HL7 Terminology (THO)
6.0.2 - Publication International flag

This page is part of the HL7 Terminology (v6.0.2: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: messageType

Official URL: http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0076 Version: 2.12.0
Active as of 2019-12-01 Responsible: Health Level Seven International Computable Name: MessageType
Other Identifiers: OID:2.16.840.1.113883.18.30

Copyright/Legal: This material derives from the HL7 Terminology (THO). THO is copyright ©1989+ Health Level Seven International and is made available under the CC0 designation. For more licensing information see: https://terminology.hl7.org/license.html

HL7-defined code system of concepts which specify message types. Used in HL7 Version 2.x messaging in the MSH segment.

Underlying Master Code System for V2 table 0076 (Message Type)

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem v2-0076


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

status status http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#status code Status of the concept
deprecated deprecated http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v2-table-deprecated code Version of HL7 in which the code was deprecated
V2 Concept Comment v2-concComment http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v2-concComment string V2 Concept Comment
V2 Concept Comment As Published v2-concCommentAsPub http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v2-concCommentAsPub string V2 Concept Comment As Published


This case-sensitive code system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0076 defines the following codes in a Is-A hierarchy:

CodeDisplayDefinitiondeprecatedV2 Concept CommentV2 Concept Comment As PublishedDeutsch (German, de)
ACK General acknowledgment message General acknowledgment message 2 2 Empfangsbestätigung
ADR ADT response ADT response 3 - Deprecated 3 - Deprecated Antwort auf Anfrage bezüglich Aufnahme / Verlegung / Entlassung von Patienten
ARD Ancillary RPT (display) (for backward compatibility only) Ancillary RPT (display) (for backward compatibility only) 2.9 Befundbericht
ADT ADT message ADT message 3 3 Aufnahme / Entlassung / Verlegung
BAR Add/change billing account Add/change billing account 6 6 Hinzufügen / Ändern von Abrechnungsdaten
BPS Blood product dispense status message Blood product dispense status message 4 4
CNQ Cancel query Cancel query 2.9 Stornierung der Anfrage
BRP Blood product dispense status acknowledgement message Blood product dispense status acknowledgement message 4 4
BRT Blood product transfusion/disposition acknowledgement message Blood product transfusion/disposition acknowledgement message 4 4
BTS Blood product transfusion/disposition message Blood product transfusion/disposition message 4 4
CCF Collaborative Care Fetch Collaborative Care Fetch 7 7
CCI Collaborative Care Information Collaborative Care Information 7 7
CCM Collaborative Care Message Collaborative Care Message 7 7
CCQ Collaborative Care Referral Collaborative Care Referral 7 7
ERQ Event replay query Event replay query 2.9
CCU Collaborative Care Referral Collaborative Care Referral 7 7
CQU Collaborative Care Referral Collaborative Care Referral 7 7
CRM Clinical study registration message Clinical study registration message 7 7
CSU Unsolicited study data message Unsolicited study data message 7 7
EDR Enhanced display response Enhanced display response 2.9
DBC Create Donor Record Create Donor Record 4 4
EQQ Embedded query language query Embedded query language query 2.9
DBU Update Donor Record Update Donor Record 4 4
ERP Event replay response Event replay response 2.9
DEL Donor Eligibility Donor Eligibility 4 4
DEO Donor Eligibility Observation Donor Eligibility Observation 4 4
DER Donor Eligibility Request Donor Eligibility Request 4 4
DFT Detail financial transactions Detail financial transactions 6 6 Einzelbuchung
DOC Document response Document response 9 - Deprecated 9 - Deprecated
DPR Donation Procedure Donation Procedure 4 4
DRC Donor Request to Collect Donor Request to Collect 4 4
DSR Display response Display response 5 - Deprecated 5 - Deprecated Antwort im Anzeigeformat
MCF Delayed Acknowledgment (Retained for backward compatibility only) Delayed Acknowledgment (Retained for backward compatibility only) 2.9 Verzögerte Empfangsbestätigung (veraltet; ACK benutzen)
EAC Automated equipment command message Automated equipment command message 13 13
EAN Automated equipment notification message Automated equipment notification message 13 13
EAR Automated equipment response message Automated equipment response message 13 13
EHC Health Care Invoice Health Care Invoice 16 16
ESR Automated equipment status update acknowledgment message Automated equipment status update acknowledgment message 13 13
ESU Automated equipment status update message Automated equipment status update message 13 13
INR Automated equipment inventory request message Automated equipment inventory request message 13 13
INU Automated equipment inventory update message Automated equipment inventory update message 13 13
LSR Automated equipment log/service request message Automated equipment log/service request message 13 13
LSU Automated equipment log/service update message Automated equipment log/service update message 13 13
MDM Medical document management Medical document management 9 9
MFD Master files delayed application acknowledgment Master files delayed application acknowledgment 8 - Deprecated 8 - Deprecated Verzögerte Empfangsbestätigung für Stammdateiänderung
