that have one or more of the following characteristics: is permanent; leaves residual disability; is caused by nonreversible pathological alteration; requires special training of the patient for rehabilitation; and/or may be expected to require a long period of supervision or care. In addition, patients require the safety, security, and shelter of these specialized inpatient or partial hospitalization settings. (2) A hospital that provides medical and skilled nursing services to patients with long-term illnesses who are not in an acute phase but who require an intensity of services not available in nursing homes |
RoleLinkStatusPending | |
ActClassAccount |
A financial account established to track the net result of financial acts. |
HeightSurfaceAreaAlert |
Proposed therapy may be inappropriate based on the patient’s height or body surface area |
MobilityImpaired | |
BuccalTablet | |
TimingDetectedIssueCode | |
ParticipationReferrer |
A person having referred the subject of the service to the performer (referring physician). Typically, a referring physician will receive a report. |
ManagedParticipationStatus |
Codes representing the defined possible states of a Managed Participation, as defined by the Managed Participation class state machine. |
ObservationInterpretationSusceptibility |
Interpretations of anti-microbial susceptibility testing results (microbiology). At most one allowed. |
ParticipationNon-reuseableDevice |
A device that changes ownership due to the service, e.g., a pacemaker, a prosthesis, an insulin injection equipment (pen), etc. Such material may need to be restocked after he service. |
PastSubset |
An occurrence that occurred or was scheduled to occur in the past. An Act whose effective time is less than ‘now’. (‘now’ is the time the instance is authored.) |
ControlActNullificationReasonCode |
Description:Identifies reasons for nullifying (retracting) a particular control act. Examples:“Entered in error”, “altered decision”, etc. |
RoleClassProductRelated |
Description:A value set of product related role classCodes |
AddressUse | |
IntracorpusCavernosumRoute |
Intracorpus cavernosum |
RoleClassAdditive |
An ingredient (player) that is added to a base (scoper), that amounts to a minor part of the overall mixture. |
IntracornealRoute |
Intracorneal |
ActRelationshipStartsBeforeOrConcurrentWithStartOf |
Pro-forma value set for each head code in the ActRelationshipType code system; all codes present and future below the head code. |
PurposeOfUse |
Supports communication of purpose of use at a general level. |
MucousMembraneRoute |
Mucous membrane |
OralSuspension | |
ClinicalResearchObservationReason |
Definition:SSpecifies the reason that a test was performed or observation collected in a clinical research study. Note:This set of codes are not strictly reasons, but are used in the currently Normative standard. Future revisions of the specification will model these as ActRelationships and thes codes may subsequently be retired. Thus, these codes should not be used for new specifications. |
UrinaryTractRoute |
Urinary tract |
ActRelationshipContainsStartOf | |
PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode |
Definition:A collection of concepts that identifies why a renewal prescription has been refused. |
SecurityIntegrityProvenanceAssertedByObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about the integrity provenance of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which indicates the entity that made assertions about the resource. The asserting entity may not be the original informant about the resource. |
CoverageParticipationFunction |
Definition: Set of codes indicating the manner in which sponsors, underwriters, and payers participate in a policy or program. |
immunizationForecastDate |
Set of LOINC codes that identify the type of date that is specified within an immunization forecast step. |
SignificantOtherRoleType |
A person who is important to one’s well being; especially a spouse or one in a similar relationship. (The player is the one who is important) |
Yokutsan | |
x_ClinicalStatementExposureMood | |
SnodentDentalAbnormalityInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for tooth-specific abnormalities that impact orthodontic treatment. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
RoleClassAdjacency | |
ActRelationshipHasContinuingObjective |
A desired state that a service action aims to maintain. E.g., keep systolic blood pressure between 90 and 110 mm Hg. Source is an intervention service. Target must be an observation in criterion mood. |
RoleClassInstance |
An individual piece of material (player) instantiating a class of material (scoper). |
ActRelationshipStartsBeforeOrConcurrentWithEndOf |
Pro-forma value set for each head code in the ActRelationshipType code system; all codes present and future below the head code. |
WesternNumic | |
DeltaCalifornia | |
ParticipationPrimaryInformationRecipient |
Information recipient to whom an act statement is primarily directed. E.g., a primary care provider receiving a discharge letter from a hospitalist, a health department receiving information on a suspected case of infectious disease. Multiple of these participations may exist on the same act without requiring that recipients be ranked as primary vs. secondary. |
ActAccountCode |
An account represents a grouping of financial transactions that are tracked and reported together with a single balance. Examples of account codes (types) are Patient billing accounts (collection of charges), Cost centers; Cash. |
LanguageAbilityProficiency |
A value representing the level of proficiency in a language. Example:Excellent, good, fair, poor. |
RaceAmericanIndianChemakuan | |
IntraarterialInjection |
Injection, intraarterial |
ActInvoiceElementCode |
Type of invoice element that is used to assist in describing an Invoice that is either submitted for adjudication or for which is returned on adjudication results. |
IdentifierReliability |
Description: The identifier was issued by the system responsible for constructing the instance. |
DosageProblemDetectedIssueCode |
Proposed dosage instructions for therapy differ from standard practice. |
NativeEntityContiguous |
ActRelationshipHasRisk |
A noteworthy undesired outcome of a patient’s condition that is either likely enough to become an issue or is less likely but dangerous enough to be addressed. |
Sahaptian | |
RoleClassPassive |
An association for a playing Entity that is used, known, treated, handled, built, or destroyed, etc. under the auspices of the scoping Entity. The playing Entity is passive in these roles (even though it may be active in other roles), in the sense that the kinds of things done to it in this role happen without an agreement from the playing Entity. |
RouteBySite |
Route of substance administration classified by site. |
RoleClassActiveIngredient |
A therapeutically active ingredient (player) in a mixture (scoper), where the mixture is typically a manufactured pharmaceutical. |
FirstFillPharmacySupplyType |
The initial fill against an order. (This includes initial fills against refill orders.) |
x_DocumentEncounterMood |
Used to enumerate the moods that an encounter can take within the body of a clinical document. |
RaceAlaskanNativeAleutUnangan | |
ActRelationshipHasPart | |
ActInvoiceDetailGenericProviderCode |
The billable item codes to identify provider supplied charges or changes to the total billing of a claim. |
IntravenousRoute |
Intravenous |
SecurityIntegrityConfidenceObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about the integrity confidence of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. |
RaceAmericanIndian | |
RoleClassCommissioningParty |
An Entity that is authorized to issue or instantiate permissions, privileges, credentials or other formal/legal authorizations. |
Dentition | |
RigidContainerEntityType |
A container having a fixed and inflexible dimensions and volume |
ActRelationshipSubset |
Used to indicate that the target of the relationship will be a filtered subset of the total related set of targets. Used when there is a need to limit the number of components to the first, the last, the next, the total, the average or some other filtered or calculated subset. |
Salishan | |
ActRelationshipHasMember | |
EntityNamePartTypeR2 |
Description:Indicates whether the name part is a given name, family name, prefix, suffix, etc. |
WorkScheduleODH |
Describes an individual’s typical arrangement of working hours for an occupation. |
CentralMuskogean | |
x_OrganizationNamePartType |
A name for an organization, such as “Health Level Seven, Inc.” An organization name consists only of untyped name parts, prefixes, suffixes, and delimiters. |
HL7CalendarCycle | |
ActTaskPatientInformationReviewCode |
A person (e.g., clinician, the patient herself) reviews patient information in the electronic medical record. |
x_ActClassCareProvisionEncounter |
Definition: When identifying the “request” that resulted in an encounter, there is a need to distinguish whether the “request” was a general referral (CareProvisionRequest) or a more specific ordered or scheduled encounter (PatientEncounter). |
TopicalPowder | |
ActRelationshipTemporallyPertains | |
RoleLinkHasDirectAuthorityOver |
The source Role has direct authority over the target role in a chain of authority. |
ActTransportationModeCode |
Characterizes how a transportation act was or will be carried out. Examples: Via private transport, via public transit, via courier. |
ActRelationshipLimitedBy |
A relationship that limits or restricts the source act by the elements of the target act. For example, an authorization may be limited by a financial amount (up to $500). Target Act must be in EVN.CRIT mood. |
SublingualRoute |
Sublingual |
RaceWhite | |
ActMoodIntent |
An intention or plan to perform a service. Historical note: in previous RIM versions, the intent mood was captured as a separate class hierarchy, called Service_intent_or_order. |
SecurityClassificationObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about the classification of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. Security classification is defined by ISO/IEC 2382-8:1998(E/F)/ T-REC-X.812-1995 as: “The determination of which specific degree of protection against access the data or information requires, together with a designation of that degree of protection.” Security classification metadata is based on an analysis of applicable policies and the risk of financial, reputational, or other harm that could result from unauthorized disclosure. |
SchedulingActReason |
Reasons for cancelling or rescheduling an Appointment |
ExtraAmnioticRoute |
Extra-amniotic |
x_BillableProduct |
Description:The billable codes selected for Clinical Product Invoices. Steward is Financial Management. |
ActRelationshipEvaluatesGoal |
A goal-evaluation links an observation (intent or actual) to a goal to indicate that the observation evaluates the goal. Given the goal and the observation, a “goal distance” (e.g., goal to observation) can be “calculated” and need not be sent explicitly. |
ActClassCorrelatedObservationSequences |
Container for Observation Sequences (Observations whose values are contained in LIST<>’s) having values correlated with each other. Each contained Observation Sequence LIST<> must be the same length. Values in the LIST<>’s are correlated based on index. E.g. the values in position 2 in all the LIST<>’s are correlated. This is analogous to a table where each column is an Observation Sequence with a LIST<> of values, and each row in the table is a correlation between the columns. For example, a 12-lead ECG would contain 13 sequences: one sequence for time, and a sequence for each of the 12 leads. |
NaturalParent | |
IntracoronalRoute |
Intracoronal (dental) |
EthnicityHispanicCentralAmerican | |
IntramuscularInjection |
Injection, intramuscular |
Sibling |
One person who shares a parent or parents with another. |
TherapeuticProductDetectedIssueCode |
Proposed therapy may interact with an existing or recent therapeutic product |
UtoAztecan | |
RoleClassMutualRelationship |
A relationship that is based on mutual behavior of the two Entities as being related. The basis of such relationship may be agreements (e.g., spouses, contract parties) or they may be de facto behavior (e.g. friends) or may be an incidental involvement with each other (e.g. parties over a dispute, siblings, children). |
ActClassTransmissionExposure |
Description: A transmission exposure act describes the proximity (time and location) over which the participating source entity was capable of transmitting a physical (including energy), chemical or biological substance agent to another entity. The transmission exposure act is used in conjunction with acquisition exposure acts as part of an analysis technique for contact tracing. Although an exposure can be decomposed into transmission and acquisition exposures, there is no requirement that all exposures be treated in this fashion. Constraints: The Transmission Exposure inherits the participation constraints that apply to Exposure with the following exception. The EXPTRGT (exposure target) participation must never be associated with the Transmission Exposure either directly or via context conduction. |
TribalEntityUS |
ActClassAccession |
A unit of work, a grouper of work items as defined by the system performing that work. Typically some laboratory order fulfillers communicate references to accessions in their communications regarding laboratory orders. Often one or more specimens are related to an accession such that in some environments the accession number is taken as an identifier for a specimen (group). |
SecurityDataIntegrityObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about the data integrity of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which indicates the security mechanism used to preserve resource accuracy and consistency. Data integrity is defined by ISO 22600-23.3.21 as: “The property that data has not been altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner”, and by ISO/IEC 2382-8: The property of data whose accuracy and consistency are preserved regardless of changes made.” |
RaceAmericanIndianCalifornia | |
PersonalAndLegalRelationshipRoleType |
A ‘personal and legal’ relationship records the role of a person in relation to another person, or a person to himself or herself. This value set is to be used when recording relationships based on personal or family ties or through legal assignment of responsibility. |
ActClassCluster |
A group of entries within a composition, topic or category that have a logical association with one another. The representation of a single observation or action might itself be multi-part. The data might need to be represented as a nested set of values, as a table, list, or as a time series. The Cluster class permits such aggregation within an entry for such compound data. Examples include “Haematology investigations” which might include two or more distinct batteries. A cluster may contain batteries and/or individual entries |
OutpatientFacilityPracticeSetting | |
RaceAmericanIndianChumash | |
ActClassContract |
An agreement of obligation between two or more parties that is subject to contractual law and enforcement. |
x_ActRelationshipPertinentInfo | |
CompressionAlgorithm | |
ActTaskRiskAssessmentInstrumentCode |
A person reviews a Risk Assessment Instrument report of a given patient. |
StudentRoleType |
Covered party to an insurance policy has coverage through full-time or part-time attendance at a recognized educational institution as defined by a particular insurance policy. |
KnowledgeSubtopicObservationCode | |
UrethralRoute |
Urethral |
EntityClassGroup |
A grouping of resources (personnel, material, or places) to be used for scheduling purposes. May be a pool of like-type resources, a team, or combination of personnel, material and places. |
PolicyOrProgramCoverageRoleType |
Description: A role recognized through the eligibility of an identified party for benefits covered under an insurance policy or a program based on meeting eligibility criteria. Eligibility as a covered party may be conditioned on the party meeting criteria to qualify for coverage under a policy or program, which may be mandated by law. These criteria may be:
IntraepidermalRoute |
Intraepidermal |
EnteralRoute |
Enteral |
KnowledgeSubtopicObservationValue |
Observation values used to indicate a knowledge subtopic of interest for which knowledge content is requested (e.g., treatment, etiology, prognosis). |
ActRelationshipHasDebit |
A debit relationship ties a financial transaction (target) to an account (source). A debit, once applied (posted), may have either a positive or negative effect on the account balance, depending on the type of account. An asset account debit will increase the account balance. A non-asset account debit will decrease the account balance. |
PeriarticularRoute |
Periarticular |
CoverageLevelObservationValue |
Description:Coded observation values for types of covered parties under a policy or program based on their personal relationships or employment status. |
TopicalApplication |
Topical application |
ParticipationCatalyst | |
ManagedCarePolicy |
Definition: Government mandated program providing coverage, disability income, and vocational rehabilitation for injuries sustained in the work place or in the course of employment. Employers may either self-fund the program, purchase commercial coverage, or pay a premium to a government entity that administers the program. Employees may be required to pay premiums toward the cost of coverage as well. Managed care policies specifically exclude coverage for losses insured under a disability policy, workers’ compensation program, liability insurance (including automobile insurance); or for medical expenses, coverage for on-site medical clinics or for limited dental or vision benefits when these are provided under a separate policy. Discussion: Managed care policies are offered by managed care plans that contract with selected providers or health care organizations to provide comprehensive health care at a discount to covered parties and coordinate the financing and delivery of health care. Managed care uses medical protocols and procedures agreed on by the medical profession to be cost effective, also known as medical practice guidelines. Providers are typically reimbursed for covered services by a capitated amount on a per member per month basis that may reflect difference in the health status and level of services anticipated to be needed by the member. |
GeneticObservationInterpretation |
Codes that specify interpretation of genetic analysis, such as “positive”, “negative”, “carrier”, “responsive”, etc. |
IntraabdominalRoute |
Intra-abdominal |
ActPatientAnnotationType |
Provides a categorization for annotations recorded directly against the patient |
ActClassBattery |
Description:A battery specifies a set of observations. These observations typically have a logical or practical grouping for generally accepted clinical or functional purposes, such as observations that are run together because of automation. A battery can define required and optional components and, in some cases, will define complex rules that determine whether or not a particular observation is made. Examples: “Blood pressure”, “Full blood count”, “Chemistry panel”. |
ClinicalResearchReason |
Definition:Contains domains for act reasons used in clinical research. |
RaceAmericanIndianPima | |
AmericanIndianAlaskaNativeLanguages | |
ResponsibleParty |
The role played by a party who has legal responsibility for another party. |
ActClassRecordOrganizer | |
RaceAmericanIndianWashoe | |
ECGObservationSeriesType | |
ActMedicationList |
List of medications. |
PublicHealthcareProgram |
Definition: A a public or governmental health program with an organized structure for administering and funding coverage of a benefit package for covered parties meeting eligibility criteria, typically related to employment, health and financial status. These programs are established by legislation with provisions for ongoing government oversight. Regulations mandate the structure of the program, the manner in which it is funded and administered, covered benefits, provider types, eligibility criteria and financial participation. A government agency may be charged with implementing the program in accordance to the regulation. For example, A Canadian provincial or national health plan such as the BC MSP (British Columbia Medical Services Plan) OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan), NHS (National Health Service). Examples of U.S. government funded health programs include those for maternity case management, behavioral health, and HIV-AIDs, such as the Ryan White program. |
ObservationSocioEconomicStatusValue |
Code specifying observations or indicators related to socio-economic status used to assess to assess for services, e.g., discharge planning, or to establish eligibility for coverage under a policy or program. |
ParticipationRecordTarget |
The record target indicates whose medical record holds the documentation of this act. This is especially important when the subject of a service is not the patient himself. |
IntraductalRoute |
Intraductal |
ModifyPrescriptionReasonType |
Indicates why an existing prescription is changed. |
AdministrationMedicalDevice |
A device intended to administer a substance to a subject |
x_ClinicalStatementSubstanceMood | |
ActIncidentCode |
Set of codes indicating the type of incident or accident. |
SecurityTrustAccreditationObservationValue |
Values for security metadata observation made about the formal declaration by an authority or neutral third party that validates the technical, security, trust, and business practice conformance of Trust Agents to facilitate security, interoperability, and trust among participants within a security domain or trust framework. |
IntradiscalRoute |
Intradiscal |
ActPrivacyLaw |
ActPrivacyLaw codes may be associated with an Act or a Role to indicate the legal provision to which the assignment of an Act.confidentialityCode or Role.confidentialtyCode complies. May be used to further specify rationale for assignment of other ActPrivacyPolicy codes in the US realm, e.g., ETH and 42CFRPart2 can be differentiated from ETH and Title38Part1. |
SoftTissueRoute |
Soft tissue |
RoleStatusCancelled |
The terminal state resulting from cancellation of the role prior to activation. |
Penutian | |
x_ClinicalStatementEncounterMood | |
RoleClassTherapeuticAgent |
A manufactured material (player) that is used for its therapeutic properties. The manufacturer is the scoper. |
ActClassPositionCoordinate |
Description:An observation representing one of a set of numerical values used to determine the position of a place. The name of the coordinate value is determined by the reference coordinate system. |
FoamDrugForm | |
ActMoodDefinition |
A definition of a service (master). Historical note: in previous RIM versions, the definition mood was captured as a separate class hierarchy, called Master_service. |
InterameningealRoute |
Interameningeal |
LocalMarkupIgnore |
Tells a receiver to ignore just the local markup tags (local_markup, local_header, local_attr) when value=”markup”, or to ignore the local markup tags and all contained content when value=”all” |
GIDiagTherPracticeSetting |
A practice setting where GI procedures (such as endoscopies) are performed |
Spouse |
Description:A relationship between two people characterizing their “familial” relationship |
SecurityTrustAgreementObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about security requirements for a security domain. [ISO IEC 10181-1] |
ActClassRoot |
A record of something that is being done, has been done, can be done, or is intended or requested to be done. Examples:The kinds of acts that are common in health care are (1) a clinical observation, (2) an assessment of health condition (such as problems and diagnoses), (3) healthcare goals, (4) treatment services (such as medication, surgery, physical and psychological therapy), (5) assisting, monitoring or attending, (6) training and education services to patients and their next of kin, (7) and notary services (such as advanced directives or living will), (8) editing and maintaining documents, and many others. Discussion and Rationale: Acts are the pivot of the RIM; all domain information and processes are represented primarily in Acts. Any profession or business, including healthcare, is primarily constituted of intentional and occasionally non-intentional actions, performed and recorded by responsible actors. An Act-instance is a record of such an action. Acts connect to Entities in their Roles through Participations and connect to other Acts through ActRelationships. Participations are the authors, performers and other responsible parties as well as subjects and beneficiaries (which includes tools and material used in the performance of the act, which are also subjects). The moodCode distinguishes between Acts that are meant as factual records, vs. records of intended or ordered services, and the other modalities in which act can appear. One of the Participations that all acts have (at least implicitly) is a primary author, who is responsible of the Act and who “owns” the act. Responsibility for the act means responsibility for what is being stated in the Act and as what it is stated. Ownership of the act is assumed in the sense of who may operationally modify the same act. Ownership and responsibility of the Act is not the same as ownership or responsibility of what the Act-object refers to in the real world. The same real world activity can be described by two people, each being the author of their Act, describing the same real world activity. Yet one can be a witness while the other can be a principal performer. The performer has responsibilities for the physical actions; the witness only has responsibility for making a true statement to the best of his or her ability. The two Act-instances may even disagree, but because each is properly attributed to its author, such disagreements can exist side by side and left to arbitration by a recipient of these Act-instances. In this sense, an Act-instance represents a “statement” according to Rector and Nowlan (1991) [Foundations for an electronic medical record. Methods Inf Med. 30.] Rector and Nowlan have emphasized the importance of understanding the medical record not as a collection of facts, but “a faithful record of what clinicians have heard, seen, thought, and done.” Rector and Nowlan go on saying that “the other requirements for a medical record, e.g., that it be attributable and permanent, follow naturally from this view.” Indeed the Act class is this attributable statement, and the rules of updating acts (discussed in the state-transition model, see Act.statusCode) versus generating new Act-instances are designed according to this principle of permanent attributable statements. Rector and Nolan focus on the electronic medical record as a collection of statements, while attributed statements, these are still mostly factual statements. However, the Act class goes beyond this limitation to attributed factual statements, representing what is known as “speech-acts” in linguistics and philosophy. The notion of speech-act includes that there is pragmatic meaning in language utterances, aside from just factual statements; and that these utterances interact with the real world to change the state of affairs, even directly cause physical activities to happen. For example, an order is a speech act that (provided it is issued adequately) will cause the ordered action to be physically performed. The speech act theory has culminated in the seminal work by Austin (1962) [How to do things with words. Oxford University Press]. An activity in the real world may progress from defined, through planned and ordered to executed, which is represented as the mood of the Act. Even though one might think of a single activity as progressing from planned to executed, this progression is reflected by multiple Act-instances, each having one and only one mood that will not change along the Act-instance life cycle. This is because the attribution and content of speech acts along this progression of an activity may be different, and it is often critical that a permanent and faithful record be maintained of this progression. The specification of orders or promises or plans must not be overwritten by the specification of what was actually done, so as to allow comparing actions with their earlier specifications. Act-instances that describe this progression of the same real world activity are linked through the ActRelationships (of the relationship category “sequel”). Act as statements or speech-acts are the only representation of real world facts or processes in the HL7 RIM. The truth about the real world is constructed through a combination (and arbitration) of such attributed statements only, and there is no class in the RIM whose objects represent “objective state of affairs” or “real processes” independent from attributed statements. As such, there is no distinction between an activity and its documentation. Every Act includes both to varying degrees. For example, a factual statement made about recent (but past) activities, authored (and signed) by the performer of such activities, is commonly known as a procedure report or original documentation (e.g., surgical procedure report, clinic note etc.). Conversely, a status update on an activity that is presently in progress, authored by the performer (or a close observer) is considered to capture that activity (and is later superceded by a full procedure report). However, both status update and procedure report are acts of the same kind, only distinguished by mood and state (see statusCode) and completeness of the information. |
