HL7 Terminology (THO)
6.2.0 - Publication International flag

This page is part of the HL7 Terminology (v6.2.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Concept Domains

Official URL: http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/conceptdomains Version: 3.0.0
Active as of 2025-01-22 Responsible: Health Level Seven International Computable Name: ConceptDomains

Copyright/Legal: Copyright HL7. Licensed under creative commons public domain

Concept Domains - includes both v2 abd v3 concept domains

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

  • This CodeSystem is not used here; it may be used elsewhere (e.g. specifications and/or implementations that use this content)

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem conceptdomains


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

Conceptual Space For ClassCode ConceptualSpaceForClassCode http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#ConceptualSpaceForClassCode Coding Conceptual Space For ClassCode
Deprecated deprecated http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#deprecated dateTime Date when the concept was deprecated.
Deprecation Informaton DeprecationInfo http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#DeprecationInfo string Descriptive text about deprecation.
Status status http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#status code Status of the domain; retired or deprecated otherwise active.
HL7 Concept Usage Notes HL7usageNotes http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#HL7usageNotes string HL7 Concept Usage Notes
Parent subsumedBy http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#parent code The concept code of a parent concept
C1 Binding Effective Date contextBindingC1-effectiveDate http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingC1-effectiveDate dateTime C1 Binding Effective Date
C1 Binding Coding Strength contextBindingC1-strength http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingC1-strength code C1 Binding Coding Strength
C1 Bound ValueSet contextBindingC1-valueSet http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingC1-valueSet string C1 Bound ValueSet
R1 Binding Effective Date contextBindingR1-effectiveDate http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingR1-effectiveDate dateTime R1 Binding Effective Date
R1 Binding Coding Strength contextBindingR1-strength http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingR1-strength code R1 Binding Coding Strength
R1 Bound ValueSet contextBindingR1-valueSet http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingR1-valueSet string R1 Bound ValueSet
US Binding Effective Date contextBindingUS-effectiveDate http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingUS-effectiveDate dateTime US Binding Effective Date
US Binding Coding Strength contextBindingUS-strength http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingUS-strength code US Binding Coding Strength
US Bound ValueSet contextBindingUS-valueSet http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingUS-valueSet string US Bound ValueSet
UV Binding Effective Date contextBindingUV-effectiveDate http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingUV-effectiveDate dateTime UV Binding Effective Date
UV Binding Coding Strength contextBindingUV-strength http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingUV-strength code UV Binding Coding Strength
UV Bound ValueSet contextBindingUV-valueSet http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingUV-valueSet string UV Bound ValueSet
X1 Binding Effective Date contextBindingX1-effectiveDate http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingX1-effectiveDate dateTime X1 Binding Effective Date
X1 Binding Coding Strength contextBindingX1-strength http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingX1-strength code X1 Binding Coding Strength
X1 Bound ValueSet contextBindingX1-valueSet http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#contextBindingX1-valueSet string X1 Bound ValueSet
Open Issue openIssue http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#openIssue string Open Issue
Source source http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#source code Source
Synonym synonymCode http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#synonym code An additional concept code that was also attributed to a concept


This case-sensitive code system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/conceptdomains defines the following codes in a Is-A hierarchy:

LvlCodeDisplayDefinitionConceptual Space For ClassCodeDeprecatedDeprecation InformatonStatusHL7 Concept Usage NotesParentC1 Binding Effective DateC1 Binding Coding StrengthC1 Bound ValueSetR1 Binding Effective DateR1 Binding Coding StrengthR1 Bound ValueSetUS Binding Effective DateUS Binding Coding StrengthUS Bound ValueSetUV Binding Effective DateUV Binding Coding StrengthUV Bound ValueSetX1 Binding Effective DateX1 Binding Coding StrengthX1 Bound ValueSetOpen IssueSourceSynonym
1 AcknowledgementCondition AcknowledgementCondition

Acknowledgement Condition codes describe the conditions under which accept or application level acknowledgements are required to be returned in response to the message send operation.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.155 v3
1 AcknowledgementDetailCode AcknowledgementDetailCode

A site specific code indicating the specific problem being reported by this Ack Detail.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19638 v3
2   AcknowledgementDetailNotSupportedCode AcknowledgementDetailNotSupportedCode

Refelects rejections because elements of the communication are not supported in the current context.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19640 v3
2   AcknowledgementDetailSyntaxErrorCode AcknowledgementDetailSyntaxErrorCode

Reflects errors in the syntax or structure of the communication.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19639 v3
1 AcknowledgementDetailType AcknowledgementDetailType

A code identifying the specific message to be provided.

A textual value may be specified as the print name, or for non-coded messages, as the original text.Discussion:

'Required attribute xxx is missing', 'System will be unavailable March 19 from 0100 to 0300'Examples:

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19358 v3
2   AcknowledgmentMessageType AcknowledgmentMessageType

Identifies the the kind of information specified in the acknowledgement message. Options are: Error, Warning or Information.

1 AcknowledgementType AcknowledgementType

Acknowledgement code as described in HL7 message processing rules.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.8 v3
1 ActAppointmentType ActAppointmentType

Description: Types of acts that can be scheduled.


  • Follow-up appointment
  • New referral appointment
  • Consultation appointment
  • Specimen Collection appointment
  • Procedure appointment
1 ActClass ActClass

A code specifying the major type of Act that this Act-instance represents.

Constraints: The classCode domain is a tightly controlled vocabulary, not an external or user-defined vocabulary.

Every Act-instance must have a classCode. If the act class is not further specified, the most general Act.classCode (ACT) is used.

The Act.classCode must be a generalization of the specific Act concept (e.g., as expressed in Act.code), in other words, the Act concepts conveyed in an Act must be specializations of the Act.classCode. Especially, Act.code is not a "modifier" that can alter the meaning of a class code. (See Act.code for contrast.)

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11527 v3
2   ActClassExposure ActClassExposure

**Description:**The interaction of entities whereupon a subject entity is brought into proximity to a physical, chemical or biological agent. This includes intended exposure (e.g. administering a drug product) as well as accidental or environmental exposure. (Note: This class deals only with proximity and not the effectiveness of the exposure, i.e. not all exposed will suffer actual harm or benefit.)

**Examples:**Exposure to radiation, drug administration, inhalation of peanut aerosol or viral particles.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19832 v3
2   ActClassGenomicObservation ActClassGenomicObservation

**Description:**An observation of genomic phenomena.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19824 v3
2   ActClassPolicy ActClassPolicy

**Description:**A mandate, regulation, obligation, requirement, rule, or expectation unilaterally imposed by one party on:

  • The activity of another party
  • The behavior of another party
  • The manner in which an act is executed
2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19818 v3
2   ActClassProcedure ActClassProcedure

An Act whose immediate and primary outcome (post-condition) is the alteration of the physical condition of the subject.

Examples: : Procedures may involve the disruption of some body surface (e.g. an incision in a surgical procedure), but they also include conservative procedures such as reduction of a luxated join, chiropractic treatment, massage, balneotherapy, acupuncture, shiatsu, etc. Outside of clinical medicine, procedures may be such things as alteration of environments (e.g. straightening rivers, draining swamps, building dams) or the repair or change of machinery etc.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19665 v3
2   ActClassStorage ActClassStorage

The act of putting something away for safe keeping. The "something" may be physical object such as a specimen, or information, such as observations regarding a specimen.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19664 v3
2   SubjectPhysicalPosition SubjectPhysicalPosition

The spatial relationship of a subject whether human, other animal, or plant, to a frame of reference such as gravity or a collection device.

3     ImagingSubjectOrientation ImagingSubjectOrientation

A code specifying qualitatively the spatial relation between imaged object and imaging film or detector.

3     SubjectBodyPosition SubjectBodyPosition

Contains codes for defining the observed, physical position of a subject, such as during an observation, assessment, collection of a specimen, etc. ECG waveforms and vital signs, such as blood pressure, are two examples where a general, observed position typically needs to be noted.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19798 v3
1 ActCode ActCode

The table that provides the detailed or rich codes for the Act classes.

Open Issue: The hierarchy has issues and several of the existing domains may be moved under this new one; this must be examined and a proposal to clean up the hierarncy in the near future is needed

Open Issue: The description of this domain seems odd and may be a leftover from long ago and needs improvement.

2   ActAccountType ActAccountType

Description: Types of representation groupings of financial transactions that are tracked and reported together with a single balance.


  • Patient billing accounts
  • Cost center
  • Cash
ACCT 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14809 v3
2   ActAdjudicationType ActAdjudicationType

Description: Types of responses that will occur as a result of the adjudication of an electronic invoice at a summary level and provides guidance on interpretation of the referenced adjudication results.


  • adjudicated with adjustments
  • adjudicated as refused
  • adjudicated as submitted
ADJUD 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17616 v3
3     ActAdjudicationInformationCode ActAdjudicationInformationCode

Explanatory codes that provide information derived by an Adjudicator during the course of adjudicating an Invoice. Codes from this domain are purely information and do not materially affect the adjudicated Invoice. That is, codes do not impact or explain financial adjustments to an Invoice.

A companion domain (ActAdjudicationReason) includes information reasons which have a financial impact on an Invoice (claim).

Example adjudication information code is 54540 - Patient has reached Plan Maximum for current year.

Codes from this domain further rationalizes ActAdjudicationCodes (e.g. AA - Adjudicated with Adjustment), which are used to describe the process of adjudicating an Invoice.

3     ActAdjudicationResultActionType ActAdjudicationResultActionType

Description: Actions to be carried out by the recipient of the Adjudication Result information.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17472 v3
2   ActCareProvisionCode ActCareProvisionCode

**Description:**The type and scope of responsibility taken-on by the performer of the Act for a specific subject of care.

PCPR 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19789 v3
3     ActCareProvisionRequestType ActCareProvisionRequestType

**Description:**Concepts identifying different types of referral requests. These concepts identify the general type of care or category of services requested. They are not used to represent the indication or diagnosis which triggered the need for the referral. E.g. Anger management service, Intensive Care service, Orthodontics service.

3     ActCredentialedCareCode ActCredentialedCareCode

**Description:**The type and scope of legal and/or professional responsibility taken-on by the performer of the Act for a specific subject of care as described by a credentialing agency, i.e. government or non-government agency. Failure in executing this Act may result in loss of credential to the person or organization who participates as performer of the Act. Excludes employment agreements.

**Example:**Hospital license; physician license; clinic accreditation.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19790 v3
4       ActCredentialedCareProvisionPersonCode ActCredentialedCareProvisionPersonCode

**Description:**The type and scope of legal and/or professional responsibility taken-on by the performer of the Act for a specific subject of care as described by an agency for credentialing individuals.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19791 v3
4       ActCredentialedCareProvisionProgramCode ActCredentialedCareProvisionProgramCode

**Description:**The type and scope of legal and/or professional responsibility taken-on by the performer of the Act for a specific subject of care as described by an agency for credentialing programs within organizations.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19792 v3
3     ActEncounterType ActEncounterType

Concepts representing types of patient encounter such as ambulatory encounter, inpatient encounter or emergency encounter.

4       ActEncounterAmbulatoryType ActEncounterAmbulatoryType

**Definition:**A comprehensive term for health care provided in a healthcare facility (e.g. a practitioneraTMs office, clinic setting, or hospital) on a nonresident basis. The term ambulatory usually implies that the patient has come to the location and is not assigned to a bed. Sometimes referred to as an outpatient encounter.

ActEncounterCode 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20356 v3
4       ActEncounterEmergencyType ActEncounterEmergencyType

**Definition:**A patient encounter that takes place at a dedicated healthcare service delivery location where the patient receives immediate evaluation and treatment, provided until the patient can be discharged or responsibility for the patient's care is transferred elsewhere (for example, the patient could be admitted as an inpatient or transferred to another facility.)

ActEncounterCode 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20357 v3
4       ActEncounterFieldType ActEncounterFieldType

**Definition:**A patient encounter that takes place both outside a dedicated service delivery location and outside a patient's residence. Example locations might include an accident site and at a supermarket.

ActEncounterCode 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20358 v3
4       ActEncounterHomeHealthType ActEncounterHomeHealthType

**Definition:**Healthcare encounter that takes place in the residence of the patient or a designee

ActEncounterCode 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20359 v3
4       ActEncounterInpatientType ActEncounterInpatientType

**Definition:**A patient encounter where a patient is admitted by a hospital or equivalent facility, assigned to a location where patients generally stay at least overnight and provided with room, board, and continuous nursing service.

ActEncounterCode 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16847 v3
4       ActEncounterShortStayType ActEncounterShortStayType

**Definition:**An encounter where the patient is admitted to a health care facility for a predetermined length of time, usually less than 24 hours.

ActEncounterCode 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20360 v3
4       ActEncounterVirtualType ActEncounterVirtualType

**Definition:**A patient encounter where the patient and the practitioner(s) are not in the same physical location. Examples include telephone conference, email exchange, robotic surgery, and televideo conference.

ActEncounterCode 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20361 v3
4       EncounterAccident EncounterAccident


ENC ActEncounterCode v3
3     ActEncounterCode ActEncounterCode

Concepts representing types of patient encounter such as ambulatory encounter, inpatient encounter or emergency encounter. Note that this code is a synonym of ActEncounterType, and follows the original naming conventions for v3 Concept Domains, and is as published in the CDA R2 base; the naming conventions were corrected in later revisions of V3, but is kept here for backwards compatibility for the CDA R2 base.

cda ActEncounterType
2   ActCodeProcessStep ActCodeProcessStep

Description: Codes for general process steps.


  • lab process steps
  • diagnostic imaging process steps
  • etc. (Missing third example)
SPCTRT 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20340 v3
3     ActLabProcessCodes ActLabProcessCodes

Codes for general laboratory process steps.

ACT v3
4       ActInfoPersistCode ActInfoPersistCode

The act of storing information to long term storage.

4       ActObservationVerificationCode ActObservationVerificationCode

The act of verifying an observations. The subject act related to the observation verification (act relationship SUBJ) must be an observation (OBS)

OBS v3
4       ActSpecimenAccessionCode ActSpecimenAccessionCode

The accession act related to a specimen or group of specimens.

4       ActSpecimenLabelCode ActSpecimenLabelCode

The act of printing a specimen label. The printing of a label for a specimen container is a significant act in the workflow for collecting specimens.

4       ActSpecimenManifestCode ActSpecimenManifestCode

The act of adding a specimen to a transportation manifest. For example a laboratory will pack together in a carton all the specimens to be shipped to a reference lab. An electronic manifest showing all the specimens in the shippment is communicated to the reference lab.

4       ActSpecimenTransportCode ActSpecimenTransportCode

Transportation of a specimen.

4       LabResultReportingProcessStepCode LabResultReportingProcessStepCode

**Definition:**Used to identify if a lab result is reported as preliminary, final, or corrected. Provides a consistent way to distinguish the business or reporting status of the lab result.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20339 v3
2   ActCognitiveProfessionalServiceCode ActCognitiveProfessionalServiceCode

Denotes the specific service that has been performed. This is obtained from the professional service catalog pertaining to the discipline of the health service provider. Professional services are generally cognitive in nature and exclude surgical procedures. E.g. Provided training, Provided drug therapy review, Gave smoking-cessation counseling, etc.

ACT v3
2   ActConsentType ActConsentType

Definition: The type of consent directive, e.g., to consent or dissent to collect, access, or use in specific ways within an EHRS or for health information exchange; or to disclose health information for purposes such as research.

CONS 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20551 v3
3     ActDataConsentType ActDataConsentType

**Description:**The type of data consent directive.

3     ActFinancialParticipationConsentType ActFinancialParticipationConsentType

**Description:**The type of financial participation consent directive.

Examples: The Advanced Beneficiary Notice that Medicare patients consent or dissent to prior to receiving health services in the U.S. \ Current values include consent to financial responsibility (1) if the service is not deemed medically necessary; (2) will self pay for a service; or (3) requests that payer be billed.

3     ActInformationAccessCode ActInformationAccessCode

Description: The type of health information to which the subject of the information or the subject's delegate consents or dissents.


  • allergy information
  • medication information
  • professional services information
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19910 v3
3     AdvanceBeneficiaryNoticeType AdvanceBeneficiaryNoticeType


Represents types of consent that patient must sign prior to receipt of service, which is required for billing purposes.


  • Advanced beneficiary medically necessity notice.
  • Advanced beneficiary agreement to pay notice.
  • Advanced beneficiary requests payer billed.
2   ActContractType ActContractType

An agreement of obligation between two or more parties that is subject to contractual law and enforcement.

Examples: approvals granted by a regulatory agency; contracts measured in financial terms; insurance coverage contracts.

3     ActFinancialContractType ActFinancialContractType

A type of Act representing a contract whose value is measured in monetary terms.


  • insurance policy
  • providercontract
  • billing arrangement
4       ActCoverageTypeCode ActCoverageTypeCode

Definition: Set of codes indicating the type of insurance policy or program that pays for the cost of benefits provided to covered parties.

COV 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19855 v3
5         ActCoverageEligibilityConfirmationCode ActCoverageEligibilityConfirmationCode

Indication of eligibility coverage for healthcare service(s) and/or product(s).

COV v3
5         ActCoverageLimitCode ActCoverageLimitCode

Criteria that are applicable to the authorized coverage.

COV v3
6           ActCoverageQuantityLimitCode ActCoverageQuantityLimitCode

Maximum amount paid or maximum number of services/products covered; or maximum amount or number covered during a specified time period under the policy or program.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19933 v3
6           ActCoveredPartyLimitCode ActCoveredPartyLimitCode

Codes representing the types of covered parties that may receive covered benefits under a policy or program.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

7             ActCoveragePartyLimitGroupCode ActCoveragePartyLimitGroupCode

Codes representing the level of coverage provided under the policy or program in terms of the types of entities that may play covered parties based on their personal relationships or employment status.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

5         ActInsurancePolicyType ActInsurancePolicyType

Description: Types of insurance coverage legal documentation to cover healthcare costs.


  • Automobile
  • Extended healthcare
  • Worker's compensation
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19350 v3
5         ActInsuranceTypeCode ActInsuranceTypeCode

Definition: Set of codes indicating the type of insurance policy. Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of potential financial loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a potential loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium and duty of care. A policy holder is an individual or an organization enters into a contract with an underwriter which stipulates that, in exchange for payment of a sum of money (a premium), one or more covered parties (insureds) is guaranteed compensation for losses resulting from certain perils under specified conditions. The underwriter analyzes the risk of loss, makes a decision as to whether the risk is insurable, and prices the premium accordingly. A policy provides benefits that indemnify or cover the cost of a loss incurred by a covered party, and may include coverage for services required to remediate a loss. An insurance policy contains pertinent facts about the policy holder, the insurance coverage, the covered parties, and the insurer. A policy may include exemptions and provisions specifying the extent to which the indemnification clause cannot be enforced for intentional tortious conduct of a covered party, e.g., whether the covered parties are jointly or severably insured.

Discussion: In contrast to programs, an insurance policy has one or more policy holders, who own the policy. The policy holder may be the covered party, a relative of the covered party, a partnership, or a corporation, e.g., an employer. A subscriber of a self-insured health insurance policy is a policy holder. A subscriber of an employer sponsored health insurance policy is holds a certificate of coverage, but is not a policy holder; the policy holder is the employer. See CoveredRoleType.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19856 v3
6           ActHealthInsuranceTypeCode ActHealthInsuranceTypeCode

Definition: Set of codes indicating the type of health insurance policy that covers health services provided to covered parties. A health insurance policy is a written contract for insurance between the insurance company and the policyholder, and contains pertinent facts about the policy owner (the policy holder), the health insurance coverage, the insured subscribers and dependents, and the insurer. Health insurance is typically administered in accordance with a plan, which specifies (1) the type of health services and health conditions that will be covered under what circumstances (e.g., exclusion of a pre-existing condition, service must be deemed medically necessary; service must not be experimental; service must provided in accordance with a protocol; drug must be on a formulary; service must be prior authorized; or be a referral from a primary care provider); (2) the type and affiliation of providers (e.g., only allopathic physicians, only in network, only providers employed by an HMO); (3) financial participations required of covered parties (e.g., co-pays, coinsurance, deductibles, out-of-pocket); and (4) the manner in which services will be paid (e.g., under indemnity or fee-for-service health plans, the covered party typically pays out-of-pocket and then file a claim for reimbursement, while health plans that have contractual relationships with providers, i.e., network providers, typically do not allow the providers to bill the covered party for the cost of the service until after filing a claim with the payer and receiving reimbursement).

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19857 v3
5         ActProgramTypeCode ActProgramTypeCode

Definition: A set of codes used to indicate coverage under a program. A program is an organized structure for administering and funding coverage of a benefit package for covered parties meeting eligibility criteria, typically related to employment, health, financial, and demographic status. Programs are typically established or permitted by legislation with provisions for ongoing government oversight. Regulations may mandate the structure of the program, the manner in which it is funded and administered, covered benefits, provider types, eligibility criteria and financial participation. A government agency may be charged with implementing the program in accordance to the regulation. Risk of loss under a program in most cases would not meet what an underwriter would consider an insurable risk, i.e., the risk is not random in nature, not financially measurable, and likely requires subsidization with government funds.

Discussion: Programs do not have policy holders or subscribers. Program eligibles are enrolled based on health status, statutory eligibility, financial status, or age. Program eligibles who are covered parties under the program may be referred to as members, beneficiaries, eligibles, or recipients. Programs risk are underwritten by not for profit organizations such as governmental entities, and the beneficiaries typically do not pay for any or some portion of the cost of coverage. See CoveredPartyRoleType.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19858 v3
3     ActFinancialTransactionType ActFinancialTransactionType

A type of Act representing any transaction between two accounts whose value is measured in monetary terms.


  • patient account transaction
  • encounter accounttransaction
  • cost center transaction
4       ActBillingArrangementType ActBillingArrangementType

Description: Types of provision(s) made for reimbursing for the deliver of healthcare services and/or goods provided by a Provider for one or more occurrence or over a specified period.


  • Contract
  • Rostering
  • Capitation
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17478 v3
2   ActDataOperationType ActDataOperationType

Description: Types of operations that may be performed on objects. Here, objects are broadly understood as information system-related entities (e.g., devices, files, records, tables, processes, programs, domains) containing or receiving information.


  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete

Open Issue: This is too restrictive to deal with what CBCC wants.

3     ActDataAccessOperationType ActDataAccessOperationType

Description: Types of operations that may accomplish access of information. Here, objects are broadly understood as information system-related entities (e.g., devices, files, records, tables, processes, programs, domains) containing or receiving information.


  • Query
  • Search
  • Transport
  • Send
  • Receive
3     ActDataCollectionOperationType ActDataCollectionOperationType

Description: Types of operations that may accomplish collection or related management of information. Here, objects are broadly understood as information system-related entities (e.g., devices, files, records, tables, processes, programs, domains) containing or receiving information.


  • Create
  • Store
  • Archive
3     ActDataDisclosureOperationType ActDataDisclosureOperationType

Description: Types of operations that may accomplish disclosure of information. Here, objects are broadly understood as information system-related entities (e.g., devices, files, records, tables, processes, programs, domains) containing or receiving information.


  • Disclose
  • Forward
  • Publish
3     ActDataUseOperationType ActDataUseOperationType

Description: Types of operations that may accomplish usage of information. Here, objects are broadly understood as information system-related entities (e.g., devices, files, records, tables, processes, programs, domains) containing or receiving information.


  • Activate
  • Release
  • Execute Read
  • Display
  • Update
  • Append
  • Amend
2   ActDetectedIssueManagementType ActDetectedIssueManagementType

Description: Issue management types that dealing with detected issue observations.

Rationale: Allows for consistent specification and interpretation of issue management.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16695 v3
2   ActDisciplinaryActionCode ActDisciplinaryActionCode

Includes coded types of actions that can be taken by a supervising entity in response to inappropriate action (or inaction) on the part of a supervised entity.

2   ActEventCategoryWorkingListType ActEventCategoryWorkingListType

Description: List of broad catagorizations of clinical event records.


  • Allergies
  • Drugs
  • Referrals
3     ActCommonCodedClinicalObservationCategoryListType ActCommonCodedClinicalObservationCategoryListType

**Description:**Lists of high-level categorizations for clinical coded observations that do not require numeric values with a specific unit of measure.


  • Symptoms
  • History
  • Observations
3     ActSimpleMeasurableClinicalObservationCategoryListType ActSimpleMeasurableClinicalObservationCategoryListType

Description: of high-level categorization for clinical non-laboratory and non-diagnostic image measured observations with numeric values and specific units of measure.


  • Vital Signs
  • Physiological Measurements
  • Procedure Results
2   ActEventCriteriaType ActEventCriteriaType

Description: Describes types of criteria used when making observations, conducting procedures, and substance administrations.


  • medications
  • immunizations
ACT v3
3     ActProcedureEventCriteriaType ActProcedureEventCriteriaType

Description: of procedure used for evaluating a precondition, goal, or trigger.


  • some radiology procedures
  • respiratory therapy
  • physical therapy
3     ActSubstanceAdministrationEventCriteriaType ActSubstanceAdministrationEventCriteriaType

Description: Type of substance administration used for evaluating a precondition, goal, or trigger.


  • other substance administrations
  • respiratory therapy
  • immunizations
3     ObservationEventCriteriaType ObservationEventCriteriaType

Description: of observation used for evaluating a precondition, goal, or trigger.


  • age-based criteria
  • diagnostic-based criteria
  • simple observation-based criteria (vital signs)
4       ObservationEventLabCriteriaType ObservationEventLabCriteriaType

Description: Type of observation used in lab for evaluating reference ranges.


  • age-based criteria
  • sex-based criteria
  • condition-based criteria
2   ActExposureCode ActExposureCode

Concepts that identify the type or nature of exposure interaction. Examples include "household", "care giver", "intimate partner", "common space", "common substance", etc. to further describe the nature of interaction.