MFK Master files application acknowledgment Master files application acknowledgment 8 8 Empfangsbestätigung für Stammdateiänderung
MFN Master files notification Master files notification 8 8 Stammdateiänderung
MFQ Master files query Master files query 8 - Deprecated 8 - Deprecated
MFR Master files response Master files response 8 - Deprecated 8 - Deprecated Antwort auf Stammdateianfrage
NMD Application management data message Application management data message 14 14 Asynchrone Statusmeldung eines Systems
NMQ Application management query message Application management query message 14 - Deprecated 14 - Deprecated Anfrage / Kommando an ein anderes System im Netz
NMR Application management response message Application management response message 14 - Deprecated 14 - Deprecated Antwort auf Anfrage / Kommando
OMB Blood product order message Blood product order message 4 4
OMD Dietary order Dietary order 4 4
OMG General clinical order message General clinical order message 4 4 allgemeiner Auftrag
OMI Imaging order Imaging order 4 4 Auftrag für bildgebende Untersuchung
ROC Request clinical information Request clinical information 2.9
ROD Request pateint demographics Request pateint demographics 2.9
OML Laboratory order message Laboratory order message 4 4 Laborauftrag
OMN Non-stock requisition order message Non-stock requisition order message 4 4
OMP Pharmacy/treatment order message Pharmacy/treatment order message 4 4
OMQ General order message with document payload General order message with document payload 4 4
OMS Stock requisition order message Stock requisition order message 4 4
OPL Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order Message Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order Message 4 4
OPR Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message 4 4
OPU Unsolicited Population/Location-Based Laboratory Observation Message Unsolicited Population/Location-Based Laboratory Observation Message 7 7
ORA Observation Report Acknowledgment Observation Report Acknowledgment 7 7
ORB Blood product order acknowledgement message Blood product order acknowledgement message 4 4
ORD Dietary order acknowledgment message Dietary order acknowledgment message 4 4
ORF Query for results of observation Query for results of observation 7 - Deprecated 7 - Deprecated Anfrage nach Untersuchungsergebnissen
ORG General clinical order acknowledgment message General clinical order acknowledgment message 4 4
ORI Imaging order acknowledgement message Imaging order acknowledgement message 4 4
ORL Laboratory acknowledgment message (unsolicited) Laboratory acknowledgment message (unsolicited) 7 7
ORM Pharmacy/treatment order message Pharmacy/treatment order message 4 - Deprecated 4 - Deprecated Auftrag / Verordnung
ORN Non-stock requisition - General order acknowledgment message Non-stock requisition - General order acknowledgment message 4 4
ORP Pharmacy/treatment order acknowledgment message Pharmacy/treatment order acknowledgment message 4 4
ORR General order response message response to any ORM General order response message response to any ORM 4 - Deprecated 4 - Deprecated Empfangsbestätigung von der Anwendung für einen Auftrag
ORS Stock requisition - Order acknowledgment message Stock requisition - Order acknowledgment message 4 4
ORU Unsolicited transmission of an observation message Unsolicited transmission of an observation message 7 7 Nicht angeforderte Untersuchungsergebnisse
ORX General Order Message with Document Payload Acknowledgement General Order Message with Document Payload Acknowledgement 4 4
OSM Specimen Shipment Message Specimen Shipment Message 7 7
OSQ Query response for order status Query response for order status 4 - Deprecated 4 - Deprecated Anfrage nach Auftragsstatus
OSR Query response for order status Query response for order status 4 - Deprecated 4 - Deprecated
OSU Order status update Order status update 4 4
OUL Unsolicited laboratory observation message Unsolicited laboratory observation message 7 7
PEX Product experience message Product experience message 7 7
PGL Patient goal message Patient goal message 12 12
PIN Patient insurance information Patient insurance information 11 11
PMU Add personnel record Add personnel record 15 15
PPG Patient pathway message (goal-oriented) Patient pathway message (goal-oriented) 12 12
PPP Patient pathway message (problem-oriented) Patient pathway message (problem-oriented) 12 12
PPR Patient problem message Patient problem message 12 12
PPT Patient pathway goal-oriented response Patient pathway goal-oriented response Deprecated Deprecated
PPV Patient goal response Patient goal response Deprecated Deprecated
PRR Patient problem response Patient problem response Deprecated Deprecated
PTR Patient pathway problem-oriented response Patient pathway problem-oriented response Deprecated Deprecated
QBP Query by parameter Query by parameter 5 5
QCK Query general acknowledgment Deferred query 5 - Deprecated 5 - Deprecated
QCN Cancel query Cancel query 5 5
QRY Query, original mode Query, original mode 3 3 Anfrage
QSB Create subscription Create subscription 5 5
QSX Cancel subscription/acknowledge message Cancel subscription/acknowledge message 5 5
QVR Query for previous events Query for previous events 5 5
RAR Pharmacy/treatment administration information Pharmacy/treatment administration information 4 - Deprecated 4 - Deprecated Antwort auf Anfrage bezüglich Verabreichung von Medikamenten
