CodeSystem Comparison between vs


InformationCodeSystem.dateValues for date differ: '2024-07-20T11:40:24-06:00' vs '2024-11-17T12:23:22-07:00'


        .copyrightThis material derives from the HL7 Terminology (THO). THO is copyright ©1989+ Health Level Seven International and is made available under the CC0 designation. For more licensing information see:
          • Values Differ
          .descriptionOperation Outcome codes used by FHIR test servers (see Implementation file translations.xml)
                    .publisherHealth Level Seven International
                          .titleOperation Outcome Codes


                                  .DELETE_MULTIPLE_MATCHESError: Multiple matches exist for the conditional delete
                                    .MSG_AUTH_REQUIREDYou must authenticate before you can use this service
                                      .MSG_BAD_FORMATBad Syntax: "%s" must be a %s'
                                        .MSG_BAD_SYNTAXBad Syntax in %s
                                          .MSG_CANT_PARSE_CONTENTUnable to parse feed (entry content type = "%s")
                                            .MSG_CANT_PARSE_ROOTUnable to parse feed (root element name = "%s")
                                              .MSG_CREATEDNew resource created
                                                .MSG_DATE_FORMATThe Date value %s is not in the correct format (Xml Date Format required)
                                                  .MSG_DELETEDThis resource has been deleted
                                                    .MSG_DELETED_DONEResource deleted
                                                      .MSG_DELETED_IDThe resource "%s" has been deleted
                                                        .MSG_DUPLICATE_IDDuplicate Id %s for resource type %s
                                                          .MSG_ERROR_PARSINGError parsing resource Xml (%s)
                                                            .MSG_EXTERNAL_FAILUnable to resolve external reference to resource %s
                                                              .MSG_ID_INVALIDId "%s" has an invalid character "%s"
                                                                .MSG_ID_TOO_LONGId "%s" too long (length limit 36)
                                                                  .MSG_INVALID_IDId not accepted
                                                                    .MSG_JSON_OBJECTJson Source for a resource should start with an object
                                                                      .MSG_LOCAL_FAILUnable to resolve local reference to resource %s
                                                                        .MSG_NO_EXISTResource Id "%s" does not exist
                                                                          .MSG_NO_MATCHNo Resource found matching the query "%s"
                                                                            .MSG_NO_MODULENo module could be found to handle the request "%s"
                                                                              .MSG_NO_SUMMARYNo Summary for this resource
                                                                                .MSG_OP_NOT_ALLOWEDOperation %s not allowed for resource %s (due to local configuration)
                                                                                  .MSG_PARAM_CHAINEDUnknown chained parameter name "%s"
                                                                                    .MSG_PARAM_INVALIDParameter "%s" content is invalid
                                                                                      .MSG_PARAM_MODIFIER_INVALIDParameter "%s" modifier is invalid
                                                                                        .MSG_PARAM_NO_REPEATParameter "%s" is not allowed to repeat
                                                                                          .MSG_PARAM_UNKNOWNParameter "%s" not understood
                                                                                            .MSG_RESOURCE_EXAMPLE_PROTECTEDResources with identity "example" cannot be deleted (for testing/training purposes)
                                                                                              .MSG_RESOURCE_ID_FAILunable to allocate resource id
                                                                                                .MSG_RESOURCE_ID_MISMATCHResource Id Mismatch
                                                                                                  .MSG_RESOURCE_ID_MISSINGResource Id Missing
                                                                                                    .MSG_RESOURCE_NOT_ALLOWEDNot allowed to submit a resource for this operation
                                                                                                      .MSG_RESOURCE_REQUIREDA resource is required
                                                                                                        .MSG_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCHResource Type Mismatch
                                                                                                          .MSG_SORT_UNKNOWNUnknown sort parameter name "%s"
                                                                                                            .MSG_TRANSACTION_DUPLICATE_IDDuplicate Identifier in transaction: %s
                                                                                                              .MSG_TRANSACTION_MISSING_IDMissing Identifier in transaction - an must be provided
                                                                                                                .MSG_UNHANDLED_NODE_TYPEUnhandled xml node type "%s"
                                                                                                                  .MSG_UNKNOWN_CONTENTUnknown Content (%s) at %s
                                                                                                                    .MSG_UNKNOWN_OPERATIONunknown FHIR http operation
                                                                                                                      .MSG_UNKNOWN_TYPEResource Type "%s" not recognised
                                                                                                                        .MSG_UPDATEDexisting resource updated
                                                                                                                          .MSG_VERSION_AWAREVersion aware updates are required for this resource
                                                                                                                            .MSG_VERSION_AWARE_CONFLICTUpdate Conflict (server current version = "%s", client version referenced = "%s")
                                                                                                                              .MSG_VERSION_AWARE_URLVersion specific URL not recognised
                                                                                                                                .MSG_WRONG_NSThis does not appear to be a FHIR element or resource (wrong namespace "%s")
                                                                                                                                  .SEARCH_MULTIPLEError: Multiple matches exist for %s search parameters "%s"
                                                                                                                                    .SEARCH_NONEError: no processable search found for %s search parameters "%s"
                                                                                                                                      .UPDATE_MULTIPLE_MATCHESError: Multiple matches exist for the conditional update