RehabilitationHospital |
(X12N 283X00000N) |
SiouanCatawba | |
IntraduralRoute |
Intradural |
Palaihnihan | |
SnodentDentalUniversalNumberingSystemInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for all of the possible human teeth, both adult and adolescent. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
x_PhoneOrEmailURLScheme |
Restricts scheme to e-mail or phone numbers at which a human can be reached |
HealthQualityMeasureDocument | |
ActRelationshipStartsConcurrentWithEnd |
The source Act starts when the target act ends (i.e. if we say “ActOne SCWE ActTwo”, it means that ActOne starts when ActTwo ends, therefore ActOne is the source and ActTwo is the target). |
ActInformationAccessContextCode |
Conveyance of the type of context in which authorization given under jurisdictional law, by organizational policy, or by a patient consent directive permits the collection, access, use or disclosure of specified patient health information. Steward: Security WG |
RoleLinkHasPart |
The target Role is part of the Source Role. |
BiliaryRoute |
Biliary tract |
ActNonObservationIndicationCode |
Description:Concepts representing indications (reasons for clinical action) other than diagnosis and symptoms. |
SouthernCaddoan | |
ActClaimAttachmentCategoryCode | |
TableCellHorizontalAlign |
These values are defined within the XHTML 4.0 Table Model |
ObservationInterpretation |
One or more codes providing a rough qualitative interpretation of the observation,such as “normal” / “abnormal”, “low” / “high”, “better” / “worse”, “resistant” / “susceptible”, “expected” / “not expected”. The value set is intended to be for ANY use where coded representation of an interpretation is needed. Usage Note: This is being communicated in v2.x in OBX-8, in v3 in ObservationInterpretation (CWE) in R1 (Representative Realm) and in FHIR Observation.interpretation. Historically these values come from the laboratory domain, and these codes are extensively used. |
ActInvoiceDetailGenericAdjudicatorCode |
The billable item codes to identify adjudicator specified components to the total billing of a claim. |
IntramedullaryRoute |
Intramedullary |
DedicatedServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType |
A role of a place that further classifies a setting that is intended to house the provision of services. |
immunizationForecastStatusObservationValue |
Represents the patient’s status with respect to their immunization guideline as of an evaluation date. |
RoleClassSame |
The “same” roleclass asserts an identity between playing and scoping entities: that they are in fact instances of the same entity and, in the case of discrepancies (e.g different DOB, gender), that one or both are in error. Usage: playing and scoping entities must have same classcode, but need not have identical attributes or values. Example: a provider registry maintains sets of conflicting demographic data for what is reported to be the same individual. |
GasSolidSpray | |
DentistHIPAA |
A dentist is a person qualified by a doctorate in dental surgery (D.D. S.) or dental medicine (D.M.D.). licensed by the state to practice dentistry, and practicing within the scope of that license. Many dentists are general practitioners who handle a wide variety of dental needs. Other dentists practice in one of eight specialty areas recognized by the American Dental Association: oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, endodontics, public health, oral pathology and pediatric dentistry. |
RaceSoutheastAlaskanIndianTsimshian | |
ActClassProcessStep | |
EntityClassCountry |
The territory of a sovereign nation. |
ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason |
Indicates why a fulfiller refused to fulfill a supply order, and considered it important to notify other providers of their decision. E.g. “Suspect fraud”, “Possible abuse”, “Contraindicated”. (used when capturing ‘refusal to fill’ annotations) |
ActRelationshipStartsAfterStartOf |
The source Act starts after the start of the target Act (i.e. if we say “ActOne SAS ActTwo”, it means that ActOne starts after the start of ActTwo, therefore ActOne is the source and ActTwo is the target). |
NonDrugAgentEntity |
Indicates types of allergy and intolerance agents which are non-drugs. (E.g. foods, latex, etc.) |
AerosolDrugForm | |
RaceAmericanIndianMaidu | |
x_ClinicalStatementSupplyMood | |
FosterChild |
The player of the role is a child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties. |
Laboratory Observation Sub-Type |
Value Set of codes specifying an observation sub-type used with observation type code RSLT (Result). |
IntratrachealRoute |
Intratracheal |
DependentCoveredPartyRoleType |
Description: A role recognized through the eligibility of a party to play a dependent for benefits covered or provided under a health insurance policy because of an association with the subscriber that is recognized by the policy underwriter. |
CoverageSponsorRoleType |
Description:Codes that indicate a specific type of sponsor. Used when the sponsor’s role is only either as a fully insured sponsor or only as a self-insured sponsor. NOTE: Where a sponsor may be either, use the SponsorParticipationFunction.code (fully insured or self insured) to indicate the type of responsibility. (CO6-0057) |
PharmacistHIPAA |
An individual who is licensed to prepare and sell or dispense drugs and compounds and to make up prescriptions. |
ActInvoiceDetailGenericModifierCode |
The billable item codes to identify modifications to a billable item charge. As for example after hours increase in the office visit fee. |
KutchinHan | |
ActExposureLevelCode |
A qualitative measure of the degree of exposure to the causative agent. This includes concepts such as “low”, “medium” and “high”. This quantifies how the quantity that was available to be administered to the target differs from typical or background levels of the substance. |
EntityClassContainer |
A container of other entities. |
PeriodontalRoute |
Periodontal |
ParticipationModeElectronicData |
Participation by non-human-languaged based electronic signal |
EntityDeterminerSpecificGroup |
A standard value set allowing reference to all EntityDeterminer codes that are equal to or specializations of GROUP. This is the value set used when a model indicates that the binding is to “<= GROUP”. |
CoverageEligibilityReason |
Description:Identifies the reason or rational for why a person is eligible for benefits under an insurance policy or program. Examples: A new employee is eligible for health insurance as an employment benefit. A person meets eligibility criteria for government program coverage based on financial, age or health status. |
GTSAbbreviationOther |
Description:Other, more specific, abbreviations defined for the General timing Specification data type, that are specializations of one of the Base concepts. |
ParticipationConsultant |
An advisor participating in the service by performing evaluations and making recommendations. |
ActRelationshipMitigates |
The source act removes or lessens the occurrence or effect of the target act. |
RoleClassContaminantIngredient | |
RaceAmericanIndianPonca | |
LiquidCleanser | |
EntityClassOrganization |
A social or legal structure formed by human beings. |
AdoptedChild |
The player of the role is a child taken into a family through legal means and raised by the scoping person (parent) as his or her own child. |
IntravenousInjection |
Injection, intravenous |
Wintuan | |
ActRelationshipIsManifestationOf |
An assertion that a new observation may be the manifestation of another existing observation or action. This assumption is attributed to the same actor who asserts the manifestation. This is stronger and more specific than an inverted support link. For example, an agitated appearance can be asserted to be the manifestation (effect) of a known hyperthyroxia. This expresses that one might not have realized a symptom if it would not be a common manifestation of a known condition. The target (cause) may be any service, while the source (manifestation) must be an observation. |
QualitySpecimenRoleType |
A specimen specifically used to verify the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy or other perfomance parameter of a diagnostic test. |
ActClassPublicHealthCase2 |
A public health case is a Concern about an observation or event that has a specific significance for public health. The creation of a PublicHealthCase initiates the tracking of the object of concern. The decision to track is related to but somewhat independent of the underlying event or observation. |
RaceAmericanIndianOttawa | |
ActRelationshipProphylaxisOf | |
SpecimenRoleType | |
ParticipationConsumable |
Target that is taken up, is diminished, and disappears in the service. |
Keresan | |
RoleClassInactiveIngredient | |
IntradermalRoute |
Intradermal |
OromucosalRoute |
Oromucosal |
DispensableDrugForm | |
RaceAlaskanIndian | |
OtherActionTakenManagementCode |
Order is performed as issued, but other action taken to mitigate potential adverse effects |
IntralesionalRoute |
Intralesional |
ActListCode |
Provides codes associated with ActClass value of LIST (working list) |
ActRelationshipHasFinalObjective |
A desired outcome that a service action aims to meet finally. Source is any service (typically an intervention). Target must be an observation in criterion mood. |
RaceAmericanIndianCahuilla | |
ActPaymentCode |
Code identifying the method or the movement of payment instructions. Codes are drawn from X12 data element 591 (PaymentMethodCode) |
RoleClassFomite |
Description: A fomite is a non-living entity that is capable of conveying exposure agent from one entity to another. A doorknob contaminated with a Norovirus is an example of a fomite. Anyone touching the doorknob would be exposed to the virus. The scoper of the role must be the exposure agent (e.g., pathogen). |
ActClassAction |
Sender asks addressee to do something depending on the focal Act of the payload. An example is “fulfill this order”. Addressee has responsibilities to either reject the message or to act on it in an appropriate way (specified by the specific receiver responsibilities for the interaction). |
TopicalSolution | |
SecurityControlObservationValue |
Security observation values used to indicate security control metadata. V:SecurityControl is the union of V:SecurityPolicy, V:ObligationPolicy, V:RefrainPolicy, V:PurposeOfUse, and V:GeneralPurpose of Use, V:PrivacyMark, V:SecurityLabelMark, and V:ControlledUnclassifiedInformation used to populate the SecurityControlObservationValue attribute in order to convey one or more nonhierarchical security control metadata dictating handling caveats including, purpose of use, obligation policy, refrain policy, dissemination controls and privacy marks to which a custodian or receiver is required to comply. |
Implantation |
Implantation |
ActFinancialTransactionCode | |
ActMedicalServiceCode |
General category of medical service provided to the patient during their encounter. |
ObservationInterpretationExpectation |
Observation interpretation codes for expected results based on additional information (contraindicators) about the patient’s situation. |
ActPrivacyPolicy |
ActPrivacyPolicyType codes support the designation of the 1..* policies that are applicable to an Act such as a Consent Directive, a Role such as a VIP Patient, or an Entity such as a patient who is a minor. 1..* ActPrivacyPolicyType values may be associated with an Act or Role to indicate the policies that govern the assignment of an Act or Role confidentialityCode. Use of multiple ActPrivacyPolicyType values enables fine grain specification of applicable policies, but must be carefully assigned to ensure cogency and avoid creation of conflicting policy mandates. Statutory title may be named in the ActClassPolicy Act Act.title to specify which privacy policy is being referenced. |
SnodentPosteriorInterarchDeviationTypeInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for dental posterior inter-arch deviations utilized to calculate the Salzmann Malocclusion Severity Index. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
EntityDeterminer |
EntityDeterminer in natural language grammar is the class of words that comprises articles, demonstrative pronouns, and quantifiers. In the RIM, determiner is a structural code in the Entity class to distinguish whether any given Entity object stands for some, any one, or a specific thing. |
ObservationHealthStatusValue |
Code specifying non-clinical indicators related to health status used to assess or establish eligibility for coverage under a policy or program, e.g., pregnancy, disability, drug use, mental health issues. |
ActRelationshipStartsConcurrentWith | |
HL7 ValueSet of Format Codes for use with Document Sharing |
The HL7-FormatCodes value set is defined to be the set of FormatCode(s) defined by implementation guides published by HL7 and other SDOs. The use of a formatCode from the FormatCodes value set specifies the technical format that a document conforms to. The formatCode is a further specialization more detailed than the mime-type. The formatCode provides sufficient information to allow any potential document content consumer to know if it can process and/or display the content of the document based on the document encoding, structure and template conformance indicated by the formatCode. The set of formatCodes is intended to be extensible. The Content Logical Description is defined intentionally to permit formatCodes defined by other Standards Development Organizations to be added by inclusion of additional formatCode Code Systems. |
ActClassPolypeptide |
Description:A polypeptide resulting from the translation of a gene. |
ActMoodRisk |
Definition:An act that may occur in the future and which is regarded as undesirable. The essential feature of a risk is that if it occurs this would be regarded as a marker of a negative outcome or of deterioration towards a negative outcome. Recording a risk indicates that it is seen as more likely to occur in the subject than in a general member of the population but does not mean it is expected to occur. Examples:Increased risk of DVT, at risk for sub-acute bacterial endocarditis. Discussion:Note: An observation in RSK mood expresses the undesirable act, and not the underlying risk factor. A risk factor that is present (e.g. obesity, smoking, etc) should be expressed in event mood. INT (intent) reflects a plan for the future, which is a declaration to do something. This contrasts with RSK (risk), which is the potential that something negative will occur that may or may not ever happen. GOL (goal) reflects a hope to achieve something. EXPEC (expectation) is the prediction of a positive or negative event. This contrasts with RSK (risk), which is the potential that something negative will occur that may or may not ever happen, and may not be expected to happen. |
ActClassDiagnosticImage |
Class for holding attributes unique to diagnostic images. |
MucosalAbsorptionRoute |
Mucosal absorption |
Muskogean | |
ActRelationshipCheckpointEnd |
Condition is tested at the end of a repeated service execution. The service is repeated only if the condition is true (DO service WHILE condition). |
ActClassCondition |
An observable finding or state that persists over time and tends to require intervention or management, and, therefore, distinguished from an Observation made at a point in time; may exist before an Observation of the Condition is made or after interventions to manage the Condition are undertaken. Examples: equipment repair status, device recall status, a health risk, a financial risk, public health risk, pregnancy, health maintenance, chronic illness |
RectalRoute |
Rectal |
x_ActRelationshipRelatedAuthorizations | |
ActClassPolicy |
Description:A mandate, regulation, obligation, requirement, rule, or expectation unilaterally imposed by one party on:
AddressRepresentationUse |
Description:Identifies the different representations of a Address. The representation may affect how the address is used. (E.g. use of Ideographic for formal communications.) |
ActRelationshipStartsAfterOrConcurrentWithStartOf |
Pro-forma value set for each head code in the ActRelationshipType code system; all codes present and future below the head code. |
ParticipationTargetSubject |
The principle target that the service acts on. E.g. the patient in physical examination, a specimen in a lab observation. May also be a patient’s family member (teaching) or a device or room (cleaning, disinfecting, housekeeping). Note: not all direct targets are subjects, consumables, and devices used as tools for a service are not subjects. However, a device may be a subject of a maintenance service. |
ActRelationshipHasQualifier | |
RoleClassCitizen |
Citizen of apolitical entity |
x_ActRelationshipExternalReference |
Used to enumerate the relationships between a CDA entry and an externally referenced act. |
RoleStatusNormal |
The ‘typical’ state. Excludes “nullified” which represents the termination state of a Role instance that was created in error. |
ActRelationshipHasControlVariable |
A relationship from an Act to a Control Variable. For example, if a Device makes an Observation, this relates the Observation to its Control Variables documenting the device’s settings that influenced the observation. |
AdministrativeContactRoleType |
A role type that is used to further qualify an entity playing a role where the role class attribute is set to RoleClassCommissioningParty. |
ContextControlOverridingPropagating |
The association is added to the existing context associated with the Act, but overrides an association with the same typeCode. This overriding association will propagate to any descendant Acts reached by conducting ActRelationships (see contextControlCode). Examples: If an ‘Author’ Participation were marked as “Overriding, Propagating” it means that the author will replace the set of author participations that have propagated from ancestor Acts, and will itself be the only author to propagate to any child Acts that allow context to be propagated. |
TriggerEventID | |
AuthorizationIssueManagementCode | |
StreetAddressLine | |
RoleClassContactCode | |
VaginalGel | |
ActRelationshipConcurrentWith | |
ExtendedReleaseSuspension | |
ProvenanceEventCurrentState-AS |
Specifies the state change of a target Act, using ActStatus codes, from its previous state as a predecessor Act. For example, if the target Act is the result of a predecessor Act being “obsoleted” and replaced with the target Act, the source ProvenanceEventCurrentState Act code would be “obsoleted”. |
LOINCObservationActContextAgeType |
Definition:The set of LOINC codes for the act of determining the period of time that has elapsed since an entity was born or created. |
ObservationDetectedIssueCode |
Proposed therapy may be inappropriate or contraindicated due to conditions or characteristics of the patient |
RoleStatus |
Codes representing the defined possible states of an Role, as defined by the Role class state machine. |
ActRelationshipTemporallyPertainsApproximates |
Pro-forma value set for each head code in the ActRelationshipType code system; all codes present and future below the head code. |
IntracardiacRoute |
Intracardiac |
ParticipationCustodian |
An entity (person, organization or device) that is in charge of maintaining the information of this act (e.g., who maintains the report or the master service catalog item, etc.). |
USEncounterReferralSource | |
ActClassBoundedRoi |
A Region of Interest (ROI) specified for a multidimensional observation, such as an Observation Series (OBSSER). The ROI is specified using a set of observation criteria, each delineating the boundary of the region in one of the dimensions in the multidimensional observation. The relationship between a ROI and its referenced Act is specified through an ActRelationship of type subject (SUBJ), which must always be present. Each of the boundary criteria observations is connected with the ROI using ActRelationships of type “has component” (COMP). In each boundary criterion, the Act.code names the dimension and the Observation.value specifies the range of values inside the region. Typically the bounded dimension is continuous, and so the Observation.value will be an interval (IVL) data type. The Observation.value need not be specified if the respective dimension is only named but not constrained. For example, an ROI for the QT interval of a certain beat in ECG Lead II would contain 2 boundary criteria, one naming the interval in time (constrained), and the other naming the interval in ECG Lead II (only named, but not constrained). |
ParticipationHolder |
Participant who posses an instrument such as a financial contract (insurance policy) usually based on some agreement with the author. |
OilDrugForm |
An unctuous, combustible substance which is liquid, or easily liquefiable, on warming, and is soluble in ether but insoluble in water. Such substances, depending on their origin, are classified as animal, mineral, or vegetable oils. |
PlasticBottleEntityType |
A bottle made of plastic |
SecurityIntegrityProvenanceObservationValue | |
ActRelationshipRecovery |
Definition: The source act is performed to recover from the effects of the target act. |
CitizenRoleType |
A role type used to qualify a person’s legal status within a country or nation. Examples:
x_ActMoodDocumentObservation |
Used to enumerate the moods that an observation can take within the body of a clinical document. |
ERPracticeSetting |
The section of a health care facility for providing rapid treatment to victims of sudden illness or trauma. |
RaceAmericanIndianGrosVentres | |
Yuman | |
ValidationIssue | |
Pomoan | |
RaceAmericanIndianAssiniboineSioux | |
ActIneligibilityReason |
Identifies the reason or rational for why a person is not eligibile for benefits under an insurance policy. Examples are client deceased & adopted client has been given a new policy identifier. |
RaceAmericanIndianCoushatta | |
IdentifierScope |
Description: Codes to specify the scope in which the identifier applies to the object with which it is associated, and used in the datatype property II. |
RaceAsian | |
SuppositoryDrugForm |
A solid body of various weights and shapes, adapted for introduction into the rectal, vaginal, or urethral orifice of the human body; they usually melt, soften, or dissolve at body temperature. |
ActStatusObsolete |
This Act instance has been replaced by a new instance. |
SecurityTrustAccreditationObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about the formal declaration by an authority or neutral third party that validates the technical, security, trust, and business practice conformance of Trust Agents to facilitate security, interoperability, and trust among participants within a security domain or trust framework. |
ParticipationAncillary |
Participations related, but not primary to an act. The Referring, Admitting, and Discharging practitioners must be the same person as those authoring the ControlAct event for their respective trigger events. |
TransdermalPatch | |
ActRelationshipJoinWait |
Wait for this branch to terminate. |
RoleClassGuardian |
Guardian of a ward |
ActRelationshipHasCharge |
A relationship that provides an ability to associate a financial transaction (target) as a charge to a clinical act (source). A clinical act may have a charge associated with the execution or delivery of the service. The financial transaction will define the charge (bill) for delivery or performance of the service. Charges and costs are distinct terms. A charge defines what is charged or billed to another organization or entity within an organization. The cost defines what it costs an organization to perform or deliver a service or product. |
RoleClassQualifiedEntity |
An entity (player) that has been recognized as having certain training/experience or other characteristics that would make said entity an appropriate performer for a certain activity. The scoper is an organization that educates or qualifies entities. |
EntityStatus |
Codes representing the defined possible states of an Entity, as defined by the Entity class state machine. |
IntrapleuralRoute |
Intrapleural |
Ethnicity |
In the United States, federal standards for classifying data on ethnicity determine the categories used by federal agencies and exert a strong influence on categorization by state and local agencies and private sector organizations. The federal standards do not conceptually define ethnicity, and they recognize the absence of an anthropological or scientific basis for ethnicity classification. Instead, the federal standards acknowledge that ethnicity is a social-political construct in which an individual’s own identification with a particular ethnicity is preferred to observer identification. The standards specify two minimum ethnicity categories: Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino. The standards define a Hispanic or Latino as a person of “Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central America, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.” The standards stipulate that ethnicity data need not be limited to the two minimum categories, but any expansion must be collapsible to those categories. In addition, the standards stipulate that an individual can be Hispanic or Latino or can be Not Hispanic or Latino, but cannot be both. |
ParticipationDischarger |
The practitioner who is responsible for the discharge of a patient from a patient encounter. |
GingivalRoute |
Gingival |
RoleLinkType |
A code specifying the meaning and purpose of every RoleLink instance. Each of its values implies specific constraints to what kinds of Role objects can be related and in which way. |
DedicatedClinicalLocationRoleType |
A role of a place that further classifies the clinical setting (e.g., cardiology clinic, primary care clinic, rehabilitation hospital, skilled nursing facility) in which care is delivered during an encounter. |
InteractionDetectedIssueCode | |
ActTaskPatientDocumentationCode |
A person enters documentation about a given patient. |
PedsPracticeSetting | |
ConsenterParticipationFunction |
This code is used to specify the exact function an actor is authorized to have in authoring a consent directive. |
ResponseLevel |
Specifies whether a response is expected from the addressee of this interaction and what level of detail that response should include |
GeneticObservationMethod |
A code that provides additional detail about the means or technique used to ascertain the genetic analysis. Example, PCR, Micro Array |
RoleClassPatient |
Description:A Role of a LivingSubject (player) as a recipient of health care services from a healthcare provider (scoper). |
SecurityIntegrityObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about the integrity of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. |
InvoiceElementAdjudicated |
Total counts and total net amounts adjudicated for all Invoice Groupings that were adjudicated within a time period based on the adjudication date of the Invoice Grouping. |
VaginalCream | |
ActMoodAppointment |
A planned Act for a specific time and place. |
RoleClassStoredEntity |
Relates an entity (player) (e.g. a device) to a location (scoper) at which it is normally found or stored when not used. |
RoleClassHealthcareProvider |
An Entity (player) that is authorized to provide health care services by some authorizing agency (scoper). |
ActSuppliedItemDetectedIssueCode |
Identifies types of detected issues regarding the administration or supply of an item to a patient. |
ActClassFinancialContract |