RAS Pharmacy/treatment administration message Pharmacy/treatment administration message 4 4 Erfolgte Verabreichung von Medikamenten
RCI Return clinical information Return clinical information 11 11
RCL Return clinical list Return clinical list 11 11
RQQ Event replay query Event replay query 2.9
RDE Pharmacy/treatment encoded order message Pharmacy/treatment encoded order message 4 4 Medikamentenverordnung (Apotheke)
RDR Pharmacy/treatment dispense information Pharmacy/treatment dispense information 4 4 Antwort auf Anfrage bezüglich Abgabe von Medikamenten
RDS Pharmacy/treatment dispense message Pharmacy/treatment dispense message 4 4 Abgabe von Medikamenten
RDY Display based response Display based response 5 5
REF Patient referral Patient referral 11 11 Überweisung eines Patienten
RER Pharmacy/treatment encoded order information Pharmacy/treatment encoded order information 4 - Deprecated 4 - Deprecated Antwort auf Anfrage bezüglich Medikamentenverordnung (Apotheke)
RGR Pharmacy/treatment dose information Pharmacy/treatment dose information 4 - Deprecated 4 - Deprecated Antwort auf Anfrage bezüglich Verabreichungsvorschrift für Medikamente
RGV Pharmacy/treatment give message Pharmacy/treatment give message 4 4 Verabreichungsvorschrift für Medikamente
ROR Pharmacy/treatment order response Pharmacy/treatment order response 4 - Deprecated 4 - Deprecated Antwort auf Anfrage bezüglich Medikamentenverordnung
SPQ Stored procedure request Stored procedure request 2.9
RPA Return patient authorization Return patient authorization 11 11
RPI Return patient information Return patient information 11 11
RPL Return patient display list Return patient display list 11 11
RPR Return patient list Return patient list 11 11
RQA Request patient authorization Request patient authorization 11 11
RQC Request clinical information Request clinical information 11 11
RQI Request patient information Request patient information 11 11
RQP Request patient demographics Request patient demographics 11 11
RRA Pharmacy/treatment administration acknowledgment message Pharmacy/treatment administration acknowledgment message 4 4 Empfangsbestätigung für Verabreichungsmeldung
RRD Pharmacy/treatment dispense acknowledgment message Pharmacy/treatment dispense acknowledgment message 4 4 Empfangsbestätigung für Abgabemeldung
RRE Pharmacy/treatment encoded order acknowledgment message Pharmacy/treatment encoded order acknowledgment message 4 4 Empfangsbestätigung für Verordnung (Apotheke)
RRG Pharmacy/treatment give acknowledgment message Pharmacy/treatment give acknowledgment message 4 4 Empfangsbestätigung für Verabreichungsvorschrift
VQQ Virtual table query Virtual table query 2.9
RRI Return referral information Return referral information 11 11
RSP Segment pattern response Segment pattern response 5 5
RTB Tabular response Tabular response 5 5
SCN Notification of Anti-Microbial Device Cycle Data Notification of Anti-Microbial Device Cycle Data 17 17
SDN Notification of Anti-Microbial Device Data Notification of Anti-Microbial Device Data 17 17
SDR Sterilization anti-microbial device data request Sterilization anti-microbial device data request 17 17
SET Specimen Event Tracking This message type is used to report how the specimen moves through its lifecycle from collection, identification, transport, acceptance or rejection, processing to storage and disposition.
SIU Schedule information unsolicited Schedule information unsolicited 10 10
SLN Notification of New Sterilization Lot Notification of New Sterilization Lot 17 17
SLR Sterilization lot request Sterilization lot request 17 17
SMD Sterilization anti-microbial device cycle data request Sterilization anti-microbial device cycle data request 17 17
SQM Schedule query message Schedule query message 10 - Deprecated 10 - Deprecated
SQR Schedule query response Schedule query response 10 - Deprecated 10 - Deprecated
SRM Schedule request message Schedule request message 10 10
SRR Scheduled request response Scheduled request response 10 10
SSR Specimen status request message Specimen status request message 13 13
SSU Specimen status update message Specimen status update message 13 13
STC Notification of Sterilization Configuration Notification of Sterilization Configuration 17 17
STI Sterilization item request Sterilization item request 17 17
SUR Summary product experience report Summary product experience report 7 - Deprecated 7 - Deprecated
TBR Tabular data response Tabular data response 5 - Deprecated 5 - Deprecated
TCR Automated equipment test code settings request message Automated equipment test code settings request message 13 13
TCU Automated equipment test code settings update message Automated equipment test code settings update message 13 13
UDM Unsolicited display update message Unsolicited display update message 5 5 Nicht angeforderte Nachricht im Anzeigeformat
VXQ Query for vaccination record Query for vaccination record 4 - Deprecated 4 - Deprecated
VXR Vaccination record response Vaccination record response 4 - Deprecated 4 - Deprecated
VXU Unsolicited vaccination record update Unsolicited vaccination record update 4 4
VXX Response for vaccination query with multiple PID matches Response for vaccination query with multiple PID matches 4 -Deprecated 4 -Deprecated


2023-11-14reviseMarc DuteauTSMGAdd standard copyright and contact to internal content; up-476
2020-05-06reviseTed KleinVocabulary WGMigrated to the UTG maintenance environment and publishing tooling.