EXPOS 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19938 v3
2   ActFinancialDetectedIssueManagementCode ActFinancialDetectedIssueManagementCode

Codes dealing with the management of Detected Issue observations for the financial acts domain.

ACT v3
2   ActIncidentCode ActIncidentCode

Definition: Set of codes indicating the type of incident or accident.

INC v3
3     ActPatientSafetyIncidentCode ActPatientSafetyIncidentCode

Definition: A code specifying the particular kind of Patient Safety Incident that the Incident class instance represents.

Examples:"Medication incident", "slips, trips and falls incident".The actual value set for the domain will be determined by each (realm) implementation, whose Patient Safety terminology will be specific, although probably linked to the WHO Patient Safety Taxonomy that is currently under development

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

2   ActInformationTransferCode ActInformationTransferCode

Description: Conveyance of the type of information transfer protocol.

TRFR 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20289 v3
2   ActInvoiceElementCode ActInvoiceElementCode

Type of invoice element that is used to assist in describing an Invoice that is either submitted for adjudication or for which is returned on adjudication results.

INVE 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19397 v3
3     ActInvoiceDetailCode ActInvoiceDetailCode

Codes representing a service or product that is being invoiced (billed). The code can represent such concepts as "office visit", "drug X", "wheelchair" and other billable items such as taxes, service charges and discounts.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19401 v3
4       ActInvoiceDetailClinicalProductCode ActInvoiceDetailClinicalProductCode


4       ActInvoiceDetailClinicalServiceCode ActInvoiceDetailClinicalServiceCode

An identifying data string for healthcare procedures.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

5         CPT4 CPT4

**Description:**Physicians Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Manual is a listing of descriptive terms and identifying codes for reporting medical services and procedures performed by physicians. Available for the AMA at the address listed for CPT above. These codes are found in Appendix A of CPT 2000 Standard Edition. (CPT 2000 Standard Edition, American Medical Association, Chicago, IL).

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

5         CPT5 CPT5

**Description:**Physicians Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Manual is a listing of descriptive terms and identifying codes for reporting medical services and procedures performed by physicians. Available for the AMA at the address listed for CPT above. These codes are found in Appendix A of CPT 2000 Standard Edition. (CPT 2000 Standard Edition, American Medical Association, Chicago, IL).

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

5         HCPCS HCPCS

**Description:**Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) Codes are procedure identifying codes. HCPCS is Health Care Finance AdministrationaTMs (HFCA) coding scheme to group procedures performed for payment to providers. contains codes for medical equipment, injectable drugs, transportation services, and other services not found in CPT4.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

5         ICD10PCS ICD10PCS

**Description:**International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-PCS) are procedure identifying codes. ICD-10-PCS describes the classification of inpatient procedures for statistical purposes.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

5         ICD9PCS ICD9PCS

**Description:**International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Procedure Coding System (ICD-9-PCS) are procedure identifying codes. ICD-9-PCS describes the classification of inpatient procedures for statistical purposes.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

4       ActInvoiceDetailTaxType ActInvoiceDetailTaxType

Description: Types of tax associated with billable services or products.


  • Provincial or State sales tax
  • Harmonized sales tax
  • Federal sales tax
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19409 v3
4       HCPCSAccommodationCode HCPCSAccommodationCode

**Description:**External value set for accommodation types used in the U.S. Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) including modifiers.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ActInvoiceElementSummaryType ActInvoiceElementSummaryType

Description: Types of summary information that can be reported by queries dealing with Statement of Financial Activity (SOFA). The summary information is generally used to help resolve balance discrepancies between providers and payors.


  • number and total value of payable items;
  • number and value of same period nullify items;
  • number and value of prior nullify;
  • number of non-payable nullify items;
  • number of pending items;
  • number of rejected items;
  • number of adjudicated to zero items;
  • reimbursement items (e.g., pay patient)
  • Adjudicated non-payee payable prior-period electronic amount
  • Adjudicated nullified prior-period electronic amount
  • Adjudicated refused prior-period electronic amount
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17522 v3
4       ActInvoiceAdjudicationPaymentSummaryType ActInvoiceAdjudicationPaymentSummaryType

Description: Types of grouping of invoice elements (totals, sub-totals), reported through a Payment Advice or a Statement of Financial Activity (SOFA). The code can represent summaries by day, location, payee and other cost elements such as bonus, retroactive adjustment and transaction fees.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19413 v3
3     ActInvoiceGroupType ActInvoiceGroupType

Description: Types of invoice element that is used to assist in describing an Invoice that is either submitted for adjudication or for which is returned on adjudication results.

Invoice elements of this type signify a grouping of one or more children (detail) invoice elements. They do not have intrinsic costing associated with them, but merely reflect the sum of all costing for its immediate children invoice elements.


  • CPINV - Clinical product invoice
  • CSINV- Clinical service invoice
  • RXDINV - Drug invoice
  • RXCINV - Compound invoice
  • CSPINV - Combined service and clinical product invoice
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19398 v3
3     ActInvoiceOverrideType ActInvoiceOverrideType

Description: Types of responses that will occur as a result of the adjudication of an electronic invoice at a summary level and provides guidance on interpretation of the referenced adjudication results.


  • Re-bill for the professional fee
  • Good faith override
  • Wasted Drug
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17590 v3
2   ActListCode ActListCode

Provides codes associated with ActClass value of LIST (working list)

LIST 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19364 v3
3     ActProcedureCategoryList ActProcedureCategoryList

**Description:**Describes the high level classification of professional services for grouping.

**Examples:**Education, Counseling, Surgery, etc.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ActTherapyDurationWorkingListCode ActTherapyDurationWorkingListCode

Codes used to identify different types of 'duration-based' working lists. Examples include "Continuous/Chronic", "Short-Term" and "As-Needed".

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19710 v3
4       ActMedicationTherapyDurationWorkingListCode ActMedicationTherapyDurationWorkingListCode

**Definition:**A collection of concepts that identifies different types of 'duration-based' mediation working lists.

Examples:"Continuous/Chronic" "Short-Term" and "As Needed"

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19788 v3
2   ActMonitoringProtocolType ActMonitoringProtocolType

Description: Identifies types of monitoring programs such as tracking specified medication prescribing e.g. narcotic(s), identifying investigational studies or identifying programs regarding reimbursement or prescribing privileges.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16231 v3
2   ActNonObservationIndicationCode ActNonObservationIndicationCode

**Description:**Concepts representing indications (reasons for clinical action) other than diagnosis and symptoms.

ACT 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19778 v3
2   ActOrderCode ActOrderCode

The type of order that was fulfilled by the clinical service

ACT v3
2   ActPolicyType ActPolicyType

**Description:**Types of policies that further specify the ActClassPolicy value set.

POLICY 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19886 v3
3     ActPrivacyPolicyType ActPrivacyPolicyType

**Description:**Types of privacy policies that further specify the ActClassPolicy value set e.g. override policy, minor's rights to mask sensitive information policy, opt-in, opt-out policy.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20424 v3
4       ActConsentDirectiveType ActConsentDirectiveType

**Description:**Specifies the type of consent directive indicated by an ActClassPolicy e.g., a 3rd party authorization to disclose or consent for a substitute decision maker (SDM) or a notice of privacy policy. Sibling to ActPrivacyPolicyType and Child of ActPolicyType.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20425 v3
4       ActPrivacyLawPolicyType ActPrivacyLawPolicyType

Description: Types of jurisdictional mandates relating to privacy.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20426 v3
4       ActSensitivityPrivacyPolicyType ActSensitivityPrivacyPolicyType

A sensitivity policy is adopted by an enterprise or group of enterprises (a "policy domain") through a formal data use agreement that stipulates the value, importance, and vulnerability of information. A sensitivity code representing a sensitivity policy may be associated with criteria such as categories of information or sets of information identifiers (e.g., a value set of clinical codes or branch in a code system hierarchy). These criteria may in turn be used for the Policy Decision Point in a Security Engine. A sensitivity code may be used to set the confidentiality code used on information about Acts and Roles to trigger the security mechanisms required to control how security principals (i.e., a person, a machine, a software application) may act on the information (e.g., collection, access, use, or disclosure). Sensitivity codes are never assigned to the transport or business envelope containing patient specific information being exchanged outside of a policy domain as this would disclose the information intended to be protected by the policy. When sensitive information is exchanged with others outside of a policy domain, the confidentiality code on the transport or business envelope conveys the receiver's responsibilities and indicates the how the information is to be safeguarded without unauthorized disclosure of the sensitive information. This ensures that sensitive information is treated by receivers as the sender intends, accomplishing interoperability without point to point negotiations.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20428 v3
5         ActEntityInformationSensitivityPrivacyPolicyType ActEntityInformationSensitivityPrivacyPolicyType

Description: Types of Sensitivity policies that may apply to a sensitive attribute on an Entity.

5         ActInformationSensitivityPrivacyPolicyType ActInformationSensitivityPrivacyPolicyType

Description: Types of sensitivity policies that apply to Acts.

5         ActRoleInformationSensitivityPrivacyPolicyType ActRoleInformationSensitivityPrivacyPolicyType

Description: Types of sensitivity policies that apply to Roles.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20430 v3
3     ActSecurityPolicyType ActSecurityPolicyType

Types of security policies that further specify the ActClassPolicy value set.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20444 v3
4       ActObligationSecurityPolicyType ActObligationSecurityPolicyType

Conveys the mandated workflow action that an information custodian, receiver, or user must perform.

Usage Note: Per ISO 22600-2, ObligationPolicy instances "are event-triggered and define actions to be performed by manager agent". Per HL7 Composite Security and Privacy Domain Analysis Model: This value set refers to the action required to receive the permission specified in the privacy rule. Per OASIS XACML, an obligation is an operation specified in a policy or policy that is performed in conjunction with the enforcement of an access control decision.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20445 v3
4       ActRefrainSecurityPolicyType ActRefrainSecurityPolicyType

Conveys prohibited actions which an information custodian, receiver, or user is not permitted to perform unless otherwise authorized or permitted under specified circumstances.

Usage Notes: ISO 22600-2 species that a Refrain Policy "defines actions the subjects must refrain from performing". Per HL7 Composite Security and Privacy Domain Analysis Model: May be used to indicate that a specific action is prohibited based on specific access control attributes e.g., purpose of use, information type, user role, etc.

ISO 22600-2 species that a Refrain Policy "defines actions the subjects must refrain from performing". Per HL7 Composite Security and Privacy Domain Analysis Model: May be used to indicate that a specific action is prohibited based on specific access control attributes e.g., purpose of use, information type, user role, etc. 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20446 v3
4       ActTrustPolicyType ActTrustPolicyType

A mandate, obligation, requirement, rule, or expectation conveyed as security metadata between senders and receivers required to establish the reliability, authenticity, and trustworthiness of their transactions.

Trust security metadata are observation made about aspects of trust applicable to an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability).

Trust applicable to IT resources is established and maintained in and among security domains, and may be comprised of observations about the domain's trust authority, trust framework, trust policy, trust interaction rules, means for assessing and monitoring adherence to trust policies, mechanisms that enforce trust, and quality and reliability measures of assurance in those mechanisms. [Based on ISO IEC 10181-1 and NIST SP 800-63-2]

For example, identity proofing level of assurance and Trust Framework.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20530 v3
2   ActPreferenceType ActPreferenceType

Concepts representing a type of preference that can be specified.


  • Food
  • Drug
  • Vegetarian
  • Sweets
2   ActProcedureCode ActProcedureCode

Description: An identifying code for healthcare interventions/procedures.


  • immunization
  • appendectomy
  • physiotherapy
3     ActBillableServiceCode ActBillableServiceCode

Definition: An identifying code for billable services, as opposed to codes for similar services used to identify them for functional purposes.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

4       ActBillableTreatmentPlanCode ActBillableTreatmentPlanCode

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

4       ActMedicalBillableServiceCode ActMedicalBillableServiceCode

Definition: An identifying code for billable medical services, as opposed to codes for similar services to identify them for clinical purposes.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

4       ActNonMedicalBillableServiceCode ActNonMedicalBillableServiceCode

Definition: An identifying code for billable services that are not medical procedures, such as social services or governmental program services.

Example: Building a wheelchair ramp, help with groceries, giving someone a ride, etc.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ActMolecularInteractionType ActMolecularInteractionType

Chemical reactions in the widest sense of the word.

Examples: Transcription (creating mRNA from a DNA gene), translation (creating a protein from mRNA), cleavage (hydrolysis of a peptide), substitution (replacing an element or residue with another, such as in glycosylation, phosphorylation), addition (adding a residue to a double bond), receptor binding.

3     ActOralHealthProcedureCode ActOralHealthProcedureCode

**Description:**An identifying code for oral health interventions/procedures.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ActOrderableProcedureCode ActOrderableProcedureCode

Description: Concept domain which includes those ActProcedureCodes which are appropriate for ordering.


  • physical therapies
  • excisions
  • surgery
3     ActProductReconstitutionType ActProductReconstitutionType


Identifies the nature (or type) of transformation that a (medicinal) product may undergo, prior to its administration to a patient.


  • Dilution
  • Dissolution
  • Suspension
3     ActProfessionalServiceCode ActProfessionalServiceCode

Description: Denotes the specific professional service that has been performed. This is obtained from the professional service catalog pertaining to the discipline of the health service provider.


  • adjustment of hearing aid
  • excision of skin lesion
  • stitching skin lacerations
3     ActSpecimenCollectionProcedureType ActSpecimenCollectionProcedureType

Description: Used to further classify the type of specimen collection procedure being documented.


  • Venipuncture
  • Swab
  • Biopsy
3     ActSubstanceAdministrationCode ActSubstanceAdministrationCode

Describes the type of substance administration being performed. This should not be used to carry codes for identification of products. Use an associated role or entity to carry such information.

SBADM 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19708 v3 SubstanceAdministrationActCode
4       ActSubstanceAdministrationImmunizationCode ActSubstanceAdministrationImmunizationCode

The introduction of ??? with the intent of stimulating an immune response, aimed at preventing subsequent infections by more viable agents.

SubstanceAdministrationActCode 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19709 v3
3     SubstanceAdministrationActCode SubstanceAdministrationActCode

Describes the type of substance administration being performed. This should not be used to carry codes for identification of products. Use an associated role or entity to carry such information. Note that this code is a synonym of ActSubstanceAdministrationCode, and follows the original naming conventions for v3 Concept Domains, and is as published in the CDA R2 base; the naming conventions were corrected in later revisions of V3, but is kept here for backwards compatibility for the CDA R2 base.

SBADM cda ActSubstanceAdministrationCode
3     ActSubstanceDerivationType ActSubstanceDerivationType

Acts of producing a substance by processing input material in any way thus deriving the product substance from the inputs

Examples: Fermentation, filtration, separation, extraction, or any complex procedure involving multiple such steps.

UsageNotes: This domain may involve molecular interactions as components, but substance derivation - even if implementing a single defined reaction on the molecular level - implies not only that reaction but the methods and devices by which to induce that reaction.

This domain may involve molecular interactions as components, but substance derivation - even if implementing a single defined reaction on the molecular level - implies not only that reaction but the methods and devices by which to induce that reaction. v3
3     ActSubstanceExtractionCode ActSubstanceExtractionCode

Description: In addition to the class code, further defines the type of substance extraction.


  • excision
  • surgical
  • passive
4       ActBloodDonationType ActBloodDonationType

Description: Defines the type of blood donation.


  • autologous
  • directed
  • volunteer
3     NutritionModificationType NutritionModificationType

Concepts that are used to convey modifications to the food or serving utensils that should be given in a diet order. These can be derived from patient allergies, intolerances, or preferences. They can also be specific to the order and not have any relationship to the allergies, intolerances, or preferences.


  • Vegetarian
  • Liquids separate from solids
  • Small Portions
  • disposable utensils (for psych or isolation rooms)
4       DietTextureModificationType DietTextureModificationType

A set of concepts that identifies any texture modifications that should be made to a diet order.


  • Pudding Thick
  • Pureed
  • Easy to Chew
2   ActProductApprovalType ActProductApprovalType

Description: An approval granted to a product by a regulatory agency or other government body.


  • Approval to sell
  • Approval to initiate clinical trial
  • Approval to market (i.e., advertise)
3     ActProductApprovalApplicationType ActProductApprovalApplicationType

Description: A type of application made in order to obtain a product approval from a regulatory agency or other government body.


  • Application for new approval
  • Application for renewal of approval
  • Application for variation of approval
3     ActProductApprovalProcessType ActProductApprovalProcessType

Description: A type of approval process by which a product approval is obtained from a regulatory agency or other government body.


  • Centralized process approval
  • Mutual recognition process approval
  • National process approval
2   ActProvenanceEventCurrentStateType ActProvenanceEventCurrentStateType

Types of state an act may exist in.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20547 v3
2   ActReactionActionTakenType ActReactionActionTakenType

Description: A type of act that indicates the action taken by a practitioner or other responsible party in response to the reaction/event that is reported in the ICSR.


  • failing device replaced
  • medication stopped
  • medication dose adjusted
ACT v3
2   ActRecordOrganizerType ActRecordOrganizerType

Description: A code further classifying the type of record organizer. Used with the ActClassRecordOrganizer ActClass concept domain.


  • CDA R2
  • Electrolytes Battery
  • Specimen Cluster
_ActClassRecordOrganizer v3
3     ActCompositionType ActCompositionType

A context representing a grouped commitment of information to the EHR. It is considered the unit of modification of the record, the unit of transmission in record extracts, and the unit of attestation by authorizing clinicians.

Examples: document; authentication unit; transmission unit.

4       ActContextOfUseType ActContextOfUseType

Identifies the heading under which a document is to appear in a pre-defined, pro forma table of contents for a collection of documents within a regulatory category.


  • m1-1-forms (eCTD module 1, forms)
  • m1-1-1-fda-form-1571 (eCTD. Module 1, specific FDA form)
  • m3-2-s-drug-substance (eCTD module 3, section 2, drug substance by substance)

Usage Note: This usage is confined to a specific set of requirements related to regulatory documents in the context of RPS documents.

4       ActKeywordsType ActKeywordsType

Codes for additional metadata to be assigned to document or context of use instances to organize a group of documents within the same table of contents heading. These external code systems specify the category or type of keyword (e.g. Species) and the applicable values.


  • Species code system
  • Species code
  • Sponsor's manufacturing site code system

Usage Note: This usage is confined to a specific set of requirements related to regulatory documents in the context of RPS documents.

4       ActRegulatoryCategoryType ActRegulatoryCategoryType

Identifies the regulatory processes and/or submission contents specified in law or practice for a particular realm used to organize submitted materials.


  • Application Type: NDA
  • Submission Type: Efficacy Supplement
  • Submission Unit Type: Amendment

Usage Note: This usage is confined to a specific set of requirements related to regulatory documents in the context of RPS documents.

4       DocumentType DocumentType

The kind of document. Possible values: discharge summary, progress note, Oncology note, etc.

DOC 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10870 v3
5         ActFinancialSupportingAttachmentCode ActFinancialSupportingAttachmentCode

**Description:**Identifies the type of document that was attached to support the processing of claims, adjudication decision determination or extensions to coverage.

DOC v3
6           ActClaimAttachmentCode ActClaimAttachmentCode

**Description:**Contrains the type of attachment (document, XRAY, bit map image, etc.) included to support a healthcare claim. Vocabulary bound to this domain should be a specification for the type of document (i.e. WCB First Report of Acccident - Form 8).

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20362 v3
6           ActSpecialAuthorizationAttachmentCode ActSpecialAuthorizationAttachmentCode

**Description:**Identifies the type of document that is used to support a request which requires special authorization. Example values in this concept domain could be: coverage extensions, step therapy, medical report, lab result, etc.

5         ActICSRDocumentType ActICSRDocumentType

Description: A type of document that has information related to the investigation of an adverse event or product problem report.


  • Autopsy report
  • toxicology report
  • clinical journal article
DOC v3
5         ActIdentityDocumentCode ActIdentityDocumentCode

Code identifying the type of identification document (e.g. passport, drivers license)

**Implementation Note:**The proposal called for a domain, but a code was also provided. When codes are available for the value set the code IDENTDOC (identity document) will be used as the headcode for the specializable value set.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

5         ActInformationCategoryCode ActInformationCategoryCode

**Definition:**Indicates the set of information types which may be manipulated or referenced, such as for recommending access restrictions.

DOC 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19752 v3
5         ActInformRequestType ActInformRequestType

Description: Information type for which a provider is requesting routing of health information. This could include messaging of results or documents especially in the context of a specific service delivery location.


  • Diagnostic Image Interpretations
  • Lab Test Results
  • Electrocardiogram Reports
DOC v3
5         ActMedicationDocumentCode ActMedicationDocumentCode

Indicates the types of documents that can be associated with a medication or group of medications.

Examples include: Patient monographs, Provider monographs, Drug protocols, etc.

5         ActProductDocumentationType ActProductDocumentationType


A type of documentation that is used to convey information about a product or an aspect of its life as a product - ranging from production to disposition.


  • Bill of lading
  • product label
  • Report of Product Disposal
DOC v3
5         ActQualityMeasureDocumentType ActQualityMeasureDocumentType

A type of document used to represent a health quality measure (aka eMeasure).

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20365 v3
5         ActRPSDocumentType ActRPSDocumentType

Identifies the document type from a regulator-defined set of codes similar to the ICH-defined File Tags used on clinical study documents in an eCTD.


  • Pre-clinical study report
  • Study report
  • Sample CRF

Usage Note: This usage is confined to a specific set of requirements related to regulatory documents in the context of RPS documents.

5         ActSpecialAuthorizationCode ActSpecialAuthorizationCode

**Description:**Constrains vocabulary to that which describes the type of documents that can be attached to a financial transaction such as a Special Authorization Request.

Example values under this concept domain could be: drug, device, service, etc.

DOC v3
3     ActGrouperType ActGrouperType

Description: Further defines the type of grouping of orders or events. This concept domain is intended to be used with the GROUPER Act class code.


  • requisition
  • pre-coordinated order set
  • custom order set
3     ActICSRRecordOrganizerType ActICSRRecordOrganizerType

Description: A type of concept that is used within adverse event and product problem reporting to organize data - often clinical in nature - provided for an investigative subject or other party within the scope of the investigation.


  • Medical history
  • previous drug reactions
  • immunization history
3     ActRecordContainerType ActRecordContainerType

Description: Container of clinical statements. Navigational. No semantic content. Knowledge of the section code is not required to interpret contained observations. Represents a heading in a heading structure, or "container tree".

Examples: category; document section; document body.

4       DocumentSectionType DocumentSectionType

A type of document section (specialization of ActClass "DOCSECT").

5         ActQualityMeasureSectionType ActQualityMeasureSectionType

A type of document section within a health quality measure (aka eMeasure), used to cluster the various parts of the eMeasure into a more human navigable format.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20364 v3
2   ActRegistryCode ActRegistryCode

This is the domain of registry types. Examples include Master Patient Registry, Staff Registry, Employee Registry, Tumor Registry.

REG v3
2   ActRPSRegulatoryPolicy ActRPSRegulatoryPolicy

Identifies different classes of regulatory policy that can be applied within a Regulated Product Submission.

Usage Note: This Domain is used to administratively group its subdomains specifically for usage in the RPS model, and is not intended to participate in any binidngs.

3     ActRegulatoryStatusType ActRegulatoryStatusType

Identifies a temporary or final legal status assigned to a submission by a particular regulatory realm based on the laws and practices of the realm.


  • Active (as authorized by section abc)
  • Approved (under section xyz)
  • Withdrawn (under section pqr)

Usage Note: This usage is confined to a specific set of requirements related to regulatory documents in the context of RPS documents.

3     ActRPSProductCategoryType ActRPSProductCategoryType

Identifies the legal or administrative category assigned to a regulated product that determines or influences the way in which its submission is reviewed.


  • New active ingredients
  • New ethical combination drug
  • New administrative route

Usage Note: This usage is confined to a specific set of requirements related to regulatory documents in the context of RPS documents.

3     ActRPSReviewTimeType ActRPSReviewTimeType

Identifies the time period in which a submission of a given type is to be reviewed as established by law or practice in the particular regulatory realm.


  • 30 days, reduced time
  • 60 days, regular time
  • 90 days, extended time

Usage Note: This usage is confined to a specific set of requirements related to regulatory documents in the context of RPS documents.

2   ActServiceDeliveryLocationServiceType ActServiceDeliveryLocationServiceType

**Description:**Concepts representing the categorization of health services available at a particular delivery location site.


  • anesthetic service
  • colonoscopy service
  • orthopedic service
2   ActServiceEventType ActServiceEventType

Concepts identifying the general type of care or category of services being documented.


  • Colonoscopy
  • appendectomy
  • laboratory test
2   ActSubstanceAdminSubstitutionCode ActSubstanceAdminSubstitutionCode

**Definition:**Identifies the types of substitution that may be permitted when ordering a medication, as well as those which have actually occurred during the act of dispensing.

SUBST 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16621 v3
2   ActSupplyType ActSupplyType

Description: Further defines the type of supply for order or distribution.


  • central supply
  • materials management
  • nurse station supply
3     ActPharmacySupplyType ActPharmacySupplyType

**Definition:**Identifies types of dispensing events.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16208 v3
3     ActProductAcquisitionType ActProductAcquisitionType

Description: Financial Acquisition Terms: categorizations of acquisition terms for a product.

Types of method a product can be obtained for use by the subject of the supply act (e.g. patient). Product examples are consumable or durable goods.


  • Loan
  • Rent
  • Sale
SPLY 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17958 v3
3     ActProductLifeCycleEventType ActProductLifeCycleEventType

Description: A type of activity that takes place during the life of a product as it moves from the point of production to the point of consumption, use, or disposition (most notably in the case of contaminated products). It will be possible for concepts at different levels of granularity to be included.