A contract whose value is measured in monetary terms. |
ActClassObservationSeries |
Container for Correlated Observation Sequences sharing a common frame of reference. All Observations of the same cd must be comparable and relative to the common frame of reference. For example, a 3-channel ECG device records a 12-lead ECG in 4 steps (3 leads at a time). Each of the separate 3-channel recordings would be in their own “OBSCOR”. And, all 4 OBSCOR would be contained in one OBSSER because all the times are relative to the same origin (beginning of the recording) and all the ECG signals were from a fixed set of electrodes. |
IntrapulmonaryRoute |
Intrapulmonary |
ActMoodActRequest | |
InjectionMedicalDevice |
A device intended to administer liquid into a subject via a |
SecurityObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. Security metadata are used in security labels. According to ISO/TS 22600-3:2009(E) A.9.1.7 SECURITY LABEL MATCHING, Security label matching compares the initiator’s clearance to the target’s security label. All of the following must be true for authorization to be granted:
_0275a | |
SupplyAppropriateManagementCode |
Confirmed supply action appropriate |
SecurityCategoryObservationValue |
Security observation values used to indicate security category metadata. V:SecurityCategoryObservationValue is the union of V:PrivacyPolicyType, V:ActPrivacyLaw, V:ActConsentDirective, V:InformationSensitivityPolicy, V:ActInformationSensitivityPolicy, V:RoleInformationSensitivityPolicy, V:EntityInformationSensitivityPolicy, and the V:ActConsentType value used to populate the SecurityCategoryObservationValue attribute in order to convey one or more nonhierarchical categories of sensitivity metadata, which are used to control access to data more finely than with hierarchical security classification alone. Could be bound R1 to a V:ActUSPrivacyPolicy in a future US Realm. |
x_AccommodationRequestorRole | |
ParticipationUgentNotificationContact |
An information recipient to notify for urgent matters about this Act. (e.g., in a laboratory order, critical results are being called by phone right away, this is the contact to call; or for an inpatient encounter, a next of kin to notify when the patient becomes critically ill). |
Algonquian | |
ContactRoleType |
Types of contact for Role code “CON” |
Coosan | |
ActBillableModifierCode |
Definition:An identifying modifier code for healthcare interventions or procedures. |
ActRelationshipAccounting |
Codes that describe the relationship between an Act and a financial instrument such as a financial transaction, account or invoice element. |
Information the US Government creates or possesses, or that an entity creates or possesses for or on behalf of the Government, that a law, regulation, or Government-wide policy requires or permits an agency to handle using safeguarding or dissemination controls. Purpose: Supports the selection of the entire ControlledUnclassifiedInformation value set for e.g., rules engine policy set purposes. |
ActClassCoverage |
When used in the EVN mood, this concept means with respect to a covered party:
ActTaskMicrobiologyResultsReviewCode |
A person reviews a list of microbiology results of a given patient. |
ActObservationVerificationType |
Identifies the type of verification investigation being undertaken with respect to the subject of the verification activity. Examples:
x_ActReplaceOrRevise | |
PrescriptionDispenseFilterCode |
A “helper” vocabulary used to construct complex query filters based on how and whether a prescription has been dispensed. |
GeneralPurposeOfUse |
Supports communication of purpose of use at a general level. |
PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | |
ContextControlPropagating |
The association propagates to any child Acts that are related via a conducting ActRelationship (refer to contextConductionInd). |
OrderableDrugForm | |
ActTherapyDurationWorkingListCode |
Codes used to identify different types of ‘duration-based’ working lists. Examples include “Continuous/Chronic”, “Short-Term” and “As-Needed”. |
KnowledgeSubjectObservationValue |
Observation values used to indicate a knowledge subject of interest for which knowledge content is requested (e.g., a medication, a laboratory test, a medical condition). |
ActMoodOption |
An option is an alternative set of property-value bindings. Options specify alternative sets of values, typically used in definitions or orders to describe alternatives. An option can only be used as a group, that is, all assigned values must be used together. Historical note: in HL7 v2.x option existed in the special case for alternative medication routes (RXR segment). |
ActEmergencyEncounterCode |
Definition:A patient encounter that takes place at a dedicated healthcare service delivery location where the patient receives immediate evaluation and treatment, provided until the patient can be discharged or responsibility for the patient’s care is transferred elsewhere (for example, the patient could be admitted as an inpatient or transferred to another facility.) |
RoleClassAssignedEntity |
An agent role in which the agent is an Entity acting in the employ of an organization. The focus is on functional role on behalf of the organization, unlike the Employee role where the focus is on the ‘Human Resources’ relationship between the employee and the organization. |
x_ActClassDocumentEntryAct |
The set of Act class codes allowed for the ACT class clone in the CDA Clinical Statement model. The scope of this value set are those Act class codes not otherwise covered by specific classes in the CDA Clinical Statement model and required to enable representation of Clinical Statement in CDA. |
NaturalSibling |
The player of the role has both biological parents in common with the scoping entity. |
ActAdministrativeDetectedIssueCode |
Identifies types of detectyed issues for Act class “ALRT” for the administrative and patient administrative acts domains. |
RoleClassCoverageSponsor |
A role played by an entity, usually an organization that is the sponsor of an insurance plan or a health program. A sponsor is the party that is ultimately accountable for the coverage by employment contract or by law. A sponsor can be an employer, union, government agency, or association. Fully insured sponsors establish the terms of the plan and contract with health insurance plans to assume the risk and to administer the plan. Self-insured sponsors delegate coverage administration, but not risk, to third-party administrators. Program sponsors designate services to be covered in accordance with statute. Program sponsors may administer the coverage themselves, delegate coverage administration, but not risk to third-party administrators, or contract with health insurance plans to assume the risk and administrator a program. Sponsors qualify individuals who may become
Allergy Status |
The clinical status of an allergy disposition (Clinical Focus) Used in Program: C-CDA, C-CDA R2.1 2017-06-09 using this value set |
ManagedParticipationStatusNullified |
The state representing the termination of a Participation instance that was created in error. |
ActRelationshipRefersTo |
A relationship in which the target act is referred to by the source act. This permits a simple reference relationship that distinguishes between the referent and the referee. |
QueryStatusCode |
A code specifying the state of the Query. |
ActBillingArrangementCode |
The type of provision(s) made for reimbursing for the deliver of healthcare services and/or goods provided by a Provider, over a specified period. |
x_DocumentActMood |
Used to enumerate the moods that an act can take within the body of a clinical document. |
GasDrugForm |
Any elastic aeriform fluid in which the molecules are separated from one another and have free paths. |
ActRelationshipAdjunctCurativeIndication | |
Takelman | |
Swish |
Swish |
ActInformationSensitivityPolicy |
ActSensitivity codes are used to bind information to an Act.confidentialityCode according to local sensitivity policy so that those confidentiality codes can then govern its handling across enterprises. Internally to a policy domain, however, local policies guide the access control system on how end users in that policy domain are able to use information tagged with these sensitivity values. |
ActClassControlAct |
An act representing a system action such as the change of state of another act or the initiation of a query. All control acts represent trigger events in the HL7 context. ControlActs may occur in different moods. |
HL7AccommodationCode |
Description:Accommodation type. In Intent mood, represents the accommodation type requested. In Event mood, represents accommodation assigned/used. In Definition mood, represents the available accommodation type. |
RoleClassAdministerableMaterial |
A material (player) that can be administered to an Entity (scoper). |
ActClassFinancialAdjudication |
A transformation process where a requested invoice is transformed into an agreed invoice. Represents the adjudication processing of an invoice (claim). Adjudication results can be adjudicated as submitted, with adjustments or refused. Adjudication results comprise 2 components: the adjudication processing results and a restated (or adjudicated) invoice or claim |
ParticipationOrigin |
The location of origin for services. May be a static building (or room therein) or a movable facility (e.g., ship). |
ActMoodRecommendation |
A non-mandated intent to perform an act where a level of professional responsibility is being accepted by making the proposal. |
RoleClassProgramEligible |
Description: A role played by a party that meets the eligibility criteria for coverage under a program. A program eligible may be either a person, non-person living subject, or an organization, or a group of persons, non-person living subjects, or organizations. Discussion: A program as typically government administered coverage for parties determined eligible under the terms of the program. Note: The party playing a program eligible is not a claimant in the sense conveyed by the RoleClassCoveredParty CLAIM (claimant). However a program eligible may make a claim under program, e.g., an unemployed worker may claim benefits under an unemployment insurance program, but parties playing these covered party role classes are not, for purposes of this vocabulary and in an effort to clearly distinguish role classes, considered claimants. In the case of a program eligible, a role type code INJWKR (injured worker) subtypes the class to indicate that the covered party in a workers compensation program is an injured worker, and as such, has filed a “claim” under the program for benefits. Likewise, a covered role type code UNEMP (unemployed worker) subtypes the program eligible class to indicate that the covered party in an unemployment insurance program has filed a claim for unemployment benefits. Example: A party meeting eligibility criteria related to health or financial status, e.g., in the U.S., persons meeting health, demographic, or financial criteria established by state and federal law are eligible for Medicaid. |
PerianalRoute |
Perianal |
ActRelationshipCheckpointThrough |
Condition must be true throughout the execution and the service is interrupted (asynchronously) as soon as the condition turns false (asynchronous WHILE loop). The service must be interruptible. |
LivingSubjectProductionClass |
Code indicating the primary use for which a living subject is bred or grown |
IndustryClassificationSystem | |
DiagnosisICD9CM | |
ActRelationshipHasExplanation |
This is the inversion of support. Used to indicate that a given observation is explained by another observation or condition. |
RelatedReactionDetectedIssueCode |
Proposed therapy may be inappropriate or contraindicated because of a potential patient reaction to a cross-sensitivity related product. |
ActPatientTransportationModeCode |
Definition: Characterizes how a patient was or will be transported to the site of a patient encounter. Examples: Via ambulance, via public transit, on foot. |
_0272 |
Testing to measure the minimum concentration of the antibacterial agent in a given culture medium below which bacterial growth is not inhibited. |
RoleClassContinuity | |
RaceAlaskanNativeAleutAlutiiq | |
SecurityIntegrityProvenanceReportedByObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about the integrity provenance of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which indicates the entity that reported the existence of the resource. The reporting entity may not be the original author of the resource. |
RoleClassGuarantor |
A person or organization (player) that serves as a financial guarantor for another person or organization (scoper). |
RaceAmericanIndianPugetSoundSalish | |
ParticipationVerifier |
A person who verifies the correctness and appropriateness of the service (plan, order, event, etc.) and hence takes on accountability. |
ActInvoiceRootGroupCode |
Type of invoice element that is used to assist in describing an Invoice that is either submitted for adjudication or for which is returned on adjudication results. Invoice elements of this type signify a grouping of one or more children (detail) invoice elements. They do not have intrinsic costing associated with them, but merely reflect the sum of all costing for it’s immediate children invoice elements. Codes from this domain reflect the type of Invoice such as Pharmacy Dispense, Clinical Service and Clinical Product. The domain is only specified for the root (top level) invoice element group for an Invoice. |
x_EncounterAdmissionUrgency |
The urgency for starting a patient encounter. Example:Routine, urgent, emergency, and elective. |
SnodentDentalPeriodontalProbingPositionInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for the relative positions around the tooth that are probed and measured in assessing a patient’s periodontal health. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
RoleLinkReplaces |
This relationship indicates that the source Role replaces (or subsumes) the target Role. Allows for new identifiers and/or new effective time for a registry entry or a certification, etc. |
ActInvoiceGroupCode |
Type of invoice element that is used to assist in describing an Invoice that is either submitted for adjudication or for which is returned on adjudication results. Invoice elements of this type signify a grouping of one or more children (detail) invoice elements. They do not have intrinsic costing associated with them, but merely reflect the sum of all costing for it’s immediate children invoice elements. |
ParticipationDataEntryPerson |
A person entering the data into the originating system. The data entry person is collected optionally for internal quality control purposes. This includes the transcriptionist for dictated text. |
SirenikskiYupik | |
ActRelationshipPertains |
This is a very unspecific relationship from one item of clinical information to another. It does not judge about the role the pertinent information plays. |
Cree | |
ConfidentialityModifiers |
Modifiers of role based access rights (multiple allowed) Usage Note: All codes that are referenced by this value set were retired as of the November 2013 Harmonization cycle. Guidance for what to use instead of the v:ConfidentialityModifers leaf concepts: celebrity, sensitive, and taboo: These codes have been revised and are now included under v:ActCode at:
ActClassSubjectPhysicalPosition |
The spatial relationship of a subject whether human, other animal, or plant, to a frame of reference such as gravity or a collection device. |
ActRelationshipCurativeIndication | |
Numic | |
EntityClassPlace |
A physicial place or site with its containing structure. May be natural or man-made. The geographic position of a place may or may not be constant. |
ActInvoiceDetailDrugProductCode |
An identifying data string for A substance used as a medication or in the preparation of medication. |
EntityNamePartType | |
ActCredentialedCareCode |
Description:The type and scope of legal and/or professional responsibility taken-on by the performer of the Act for a specific subject of care as described by a credentialing agency, i.e. government or non-government agency. Failure in executing this Act may result in loss of credential to the person or organization who participates as performer of the Act. Excludes employment agreements. Example:Hospital license; physician license; clinic accreditation. |
ActRelationshipSplit |
A code specifying how branches in an action plan are selected among other branches. Discussion: This attribute is part of the workflow control suite of attributes. An action plan is a composite Act with component Acts. In a sequential plan, each component has a sequenceNumber that specifies the ordering of the plan steps. Branches exist when multiple components have the same sequenceNumber. The splitCode specifies whether a branch is executed exclusively (case-switch) or inclusively, i.e., in parallel with other branches. In addition to exlusive and inclusive split the splitCode specifies how the pre-condition (also known as “guard conditions” on the branch) are evaluated. A guard condition may be evaluated once when the branching step is entered and if the conditions do not hold at that time, the branch is abandoned. Conversely execution of a branch may wait until the guard condition turns true. In exclusive wait branches, the first branch whose guard conditions turn true will be executed and all other branches abandoned. In inclusive wait branches some branches may already be executed while other branches still wait for their guard conditions to turn true. |
ActClassFinancialTransaction |
A sub-class of Act representing any transaction between two accounts whose value is measured in monetary terms. In the “intent” mood, communicates a request for a transaction to be initiated, or communicates a transfer of value between two accounts. In the “event” mood, communicates the posting of a transaction to an account. |
LotionDrugForm |
The term “lotion” has been used to categorize many topical suspensions, solutions and emulsions intended for application to the skin. |
ActInvoiceDetailCode |
Codes representing a service or product that is being invoiced (billed). The code can represent such concepts as “office visit”, “drug X”, “wheelchair” and other billable items such as taxes, service charges and discounts. |
ParticipationFunction |
This code is used to specify the exact function an actor had in a service in all necessary detail. This domain may include local extensions (CWE). |
MultipartMediaType |
Multipart Media Type |
ActClassMonitoringProgram |
An officially or unofficially instituted program to track acts of a particular type or categorization. |
RoleClassHasGeneric |
A special link between pharmaceuticals indicating that the target (scoper) is a generic for the source (player). |
ParticipationParticipation |
Indicates that the target of the participation is involved in some manner in the act, but does not qualify how. This should not be used except when no more specific participation type is known or when the participation type is further clarified elsewhere. It should not be used lightly, and should never be used as a “placeholder” when a more appropriate specific type does not yet exist. |
Diegueno | |
RoleClassBirthplace |
Relates a place (playing Entity) as the location where a living subject (scoping Entity) was born. |
Description:United Nations Standard Products and Services Classification, managed by Uniform Code Council (UCC): www.unspsc.org |
MedicationOrderReleaseReasonCode |
Definition:A collection of concepts that indicate why the prescription should be released from suspended state. |
RoleLinkStatusNullified | |
ParticipationRemote |
Some services take place at multiple concurrent locations (e.g., telemedicine, telephone consultation). The location where the principal performing actor is located is taken as the primary location (LOC) while the other location(s) are considered “remote.” |
PlaceEntityType |
Types of places for EntityClass “PLC” |
LoincDocumentOntologyInternational |
The LOINC Document Ontology constrained for usage in the Universal Realm by removal of “regional” Document Types such as the “VA Compensation and Pension” codes. |
ActRelationshipEndsBeforeStartOf | |
ObservationActContextAgeType |
Definition:The ways the age of an entity involved in an act can be measured, calculated or otherwise expressed in order to provide context for another act. |
ActClassOrganizationalPolicy |
Description:A mandate, obligation, requirement, rule, or expectation unilaterally imposed by an organization on:
IntrapericardialRoute |
Intrapericardial |
Injection |
Injection |
x_ParticipationPrfEntVrf |
A person that performed, contributed in recording or validating the act. |
ActRelationshipConditional |
Specifies under what circumstances (target Act) the source-Act may, must, must not or has occurred |
SnodentDentitionStateInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for the stages of dentition an individual progresses through during a lifetime. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
PulmonaryRoute |
Pulmonary |
Nebulization |
Nebulization |
Kalapuyan | |
ObservationType |
Identifies the kinds of observations that can be performed |
RoleClassServiceDeliveryLocation |
A role played by a place at which services may be provided. |
ParticipationWitness |
Only with service events. A person witnessing the action happening without doing anything. A witness is not necessarily aware, much less approves of anything stated in the service event. Example for a witness is students watching an operation or an advanced directive witness. |
x_ActStatusActiveSuspended | |
ActBoundedROICode |
Type of bounded ROI. |
EndocrinologyClinic | |
GTSAbbreviationHolidaysChristianRoman |
Christian Holidays (Roman/Gregorian “Western” Tradition.) |
EntityNamePartQualifier | |
IntraarticularRoute |
Intraarticular |
RoleClassAccess |
A role in which the playing entity (material) provides access to another entity. The principal use case is intravenous (or other bodily) access lines that preexist and need to be referred to for medication routing instructions. |
GastricRoute |
Gastric |
RaceAmericanIndianSeminole | |
TableRuleStyle |
(abstract) Defines table cell rendering characteristics |
ResourceGroupEntityType |
Codes to characterize a Resource Group using categories that typify its membership and/or function . Example: PractitionerGroup |
Pidgin | |
RoleClassActiveIngredientReferenceBasis | |
NameLegalUse | |
CalendarCycleOneLetter |
One letter calendar cycle abbreviations (Temporary - remove when RoseTree is fixed) |
RoleClassStabilizer |
A stabilizer (player) added to a mixture (scoper) in order to prevent the molecular disintegration of the main substance. |
RaceBlackOrAfricanAmerican | |
Tanana | |
Arapahoan | |
IntravitrealRoute |
Intravitreal |
OphthalmicRoute |
Ophthalmic |
ActRelationshipEndsAfterOrConcurrentWithStartOf |
Pro-forma value set for each head code in the ActRelationshipType code system; all codes present and future below the head code. |
RoleClassUsedEntity |
Description:An entity (player) that is used by another entity (scoper) |
ActCoverageQuantityLimitCode |
Maximum amount paid or maximum number of services/products covered; or maximum amount or number covered during a specified time period under the policy or program. |
SecurityTrustCertificateObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about a set of security-relevant data issued by a security authority or trusted third party, together with security information which is used to provide the integrity and data origin authentication services for an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability). [Based on ISO IEC 10181-1] |
ActRelationshipSchedulesRequest |
Associates a specific time (and associated resources) with a scheduling request or other intent. |
SecurityTrustObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about aspects of trust applicable to an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability). Trust applicable to IT resources is established and maintained in and among security domains, and may be comprised of observations about the domain’s trust authority, trust framework, trust policy, trust interaction rules, means for assessing and monitoring adherence to trust policies, mechanisms that enforce trust, and quality and reliability measures of assurance in those mechanisms. [Based on ISO IEC 10181-1 and NIST SP 800-63-2] Usage Note: SecurityTrustObservationType may be used as a trust attribute in a computable trust policy, trust credential, trust assertion, or trust label field in a security label and populated with trust observation values. The valued trust attributes may be used for used for authentication, authorization, and access control decisions. These may also be used to negotiate trust relationships, adjudicate or bridge trust policies, and to specify requirements for participation in a Trust Domain or for asserting compliance with a Trust Framework. |
SnodentDentalFrenumRegionInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for the regions of the human frenum within the mouth. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
ActHomeHealthEncounterCode |
Definition:Healthcare encounter that takes place in the residence of the patient or a designee |
ActClassBioSequence |
Description:A sequence of biomolecule like the DNA, RNA, protein and the like. |
ActRelationshipActProvenance |
Used to convey the relationship between two or more Acts for purpose of tracking provenance relationships such as the following:
EntityClassManufacturedMaterial |
Corresponds to the ManufacturedMaterial class |
ParticipationSecondaryPerformer |
A person assisting in an act through his substantial presence and involvement This includes: assistants, technicians, associates, or whatever the job titles may be. |
PacificCoastAthapaskan | |
NationEntityType |
Codes identifying nation states. Allows for finer grained specification of Entity with classcode <= NAT Example:ISO3166 country codes. |
ParticipationInformationRecipient |
A party, who may or should receive or who has recieved the Act or subsequent or derivative information of that Act. Information recipient is inert, i.e., independent of mood.” Rationale: this is a generalization of a too diverse family that the definition can’t be any more specific, and the concept is abstract so one of the specializations should be used. |
EmergencyMedicalServiceProviderHIPAA |
Broad category for individuals who complete additional training and education in the area of pre-hospital emergency services and are licensed and/or practice within the scope of that training. |
PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason |
Definition:Identifies why the dispense event was not completed |
URLScheme |
A Universal Resource Locator (URL) is a type of telecommunications address specified as Internet standard RFC 1738 [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt]. The URL specifies the protocol and the contact point defined by that protocol for the resource. |
ActConsentDirectiveType |
ActConsentDirective and ActConsentType codes are used to specify the type of Consent Directive or Consent Type to which, for example, a Consent Act conforms, to which a Security Observation (Security Label) refers to, or to which a Privacy or Security Act refers. > Steward: Security WG |
SecurityLabelMark |
Codes used for displayed Security Label tags. Supports selection of SecurityLabelMark value set with head code for e.g., rules engine policy set purposes. |
ActClassTransportation |
Transportation is the moving of a payload (people or material) from a location of origin to a destination location. Thus, any transport service has the three target instances of type payload, origin, and destination, besides the targets that are generally used for any service (i.e., performer, device, etc.) |
EntityInformationSensitivityPolicy |
EntitySensitivity codes are used to convey a policy that is applicable to sensitive information conveyed by an entity attribute. May be used to bind a Role.confidentialityCode associated with an Entity per organizational policy. Role.confidentialityCode is defined in the RIM as “an indication of the appropriate disclosure of information about this Role with respect to the playing Entity.” |
ArapahoGrosVentre | |
BarSoapDrugForm | |
ActRelationshipDocuments |
The source act documents the target act. |
ActRelationshipICSRInvestigation |
Description: The ways that product safety Investigations, about which information is captured in an Individual Case Safety Report, are related to each other. One investigation may be performed at a patient care institution, and the second by a manufacturer, a third by a regulatory agency. They may all investigate the same case and are thus related. Other kinds of relationships are replacement (if the mode of the Investigation is changed). |
