HL7 Terminology (THO)
6.2.0 - Publication International flag

This page is part of the HL7 Terminology (v6.2.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Systematized Nomenclature of Dentistry (SNODENT)

Official URL: http://www.ada.org/snodent Version: 2.1.0
Active as of 2019-03-20 Computable Name: AdaSnodent
Other Identifiers: OID:2.16.840.1.113883.3.3150

Copyright/Legal: This HL7 specification contains and references intellectual property owned by third parties ("Third Party IP"). Implementers and testers of this specification SHALL abide by the license requirements for each terminology content artifact utilized within a functioning implementation. Terminology licenses SHALL be obtained from the Third Party IP owner for each code system and/or other specified artifact used. It is the sole responsibility of each organization deploying or testing this specification to ensure their implementations comply with licensing requirements of each Third Party IP.

Systematized Nomenclature of Dentistry (SNODENT) is owned, maintained and distributed by the American Dental Association (ADA). SNODENT is a vocabulary designed for use in the electronic environment - for electronic health and dental records. The intended purpose is to:

  • Provide standardized terms for describing dental disease
  • Capture clinical detail and patient characteristics
  • Permit analysis of patient care services and outcomes
  • To be interoperable with Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Electronic Dental Records (EDR)

SNODENT licensing information can be found at: http://www.ada.org/8466.aspx

URL for Official Source: http://www.ada.org/snodent.aspx

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem v3-ada-snodent

Language: en


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

internalId internalId http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v3-internal-id code The internal identifier for the concept in the HL7 Access database repository.
Status status http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#status code Designation of a concept's state. Normally is not populated unless the state is retired.


This case-sensitive code system http://www.ada.org/snodent provides a fragment that includes following codes in a Is-A hierarchy:

100203D Tooth Absent Tooth Absent 24020 active
103356D Lingual Surface The lingual aspect of the tooth. 23849 active
103387D Buccal Surface The buccal aspect of the tooth. 23848 active
104161D Impacted tooth Impacted tooth 24021 active
108042D Bone structure of maxilla Bone structure of maxilla 24027 active
115902D Cleft palate with cleft lip Cleft palate with cleft lip 24008 active
116259D Supernumerary tooth Supernumerary tooth 24023 active
116762D Tooth mobility - grade 1 Tooth can be moved less than 1mm in the buccolingual or mesiodistal direction 23845 active
117349D Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 24018 active
121288D Primary Dentition Primary Dentition 24024 active
121344D Anterior open bite Anterior open bite 24036 active
122924D Hemifacial microsomia Hemifacial microsomia 24011 active
127066D Ankylosis of tooth Ankylosis of tooth 24022 active
127434D Posterior crossbite Posterior crossbite 24039 active
132513D Mesial Surface The mesial aspect of the tooth. 23850 active
132578D Cleft palate Cleft palate 24010 active
133426D Gingival Recession Gingival Recession 24005 active
133572D Cleidocranial dysostosis Cleidocranial dysostosis 24013 active
136123D Tooth mobility - grade 2 Tooth can be moved 1mm or more in the buccolingual or mesiodistal direction. No mobility in the occlusoapical direction (vertical mobility). 23846 active
137027D Anterior crossbite Anterior crossbite 24035 active
138900D Defective dental restoration Defective dental restoration 23998 active
139017D Permanent Dentition Permanent Dentition 24026 active
139277D Facial surface of tooth The side of a tooth adjacent to the inside of the cheek or lips. 23859 active
139347D Ectopic tooth Ectopic tooth 24019 active
140234D Poor oral hygiene Poor oral hygiene 23995 active
141881D Posterior open bite Posterior open bite 24040 active
143353D Temporomandibular joint disorder Temporomandibular joint disorder 23996 active
144511D Bone structure of mandible Bone structure of mandible 24028 active
146014D Distal Surface The distal aspect of the tooth. 23851 active
146718D Treacher Collins syndrome Treacher Collins syndrome 24014 active
149641D Tooth mobility - grade 3 Tooth can be moved 1mm or more in the buccolingual or mesiodistal direction. Mobility in the occlusoapical direction is also present (vertical mobility) 23847 active
149694D Cleft lip Cleft lip 24007 active
157044D Bimaxillary protrusion Bimaxillary protrusion 24004 active
160654D Permanent lower left first premolar tooth Permanent mandibular left first premolar tooth; Universal designation 21; ISO designation 34 23813 active
160704D Permanent lower right second molar tooth Permanent mandibular right second molar tooth; Universal designation 31; ISO designation 47 23823 active
160770D Permanent lower right first molar tooth Permanent mandibular right first molar tooth; Universal designation 30; ISO designation 46 23822 active
160817D Permanent lower left canine tooth Permanent mandibular left canine tooth; Universal designation 22; ISO designation 33 23814 active
160840D Permanent upper right canine tooth Permanent maxillary right canine tooth; Universal designation 6; ISO designation 13 23798 active
160903D Permanent upper right central incisor tooth Permanent maxillary right central incisor tooth; Universal designation 8; ISO designation 11 23800 active
160957D Permanent upper left canine tooth Permanent maxillary left canine tooth; Universal designation 11; ISO designation 23 23803 active
161006D Permanent upper left central incisor tooth Permanent maxillary left central incisor tooth; Universal designation 9; ISO designation 21 23801 active
161010D Permanent upper right first molar tooth Permanent maxillary right first molar tooth; Universal designation 3; ISO designation 16 23795 active
161068D Permanent lower left central incisor tooth Permanent mandibular left central incisor tooth; Universal designation 24; ISO designation 31 23816 active
161109D Permanent upper left lateral incisor tooth Permanent maxillary left lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation 10; ISO designation 22 23802 active
161121D Permanent lower right third molar tooth Permanent mandibular right third molar tooth; Universal designation 32; ISO designation 48 23824 active
161132D Permanent upper left first molar tooth Permanent maxillary left first molar tooth; Universal designation 14; ISO designation 26 23806 active
161150D Permanent lower left second premolar tooth Permanent mandibular left second premolar tooth; Universal designation 20; ISO designation 35 23812 active
161178D Permanent upper left second premolar tooth Permanent maxillary left second premolar tooth; Universal designation 13; ISO designation 25 23805 active
161197D Permanent lower right lateral incisor tooth Permanent mandibular right lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation 26; ISO designation 42 23818 active
161227D Permanent upper right third molar tooth Permanent maxillary right third molar tooth; Universal designation 1; ISO designation 18 23793 active
161258D Permanent lower left third molar tooth Permanent mandibular left third molar tooth; Universal designation 17; ISO designation 38 23809 active
161262D Permanent upper right second molar tooth Permanent maxillary right second molar tooth; Universal designation 2; ISO designation 17 23794 active
161291D Permanent lower right central incisor tooth Permanent mandibular right central incisor tooth; Universal designation 25; ISO designation 41 23817 active
161317D Permanent upper left second molar tooth Permanent maxillary left second molar tooth; Universal designation 15; ISO designation 27 23807 active
161329D Permanent upper left first premolar tooth Permanent maxillary left first premolar tooth; Universal designation 12; ISO designation 24 23804 active
161372D Permanent lower left second molar tooth Permanent mandibular left second molar tooth; Universal designation 18; ISO designation 37 23810 active
161412D Permanent lower right second premolar tooth Permanent mandibular right second premolar tooth; Universal designation 29; ISO designation 45 23821 active
161454D Permanent upper left third molar tooth Permanent maxillary left third molar tooth; Universal designation 16; ISO designation 28 23808 active
161477D Permanent lower left lateral incisor tooth Permanent mandibular left lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation 23; ISO designation 32 23815 active
161496D Permanent lower right first premolar tooth Permanent mandibular right first premolar tooth; Universal designation 28; ISO designation 44 23820 active
161514D Permanent lower right canine tooth Permanent mandibular right canine tooth; Universal designation 27; ISO designation 43 23819 active
161533D Permanent lower left first molar tooth Permanent mandibular left first molar tooth; Universal designation 19; ISO designation 36 23811 active
161546D Permanent upper right second premolar tooth Permanent maxillary right second premolar tooth; Universal designation 4; ISO designation 15 23796 active
161607D Permanent upper right first premolar tooth Permanent maxillary right first premolar tooth; Universal designation 5; ISO designation 14 23797 active
161892D Primary lower right canine tooth Deciduous mandibular right canine tooth; Universal designation R; ISO designation 83 23842 active
161941D Permanent upper right lateral incisor tooth Permanent maxillary right lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation 7; ISO designation 12 23799 active
161956D Primary lower right lateral incisor tooth Deciduous mandibular right lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation Q; ISO designation 82 23841 active