  • Manufacture
  • paint
  • wholesale
  • dispose
ACT v3
3     OralDietSupplyType OralDietSupplyType

Concepts representing diets that can be taken via the mouth.


  • General
  • Pureed
  • Easy to Chew
2   ActTaskCode ActTaskCode

Description: A task or action that a user may perform in a clinical information system


  • medication order entry
  • laboratory test results review
  • problem list entry
ACT 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19846 v3
2   ActTransportationModeCode ActTransportationModeCode

Characterizes how a transportation act was or will be carried out.

Examples: Via private transport, via public transit, via courier.

TRNS 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19732 v3
3     ActPatientTransportationModeCode ActPatientTransportationModeCode

Definition: Characterizes how a patient was or will be transported to the site of a patient encounter.

Examples: Via ambulance, via public transit, on foot.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19733 v3
2   AdverseEventProductRelatedInvestigationType AdverseEventProductRelatedInvestigationType

Description: Different types that are used to organize and classify product related investigations.


  • Original source investigation
  • Secondary party investigation
  • Report to regulatory authority
2   DEADrugSchedule DEADrugSchedule

DEA schedule for a drug.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

2   HL7AccommodationCode HL7AccommodationCode

**Description:**Accommodation type. In Intent mood, represents the accommodation type requested. In Event mood, represents accommodation assigned/used. In Definition mood, represents the available accommodation type.

2   HL7TriggerEventCode HL7TriggerEventCode

The trigger event referenced by the Control Act instance. Values are drawn from the available trigger events used in the release of HL7 identified by the versionCode.

CACT 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20324 v3
3     LaboratoryTriggerEventType LaboratoryTriggerEventType

Description: Trigger events associated with laboratory results.


  • Lab result activate
  • Lab result complete
  • Lab result abort
CACT 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20299 v3
3     SpecimenProcessTriggerEventType SpecimenProcessTriggerEventType

Description: Trigger events associated with specimen process steps.


  • Specimen process step activate
  • Specimen process step complete
  • Specimen process step abort
2   ImmunizationForecastStatus ImmunizationForecastStatus

Used to represent the patient's status with respect to their immunization guideline as of an evaluation date.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.11.81 v3
2   ManufacturerActivityActType ManufacturerActivityActType

Description: The activity of businesses operating in the manufacture and distribution of products.


  • manufacture
  • repack
  • import
ACT v3
3     MarketingActivityActType MarketingActivityActType

Description: The broad activity of businesses operating in the distribution of products, the general act of making a product available to the public.


  • Marketing, (this is required as a singleton value set, as there may be no other use case for this than to distinguish one Act of handling products from other Acts, such as manufacturing.)
ACT v3
2   ObservationType ObservationType

Identifies the kinds of observations that can be performed

OBS 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16226 v3
3     ActDetectedIssueCode ActDetectedIssueCode

**Definition:**Identifies what type of issue detected during occurrence of an act (e.g. unrecognized identifiers, drug-drug contraindications, drug-allergy alerts).


  • High dosage alert
  • Conditional element missing
  • Timing detected issue
4       ActFinancialDetectedIssueCode ActFinancialDetectedIssueCode

Identifies types of detected issues for Act class "ALRT" for the financial acts domain.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

4       ClinicalActionDetectedIssueCode ClinicalActionDetectedIssueCode

Identifies types of issues detected regarding the performance of a clinical action on a patient.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

4       MedicationIssueTypeCode MedicationIssueTypeCode

Description: Any type of issue that identifies a potential adverse situation that would or might occur with the described substance administration.


  • adverse effect
  • drug interaction
  • drug-food interaction
5         DrugActionDetectedIssueCode DrugActionDetectedIssueCode

Proposed therapy may be contraindicated or ineffective based on an existing or recent drug therapy

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ActObservationVerificationType ActObservationVerificationType

Identifies the type of verification investigation being undertaken with respect to the subject of the verification activity.


  1. Verification of eligibility for coverage under a policy or program - aka enrolled/covered by a policy or program
  2. Verification of record - e.g., person has record in an immunization registry
  3. Verification of enumeration - e.g. NPI
  4. Verification of Board Certification - provider specific
  5. Verification of Certification - e.g. JAHCO, NCQA, URAC
  6. Verification of Conformance - e.g. entity use with HIPAA, conformant to the CCHIT EHR system criteria
  7. Verification of Provider Credentials
  8. Verification of no adverse findings - e.g. on National Provider Data Bank, Health Integrity Protection Data Base (HIPDB)
VERIF 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19794 v3
3     ActPatientAnnotationCode ActPatientAnnotationCode

**Description:**Provides a categorization for annotations recorded directly against the patient

OBS 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20329 v3
3     ActPrivilegeCategorization ActPrivilegeCategorization

An Act which characterizes a Privilege can have additional observations to provide a finer definition of the requested or conferred privilege. This domain describes the categories under which this additional information is classified.

OBS v3
3     ActPrivilegeCategorizationType ActPrivilegeCategorizationType

This domain includes observations used to characterize a privilege, under which this additional information is classified.

*Examples:*A privilege to prescribe drugs has a RESTRICTION that excludes prescribing narcotics; a surgical procedure privilege has a PRE-CONDITION that it requires prior Board approval.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ActSecurityObjectCode ActSecurityObjectCode

**Description:**An access control object used to manage permissions and capabilities of users within information systems. (See HL7 RBAC specification fo examples of thes objects.)

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     AdverseSubstanceAdministrationEventActionTakenType AdverseSubstanceAdministrationEventActionTakenType

Definition: Indicates the class of actions taken with regard to a substance administration related adverse event. This characterization offers a judgment of the practitioner"s response to the patient"s problem.

Examples: Example values include dose withdrawn, dose reduced, dose not changed.

NOTE: The concept domain is currently supported by a value set created by the International Conference on Harmonization

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     AgeObservationType AgeObservationType

Categorization of types of observation that captures a person's age as a numeric quantity.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.11.79 v3
3     CommonClinicalObservationType CommonClinicalObservationType

Used in a patient care message to report and query simple clinical (non-lab) observations.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

4       CommonCodedClinicalObservationType CommonCodedClinicalObservationType

Description: Identifies the type for a clinical observation whose value is expressed as a code.


  • Home support level
  • Tumor staging
  • abdominal pain characteristic
5         CommonCodedClinicalObservationComponentType CommonCodedClinicalObservationComponentType

Description: Represents the components of a coded clinical observation.


  • ability to articulate
  • ability to chop food
  • ability to crouch
3     CultureObservationType CultureObservationType

**Description:**To be used to code and identify the Microbiology laboratory orderable and resultable observation question.


  • Urine; Culture
  • Deep Wound; Aerobic Culture
  • Microscopic Examination; Gram Stain
OBS v3
4       OrganismIdentificationObservationType OrganismIdentificationObservationType

**Description:**To be used to code and identify the Microbiology laboratory observation code that relates to the microorganism identification.


  • Bacteria identified
  • Bacteria identified in tissue
  • Fungus identified
OBS v3
3     DeviceCharacteristicObservationType DeviceCharacteristicObservationType

Identifies characteristics (physical, visual, clinical) that may be observed for a particular device or device type.


  • Height
  • Sterility
  • External diameter
OBS v3
3     DiagnosticImageCode DiagnosticImageCode

Identifies the types of diagnostic image.

Examples: Echocardiogram, electocardiogram, X-ray.

3     DiagnosticImageReportObservationType DiagnosticImageReportObservationType

Identifies the type of diagnostic image report.


  • Echocardiogram Report
  • Ultrasound Report
  • Nuclear Medicine Imaging Report
3     DiseaseCategorizationObservationType DiseaseCategorizationObservationType

Description: An observation that categorizes an existing observation of a disease, symptom or condition.

Usage Note: The act being categorized should be an observation of a disease, symptom or condition; the categorizing act should be an observation of the category of that disease, symptom or condition, and the relationship between the two acts should be a "has generalization" relationship.


  • [Observation of] "thrombocytopenia" is categorized as an observation of "Haematologic system" category
  • [Observation of] "duodenal ulcer" is categorized as an observation of "Gastro-intestinal system" category
  • [Observation of] "eczema" is categorized as an observation of "Dermatologic system" category
3     ECGAnnotationType ECGAnnotationType

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ECGControlVariable ECGControlVariable

Identifies types of observations about the parameters required for acquisition and processing of ECG data.


  • item byte order
  • sample rate
  • displayed sweep rate
OBS v3
3     ECGObservationSequenceType ECGObservationSequenceType

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     EventFrequencyObservationType EventFrequencyObservationType

Description: Identifies types of observations that describe or categorize an observation in terms of the frequency of the observed event occurring.


  • Very common
  • Uncommon
  • Rare
3     FDALabelData FDALabelData

FDA label data

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     FinancialClinicalSupportingObservationType FinancialClinicalSupportingObservationType

**Description:**Describes the supporting information for financial transactions such as a Special Authorization Request.

Example values under this concept domain could be: height, weight, duration of disease, site of fistula, etc.

This concept domain is intended to be used as part of a code/value pair within a generic structure that would convey ANY sort of information or proof of criteria that is needed to support a special authorization request.

3     GeneticObservationType GeneticObservationType

Description: Identifies the kinds of genetic observations that can be performed.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20293 v3
3     ICSRContextualObservationType ICSRContextualObservationType

Description: A type of observation on an investigative subject or a related entity that might be collected to provide the medical and social context for an adverse event report.


  • Diagnosis
  • laboratory result
  • autopsy determined cause of death
3     ImmunizationForecastDate ImmunizationForecastDate

Specifies the type of date that is specified in an immunization forecast. The immunization forecast defines the schedule for a vaccine based on variables like the subject's age, the type of vaccine, and the supply unit. The immunization forecast may involve multiple administrations in a series or just one administration. Each of the administrations has one or more recommended dates.


  • Earliest recommended date
  • Recommended date
  • Latest acceptable date
  • Overdue date (date after which to start sending reminders)
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.82 v3
3     ImmunizationObservationType ImmunizationObservationType

Description: Types of observations which describe characteristics of the immunization material.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20410 v3
3     IndividualCaseSafetyReportType IndividualCaseSafetyReportType

Types of case safety report received from sender. The current code example reference is from the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Expert Workgroup guideline on Clinical Safety Data Management: Data Elements for Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports. The unknown/unavailable option allows the transmission of information from a secondary sender where the initial sender did not specify the type of report.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20394 v3
4       ICSR_InvestigationAssessmentActType ICSR_InvestigationAssessmentActType

Description: Concepts that define the primary orientation of a product related investigation.


  • Product defect
  • adverse event
ACT v3
4       IndividualCaseSafetyReportCriteria IndividualCaseSafetyReportCriteria

Description: Includes those concepts that are provided to justify the fact that an adverse event or product problem is required to be reported in an expedited fashion.

4       IndividualCaseSafetyReportProductCharacteristic IndividualCaseSafetyReportProductCharacteristic

Description: Includes relevant pieces of information about a product or its process of creation. The vocabulary domain is used to characterize products when they are cited in adverse event or product problem reports.

**Examples:**Weight, color, dimensions.

3     IsolateObservationType IsolateObservationType

**Description:**To be used in the message when there is a requirement to communicate a result observation code that relates to a specific isolate.


  • Colony count
  • Colony count; Viability count FDA method
  • Growth rate; Visual method
OBS v3
3     KnowledgeSubjectObservationType KnowledgeSubjectObservationType

Categorization of types of observation that capture the main clinical knowledge subject which may be a medication, a laboratory test, a disease.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20384 v3
3     KnowledgeSubTopicObservationType KnowledgeSubTopicObservationType

Categorization of types of observation that capture a knowledge subtopic which might be treatment, etiology, or prognosis.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20385 v3
3     MedicationObservationType MedicationObservationType

Identifies types of observations that can be made about a particular drug or medication.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16226 v3
4       MedicationSafetyReportObservationType MedicationSafetyReportObservationType

Description: Identifies types of observations about the Safety Reports required for a particular medication.


  • [Observation of] International Birth Date
  • [Observation of] Data Lock Point
  • [Observation of] Frequency of Safety Report Submission
4       PhysicalCharacteristicsMedicationObservationType PhysicalCharacteristicsMedicationObservationType

Identifies physical characteristics that may be observed for a particular medicinal product or medicinal product package of types thereof.


  • Height
  • Imprint
  • Shape
  • Color
3     ObservationActAgeGroupType ObservationActAgeGroupType

**Description:**To allow queries to specify useful information about the age of the patient without disclosing possible protected health information.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.11.80 v3
3     ObservationAllergyTestCode ObservationAllergyTestCode

**Description:**Dianostic procedures ordered or performed to evaluate whether a sensitivity to a substance is present. This test may be associated with specimen collection and/or substance administration challenge actiivities.

**Example:**Skin tests and eosinophilia evaluations.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ObservationAllergyTestType ObservationAllergyTestType

Indicates the type of allergy test performed or to be performed. E.g. the specific antibody or skin test performed

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ObservationCaseStatusType ObservationCaseStatusType

Description: A code used to further identify the type of case status observation. Used with the OBS ActClass.


  • Clinical status
  • Administrative status
  • Reporting status
3     ObservationCausalityAssessmentType ObservationCausalityAssessmentType

**Description:**A kind of observation that allows a Secondary Observation (source act) to assert (at various levels of probability) that the target act of the association (which may be of any type of act) is implicated in the etiology of another observation that is named as the subject of the Secondary Observation

**Example:**Causality assertions where an accident is the cause of a symptom; predisposition assertions where the genetic state plus environmental factors are implicated in the development of a disease; reaction assertions where a substance exposure is associated with a finding of wheezing.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ObservationCoordinateAxisType ObservationCoordinateAxisType

Description: Identifies the individual coordinate in the coordinate system inclusive of any transformations or projections.

Examples: meridian, range, township, longitude, latitude, lot, block, etc.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20326 v3
3     ObservationCoordinateSystemType ObservationCoordinateSystemType

Description: Identifies the coordinate system inclusive of any transformation projections.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20325 v3
3     ObservationDosageDefinitionPreconditionType ObservationDosageDefinitionPreconditionType


The set of observation type concepts that can be used to express pre-conditions to a particular dosage definition.

Rationale: Used to constrain the set of observations to those related to the applicability of a dosage, such as height, weight, age, pregnancy, liver function, kidney function, etc. For example, in drug master-file type records indicating when a specified dose is applicable.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ObservationGenomicFamilyHistoryType ObservationGenomicFamilyHistoryType

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ObservationIndicationType ObservationIndicationType

Includes all codes defining types of indications such as diagnosis, symptom and other indications such as contrast agents for lab tests

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ObservationIntoleranceType ObservationIntoleranceType

Description: Types of sensitivity caused by an exposure to a substance which results in an abnormal immunologic or non-immunologic response.


  • Food allergy
  • Environmental allergy
  • Fod intolerance
3     ObservationInvestigationType ObservationInvestigationType

Description: Used to further classify the type of investigation being documented. This concept domain is intended to be used with the INVSTG Act class code.


  • Public health case investigation
  • Safety investigation
  • Surveillance investigation
3     ObservationIssueTriggerCodedObservationType ObservationIssueTriggerCodedObservationType

Distinguishes the kinds of coded observations that could be the trigger for clinical issue detection. These are observations that are not measurable, but instead can be defined with codes. Coded observation types include: Allergy, Intolerance, Medical Condition, Pregnancy status, etc.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19712 v3
3     ObservationIssueTriggerMeasuredObservationType ObservationIssueTriggerMeasuredObservationType

Distinguishes between the kinds of measurable observations that could be the trigger for clinical issue detection. Measurable observation types include: Lab Results, Height, Weight.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ObservationLabReportType ObservationLabReportType

Description: A set of codes specifying the type of Laboratory Report.


  • Hematology reports
  • Chemistry reports
  • Blood gas reports
OBS v3
3     ObservationOrderableType ObservationOrderableType

Description: Identifies the type of observations that can be ordered.


  • lab tests
  • diagnostic imaging
  • device summary
OBS v3
4       ObservationOrderableLabType ObservationOrderableLabType

Description: Identifies the ordered lab test. Also known as the lab order code or test code.


  • red blood cell count
  • components of a chemistry panel
  • microbiology sensitivity testing
OBS v3
3     ObservationOutbreakExtentType ObservationOutbreakExtentType

Description: A code used to further identify the type of Outbreak Extent Observation. Used with the OBS ActClass.


  • Geographic extent
  • Jurisdictional extent
3     ObservationPositionAccuracyType ObservationPositionAccuracyType

Description: Identifies the type of position accuracy carried in observation value.

3     ObservationPublicHealthCaseType ObservationPublicHealthCaseType

**Definition:**Identifies the kinds of public health cases. Used only with the CASE Act class code.

Examples of types of public health cases includes reportable disease cases, radiation exposure cases and chemical exposure cases.

3     ObservationPublicHealthOutbreakType ObservationPublicHealthOutbreakType


Used to further classify the type of Outbreak being documented. This concept domain is intended to be used with the OUTB Act class code.


  • Epidemic
  • Pandemic
  • Endemic
3     ObservationQualityMeasureAttributeType ObservationQualityMeasureAttributeType

Codes used to define various metadata aspects of a health quality measure (specialization of ActClass "OBS").

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20366 v3
3     ObservationQueryMatchType ObservationQueryMatchType

Definition: An observation related to a query response.

**Example:**The degree of match or match weight returned by a matching algorithm in a response to a query.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     ObservationResultableType ObservationResultableType

Description: Identifies the type of observation that can be resulted. There are some labs which are not ordered and are performed and resulted when the outcome of an ordered test meets some criteria.


  • outcomes of lab tests
  • device summary
  • therapeutic drug level testing
OBS v3
4       ObservationResultableLabType ObservationResultableLabType

Description: The type of lab observation being resulted. There are some lab tests which are not ordered and are performed and resulted when the outcome of an ordered test meets some criteria.


  • red blood cell count
  • results of micro sensitivity testing
  • Missing third example
3     ObservationVisionPrescriptionType ObservationVisionPrescriptionType

Definition: Identifies the type of Vision Prescription Observation that is being described.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     PatientCharacteristicObservationType PatientCharacteristicObservationType

Indicates the type of characteristics a patient should have for a given therapy to be appropriate. E.g. Weight, Age, certain lab values, etc.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     PatientImmunizationRelatedObservationType PatientImmunizationRelatedObservationType

Description: Reporting codes that are related to an immunization event.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20411 v3
3     PopulationInclusionObservationType PopulationInclusionObservationType

Observation types for specifying criteria used to assert that a subject is included in a particular population.


  • denominator
  • numerator
  • initial population
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20476 v3
3     PrescriptionObservationType PrescriptionObservationType

Observations specific to a particular prescription to express concepts that cannot be expressed via other modeling approaches.

Examples: "Patient Medication On Hand Quantity", "Patient Medication On Hand Days Supply", "Patient Expected Supply Run-out Date", "Percentage Dispensed".

3     SecurityObservationType SecurityObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. Security metadata are used in security labels.

Rationale: According to ISO/TS 22600-3:2009(E) A.9.1.7 SECURITY LABEL MATCHING, Security label matching compares the initiatorÃs clearance to the targetÃs security label. All of the following must be true for authorization to be granted:

  • The security policy identifiers shall be identical,
  • The classification level of the initiator shall be greater than or equal to that of the target (that is, there shall be at least one value in the classification list of the clearance greater than or equal to the classification of the target), and
  • For each security category in the target label, there shall be a security category of the same type in the initiatorÃs clearance and the initiatorÃs classification level shall dominate that of the target.

Usage Note: SecurityObservationType concept domain designates a code system used to name a security label field type that may be valued with a "security label tag" such as a code from the securty label tag set "SecurityObservationValue" value set.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20457 v3
4       SecurityCategoryObservationType SecurityCategoryObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about the category of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. Security category metadata is defined by ISO/IEC 2382-8:1998(E/F)/ T-REC-X.812-1995 as: "A nonhierarchical grouping of sensitive information used to control access to data more finely than with hierarchical security classification alone."

Rationale: A security category observation supports the requirement to specify the type of IT resource in order to facilitate application of appropriate levels of security according to a range of levels of impact or consequences that might result form the unauthorized disclosure, modification, or use of the information or information system. A resource is assigned to a specific category of information (e.g., privacy, medical, proprietary, financial, investigative, contractor sensitive, security management) defined by an organization or in some instances, by a specific law, Executive Order, directive, policy, or regulation. [FIPS 188]

Examples: Types of security categories include:

  • Compartment: A division of data into isolated blocks with separate security controls for the purpose of reducing risk. (ISO 2382-8). Security label metadata that "segments" an IT resource by indicating that access and use is restricted to members of a defined community or project. (HL7 Healthcare Classification System)
  • Sensitivity: The characteristic of a resource which implies its value or importance and may include its vulnerability. (ISO 7492-2) Privacy metadata for information perceived as undesirable to share. (HL7 Healthcare Classification System)

Usage Note: SecurityCategoryObservationType concept domain designates a code system used to name a security label field type that may be valued with a "security label tag" such as a code from the security label tage set "SecurityCategoryObservatonValue" value set.

Codes may be drawn from the union of the following value sets: V:PrivacyPolicyType, V:ActPrivacyLaw, V:ActConsentDirective, V:InformationSensitivityPolicy, V:ActInformationSensitivityPolicy, V:RoleInformationSensitivityPolicy, EntitySensitivityPolicy, and V:ActConsentType. Could be bound R1 to a V:ActUSPrivacyPolicy in a future US Realm.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20459 v3
4       SecurityClassificationObservationType SecurityClassificationObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about the classification of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. Security classification is defined by ISO/IEC 2382-8:1998(E/F)/ T-REC-X.812-1995 as: "The determination of which specific degree of protection against access the data or information requires, together with a designation of that degree of protection." Security classification metadata is based on an analysis of applicable policies and the risk of harm to an individual that could result from unauthorized disclosure.

Examples: Types of security classification include: HL7 Confidentiality Codes such as very restricted, unrestricted, and normal. Intelligence community examples include top secret, security, and confidential.

Usage Note: SecurityClassificationObservationType concept domain designates a code system used to name a security label field type that may be valued with a "security label tag" such as a code from the security label tag set "SecurityClassificationObservationValue" value set.

Note that an Act or Role may be associated with an Observation coded as SecurityClassificationObservationType with a SecurityClassificationObservationValue coded with a confidentiality code from V:Confidentiality Code to indicate that the confidentiality level indicated by an Act or Role confidentiality attribute has been overridden by the entity responsible for assigning the SecurityClassificationObservationValue. This supports the business requirement for increasing or decreasing the level of confidentiality (classification or declassification) based on parameters beyond the original assignment of an Act or Role confidentiality.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20458 v3
4       SecurityControlObservationType SecurityControlObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about the control of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. Security control metadata convey instructions to users and receivers for secure distribution, transmission,and storage; dictate obligations or mandated actions; specify any action prohibited by refrain policy such as dissemination controls; and stipulate the permissible purpose of use of an IT resource.

Examples: Types of security control metadata include handling:

  • caveats
  • dissemination controls
  • obligations
  • refrain policies
  • purpose of use constraints

Usage Note: SecurityControlObservationType concept domain designates a code system used to name a security label field type that may be valued with a "security label tag" such as a code from the security label tag set "SecurityControlObservationValue" value set. Codes may be drawn from the union of the following value sets: V:SecurityPolicy, V:ObligationiPolicy, V:RefrainPolicy, V:PurposeOfUse, and V:GeneralPurposeOfUse.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20460 v3
4       SecurityIntegrityObservationType SecurityIntegrityObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about the integrity of an IT resource (data, information object,service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions.

Rationale: Integrity security label fields support integrity models such as the Biba Integrity Model, the Lipner Full Integrity Model, and the Clar-Wilson Model. The value in the integrity label field indicates the degree of confidence that may be placed in the data and also indicates which measures the data requires for protection from modification and destruction.

Examples: Types of security integrity observation metadata, which may value the observation include:

  • Integrity status, which indicates the completeness or workflow status of a resource (data, information object, service, or system capability);
  • Integrity confidence, which indicates the reliability and trustworthiness of the resource;
  • Integrity control, which indicates pertinent handling caveats, obligations, refrain policies, and purpose of use for the resource;
  • Data integrity, which indicate the security mechanisms used to ensure that the accuracy and consistency are preserved regardless of changes made (ISO/IEC DIS 2382-8);
  • Alteration integrity, which indicate the security mechanisms used for authorized transformations of the resource;
  • Integrity provenance, which indicates the second-hand origins of a reported or asserted resource.

Usage Note: SecurityIntegrityObservationType concept domain designates a code system used to name a security label field type that may be valued with a "security label tag" such as a code from the security label tag set "SecurityIntegrityObservationValue" value set.

5         SecurityAlterationIntegrityObservationType SecurityAlterationIntegrityObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about the alteration integrity of an altered IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which indicates the mechanism used for authorized transformation of the resource.

Examples: Types of security alteration integrity observation metadata, which may value the observation with a code used to indicate the mechanism used for authorized transformation of an IT resource, include:

  • translation
  • syntactic transformation
  • semantic mapping
  • redaction
  • masking
  • pseudonymization
  • anonymization

Usage Note: SecurityAlterationIntegrityObservationType concept domain designates a code system used to name a security label field type that may be valued with a "security label tag" such as a code from the security label tag set "SecurityAlterationIntegrityObservationValue" value set, which convey the mechanism used for authorized transformation of an IT resource.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20465 v3
5         SecurityDataIntegrityObservationType SecurityDataIntegrityObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about the data integrity of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which indicates the security mechanism used to preserve resource accuracy and consistency. Data integrity is defined by ISO 22600-23.3.21 as: "The property that data has not been altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner", and by ISO/IEC 2382-8: "The property of data whose accuracy and consistency are preserved regardless of changes made."