RaceAmericanIndianUmpqua | |
CodeIsNotValid | |
SurgClinPracticeSetting | |
ObservationMeasureCountableItems |
A collection of items that can be counted by a quality measure (e.g., patients, encounters, procedures, etc.) for Observation.value used in the HQMF R2 MeasureAttribute class. |
ActRelationshipDocumentHQMF |
The reasons that may be used when relating a Quality Measure Document to other document types. |
ObservationInterpretationProtocolInclusion |
The observation/test result is interpreted as being outside the inclusion range for a particular protocol within which the result is being reported. Example: A positive result on a Hepatitis screening test. Open Issue: We are not deprecating this value set at this time, but instead are leaving open the consideration of deprecation in the future. [Note: The concepts included in this value set have also been suggested for future deprecation, and there are no associated concept subdomains or bindings.] |
ActClassExtract |
This context represents the part of a patient record conveyed in a single communication. It is drawn from a providing system for the purposes of communication to a requesting process (which might be another repository, a client application or a middleware service such as an electronic guideline engine), and supporting the faithful inclusion of the communicated data in the receiving system. An extract may be the entirety of the patient record as held by the sender or it may be a part of that record (e.g. changes since a specified date). An extract contains folders or compositions. An extract cannot contain another extract. |
ParanasalSinusesRoute |
Paranasal sinuses |
ActSubstanceAdministrationImmunizationCode |
The introduction of an immunogen with the intent of stimulating an immune response, aimed at preventing subsequent infections by more viable agents. |
ActClassContainerRegistration |
An Act where a container is registered either via an automated sensor, such as a barcode reader, or by manual receipt |
ObservationFoodIntoleranceType |
Hypersensitivity resulting in an adverse reaction upon exposure to food. |
ActMoodEventCriterion |
A criterion or condition over service events that must apply for an associated service to be considered. |
RaceAmericanIndianWampanoag | |
ParticipationReceiver |
The person (or organization) who receives the product of an Act. |
ActStatusAbortedCancelledCompleted |
Description: The status of an assessment for indications of an abnormal condition. |
ContextControlOverridingNon-propagating |
The association is added to the existing context associated with the Act, but overrides an association with the same typeCode. However, this overriding association will not propagate to any descendant Acts reached by conducting ActRelationships (see contextControlCode). Examples: If an ‘Author’ Participation were marked as “Overriding, Non-Propagating” it means that the author will replace the set of author participations that have propagated from ancestor Acts. Furthermore, no author participations whatsoever will propagate to any child Acts that allow context to be propagated. |
RoleClassInvoicePayor |
The role of an organization that undertakes to accept claims invoices, assess the coverage or payments due for those invoices and pay to the designated payees for those invoices. This role may be either the underwriter or a third-party organization authorized by the underwriter. The scoping entity is the organization that underwrites the claimed coverage. |
RoleClassClinicalResearchSponsor |
A role played by an entity, usually an organization, that is the sponsor of a clinical research trial or study. The sponsor commissions the study, bears the expenses, is responsible for satisfying all legal requirements concerning subject safety and privacy, and is generally responsible for collection, storage and analysis of the data generated during the trial. No scoper is necessary, as a clinical research sponsor undertakes the role on its own authority and declaration. Clinical research sponsors are usually educational or other research organizations, government agencies or biopharmaceutical companies. |
RoleLinkIdentification |
Definition: The source role provides identification for the target role. The source role must be IDENT. The player entity of the source role is constrained to be the same as the player of the target role if present. If the player is absent from the source role, then it is assumed to be the same as the player of the target role. |
ActRelationshipItemsLocated |
Items located |
RoleStatusTerminated |
The state representing the successful termination of the Role. |
EntityClassPlant |
A living subject from the order of plants. |
CaseTransmissionMode |
Code for the mechanism by which disease was acquired by the living subject involved in the public health case. Includes sexually transmitted, airborne, bloodborne, vectorborne, foodborne, zoonotic, nosocomial, mechanical, dermal, congenital, environmental exposure, indeterminate. |
ActInvoiceAdjudicationPaymentCode |
Codes representing a grouping of invoice elements (totals, sub-totals), reported through a Payment Advice or a Statement of Financial Activity (SOFA). The code can represent summaries by day, location, payee and other cost elements such as bonus, retroactive adjustment and transaction fees. |
RoleClassOwnedEntity |
An Entity (player) for which someone (scoper) is granted by law the right to call the material (player) his own. This entitles the scoper to make decisions about the disposition of that material. |
IntracoronaryInjection |
Injection, intracoronary |
ActRelationshipEndsConcurrentWithStart |
The source Act ends when the target act starts (i.e. if we say “ActOne ECWS ActTwo”, it means that ActOne ends when ActTwo starts, therefore ActOne is the source and ActTwo is the target). |
ActRelationshipStartsBeforeEnd |
The source Act starts after the end of the target Act (i.e. if we say “ActOne SBE ActTwo”, it means that ActOne starts before the end of ActTwo, therefore ActOne is the source and ActTwo is the target). |
ActAdjudicationCode |
Includes coded responses that will occur as a result of the adjudication of an electronic invoice at a summary level and provides guidance on interpretation of the referenced adjudication results. |
ActInformationTransferCode |
Description: Conveyance of the type of information transfer protocol. |
AlgorithmicDecisionObservationMethod |
Reaching a decision through the application of an algorithm designed to weigh the different factors involved. |
OrthoClinPracticeSetting | |
TableCellScope |
These values are defined within the XHTML 4.0 Table Model |
ActClassInvestigation |
An formalized inquiry into the circumstances surrounding a particular unplanned event or potential event for the purposes of identifying possible causes and contributing factors for the event. This investigation could be conducted at a local institutional level or at the level of a local or national government. |
RaceAmericanIndianMicmac | |
ObservationDiagnosisTypes |
An observation about the presence (or absence) of a particular disease state in a subject. |
ActInformationAccess |
Definition: Consent to access healthcare information. |
ActRelationshipOccurrence |
The source act is a single occurrence of a repeatable target act. The source and target act can be in any mood on the “completion track” but the source act must be as far as or further along the track than the target act (i.e., the occurrence of an intent can be an event but not vice versa). |
ActClassPublicHealthCase |
A public health case is an Observation representing a condition or event that has a specific significance for public health. Typically it involves an instance or instances of a reportable infectious disease or other condition. The public health case can include a health-related event concerning a single individual or it may refer to multiple health-related events that are occurrences of the same disease or condition of interest to public health. An outbreak involving multiple individuals may be considered as a type of public health case. A public health case definition (Act.moodCode = “definition”) includes the description of the clinical, laboratory, and epidemiologic indicators associated with a disease or condition of interest to public health. There are case definitions for conditions that are reportable, as well as for those that are not. There are also case definitions for outbreaks. A public health case definition is a construct used by public health for the purpose of counting cases, and should not be used as clinical indications for treatment. Examples include AIDS, toxic-shock syndrome, and salmonellosis and their associated indicators that are used to define a case. |
ActClassPosition |
An observation denoting the physical location of a person or thing based on a reference coordinate system. |
ActInvoiceDetailTaxCode |
The billable item codes to identify modifications to a billable item charge by a tax factor applied to the amount. As for example 7% provincial sales tax. |
ContextControlNonPropagating |
The association applies only to the current Act and will not propagate to any child Acts that are related via a conducting ActRelationship (refer to contextConductionInd). |
ActRelationshipSummarizedBy |
An act that contains summary values for a list or set of subordinate acts. For example, a summary of transactions for a particular accounting period. |
SwabDrugForm |
A wad of absorbent material usually wound around one end of a small stick and used for applying medication or for removing material from an area. |
RoleClassMaintainedEntity |
An entity (player) that is maintained by another entity (scoper). This is typical role held by durable equipment. The scoper assumes responsibility for proper operation, quality, and safety. |
ActRelationshipTransformation |
Used when the target Act is a transformation of the source Act. (For instance, used to show that a CDA document is a transformation of a DICOM SR document.) |
DeviceAlertLevel |
Domain values for the Device.Alert_levelCode |
RaceAmericanIndianLuiseno | |
EntityClassLivingSubject |
Anything that essentially has the property of life, independent of current state (a dead human corpse is still essentially a living subject.) |
RaceAmericanIndianChoctaw | |
Dissolve |
Dissolve |
RaceAlaskanNativeAleutBristolBay | |
ActPharmacySupplyType |
Identifies types of dispensing events |
RaceAmericanIndianHoopa | |
x_ActFinancialProductAcquisitionCode |
The method that a product is obtained for use by the subject of the supply act (e.g. patient), with financial compensation. Product examples are consumable or durable goods. |
Transdermal |
Transdermal |
DropsDrugForm | |
EntityClassImagingModality |
Class to contain unique attributes of diagnostic imaging equipment. |
EntityNameUse | |
OropharyngealRoute |
Oropharyngeal |
RoleClassPolicyHolder |
A role played by a person or organization that holds an insurance policy. The underwriter of that policy is the scoping entity. Discussion:The identifier of the policy is captured in ‘Role.id’ when the Role is a policy holder. A particular policy may cover several individuals one of whom may be, but need not be, the policy holder. Thus the notion of covered party is a role that is distinct from that of the policy holder. |
GenderStatus |
A value representing whether the primary reproductive organs of NonPersonLivingSubject are present. |
IntraocularRoute |
Intraocular |
ActRelationshipType |
A code specifying the meaning and purpose of every ActRelationship instance. Each of its values implies specific constraints to what kinds of Act objects can be related and in which way. Discussion: The types of act relationships fall under one of 5 categories: 1.) (De)-composition, with composite (source) and component (target) 2.) Sequel which includes follow-up, fulfillment, instantiation, replacement, transformation, etc. that all have in common that source and target are Acts of essentially the same kind but with variances in mood and other attributes, and where the target exists before the source and the source refers to the target that it links back to. 3.) Pre-condition, trigger, reason, contraindication, with the conditioned Act at the source and the condition or reason at the target. 4.) Post-condition, outcome, goal and risk, with the Act at the source having the outcome or goal at the target. 5.) A host of functional relationships including support, cause, derivation, etc. generalized under the notion of “pertinence”. |
IntratesticularRoute |
Intratesticular |
CommunicationFunctionType |
Describes the type of communication function that the associated entity plays in the associated transmission. |
EntityClassCountyOrParish |
The territory of a county, parish or other division of a state or province. |
ActRelationshipJoinDetached |
Detach this branch from the other branches so it will not be resynchronized with the other branches. |
PlateauPenutian | |
ActRelationshipJoinKill |
When all other concurrent branches are terminated, interrupt and discontinue this branch. |
x_ActRelationshipPatientTransport |
Relates a patient encounter act (source) to the transportation act (target) representing the patient”s arrival at or departure from the site of a patient encounter. |
IntraluminalRoute |
Intraluminal |
CVDiagTherPracticeSetting |
A practice setting where cardiovascular diagnostic procedures or therapeutic interventions are performed (e.g., cardiac catheterization lab, echocardiography suite) |
DedicatedNonClinicalLocationRoleType |
A role of a place that further classifies a setting that is intended to house the provision of non-clinical services. |
x_ActStatusActiveComplete | |
Other |
The actual value is not an element in the value domain of a variable. (e.g., concept not provided by required code system). |
ActRelationshipOverlapsWith | |
RaceSoutheastAlaskanIndian | |
Algic | |
RaceAmericanIndianChickahominy | |
IntracardiacInjection |
Injection, intracardiac |
LabSpecimenCollectionProviders | |
UnorderedListStyle |
Defines rendering characteristics for unordered lists |
ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType |
A role of a place that further classifies the setting (e.g., accident site, road side, work site, community location) in which services are delivered. |
Rinse |
Rinse |
IncidentalServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType | |
ActStatusActiveAborted |
** none supplied ** |
ActStatusSuspended |
An Act that has been activated (actions could or have been performed against it), but has been temporarily disabled. No further action should be taken against it until it is released |
ObservationIssueTriggerCodedObservationType |
Distinguishes the kinds of coded observations that could be the trigger for clinical issue detection. These are observations that are not measurable, but instead can be defined with codes. Coded observation types include: Allergy, Intolerance, Medical Condition, Pregnancy status, etc. |
LabResultReportingProcessStepCode | |
ComplianceDetectedIssueCode |
There may be an issue with the patient complying with the intentions of the proposed therapy |
ActRelationshipEndsNearEnd |
Pro-forma value set for each head code in the ActRelationshipType code system; all codes present and future below the head code. |
LabResultTriggerEvents |
Description:Trigger Event ID as published in the standard. |
RaceWhiteEuropean | |
ActMoodPotential | |
AuthorizedParticipationFunction |
This code is used to specify the exact function an actor is authorized to have in a service in all necessary detail. |
ActClassTopic |
A group of entries within a composition that are related to a common clinical theme - such as a specific disorder or problem, prevention, screening and provision of contraceptive services. A topic may contain categories and entries. |
EmployeeJobClass |
A code qualifying the employment in various ways, such as, full-time vs. part time, etc. |
ActRelationshipMatchesTrigger |
A trigger-match links an actual service (e.g., an observation or procedure that took place) with a service in criterion mood. For example if the trigger is “observation of pain” and pain is actually observed, and if that pain-observation caused the trigger to fire, that pain-observation can be linked with the trigger. |
RespiratoryTractRoute |
Respiratory tract |
RaceAlaskanNativeSiberianEskimo | |
IntrathecalRoute |
Intrathecal |
ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason |
Definition: Use to convey the reason that a provider may or has accessed personal healthcare information. Typically, this involves overriding the subject’s consent directives. |
ControlActReason |
Identifies why a specific query, request, or other trigger event occurred. |
ParticipationAuthenticator |
A verifier who attests to the accuracy of an act, but who does not have privileges to legally authenticate the act. An example would be a resident physician who sees a patient and dictates a note, then later signs it. Their signature constitutes an authentication. |
RacePacificIslandPolynesian | |
ActRelationshipStartsWithEndsBeforeEndOf | |
RaceAlaskanNativeAleut | |
ActMedicationTherapyDurationWorkingListCode | |
EntityClassAnimal |
A living subject from the animal kingdom. |
ActStatus |
Contains the names (codes) for each of the states in the state-machine of the RIM Act class. |
ManagedParticipationStatusActive |
The state representing the fact that the Participation is in progress. |
FontStyle |
(abstract) Defines font rendering characteristics |
UpperChinook | |
ActRelationshipHasTrigger |
A pre-condition that if true should result in the source Act being executed. The target is in typically in criterion mood. When reported after the fact (i.e. the criterion has been met) it may be in Event mood. A delay between the trigger and the triggered action can be specified. Discussion: This includes the concept of a required act for a service or financial instrument such as an insurance plan or policy. In such cases, the trigger is the occurrence of a specific condition such as coverage limits being exceeded. |
VideoMediaType |
Video media type. |
RacePacificIslandMicronesian | |
QueryRequestLimit |
Definition: The number of matching instances (number of focal classes). The document header class is the focal class of a document, a record would therefore be equal to a document. |
EntityClassPublicInstitution |
An agency of the people of a state often assuming some authority over a certain matter. Includes government, governmental agencies, associations. |
AutomobileInsurancePolicy |
Definition: An insurance policy for losses sustained in an automobile accident that typically covers losses incurred by the named insured and parties who may be claimants for losses, such as pedestrians and passengers. |
SubcutaneousRoute |
Subcutaneous |
IntratumorRoute |
Intratumor |
RaceAmericanIndianMiami | |
ActInvoiceElementModifier |
Processing consideration and clarification codes. |
ActObservationList | |
ActMoodResourceSlot |
Periods of time on a schedule for a resource. Appointments occupy sets of one or more booked slots. A slot that is open for appointments is considered available and a slot that is held back for administrative purposes is considered blocked. A Resource slot that is “tentatively” booked is referred to as reserved. |
ClaimantCoveredPartyRoleType |
DescriptionA role recognized through the eligibility of a party play a claimant for benefits covered or provided under an insurance policy. |
RoleClassPart |
An association between two Entities where the playing Entity is considered in some way “part” of the scoping Entity, e.g., as a member, component, ingredient, or content. Being “part” in the broadest sense of the word can mean anything from being an integral structural component to a mere incidental temporary association of a playing Entity with a (generally larger) scoping Entity. |
x_EncounterPerformerParticipation |
Used to enumerate the ways in which a clinician can directly participate during an encounter which generates a clinical document. |
IntravenousInfusion |
Infusion, intravenous |
AdjudicatedWithAdjustments |
The invoice element has been accepted for payment but one or more adjustment(s) have been made to one or more invoice element line items (component charges). Also includes the concept ‘Adjudicate as zero’ and items not covered under a particular Policy. Invoice element can be reversed (nullified). Recommend that the invoice element is saved for DUR (Drug Utilization Reporting). |
MilitaryRoleType |
Definition: A person playing the role of program eligible under a program based on military status. Discussion: This CoveredPartyRoleType.code is typically used when the CoveredPartyRole class code is either “program eligible” or “subscriber” and the person’s status as a member of the military meets jurisdictional or program criteria |
RoleLinkStatus | |
ActInformationCategoryCode |
Definition:Indicates the set of information types which may be manipulated or referenced, such as for recommending access restrictions. |
ActRelationshipHasStep | |
UnitsOfMeasureCaseSensitive |
Description: All units of measure. |
PasteDrugForm |
A semisolid dosage form that contains one or more drug substances intended for topical application. |
HL7UpdateMode |
The possible modes of updating that occur when an attribute is received by a system that already contains values for that attribute. |
RaceAmericanIndianPomo | |
ActRelationshipPassiveImmunizationAgainst | |
ParticipationDonor |
In some organ transplantation services and rarely in transfusion services a donor will be a target participant in the service. However, in most cases transplantation is decomposed in three services: explantation, transport, and implantation. The identity of the donor (recipient) is often irrelevant for the explantation (implantation) service. |
HalfSibling |
The player of the role is related to the scoping entity by sharing only one biological parent. |
CervicalRoute |
Cervix of the uterus |
x_ActMoodDefEvn |
A grouping of Definition, Event. These specific moods are used in control wrapper override acts. The domain is restricted to acts that are possible to occur or have already occurred. |
ActRelationshipHasBoundedSupport |
A specialization of “has support” (SPRT), used to relate a secondary observation to a Region of Interest on a multidimensional observation, if the ROI specifies the true boundaries of the secondary observation as opposed to only marking the approximate area. For example, if the start and end of an ST elevation episode is visible in an EKG, this relation would indicate the ROI bounds the “ST elevation” observation – the ROI defines the true beginning and ending of the episode. Conversely, if a ROI simply contains ST elevation, but it does not define the bounds (start and end) of the episode, the more general “has support” relation is used. Likewise, if a ROI on an image defines the true bounds of a “1st degree burn”, the relation “has bounded support” is used; but if the ROI only points to the approximate area of the burn, the general “has support” relation is used. |
_0280 |
Test methods designed to determine a microorganismaTMs susceptibility to being killed by an antibiotic. |
LiquidSolidSuspension |
A liquid preparation which consists of solid particles dispersed throughout a liquid phase in which the particles are not soluble. |
Chinookan | |
Abenakian | |
Athapaskan | |
SnodentOrthodonticDiagnosticFeatureInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for gross patient findings that inform the course of orthodontic treatment to be performed. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
SecurityLabelMarkLabel |
Codes used for displayed Security Label tags. Supports the selection of SecurityLabelMark leaf concepts for use, e.g., in security labels. |
SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason |
Reasons why substitution of a substance administration request is not permitted. |
ConditionDetectedIssueCode |
Proposed therapy may be inappropriate or contraindicated due to an existing/recent patient condition or diagnosis |
ActDetectedIssueCode |
Identifies types of detected issues for Act class “ALRT” |
TelecommunicationCapabilities |
Description: Concepts that define the telecommunication capabilities of a particular device. Used to identify the expected capabilities to be found at a particular telecommunication address. |
EntityClassCityOrTown |
The territory of a city, town or other municipality. |
PopulationInclusionObservationType |
Observation types for specifying criteria used to assert that a subject is included in a particular population. |
TopicalAbsorptionRoute |
Topical absorption |
ProcessingID |
This attribute defines whether the message is part of a production, training, or debugging system. |
RaceAmericanIndianCaddo | |
ActRelationshipStartsAfterOrConcurrentWithEndOf |
Pro-forma value set for each head code in the ActRelationshipType code system; all codes present and future below the head code. |
RoleClassMechanicalIngredient | |
AcknowledgementDetailCode |
A site specific problem code |
NursingOrCustodialCarePracticeSetting | |
RoleClassIncidentalServiceDeliveryLocation |
A role played by a place at which health care services may be provided without prior designation or authorization. |
InhalantDrugForm | |
RaceAmericanIndianCheyenne | |
SetOperator | |
ReactionParticipant | |
RoleClassMolecularPart | |
ActRelationshipMaintenanceTreatment | |
IntraspinalRoute |
Intraspinal |
QueryResponse |
A code classifying the general nature of the response to a given query. Includes whether or not data was found, or whether an error occurred. |
SecurityAlterationIntegrityObservationType |
<pType of security metadata observation made about the alteration integrity of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which indicates the mechanism used for authorized transformations of the resource.</p> |
IndividualPackageEntityType |
Container intended to contain sufficient material for only one use. |
RoleClassAffiliate |
Player of the Affiliate role has a business/professional relationship with scoper. Player and scoper may be persons or organization. The Affiliate relationship does not imply membership in a group, nor does it exist for resource scheduling purposes. Example: A healthcare provider is affiliated with another provider as a business associate. |
ActRelationshipIsDerivedFrom |
Associates a derived Act with its input parameters. E.G., an anion-gap observation can be associated as being derived from given sodium-, (potassium-,), chloride-, and bicarbonate-observations. The narrative content (Act.text) of a source act is wholly machine-derived from the collection of target acts. |
BindingRealm |
Description: All coded binding realms for terminology constraint context binding. |
RoleClassTerritoryOfAuthority |
Relates a place entity (player) as the region over which the scoper (typically an Organization) has certain authority (jurisdiction). For example, the Calgary Regional Health Authority (scoper) has authority over the territory “Region 4 of Alberta” (player) in matters of health. |
Tiwa | |
SnodentJawTypeInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for the two jaws (mandible and maxilla). This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
ActSpecObsDilutionCode |
An observation that reports the dilution of a sample. |
ActClassPhenotype |
Description:A genomic phenomenon that is expressed externally in the organism. |
IDClinPracticeSetting | |
IntracartilaginousRoute |
Intracartilaginous |
RaceAlaskanNativeAleutChugach | |
ParticipationVia |
For services, an intermediate location that specifies a path between origin an destination. |
ActRelationshipStartsAfterStartofEndsAfterEndOf | |
ActRelationshipExcerptVerbatim |
The source is a direct quote from the target. |
ModifyIndicator |
Indicates whether the subscription to a query is new or is being modified. |
ObservationCoordinateAxisType | |
HumanLanguage |
Codes for the representation of the names of human languages. |
x_RoleClassCredentialedEntity |
A role played by an entity that receives credentials from the scoping entity. |
ExtracorporealCirculationRoute |
Extracorporeal circulation |
ActClassContainer |
Used to group a set of acts sharing a common context. Container structures can nest within other context structures - such as where a document is contained within a folder, or a folder is contained within an EHR extract. Open issue: There is a clear conflict between this act and the use of the more general “component” ActRelationship. The question that must be resolved is what should be the class code of the parent (or containing) Act. |
