CodeSystem Comparison between vs



        .copyrightThis material derives from the HL7 Terminology (THO). THO is copyright ©1989+ Health Level Seven International and is made available under the CC0 designation. For more licensing information see:
            .descriptionHL7-defined code system of concepts that identify the type of relationship identified by Relationship Instance Identifier (REL-3) that is established between the Source Information Instance (REL-4) and the Target Information Instance (REL-5).
                      .publisherHealth Level Seven International
                        .purposeUnderlying Master Code System for V2 table 0948 (Relationship Type)


                                    .CAUSCauses/causedNNExample: a procedure caused complication(s)Example: a procedure caused complication(s)NNExample: a procedure caused complication(s)Example: a procedure caused complication(s)
                                      .COMPComponent ofNNExample: one care plan activity (target) is a component of another care plan activity (source)Example: one care plan activity (target) is a component of another care plan activity (source)NNExample: one care plan activity (target) is a component of another care plan activity (source)Example: one care plan activity (target) is a component of another care plan activity (source)
                                        .CONCRConcurrentlyNNExample: two care plan activities should start concurrentlyExample: two care plan activities should start concurrentlyNNExample: two care plan activities should start concurrentlyExample: two care plan activities should start concurrently
                                          .EVIDEvidenceNNExample: observation result provides evidence for certain care plan activity or treatment actionExample: observation result provides evidence for certain care plan activity or treatment actionNNExample: observation result provides evidence for certain care plan activity or treatment actionExample: observation result provides evidence for certain care plan activity or treatment action
                                            .INTFInterferes / interferedNNExample: patient financial or physical constraints interferes / interfered with fulfilment of goalExample: patient financial or physical constraints interferes / interfered with fulfilment of goalNNExample: patient financial or physical constraints interferes / interfered with fulfilment of goalExample: patient financial or physical constraints interferes / interfered with fulfilment of goal
                                              .LIMITLimits/limitedNNExample: patient condition limits the extend that planned treatment can be implementedExample: patient condition limits the extend that planned treatment can be implementedNNExample: patient condition limits the extend that planned treatment can be implementedExample: patient condition limits the extend that planned treatment can be implemented
                                                .SUCCDSucceedsNNExample: one care plan activity (target) should start after completion of another (source)Example: one care plan activity (target) should start after completion of another (source)NNExample: one care plan activity (target) should start after completion of another (source)Example: one care plan activity (target) should start after completion of another (source)
                                                  .SVTGTService targetNNExample: An order requests clarification or interpretation of a previous clinical laboratory test resultExample: An order requests clarification or interpretation of a previous clinical laboratory test resultNNExample: An order requests clarification or interpretation of a previous clinical laboratory test resultExample: An order requests clarification or interpretation of a previous clinical laboratory test result
                                                    .TRIGTriggers/triggeredNNExample: a bleeding complication triggers the review and change in anti-coagulant dosageExample: a bleeding complication triggers the review and change in anti-coagulant dosageNNExample: a bleeding complication triggers the review and change in anti-coagulant dosageExample: a bleeding complication triggers the review and change in anti-coagulant dosage