Rationale: In accordance with the HL7 RM-ES EHR-FM Profile Standard: The validity of a patient record entry requires an indelible statement (e.g., attestation or electronic signature) by the author(s) of completeness, accuracy, and affirmation that the record cannot be repudiated, assigning each author to his/her actual contributed content.

Examples: Types of security data integrity observation metadata, which may value the observation, include:

  • cryptographic hash function
  • digital signature

Usage Note: SecurityDataIntegrityObservationType concept domain designates a code system used to name a security label field type that may be valued with a "security label tag" such as a code from the security label tag set "SecurityIntegrityConfidenceObservationValue" value set.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20464 v3
5         SecurityIntegrityConfidenceObservationType SecurityIntegrityConfidenceObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about the integrity confidence of an IT resource (data, information object,service, or system capability) that indicates the reliability or trustworthiness of a resource, which may be used to make access control decisions.

Examples: Types of security integrity confidence observation metadata, which may value the observation, include:

  • highly reliable
  • uncertain reliability
  • not reliable

Usage Note: A security integrity confidence observation on an Act may indicated that a valued Act.uncertainty attribute has been overridden by the entity responsible for assigning the SecurityIntegrityConfidenceObservationValue. This supports the business requirements for increasing or decreasing the assessment of the reliability or trustworthiness of an IT resource based on parameters beyond the original assignment of an Act.uncertaintyCode.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20463 v3
5         SecurityIntegrityProvenanceObservationType SecurityIntegrityProvenanceObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about the provenance integrity of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which indicates the lifecycle completeness and workflow status of an IT resource, such as create, modify, append, amend, suspend, archive, and delete; locations in which the resource has been collected or archived, from which it may be retrieved, and the history of its distribution and disclosure. Integrity provenance metadata about an IT resource may be used to assess its veracity, reliability, and trustworthiness.

Examples: Types of security integrity provenance observation metadata, which may value the observation with a code used to indicate provenance, include the entity responsible for a report or assertion relayed "second-hand" about an IT resource.

Usage Note: SecurityIntegrityProvenanceObservationType concept domain designates a code system used to name a security label field type that may be valued with a "security label tag" such as a code from the security label tag set "SecurityIntegrityProvenanceObservationValue" value set.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20466 v3
6           SecurityIntegrityProvenanceAssertedByObservationType SecurityIntegrityProvenanceAssertedByObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about the provenance integrity of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which indicates the entity responsible for an assertion relayed "second-hand" about an IT resource.

Rationale: In accordance with HL7 RM-ES EHR-FM Profile at IN:1.8: If more than one author contributed to the EHR content, then the system shall provide the ability to associate and maintain all authors/contributors with their content.

Examples: Types of security integrity provenance asserted by observation metadata, which may value the observation, include assertions about an IT resource by a patient, a clinician, or a device.

Usage Note: SecurityIntegrityProvenanceAssertedByObservationType concept domain designates a code system used to name a security label field type that may be valued with a "security label tag" such as a code from the security label tag set "SecurityIntegrityProvenanceAssertedByObservationValue" value set.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20468 v3
6           SecurityIntegrityProvenanceReportedByObservationType SecurityIntegrityProvenanceReportedByObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about the provenance integrity of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which indicates the entity responsible for a report relayed "second-hand" about an IT resource.

Rationale: In accordance with HL7 RM-ES EHR-FM Profile at IN:1.8: If more than one author contributed to the EHR content, then the system shall provide the ability to associate and maintain all authors/contributors with their content.

Examples: Types of security integrity provenance observation metadata, which may value the observation with a code used to indicate provenance, include reports about an IT resource by a patient, a clinician, or a device.

Usage Note: SecurityIntegrityProvenanceReportedByObservationType concept domain designates a code system used to name a security label field type that may be valued with a "security label tag" such as a code from the security label tag set "SecurityIntegrityProvenanceReportedByObservationValue" value set.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20467 v3
5         SecurityIntegrityStatusObservationType SecurityIntegrityStatusObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about the integrity status of an IT resource (data, information object,service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. Indicates the completeness or workflow status of an IT resource, which may impact which users that are authorized to access and use the resource.

Rationale: In accordance with the HL7 RM-ES Profile Standard: The validity of a patient record entry requires an indelible statement (e.g., attestation or electronic signature) by the author(s) of completeness, accuracy, and affirmation that the record cannot be repudiated, assigning each author to his/her actual contributed content.

Examples: Types of security integrity status observation metadata, which may value the observation, include codes from the HL7 DocumentCompletion value set such as:

  • legally authenticated
  • in progress
  • incomplete

Usage Note: SecurityIntegrityStatusObservationType concept domain designates a code system used to name a security label field type that may be valued with a "security label tag" such as a code from the security label tag set "SecurityIntegrityStatusObservationValue" concept domain, which may be valued with coded concepts from the HL7 DocumentCompletion value set.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20462 v3
4       SecurityTrustObservationType SecurityTrustObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about aspects of trust applicable to an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability). Trust applicable to IT resources is established and maintained in and among security domains, and may be comprised of observations about the domain's trust authority, trust framework, trust policy, trust interaction rules, means for assessing and monitoring adherence to trust policies, mechanisms that enforce trust, and quality and reliability measures of assurance in those mechanisms. [Based on ISO IEC 10181-1 and NIST SP 800-63-2]

Usage Note: SecurityTrustObservationType may be used as a trust attribute in a computable trust policy, trust credential, trust assertion, or trust label field in a security label and populated with trust observation values. The valued trust attributes may be used for used for authentication, authorization, and access control decisions. These may also be used to negotiate trust relationships, adjudicate or bridge trust policies, and to specify requirements for participation in a Trust Domain or for asserting compliance with a Trust Framework.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20531 v3
5         SecurityTrustAccreditationObservationType SecurityTrustAccreditationObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about the formal declaration by an authority or neutral third party that validates the technical, security, trust, and business practice conformance of Trust Agents to facilitate security, interoperability, and trust among participants within a security domain or trust framework.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20532 v3
5         SecurityTrustAgreementObservationType SecurityTrustAgreementObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about security requirements for a security domain. [ISO IEC 10181-1]

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20537 v3
5         SecurityTrustAssuranceObservationType SecurityTrustAssuranceObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about the digital quality or reliability of a trust assertion, activity, capability, information exchange, mechanism, process, or protocol.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20533 v3
5         SecurityTrustCertificateObservationType SecurityTrustCertificateObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about a set of security-relevant data issued by a security authority or trusted third party, together with security information which is used to provide the integrity and data origin authentication services for an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability). [Based on ISO IEC 10181-1]

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20534 v3
5         SecurityTrustFrameworkObservationType SecurityTrustFrameworkObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about a complete set of contracts, regulations, or commitments that enable participating actors to rely on certain assertions by other actors to fulfill their information security requirements. [Kantara Initiative]

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20535 v3
5         SecurityTrustMechanismObservationType SecurityTrustMechanismObservationType

Type of security metadata observation made about a security architecture system component that supports enforcement of security policies.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20536 v3
3     SeverityObservationType SeverityObservationType

Categorization of types of observation that capture the interpretation of the result of a laboratory test in terms of normality.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20386 v3
3     SimpleMeasurableClinicalObservationType SimpleMeasurableClinicalObservationType

Types of measurement observations typically performed in a clinical (non-lab) setting. E.g. Height, Weight, Blood-pressure

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

4       SimpleMeasurableClinicalObservationComponentType SimpleMeasurableClinicalObservationComponentType

Description: Represents the components of a measured clinical observation.


  • the systolic and diastolic components of a blood pressure
  • 24-hour urine output
  • ARAC gene
3     SubstanceCharacteristicObservationType SubstanceCharacteristicObservationType

Distinguishing traits, qualities, or properties given about substances, including chemical structure (as encapsulated data in SMILES, MolFile, InChi), nucleic acid sequence, amino acid sequence, molecular sum formula; molecular mass; stereochemistry and optical activity properties; viscosity; pH, pKa, catalytic activity, etc.

3     SusceptibilityBatteryType SusceptibilityBatteryType

**Description:**Ensures consistent coding of the susceptibility battery or panel.


  • Bacterial susceptibility panel
  • Fungal susceptibility panel
  • Mycobacterial susceptibility panel
  • Viral susceptibility panel
OBS v3
3     SusceptibilityObservationType SusceptibilityObservationType

**Description:**Ensures consistent coding of antimicrobial information in the Microbiology lab message.


  • Ciprofloxacin; Disk Diffusion (Kirby-Bauer)
  • Vancomycin
  • Tetracycline; Minimum Inhibitory Concentration
OBS v3
2   RegulationPolicyActType RegulationPolicyActType

Description: A rule set by regulators of product that somehow constrain the use of products. Regulator may be any organization with a mandate to issue such rules, regardless of level, regional, country, state, and local (e.g., an institutional Pharmaceutical and Treatment Committee.)


  • Prescription Only
  • Controlled Substance Schedule II
  • Standard of Practice
POLICY 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20370 v3
2   ResearchStudyType ResearchStudyType

Description: Different types of research studies that may be conducted and reported on.


  • Observational
  • Investigational
2   TriggerEventID TriggerEventID

Description: Trigger Event ID as published in the standard.

Deprecation Comment: This Domain has been deprecated as the Domain HL7TriggerEventCode is being used instead, along with its subDomains. Please update designs that refer to this Domain and instead refer to the appropriate Domain in the HL7TriggerEventCode hierarchy.

2009-04-18 deprecationEffectiveVersion=866 coremifText=This element was deprecated as of the release indicated. deprecated v3
1 ActContextLevel ActContextLevel

Description: Code specifying the level within a hierarchical Act composition structure and the kind of contextual information attached to composite Acts ("containers") and propagated to component Acts within those containers. The levelCode signifies the position within such a containment hierarchy and the applicable constraints.

Examples: The "extract level" and the "folder level" must contain data about a single individual, whereas the "multiple subject level" may contain data about multiple individuals. While "extract" can originate from multiple sources, a "folder" should originate from a single source. The "composition" level usually has a single author.

Constraints: The constraints applicable to a particular level may include differing requirements for participations (e.g. patient, source organization, author or other signatory), relationships to or inclusion of other Acts, documents or use of templates. The constraints pertaining to a level may also specify the permissible levels that may be contained as components of that level. Several nested levels with the same levelCode may be permitted, prohibited (or limited). Instance of the next subordinate level are usually permitted within any level but some levels may be omitted from a model and it may be permissible to skip several layers.

Discussion: The levelCode concepts have been defined to meet specific health record transfer requirements. While these concepts are known to be applicable to some other types of transactions, they are not intended to a be a complete closed list. Options exist for other sets of orthogonal levels where required to meet a business purpose (e.g. a multiple patient communication may be subdivided by a super-ordinate level of subject areas).

1 ActExposureLevelCode ActExposureLevelCode

A qualitative measure of the degree of exposure to the causative agent. This includes concepts such as "low", "medium" and "high". This quantifies how the quantity that was available to be administered to the target differs from typical or background levels of the substance.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19939 v3
1 ActInvoiceElementModifier ActInvoiceElementModifier

Processing consideration and clarification codes.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17704 v3
1 ActMood ActMood

A code distinguishing whether an Act is conceived of as a factual statement or in some other manner as a command, possibility, goal, etc.

Constraints: An Act-instance must have one and only one moodCode value.

The moodCode of a single Act-instance never changes. Mood is not state.

To describe the progression of a business activity from defined to planned to executed, etc. one must instantiate different Act-instances in the different moods and link them using ActRelationship of general type "sequel". (See ActRelationship.type.)

Discussion: The Act.moodCode includes the following notions: (1) event, i.e., factual description of an actions that occurred; (2) definition of possible actions and action plans (the master file layer); (3) intent, i.e., an action plan instantiated for a patient as a care plan or order; (4) goal, i.e., an desired outcome attached to patient problems and plans; and (5) criterion, i.e., a predicate used as

The Act.moodCode modifies the meaning of the Act class in a controlled way, just as in natural language, grammatical form of a verb modify the meaning of a sentence in defined ways. For example, if the mood is factual (event,) then the entire act object represents a known fact. If the mood expresses a plan (intent,) the entire act object represents the expectation of what should be done. The mood does not change the meaning of individual act properties in peculiar ways.

Since the mood code is a determining factor for the meaning of an entire Act object, the mood must always be known. This means, whenever an act object is instantiated, the mood attribute must be assigned to a valid code, and the mood assignment can not change throughout the lifetime of an act object.

As the meaning of an act object is factored in the mood code, the mood code affects the interpretation of the entire Act object and with it every property (attributes and associations.) Note that the mood code affects the interpretation of the act object, and the meaning of the act object in turn determines the meaning of the attributes. However, the mood code does not arbitrarily change the meaning of individual attributes.

Inert vs. descriptive properties of Acts: Acts have two kinds of act properties, inert and descriptive properties. Inert properties are not affected by the mood, descriptive properties follow the mood of the object. For example, there is an identifier attribute Act.id, which gives a unique identification to an act object. Being a unique identifier for the object is in no way dependent on the mood of the act object. Therefore, the "interpretation" of the Act.id attribute is inert with respect to the act object's mood.

By contrast, most of the Act class' attributes are descriptive for what the Act statement expresses. Descriptive properties of the Act class give answer to the questions who, whom, where, with what, how and when the action is done. The questions who, whom, with what, and where are answered by Participatons, while how and when is answered by descriptive attributes and ActRelationships. The interpretation of a descriptive attribute is aligned to the interpretation of the entire act object, and controlled by the mood.

Examples: To illustrate the effect of mood code, consider a "blood glucose" observation:

The DEFINITION mood specifies the Act of "obtaining blood glucose". Participations describe in general the characteristics of the people who must be involved in the act, and the required objects, e.g., specimen, facility, equipment, etc. involved. The Observation.value specifies the absolute domain (range) of the observation (e.g., 15-500 mg/dl.)

In INTENT mood the author of the intent expresses the intent that he or someone else "should obtain blood glucose". The participations are the people actually or supposedly involved in the intended act, especially the author of the intent or any individual assignments for group intents, and the objects actually or supposedly involved in the act (e.g., specimen sent, equipment requirements, etc.) The Observation.value is usually not specified, since the intent is not to measure blood glucose, not to measure blood glucose in a specific range. (But compare with GOAL below.)

In ORDER mood, a kind of intent, the author requests to "please obtain blood glucose". The Participations are the people actually and supposedly involved in the act, especially the placer and the designated filler, and the objects actually or supposedly involved in the act (e.g., specimen sent, equipment requirements, etc.) The Observation.value is usually not specified, since the order is not to measure blood glucose in a specific range.

In EVENT mood, the author states that "blood glucose was obtained". Participations are the people actually involved in the act, and the objects actually involved (e.g., specimen, facilities, equipment.) The Observation.value is the value actually obtained (e.g., 80 mg/dL, or <15 mg/dL.)

In event-CRITERION mood, an author considers a certain class of "obtaining blood glucose" possibly with a certain value (range) as outcome. The Participations constrain the criterion, for instance, to a particular patient. The Observation.value is the range in which the criterion would hold (e.g. > 180 mg/dL or 200?300 mg/dL.)

In GOAL mood (a kind of criterion) the author states that "our goal is to be able to obtain blood glucose with the given value (range)". The Participations are similar to intents, especially the author of the goal and the patient for whom the goal is made. The Observation.value is the range which defined when the goal is met (e.g. 80?120 mg/dl.)

Rationale: The notion of "mood" is borrowed from natural language grammar, the mood of a verb (lat. modus verbi).

The notion of mood also resembles the various extensions of the logic of facts in modal logic and logic with modalities, where the moodCode specifies the modality (fact, possibility, intention, goal, etc.) under which the Act-statement is judged as appropriate or defective.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10196 v3
2   ActMoodProposal ActMoodProposal

A non-mandated intent to perform an act. Used to record intents that are explicitly not Orders. Professional responsibility for the 'proposal' may or may not be present.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19746 v3
1 ActPriority ActPriority

A code or set of codes (e.g., for routine, emergency,) specifying the urgency under which the Act happened, can happen, is happening, is intended to happen, or is requested/demanded to happen.

Discussion: This attribute is used in orders to indicate the ordered priority, and in event documentation it indicates the actual priority used to perform the act. In definition mood it indicates the available priorities.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16866 v3
2   ActEncounterPriority ActEncounterPriority

Description: Types of priorities to determine start of an encounter.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19457 v3
2   ActIssuePriority ActIssuePriority

Indicates the importance or priority associated with a detected issue.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19358 v3
1 ActReason ActReason

A code specifying the motivation, cause, or rationale of an Act, when such rationale is not reasonably representable as an ActRelationship of type "has reason" linking to another Act.

Examples: Example reasons that might qualify for being coded in this field might be: "routine requirement", "infectious disease reporting requirement", "on patient request", "required by law".


Most reasons for acts can be clearly expressed by linking the new Act to another prior Act using an ActRelationship of type "has reason". This simply states that the prior Act is a reason for the new Act (see ActRelationship.) The prior act can then be a specific existing act or a textual explanation. This works for most cases, and the more specific the reason data is, the more should this reason ActRelationship be used instead of the reasonCode.

The reasonCode remains as a place for common reasons that are not related to a prior Act or any other condition expressed in Acts. Indicators that something was required by law or was on the request of a patient etc. may qualify. However, if that piece of legislation, regulation, or the contract or the patient request can be represented as an Act (and they usually can), the reasonCode should not be used.

2   ActAdjudicationReason ActAdjudicationReason

Explanatory codes that describe reasons why an Adjudicator has financially adjusted an invoice (claim).

A companion domain (ActAdjudicationInformationCode) includes information reasons which do not have a financial impact on an invoice (claim).

Example adjudication reason code is AA-CLAIM-0011 - Only Basic Procedure/Test Eligible.

Codes from this domain further rationalizes ActAdjudicationCodes (e.g. AA - Adjudicated with Adjustment), which are used to describe the process of adjudicating an invoice. For AS - Adjudicated as Submitted, there should be no specification of ActAdjudicationReason codes, as there are no financial adjustments against the invoice.

2   ActAntigenInvalidReason ActAntigenInvalidReason

Description: Describe why an antigen is considered to be invalid for use.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20409 v3
2   ActBillableServiceReason ActBillableServiceReason

Definition: This domain is used to document reasons for providing a billable service; the billable services may include both clinical services and social services.

3     ActBillableClinicalServiceReason ActBillableClinicalServiceReason

Description: May be sent to indicate one or more reasons for the performance of a billable clinical service or product, and not related or specified by a diagnosis.


  • Duplicate Therapy
  • Care protocol
  • Insurance requirement
4       MedicallyNecessaryDuplicateProcedureReason MedicallyNecessaryDuplicateProcedureReason

Definition: This domain is used to document why the procedure is a duplicate of one ordered/charged previously for the same patient within the same date of service and has been determined to be medically necessary.

Example: A doctor needs a different view in a chest X-Ray.

3     ActBillableNonClinicalServiceReason ActBillableNonClinicalServiceReason

Description: Maybe sent to indicate one or more reasons for the performance of a non clinical service or product, and not related or specified by diagnosis.


  • Fraudulent prescription
  • Patient's preference
  • Physiotherapy equipment
4       NonClinicalDuplicateServiceReason NonClinicalDuplicateServiceReason

Description: A duplicate non-clinical service or product is being re-billed.


  • Duplicate transportation required for physician visit
  • Wrong size of a product
  • Rebuilding wheel chair ramp due to a weather condition
2   ActCoverageLevelRasonCode ActCoverageLevelRasonCode

**Description:**Represents the reason for the level of coverage provided under the policy or program in terms of the types of entities that may play covered parties based on their personal relationships or employment status.

2   ActCoverageReason ActCoverageReason

**Description:**Codes used to specify reasons or criteria relating to coverage provided under a policy or program. May be used to convey reasons pertaining to coverage contractual provisions, including criteria for eligibility, coverage limitations, coverage maximums, or financial participation required of covered parties.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19871 v3
3     ActCoverageProviderReason ActCoverageProviderReason

**Description:**Identifies the reason or rationale for coverage of a service or product based on characteristics of the provider, e.g., contractual relationship to payor, such as in or out-of-network; relationship of the covered party to the provider.

**Example:**In closed managed care plan, a covered party is assigned a primary care provider who provides primary care services and authorizes referrals and ancillary and non-primary care services.

3     ActCoverageServiceReason ActCoverageServiceReason

**Description:**Identifies the reason or rationale for coverage of a service or product based on clinical efficacy criteria or practices prescribed by the payor.

3     CoverageExclusionReason CoverageExclusionReason

**Description:**Identifies the reason or rationale for coverage of a service or product based on coverage exclusions related the risk of adverse selection by covered parties.

3     CoverageFinancialParticipationReason CoverageFinancialParticipationReason

**Description:**Identifies the reason or rationale for coverage of a service or product based on financial participation responsibilities of the covered party.

3     CoverageLimitationReason CoverageLimitationReason

**Description:**Identifies the reason or rationale for limitations on the coverage of a service or product based on coverage contract provisions.

**Example:**The maximum cost per unit; or the maximum number of units per period, which is typically the policy or program effective time.

3     EligibilityActReasonCode EligibilityActReasonCode

Identifies the reason or rational for why a person is eligibile for benefits under an insurance policy or progam.

Examples: A person is a claimant under an automobile insurance policy are client deceased & adopted client has been given a new policy identifier. A new employee is eligible for health insurance as an employment benefit. A person meets a government program eligibility criteria for financial, age or health status.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19694 v3
4       CoverageEligibilityReason CoverageEligibilityReason

Definition: Identifies the reason or rational for why a person is eligibile for benefits under an insurance policy or progam.

Examples: A person is a claimant under an automobile insurance policy are client deceased & adopted client has been given a new policy identifier. A new employee is eligible for health insurance as an employment benefit. A person meets a government program eligibility criteria for financial, age or health status.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19735 v3
2   ActEncounterReason ActEncounterReason

Description: Administration reasons for patient encounters.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19456 v3
2   ActImmunizationReason ActImmunizationReason

Reasons why an immunization was administered.

2   ActInformationManagementReason ActInformationManagementReason

Description: The rationale or purpose for an act relating to information management, such as archiving information for the purpose of complying with an enterprise data retention policy.

3     ActHealthInformationManagementReason ActHealthInformationManagementReason

Description: The rationale or purpose for an act relating to health information management, such as archiving information for the purpose of complying with an organization policy or jurisdictional law relating to data retention.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20447 v3
4       ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason

To perform one or more operations on information to which the patient has not consented as deemed necessary by authorized entities for providing care in the best interest of the patient; providing immediately needed health care for an emergent condition; or for protecting public or third party safety.

Usage Notes: Used to convey the reason that a provider or other entity may or has accessed personal healthcare information. Typically, this involves overriding the subject's consent directives.

Used to convey the reason that a provider or other entity may or has accessed personal healthcare information. Typically, this involves overriding the subject's consent directives. 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19894 v3
4       ActHealthInformationPrivacyReason ActHealthInformationPrivacyReason

Description: The rationale or purpose for an act relating to the management of personal health information, such as collecting personal health information for research or public health purposes.

4       ActHealthInformationPurposeOfUseReason ActHealthInformationPurposeOfUseReason

Reason for performing one or more operations on information, which may be permitted by source system's security policy in accordance with one or more privacy policies and consent directives.

Usage Notes: The rationale or purpose for an act relating to the management of personal health information, such as collecting personal health information for research or public health purposes.

The rationale or purpose for an act relating to the management of personal health information, such as collecting personal health information for research or public health purposes. 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20449 v3
3     ActInformationAccessOverrideReason ActInformationAccessOverrideReason

Description: Use to convey the reason that a provider may or has accessed personal healthcare information. Typically, this involves overriding the subject's consent directives.

2   ActInformationPrivacyReason ActInformationPrivacyReason

Description: The rationale or purpose for an act relating to the management of personal information, such as disclosing personal tax information for the purpose of complying with a court order.

2   ActNoImmunizationReason ActNoImmunizationReason

Reasons why a patient did not receive an immunization.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19717 v3
2   ActPaymentReason ActPaymentReason


2   ActPreferenceReason ActPreferenceReason

Reasons why a preference has been specified.


  • Side Effects
  • Religious
  • Request
2   ActRPSRelatedApplicationReason ActRPSRelatedApplicationReason

Identifies the reason for citing a related application.


  • Data protection period expiry reference
  • Bioequivalence reference
  • Drug Master File reference

Usage Note: This usage is confined to a specific set of requirements related to regulatory documents in the context of RPS documents.

2   ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason

Indicates why a fulfiller refused to fulfill a supply order, and considered it important to notify other providers of their decision. E.g. "Suspect fraud", "Possible abuse", "Contraindicated".

(used when capturing 'refusal to fill' annotations)

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19718 v3
2   ClinicalResearchReason ClinicalResearchReason

**Definition:**Contains domains for act reasons used in clinical research.

3     ClinicalResearchEventReason ClinicalResearchEventReason

**Definition:**Specifies the reason that an event occurred in a clinical research study.

3     ClinicalResearchObservationReason ClinicalResearchObservationReason

**Definition:**SSpecifies the reason that a test was performed or observation collected in a clinical research study.

**Note:**This set of codes are not strictly reasons, but are used in the currently Normative standard. Future revisions of the specification will model these as ActRelationships and thes codes may subsequently be retired. Thus, these codes should not be used for new specifications.

2   ControlActReason ControlActReason

Description: Indicates the motivation, cause or rationale of an Act which results in a trigger event.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19692 v3
3     CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode

**Description:**Indicates why the prescription should be suspended.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19779 v3
3     ConrolActNullificationReasonCode ConrolActNullificationReasonCode

**Description:**Identifies reasons for nullifying (retracting) a particular control act.

Examples:"Entered in error", "altered decision", etc.