TracheostomyRoute |
Tracheostomy |
ContentProcessingMode |
Description:Identifies the order in which content should be processed. |
PayorRoleType |
Description:PayorRoleType for a particular type of policy or program benefit package or plan where more detail about the coverage administration role of the Payor is required. The functions performed by a Payor qualified by a PayorRoleType may be specified by the PayorParticpationFunction value set. Examples:A Payor that is a TPA may administer a managed care plan without underwriting the risk. |
ParenteralRoute |
Parenteral |
Catawba | |
ActStatusNullified |
This Act instance was created in error and has been ‘removed’ and is treated as though it never existed. A record is retained for audit purposes only. |
MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | |
IntraventricularRoute |
Intraventricular |
IntraduodenalRoute |
Intraduodenal |
NaturalChild |
A child as determined by birth. |
VerificationOutcomeValue |
Values for observations of verification act results Examples: Verified, not verified, verified with warning. |
ActRelationshipActiveImmunizationAgainst | |
RoleClassMolecularFeatures | |
ReligiousAffiliation |
Assigment of spiritual faith affiliation |
ActRelationshipHasContra-indication |
A contraindication is just a negation of a reason, i.e. it gives a condition under which the action is not to be done. Both, source and target can be any kind of service; target service is in criterion mood. How the strength of a contraindication is expressed (e.g., relative, absolute) is left as an open issue. The priorityNumber attribute could be used. |
KiowaTanoan | |
Tsimshianic | |
ActProductAcquisitionCode |
The method that a product is obtained for use by the subject of the supply act (e.g. patient). Product examples are consumable or durable goods. |
HumanSubstanceAdministrationSite |
The set of body locations to or through which a drug product may be administered. |
ObservationIntoleranceType |
Hypersensitivity resulting in an adverse reaction upon exposure to an agent. |
EntityDeterminerDescribedGroup |
A standard value set allowing reference to all EntityDeterminer codes that are equal to or specializations of GROUPKIND. This is the value set used when a model indicates that the binding is to “<= GROUPKIND”. |
IntracavernosalRoute |
Intracavernosal |
RoleLinkStatusNormal | |
ActStatusNew |
An Act that is in the preparatory stages and may not yet be acted upon |
ActHealthInsuranceTypeCode |
Definition: Set of codes indicating the type of health insurance policy that covers health services provided to covered parties. A health insurance policy is a written contract for insurance between the insurance company and the policyholder, and contains pertinent facts about the policy owner (the policy holder), the health insurance coverage, the insured subscribers and dependents, and the insurer. Health insurance is typically administered in accordance with a plan, which specifies (1) the type of health services and health conditions that will be covered under what circumstances (e.g., exclusion of a pre-existing condition, service must be deemed medically necessary; service must not be experimental; service must provided in accordance with a protocol; drug must be on a formulary; service must be prior authorized; or be a referral from a primary care provider); (2) the type and affiliation of providers (e.g., only allopathic physicians, only in network, only providers employed by an HMO); (3) financial participations required of covered parties (e.g., co-pays, coinsurance, deductibles, out-of-pocket); and (4) the manner in which services will be paid (e.g., under indemnity or fee-for-service health plans, the covered party typically pays out-of-pocket and then file a claim for reimbursement, while health plans that have contractual relationships with providers, i.e., network providers, typically do not allow the providers to bill the covered party for the cost of the service until after filing a claim with the payer and receiving reimbursement). |
IntracisternalRoute |
Intracisternal |
EthnicityHispanic | |
ActRelationshipCheckpointEntry |
Condition is tested once before the service is executed (IF condition THEN service). |
GIClinicPracticeSetting | |
ActClassBioSequenceVariation |
Description:A variation in a sequence as described by BioSequence. |
MaterialEntityClassType |
Types of Material for EntityClass “MAT” |
CentralAlaskaYukon | |
Maiduan | |
ObservationNonAllergyIntoleranceType |
Hypersensitivity to an agent caused by a mechanism other than an immunologic response to an initial exposure |
ActTaskMedicationListReviewCode |
A person reviews a list of medication orders submitted to a given patient |
ActRelationshipExacerbatredBy | |
ParticipationTargetDirect |
Target that is substantially present in the service and which is directly affected by the service action (includes consumed material, devices, etc.). |
Pai | |
PrivateResidence |
Definition: A living arrangement within a private residence for single family. |
ActRelationshipStartsWithEndsAfterEndOf | |
ActRelationshipStartsAfterEndOf |
Description:A relationship in which the target act takes place with a defined temporal relationship with respect to the time at which the source act terminates. |
OrganizationNameUse | |
ActInvoiceDetailPreferredAccommodationCode |
An identifying data string for medical facility accommodations. |
ActClassGenomicObservation |
Description:An observation of genomic phenomena. |
ObservationMethod |
A code that provides additional detail about the means or technique used to ascertain the observation. Examples: Blood pressure measurement method: arterial puncture vs. sphygmomanometer (Riva-Rocci), sitting vs. supine position, etc. Constraints: In all observations the method is already partially specified by the Act.code. In this case, the methodCode NEED NOT be used at all. The methodCode MAY still be used to identify this method more clearly in addition to what is implied from the Act.code. However, an information consumer system or process SHOULD NOT depend on this methodCode information for method detail that is implied by the Act.code. If the methodCode is used to express method detail that is also implied by the Act.code, the methodCode MUST NOT be in conflict with the implied method of the Act.code. |
ActClassJurisdictionalPolicy |
Description:A mandate, regulation, obligation, requirement, rule, or expectation unilaterally imposed by a jurisdiction on:
x_ActRelationshipDocument |
Used to enumerate the relationships between two clinical documents for document management. |
TranstympanicRoute |
Transtympanic |
ActCoverageConfirmationCode |
Response to an insurance coverage eligibility query or authorization request. |
SecurityIntegrityProvenanceAssertedByObservationValue | |
PrivacyMark |
Codes used for human readable marks indicating, e.g., the level of confidentiality protection, an authorized compartment, the integrity, or the handling instruction required by applicable policy. Such markings must be displayed as directed by applicable policy on electronically rendered information content and any electronic transmittal envelope or container; or on hardcopy information and any physical transmittal envelope or container. Purpose: Supports the selection of the entire PrivacyMark value set with head code for e.g., rules engine policy set purposes. |
ActRelationshipEndsBeforeEnd |
The source Act ends after the end of the target Act (i.e. if we say “ActOne EBE ActTwo”, it means that ActOne ends before the end of ActTwo, therefore ActOne is the source and ActTwo is the target). |
SinusUnspecifiedRoute |
Sinus, unspecified |
AmnioticFluidSacRoute |
Amniotic fluid sac |
RetrobulbarRoute |
Retrobulbar |
Instillation |
Instillation |
Compartment |
A named tag set for metadata used to populate a security category label field that “segments” an IT resource per policy by indicating that access and use is restricted to members of a defined community or project. (HL7 Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System) Usage Note: This is the healthcare analog to the US Intelligence Community’s concept of a Special Access Program. Compartment codes may be used in as a field value in an initiator’s clearance to indicate permission to access and use an IT Resource with a security label having the same compartment value in security category label field. Map: Aligns with ISO 2382-8 definition of Compartment - “A division of data into isolated blocks with separate security controls for the purpose of reducing risk.” |
MississippiValley | |
FamilyMember |
A relationship between two people characterizing their “familial” relationship |
RoleClassPayee |
The role of an organization or individual designated to receive payment for a claim against a particular coverage. The scoping entity is the organization that is the submitter of the invoice in question. |
RoleClassUnderwriter |
A role played by a person or an organization. It is the party that
Ritwan | |
Delawaran | |
RoleClassColorAdditive |
A substance (player) influencing the optical aspect of material (scoper). |
SecurityPolicy |
Types of security policies that further specify the ActClassPolicy value set. Examples:
ActClassDocument |
Specialization of Act to add the characteristics unique to document management services. |
ActSubstanceAdminSubstitutionCode | |
Loan |
Temporary supply of a product without transfer of ownership for the product. |
MissouriRiver | |
CompliancePackageEntityType |
A container intended to contain sufficient material for more than one use, but grouped or organized to provide individual access to sufficient material for a single use. Often used to ensure that the proper type and amount of material is consumed/expended for each use. |
TransferActReason |
The explanation for why a patient is moved from one location to another within the organization |
ResponseModality |
Defines the timing and grouping of the response instances. |
ActRelationshipStartsDuring | |
AcknowledgementDetailNotSupportedCode |
Refelects rejections because elements of the communication are not supported in the current context. |
RoleClassSubscriber |
Description: A role played by a person covered under a policy based on association with a sponsor who is the policy holder, and whose association may provide for the eligibility of dependents for coverage. Discussion: The policy holder holds the contract with the policy or program underwriter. The subscriber holds a certificate of coverage under the contract. In legal proceedings concerning the policy or program, the terms of the contract takes precedence over the terms of the certificate of coverage if there are any inconsistencies. Note: The party playing the role of a subscriber is not a claimant in the sense conveyed by the RoleClassCoveredParty CLAIM (claimant). However, a subscriber may make a claim under a policy, e.g., a subscriber under a health insurance policy may become the claimant for coverage under that policy for wellness examines or if injured and there is no liable third party. In the case of a subscriber making a claim, a role type code INSCLM (insured claimant) subtypes the class to indicate that the subscriber has filed a claim for services covered under the health insurance policy. Example: An employee or a member of an association. |
DiseaseProgram |
Definition: A public or government health program that administers and funds coverage for health and social services to assist program eligible who meet financial and health status criteria related to a particular disease. Example: Reproductive health, sexually transmitted disease, and end renal disease programs. |
ActMoodGoal |
Definition:An observation that is considered to be desirable to occur in the future. The essential feature of a goal is that if it occurs it would be considered as a marker of a positive outcome or of progress towards a positive outcome. Examples:Target weight below 80Kg, Stop smoking, Regain ability to walk, goal is to administer thrombolytics to candidate patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction. Discussion: INT (intent) reflects a plan for the future, which is a declaration to do something. This contrasts with goal which doesn’t represent an intention to act, merely a hope for an eventual result. A goal is distinct from the intended actions to reach that goal. “I will reduce the dose of drug x to 20mg” is an intent. “I hope to be able to get the patient to the point where I can reduce the dose of drug x to 20mg” is a goal. EXPEC (expectation) reflects a prediction rather than a hope. RSK (risk) reflects a potential negative event rather than a hope. |
RaceAmericanIndianPassamaquoddy | |
ActMonitoringProtocolCode |
Identifies types of monitoring programs |
CoverageLimitObservationValue |
Description:Coded observation values for coverage limitations, for e.g., types of claims or types of parties covered under a policy or program. |
NieceNephew |
The player of the role is a child of scoping person’s brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person’s spouse. |
CreditCard | |
HealthcareServiceLocation |
A comprehensive classification of locations and settings where healthcare services are provided. This value set is based on the NHSN location code system that has been developed over a number of years through CDCaTMs interaction with a variety of healthcare facilities and is intended to serve a variety of reporting needs where coding of healthcare service locations is required. This valu set is aavailalbe from VSAC at https://vsac.nlm.nih.gov/valueset/2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20275/expansion/Latest |
PatchDrugForm |
A drug delivery system that contains an adhesived backing and that permits its ingredients to diffuse from some portion of it (e.g., the backing itself, a reservoir, the adhesive, or some other component) into the body from the external site where it is applied. |
ActMoodExpectation |
Definition:An act that is considered likely to occur in the future. The essential feature of an act expressed in expectation mood is that it is likely to occur. An expectation may be desirable, undesirable or neutral in effect. Examples:Prognosis of a condition, Expected date of discharge from hospital, patient will likely need an emergency decompression of the intracranial pressure by morning. Discussion:INT (intent) reflects a plan for the future, which is a declaration to do something. This contrasts with expectation, which is a prediction that something will happen in the future. GOL (goal) reflects a hope rather than a prediction. RSK (risk) reflects a potential negative event that may or may not be expected to happen. |
IontophoresisRoute |
Iontophoresis |
ParticipationExposuresource |
Description:The entity playing the associated role is the source of exposure. |
SaukFoxKickapoo | |
RoleClassResearchSubject |
Definition:Specifies the administrative functionality within a formal experimental design for which the ResearchSubject role was established. Examples: Screening - role is used for pre-enrollment evaluation portion of the design; enrolled - role is used for subjects admitted to the experimental portion of the design. |
ActClassObservation |
Description:An act that is intended to result in new information about a subject. The main difference between Observations and other Acts is that Observations have a value attribute. The code attribute of Observation and the value attribute of Observation must be considered in combination to determine the semantics of the observation. Discussion: Structurally, many observations are name-value-pairs, where the Observation.code (inherited from Act) is the name and the Observation.value is the value of the property. Such a construct is also known as a variable (a named feature that can assume a value) hence, the Observation class is always used to hold generic name-value-pairs or variables, even though the variable valuation may not be the result of an elaborate observation method. It may be a simple answer to a question or it may be an assertion or setting of a parameter. As with all Act statements, Observation statements describe what was done, and in the case of Observations, this includes a description of what was actually observed (results or answers); and those results or answers are part of the observation and not split off into other objects. The method of action is asserted by the Observation classCode or its subclasses at the least granular level, by the Observation.code attribute value at the medium level of granularity, and by the attribute value of observation.methodCode when a finer level of granularity is required. The method in whole or in part may also appear in the attribute value of Observation.value when using coded data types to express the value of the attribute. Relevant aspects of methodology may also be restated in value when the results themselves imply or state a methodology. An observation may consist of component observations each having their own Observation.code and Observation.value. In this case, the composite observation may not have an Observation.value for itself. For instance, a white blood cell count consists of the sub-observations for the counts of the various granulocytes, lymphocytes and other normal or abnormal blood cells (e.g., blasts). The overall white blood cell count Observation itself may therefore not have a value by itself (even though it could have one, e.g., the sum total of white blood cells). Thus, as long as an Act is essentially an Act of recognizing and noting information about a subject, it is an Observation, regardless of whether it has a simple value by itself or whether it has sub-observations. Even though observations are professional acts (see Act) and as such are intentional actions, this does not require that every possible outcome of an observation be pondered in advance of it being actually made. For instance, differential white blood cell counts (WBC) rarely show blasts, but if they do, this is part of the WBC observation even though blasts might not be predefined in the structure of a normal WBC. Clinical documents commonly have Subjective and Objective findings, both of which are kinds of Observations. In addition, clinical documents commonly contain Assessments, which are also kinds of Observations. Thus, the establishment of a diagnosis is an Observation. Examples:
ActRelationshipUpdatesCondition |
A condition thread relationship specifically links condition nodes together to form a condition thread. The source is the new condition node and the target links to the most recent node of the existing condition thread. |
RaceAmericanIndianApache | |
OralCapsule | |
SouthernAlaska | |
ActClassCategory |
A group of entries within a composition or topic that have a common characteristic - for example, Examination, Diagnosis, Management OR Subjective, Objective, Analysis, Plan. The distinction from Topic relates to value sets. For Category there is a bounded list of things like “Examination”, “Diagnosis” or SOAP categories. For Topic the list is wide open to any clinical condition or reason for a part of an encounter. A CATEGORY MAY CONTAIN ENTRIES. |
ActRelationshipOutcome |
An observation that should follow or does actually follow as a result or consequence of a condition or action (sometimes called “post-condition”.) Target must be an observation as a goal, risk or any criterion. For complex outcomes a conjunction attribute |
ActStatusNormal |
Encompasses the expected states of an Act, but excludes “nullified” and “obsolete” which represent unusual terminal states for the life-cycle. |
CUILabel |
Information the US Government creates or possesses, or that an entity creates or possesses for or on behalf of the Government, that a law, regulation, or Government-wide policy requires or permits an agency to handle using safeguarding or dissemination controls Purpose: Supports the selection of ControlledUnclassifiedInformation leaf concepts for use, e.g., in security labels. |
DoseIntervalDetectedIssueCode |
Proposed dosage interval/timing differs from standard practice |
RoleClassNamedInsured |
Description: A role played by a party to an insurance policy to which the insurer agrees to indemnify for losses, provides benefits for, or renders services. A named insured may be either a person, non-person living subject, or an organization, or a group of persons, non-person living subjects, or organizations. Discussion: The coded concept NAMED should not be used where a more specific child concept in this Specializable value set applies. In some cases, the named insured may not be the policy holder, e.g., where a policy holder purchases life insurance policy in which another party is the named insured and the policy holder is the beneficiary of the policy. Note: The party playing the role of a named insured is not a claimant in the sense conveyed by the RoleClassCoveredParty CLAIM (claimant). However, a named insured may make a claim under a policy, e.g., e.g., a party that is the named insured and policy holder under a comprehensive automobile insurance policy may become the claimant for coverage under that policy e.g., if injured in an automobile accident and there is no liable third party. In the case of a named insured making a claim, a role type code INSCLM (insured claimant) subtypes the class to indicate that a named insured has filed a claim for a loss. Example: The named insured under a comprehensive automobile, disability, or property and casualty policy that is the named insured and may or may not be the policy holder. |
NailRoute |
Nail |
RaceAmericanIndianUte | |
x_ActStatusPrevious |
Description:Cancelled, nullified and obsolete . |
EasternAlgonquin | |
IntraesophagealRoute |
Intraesophageal |
StepSibling |
The player of the role is a child of the scoping person’s stepparent. |
Ambulance | |
QualityMeasureSectionType |
A type of document section within a health quality measure (aka eMeasure), used to cluster the various parts of the eMeasure into a more human navigable format. |
ObservationAssetValue |
Codes specifying asset indicators used to assess or establish eligibility for coverage under a policy or program. |
ActClassDisciplinaryAction |
An action taken with respect to a subject Entity by a regulatory or authoritative body with supervisory capacity over that entity. The action is taken in response to behavior by the subject Entity that body finds to be undesirable. Suspension, license restrictions, monetary fine, letter of reprimand, mandated training, mandated supervision, etc.Examples: |
ActInvoiceDetailClinicalProductCode |
An identifying data string for healthcare products. |
SubstanceAdminGenericSubstitution |
Substitution occurred or is permitted with another product in the same generic ingredient. |
RaceAmericanIndianShoshonePaiute | |
RaceAlaskanNativeEskimo | |
ActClassWorkingList |
Working list collects a dynamic list of individual instances of Act via ActRelationship which reflects the need of an individual worker, team of workers, or an organization to manage lists of acts for many different clinical and administrative reasons. Examples of working lists include problem lists, goal lists, allergy lists, and to-do lists. |
JejunumRoute |
Jejunum |
ActRelationshipAuthorizedBy |
A relationship in which the target act authorizes or certifies the source act. |
Chimakuan | |
IntramuscularRoute |
Intramuscular |
RoleClassPhysician | |
IntrauterineRoute |
Intrauterine |
ContainerSeparator |
A material in a blood collection container that facilites the separation of of blood cells from serum or plasma |
x_PhysicalVerbalParticipationMode |
Restricts participation to either physical or verbal |
ActMoodRequest |
A request or order for a service is an intent directed from a placer (request author) to a fulfiller (service performer). Rationale: The concepts of a “request” and an “order” are viewed as different, because there is an implication of a mandate associated with order. In practice, however, this distinction has no general functional value in the inter-operation of health care computing. “Orders” are commonly refused for a variety of clinical and business reasons, and the notion of a “request” obligates the recipient (the fulfiller) to respond to the sender (the author). Indeed, in many regions, including Australia and Europe, the common term used is “request.” Thus, the concept embodies both notions, as there is no useful distinction to be made. If a mandate is to be associated with a request, this will be embodied in the “local” business rules applied to the transactions. Should HL7 desire to provide a distinction between these in the future, the individual concepts could be added as specializations of this concept. The critical distinction here, is the difference between this concept and an “intent”, of which it is a specialization. An intent involves decisions by a single party, the author. A request, however, involves decisions by two parties, the author and the fulfiller, with an obligation on the part of the fulfiller to respond to the request indicating that the fulfiller will indeed fulfill the request. |
ObservationAlert | |
GelDrugForm |
A semisolid system consisting of either suspensions made up of small inorganic particles or large organic molecules interpenetrated by a liquid. |
RaceAmericanIndianCherokee | |
RoleClassDedicatedServiceDeliveryLocation |
A role of a place (player) that is intended to house the provision of services. Scoper is the Entity (typically Organization) that provides these services. This is not synonymous with “ownership.” |
TableCellVerticalAlign |
These values are defined within the XHTML 4.0 Table Model |
SecurityObservationValue |
Observation values used to indicate security observation metadata. |
UnderwriterParticipationFunction |
Definition: Set of codes indicating the manner in which underwriters participate in a policy or program. |
LivingArrangement |
A code depicting the living arrangements of a person |
IntrathoracicRoute |
Intrathoracic |
AskedButUnknown |
Information was sought but not found (e.g., patient was asked but didn’t know) |
ActRelationshipInterferedBy | |
ObservationCategory |
High level observation categories for the general type of observation being made. Steward: OO WG |
USEncounterDischargeDisposition | |
ObservationLivingSituationValue |
Code specifying observations related to living situation for a person in a private residence. |
RoleClassSigningAuthorityOrOfficer |
The role of a person (player) who is the officer or signature authority for of a scoping entity, usually an organization (scoper). |
ActClassSpecimenCollection |
A procedure for obtaining a specimen from a source entity. |
SnodentCraniofacialAnomalyInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for the most common craniofacial anomalies that may influence the course of orthodontic treatment to be performed. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
AcknowledgementDetailType |
A code identifying the specific message to be provided. A textual value may be specified as the print name, or for non-coded messages, as the original text.Discussion: ‘Required attribute xxx is missing’, ‘System will be unavailable March 19 from 0100 to 0300’Examples: |
ActMoodCriterion |
A criterion or condition over actual and potential services that must apply for an associated service to be considered. Matches records any ActMoodCompletionTrack moods. |
NasalRoute |
Nasal |
ActRelationshipStartsBeforeStartOfEndsWith | |
RoleClassNurse | |
GregorianCalendarCycle | |
Description:Universal Product Code is one of a wide variety of bar code languages widely used in the United States and Canada for items in stores. |
v3 Code System ActCode |
A code specifying the particular kind of Act that the Act-instance represents within its class. Constraints: The kind of Act (e.g. physical examination, serum potassium, inpatient encounter, charge financial transaction, etc.) is specified with a code from one of several, typically external, coding systems. The coding system will depend on the class of Act, such as LOINC for observations, etc. Conceptually, the Act.code must be a specialization of the Act.classCode. This is why the structure of ActClass domain should be reflected in the superstructure of the ActCode domain and then individual codes or externally referenced vocabularies subordinated under these domains that reflect the ActClass structure. Act.classCode and Act.code are not modifiers of each other but the Act.code concept should really imply the Act.classCode concept. For a negative example, it is not appropriate to use an Act.code “potassium” together with and Act.classCode for “laboratory observation” to somehow mean “potassium laboratory observation” and then use the same Act.code for “potassium” together with Act.classCode for “medication” to mean “substitution of potassium”. This mutually modifying use of Act.code and Act.classCode is not permitted. |