162004D Primary upper left first molar tooth Deciduous maxillary left first molar tooth; Universal designation I; ISO designation 64 23833 active
162062D Primary lower right central incisor tooth Deciduous mandibular right central incisor tooth; Universal designation P; ISO designation 81 23840 active
162091D Primary upper right second molar tooth Deciduous maxillary right second molar tooth; Universal designation A; ISO designation 55 23825 active
162129D Primary lower left lateral incisor tooth Deciduous mandibular left lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation N; ISO designation 72 23838 active
162206D Primary lower right first molar tooth Deciduous mandibular right first molar tooth: Universal designation S; ISO designation 84 23843 active
162234D Primary upper right first molar tooth Deciduous maxillary right first molar tooth; Universal designation B; ISO designation 54 23826 active
162268D Primary upper right canine tooth Deciduous maxillary right canine tooth; Universal designation C; ISO designation 53 23827 active
162309D Primary upper left canine tooth Deciduous maxillary left canine tooth; Universal designation H; ISO designation 63 23832 active
162321D Primary lower left second molar tooth Deciduous mandibular left second molar tooth; Universal designation K; ISO designation 75 23835 active
162345D Primary lower left central incisor tooth Deciduous mandibular left central incisor tooth: Universal designation O; ISO designation 71 23839 active
162350D Primary upper left lateral incisor tooth Deciduous maxillary left lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation G; ISO designation 62 23831 active
162418D Primary upper left central incisor tooth Deciduous maxillary left central incisor tooth; Universal designation F; ISO designation 61 23830 active
162425D Primary lower right second molar tooth Deciduous mandibular right second molar tooth; Universal designation T; ISO designation 85 23844 active
162441D Primary lower left canine tooth Deciduous mandibular left canine tooth; Universal designation M; ISO designation 73 23837 active
162494D Primary upper right lateral incisor tooth Deciduous maxillary right lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation D; ISO designation 52 23828 active
162537D Primary lower left first molar tooth Deciduous mandibular left first molar tooth; Universal designation L; ISO designation 74 23836 active
162585D Primary upper left second molar tooth Deciduous maxillary left second molar tooth; Universal designation J; ISO designation 65 23834 active
162619D Primary upper right central incisor tooth Deciduous maxillary right central incisor tooth; Universal designation E; ISO designation 51 23829 active
163013D Mesial-lingual The mesial lingual aspect of the tooth. 23852 active
163468D Distal-lingual The distal lingual aspect of the tooth. 23853 active
163596D Distal-buccal The distal buccal aspect of the tooth. 23858 active
163680D Mesial-buccal The mesial buccal aspect of the tooth. 23860 active
177259D Supernumerary permanent maxillary right central incisor tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary right central incisor tooth; Universal designation 58 23988 active
177263D Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left lateral incisor tooth Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation GS 23956 active
177271D Supernumerary permanent mandibular left lateral incisor tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular left lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation 73 23967 active
177285D Supernumerary permanent mandibular right central incisor tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular right central incisor tooth; Universal designation 75 23972 active
177292D Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left central incisor tooth Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left central incisor tooth; Universal designation OS 23944 active
177302D Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right second molar tooth Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right second molar tooth; Universal designation TS 23952 active
177318D Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left lateral incisor tooth Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation NS 23946 active
177325D Supernumerary permanent maxillary left second premolar tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary left second premolar tooth; Universal designation 63 23985 active
177339D Supernumerary permanent maxillary right canine tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary right canine tooth; Universal designation 56 23987 active
177341D Supernumerary permanent mandibular right canine tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular right canine tooth; Universal designation 77 23971 active
177356D Supernumerary permanent maxillary left canine tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary left canine tooth; Universal designation 61 23979 active
177360D Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right first molar tooth Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right first molar tooth; Universal designation BS 23960 active
177373D Supernumerary permanent maxillary left second molar tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary left second molar tooth; Universal designation 65 23984 active
177387D Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right canine tooth Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right canine tooth; Universal designation RS 23948 active
177394D Supernumerary permanent maxillary right third molar tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary right third molar tooth; Universal designation 51 23994 active
177409D Supernumerary permanent mandibular right second premolar tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular right second premolar tooth; Universal designation 79 23977 active
177413D Supernumerary permanent mandibular right first molar tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular right first molar tooth; Universal designation 80 23973 active
177421D Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left first molar tooth Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left first molar tooth; Universal designation LS 23945 active
177432D Supernumerary permanent mandibular right second molar tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular right second molar tooth; Universal designation 81 23976 active
177445D Supernumerary permanent maxillary left first premolar tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary left first premolar tooth; Universal designation 62 23982 active
177450D Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right central incisor tooth Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right central incisor tooth; Universal designation PS 23949 active
177466D Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right lateral incisor tooth Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation QS 23951 active
177478D Supernumerary permanent mandibular left first molar tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular left first molar tooth; Universal designation 69 23965 active
177484D Supernumerary permanent maxillary right lateral incisor tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary right lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation 57 23991 active
177497D Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left canine tooth Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left canine tooth; Universal designation HS 23953 active