3     ControlActNullificationReasonCode ControlActNullificationReasonCode

**Description:**Identifies reasons for nullifying (retracting) a particular control act.

Examples:"Entered in error", "altered decision", etc.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19826 v3
3     ControlActNullificationRefusalReasonType ControlActNullificationRefusalReasonType

Description: Indicates why a specific transaction which was requested to be undone; was not undone.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20421 v3
3     ControlActReasonConditionNullify ControlActReasonConditionNullify

Indicates why the ConditionaTMs status was changed to Nullified. Examples administrative error, diagnostic error.

3     GenericUpdateReasonCode GenericUpdateReasonCode

**Description:**Identifies why a change is being made to a record.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19777 v3
3     MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode

**Description:**Indicates the reason the medication order should be aborted.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19781 v3
3     MedicationOrderReleaseReasonCode MedicationOrderReleaseReasonCode

**Definition:**A collection of concepts that indicate why the prescription should be released from suspended state.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19782 v3
3     ModifyPrescriptionReasonType ModifyPrescriptionReasonType

Types of reason why a prescription is revised.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20508 v3
3     PatientProfileQueryReasonCode PatientProfileQueryReasonCode

**Definition:**A collection of concepts identifying why the patient's profile is being queried.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19784 v3
3     PharmacySupplyEventAbortReasonType PharmacySupplyEventAbortReasonType

**Definition:**Identifies why the dispense event was not completed

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20342 v3
3     PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode

**Definition:**A collection of concepts that indicates the reason for a "bulk supply" of medication.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19785 v3
3     PharmacySupplyRequestFulfillerRevisionRefusalReasonCode PharmacySupplyRequestFulfillerRevisionRefusalReasonCode

**Definition:**Indicates why the request to transfer a prescription from one dispensing facility to another has been refused.

3     PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode

Identifies the reason why a request for a prescription renewal has been refused.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19786 v3
3     StatusRevisionRefusalReasonType StatusRevisionRefusalReasonType

Indicates why the act revision (status update) is being refused.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20363 v3
3     SubstanceAdministrationPermissionRefusalReasonCode SubstanceAdministrationPermissionRefusalReasonCode

**Definition:**Indicates why the requested authorization to prescribe or dispense a medication has been refused.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20343 v3
3     SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode

Indicates why the prescription should no longer be allowed to be dispensed (but can still administer what already has been dispensed).

UsageNote: This is typically used in the scenario where the prescription allows for repeats or refills.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19787 v3
2   NonPerformanceReasonCode NonPerformanceReasonCode

The reason the action was not performed, e.g. why the medication was not taken. If an action was not performed, it is often clinically important to know why the action was not taken.

*Examples:*Patient refused, clinically inappropriate, absolute contraindication etc.

2   ReasonForNotEvaluatingDevice ReasonForNotEvaluatingDevice

Code assigned to indicate the rationale for not performing an evaluation investigation on a device for which a defect has been reported.

Examples include: device received in a condition that made analysis impossible, device evaluation anticipated but not yet begun, device not made by company.

2   ReferralReasonCode ReferralReasonCode

The reason a referral was made.

*Examples:*Specialized Medical Assistance, Other Care Requirements.

2   RefusalReasonCode RefusalReasonCode

Description: Identifies why a request to add (or activate) a record is being refused. Examples include the receiving system not able to match the identifier and find that record in the receiving system, having no permission, or a detected issue exists which precludes the requested action.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20345 v3
2   SafetyInvestigationReportReasonType SafetyInvestigationReportReasonType

Description: Possible reasons generating a report providing information developed during the investigation of an adverse event or a product problem.


  • Correction
  • Additional information/Follow-up
  • Response to regulatory agency request
2   SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason

Reasons why substitution of a substance administration request is not permitted.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19719 v3
2   SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason

Indicates the reason for substitution when substitution occurs, or reason for non-substitution when substitution is expected.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19377 v3
3     SubstanceAdministrationNoSubstitutionReason SubstanceAdministrationNoSubstitutionReason

Indicates the reason for non-substitution when substitution was expected.


  • prescriber request
  • patient request
  • continuing therapy (where this latter means that the prescribed item was not substituted, even though "policy" implied it should be, so as not to change from the item that the patient had previously received)
3     SubstanceAdministrationPerformedSubstitutionReason SubstanceAdministrationPerformedSubstitutionReason

Indicates the reason for substitution when substitution has occurred.


  • formulary policy
  • regulatory requirement
  • out of stock (where this latter means that the prescribed item was out of stock and an equivalent product was substituted)
2   UpdateRefusalReasonCode UpdateRefusalReasonCode

Description: Identifies why a request to update to a record is being refused. Examples include the receiving system not able to match the identifier and find that record in the receiving system, having no permission, or a detected issue exists which precludes the requested action.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20346 v3
1 ActRelationshipCheckpoint ActRelationshipCheckpoint

A code specifying when in the course of an Act a precondition for the Act is evaluated (e.g., before the Act starts for the first time, before every repetition, after each repetition but not before the first, or throughout the entire time of the Act.)

Discussion: This attribute is part of the workflow control suite of attributes. An action plan is a composite Act with component Acts. In a sequential plan, each component has a sequenceNumber that specifies the ordering of the plan steps. Before each step is executed and has preconditions these conditions are tested and if the test is positive, the Act has clearance for execution. The repeatNumber may indicate that an Act may be repeatedly executed. The checkpointCode is specifies when the precondition is checked and is analogous to the various conditional statements and loop constructs in programming languages "while-do" vs. "do-while" or "repeat-until" vs. "loop-exit".

For all checkpointCodes, except "end", preconditions are being checked at the time when the preceding step of the plan has terminated and this step would be next in the sequence established by the sequenceNumber attribute.

When the checkpointCode for a criterion of a repeatable Act is "end", the criterion is tested only at the end of each repetition of that Act. When the condition holds true, the next repetition is ready for execution.

When the checkpointCode is "entry" the criterion is checked at the beginning of each repetition (if any) whereas "beginning" means the criterion is checked only once before the repetition "loop" starts.

The checkpointCode "through" is special in that it requires the condition to hold throughout the execution of the Act, even throughout a single execution. As soon as the condition turns false, the Act should receive an interrupt event (see interruptibleInd) and will eventually terminate.

The checkpointCode "exit" is only used on a special plan step that represents a loop exit step. This allows an action plan to exit due to a condition tested inside the execution of this plan. Such exit criteria are sequenced with the other plan components using the ActRelationship.sequenceNumber.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10349 v3
1 ActRelationshipJoin ActRelationshipJoin

A code specifying how concurrent Acts are resynchronized in a parallel branch construct.

Discussion: This attribute is part of the workflow control suite of attributes. An action plan is a composite Act with component Acts. In a sequential plan, each component has a sequenceNumber that specifies the ordering of the plan steps. Branches exist when multiple components have the same sequenceNumber. Branches are parallel if the splitCode specifies that more than one branch can be executed at the same time. The joinCode then specifies if and how the braches are resynchronized.

The principal re-synchronization actions are (1) the control flow waits for a branch to terminate (wait-branch), (2) the branch that is not yet terminated is aborted (kill-branch), (3) the branch is not re-synchronized at all and continues in parallel (detached branch).

A kill branch is only executed if there is at least one active wait (or exclusive wait) branch. If there is no other wait branch active, a kill branch is not started at all (rather than being aborted shortly after it is started.) Since a detached branch is unrelated to all other branches, active detached branches do not protect a kill-branch from being aborted.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10360 v3
1 ActRelationshipSplit ActRelationshipSplit

A code specifying how branches in an action plan are selected among other branches.

Discussion: This attribute is part of the workflow control suite of attributes. An action plan is a composite Act with component Acts. In a sequential plan, each component has a sequenceNumber that specifies the ordering of the plan steps. Branches exist when multiple components have the same sequenceNumber. The splitCode specifies whether a branch is executed exclusively (case-switch) or inclusively, i.e., in parallel with other branches.

In addition to exlusive and inclusive split the splitCode specifies how the pre-condition (also known as "guard conditions" on the branch) are evaluated. A guard condition may be evaluated once when the branching step is entered and if the conditions do not hold at that time, the branch is abandoned. Conversely execution of a branch may wait until the guard condition turns true.

In exclusive wait branches, the first branch whose guard conditions turn true will be executed and all other branches abandoned. In inclusive wait branches some branches may already be executed while other branches still wait for their guard conditions to turn true.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10355 v3
1 ActRelationshipSubset ActRelationshipSubset

Used to indicate that the target of the relationship will be a filtered subset of the total related set of targets.

Used when there is a need to limit the number of components to the first, the last, the next, the total, the average or some other filtered or calculated subset.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19613 v3
2   ParticipationSubset ParticipationSubset

Used to indicate that the participation is a filtered subset of the total participations of the same type owned by the Act.

Used when there is a need to limit the participations to the first, the last, the next or some other filtered subset.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19736 v3
1 ActRelationshipType ActRelationshipType

A code specifying the meaning and purpose of every ActRelationship instance. Each of its values implies specific constraints to what kinds of Act objects can be related and in which way.

Discussion: The types of act relationships fall under one of 5 categories:

1.) (De)-composition, with composite (source) and component (target)

2.) Sequel which includes follow-up, fulfillment, instantiation, replacement, transformation, etc. that all have in common that source and target are Acts of essentially the same kind but with variances in mood and other attributes, and where the target exists before the source and the source refers to the target that it links back to.

3.) Pre-condition, trigger, reason, contraindication, with the conditioned Act at the source and the condition or reason at the target.

4.) Post-condition, outcome, goal and risk, with the Act at the source having the outcome or goal at the target.

5.) A host of functional relationships including support, cause, derivation, etc. generalized under the notion of "pertinence".

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10317 v3
2   ActRelationshipEntry ActRelationshipEntry

Used to enumerate the relationships between a CDA section and its contained entries.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19446 v3
2   ActRelationshipEntryRelationship ActRelationshipEntryRelationship

Description still needed

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19447 v3
2   ActRelationshipRelatedOrder ActRelationshipRelatedOrder

Description still needed

1 ActSite ActSite

An anatomical location on an organism which can be the focus of an act.

2   ActBloodDonationSite ActBloodDonationSite

Description: Sites used for blood donation.


  • arm
  • leg
  • heel
2   AnimalActSite AnimalActSite

An anatomical location on a non-human animal which can be the focus of an act.

2   HumanActSite HumanActSite

An anatomical location on a human which can be the focus of an act.

3     HumanSubstanceAdministrationSite HumanSubstanceAdministrationSite

Description: The set of body locations to or through which a substance or product may be administered.


  • buttock
  • left upper arm
  • bilateral eyes
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19724 v3
3     InjuryActSite InjuryActSite

An anatomical location on a human of an injury or disease which is the focus of an act.

1 ActStatus ActStatus

Concepts representing the states in the state-machine of the RIM Act class.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15933 v3
1 ActUncertainty ActUncertainty

A code indicating whether the Act statement as a whole, with its subordinate components has been asserted to be uncertain in any way.

Examples: Patient might have had a cholecystectomy procedure in the past (but isn't sure).

Constraints: Uncertainty asserted using this attribute applies to the combined meaning of the Act statement established by all descriptive attributes (e.g., Act.code, Act.effectiveTime, Observation.value, SubstanceAdministration.doseQuantity, etc.), and the meanings of any components.

*Discussion:*This is not intended for use to replace or compete with uncertainty associated with a Observation.values alone or other individual attributes of the class. Such pointed indications of uncertainty should be specified by applying the PPD, UVP or UVN data type extensions to the specific attribute. Particularly if the uncertainty is uncertainty of a quantitative measurement value, this must still be represented by a PPD<PQ> in the value and NOT using the uncertaintyCode. Also, when differential diagnoses are enumerated or weighed for probability, the UVP<CD> or UVN<CD> must be used, not the uncertaintyCode. The use of the uncertaintyCode is appropriate only if the entirety of the Act and its dependent Acts is questioned.

Note that very vague uncertainty may be thought related to negationInd, however, the two concepts are really independent. One may be very uncertain about an event, but that does not mean that one is certain about the negation of the event.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16899 v3
1 AddressPartType AddressPartType

Discussion: The hierarchical nature of these concepts shows composition. E.g. "Street Name" is part of "Street Address Line"

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10642 v3
1 AdministrativeGender AdministrativeGender

The gender of a person used for adminstrative purposes (as opposed to clinical gender)

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.1 v3
1 AttentionKeyword AttentionKeyword

Provides coded key words for attribute AttentionLine.keyWordText, which has data type SC.

1 AttentionLineValue AttentionLineValue

**Definition:**The domain of possible values used as the value of attention line specifications in AttentionLine directives.

1 BatchName BatchName

Provides coded names for attribute Batch.name, which has data type SC.

1 Calendar Calendar


2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17422 v3
1 CalendarCycle CalendarCycle


2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10684 v3
2   CalendarCycleOneLetter CalendarCycleOneLetter

One letter calendar cycle abbreviations (Temporary - remove when RoseTree is fixed)

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10701 v3
2   CalendarCycleTwoLetter CalendarCycleTwoLetter

Two letter calendar cycle abbreviations (Temporary - remove when RoseTree is fixed)

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10685 v3
1 CalendarType CalendarType


2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10682 v3
1 CaseDetectionMethod CaseDetectionMethod

Code for the method by which the public health department was made aware of the case. Includes provider report, patient self-referral, laboratory report, case or outbreak investigation, contact investigation, active surveillance, routine physical, prenatal testing, perinatal testing, prison entry screening, occupational disease surveillance, medical record review, etc.

1 Charset Charset

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Charset Types

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14853 v3
1 CodingRationale CodingRationale

Identifies how to interpret the instance of the code, codeSystem value in a set of translations. Since HL7 (or a government body) may mandate that codes from certain code systems be sent in conformant messages, other synonyms that are sent in the translation set need to be distinguished among the originally captured source, the HL7 specified code, or some future role. When this code is NULL, it indicates that the translation is an undefined type. When valued, this property must contain one of the following values:

SRC - Source (or original) code HL7 - HL7 Specified or Mandated SH - both HL7 mandated and the original code (precoordination)

There may be additional values added to this value set as we work through the use of codes in messages and determine other Use Cases requiring special interpretation of the translations.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19250 v3
1 CommunicationFunctionType CommunicationFunctionType

Describes the type of communication function that the associated entity plays in the associated transmission.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16031 v3
1 CompliancePackageEntityType CompliancePackageEntityType

**Definition:**A container intended to contain sufficient material for more than one use, but grouped or organized to provide individual access to sufficient material for a single use. Often used to ensure that the proper type and amount of material is consumed/expended for each use.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16170 v3
1 CompressionAlgorithm CompressionAlgorithm


2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10620 v3
1 Confidentiality Confidentiality

Types of privacy metadata classifying an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability) according to its level of sensitivity, which is based on an analysis of applicable privacy policies and the risk of financial, reputational, or other harm to an individual or entity that could result if made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes.

Usage Note: Confidentiality codes may be used in security labels and privacy markings to classify IT resources based on sensitivity to indicate the obligation of a custodian or receiver to ensure that the protected resource is not made available or disclosed to individuals, entities, or processes (security principals) unless authorized per applicable policies. Confidentiality codes may also be used in the clearances of initiators requesting access to protected resources.

Map: Definition aligns with ISO 7498-2:1989 - Confidentiality is the property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10228 v3
1 ContainerCap ContainerCap

The type of cap associated with a container

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14049 v3
1 ContainerSeparator ContainerSeparator

A material in a blood collection container that facilites the separation of of blood cells from serum or plasma

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14054 v3
1 ContentProcessingMode ContentProcessingMode

**Description:**Identifies the order in which content should be processed.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19823 v3
1 ContextConductionStyle ContextConductionStyle

The styles of context conduction usable by relationships within a static model derived from tyhe HL7 Reference Information Model.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20380 v3
1 ContextControl ContextControl

Identifies the control codes that are used to manage the propagation and scope of a particular ActRelationship or Participation within a set of Acts.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16478 v3
1 Country Country

Countries of the world. ISO 3166, part 1, alpha-3 set.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.171 v3
1 Currency Currency

The currency unit as defined in ISO 4217

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17388 v3
1 DeviceAlertLevel DeviceAlertLevel

Domain values for the Device.Alert_levelCode

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14066 v3
1 DocumentCompletion DocumentCompletion

Identifies the current completion state of a clinical document.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.271 v3
1 DocumentStorage DocumentStorage

Identifies the storage status of a document.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.275 v3
1 EducationLevel EducationLevel

Description: Highest level of education a person has achieved.


  • Elementary School
  • College or baccalaureate degree complete
  • High School

Rationale: These are levels, not numeric years

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19175 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19175 v3
1 ElementName ElementName

Provides coded names for attribute SortControl.elementName , which has data type SC.

1 EmployeeJob EmployeeJob

A code specifying the job performed by the employee for the employer. For example, accountant, programmer analyst, patient care associate, staff nurse, etc.

1 EmployeeJobClass EmployeeJobClass

A code qualifying the employment in various ways, such as, full-time vs. part time, etc.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16036 v3
2   EmployeeOccupationCode EmployeeOccupationCode

Industry and/or jurisdictional classification system for kind-of-work performed by an employee.

Occupation codes are intended primarily as work descriptions that are suitable for a multitude of public uses e.g., job matching, employment counseling, occupational and career guidance, and labor market information services.

1 EmployeeSalaryType EmployeeSalaryType

A value representing the method used by an employer to compute an employee's salary or wages.

Examples: Hourly, annual, commission

1 EmploymentStatus EmploymentStatus

A code used to define the employment status of the insured individual identified in UB-92 FL 58. UB-92 Form locator 64:Employment Status Code of the Insured. Can be used with Employee_Employer_statusCode in HL7. Values include Employed Full Time, Employed Part Time, Not Employed, Retired, On Active Military Duty

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15930 v3
1 EncounterAcuity EncounterAcuity

A code depicting the acuity (complexity of patient care, resource intensiveness of the patient care) of a patient's medical condition upon arrival. Values may be derived from formal acuity coding schemes such as RBS.

1 EncounterAdmissionSource EncounterAdmissionSource


2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12234 v3
1 EncounterDischargeDisposition EncounterDischargeDisposition

A code indicating patient status as of the ending service date of the period covered on this bill, as reported in FL6, Statement Covers Period. Values such as: Discharged to home or self care; Discharged/transferred to SNF, Discharged/transferred to an intermediate care facility (ICF); Expired; Hospice-medical facility. NUBC Form Locator 22

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19453 v3
1 EncounterReferralSource EncounterReferralSource

A code used to define the place or organization responsible for the patient immediately prior to their admission; for example, in the United States, as this is identified in UB-92 Form Locator 20, Source of Adm(ission).

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19454 v3
1 EncounterSpecialCourtesy EncounterSpecialCourtesy

A code identifying special courtesies extended to the patient. For example, no courtesies, extended courtesies, professional courtesy, VIP courtesies.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12242 v3
1 EntityClass EntityClass

Classifies the Entity class and all of its subclasses. The terminology is hierarchical. At the top is this HL7-defined domain of high-level categories (such as represented by the Entity subclasses). Each of these terms must be harmonized and is specializable.

The value sets beneath are encoded in Entity.code and are drawn from multiple, frequently external, domains that reflect much more fine-grained typing.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10882 v3
1 EntityCode EntityCode

A value representing the specific kind of Entity the instance represents.

Examples: A medical building, a Doberman Pinscher, a blood collection tube, a tissue biopsy.

Rationale: For each Entity, the value for this attribute is drawn from one of several coding systems depending on the Entity classCode, such as living subjects (animal and plant taxonomies), chemical substance (e.g., IUPAC code), organizations, insurance company, government agency, hospital, park, lake, syringe, etc. It is possible that Entity.code may be so fine grained that it represents a single instance. An example is the CDC vaccine manufacturer code, modeled as a concept vocabulary, when in fact each concept refers to a single instance.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040 v3
2   LivingSubjectEntityType LivingSubjectEntityType

Anything that essentially has the property of life, independent of current state (a dead human corpse is still essentially a living subject).

Examples: persons, animals, trees .

LIV v3
3     NonPersonLivingSubjectEntityType NonPersonLivingSubjectEntityType

**Description:**Types of NonPersonLivingSubjects for the EntityClass "NLIV"

4       AnimalEntityType AnimalEntityType

Description: A categorizing and grouping mechanism for different types of animal in order to support treatment and reporting. The categories are expected to correspond to a single animal species, or to a related group of species.


  • Dog
  • Reptile
  • Deer
ANM v3
2   MaterialEntityClassType MaterialEntityClassType

Types of Material for EntityClass "MAT"

MAT 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16041 v3
3     ContainerEntityType ContainerEntityType

**Definition:**An object used to hold other entities.


  • Test tube
  • Shoe box
  • Drinking glass
CONT 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16143 v3
4       HolderEntityType HolderEntityType

Description: Holders are containers that hold other containers or holders.


  • Tube rack
  • Specimen carrier
  • Tray
3     DeviceGenericType DeviceGenericType

Includes the set of codes used to identify a device that may be referred to in an ICSR report. Example code set reference is the FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health product code list.

Example product codes include: FOZ = Catheter, Intravascular, Therapeutic, short-term less than 30 days, MOP = Rotator, Prosthetic Heart Valve.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

3     DrugEntity DrugEntity

A substance whose therapeutic effect is produced by chemical action within the body.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

4       ClinicalDrug ClinicalDrug

Any substance or mixture of substances manufactured, sold or represented for use in: (a) the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of a disease, disorder, abnormal physical state, or its symptoms, in human beings or animals; (b) restoring, correcting or modifying organic functions in human beings or animals.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

5         ActiveIngredientDrugEntityType ActiveIngredientDrugEntityType

Any substance which, when combined with other ingredients, delivers all or part of the therapeutic benefit associated with a medication.

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

5         ActiveMoitySubstanceType ActiveMoitySubstanceType

A molecular structure (molecule or part of a molecule) which is the part of the molecule causing the intended pharmacological action. The value set for ActiveMoietySubstanceType may often be a subset of a SubstanceType value set. Candidate value sets are subsets of ChEBI, PubChem CID, CAS Number, InChi Key, and UNII.


  • Metoprolol (without the succinate or tartrate)
  • Amoxicillin (anhydrous)
  • Heparin (ion, without the matching Na or K cation)
5         ManufacturedDrug ManufacturedDrug

Identifies a drug or the use of a drug as produced by a specific manufacturer

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

6           PackagedDrugProductEntity PackagedDrugProductEntity

A drug product identified at the level of the package in which it is commonly distributed. Code systems such as UPC (Universal Product Code), NDC (National Drug Code), GTIN(Global Trade Item Number) might be bound to this domain in a given realm.

3     ExposureAgentEntityType ExposureAgentEntityType

Indicates the material to which the patient was exposed which is believed to be related to the adverse reaction

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

4       NonDrugAgentEntity NonDrugAgentEntity

Indicates types of allergy and intolerance agents which are non-drugs. (E.g. foods, latex, etc.)

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19699 v3
3     ManufacturedMaterialEntityType ManufacturedMaterialEntityType

An Entity or combination of Entities transformed for a particular purpose by a manufacturing process.

Examples: Processed food products, disposable syringes, chemistry analyzer, saline for infusion

4       EntityDeviceType EntityDeviceType

A type of manufactured material used in an activity, without being substantially changed through that activity.

DEV v3
5         EntityDeviceTrackingTagType EntityDeviceTrackingTagType

**Description:**The specific kind of location-tracking tag.


  • RFID
  • WiFi
  • Infrared
DEV v3
5         FeedingDeviceType FeedingDeviceType

A manufactured material that is used during the nutrition process but is not changed via the process.


  • Disposable Utensils
  • Plate Guard
  • Sippy Cup
4       MaskableMaterialEntityType MaskableMaterialEntityType

Description: Indicates the types of products whose associated records are allowed to be masked.

3     MicroorganismEntityType MicroorganismEntityType

**Description:**To be used to identify a microorganism when required by an act.


  • Escherichia coli
  • Caulimoviridae
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
3     NutritionalMaterialType NutritionalMaterialType

A material that is used to provide nutritional value.


  • Food
  • Formula
  • Supplements
4       FoodType FoodType

Concepts that identify raw, cooked or edible substances or ingredients that are intended for consumption by humans or animals to supply nourishment.


  • Orange
  • Meat
  • Milk
5         NutritionalFormulaType NutritionalFormulaType

Concepts that identify a type of natural or manufactured food product, typically liquid or powder mixed with water, for complete or supplemental feeding.


  • Milk-based
  • Breast-milk
  • Soy-based
  • Peptide-based
  • Elemental
5         NutritionalSupplementType NutritionalSupplementType

Concepts that identify a type of natural or manufactured food product used to provide additional nutrients or nourishment replacements beyond those consumed in the normal diet.


  • High-calorie
  • High-protein
  • Clear liquid
  • Oral electrolyte Replacement
4       NutrientType NutrientType

Concepts that identify the component source substance (e.g., chemical compound class and/or element) that supply nourishment by providing energy or metabolic support.


  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
  • Fiber
3     PackagedProductEntityType PackagedProductEntityType

Description: Identifies products such as (1) the GS1 (was UPC and EAN); (2) the U.S., the National Drug Code, which is the U.S. version of what is internationally named the (3) "Medicinal Product Identifier" (MPID). For device products such product code is also known as the "Unique Device Identifier" and may or may not use the GS1 system of product codes. In local contexts the product code can come from local coding systems also, as long as it is a code that denotes to a description of a manufactured product.


  • 0049-3980-41 (NDC for Geodon Roerig 80 mg capsules 10 capsules x 8 blister packs in a carton)
3     ProductEntityType ProductEntityType

An identifying data string for healthcare products.

Example code sets include Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) and Universal Product Code (UPC).

4       MedicalDeviceType MedicalDeviceType

**Definition:**A device with direct or indirect therapeutic purpose.

DEV 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16188 v3
3     ProductIngredientSubstanceEntityType ProductIngredientSubstanceEntityType

Description: A type of substance that is used as an ingredient within a product.