Irrigation |
Irrigation |
MedOncClinPracticeSetting | |
ActCodeProcessStep | |
RoleClassExposedEntity |
A role played by an entity that has been exposed to a person or animal suffering a contagious disease, or with a location from which a toxin has been distributed. The player of the role is normally a person or animal, but it is possible that other entity types could become exposed. The role is scoped by the source of the exposure, and it is quite possible for a person playing the role of exposed party to also become the scoper a role played by another person. That is to say, once a person has become infected, it is possible, perhaps likely, for that person to infect others. Management of exposures and tracking exposed parties is a key function within public health, and within most public health contexts - exposed parties are known as “contacts.” |
IntrabronchialRoute |
Intrabronchial |
RoleClassEmployee |
A relationship between a person or organization and a person or organization formed for the purpose of exchanging work for compensation. The purpose of the role is to identify the type of relationship the employee has to the employer, rather than the nature of the work actually performed. (Contrast with AssignedEntity.) |
StatusRevisionRefusalReasonCode |
Indicates why the act revision (status update) is being refused. |
ExposureMode |
Code for the mechanism by which the exposure agent was exchanged or potentially exchanged by the participants involved in the exposure. |
SecurityIntegrityObservationValue | |
SkinRoute |
Skin |
ParticipationInformationGenerator |
Parties that may or should contribute or have contributed information to the Act. Such information includes information leading to the decision to perform the Act and how to perform the Act (e.g., consultant), information that the Act itself seeks to reveal (e.g., informant of clinical history), or information about what Act was performed (e.g., informant witness). |
EntityClassChemicalSubstance |
A substance that is fully defined by an organic or inorganic chemical formula, includes mixtures of other chemical substances. Refine using, e.g., IUPAC codes. |
x_DocumentProcedureMood |
Used to enumerate the moods that a procedure can take within the body of a clinical document. |
x_RoleClassCoverageInvoice |
An abstract domain that encompasses the roles involved in submitting, responding to and managing invoices or claims for health care coverage. |
Hokan | |
PowderDrugForm |
An intimate mixture of dry, finely divided drugs and/or chemicals that may be intended for internal or external use. |
MaterialDangerInflammable |
Material is highly inflammable and in certain mixtures (with air) may lead to explosions. Keep away from fire, sparks and excessive heat. |
RaceAmericanIndianChinook | |
ActClassSpecimenTreatment |
A procedure or treatment performed on a specimen to prepare it for analysis |
ActRelationshipRelievedBy | |
Country2 |
Countries of the world. ISO 3166, part 1, alpha-2 set. |
ActPriorityCallback |
Filler should contact the placer (or target) to schedule the service. (Was “C” in HL7 version 2.3’s TQ-priority component.) |
EducationLevel | |
x_ParticipationEntVrf |
A person that contributed to recording or validating the act. |
BodySurfaceRoute |
Body surface |
ActRelationshipImmunizationAgainst | |
ActCredentialedCareProvisionPersonCode |
Description:The type and scope of legal and/or professional responsibility taken-on by the performer of the Act for a specific subject of care as described by an agency for credentialing individuals. |
SusceptibilityObservationMethodType |
Description:Test methods designed to determine a microorganism’s susceptibility to an antibiotic. |
EntityDeterminerDetermined |
The described determiner is used to indicate that the given Entity is taken as a general description of a kind of thing that can be taken in whole, in part, or in multiples. |
IntragastricRoute |
Intragastric |
RaceAmericanIndianPeoria | |
x_ActInvoiceDetailPreferredAccommodationCode |
The billable codes selected for use for Preferred Accommodation Invoices. Steward is Financial Management. |
Infusion |
Infusion |
ActUSPrivacyLaw |
Deprecation Comment: Content moved to ActCode, and is now represented in value set ActPrivacyLaw. |
VaginalOintment | |
Conditional |
Some conditions may be attached to an allowable substitution. An allowable substitution is based on a match to any other attributes that may be specified. |
HL7ITSVersionCode |
HL7 implementation technology specification versions. These codes will document the ITS type and version for message encoding. The code will appear in the instances based upon rules expressed in the ITS, and do not appear in the abstract message, either as it is presented to received from the ITS. |
OrganizationIndustryClassNAICS | |
RaceSoutheastAlaskanIndianTlingit | |
Confidentiality |
Set of codes used to value Act.Confidentiality and Role.Confidentiality attribute in accordance with the definition for concept domain “Confidentiality”. |
PostalAddressUse | |
RoleClassLicensedEntity |
A relationship in which the scoper certifies the player ( e. g. a medical care giver, a medical device or a provider organization) to perform certain activities that fall under the jurisdiction of the scoper (e.g., a health authority licensing healthcare prlviders, a medical quality authority certifying healthcare professionals,) |
RoleClassMolecularBond | |
ActClassCdaLevelOneClinicalDocument |
A clinical document that conforms to Level One of the HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) |
ActRelationshipEndsBeforeOrConcurrentWithEndOf |
Pro-forma value set for each head code in the ActRelationshipType code system; all codes present and future below the head code. |
ObservationLivingExpenseValue |
Codes specifying living expense indicators used to assess or establish eligibility for coverage under a policy or program. |
EntityStatusInactive |
Definition: The state representing the fact that the entity is inactive. |
RaceHawaiianOrPacificIsland | |
RaceAmericanIndianCupeno | |
GeneticObservationType |
Description: Identifies the kinds of genetic observations that can be performed. |
ActInvoiceAdjudicationPaymentSummaryCode |
Codes representing a grouping of invoice elements (totals, sub-totals), reported through a Payment Advice or a Statement of Financial Activity (SOFA). The code can represent summaries by day, location, payee, etc. |
EntityStatusActive |
The state representing the fact that the Entity record is currently active. |
RoleClassCaseSubject |
A person, non-person living subject, or place that is the subject of an investigation related to a notifiable condition (health circumstance that is reportable within the applicable public health jurisdiction) |
Cahitan | |
SnodentDentalToothFurcationSiteInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for the relative location of a human tooth root that is being observed for furcation. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
Inhalation |
Inhalation |
SecurityTrustMechanismObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about a complete set of contracts, regulations, or commitments that enable participating actors to rely on certain assertions by other actors to fulfill their information security requirements. [Kantara Initiative] |
RoleClassHealthChart |
The role of a material (player) that is the physical health chart belonging to an organization (scoper). |
x_BasicConfidentialityKind |
Description: Used to enumerate the typical confidentiality constraints placed upon a clinical document. Usage Note:x_BasicConfidentialityKind is a subset of Confidentiality codes that are used as metadata indicating the receiver responsibility to comply with normally applicable jurisdictional privacy law or disclosure authorization; that the receiver may not disclose this information except as directed by the information custodian, who may be the information subject; or that the receiver may not disclose this information except as directed by the information custodian, who may be the information subject. |
RelationalOperator |
Identifies common relational operators used in selection criteria. |
ActInvoiceOverrideCode |
Includes coded responses that will occur as a result of the adjudication of an electronic invoice at a summary level and provides guidance on interpretation of the referenced adjudication results. |
DocumentStorageActive |
A storage status in which a document is available on-line. |
ExtendedReleaseTablet |
A solid dosage form containing a drug which allows at least a reduction in dosing frequency as compared to that drug presented in conventional dosage form. |
InhalerMedicalDevice |
A small device used for inhaling medicine in the form of a vapour or gas in order to ease a respiratory condition such as asthma or to relieve nasal congestion. |
AudioMediaType |
Audio media type. |
ActRelationshipJoin |
A code specifying how concurrent Acts are resynchronized in a parallel branch construct. Discussion: This attribute is part of the workflow control suite of attributes. An action plan is a composite Act with component Acts. In a sequential plan, each component has a sequenceNumber that specifies the ordering of the plan steps. Branches exist when multiple components have the same sequenceNumber. Branches are parallel if the splitCode specifies that more than one branch can be executed at the same time. The joinCode then specifies if and how the braches are resynchronized. The principal re-synchronization actions are (1) the control flow waits for a branch to terminate (wait-branch), (2) the branch that is not yet terminated is aborted (kill-branch), (3) the branch is not re-synchronized at all and continues in parallel (detached branch). A kill branch is only executed if there is at least one active wait (or exclusive wait) branch. If there is no other wait branch active, a kill branch is not started at all (rather than being aborted shortly after it is started.) Since a detached branch is unrelated to all other branches, active detached branches do not protect a kill-branch from being aborted. |
UrinaryBladderRoute |
Urinary bladder |
GTSAbbreviationHolidays |
Holidays |
ActSpecObsVolumeCode |
An observation that reports the volume of a sample. |
Flush |
Flush |
Charset |
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Charset Types |
InteriorSalish | |
ActRelationshipCheckpointExit |
Condition is a loop checkpoint, i.e. it is a step of an activity plan and, if negative causes the containing loop to exit. |
LogicalObservationIdentifierNamesAndCodes |
The LOINC database provides a set of universal names and ID codes for identifying laboratory and clinical test results. The purpose is to facilitate the exchange and pooling of results, such as blood hemoglobin, serum potassium, or vital signs, for clinical care, outcomes management, and research. The LOINC codes are not intended to transmit all possible information about a test or observation. They are only intended to identify the test result or clinical observation. http://www.regenstrief.org/LOINC/LOINC.htm |
RaceAmericanIndianComanche | |
x_ClinicalStatementObservationMood | |
ParticipationBeneficiary |
Target on behalf of whom the service happens, but that is not necessarily present in the service. Can occur together with direct target to indicate that a target is both, as in the case where the patient is the indirect beneficiary of a service rendered to a family member, e.g. counseling or given home care instructions. This concept includes a participant, such as a covered party, who derives benefits from a service act covered by a coverage act. Note that the semantic role of the intended recipient who benefits from the happening denoted by the verb in the clause. Thus, a patient who has no coverage under a policy or program may be a beneficiary of a health service while not being the beneficiary of coverage for that service. |
x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship |
Used to enumerate the relationships between two CDA entries. |
SublesionalRoute |
Sublesional |
InuitInupiaq | |
x_ActOrderableOrBillable | |
PartialCompletionScale | |
ActClassScopeOfPracticePolicy |
Description:An ethical or clinical obligation, requirement, rule, or expectation imposed or strongly encouraged by organizations that oversee particular clinical domains or provider certification which define the boundaries within which a provider may practice and which may have legal basis or ramifications on:
ActRelationshipEndsNearStarts |
Pro-forma value set for each head code in the ActRelationshipType code system; all codes present and future below the head code. |
ActClassOverlayRoi |
A Region of Interest (ROI) specified for an image using an overlay shape. Typically used to make reference to specific regions in images, e.g., to specify the location of a radiologic finding in an image or to specify the site of a physical finding by “circling” a region in a schematic picture of a human body. The units of the coordinate values are in pixels. The origin is in the upper left hand corner, with positive X values going to the right and positive Y values going down. The relationship between a ROI and its referenced Act is specified through an ActRelationship of type “subject” (SUBJ), which must always be present. |
RheumClinPracticeSetting | |
DoseDurationLowDetectedIssueCode |
Proposed length of therapy is shorter than that necessary for therapeutic effect |
SecurityTrustCertificateObservationValue |
Values for security metadata observation made about a set of security-relevant data issued by a security authority or trusted third party, together with security information which is used to provide the integrity and data origin authentication services for an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability). [Based on ISO IEC 10181-1] |
ActRelationshipAdjunctiveTreatment | |
ActConsentType |
Definition: The type of consent directive, e.g., to consent or dissent to collect, access, or use in specific ways within an EHRS or for health information exchange; or to disclose health information for purposes such as research. |
VerificationMethod | |
x_ActMoodDefEvnRqoPrmsPrp | |
ScalpRoute |
Scalp |
RoleClassIsSpeciesEntity |
Relates a specialized material concept (player) to its generalization (scoper). |
NasalInhalation |
Inhalation, nasal |
IntratubularRoute |
Intratubular |
EthnicityHispanicSouthAmerican | |
RoleLinkRelated |
An action taken with respect to a subject Entity by a regulatory or authoritative body with supervisory capacity over that entity. The action is taken in response to behavior by the subject Entity that body finds to be undesirable. Suspension, license restrictions, monetary fine, letter of reprimand, mandated training, mandated supervision, etc.Examples: |
ActRelationshipReferencesOrder |
Relates either an appointment request or an appointment to the order for the service being scheduled. |
AuthorizedReceiverParticipationFunction |
This code is used to specify the exact function an actor is authorized to have as a receiver of information that is the subject of a consent directive or consent override. |
ActRelationshipHasBaseline | |
IntrasternalRoute |
Intrasternal |
CodeSystemType |
How a code system is maintained by HL7 |
CompositeMeasureScoring |
Observation values that communicate the method used in a quality measure to combine the component measure results that are included in a composite measure. Steward: CQI WG |
RaceAmericanIndianLongIsland | |
ImmunizationObservationType |
Description: Indicates the valid antigen count. |
IntraperitonealRoute |
Intraperitoneal |
DocumentStorage |
Identifies the storage status of a document. |
ActRelationshipDocumentProvenance |
Used to convey the relationship between two or more Documents for purpose of tracking provenance relationships such as a predecessor Document and a successor Document. For example, a predecessor Clinical Summary Document from which a successor Clinical Summary Document is derived. |
x_MedicationOrImmunization | |
ManagedParticipationStatusNormal |
The ‘typical’ state. Excludes “nullified” which represents the termination state of a participation instance that was created in error. |
RoleClassBase |
A base ingredient (player) is what comprises the major part of a mixture (scoper). E.g., Water in most i.v. solutions, or Vaseline in salves. Among all ingredients of a material, there should be only one base. A base substance can, in turn, be a mixture. |
ApplicationMediaType |
Application specific media type. |
x_ActMoodRequestEvent | |
ActProgramTypeCode |
Definition: A set of codes used to indicate coverage under a program. A program is an organized structure for administering and funding coverage of a benefit package for covered parties meeting eligibility criteria, typically related to employment, health, financial, and demographic status. Programs are typically established or permitted by legislation with provisions for ongoing government oversight. Regulations may mandate the structure of the program, the manner in which it is funded and administered, covered benefits, provider types, eligibility criteria and financial participation. A government agency may be charged with implementing the program in accordance to the regulation. Risk of loss under a program in most cases would not meet what an underwriter would consider an insurable risk, i.e., the risk is not random in nature, not financially measurable, and likely requires subsidization with government funds. Discussion: Programs do not have policy holders or subscribers. Program eligibles are enrolled based on health status, statutory eligibility, financial status, or age. Program eligibles who are covered parties under the program may be referred to as members, beneficiaries, eligibles, or recipients. Programs risk are underwritten by not for profit organizations such as governmental entities, and the beneficiaries typically do not pay for any or some portion of the cost of coverage. See CoveredPartyRoleType. |
RaceAmericanIndianSacFox | |
ActCredentialedCareProvisionProgramCode |
Description:The type and scope of legal and/or professional responsibility taken-on by the performer of the Act for a specific subject of care as described by an agency for credentialing individuals. |
ActRelationshipStartsNearEnd |
Pro-forma value set for each head code in the ActRelationshipType code system; all codes present and future below the head code. |
ActTaskOrderEntryCode | |
ActInsuranceTypeCode |
Definition: Set of codes indicating the type of insurance policy. Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of potential financial loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a potential loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium and duty of care. A policy holder is an individual or an organization enters into a contract with an underwriter which stipulates that, in exchange for payment of a sum of money (a premium), one or more covered parties (insureds) is guaranteed compensation for losses resulting from certain perils under specified conditions. The underwriter analyzes the risk of loss, makes a decision as to whether the risk is insurable, and prices the premium accordingly. A policy provides benefits that indemnify or cover the cost of a loss incurred by a covered party, and may include coverage for services required to remediate a loss. An insurance policy contains pertinent facts about the policy holder, the insurance coverage, the covered parties, and the insurer. A policy may include exemptions and provisions specifying the extent to which the indemnification clause cannot be enforced for intentional tortious conduct of a covered party, e.g., whether the covered parties are jointly or severably insured. Discussion: In contrast to programs, an insurance policy has one or more policy holders, who own the policy. The policy holder may be the covered party, a relative of the covered party, a partnership, or a corporation, e.g., an employer. A subscriber of a self-insured health insurance policy is a policy holder. A subscriber of an employer sponsored health insurance policy is holds a certificate of coverage, but is not a policy holder; the policy holder is the employer. See CoveredRoleType. |
RoleClassSubstancePresence |
The presence of an bio-chemical entity (substance) at a location or environment, such as an ingredient in a mixture, molecular part of a complex, a located entity at a cellular structure, or content of a container, such as a vesicle. |
ParticipationTargetDevice |
Something used in delivering the service without being substantially affected by the service (i.e. durable or inert with respect to that particular service.) Examples are: monitoring equipment, tools, but also access/drainage lines, prostheses, pace maker, etc. |
TextMediaType |
For any text |
v3 Code System RoleCode |
A set of codes further specifying the kind of Role; specific classification codes for further qualifying RoleClass codes. |
ObservationSequenceType | |
Country |
Countries of the world. ISO 3166, part 1, alpha-3 set. |
ParticipationSpecimen |
The subject of non-clinical (e.g. laboratory) observation services is a specimen. |
ActRelationshipEndsAfterStartOf | |
ActCoverageAuthorizationConfirmationCode |
Indication of authorization for healthcare service(s) and/or product(s). If authorization is approved, funds are set aside. |
ActStatusHeld |
An Act that is still in the preparatory stages has been put aside. No action can occur until the Act is released. |
ReactionDetectedIssueCode |
Proposed therapy may be inappropriate or contraindicated based on the potential for a patient reaction to the proposed product |
IndividualInsuredCoveredPartyRoleType |
DescriptionA role recognized through the eligibility of a party to play an individual insured for benefits covered or provided under an insurance policy where the party is also the policy holder. |
IrrigationSolution |
A sterile solution intended to bathe or flush open wounds or body cavities; they’re used topically, never parenterally. |
CardClinPracticeSetting | |
ActRelationshipFulfills |
The source act fulfills (in whole or in part) the target act. Source act must be in a mood equal or more actual than the target act. |
Nadene | |
ReactivityObservationInterpretation |
Interpretations of the presence and level of reactivity of the specified component / analyte with the reagent in the performed laboratory test. |
SecurityIntegrityStatusObservation |
Security observation values used to indicate security integrity status metadata. |
RouteOfAdministration |
The path the administered medication takes to get into the body or into contact with the body. |
RaceAlaskanIndianAthabascan | |
ObservationInterpretationOustsideThreshold |
The observation/test result is interpreted as being outside the inclusion range for a particular protocol within which the result is being reported. Example: A positive result on a Hepatitis screening test. Open Issue: We are not deprecating this value set at this time, but instead are leaving open the consideration of deprecation in the future. [Note: The concepts included in this value set have also been suggested for future deprecation, and there are no associated concept subdomains or bindings. Note also that the name of the value set appears to have a typo in it from the old cycle when it was originally added.] |
RoleClassContent |
Relates a material as the content (player) to a container (scoper). Unlike ingredients, the content and a container remain separate (not mixed) and the content can be removed from the container. A content is not part of an empty container. |
RaceAlaskanNativeAleutKoniag | |
SponsorParticipationFunction |
Definition: Set of codes indicating the manner in which sponsors participate in a policy or program. NOTE: use only when the Sponsor is not further specified with a SponsorRoleType as being either a fully insured sponsor or a self insured sponsor. |
PersonalRelationshipRoleType |
Types of personal relationships between two living subjects. Example:Parent, sibling, unrelated friend, neighbor |
OralTablet | |
ActRelationshipHasGoal |
A goal that one defines given a patient’s health condition. Subsequently planned actions aim to meet that goal. Source is an observation or condition node, target must be an observation in goal mood. |
WesternMiwok | |
ActRelationshipEndsConcurrentWith | |
RoleClassNotaryPublic | |
AdministrableDrugForm |
Indicates the form in which the drug product should be administered. This element only needs to be specified when (a) the form in which the drug is measured for dispensing differs from the form in which the drug is administered; and (b) the form in which the quantity of the administered drug being administered is not expressed as a discrete measured mass or volume.Usage: |
RoleClassSpecimen |
A role played by a material entity that is a specimen for an act. It is scoped by the source of the specimen. |
ActRelationshipUses | |
RoleClassLocatedEntity |
Relates an entity (player) to a location (scoper) at which it is present in some way. This presence may be limited in time. |
MemberRoleType |
A role type that is used to further qualify an entity playing a role where the role class attribute is set to RoleClassMember. |
ActClassInformation |
Sender sends payload to addressee as information. Addressee does not have responsibilities beyond serving addressee’s own interest (i.e., read and memorize if you see fit). This is equivalent to an FYI on a memo. |
ParticipationLegalAuthenticator |
A verifier who legally authenticates the accuracy of an act. An example would be a staff physician who sees a patient and dictates a note, then later signs it. Their signature constitutes a legal authentication. |
ListStyle |
Defines list rendering characteristics |
ActClassStandardOfPracticePolicy |
Description:A requirement, rule, or expectation typically documented as guidelines, protocols, or formularies imposed or strongly encouraged by an organization that oversees or has authority over the practices within a domain, and which may have legal basis or ramifications on:
x_ClinicalStatementProcedureMood | |
BottleEntityType |
A container, typically rounded, either glass or plastic with a narrow neck and capable of storing liquid. |
x_ActBillableCode | |
QueryPriority |
Identifies the time frame in which the response is expected. |
ActClassInform |
The act of transmitting information and understanding about a topic to a subject where the participation association must be SBJ. Discussion: This act may be used to request that a patient or provider be informed about an Act, or to indicate that a person was informed about a particular act. |
SecurityTrustFrameworkObservationValue |
Values for security metadata observation made about a complete set of contracts, regulations, or commitments that enable participating actors to rely on certain assertions by other actors to fulfill their information security requirements. [Kantara Initiative] |
ActClassSupply |
Supply orders and deliveries are simple Acts that focus on the delivered product. The product is associated with the Supply Act via Participation.typeCode=”product”. With general Supply Acts, the precise identification of the Material (manufacturer, serial numbers, etc.) is important. Most of the detailed information about the Supply should be represented using the Material class. If delivery needs to be scheduled, tracked, and billed separately, one can associate a Transportation Act with the Supply Act. Pharmacy dispense services are represented as Supply Acts, associated with a SubstanceAdministration Act. The SubstanceAdministration class represents the administration of medication, while dispensing is supply. |
CodingRationale |
Identifies how to interpret the instance of the code, codeSystem value in a set of translations. Since HL7 (or a government body) may mandate that codes from certain code systems be sent in conformant messages, other synonyms that are sent in the translation set need to be distinguished among the originally captured source, the HL7 specified code, or some future role. When this code is NULL, it indicates that the translation is an undefined type. When valued, this property must contain one of the following values: SRC - Source (or original) code HL7 - HL7 Specified or Mandated SH - both HL7 mandated and the original code (precoordination) There may be additional values added to this value set as we work through the use of codes in messages and determine other Use Cases requiring special interpretation of the translations. |