177506D Supernumerary permanent mandibular right lateral incisor tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular right lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation 76 23975 active
177510D Supernumerary permanent mandibular left central incisor tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular left central incisor tooth; Universal designation 74 23964 active
177523D Supernumerary permanent mandibular left canine tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular left canine tooth; Universal designation 72 23963 active
177534D Supernumerary permanent maxillary right first molar tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary right first molar tooth; Universal designation 53 23989 active
177547D Supernumerary permanent maxillary right second premolar tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary right second premolar tooth; Universal designation 54 23993 active
177552D Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left canine tooth Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left canine tooth; Universal designation MS 23943 active
177568D Supernumerary permanent maxillary left third molar tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary left third molar tooth; Universal designation 66 23986 active
177575D Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right canine tooth Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right canine tooth; Universal designation CS 23958 active
177581D Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left second molar tooth Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left second molar tooth; Universal designation JS 23957 active
177599D Supernumerary permanent mandibular right first premolar tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular right first premolar tooth; Universal designation 78 23974 active
177608D Supernumerary permanent mandibular right third molar tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular right third molar tooth; Universal designation 82 23978 active
177612D Supernumerary permanent maxillary right first premolar tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary right first premolar tooth; Universal designation 55 23990 active
177620D Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right lateral incisor tooth Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation DS 23961 active
177631D Supernumerary permanent mandibular left first premolar tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular left first premolar tooth ; Universal designation 71 23966 active
177649D Supernumerary permanent maxillary right second molar tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary right second molar tooth; Universal designation 52 23992 active
177654D Supernumerary permanent maxillary left first molar tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary left first molar tooth; Universal designation 64 23981 active
177665D Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right second molar tooth Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right second molar tooth; Universal designation AS 23962 active
177677D Supernumerary permanent mandibular left second molar tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular left second molar tooth; Universal designation 68 23968 active
177683D Supernumerary permanent maxillary left lateral incisor tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary left lateral incisor tooth; Universal designation 60 23983 active
177696D Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right central incisor tooth Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right central incisor tooth; Universal designation ES 23959 active
177704D Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left second molar tooth Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left second molar tooth ; Universal designation KS 23947 active
177715D Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left first molar tooth Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left first molar tooth; Universal designation IS 23955 active
177727D Supernumerary permanent mandibular left second premolar tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular left second premolar tooth; Universal designation 70 23969 active
177736D Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left central incisor tooth Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left central incisor tooth; Universal designation FS 23954 active
177743D Supernumerary permanent mandibular left third molar tooth Supernumerary permanent mandibular left third molar tooth; Universal designation 67 23970 active
177758D Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right first molar tooth Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right first molar tooth; Universal designation SS 23950 active
177762D Supernumerary permanent maxillary left central incisor tooth Supernumerary permanent maxillary left central incisor tooth; Universal designation 59 23980 active
197703D Overjet Overjet 24033 active
198545D Complete trisomy 21 syndrome Complete trisomy 21 syndrome 24016 active
199380D Marfan syndrome Marfan syndrome 24017 active
209615D Lower labial frenum The folds of mucous membrane extending from the gingiva to the midline of the lower lip. 23854 active
209620D Upper labial frenum The folds of mucous membrane extending from the gingiva to the midline of the upper lip. 23855 active
209631D Upper buccal frenum A fold or band of mucous membrane connecting the upper alveolar ridge to the cheek and separating the labial vestibule from the buccal vestibule 23856 active
209645D Lower buccal frenum A fold or band of mucous membrane connecting the lower alveolar ridge to the cheek and separating the labial vestibule from the buccal vestibule 23857 active
210116D Active dental caries Active dental caries 23997 active
210952D Deep impinging overbite with soft tissue destruction Deep impinging overbite with soft tissue destruction 23999 active
210953D Anterior crossbite with destruction of oral mucosa Anterior crossbite with destruction of oral mucosa 24000 active
210954D Lip incompetence due to horizontal overbite Lip incompetence due to horizontal overbite 24001 active
210955D Posterior crossbite limited to left side Posterior crossbite limited to left side 24002 active
210956D Posterior crossbite limited to right side Posterior crossbite limited to right side 24003 active
210957D Articulatory defect secondary to dental defect Articulatory defect secondary to dental defect 24006 active
210958D Cleft lip & alveolus Cleft lip & alveolus 24009 active
210959D Craniosynostosis syndrome Craniosynostosis syndrome 24012 active
210960D Arthrogryposis Arthrogryposis 24015 active
210962D Mixed Dentition Mixed Dentition 24025 active
210963D Anterior segment of maxilla Anterior segment of maxilla 24029 active
210964D Posterior segment of maxilla Posterior segment of maxilla 24030 active
210965D Anterior part of lower alveolar ridge Anterior part of lower alveolar ridge 24031 active
210966D Posterior part of lower alveolar ridge Posterior part of lower alveolar ridge 24032 active
210967D Overbite Overbite 24034 active
210972D Anterior deviation of posterior interarch Anterior deviation of posterior interarch 24037 active
210974D Posterior deviation of posterior interarch Posterior deviation of posterior interarch 24038 active


2020-08-17reviseVocabulary WGTed KleinAdd element to declare case sensitivity explicitly - needed for FHIR support