  • Morphine
  • wheat germ
  • calcium
3     SpecimenAdditiveEntityType SpecimenAdditiveEntityType

**Definition:**Materials introduced to a specimen. These additives may be introduced in order to preserve, maintain or enhance the particular nature or component of the specimen.


  • Ammonium heparin
  • Boric Acid
  • Phenol
MAT 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16042 v3
3     SpecimenEntityType SpecimenEntityType

Description: A specimen is defined as a physical entity that is an individual, a group, an item, or a part representative of a larger group, class or whole that is the target of an observation or analysis for the purpose of drawing conclusions about the group, class, or whole. This can be used to code a component of the specimen that the observation diagnosis relates to. Note that any physical entity in the universe has the potential to become a specimen.


  • Blood
  • Water
  • Animal cadaver
ENT 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19464 v3
4       HumanLabSpecimenEntityType HumanLabSpecimenEntityType

Description: To be used to code the anatomic component of the human-sourced specimen that the lab observation relates to.


  • Endometrial biopsy
  • Thyroid fine needle aspirate
  • Urine
ENT v3
4       ManufacturedMaterialSpecimenEntityType ManufacturedMaterialSpecimenEntityType

Description: A specimen that is manufactured or a specimen from a manufactured material. This may be a quality control specimen or a manufactured substance.


  • Quality control specimen
  • Aspirin
  • Breakfast sausage
3     VaccineType VaccineType

Types of manufactured material that when administered are intended to confer protection against specific disease(s).

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.228 v3
2   OrganizationEntityType OrganizationEntityType

Further classifies entities of EntityClass ORG.


  • HL7 workgroup
  • corporation
  • fraternal organization
ORG v3
3     IndividualCaseSafetyReportSenderType IndividualCaseSafetyReportSenderType

A code that is used to indicate the type of organization which is originating and sending the ICSR. The current code example reference is from the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) Expert Workgroup guideline on Clinical Safety Data Management: Data Elements for Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports.

Example concepts are: Pharmaceutical Company, Regulatory Authority, Health Professional, Regional Pharmacovigilence Center, World Health Organization Collaborating Center for International Drug Monitoring.

ORG v3
3     VaccineManufacturer VaccineManufacturer

The manufacturer of a vaccine.

ORG 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.227 v3
2   PlaceEntityType PlaceEntityType

A physical place or site with its containing structure. May be natural or man-made. The geographic position of a place may or may not be constant.

Examples: dam; city; state.

PLC v3
3     NationEntityType NationEntityType

Codes identifying nation states. Allows for finer grained specification of Entity with classcode <= NAT

*Example:*ISO3166 country codes.

COUNTRY 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19749 v3
3     TerritoryEntityType TerritoryEntityType

Description: A territorial entity that may be cited as the body over which an agency exercises jurisdiction, or which defines a sphere in which a party has a particular responsibility.


  • United States
  • New York
  • European Union
PLC v3
2   ResourceGroupEntityType ResourceGroupEntityType

Codes to characterize a Resource Group using categories that typify its membership and/or function


Example: PractitionerGroup

RGRP 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19652 v3
1 EntityDeterminer EntityDeterminer

EntityDeterminer in natural language grammar is the class of words that comprises articles, demonstrative pronouns, and quantifiers. In the RIM, determiner is a structural code in the Entity class to distinguish whether any given Entity object stands for some, any one, or a specific thing.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10878 v3
1 EntityHandling EntityHandling

Special handling requirements for an Entity.

*Example:*Keep at room temperature; Keep frozen below 0 C; Keep in a dry environment; Keep upright, do not turn upside down.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.13988 v3
1 EntityNamePartQualifier EntityNamePartQualifier

Description: The qualifier is a set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part type. For example, a given name may be flagged as a nickname, a family name may be a pseudonym or a name of public records.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15888 v3
1 EntityNamePartQualifierR2 EntityNamePartQualifierR2

**Description:**The qualifier is a set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part type. For example, a given name may be flagged as a nickname, a family name may be a pseudonym or a name of public records.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20323 v3
1 EntityNamePartType EntityNamePartType


2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15880 v3
1 EntityNamePartTypeR2 EntityNamePartTypeR2

**Description:**Indicates whether the name part is a given name, family name, prefix, suffix, etc.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20322 v3
1 EntityNameUse EntityNameUse


2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15913 v3
2   EntityNameSearchUse EntityNameSearchUse

A name intended for use in searching or matching

1 EntityNameUseR2 EntityNameUseR2

**Description:**A set of codes advising a system or user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20321 v3
1 EntityRisk EntityRisk

**Description:**Risk associated with the handling of the material.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10405 v3
1 EntityStatus EntityStatus

The status of an instance of the RIM Entity class.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16005 v3
1 EquipmentAlertLevel EquipmentAlertLevel


2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10896 v3
1 Ethnicity Ethnicity

In the United States, federal standards for classifying data on ethnicity determine the categories used by federal agencies and exert a strong influence on categorization by state and local agencies and private sector organizations. The federal standards do not conceptually define ethnicity, and they recognize the absence of an anthropological or scientific basis for ethnicity classification. Instead, the federal standards acknowledge that ethnicity is a social-political construct in which an individual's own identification with a particular ethnicity is preferred to observer identification. The standards specify two minimum ethnicity categories: Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino. The standards define a Hispanic or Latino as a person of "Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central America, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race." The standards stipulate that ethnicity data need not be limited to the two minimum categories, but any expansion must be collapsible to those categories. In addition, the standards stipulate that an individual can be Hispanic or Latino or can be Not Hispanic or Latino, but cannot be both.

OpenIssue: This concept domain definition does not align with current vocabulary practices and is much too US-centric to be appropriate as a "universal" domain.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15836 v3
1 ExposureMode ExposureMode

Code for the mechanism by which the exposure agent was exchanged or potentially exchanged by the participants involved in the exposure.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19940 v3
1 GenderStatus GenderStatus

A value representing whether the primary reproductive organs of NonPersonLivingSubject are present.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11523 v3
1 GTSAbbreviation GTSAbbreviation


2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10720 v3
1 HL7ITSVersionCode HL7ITSVersionCode

HL7 implementation technology specification versions. These codes will document the ITS type and version for message encoding. The code will appear in the instances based upon rules expressed in the ITS, and do not appear in the abstract message, either as it is presented to received from the ITS.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19449 v3
1 HL7StandardVersionCode HL7StandardVersionCode

This is the domain of HL7 version codes for the Version 3 standards. Values are to be determined by HL7 and added with each new version of the HL7 Standard.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19373 v3
1 HL7UpdateMode HL7UpdateMode

The possible modes of updating that occur when an attribute is received by a system that already contains values for that attribute.

Open Issue: From April 2008 harmonization: "Definition needs to be modified. Make contents to HL7 content mode code system match contents in this table" Clear that this needs to be revisited.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10018 v3
1 HtmlLinkType HtmlLinkType

HtmlLinkType values are drawn from HTML 4.0 and describe the relationship between the current document and the anchor that is the target of the link

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11017 v3
1 IdentifierReliability IdentifierReliability

Description: The identifier was issued by the system responsible for constructing the instance.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20277 v3
1 IdentifierScope IdentifierScope

Description: Codes to specify the scope in which the identifier applies to the object with which it is associated, and used in the datatype property II.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20276 v3
1 IndustryClassificationSystem IndustryClassificationSystem

North American Industry Classification System(NAICS) for the United States, a new economic classification system that replaces the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) for statistical purposes. NAICS is a system for classifying establishments by type of economic activity. Its purposes are: (1) to facilitate the collection, tabulation, presentation, and analysis of data relating to establishments, and (2) to promote uniformity and comparability in the presentation of statistical data describing the economy. NAICS will be used by Federal statistical agencies that collect or publish data by industry. http://www.census.gov/epcd/www/naicsusr.html

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16039 v3
1 IntegrityCheckAlgorithm IntegrityCheckAlgorithm


2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17385 v3
1 InvoiceElementModifier InvoiceElementModifier

Designates a modifier to the code attribute to provide additional information about the invoice element.

Examples: Isolation allowance; After-hours service

Rationale: This is not pre-coordinated into the CD attribute because the modifier code set may not be specifically designed for use with the Act.code code set. This violates the constraint for using the 'modifier' property that the modifier code set must be defined as part of, or specifically for the base code set.

1 JobTitleName JobTitleName

Provides coded names for attribute Employee.jobTitleName, which has data type SC.

1 LanguageAbilityMode LanguageAbilityMode

A value representing the method of expression of the language.

*Example:*Expressed spoken, expressed written, expressed signed, received spoken, received written, received signed.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12249 v3
1 LanguageAbilityProficiency LanguageAbilityProficiency

A value representing the level of proficiency in a language.

*Example:*Excellent, good, fair, poor.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12199 v3
1 ListOwnershipLevel ListOwnershipLevel

A dynamic list of individual instances of Act which reflect the needs of an individual worker, team of workers, or an organization to view roups of Acts for clinical or administrative reasons.

Discussion: The grouped Acts are related to the WorkingList via an ActRelationship of type 'COMP' component).

Examples: Problem lists, goal lists, allergy lists, to-do lists, etc.

Design note: This physical class contains but a single attribute, other than those that it inherits from Act. Use of that attribute in the design of RIM-based static models has been DEPRECATED in HL7 RIM Harmonization, effective November 2005. This action was based on ecommendations from the Patient Care Technical Committee.

As a consequence, this class will cease to be shown as a physical class in the RIM, once the attribute is retired. Nevertheless, use of this class via an Act.classCode value of 'LIST' is entirely appropriate so long as only the attibutes inherited from Act are used.

1 LivingArrangement LivingArrangement

A code depicting the living arrangements of a person

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.220 v3
1 LivingSubjectLanguageTypes LivingSubjectLanguageTypes

Types of language sourced from an entity that is a living subject.

Usage Note: Intended to be used for CD or CV data types. Use HumanLanguage concept domain to convey languages represented in ED.Language or other CS data types.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11526 v3
2   HumanLanguage HumanLanguage

Codes for the representation of the names of human languages.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11526 v3
1 LocalMarkupIgnore LocalMarkupIgnore

Tells a receiver to ignore just the local markup tags (local_markup, local_header, local_attr) when value="markup", or to ignore the local markup tags and all contained content when value="all"

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10975 v3
1 LocalRemoteControlState LocalRemoteControlState

A value representing the current state of control associated with the device.

Examples: A device can either work autonomously (localRemoteControlStateCode="Local") or it can be controlled by another system (localRemoteControlStateCode="Remote").

Rationale: The control status of a device must be communicated between devices prior to remote commands being transmitted. If the device is not in "Remote" status then external commands will be ignored.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10893 v3
1 ManagedParticipationStatus ManagedParticipationStatus

The status of an instance of the RIM Participation class.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15992 v3
1 ManufacturerModelName ManufacturerModelName

Provides coded names for attribute Device.manufacturerModelName, which has data type SC.

1 MapRelationship MapRelationship

The closeness or quality of the mapping between the HL7 concept (as represented by the HL7 concept identifier) and the source coding system. The values are patterned after the similar relationships used in the UMLS Metathesaurus. Because the HL7 coding sy

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11052 v3
1 MaritalStatus MaritalStatus

The domestic partnership status of a person.

*Example:*Married, separated, divorced, widowed, common-law marriage.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12212 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15929 v3
1 MaterialForm MaterialForm

This identifies the physical state, nature or manifestation of the material.

Usage Notes: When the Material class is specialised to Manufactured Material, which it is to routinely to describe Medicinal products and ingredient Substances, and to Containers and Devices, the Material Form attribute is used more explicitly to describe the form and manifestation of these types of concepts - for example for medicinal products, the formCode describes their dose form (tablet, ointment); and for containers, it is their physical type (box, carton, vial).


  • Powder
  • Liquid
  • Gas
When the Material class is specialised to Manufactured Material, which it is to routinely to describe Medicinal products and ingredient Substances, and to Containers and Devices, the Material Form attribute is used more explicitly to describe the form and manifestation of these types of concepts - for example for medicinal products, the formCode describes their dose form (tablet, ointment); and for containers, it is their physical type (box, carton, vial). Examples: Powder Liquid Gas 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19651 v3
2   ContainerForm ContainerForm

Describes the nature (or type) of the container.


  • Carton
  • Bottle
  • Vial

**DesignNote:**The material of the container should be separately specified (e.g. the "cardboard" part of cardboard carton or the "glass" part of glass vial should be described elsewhere).

**OpenIssue:**This usage of material form is used in Common Product Model,but it is at variance of what has been done in Specimen where the same information is captured in the Entity.code values. These differences need further study.

2   DoseForm DoseForm

**Description:**The physical manifestation "entity" that contains the active and/or inactive ingredients that deliver a dose of medicine (i.e., drug). The key defining characteristics of the dose form can be the state of matter, delivery method, release characteristics, and the administration site or route for which the product is formulated. (Derived from ISO IDMP specification, and SNOMED CT).


  • Tablet
  • Capsule
  • Oral solution
3     AdministrableDrugForm AdministrableDrugForm

Indicates the form in which the drug product should be administered.

This element only needs to be specified when (a) the form in which the drug is measured for dispensing differs from the form in which the drug is administered; and (b) the form in which the quantity of the administered drug being administered is not expressed as a discrete measured mass or volume, e.g. the dose is to be measured in "number of actuations."

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14570 v3 AdministratableDrugForm
3     AdministratableDrugForm AdministratableDrugForm

Indicates the form in which the drug product should be administered.

This element only needs to be specified when (a) the form in which the drug is measured for dispensing differs from the form in which the drug is administered; and (b) the form in which the quantity of the administered drug being administered is not expressed as a discrete measured mass or volume, e.g. the dose is to be measured in "number of actuations." Note that this code is a synonym of AdministrableDrugForm, and is the original misspelling as published in the CDA R2 base; the spelling was corrected in later revisions of V3, but is kept here for backwards compatibility.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14570 Seems to be a misspelling of the name of the ConceptDomain from v3; published this way in the CDA R2 base standard. cda AdministrableDrugForm
3     CombinedDoseForm CombinedDoseForm

The description of this is: "Identifies, as a single concept, a combination dose form description for those products that contain two or more manufactured items in a single authorized product".

Usage Notes: This element needs only to be specified when the product entity describes a complete product that contains two or more manufactured items (sometimes called a combination product or a kit product); it should not be valued for (normal) products which consist of a single manufactured item with a single dose form. The combined dose form describes the orderable (manufactured) dose form of each manufactured item and (if appropriate, separately) the administrable dose form of the pharmaceutical product (as in example one below).


  • Powder and solvent for solution for injection
  • Pessary and vaginal cream
  • Tablets and capsules
This element needs only to be specified when the product entity describes a complete product that contains two or more manufactured items (sometimes called a combination product or a kit product); it should not be valued for (normal) products which consist of a single manufactured item with a single dose form. The combined dose form describes the orderable (manufactured) dose form of each manufactured item and (if appropriate, separately) the administrable dose form of the pharmaceutical product (as in example one below). v3
3     OrderableDrugForm OrderableDrugForm

**Description:**Indicates the form in which the drug product must be, or has been manufactured, or extemporaneous/magistral prepared .

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14411 v3
1 MediaType MediaType

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Mime Media Types

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14824 v3
1 MessageWaitingPriority MessageWaitingPriority

Indicates the highest importance level of the set of messages the acknowledging application has waiting on a queue for the receiving application.

Discussion: These messages would need to be retrieved via a query. This facilitates receiving applications that cannot receive unsolicited messages (i.e. polling). The specific code specified identifies how important the most important waiting message is (and may govern how soon the receiving application is required to poll for the message).

Priority may be used by local agreement to determine the timeframe in which the receiving application is expected to retrieve the messages from the queue.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19581 v3
1 ModifyIndicator ModifyIndicator

Indicates whether the subscription to a query is new or is being modified.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.395 v3
1 NullFlavor NullFlavor

Indication or reason why a valid value is not present.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10609 v3
1 ObservationInterpretation ObservationInterpretation

The domain of possible values for a categorical assessment of an observation value.

Discussion: These interpretation codes are sometimes called "abnormal flags", however, the judgment of normalcy is just one of the common rough interpretations, and is often not relevant. For example, the susceptibility interpretations are not about "normalcy", and for any observation of a pathologic condition, it does not make sense to state the normalcy, since pathologic conditions are never considered "normal."

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.78 v3
2   GeneticObservationInterpretation GeneticObservationInterpretation

Concepts that specify interpretation of genetic analysis.


  • positive
  • negative
  • carrier
  • responsive
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20291 v3
2   ObservationInterpretationChange ObservationInterpretationChange

Interpretations of change of quantity and/or severity.


  • better
  • worse
  • increased
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10214 v3
2   ObservationInterpretationDetected ObservationInterpretationDetected

Interpretations of the presence or absence of a component / analyte or organism in a test or of a sign in a clinical observation. In keeping with laboratory data processing practice, this provides a categorical interpretation of the "meaning" of the quantitative value for the same observation.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20328 v3
2   ObservationInterpretationExceptions ObservationInterpretationExceptions

Technical exceptions resulting in the inability to provide an interpretation, such as "off scale". Does not include normality or severity.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10225 v3
2   ObservationInterpretationExpectation ObservationInterpretationExpectation

Interpretation of the observed result taking into account additional information (contraindicators) about the patient's situation. Concepts in this category are mutually exclusive, i.e., at most one is allowed.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20548 v3
2   ObservationInterpretationNormality ObservationInterpretationNormality

Interpretations of normality or degree of abnormality (including critical or "alert" level). Concepts in this category are mutually exclusive, i.e., at most one is allowed.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10206 v3
2   ObservationInterpretationSusceptibility ObservationInterpretationSusceptibility

Interpretations of anti-microbial susceptibility testing results (microbiology). At most one allowed.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10219 v3
2   ReactivityObservationInterpretation ReactivityObservationInterpretation

Interpretations of the presence and level of reactivity of the specified component / analyte with the reagent in the performed laboratory test.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20477 v3
1 ObservationMethod ObservationMethod

A code that provides additional detail about the means or technique used to ascertain the observation.

Examples: Blood pressure measurement method: arterial puncture vs. sphygmomanometer (Riva-Rocci), sitting vs. supine position, etc.

Constraints: In all observations the method is already partially specified by the Act.code. In this case, the methodCode NEED NOT be used at all. The methodCode MAY still be used to identify this method more clearly in addition to what is implied from the Act.code. However, an information consumer system or process SHOULD NOT depend on this methodCode information for method detail that is implied by the Act.code.

If the methodCode is used to express method detail that is also implied by the Act.code, the methodCode MUST NOT be in conflict with the implied method of the Act.code.

Discussion: In all observations the method is already partially specified by simply knowing the kind of observation (observation definition, Act.code) and this implicit information about the method does not need to be specified in Observation.methodCode. Particularly, most LOINC codes are defined for specific methods as long as the method makes a practical difference in interpretation. For example, the difference between susceptibility studies using the "minimal inhibitory concentration" (MIC) or the "agar diffusion method" (Kirby-Baur) are specifically assigned to different LOINC codes. The methodCode therefore is only an additional qualifier to specify what may not be known already from the Act.code.

Also, some variances in methods may be tied to the particular device used. The methodCode should not be used to identify the specific device or test-kit material used in the observation. Such information about devices or test-kits should be associated with the observation as "device" participations.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14079 v3
2   AllergyTestObservationMethod AllergyTestObservationMethod

**Description:**Provides additional methodology information not present in the associated AllergyTestCode term.

2   CommonClinicalObservationMethod CommonClinicalObservationMethod

**Description:**Used in a patient care message to value simple clinical (non-lab) observation methods, such as found in SOAP (subjective, objective, assessment, plan) progress notes: subjective section (used for history from patient and other informants); objective section (used for physical exam, lab, and other common results), and assessment section (used for the clinicians assessment of the implications of subjective and objective sections).

2   DecisionObservationMethod DecisionObservationMethod

Provides codes for decision methods, initially for assessing the causality of events.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19378 v3
2   GeneticObservationMethod GeneticObservationMethod

A code that provides additional detail about the means or technique used to ascertain the genetic analysis. Example, PCR, Micro Array.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20290 v3
2   SusceptibilityObservationMethodType SusceptibilityObservationMethodType



  • Disk Diffusion (Kirby-Bauer)
  • Minimum Inhibitory Concentration
  • Viral Genotype Susceptibility
  • Gradient Strip (E-Strip)
OBS 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20423 v3
2   VerificationMethod VerificationMethod


1 ObservationValue ObservationValue

This domain is the root domain to which all HL7-recognized value sets for the Observation.value attribute will be linked when Observation.value has a coded data type.

2   ActCoverageAssessmentObservationValue ActCoverageAssessmentObservationValue

Codes specify the category of observation, evidence, or document used to assess for services, e.g., discharge planning, or to establish eligibility for coverage under a policy or program. The type of evidence is coded as observation values.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19918 v3
3     ActFinancialStatusObservationValue ActFinancialStatusObservationValue

Code specifying financial indicators used to assess or establish eligibility for coverage under a policy or program; e.g., pay stub; tax or income document; asset document; living expenses.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19924 v3
2   AgeGroupObservationValue AgeGroupObservationValue

Observation value of a person's age group (e.g., newborn infant, child preschool, young adult).

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.11.75 v3
2   AllergyTestValue AllergyTestValue

Indicates the result of a particular allergy test. E.g. Negative, Mild, Moderate, Severe

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19696 v3
2   AnnotationValue AnnotationValue


3     ECGAnnotationValue ECGAnnotationValue


2   CaseDiseaseImported CaseDiseaseImported

Code that indicates whether the disease was likely acquired outside the jurisdiction of observation, and if so, the nature of the inter-jurisdictional relationship. Possible values include not imported, imported from another country, imported from another state, imported from another jurisdiction, and insufficient information to determine.

2   CaseTransmissionMode CaseTransmissionMode

Code for the mechanism by which disease was acquired by the living subject involved in the public health case. Includes sexually transmitted, airborne, bloodborne, vectorborne, foodborne, zoonotic, nosocomial, mechanical, dermal, congenital, environmental exposure, indeterminate.

OpenIssue: Consider moving this attribute to Observation.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19795 v3
2   CommonClinicalObservationValue CommonClinicalObservationValue

**Description:**Used in a patient care message to value simple clinical (non-lab) observations.

3     CommonClinicalObservationAssertionValue CommonClinicalObservationAssertionValue

Definition: The non-laboratory, non-DI (diagnostic imaging) coded observation if no value is also required to convey the full meaning of the observation. This may be a single concept code or a complex expression.

3     CommonClinicalObservationComponentValue CommonClinicalObservationComponentValue

Description: Represents observations for components of a clinical observation whose value is expressed as a code.


  • results for individual components of an APGAR score
  • aberrant
  • ABO incompatibility reaction
3     CommonClinicalObservationResultValue CommonClinicalObservationResultValue

Definition: The non-laboratory, non-diagnostic imaging coded result of the coded observable or "question" represented by the paired concept from the the NonLabDICodedObservationType domain.


**Examples:**An APGAR result, a functional assessment, etc. The value must not require a specific unit of measure.

2   CoverageChemicalDependencyValue CoverageChemicalDependencyValue

Definition: The category of addiction used for coverage purposes that may refer to a substance, the consumption of which may result in physical or emotional harm.

2   CoverageLimitObservationValue CoverageLimitObservationValue

**Description:**Coded observation values for coverage limitations, for e.g., types of claims or types of parties covered under a policy or program.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20280 v3
3     CoverageItemLimitObservationValue CoverageItemLimitObservationValue

**Description:**Coded observation values for types or instances of items for which coverage is provided under a policy or program, e.g., a type of vehicle or a named work of art.

3     CoverageLevelObservationValue CoverageLevelObservationValue

**Description:**Coded observation values for types of covered parties under a policy or program based on their personal relationships or employment status.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20283 v3
3     CoverageLocationLimitObservationValue CoverageLocationLimitObservationValue

**Description:**Coded observation values for types or instances of locations for which coverage is provided under a policy or program, e.g., in the covered party home, in state or in the country.

2   CriticalityObservationValue CriticalityObservationValue

Values that represent a clinical judgment as to the worst case result of a future exposure (including substance administration).


  • High criticality
  • Low criticality
  • Unable to assess criticality
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20549 v3
2   CultureObservationValue CultureObservationValue

**Description:**Used to code and identify the Microbiology laboratory result value when a result is reported.


  • Gram Positive Rods
  • Epithelial Cells
  • Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte
2   Diagnosis Diagnosis

Set of codes depicting clinical disease and conditions

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15931 v3
2   FinancialClinicalSupportingObservationValue FinancialClinicalSupportingObservationValue

**Description:**Contains the supporting information values for financial transactions such as a Special Authorization Request.

This concept domain is intended to be used as the "value" part of a code/value pair within a generic structure that would convey any sort of information or proof of criteria that is needed to support a special authorization request. For example:

One wishes to convey a patient's DSM IV diagnosis to support a special authorization request. One code/value pair is used:

ActSupportingInformationCode1 = DSM IV Diagnosis, value= 315.4

2   GeneticObservationValue GeneticObservationValue

Description: The domain contains genetic analysis specific observation values, e.g. Homozygote, Heterozygote, etc.

2   GISPositionAccuracyTierCode GISPositionAccuracyTierCode

Description: Categorizes the accuracy of spatial data assignment utilizing a variety of tools for capturing coordinates including digitizers, geocoding software and global positioning system devices.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19768 v3
2   IndicationValue IndicationValue

Indicates the specific observation result which is the reason for the action (prescription, lab test, etc.). E.g. Headache, Ear infection, planned diagnostic image (requiring contrast agent), etc.

3     DiagnosisValue DiagnosisValue

Diagnosis Value

3     OtherIndicationValue OtherIndicationValue

Indicates an observed reason for a medical action other than an indication or symptom. E.g. Need for a contrast agent prior to a diagnostic image, need for anesthesia prior to surgery, etc.