AssignedNonPersonLivingSubjectRoleType |
Description:A role type that is used to further qualify a non-person subject playing a role where the role class attribute is set to RoleClass AssignedEntity |
ObservationInterpretationExceptions |
Technical exceptions resulting in the inability to provide an interpretation. At most one allowed. Does not imply normality or severity. |
ActRelationshipBlocks |
Definition: The source act is performed to block the effects of the target act. This act relationship should be used when describing near miss type incidents where potential harm could have occurred, but the action described in the source act blocked the potential harmful effects of the incident actually occurring. |
PeriduralRoute |
Peridural |
AgeGroupObservationValue |
Observation values used to indicate the age group of a person in terms of age group concept codes. |
CalendarCycle | |
SiblingInLaw |
The player of the role is: (1) a sibling of the scoping person’s spouse, or (2) the spouse of the scoping person’s sibling, or (3) the spouse of a sibling of the scoping person’s spouse. |
ActRelationshipDiagnosis | |
RoleClassChild |
The player of the role is a child of the scoping entity, in a generic sense. |
GreatGrandparent |
The player of the role is a parent of the scoping person’s grandparent. |
ObservationCoordinateSystemType | |
ActRelationshipPosting |
Expresses values for describing the relationship between a FinancialTransaction and an Account. |
ContextControlAdditivePropagating |
The association adds to the existing context associated with the Act, and will propagate to any descendant Acts reached by conducting ActRelationships (see contextControlCode). Examples: If an ‘Author’ Participation were marked as “Additive, Propagating” it means that the author will be added to the set of author participations that have propagated from ancestor Acts, and will itself propagate with the other authors to any child Acts that allow context to be propagated. |
Caddoan | |
x_ActRelationshipEntry |
Used to enumerate the relationships between a CDA section and its contained entries. |
SCDHEC-GISSpatialAccuracyTiers |
Description: The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control GIS Spatial Data Accuracy Tiers have been derived from the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy as a means to categorize the accuracy of spatial data assignment utilizing a variety of tools for capturing coordinates including digitizers, geocoding software and global positioning system devices. |
ActMoodAppointmentRequest |
A request for the booking of an appointment. |
EntityNamePartQualifierR2 |
Description:The qualifier is a set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part type. For example, a given name may be flagged as a nickname, a family name may be a pseudonym or a name of public records. |
ActFieldEncounterCode |
Definition:A patient encounter that takes place both outside a dedicated service delivery location and outside a patient’s residence. Example locations might include an accident site and at a supermarket. |
RaceAmericanIndianChippewa | |
PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode | |
ActClassExpressionLevel |
Description:An expression level of genes/proteins or other expressed genomic entities. |
ContextControlAdditive |
The association adds to the existing context associated with the Act. Both this association and any associations propagated from ancestor Acts are interpreted as being related to this Act. |
HospitalPracticeSetting |
An acute care institution that provides medical, surgical, or psychiatric care and treatment for the sick or the injured. |
CecostomyRoute |
Cecostomy |
x_ClinicalStatementActMood | |
ActMoodPermissionRequest |
A request for authorization to perform a kind of service. This is distinct from RQO which is a request for an actual act. PERMRQ is merely a request for permission to perform an act.Discussion: |
ActRelationshipHasValue | |
LacrimalPunctaRoute |
Lacrimal puncta |
RoleLinkStatusCompleted | |
ImageMediaType |
Image media type. |
ActRelationshipCoveredBy |
A relationship in which the source act is covered by or is under the authority of a target act. A financial instrument such as an Invoice Element is covered by one or more specific instances of an Insurance Policy. |
RaceAmericanIndianYurok | |
MultiUseContainerEntityType |
A container intended to contain sufficient material for more than one use. (I.e. Material is intended to be removed from the container at more than one discrete time period.) |
EntityClassFood |
Naturally occurring, processed or manufactured entities that are primarily used as food for humans and animals. |
RoleClassPartitive |
An association between two Entities where the playing Entity is considered in some way “part” of the scoping Entity, e.g., as a member, component, ingredient, or content. Being “part” in the broadest sense of the word can mean anything from being an integral structural component to a mere incidental temporary association of a playing Entity with a (generally larger) scoping Entity. |
ActRelationshipEndsBeforeOrConcurrentWithStartOf |
Pro-forma value set for each head code in the ActRelationshipType code system; all codes present and future below the head code. |
ActRelationshipHasReferenceValues |
Reference ranges are essentially descriptors of a class of result values assumed to be “normal”, “abnormal”, or “critical.” Those can vary by sex, age, or any other criterion. Source and target are observations, the target is in criterion mood. This link type can act as a trigger in case of alarms being triggered by critical results. |
ActRelationshipSequel |
An act relationship indicating that the source act follows the target act. The source act should in principle represent the same kind of act as the target. Source and target need not have the same mood code (mood will often differ). The target of a sequel is called antecedent. Examples for sequel relationships are: revision, transformation, derivation from a prototype (as a specialization is a derivation of a generalization), followup, realization, instantiation. |
RaceAmericanIndianEasternTribes | |
RoleClassContact |
A person or an organization (player) which provides or receives information regarding another entity (scoper). Examples; patient NOK and emergency contacts; guarantor contact; employer contact. |
EntityClassDevice |
A subtype of ManufacturedMaterial used in an activity, without being substantially changed through that activity. The kind of device is identified by the code attribute inherited from Entity. Usage: This includes durable (reusable) medical equipment as well as disposable equipment. |
ActRelationshipTemporallyPertainsStart | |
RaceAmericanIndianTohonoOOdham | |
ActRelationshipHasGeneralization |
The generalization relationship can be used to express categorical knowledge about services (e.g., amilorid, triamterene, and spironolactone have the common generalization potassium sparing diuretic). |
UrinaryBladderIrrigation |
Irrigation, urinary bladder |
TherapyAppropriateManagementCode |
Confirmed drug therapy appropriate |
Douche |
Douche |
RoleClassPersonalRelationship |
Links two people in a personal relationship. The character of the relationship must be defined by a PersonalRelationshipRoleType code. The player and scoper are determined by PersonalRelationshipRoleType code as well. |
BlisterPackEntityType |
A bubblepack. Medications sealed individually, separated into doses. |
EncounterSpecialCourtesy |
A code identifying special courtesies extended to the patient. For example, no courtesies, extended courtesies, professional courtesy, VIP courtesies. |
x_ActMoodRqoPrpAptArq | |
DoseHighDetectedIssueCode |
Proposed dosage exceeds standard practice |
x_AdverseEventCausalityAssessmentMethods |
Value set provides methods used to assess the causality of adverse events. New codes should not be added to the domain without first checking with its steward - the Regulated Clinical Research Information Management (RCRIM) technical committee. |
RoleLinkStatusActive | |
RoleClassCredentialedEntity |
A role played by an entity that receives credentials from the scoping entity. |
TabletDrugForm |
A solid dosage form containing medicinal substances with or without suitable diluents. |
ParticipationDestination |
The destination for services. May be a static building (or room therein) or a movable facility (e.g., ship). |
ActRelationshipReason |
The reason or rationale for a service. A reason link is weaker than a trigger, it only suggests that some service may be or might have been a reason for some action, but not that this reason requires/required the action to be taken. Also, as opposed to the trigger, there is no strong timely relation between the reason and the action. Discussion: In prior releases, the code “SUGG” (suggests) was expressed as “an inversion of the reason link.” That code has been retired in favor of the inversion indicator that is an attribute of ActRelationship. |
VaccineManufacturer |
The manufacturer of a vaccine. |
HealthCareCommonProcedureCodingSystem |
This value set includes all HCPCS Level II codes. |
ProvenanceEventCurrentState-DC |
Specifies the state change of a target Act using DocuymentCompletion codes, from its previous state as a predecessor Act. For example, if the target Act is the result of a predecessor Act being “obsoleted” and replaced with the target Act, the source ProvenanceEventCurrentState Act code would be “obsoleted”. |
EmploymentStatusUB92 | |
ActInsurancePolicyCode |
Set of codes indicating the type of insurance policy or other source of funds to cover healthcare costs. |
Iroquoian | |
Unknown |
A proper value is applicable, but not known. |
ActRelationshipDuring | |
RoleClassOntological |
A relationship in which the scoping Entity defines or specifies what the playing Entity is. Thus, the player’s “being” (Greek: ontos) is specified. |
x_ActClassDocumentEntryOrganizer | |
ManagedParticipationStatusCompleted |
The terminal state representing the successful completion of the Participation. |
RoleClassRetailedMaterial |
Material (player) sold by a retailer (scoper), who also give advice to prospective buyers. |
RectalInstillation |
Instillation, rectal |
HairRoute |
Hair |
ActRelationshipRe-challenge |
Description:A relationship in which the target act is carried out to determine whether an effect attributed to the source act can be recreated. |
IntracaudalRoute |
Intracaudal |
RaceAmericanIndianPueblo | |
ActClassTransfer |
Definition: The act of transferring information without the intent of imparting understanding about a topic to the subject that is the recipient or holder of the transferred information where the participation association must be RCV or HLD. |
ActClassDocumentBody |
A context that distinguishes the body of a document from the document header. This is seen, for instance, in HTML documents, which have discrete <head> and <body> elements. |
x_EntityClassDocumentReceiving | |
ActAmbulatoryEncounterCode |
Definition:A comprehensive term for health care provided in a healthcare facility (e.g. a practitioneraTMs office, clinic setting, or hospital) on a nonresident basis. The term ambulatory usually implies that the patient has come to the location and is not assigned to a bed. Sometimes referred to as an outpatient encounter. |
IntraosseousRoute |
Intraosseous |
EthnicityHispanicMexican | |
WorkClassificationODH |
Provide the concepts for the value element of the C-CDA Work Classification Observation entry template. |
RoleClassAssociative |
A general association between two entities that is neither partitive nor ontological. |
SubstitutionCondition |
Identifies what sort of change is permitted or has occurred between the item that was ordered/requested and the one that was/will be provided. |
SecurityIntegrityProvenanceObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about the provenance integrity of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which indicates the lifecycle completeness or workflow status of an IT resource, such as its creation, modification, suspension, and deletion; locations in which the resource has been collected or archived, from which it may be retrieved, and the history of its distribution and disclosure. Integrity provenance metadata about an IT resource may be used to assess its veracity, reliability, and trustworthiness. |
Shasta | |
ActAccommodationReason |
Identifies the reason the patient is assigned to this accommodation type |
CreamDrugForm |
A semisolid dosage form containing one or more drug substances dissolved or dispersed in a suitable base; more recently, the term has been restricted to products consisting of oil-in-water emulsions or aqueous microcrystalline dispersions of long chain fatty acids or alcohols that are water washable and more cosmetically and aesthetically acceptable. |
RaceWhiteArab | |
ActMoodPermission |
A kind of service which is authorized to be performed. |
SpecimenAdditiveEntity |
Set of codes related to specimen additives |
ActClassSubstanceExtraction | |
ActRelationshipEndsDuring | |
ActHealthInformationManagementReason |
The rationale or purpose for an act relating to health information management, such as archiving information for the purpose of complying with an organization policy or jurisdictional law relating to data retention. |
PatientImportance |
Patient VIP code |
WeightAlert |
Proposed therapy may be inappropriate based on the patient’s weight |
RoleLinkHasIndirectAuthorityOver |
The source Role has indirect authority over the target role in a chain of authority. |
ParticipationTracker |
A secondary information recipient, who receives copies (e.g., a primary care provider receiving copies of results as ordered by specialist). |
RoleClassMilitaryPerson |
A role played by a member of a military service. Scoper is the military service (e.g. Army, Navy, Air Force, etc.) or, more specifically, the unit (e.g. Company C, 3rd Battalion, 4th Division, etc.) |
x_ActMoodPermPermrq |
Enumerates the moods that an Act can take when describing privileges. |
ActAdministrativeDetectedIssueManagementCode |
Codes dealing with the management of Detected Issue observations for the administrative and patient administrative acts domains. |
ActRelationshipContainsEndOf | |
OrganizationNamePartQualifier | |
SpecimenEntityType | |
IntraepithelialRoute |
Intraepithelial |
RaceCanadianLatinIndian | |
ActRelationshipAssignsName |
Used to assign a “name” to a condition thread. Source is a condition node, target can be any service. |
SnodentSalzmannInterarchDeviationMaxillaryToothInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for the teeth in the maxilla assessed for tooth-specific inter-arch deviations as part of calculating the Salzmann Malocclusion Severity Index. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
MapRelationship |
The closeness or quality of the mapping between the HL7 concept (as represented by the HL7 concept identifier) and the source coding system. The values are patterned after the similar relationships used in the UMLS Metathesaurus. Because the HL7 coding sy |
RelationshipConjunction |
A code specifying the logical conjunction of the criteria among all the condition-links of Acts (e.g., and, or, exclusive-or.) Constraints: All AND criteria must be true. If OR and AND criteria occur together, one criterion out of the OR-group must be true and all AND criteria must be true also. If XOR criteria occur together with OR and AND criteria, exactly one of the XOR criteria must be true, and at least one of the OR criteria and all AND criteria must be true. In other words, the sets of AND, OR, and XOR criteria are in turn combined by a logical AND operator (all AND criteria and at least one OR criterion and exactly one XOR criterion.) To overcome this ordering, Act criteria can be nested in any way necessary. |
ActRelationshipReverses |
A relationship between a source Act that seeks to reverse or undo the action of the prior target Act. Example: A posted financial transaction (e.g., a debit transaction) was applied in error and must be reversed (e.g., by a credit transaction) the credit transaction is identified as an undo (or reversal) of the prior target transaction. Constraints: the “completion track” mood of the target Act must be equally or more “actual” than the source act. I.e., when the target act is EVN the source act can be EVN, or any INT. If the target act is INT, the source act can be INT. |
ActClassDocumentSection |
A context that subdivides the body of a document. Document sections are typically used for human navigation, to give a reader a clue as to the expected content. Document sections are used to organize and provide consistency to the contents of a document body. Document sections can contain document sections and can contain entries. |
Dakotan | |
AdditionalLocator |
This can be a unit designator, such as apartment number, suite number, or floor. There may be several unit designators in an address (e.g., “3rd floor, Appt. 342”.) This can also be a designator pointing away from the location (e.g. Across the street from). |
ObservationAllergyType |
Hypersensitivity to an agent caused by an immunologic response to an initial exposure. |
employmentStatusODH |
Concepts representing whether a person does or does not currently have a job or is not currently in the labor pool seeking employment. |
PillDrugForm |
A small, round solid dosage form containing a medicinal agent intended for oral administration. |
ObservationQualityMeasureAttribute |
Codes used to define various metadata aspects of a health quality measure. |
ActConsentDirective |
ActConsentDirective codes are used to specify the type of Consent Directive to which a Consent Directive Act conforms. |
UreteralRoute |
Ureteral |
RoleClassRoot |
Corresponds to the Role class |
ChildInLaw |
The player of the role is the spouse of scoping person’s child. |
PermanentDentition |
Permanent dentition, the natural teeth of adulthood that replace or are added to the deciduous teeth |
ActRelationshipStartsNearStart |
Pro-forma value set for each head code in the ActRelationshipType code system; all codes present and future below the head code. |
TranstrachealRoute |
Transtracheal |
DuplicateTherapyAlert | |
RaceAmericanIndianPequot | |
ParticipationGuarantorParty |
The target person or organization contractually recognized by the issuer as a participant who has assumed fiscal responsibility for another personaTMs financial obligations by guaranteeing to pay for amounts owed to a particular account Example:The subscriber of the patientaTMs health insurance policy signs a contract with the provider to be fiscally responsible for the patient billing account balance amount owed. |
VitreousHumourRoute |
Vitreous humour |
TargetAwareness |
A code specifying the extent to which the Entity playing the participating Role (usually as a target Participation) is aware of the associated Act. Examples: For diagnostic observations, is the patient, family member or other participant aware of his terminal illness? Discussion: If the awareness, denial, unconsciousness, etc. is the subject of medical considerations (e.g., part of the problem list), one should use explicit observations in these matters as well, and should not solely rely on this simple attribute in the Participation. |
EntityHandling |
Special handling requirements for an Entity. Example:Keep at room temperature; Keep frozen below 0 C; Keep in a dry environment; Keep upright, do not turn upside down. |
TableFrame |
These values are defined within the XHTML 4.0 Table Model |
ResearchSubjectRoleBasis |
Specifies the administrative functionality within a formal experimental design for which the ResearchSubject role was established. Examples: screening - role is used for pre-enrollment evaluation portion of the design; enrolled - role is used for subjects admitted to the active treatment portion of the design. |
ActClassConcern | |
ObservationInterpretationDetected |
Interpretations of the presence or absence of a component / analyte or organism in a test or of a sign in a clinical observation. In keeping with laboratory data processing practice, these concepts provide a categorical interpretation of the “meaning” of the quantitative value for the same observation. |
ActSpecObsCode |
Identifies the type of observation that is made about a specimen that may affect its processing, analysis or further result interpretation |
ActClassAcquisitionExposure |
Description: An acquisition exposure act describes the proximity (location and time) through which the participating entity was potentially exposed to a physical (including energy), chemical or biological agent from another entity. The acquisition exposure act is used in conjunction with transmission exposure acts as part of an analysis technique for contact tracing. Although an exposure can be decomposed into transmission and acquisition exposures, there is no requirement that all exposures be treated in this fashion. Constraints: The Acquisition Exposure inherits the participation constraints that apply to Exposure with the following exception. The EXPSRC (exposure source) participation must never be associated with the Transmission Exposure either directly or via context conduction. |
ObservationInterpretationNormalityAbnormal |
Interpretation of degree of abnormality (including critical or “alert” level). Concepts in this category are mutually exclusive, i.e., at most one is allowed. |
ParticipationInformationTranscriber |
An entity entering the data into the originating system. The data entry entity is collected optionally for internal quality control purposes. This includes the transcriptionist for dictated text transcribed into electronic form. |
ParticipationReusableDevice |
A device that does not change ownership due to the service, i.e., a surgical instrument or tool or an endoscope. The distinction between reuseable and non-reuseable must be made in order to know whether material must be re-stocked. |
x_ParticipationAuthorPerformer |
One who initiates the control act event, either as its author or its physical performer. |
SecurityIntegrityConfidenceObservationValue | |
RaceAmericanIndianDelaware | |
ActClassRegistration |
Represents the act of maintaining information about the registration of its associated registered subject. The subject can be either an Act or a Role, and includes subjects such as lab exam definitions, drug protocol definitions, prescriptions, persons, patients, practitioners, and equipment. The registration may have a unique identifier - separate from the unique identification of the subject - as well as a core set of related participations and act relationships that characterize the registration event and aid in the disposition of the subject information by a receiving system.Usage notes: |
x_RoleClassAccommodationRequestor |
The requestor for the accommodation. Steward is Financial Management Technical Committee |
ObservationPopulationInclusion |
Observation values used to assert various populations that a subject falls into. |
ObservationActContextAgeGroupType |
Identifies a type of observation that captures the age of a person in terms of age group concept codes. |
RoleClass |
This table includes codes for the Role class hierarchy. The values in this hierarchy, represent a Role which is an association or relationship between two entities - the entity that plays the role and the entity that scopes the role. Roles names are derived from the name of the playing entity in that role. The role hierarchy stems from three core concepts, or abstract domains:
Institution |
Institution |
AcknowledgementType |
Acknowledgement code as described in HL7 message processing rules. |
MobileUnit |
Location (mobile) where healthcare service was delivered. |
EndocervicalRoute |
Endocervical |
ActRelationshipSplitExclusiveWait |
A branch is selected as soon as the pre-condition associated with the branch evaluates to true. If the condition is false, the branch may be entered later, when the condition turns true. All other exclusive branches compete with each other and only one will be selected. Each waiting branch executes in parallel with the default join code wait (see below). The order in which the branches are considered may be specified in the Service_relationship.priority_nmb. |
EntityDeterminerDescribedQuantified |
The described quantified determiner indicates that the given Entity is taken as a general description of a specific amount of a thing. For example, QUANTIFIED_KIND of syringe (quantity = 3,) stands for exactly three syringes. |
ActClassOutbreak |
An outbreak represents a series of public health cases. The date on which an outbreak starts is the earliest date of onset among the cases assigned to the outbreak, and its ending date is the last date of onset among the cases assigned to the outbreak. |
AdministrativeGender |
The gender of a person used for adminstrative purposes (as opposed to clinical gender) |
Parent |
one that begets or brings forth offspring or a person who brings up and cares for another (Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary) |
ActRelationshipIsEtiologyFor |
An assertion that a new observation was assumed to be the cause for another existing observation. The assumption is attributed to the same actor who asserts the observation. This is stronger and more specific than the support link. For example, a growth of Staphylococcus aureus may be considered the cause of an abscess. The source (cause) is typically an observation, but may be any service, while the target must be an observation. |
RaceAmericanIndianKiowa | |
EmergencyPharmacySupplyType |
A supply action where there is no ‘valid’ order for the supplied medication. E.g. Emergency vacation supply, weekend supply (when prescriber is unavailable to provide a renewal prescription) |
ParticipationReferredTo |
The person who receives the patient |
SecurityTrustFrameworkObservationType |
Type of security metadata observation made about a complete set of contracts, regulations, or commitments that enable participating actors to rely on certain assertions by other actors to fulfill their information security requirements. [Kantara Initiative] |
ContextControlAdditiveNon-propagating |
The association adds to the existing context associated with the Act, but will not propagate to any descendant Acts reached by conducting ActRelationships (see contextControlCode). Examples: If an ‘Author’ Participation were marked as “Additive, Non-Propagating” it means that the author will be added to the set of author participations that have propagated from ancestor Acts for the purpose of this Act. However only the previously propagated authors will propagate to any child Acts that allow context to be propagated. |
Child |
The player of the role is a child of the scoping entity. |
SupplyDetectedIssueCode |
Supplying the product at this time may be inappropriate or indicate compliance issues with the associated therapy |
ActRelationshipCompliesWith | |
ActRelationshipEpisodelink |
Expresses an association that links two instances of the same act over time, indicating that the instance are part of the same episode, e.g. linking two condition nodes for episode of illness; linking two encounters for episode of encounter. |
IntrasynovialRoute |
Intrasynovial |
MediaType |
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Mime Media Types |
AllergyTestValue |
Indicates the result of a particular allergy test. E.g. Negative, Mild, Moderate, Severe |
LanguageAbilityMode |
A value representing the method of expression of the language. Example:Expressed spoken, expressed written, expressed signed, received spoken, received written, received signed. |
ActRelationshipEndsAfterOrConcurrentWithEndOf |
Pro-forma value set for each head code in the ActRelationshipType code system; all codes present and future below the head code. |
NUCCProviderCodes |
In the absence of an all-encompassing Provider Classification System, both X12N and the National Provider System Workgroup from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) commenced work on identifying and coding an external provider table that would be able to codify provider type and provider area of specialization for all medical related providers. CMS’ intent was to provide a single coding structure to support work on the National Provider System, while X12N needed a single common table for trading partner use. The two projects worked independently to some extent until April 1996 when the lists were coordinated and a single taxonomy was proposed. A sub-group of the X12N TG2 WG 15 was charged with resolving differences in the two proposed taxonomies. Their work resulted in a single taxonomy that both CMS and members of X12N found meaningful, easy to use, and functional for electronic transactions. The sub-group initially started with the CMS draft taxonomy. This list incorporated all types of providers associated with medical care in various ways. Many of the providers listed, such as technologists or technicians, support or repair equipment/machinery. A number of the providers offer medical services, in concert with others, and do not or cannot bill independently for their portion. The amount of research to validate and classify all providers using the proposed hierarchical structure was enormous. The X12N sub-group focused on medical providers who are licensed practitioners, those who bill for health-related services rendered, and those who appeared on the Medicare CMS Provider Specialty listing. This included providers who were licensed to practice medicine via state licensure agencies. In addition, a very broad definition of “areas of specialization” was used, which included nationally recognized specialties, provider self-designated specialties, areas of practice focus, and any request by any agency or trading partner submitted before the first taxonomy release. This level of detail captured specialty information in categories detailed enough to support those trading credentialing information, yet broad enough to support those wishing to trade directory level specialization information. In 2001, ANSI ASC X12N asked the NUCC to become the official maintainer of the Health Care Provider Taxonomy List. The NUCC has a formal operating protocol and its membership includes representation from key provider and payer organizations, as well as state and federal agencies, standard development organizations and the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC). Criteria for membership includes a national scope and representation of a unique constituency affected by health care electronic commerce, with an emphasis on maintaining a provider/payer balance. |
SupernumeraryTooth |
Supernumerary tooth, any tooth in addition to the normal permanent and primary dentition |
IntraovarianRoute |
Intraovarian |
x_DocumentSubject | |
CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode |
Description:Indicates why the prescription should be suspended. |
TransmucosalRoute |
Transmucosal |
RoleClassNextOfKin |
An individual designated for notification as the next of kin for a given entity. |
Homeless |
Definition: Living arrangements lacking a permanent residence. |
Takic | |
ActRelationshipStartsBeforeStartOf | |
ConceptPropertyId |
Property identifiers for a concept code |
RoleClassEventLocation | |
ManagedParticipationStatusPending |
The state representing that fact that the Participation has not yet become active. |
SecurityIntegrityProvenanceReportedByObservationValue | |
ActInjuryCodeCSA | |
IntraarterialRoute |
Intra-arterial |
ParticipationMode |
Identifies the primary means by which an Entity participates in an Act. |
SubarachnoidRoute |
Subarachnoid |
TransmissionRelationshipTypeCode |
Description:A code specifying the meaning and purpose of every TransmissionRelationship instance. Each of its values implies specific constraints to what kinds of Transmission objects can be related and in which way. |
Insertion |
Insertion |
ParticipationInformant |
A source of reported information (e.g., a next of kin who answers questions about the patient’s history). For history questions, the patient is logically an informant, yet the informant of history questions is implicitly the subject. |
IndividualCaseSafetyReportType |
All codes from code system ActCode._IndividualCaseSafetyReportType |
SuspensionDrugForm | |
RaceAmericanIndianDiegueno | |
OrderedListStyle |
Defines rendering characteristics for ordered lists |
ActClassFolder | |
x_DocumentStatus |
Status of a clinical document. |
TimingEvent | |
TananaTutchone | |
Sequencing |
Specifies sequence of sort order. |
RaceAmericanIndianKickapoo | |
HtmlLinkType |
HtmlLinkType values are drawn from HTML 4.0 and describe the relationship between the current document and the anchor that is the target of the link |
ParticipationIndirectTarget |
Target that is not substantially present in the act and which is not directly affected by the act, but which will be a focus of the record or documentation of the act. |
DosageProblem | |
ObservationDrugIntoleranceType |
Hypersensitivity resulting in an adverse reaction upon exposure to a drug. |
CriticalityObservationValue |
Recommended values for criticality observations > Steward: Security WG |
GrandChild |
The player of the role is a child of the scoping person’s son or daughter. |
KnowledgeSubjectObservationCode | |
ActMoodDesire | |
ParticipationSubset |
Used to indicate that the participation is a filtered subset of the total participations of the same type owned by the Act. Used when there is a need to limit the participations to the first, the last, the next or some other filtered subset. |
ActCoverageTypeCode |
Definition: Set of codes indicating the type of insurance policy or program that pays for the cost of benefits provided to covered parties. |
PersonNameUse |
A code indicating the type of name (e.g. nickname, alias, maiden name, legal, adopted) |
StyleType |
(abstract) Used within an instance to give the author some control over various aspects of rendering |
GTSAbbreviationHolidaysUSNational |
United States National Holidays (public holidays for federal employees established by U.S. Federal law 5 U.S.C. 6103.) |
MessageWaitingPriority |
Indicates the highest importance level of the set of messages the acknowledging application has waiting on a queue for the receiving application. Discussion: These messages would need to be retrieved via a query. This facilitates receiving applications that cannot receive unsolicited messages (i.e. polling). The specific code specified identifies how important the most important waiting message is (and may govern how soon the receiving application is required to poll for the message). Priority may be used by local agreement to determine the timeframe in which the receiving application is expected to retrieve the messages from the queue. |
InvoiceElementSubmitted |
Total counts and total net amounts billed for all Invoice Groupings that were submitted within a time period. Adjudicated invoice elements are included. |
SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode |
Definition:A collection of concepts that indicates why the prescription should no longer be allowed to be dispensed (but can still administer what is already being dispensed). |
AgeDetectedIssueCode |
Proposed therapy may be inappropriate or contraindicated due to patient age |
ActRelationshipHasCredit |
A credit relationship ties a financial transaction (target) to an account (source). A credit, once applied (posted), may have either a positive or negative effect on the account balance, depending on the type of account. An asset account credit will decrease the account balance. A non-asset account credit will decrease the account balance. |
Currency |
The currency unit as defined in ISO 4217 |
Enema |
Enema |
ContainerCap |
The type of cap associated with a container |
CaliforniaAthapaskan | |
Diffusion |
Diffusion |
ResponseMode |
Specifies the mode, immediate versus deferred or queued, by which a receiver should communicate its receiver responsibilities. |
ActClassInvoiceElement |
Represents concepts related to invoice processing in health care |
CreeMontagnais | |
Miwokan | |
IntraprostaticRoute |
Intraprostatic |
ActRelationshipStartsBeforeStartOfEndsBeforeEndOf | |
RaceAmericanIndianPaiute | |
ActRelationshipReplaces |
A replacement source act replaces an existing target act. The state of the target act being replaced becomes obselete, but the act is typically still retained in the system for historical reference. The source and target must be of the same type. |
ActCoverageMaximaCodes |
Definition: Codes representing the maximum coverate or financial participation requirements. |
ActClassOutbreak2 |
An Outbreak is a concern resulting from a series of public health cases. |
SecurityDataIntegrityObservationValue | |
x_InformationRecipientRole |
Used to represent the role(s) of those who should receive a copy of a document. |
AddressPartType |
Discussion: The hierarchical nature of these concepts shows composition. E.g. “Street Name” is part of “Street Address Line” |
x_Medicine |
A type of Administered Substance that is manufactured from raw organic or inorganic ingredients and used in the course of a patient’s therapy. |
RoleLinkHasContact | |
ActDietCode |
Code set to define specialized/allowed diets |
EntityClassState |
A politically organized body of people bonded by territory, culture, or ethnicity, having sovereignty (to a certain extent) granted by other states (enclosing or neighboring states). This includes countries (nations), provinces (e.g., one of the United States of America or a French departement), counties or municipalities. Refine using, e.g., ISO country codes, FIPS-PUB state codes, etc. |
MedicationGeneralizationRoleType |
Identifies the specific hierarchical relationship between the playing and scoping medications. Examples: Generic, Generic Formulation, Therapeutic Class, etc. |
RaceNativeAmerican | |
x_ParticipationVrfRespSprfWit |
One who oversees a control act event. Includes either a type of accountability, as in responsible party, verifier (and its children) and witness; or being an assistant to the control act event, as in secondary performer. |
EntityClassRoot |
Corresponds to the Entity class |
ActRelationshipHasSupport |
Used to indicate that an existing service is suggesting evidence for a new observation. The assumption of support is attributed to the same actor who asserts the observation. Source must be an observation, target may be any service (e.g., to indicate a status post.) |
Description:Global Trade Item Number is an identifier for trade items developed by GS1 (comprising the former EAN International and Uniform Code Council). |
ControlActNullificationRefusalReasonType | |
IntracervicalRoute |
Intracervical |
ActAdjudicationGroupCode |
Catagorization of grouping criteria for the associated transactions and/or summary (totals, subtotals). |
ParticipationModeWritten |
Participation by human language recorded on a physical material |
ActRelationshipHasMetadata | |
RoleClassSubsumedBy |
Relates a prevailing record of an Entity (scoper) with another record (player) that it subsumes. Examples: Show a correct new Person object (scoper) that subsumes one or more duplicate Person objects that had accidentally been created for the same physical person. Constraints: Both the player and scoper must have the same classCode. |
Dhegiha | |
EntityNameUseR2 |
Description:A set of codes advising a system or user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose. |
ActClassClinicalDocument |
A clinical document is a documentation of clinical observations and services, with the following characteristics: (1) Persistence - A clinical document continues to exist in an unaltered state, for a time period defined by local and regulatory requirements; (2) Stewardship - A clinical document is maintained by a person or organization entrusted with its care; (3) Potential for authentication - A clinical document is an assemblage of information that is intended to be legally authenticated; (4) Wholeness - Authentication of a clinical document applies to the whole and does not apply to portions of the document without the full context of the document; (5) Human readability - A clinical document is human readable.” |
Wakashan | |
RoleClassActiveMoiety |
The molecule or ion that is responsible for the intended pharmacological action of the drug substance, excluding those appended or associated parts of the molecule that make the molecule an ester, salt (including a salt with hydrogen or coordination bonds), or other noncovalent derivative (such as a complex, chelate, or clathrate). Examples: heparin-sodium and heparin-potassium have the same active moiety, heparin; the active moiety of morphine-hydrochloride is morphine. |
ActRelationshipHasComponent |
A collection of sub-services as steps or subtasks performed for the source service. Services may be performed sequentially or concurrently. |
RoleClassManagedEntity |
Description:A value set of role classCodes related to entity management. |
ActRelationshipContainsTimeOf | |
ParticipationAuthorOriginator |
Definition: A party that originates the Act and therefore has responsibility for the information given in the Act and ownership of this Act. Example: the report writer, the person writing the act definition, the guideline author, the placer of an order, the EKG cart (device) creating a report etc. Every Act should have an author. Authorship is regardless of mood always actual authorship. Examples of such policies might include:
ActStatusActive |
The Act can be performed or is being performed |
ParticipationAdmitter |
The practitioner who is responsible for admitting a patient to a patient encounter. |
Grandparent |
parent of a parent of the subject |
GeneralAddressUse | |
PersonDisabilityType |
A code identifying a person’s disability. |
ActInformationAccessCode |
The type of personal health information to which the subject of the information, or the delegate of the subject, consents or dissents to authorize access. |
ContextControlOverriding |
The association adds to the existing context associated with the Act, but replaces associations propagated from ancestor Acts whose typeCodes are the same. |
ProgramEligibleCoveredPartyRoleType |
Description:A role recognized through the eligibility of a party to play a program eligible for benefits covered or provided under a program. |
RaceAmericanIndianPotawatomi | |
RoleClassNursePractitioner | |
ParticipationType |
A code specifying the meaning and purpose of every Participation instance. Each of its values implies specific constraints on the Roles undertaking the participation. |
ActRelationshipSplitInclusiveWait |
A branch is executed as soon as its associated conditions permit. If the condition is false, the branch may be entered later, when the condition turns true. Inclusive branches are not suppressed and do not suppress other branches. Each waiting branch executes in parallel with the default join code wait (see below). |
ActRelationshipCheckpointBeginning |
Condition is tested every time before execution of the service (WHILE condition DO service). |
EntityDeterminerSpecific |
The specific determiner indicates that the given Entity is taken as one specific thing instance. For example, a human INSTANCE (quantity = 1,) stands for exactly one human being. |
ActMoodPredicate |
Any of the above service moods (e.g., event, intent, or goal) can be turned into a predicate used as a criterion to express conditionals (or queries.) However, currently we allow only criteria on service events. |
OralRoute |
Oral |
ParticipationAnalyte | |
VaccineEntityType |
A Type of medicine that creates an immune protection without the recipient experiencing the disease. |
ActStatusCancelled |
The Act has been abandoned before activation. |
ActMood |
A code distinguishing whether an Act is conceived of as a factual statement or in some other manner as a command, possibility, goal, etc. Constraints: An Act-instance must have one and only one moodCode value. The moodCode of a single Act-instance never changes. Mood is not state. To describe the progression of a business activity from defined to planned to executed, etc. one must instantiate different Act-instances in the different moods and link them using ActRelationship of general type “sequel”. (See ActRelationship.type.) |
MaritalStatus |
The domestic partnership status of a person. Example:Married, separated, divorced, widowed, common-law marriage. |
x_ServiceEventPerformer |
Clones using this x_domain should have a name “performer”. |
ParticipationSignature |
A code specifying whether and how the participant has attested his participation through a signature and or whether such a signature is needed. Examples: A surgical Procedure act object (representing a procedure report) requires a signature of the performing and responsible surgeon, and possibly other participants. (See also: Participation.signatureText.) |
Ojibwayan | |
ActClassROI |
Regions of Interest (ROI) within a subject Act. Primarily used for making secondary observations on a subset of a subject observation. The relationship between a ROI and its referenced Act is specified through an ActRelationship of type “subject” (SUBJ), which must always be present. |
RoleClassActiveIngredientBasis | |
ActRelationshipModifies |
Definition: Used to link a newer version or ‘snapshot’ of a business object (source) to an older version or ‘snapshot’ of the same business object (target). Usage:The identifier of the Act should be the same for both source and target. If the identifiers are distinct, RPLC should be used instead. Name from source to target = “modifiesPrior” Name from target to source = “modifiesByNew” |
SolutionDrugForm |
A liquid preparation that contains one or more chemical substances dissolved, i.e., molecularly dispersed, in a suitable solvent or mixture of mutually miscible solvents. |
RoleClassDependent |
Description: A role played by a person covered under a policy or program based on an association with a subscriber, which is recognized by the policy holder. Note: The party playing the role of a dependent is not a claimant in the sense conveyed by the RoleClassCoveredParty CLAIM (claimant). However, a dependent may make a claim under a policy, e.g., a dependent under a health insurance policy may become the claimant for coverage under that policy for wellness examines or if injured and there is no liable third party. In the case of a dependent making a claim, a role type code INSCLM (insured claimant) subtypes the class to indicate that the dependent has filed a claim for services covered under the health insurance policy. Example: The dependent has an association with the subscriber such as a financial dependency or personal relationship such as that of a spouse, or a natural or adopted child. The policy holder may be required by law to recognize certain associations or may have discretion about the associations. For example, a policy holder may dictate the criteria for the dependent status of adult children who are students, such as requiring full time enrollment, or may recognize domestic partners as dependents. Under certain circumstances, the dependent may be under the indirect authority of a responsible party acting as a surrogate for the subscriber, for example, if the subscriber is differently abled or deceased, a guardian ad Lidem or estate executor may be appointed to assume the subscriberaTMs legal standing in the relationship with the dependent. |
ActRelationshipContainsStartOfEndsBeforeEndOf | |
AmbulanceHIPAA |
An emergency vehicle used for transporting patients to a health care facility after injury or illness. Types of ambulances used in the United States include ground (surface) ambulance, rotor-wing (helicopter), and fixed-wing aircraft (airplane). |
CalendarType | |
VaccineType |
The kind of vaccine. |
ProbabilityDistributionType | |
ActRelationshipInstantiatesMaster |
Used to capture the link between a potential service (“master” or plan) and an actual service, where the actual service instantiates the potential service. The instantiation may override the master’s defaults. |
x_ActRelationshipDocumentSPL | |
IntrasinalRoute |
Intrasinal |
GTSAbbreviationBase |
Description:Basic abbreviations defined for the General timing Specification data type. |
EntityClassNation |
A politically organized body of people bonded by territory and known as a nation. |
MaterialDangerInfectious |
Material known to be infectious with human pathogenic microorganisms. Those who handle this material must take precautions for their protection. |
DoseLowDetectedIssueCode |
Proposed dosage is below suggested therapeutic levels |
ParticipationEntryLocation |
A location where data about an Act was entered. |
Taracahitan | |
AdministrationDetectedIssueCode |
Administration of the proposed therapy may be inappropriate or contraindicated as proposed |
ParticipationCausativeAgent |
Definition: A factor, such as a microorganism, chemical substance, or form of radiation, whose presence, excessive presence, or (in deficiency diseases) relative absence is essential, in whole or in part, for the occurrence of a condition. Constraint: The use of this participation is limited to observations. |
ActRelationshipStartsAfterStartOfEndsWith | |
HomeAddress | |
x_ActInvoiceDetailPharmacyCode |
The billable codes selected for use for Pharmacy Invoices. Steward is Financial Management. |
ActInvoiceElementSummaryCode |
Identifies the different types of summary information that can be reported by queries dealing with Statement of Financial Activity (SOFA). The summary information is generally used to help resolve balance discrepancies between providers and payors. |
ObservationInterpretationNormality |
Interpretation of normality or degree of abnormality (including critical or “alert” level). Concepts in this category are mutually exclusive, i.e., at most one is allowed. |
AppropriatenessDetectedIssueCode | |
NativeEntityAlaska |
TelecommunicationAddressUse | |
x_ActMoodOrdPrms |
A grouping of Order, Promise. These specific moods are used in orders. |
IntegrityCheckAlgorithm | |
ActNoImmunizationReason |
A coded description of the reason for why a patient did not receive a scheduled immunization. (important for public health strategy |
x_EntityClassPersonOrOrgReceiving | |
ActVirtualEncounterCode |
Definition:A patient encounter where the patient and the practitioner(s) are not in the same physical location. Examples include telephone conference, email exchange, robotic surgery, and televideo conference. |
RepetitionsOutOfRange | |
BuildingNumber |
The number of a building, house or lot alongside the street. Also known as “primary street number”. This does not number the street but rather the building. |
SubsidizedHealthProgram |
Definition: A government health program that provides coverage for health services to persons meeting eligibility criteria such as income, location of residence, access to other coverages, health condition, and age, the cost of which is to some extent subsidized by public funds. |
SnodentDentalToothMobilityMillerClassificationInternational |
The SNODENT identifiers for the recognized grades of tooth mobility according to the Miller Classification system. This value set contains content from SNODENT® Copyright American Dental Association (ADA). All rights reserved. SNODENT is a registered trademark of the ADA. http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/member-benefits/practice-resources/dental-informatics/snodent/licensing-snodent Steward: Attachments WG |
ParticipationTargetLocation |
The facility where the service is done. May be a static building (or room therein) or a moving location (e.g., ambulance, helicopter, aircraft, train, truck, ship, etc.) |
RaceAlaskanNative | |
ActTaskClinicalNoteEntryCode |
A clinician enters a clinical note about a given patient |
IntrailealRoute |
Intraileal |
KoyukonIngalik | |
ActClassConsent |
The Consent class represents informed consents and all similar medico-legal transactions between the patient (or his legal guardian) and the provider. Examples are informed consent for surgical procedures, informed consent for clinical trials, advanced beneficiary notice, against medical advice decline from service, release of information agreement, etc. The details of consents vary. Often an institution has a number of different consent forms for various purposes, including reminding the physician about the topics to mention. Such forms also include patient education material. In electronic medical record communication, consents thus are information-generating acts on their own and need to be managed similar to medical activities. Thus, Consent is modeled as a special class of Act. The “signatures” to the consent document are represented electronically through Participation instances to the consent object. Typically an informed consent has Participation.typeCode of “performer”, the healthcare provider informing the patient, and “consenter”, the patient or legal guardian. Some consent may associate a witness or a notary public (e.g., living wills, advanced directives). In consents where a healthcare provider is not required (e.g. living will), the performer may be the patient himself or a notary public. Some consent has a minimum required delay between the consent and the service, so as to allow the patient to rethink his decisions. This minimum delay can be expressed in the act definition by the ActRelationship.pauseQuantity attribute that delays the service until the pause time has elapsed after the consent has been completed. |
EntityCode |
A value representing the specific kind of Entity the instance represents. Examples: A medical building, a Doberman Pinscher, a blood collection tube, a tissue biopsy. Rationale: For each Entity, the value for this attribute is drawn from one of several coding systems depending on the Entity classCode, such as living subjects (animal and plant taxonomies), chemical substance (e.g., IUPAC code), organizations, insurance company, government agency, hospital, park, lake, syringe, etc. It is possible that Entity.code may be so fine grained that it represents a single instance. An example is the CDC vaccine manufacturer code, modeled as a concept vocabulary, when in fact each concept refers to a single instance. |
ClassNullFlavor |
Description: Subset of null flavors, used for associations as needed for the ITS, and used in InfrastructureRoot. |
ActShortStayEncounterCode |
Definition:An encounter where the patient is admitted to a health care facility for a predetermined length of time, usually less than 24 hours. |
ActRelationshipDeparture |
The relationship that links to a Transportation Act (target) from another Act (source) indicating that the subject of the source Act departed from the source Act by means of the target Transportation act. |
ProcessingMode |
This attribute defines whether the message is being sent in current processing, archive mode, initial load mode, restore from archive mode, etc. |
ConsultedPrescriberManagementCode |
Consulted prescriber, therapy confirmed |
EntityClassStateOrProvince |
The territory of a state, province, department or other division of a sovereign country. |
NoInformation |
Description:The value is exceptional (missing, omitted, incomplete, improper). No information as to the reason for being an exceptional value is provided. This is the most general exceptional value. It is also the default exceptional value. |
CochimiYuman | |
ActMoodCompletionTrack |
These are moods describing activities as they progress in the business cycle, from defined, through planned and ordered to completed. |
ObservationEligibilityIndicatorValue |
Code specifying eligibility indicators used to assess or establish eligibility for coverage under a policy or program eligibility status, e.g., certificates of creditable coverage; student enrollment; adoption, marriage or birth certificate. |
RoleClassPhysicianAssistant | |
ActClassPositionAccuracy |
Description:An observation representing the degree to which the assignment of the spatial coordinates, based on a matching algorithm by a geocoding engine against a reference spatial database, matches true or accepted values. |
Tsamosan | |
SecurityTrustAgreementObservationValue |
Type of security metadata observation made about security requirements for a security domain. [ISO IEC 10181-1] Definition Is Immutable: true |
SeverityObservationCode | |
Cupan | |
PerinealRoute |
Perineal |
RoleClassExposureAgentCarrier |
An exposure agent carrier is an entity that is capable of conveying an exposure agent from one entity to another. The scoper of the role must be the exposure agent (e.g., pathogen). |
RoleClassIsolate |
A microorganism that has been isolated from other microorganisms or a source matrix. |
ObservationSeriesType | |
WesternApachean | |
ActClassStorage |
The act of putting something away for safe keeping. The “something” may be physical object such as a specimen, or information, such as observations regarding a specimen. |
SouthernNumic | |
ActClassSubstanceAdministration |
The act of introducing or otherwise applying a substance to the subject. Discussion: The effect of the substance is typically established on a biochemical basis, however, that is not a requirement. For example, radiotherapy can largely be described in the same way, especially if it is a systemic thera |