3     SymptomValue SymptomValue

Indicates an observed abnormality in the patientaTMs condition, but does not assert causation. E.g. Runny nose, swelling, flaky skin, etc.

2   IndividualCaseSafetyReportValueDomains IndividualCaseSafetyReportValueDomains

This domain is established as a parent to a variety of value domains being defined to support the communication of Individual Case Safety Reports to regulatory bodies. Arguably, this aggregation is not taxonomically pure, but the grouping will facilitate the management of these domains.

3     CaseSeriousnessCriteria CaseSeriousnessCriteria

A code that provides information on the overall effect or outcome of the adverse reaction/adverse event reported in the ICSR. Note the criterion applies to the case as a whole and not to an individual reaction.

Example concepts are: death, disability, hospitalization, congenital anomaly/ birth defect, and other medically important condition.

3     DeviceManufacturerEvaluationInterpretation DeviceManufacturerEvaluationInterpretation

A code set that includes codes that are used to characterize the outcome of the device evaluation process. The code defines the manufacturer's conclusions following the evaluation.

Examples include: inadequate alarms, device maintenance contributed to event, device failed just prior to use, user error caused event

3     DeviceManufacturerEvaluationMethod DeviceManufacturerEvaluationMethod

Code assigned to indicate a relevant fact within the context of the evaluation of a reported product. There are a number of concept types including the status of the evaluation, the type of evaluation findings, and the type of activity carried out as part of the evaluation process.

Examples include: Actual device involved in incident was evaluated, electrical tests performed, visual examination.

3     DeviceManufacturerEvaluationResult DeviceManufacturerEvaluationResult

Code assigned to indicate an outcome of the manufacturer's investigation of a product for which a defect has been reported.

Examples include:.component/subassembly failure: air cleaner, computer-, imaging system-, microprocessor-controlled device problem: cache memory, design -- not fail safe.

3     PertinentReactionRelatedness PertinentReactionRelatedness

A code to capture the reporter's assessment of the extent to which the reaction is related to the suspect product reported in the ICSR.

Example concepts include: related, not related, possibly related and unlikely related.

3     ProductCharacterization ProductCharacterization

A code that characterizes the role that the primary reporter felt that the suspect intervention -- either a substance administration or a device related procedure - played in the incident being reported. This code will capture the primary reporter's assessment of the role that the suspect product played in the incident reported in the ICSR.

Examples include: Suspect, Concomitant, Interacting, Re-challenge.

3     SubjectReaction SubjectReaction

A code to capture the kind of reaction that was suffered by the investigated subject, and that is being reported in the ICSR. At this point, SNOMED or MedDRA have been suggested as code systems to be used for providing this information.

Example concepts include hives, swelling, rash, anaphylactic shock.

3     SubjectReactionEmphasis SubjectReactionEmphasis

Code that captures the emphasis that the reporter placed on this reaction.

Examples include: highlighted by the reporter, NOT serious, Not highlighted by the reporter, NOT serious, Highlighted by the reporter, SERIOUS, Not highlighted by the reporter, SERIOUS.

3     SubjectReactionOutcome SubjectReactionOutcome

Code that captures the type of outcome from an individual outcome of a reaction to the suspect product reported in the ICSR.

Examples include: Recovered/resolved. Recovering/resolving, Not recovered/not resolved, Recovered/resolved with sequelae, Fatal.

2   InjuryObservationValue InjuryObservationValue

Values for observations of injuries.

2   IntoleranceValue IntoleranceValue

Codes identifying pariticular groupings of allergens and other agents which cause allergies and intolerances. E.g. the drug, allergen group, food or environmental agent which triggers the intolerance

2   IsolateObservationValue IsolateObservationValue

**Description:**Used to code and identify the Isolate observation result value when a coded result is reported.


  • Heavy growth
  • Scant growth
  • Moderate growth
2   IssueTriggerObservationValue IssueTriggerObservationValue

The combined domain for different types of coded observation issue triggers, such as diagnoses, allergies, etc.

2   KnowledgeSubjectObservationValue KnowledgeSubjectObservationValue

Observation values that document the types of observations belonging to the domain KnowledgeSubjectObservationType.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.11.76 v3
2   KnowledgeSubTopicObservationValue KnowledgeSubTopicObservationValue

Observation values that document the types of observations belonging to the domain KnowledgeSubTopicObservationType.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.11.77 v3
2   LabResultObservationValue LabResultObservationValue

Description: Used to code and identify the laboratory result value when a coded result is reported.


  • Sickle cell trait
  • Hereditary Spherocytosis
  • Deficiency of butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase
2   MeasureAttributeObservationValue MeasureAttributeObservationValue

Observation values used for various types of coded measure attributes in a health quality measure (eMeasure).

3     MeasureAttributeItemsCountedObservationValue MeasureAttributeItemsCountedObservationValue

Observation values used for an items counted measure attribute in a health quality measure (eMeasure).

3     MeasureAttributeJurisdictionObservationValue MeasureAttributeJurisdictionObservationValue

Observation values used for a jurisdiction measure attribute in a health quality measure (eMeasure).


  • ISO Country codes
  • State and County codes
  • FIPS value sets of postal codes
  • districts
  • regions
3     MeasureAttributeReporterTypeObservationValue MeasureAttributeReporterTypeObservationValue

Observation values used for a reporter type measure attribute in a health quality measure (eMeasure).


  • Laboratory
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Hospitals
  • Healthcare facilities that are NOT hospitals
  • Schools
  • Pharmacists
  • Veterinary lab
  • Veterinarian
  • Prison/Jail
  • Institutions
  • Employers
3     MeasureAttributeServiceDeliveryLocationObservationValue MeasureAttributeServiceDeliveryLocationObservationValue

Observation values used for a service delivery location measure attribute in a health quality measure (eMeasure).

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16927 v3
3     ObservationMeasureScoring ObservationMeasureScoring

Observation values used to indicate the type of scoring (e.g. proportion, ratio) used by a health quality measure.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20367 v3
3     ObservationMeasureType ObservationMeasureType

Observation values used to indicate whether a health quality measure is used to sample a process or outcome over time.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20368 v3
2   ObservationCaseStatusValue ObservationCaseStatusValue

Description: A code used to identify the status of a case. Used with the OBS ActClass.


  • Suspect
  • Confirmed
  • Probable
2   ObservationCriteriaValue ObservationCriteriaValue

**Description:**Type of coded observation values in evaluating reference ranges.


  • Surgically transgendered transsexual, female-to-male
  • AIDS-associated disorder
  • Asian race
2   ObservationOutbreakExtentValue ObservationOutbreakExtentValue

Description: A code used to identify the extent of an outbreak. Used with the OBS.


  • Local
  • Regional
  • National
2   ObservationPopulationInclusionType ObservationPopulationInclusionType

Observation values used to assert that a subject falls into a particular population.


  • Included in denominator
  • Included in numerator
2013-07-26 deprecationEffectiveVersion=1221 coremifText=This element was deprecated as of the release indicated. deprecated 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20369 v3
2   PreferenceStrengthObservationValue PreferenceStrengthObservationValue

Values that indicate how important a preference is to the target of the reporter.


  • Very Important
  • Important
  • Suggested
2   PublicHealthCaseObservationValue PublicHealthCaseObservationValue

Description: The PublicHealthCaseObservationValue is used to identify the primary condition or disease associated with a Public Health Case.. This concept domain is intended to be used with the CASE Act class code and the ObservationInvestigationType ActCode concept domain.


  • Tuberculosis
  • Lyme Disease
  • SARS
  • Lung Cancer
3     OutbreakObservationValue OutbreakObservationValue

Description: The OutbreakObservationValue is used to identify the primary condition or disease associated with an Outbreak. This concept domain is intended to be used with the OUTB Act class code and the ObservationPublicHealthOutbreakType ActCode concept domain.


  • Tuberculosis
  • Lyme Disease
  • SARS
2   SecurityObservationValue SecurityObservationValue

Observation values used to indicate security observation metadata.


  • Codes conveying the classification of an IT resource, such as confidentiality codes
  • Codes conveying privacy law, sensitivity, and consent directive types governing an IT resource
  • Codes conveying dissemination controls, handling caveats, purpose of use, refrain policies, and obligations to which an IT resource custodian or receiver must comply.
  • Codes conveying an IT resource completeness, veracity, reliability, trustworthiness, and provenance
  • Codes conveying the mechanism used to preserve the accuracy and consistency of an IT resource such as a digital signature and a cryptographic hash function
  • Codes conveying the mechanism used to make authorized alterations of an IT resource, such as translation, masking, and anonymization

Usage Note: SecurityObservationValue codes are members of a security label "tag set" used to populate or "tag" a security label field named by the associated SecurityObservationType code. [FIPS 188]

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20469 v3
3     SecurityCategoryObservationValue SecurityCategoryObservationValue

Security observation values used to indicate security category metadata.

Examples: Codes conveying the category of an IT resource such as:

  • applicable privacy policy
  • sensitivity
  • consent directive type

Usage Note: SecurityCategoryObservationValue codes are members of a security label "tag set" used to populate or "tag" a security label field named by the associated SecurityCategoryObservationType code. [FIPS 188]

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20470 v3
3     SecurityClassificationObservationValue SecurityClassificationObservationValue

Security observation values used to indicate security classification metadata.

Examples: Codes conveying the classification of an IT resource, such as confidentiality codes.

Usage Note: SecurityClassificationObservationValue codes are members of a security label "tag set" used to populate or "tag" a security label field named by the associated SecurityClassificationObservationType code. [FIPS 188]

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20479 v3
3     SecurityControlObservationValue SecurityControlObservationValue

Security observation values used to indicate security control metadata.

Examples: Codes conveying dissemination controls, handling caveats, purpose of use, and obligations to which an IT resource custodian or receiver must comply.

Usage Note: SecurityControlObservationValue codes are members of a security label "tag set" used to populate or "tag" a security label field named by the associated SecurityControlObservationType code. [FIPS 188]

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20471 v3
3     SecurityIntegrityObservationValue SecurityIntegrityObservationValue

Security observation values used to indicate security integrity metadata.

Examples: Codes conveying an IT resource:

  • veracity
  • reliability
  • trustworthiness
  • provenance

Usage Note: SecurityIntegrityObservationValue codes are members of a security label "tag set" used to populate or "tag" a security label field named by the associated SecurityIntegrityObservationType code. [FIPS 188]

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20481 v3
4       SecurityAlterationIntegrityObservationValue SecurityAlterationIntegrityObservationValue

Security observation values used to indicate security alteration integrity metadata.

Examples: Codes conveying the mechanisms used to make authorized alteration of an IT resource, such as:

  • translation
  • masking
  • anonymization

Usage Note: SecurityAlterationIntegrityObservationValue codes are members of a security label "tag set" used to populate or "tag" a security label field named by the associated SecurityAlterationIntegrityObservationType code. [FIPS 188]

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20482 v3
4       SecurityDataIntegrityObservationValue SecurityDataIntegrityObservationValue

Security observation values used to indicate security data integrity metadata.

Examples: Codes conveying the mechanisms used to preserve the accuracy and consistency of an IT resource such as:

  • a digital signature
  • a cryptographic hash function

Usage Note: SecurityDataIntegrityObservationValue codes are members of a security label "tag set" used to populate or "tag" a security label field named by the associated SecurityDataIntegrityObservationType code. [FIPS 188]

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20483 v3
4       SecurityIntegrityConfidenceObservationValue SecurityIntegrityConfidenceObservationValue

Security observation values used to indicate security integrity confidence metadata.

Examples: Codes conveying the level of veracity, reliability, and trustworthiness of an IT resource.

Usage Note: Codes conveying the level of veracity, reliability, and trustworthiness of an IT resource.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20484 v3
4       SecurityIntegrityProvenanceObservationValue SecurityIntegrityProvenanceObservationValue

Security observation values used to indicate security alteration integrity metadata.

Examples: Codes conveying the provenance of an IT resource such as the entity responsible for a report or assertion relayed "second-hand" about an IT resource.

Usage Note: SecurityIntegrityProvenanceObservationValue codes are members of a security label "tag set" used to populate or "tag" a security label field named by the associated SecurityIntegrityProvenanceObservationType code. [FIPS 188]

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20485 v3
5         SecurityIntegrityProvenanceAssertedByObservationValue SecurityIntegrityProvenanceAssertedByObservationValue

Security observation values used to indicate security integrity provenance asserted by metadata.

Examples: Codes conveying the provenance metadata about the entity asserting an IT resource.

Usage Note: SecurityIntegrityProvenanceAssertedByObservationValue codes are members of a security label "tag set" used to populate or "tag" a security label field named by the associated SecurityIntegrityProvenanceAssertedByObservationType code. [FIPS 188]

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20486 v3
5         SecurityIntegrityProvenanceReportedByObservationValue SecurityIntegrityProvenanceReportedByObservationValue

Security observation values used to indicate security integrity provenance reported by metadata.

Examples: Codes conveying the provenance metadata about the entity reporting an IT resource.

Usage Note: SecurityIntegrityProvenanceReportedByObservationValue codes are members of a security label "tag set" used to populate or "tag" a security label field named by the associated SecurityIntegrityProvenanceReportedByObservationType code. [FIPS 188]

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20487 v3
4       SecurityIntegrityStatusObservationValue SecurityIntegrityStatusObservationValue

Security observation values used to indicate security integrity status metadata.

Examples: Codes conveying the completeness of an IT resource in terms of workflow status such as:

  • authenticated
  • legally authenticated
  • in progress

Usage Note: SecurityIntegrityStatusObservationValue codes are members of a security label "tag set" used to populate or "tag" a security label field named by the associated SecurityIntegrityStatusObservationType code. [FIPS 188]

3     SecurityTrustObservationValue SecurityTrustObservationValue

Observation value used to indicate aspects of trust policy applicable to an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability).

For example, applicable trust framework, policy, or mechanisms.

Usage Note: Security trust metadata values may be used as the trust attribute value populating a computable trust policy, trust credential, trust assertion, or trust label field in a security label and principally used for authentication, authorization, and access control decisions.

SecurityTrustObservationValue may be used as a trust attribute value populating a computable trust policy, trust credential, trust assertion, or trust label field in a security label with trust observation values. The valued trust attributes may be used for used for authentication, authorization, and access control decisions. These may also be used to negotiate trust relationships, adjudicate or bridge trust policies, and to specify requirements for participation in a Trust Domain or for asserting compliance with a Trust Framework.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20538 v3
4       SecurityTrustAccreditationObservationValue SecurityTrustAccreditationObservationValue

Values for security metadata observation made about the formal declaration by an authority or neutral third party that validates the technical, security, trust, and business practice conformance of Trust Agents to facilitate security, interoperability, and trust among participants within a security domain or trust framework.

For example, DirectTrust, Kantara Initiative, Open Identity

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20539 v3
4       SecurityTrustAgreementObservationValue SecurityTrustAgreementObservationValue

Values for security metadata observation made about security requirements with which a security domain must comply. [ISO IEC 10181-1] Conveys the agreement of an asserter to comply with jurisdictional, community, or contractual (security domains) codes of conduct which an information custodian requires as a condition of authorizing collection, access, use or disclosure.

For example, DURSA, DIRECT Applicability Statement, HIPAA Covered Entity and Business Associate Agreement, and FTC PHR Vendor, Related Entity, and third party agreements.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20544 v3
4       SecurityTrustAssuranceObservationValue SecurityTrustAssuranceObservationValue

Values for security metadata observation made about the digital quality or reliability of a trust assertion, activity, capability, information exchange, mechanism, process, or protocol.

For example, authentication, identity proofing, and non-repudiation level of assurance.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20540 v3
4       SecurityTrustCertificateObservationValue SecurityTrustCertificateObservationValue

Values for security metadata observation made about a set of security-relevant data issued by a security authority or trusted third party, together with security information which is used to provide the integrity and data origin authentication services for an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability). [Based on ISO IEC 10181-1]

For example, a single use certificate, dual use certificate, digital signature certificate.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20541 v3
4       SecurityTrustFrameworkObservationValue SecurityTrustFrameworkObservationValue

Values for security metadata observation made about a complete set of contracts, regulations or commitments that enable participating actors to rely on certain assertions by other actors to fulfill their information security requirements. [Kantara Initiative]

For example, FICAM, DirectTrust, and HITRUST.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20542 v3
4       SecurityTrustMechanismObservationValue SecurityTrustMechanismObservationValue

Values for security metadata observation made about a security architecture system component that supports enforcement of security policies.

For example, Digital signature, authorization scheme, and certificate token.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20543 v3
2   SeverityObservationValue SeverityObservationValue

Description: An indication of the seriousness of the subject's condition or issue.


  • Mild
  • Moderate
  • Severe
2   SusceptibilityObservationValue SusceptibilityObservationValue

**Description:**Used to code and identify the Susceptibility Observation result value when a coded result is reported.


  • Susceptible
  • Resistant
  • Moderately susceptible
2   VerificationOutcomeValue VerificationOutcomeValue

Values for observations of verification act results

Examples: Verified, not verified, verified with warning.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19793 v3
1 OrganizationIndustryClass OrganizationIndustryClass

Domain provides classification systems for industries.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19298 v3
1 ParameterItemSemanticsType ParameterItemSemanticsType

A code indicating the name of a parameter item. ParameterItem classes are defined in the RIM as name-value pairs and this domain provides the name part of the ParameterItem.

Examples: Patient Name, Drug Code, Order Effective Date

1 ParticipationFunction ParticipationFunction

This code is used to specify the exact function an actor had in a service in all necessary detail. This domain may include local extensions (CWE).

PRF 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10267 v3
2   AuthorizedParticipationFunction AuthorizedParticipationFunction

This code is used to specify the exact function an actor is authorized to have in a service in all necessary detail.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19929 v3
3     AuthorizedReceiverParticipationFunction AuthorizedReceiverParticipationFunction

This code is used to specify the exact function an actor is authorized to have as a receiver of information that is the subject of a consent directive or consent override.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19932 v3
3     ConsenterParticipationFunction ConsenterParticipationFunction

This code is used to specify the exact function an actor is authorized to have in authoring a consent directive.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19930 v3
3     OverriderParticipationFunction OverriderParticipationFunction

This code is used to specify the exact function an actor is authorized to have in authoring a consent override.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19931 v3
2   ConsultantParticipationFunction ConsultantParticipationFunction

Description: Identifies functions appropriate to consultant participations.


  • cardiologist
  • anesthetist
  • dietician
CON v3
2   CoverageParticipationFunction CoverageParticipationFunction

Definition: Set of codes indicating the manner in which sponsors, underwriters, and payers participate in a policy or program.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19903 v3
3     PayorParticipationFunction PayorParticipationFunction

Definition: Set of codes indicating the manner in which payors participate in a policy or program.</

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19906 v3
3     SponsorParticipationFunction SponsorParticipationFunction

Definition: Set of codes indicating the manner in which sponsors participate in a policy or program. NOTE: use only when the Sponsor is not further specified with a SponsorRoleType as being either a fully insured sponsor or a self insured sponsor.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19905 v3
3     UnderwriterParticipationFunction UnderwriterParticipationFunction

Definition: Set of codes indicating the manner in which underwriters participate in a policy or program.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19904 v3
2   MolecularInteractionFunction MolecularInteractionFunction

Specific functiona that a participant may have in a molecular interaction.

Examples: Receptor, allosteric inhibitor, co-factor, catalyst, co-enzyme, competitive inhibitor, etc.

2   PerformerParticipationFunction PerformerParticipationFunction

Description: Identifies functions appropriate to performer participations.


  • surgeon
  • lab technician
  • janitor
PRF v3
1 ParticipationMode ParticipationMode

Identifies a means by which an Entity participates in an Act.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16543 v3
1 ParticipationSignature ParticipationSignature

A code specifying whether and how the participant has attested his participation through a signature and or whether such a signature is needed.

Examples: A surgical Procedure act object (representing a procedure report) requires a signature of the performing and responsible surgeon, and possibly other participants. (See also: Participation.signatureText.)

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10282 v3
1 ParticipationType ParticipationType

A code specifying the kind of Participation or involvement the Entity playing the Role associated with the Participation has with regard to the associated Act.

Constraints: The Participant.typeCode contains only categories that have crisp semantic relevance in the scope of HL7. It is a coded attribute without exceptions and no alternative coding systems allowed.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10901 v3
1 PatientImportance PatientImportance

Patient VIP code

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19265 v3
1 PaymentTerms PaymentTerms

Describes payment terms for a financial transaction, used in an invoice.

This is typically expressed as a responsibility of the acceptor or payor of an invoice.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14908 v3
1 PersonDisabilityType PersonDisabilityType

A code identifying a person's disability.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.295 v3
1 PostalAddressUse PostalAddressUse


2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10637 v3
1 ProbabilityDistributionType ProbabilityDistributionType


2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10747 v3
1 ProcedureMethod ProcedureMethod

**Description:**A concept whose description/definition provides additional detail about the means or technique used for the procedure.


  • neuromuscular reeducation
  • functional activity
  • Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y
2   BloodDonationProcedureMethod BloodDonationProcedureMethod

Description: Specific method used to extract the blood from the donor subject.

Examples: No examples supplied with proposal.

2   EnteralAdministrationMethodType EnteralAdministrationMethodType

A concept that conveys how a material will be administered enterally.


  • Continuous Tube Feeding
  • Gravity Drip
  • Bolus Feeding
1 ProcessingID ProcessingID

This attribute defines whether the message is part of a production, training, or debugging system.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.103 v3
1 ProcessingMode ProcessingMode

This attribute defines whether the message is being sent in current processing, archive mode, initial load mode, restore from archive mode, etc.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.207 v3
1 QueryParameterValue QueryParameterValue

The domain of coded values used as parameters within QueryByParameter queries.

2   IssueFilterCode IssueFilterCode

**Description:**Indicates how result sets should be filtered based on whether they have associated issues.

2   PrescriptionDispenseFilterCode PrescriptionDispenseFilterCode

A "helper" vocabulary used to construct complex query filters based on how and whether a prescription has been dispensed.

1 QueryPriority QueryPriority

Identifies the time frame in which the response is expected.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.91 v3
1 QueryRequestLimit QueryRequestLimit

Defines the units associated with the magnitude of the maximum size limit of a query response that can be accepted by the requesting application

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19911 v3
1 QueryResponse QueryResponse

Values in this domain allow a query response system to return a precise response status.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.208 v3
1 QueryStatusCode QueryStatusCode

State attributes for Query event

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.18899 v3
1 Race Race

In the United States, federal standards for classifying data on race determine the categories used by federal agencies and exert a strong influence on categorization by state and local agencies and private sector organizations. The federal standards do not conceptually define race, and they recognize the absence of an anthropological or scientific basis for racial classification. Instead, the federal standards acknowledge that race is a social-political construct in which an individual's own identification with one more race categories is preferred to observer identification. The standards use a variety of features to define five minimum race categories. Among these features are descent from "the original peoples" of a specified region or nation. The minimum race categories are American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White. The federal standards stipulate that race data need not be limited to the five minimum categories, but any expansion must be collapsible to those categories.

OpenIssue: This concept domain definition does not align with current vocabulary practices and is much too US-centric to be appropriate as a "universal" domain.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14914 v3
1 Realm Realm

Description: All binding realms allowed for linking concept domains to value sets.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20355 v3
1 RelationalName RelationalName

Provides coded names for attribute RelationalExpression.elementName, which has data type SC.

1 RelationalOperator RelationalOperator

Identifies common relational operators used in selection criteria.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.209 v3
1 RelationshipConjunction RelationshipConjunction

A code specifying the logical conjunction of the criteria among all the condition-links of Acts (e.g., and, or, exclusive-or.)

Constraints: All AND criteria must be true. If OR and AND criteria occur together, one criterion out of the OR-group must be true and all AND criteria must be true also. If XOR criteria occur together with OR and AND criteria, exactly one of the XOR criteria must be true, and at least one of the OR criteria and all AND criteria must be true. In other words, the sets of AND, OR, and XOR criteria are in turn combined by a logical AND operator (all AND criteria and at least one OR criterion and exactly one XOR criterion.) To overcome this ordering, Act criteria can be nested in any way necessary.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10365 v3
1 ReligiousAffiliation ReligiousAffiliation

Assigment of spiritual faith affiliation

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19185 v3
1 ResponseLevel ResponseLevel

Specifies whether a response is expected from the addressee of this interaction and what level of detail that response should include

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14761 v3
1 ResponseModality ResponseModality

Defines the timing and grouping of the response instances.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.394 v3
1 ResponseMode ResponseMode

Specifies the mode, immediate versus deferred or queued, by which a receiver should communicate its receiver responsibilities.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19650 v3
1 RoleClass RoleClass

This table includes codes for the Role class hierarchy. The values in this hierarchy, represent a Role which is an association or relationship between two entities - the entity that plays the role and the entity that scopes the role. Roles names are derived from the name of the playing entity in that role.

The role hierarchy stems from three core concepts, or abstract domains:

  • RoleClassOntological is an abstract domain that collects roles in which the playing entity is defined or specified by the scoping entity.

  • RoleClassPartitive collects roles in which the playing entity is in some sense a "part" of the scoping entity.

  • RoleClassAssociative collects all of the remaining forms of association between the playing entity and the scoping entity. This set of roles is further partitioned between:

    • RoleClassPassive which are roles in which the playing entity is used, known, treated, handled, built, or destroyed, etc. under the auspices of the scoping entity. The playing entity is passive in these roles in that the role exists without an agreement from the playing entity.

    • RoleClassMutualRelationship which are relationships based on mutual behavior of the two entities. The basis of these relationship may be formal agreements or they may be de facto behavior. Thus, this sub-domain is further divided into:

      • RoleClassRelationshipFormal in which the relationship is formally defined, frequently by a contract or agreement.
      • Personal relationship which inks two people in a personal relationship.

The hierarchy discussed above is represented In the current vocabulary tables as a set of abstract domains, with the exception of the "Personal relationship" which is a leaf concept.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11555 v3
1 RoleCode RoleCode

Specific classification codes for further qualifying RoleClass codes.

2   AssocativeRoleType AssocativeRoleType

A general association between two entities that is neither partitive nor ontological.

Examples: affiliate; agent; birthplace.

_RoleClassAssociative v3
3     MutualRelationshipRoleType MutualRelationshipRoleType

**Description:**Concepts which further characterizing the type of mutual relationships. Used only with the abstract code_RoleClassMutualRelationship.

_RoleClassMutualRelationship v3
4       AgentRoleType AgentRoleType

An entity (player) that acts or is authorized to act on behalf of another entity (scoper).

Examples: next of kin; assigned entity; contact.

5         AdministrativeContactRoleType AdministrativeContactRoleType

**Description:**Indicates the role an entity (player) is playing as the appropriate contact on behalf of another entity (scoper).

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17622 v3
5         AssignedRoleType AssignedRoleType

Description: A role type that is used to further qualify an entity playing a role where the role class attribute is set to RoleClass AssignedEntity. The suggested values from V2.x include clinic receptionist, referral agent, staff physician, courtesy physician, resident, physician assistant, physical therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, pharmacist, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, licensed vocational nurse, nurse practitioner, etc.


  • Janitor
  • Chief of Staff
  • Referral Agent
  • Security Guard
  • ICU Runner
  • Visiting professor

Open Issue: There needs to be work undertaken to clean up the hierarchy under this Domain as there seems to be some muddling between D:ProductLifecycleAssginedRoleType and D:ClinicalOrganizationRoleType and this new D:AssignedNonLivingSubjectRoleType. There may be other issues that need improvement in this hierarchy, and there may be some issue with the corresponding hierarchy in the code system. (identified in 11/2014 cycle)

6           AssignedNonLivingSubjectRoleType AssignedNonLivingSubjectRoleType

A role type that is used to further qualify an inanimate subject playing a role where the playing entity acts or is authorized to act on behalf of a scoping entity.


  • Assistive device for impaired or challenged person
  • Non-living entities that may participate as assigned therapeutic agents
  • Entities that may be provided to patients to improve general mood, decrease depression and loneliness, and distract from stress-inducing concerns to improve quality of life.
7             ProvenanceAssignedDeviceRoleType ProvenanceAssignedDeviceRoleType

A role type, which indicates the type of device that authors or in some manner contributes to the generation, management, and/or transmission of health information, the use of which may be tracked for purposes of determining the provenance of health information. The playing device acts or is authorized to act on behalf of a scoping entity..


  • Patient selected home monitoring device e.g., to detect and report falls
  • Provider selected medication adherence monitoring, reporting, and alerting device
  • Provider designated EKG measuring and reporting device
6           AssignedNonPersonLivingSubjectRoleType AssignedNonPersonLivingSubjectRoleType

**Description:**A role type that is used to further qualify a non-person subject playing a role where the role class attribute is set to RoleClass AssignedEntity

Open Issue: The definition should be modified to clarify the fact that it is a living non-person subject. (AK 11/2014 cycle)

ASSIGNED 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19869 v3
6           ClinicalOrganizationRoleType ClinicalOrganizationRoleType

A role of an organization that further classifies the clincial responsibility for the healthcare care delivered during an encounter. E.g. cardiology service, pediatric service, nursing services.

6           CommissioningPartyRoleType CommissioningPartyRoleType

OpenIssue: This concept domain has no valid description.

7             GrantorRoleType GrantorRoleType

Description: The specific kinds of roles that issue information privacy grants that permit or prohibit potential actions on information artifacts.


  • Parent
  • Legal Guardian
  • Health Information Exchange
8               GrantorOrganizationRoleType GrantorOrganizationRoleType

Description: The specific kinds of organizational roles that issue information privacy grants that permit or prohibit potential actions on information artifacts.


  • Clearinghouse
  • Billing Service
  • Health Information Exchange
8               GrantorPersonRoleType GrantorPersonRoleType

Description: The specific kinds of person roles that issue information privacy grants that permit or prohibit potential actions on information artifacts.


  • Self
  • Parent
  • Legal Guardian
6           DeviceOperatorType DeviceOperatorType

Indicates the type of person that is responsible for operating the device related to the incident reported in ICSR.

Examples include: Physician, Nurse, Medical Technician, Respiratory Technician.

6           HealthcareProviderRoleType HealthcareProviderRoleType

A role type that is used to categorize an entity that delivers health care in an expected and professional manner to a subject in need of health care services.


  • Registered Nurse
  • Physician
  • Custodial Care Clinic
ASSIGNED 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19465 v3
7             LabSpecimenCollectionProviders LabSpecimenCollectionProviders

**Description:**Providers used in Laboratory messaging.

PROV 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19748 v3
6           ICSRReportingRoleType ICSRReportingRoleType

Description: A role that is played by a party which is involved in the process originating or managing reports of adverse events or product problems.


  • Marketing Authorization Holder
  • Regulatory Agency
  • Healthcare Practitioner
6           PersonalAndLegalAssignedRoleType PersonalAndLegalAssignedRoleType

A "personal and legal" assigned relationship records the role of a person in relation to another person, or a person to himself or herself. These concepts are to be used when recording relationships based on personal or family ties or through legal assignment of responsibility.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883. v3
6           ProductLifecycleAssignedRoleType ProductLifecycleAssignedRoleType

A code specifying a type of responsibility that an entity may take on with respect the lifecycle of a product.


  • Manufacturer
  • Distributor
  • Retailer
5         ContactRoleType ContactRoleType

Description: A role type that is used to further qualify or describe the role of the contact person or organization.


  • Legal representative
  • Primary contact
  • Alternative contact
CON 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15920 v3
5         GuardianRoleType GuardianRoleType

Qualify the holder or scope of a guardianship relationship over a living subject.


  • Guardianship held jointly by separated parents
  • Guardianship held jointly by parent and another person
  • Natural guardian
  • Special guardian
  • Guardian of property
5         ProductSafetyReportPartyRoleType ProductSafetyReportPartyRoleType

**Description:**Captures the different roles that are recorded to characterize the qualifications or stations in life of persons or organizations who participate as senders or as receivers of adverse event or product problem reports.

**Example:**Example values may include: physician, healthcare facility, attorney, family member, regulatory agency. Initial effort to find defined concepts for this value set will focus on the HIPAA provider taxonomy.

4       FormalRelationshipRoleType FormalRelationshipRoleType

A relationship between two entities that is formally recognized, frequently by a contract or similar agreement.

Examples: agent; guarantor; patient.

_RoleClassRelationshipFormal v3
5         AffiliationRoleType AffiliationRoleType

Concepts characterizing the type of association formed by player and scoper when there is a recognized Affiliate role by which the two parties are related.

Examples: Business Partner, Business Associate, Colleague

6           CoverageSponsorRoleType CoverageSponsorRoleType

**Description:**Codes that indicate a specific type of sponsor. Used when the sponsor's role is only either as a fully insured sponsor or only as a self-insured sponsor. NOTE: Where a sponsor may be either, use the SponsorParticipationFunction.code (fully insured or self insured) to indicate the type of responsibility. (CO6-0057)

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19877 v3
6           PayorRoleType PayorRoleType

**Description:**PayorRoleType for a particular type of policy or program benefit package or plan where more detail about the coverage administration role of the Payor is required. The functions performed by a Payor qualified by a PayorRoleType may be specified by the PayorParticpationFunction value set.

**Examples:**A Payor that is a TPA may administer a managed care plan without underwriting the risk.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19853 v3
6           ResponsibleParty ResponsibleParty

The role played by a party who has legal responsibility for another party.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19830 v3
7             PowerOfAttorney PowerOfAttorney

A relationship between two people in which one person authorizes another to act for him in a manner which is a legally binding upon the person giving such authority as if he or she personally were to do the acts.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19831 v3
5         CitizenRoleType CitizenRoleType

A role type used to qualify a person's legal status within a country or nation.


  • Full citizen
  • Asylum seeker
  • Permit card holder
CIT 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20371 v3
5         CoveredPartyRoleType CoveredPartyRoleType

A role recognized through the eligibility of an identified living subject for benefits covered under an insurance policy or a program. Eligibility as a covered party may be conditioned on a relationship with (1) the policy holder such as the policy holder who is covered as an individual under a poliy or as a party sponsored for coverage by the policy holder.

**Example:**An employee as a subscriber; or (2) on being scoped another covered party such as the subscriber, as in the case of a dependent.

Discussion: The Abstract Value Set "CoverageRoleType", which was developed for use in the Canadian realm "pre-coordinate" coverage roles with other roles that a covered party must play in order to be eligible for coverage, e.g., "handicapped dependent". Other codes in the Abstract Value Set CoveredPartyRoleType domain can be "post-coordinated" with the EligiblePartyRoleType codes to denote comparable concepts. Decoupling the concepts is intended to support a wider range of concepts and semantic comparability of coded concepts.

COVPTY 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19805 v3
6           StudentRoleType StudentRoleType

Type of role attendance the covered party has at a recognized educational institution as defined by a particular insurance policy.

NAMED 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19671 v3
5         EmployeeRoleType EmployeeRoleType

Description: A role type that is used to further qualify an entity playing a role where the role class attribute is set to RoleClass Employee. This specifies the relationship the staff person has with the institution for whom he/she provides services.


  • Employee
  • Volunteer
  • Consultant
EMP v3
5         InvestigatedSubjectRoleType InvestigatedSubjectRoleType

Description: A code further classifying the type of investigated subject role. Used with the INVSBJ role class code.


  • Case subject
  • Suspect
  • Person of interest
6           ResearchSubjectRoleBasis ResearchSubjectRoleBasis

Specifies the administrative functionality within a formal experimental design for which the ResearchSubject role was established. Examples: screening - role is used for pre-enrollment evaluation portion of the design; enrolled - role is used for subjects admitted to the active treatment portion of the design.

RESBJ 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19417 v3
5         LicensedRoleType LicensedRoleType

OpenIssue: This concept domain has no valid description.

LIC v3
6           ProviderCodes ProviderCodes

Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Codes

PROV 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19465 v3
5         QualifiedRoleType QualifiedRoleType

Description: A category to which a person can be assigned on the basis of professional qualification, experience, and/or job assignment.


  • Physician
  • Registered Nurse
  • Product Quality Manager
6           CertifiedEntityType CertifiedEntityType

Defines types of certifications for all entities

7             PractitionerCertifiedEntityType PractitionerCertifiedEntityType

Defines types of certifications for practitioners

OpenIssue: This concept domain should be reviewed to determine whether it needs a "ConceptualSpaceForClassCode" property to link to a RIM classCode.

4       PersonalRelationshipRoleType PersonalRelationshipRoleType

Description: Types of personal relationships between two living subjects.


  • Parent
  • sibling
  • unrelated friend
  • neighbor
PRS 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19563 v3
5         FamilyMemberRelationshipRoleType FamilyMemberRelationshipRoleType

The type of familial relationship between a living subject and another living subject.


  • Father
  • Mother
  • Uncle
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19579 v3
3     PassiveRoleType PassiveRoleType

An association for a playing Entity that is used, known, treated, handled, built, or destroyed, etc. under the auspices of the scoping Entity. The playing Entity is passive in these roles (even though it may be active in other roles), in the sense that the kinds of things done to it in this role happen without an agreement from the playing Entity.

Examples: birthplace; owned entity; used entity.

_RoleClassPassive v3
4       AdministrativeLocationRoleType AdministrativeLocationRoleType

OpenIssue: This concept domain has no valid description.

_RoleClassPassive v3
4       HealthcareServiceLocation HealthcareServiceLocation

A set of concepts representing locations and settings where healthcare services are provided.

SDLOC 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20275 v3
5         DedicatedServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType DedicatedServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType

A role of a place that further classifies a setting that is intended to house the provision of services.

DSDLOC 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19450 v3
5         IncidentalServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType IncidentalServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType

Types of locations,that are not designed for the purpose of providing health care services but where care provision takes place.


  • Accident site
  • Patient's residence
  • School
  • Work site
ISDLOC 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19451 v3
4       IdentifiedEntityType IdentifiedEntityType

Definition: A code representing the type of identifier that has been assigned to the identified entity (IDENT).

Examples: Example values include Social Insurance Number, Product Catalog ID, Product Model Number.

5         LocationIdentifiedEntityRoleType LocationIdentifiedEntityRoleType

**Description:**Describes types of identifiers other than the primary location registry identifier for a service delivery location. Identifiers may be assigned by a local service delivery organization, a formal body capable of accrediting the location for the capability to provide specific services or the identifier may be assigned at a jurisdictional level.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20422 v3
5         PersonIdentifierRoleType PersonIdentifierRoleType

Types of identifiers for persons.


  • Social insurance number
  • Passport number
  • Drivers license number
  • Jurisdiction health number
5         SpecimenIdentifierRoleType SpecimenIdentifierRoleType

Description: A role by which one can communicate additional identifiers for a specimen.


  • specimen identifier
  • accession identifier
  • container identifier
4       MolecularBondRoleType MolecularBondRoleType

The nature of the bonds by which two molecular parts may be connected.

Examples: (1) simple bonds such as, single bond, double bond, triple bond, (2) specialized bonds such as peptide bond, disulfide bond, etc., (3) weak bonds such as van-der-Waals, chelate, and ion-associations.

4       MolecularFeatureRoleType MolecularFeatureRoleType

The generalization of molecular parts (partitive role) and molecular bonds (associative role), or possibly any other role type used for the expression of structural molecular features.

Examples: (1) acetyl group (a moiety), (2) disulfide bond (a bond), (3) O-linked glycosylation (a moiety).

4       NDCRelatedDrugEntityType NDCRelatedDrugEntityType

NDC Regulated Drug Entity Type

4       ProductProcessingOrganizationRoleType ProductProcessingOrganizationRoleType

Description: Indicates the role that an organization takes in the process by which a product goes from an original manufacturer to the eventual consumer.

**Examples:**Manufacturer, re-processor

**Note:**These two values are currently used in adverse event and product problem reporting.

4       ProductRegulatoryServicesLocationRoleType ProductRegulatoryServicesLocationRoleType

Description: Provides the description of the role of a place in terms of its provision of services and functions in the product regulatory domain.


  • pharmacovigilance masterfile location
  • COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) masterfile location
  • regulatory dossier storage location
  • batch release masterfile location
4       ProductRelatedRoleType ProductRelatedRoleType

**Description:**Concepts characterizing product related roles.

_RoleClassPassive v3
5         DistributedMaterialRoleType DistributedMaterialRoleType

**Description:**Codes that further characterize the distribution of a material. Used only with the DST (distributed material) role classCode.

**Examples:**Intensive distribution, Selective distribution and Exclusive distribution.

DST v3
5         ManufacturedProductRoleType ManufacturedProductRoleType

**Description:**A role type that is used to further qualify an entity playing a role where the role class attribute is set to RoleClass ManufacturedProduct.

6           VisionProductRoleType VisionProductRoleType

**Description:**A role type that is used to further qualify an entity playing a role where the role is that of a vision product such as lenses, frames, etc.

5         RegulatedProductRoleType RegulatedProductRoleType

**Description:**Codes that further characterize a regulated product role. Used only with the RGPR (regulated product) role classCode.

Example: Regulated drug and regulated device.

5         RetailedMaterialRoleType RetailedMaterialRoleType

**Description:**Codes that further characterize the association of a material playing the role of a retailed material to the scoper which retails the material. Used only with the RET (retailed material) role classCode.

Examples: Department store, Self-service and Online.

RET v3
5         TheraputicAgentRoleType TheraputicAgentRoleType

**Description:**Codes that further characterize the Theraputic Agent as a manufactured product. Used only with the THER (therapeutic agent) role classCode.

Examples: Generic and Brand name.

5         WarrantedProductRoleType WarrantedProductRoleType

**Description:**Codes that further characterize a warranted product role. Used only with the WRTE (warranted product) role classCode.

Example: Express warranty, Implied Warranty and Lifetime Warranty.

4       ProvenancePassiveDeviceRoleType ProvenancePassiveDeviceRoleType

A role type, which indicates the type of device that in some manner contributes to the generation, management, and/or transmission of health information, the use of which may be tracked for purposes of determining the provenance of health information. The playing device is passive in these roles in the sense that the device is not authorized to act on behalf of a scoping entity.


  • Software that aggregates pre-existing content to facilitate the authorship of a new artifact by an assigned entity
  • Software that translates pre-existing content to facilitate the management of that content by an assigned entity
  • Software that transmits content to facilitate the exchange of that content by an assigned entity
  • Privacy protective software that facilitates privacy protection and security enforcement by filtering health information and applying protections such as de-identification, masking, or redaction, and privacy marking.
_RoleClassPassive v3
4       RoleAccessType RoleAccessType

Type of material that provides access to another entity.

4       TerritorialAuthorityRoleType TerritorialAuthorityRoleType

Description: Concepts which further characterizing the type of territorial authority. Used only with the TERR (territorial authority) role classCode.

Example: public health authority, judicial authority and national authority.

2   ICSRParticipantRoleQualificationType ICSRParticipantRoleQualificationType

**Description:**Different types of qualification that could be applicable for a party involved in sending or receiving a case safety report, providing the original notification or report of an adverse event or product problem.


  • Physician
  • Veterinarian
  • Lawyer
  • Member of the public
2   IDMPRoleCodeType IDMPRoleCodeType

Defines elements of the IDMP model, whether concepts defined by role, or relationships between concepts defined by role, that cannot otherwise easily be distinguished within the Common Product Model structures and associated vocabulary. This domain is a collector for the different types of semantics associated with the IDMP role concept spaces.

ROL v3
3     IDMPProductType IDMPProductType

Provides a set of values for defining the type of Pharmaceutical Product that is related to a PhPID. This in turn determines the type of information that may be conveyed when using the Common Product Model as a vehicle for IDMP model data.


  • Chemical Type
  • Radionuclides (radioactive) Type
  • Biological Substance
3     IDMPRelationType IDMPRelationType

Provides a set of values for defining the relationship between different concepts when using the Common Product Model as a vehicle for IDMP model data


  • Medicinal identifier
  • Pharmaceutical identifier
  • Underlying pharmaceutical concept identifier
2   OntologicalRoleType OntologicalRoleType

A relationship in which the scoping Entity defines or specifies what the playing Entity is. Thus, the player's "being" (Greek: ontos) is specified.

Examples: sameness; instance; generalization.

_RoleClassOntological v3
3     EquivalenceEvaluationRoleType EquivalenceEvaluationRoleType

A code specifying in what way two products are considered equivalent. One example for a value set in the US can be found in U.S. FDA "Orange Book" at the FDA website but the concept is universal and not a U.S. only issue.


  • No known or suspected bioequivalence problems
  • Potential bioequivalence problems have been resolved with evidence supporting bioequivalence
  • Bioequivalence problems have not been fully resolved
3     MedicationGeneralizationRoleType MedicationGeneralizationRoleType

Identifies the specific hierarchical relationship between the playing and scoping medications.

Examples: Generic, Generic Formulation, Therapeutic Class, etc.

GEN 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19720 v3
2   PartitiveRoleType PartitiveRoleType

An association between two Entities where the playing Entity is considered in some way "part" of the scoping Entity, e.g., as a member, component, ingredient, or content. Being "part" in the broadest sense of the word can mean anything from being an integral structural component to a mere incidental temporary association of a playing Entity with a (generally larger) scoping Entity.

Examples: part; member; ingredient.

_RoleClassPartitive v3
3     LocatedEntityRoleType LocatedEntityRoleType

Description: Constrains the concepts used to further characterize the association between an entity and itaTMs location. Used only with the LOCE (located entity) role classCode.

Example: home, business and vacation home.

3     MemberRoleType MemberRoleType

A classification for further qualifying an entity playing a Member RoleClass.


  • tribal member
  • elected member
  • ex officio member
  • part-time member
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15925 v3
3     PartRoleType PartRoleType

Description: Concepts which further characterizing the association two Entities where the playing Entity (the part) is a component of the whole (scoper). Used only with the PART (part) role classCode.

Example: Body part, organization part and moiety.

4       MolecularPartRoleType MolecularPartRoleType

The senses in which a molecule may be conceptually or actually divided into parts.


  1. sub-unit of a protein (i.e., sequences held together usually by disulfide bonds);
  2. domain of a protein or component of a nucleic acid sequence (i.e., a sub-sequence identified to have a certain folding structure or function, e.g. signaling peptide of a protein precursor or promoter and open reading frame of a nucleic acid);
  3. residue on a molecular base skeleton; atom of a molecule (e.g., to identify substitution with a radioactive isotope);
  4. dissociable ion.

UsageNotes: The specific code system and concepts are left to be externally defined. However, when the positionNumber attribute is to be used with the part role to indicate where the part is placed, the part role code must specify how the position number vector is to be interpreted. For example, for subunits of a protein oligomer (such as fibrinogen) held together by disulfide bonds, the part relationship would need to specify the position of the links

The specific code system and concepts are left to be externally defined. However, when the positionNumber attribute is to be used with the part role to indicate where the part is placed, the part role code must specify how the position number vector is to be interpreted. For example, for subunits of a protein oligomer (such as fibrinogen) held together by disulfide bonds, the part relationship would need to specify the position of the links v3
4       OrganizationPartRoleType OrganizationPartRoleType

Concepts which further characterize the association between two Entities which are organizations where the playing Entity (the part) is a component of the whole (scoper). Used only with the PART (part) role classCode.


  • business unit
  • department
  • executive team
3     SpecimenRoleType SpecimenRoleType

Description: Further classifies the types of specimen roles.

Examples: Examples include Quality control specimens, grouped specimens and patient specimens.

SPEC 2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16515 v3
4       DerivedSpecimenRoleType DerivedSpecimenRoleType

Description: Specimen types which further classify the types of specimens that are derived from other specimens.

Examples: Examples include specimen sections and specimen components.

1 RoleLinkStatus RoleLinkStatus

**Description:**The status of an instance of the RIM RoleLink class.

Constraint: It is intended to be used based on usage of the ParticipationType concept domain.


  • Active
  • No longer active
  • Nullified
2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20413 v3
1 RoleLinkType RoleLinkType

A code specifying the kind of connection represented by this RoleLink, e.g., has-part, has-authority.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11603 v3
1 RoleStatus RoleStatus

The status of an instance of the RIM Role class.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15999 v3
1 RouteOfAdministration RouteOfAdministration

**Description:**This describes which path the administered medication takes to get into the body or into contact with the body and constitutes part of the where (the other part being site - see below). It is the way in or the course the medication must take to get to its destination.

Note that a path is in no sense a description of a final destination; it is a stylized description of the path taken. For example, an oral antibiotic may be used to treat a severe infection on a toe; the oral route is used to get the medicine to be able to reach and treat the infection in the toe. For some specific routes of administration there may be an incidental sense of final destination, for example an ocular administration usually occurs when treatment of an eye condition is required. However, this is in no sense definitional: rectal administration of a medicine may be for a local effect (a steroid foam for treatment of colitis) or for a systemic effect (metronidazole for treatment of infection). The route of administration of a medicine should only be a description of the path taken and not the form.


  • oral
  • rectal
  • intravenous (IV)
  • subcutaneous (SC)
  • intramuscular (IM)
2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14581 v3
1 Sequencing Sequencing


Specifies direction of sort.


  • Ascending
  • Descending
  • None
2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.390 v3
1 SetOperator SetOperator


2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17416 v3
1 SoftwareName SoftwareName

Provides coded names for attribute Device.softwareName, which has data type SC.

1 SpecialArrangement SpecialArrangement

A code indicating the type of special arrangements provided for a patient encounter (e.g., wheelchair, stretcher, interpreter, attendant, seeing eye dog). For encounters in intention moods, this information can be used to identify special arrangements that will need to be made for the incoming patient.

1 StyleType StyleType

(abstract) Used within an instance to give the author some control over various aspects of rendering

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19602 v3
1 SubstitutionCondition SubstitutionCondition

Identifies what sort of change is permitted or has occurred between the item that was ordered/requested and the one that was/will be provided.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17719 v3
1 TableCellHorizontalAlign TableCellHorizontalAlign

These values are defined within the XHTML 4.0 Table Model

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10981 v3
1 TableCellScope TableCellScope

These values are defined within the XHTML 4.0 Table Model

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11012 v3
1 TableCellVerticalAlign TableCellVerticalAlign

These values are defined within the XHTML 4.0 Table Model

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10987 v3
1 TableFrame TableFrame

These values are defined within the XHTML 4.0 Table Model

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10992 v3
1 TableRules TableRules

These values are defined within the XHTML 4.0 Table Model

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11002 v3
1 TargetAwareness TargetAwareness

A code specifying the extent to which the Entity playing the participating Role (usually as a target Participation) is aware of the associated Act.

Examples: For diagnostic observations, is the patient, family member or other participant aware of his terminal illness?

Discussion: If the awareness, denial, unconsciousness, etc. is the subject of medical considerations (e.g., part of the problem list), one should use explicit observations in these matters as well, and should not solely rely on this simple attribute in the Participation.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10310 v3
1 TelecommunicationAddressUse TelecommunicationAddressUse


2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.201 v3
1 TelecommunicationCapabilities TelecommunicationCapabilities

Description: Concepts that define the telecommunication capabilities of a particular device. Used to identify the expected capabilities to be found at a particular telecommunication address.

1 TimingEvent TimingEvent


2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10706 v3
1 TransmissionRelationshipType TransmissionRelationshipType

A codes specifying the meaning and purpose of every TransmissionRelationship instance. Each of the values implies specific constraints to what kinds of Transmission objects can be related and in which way.

2009-02-27 deprecationEffectiveVersion=822 coremifText=This element was deprecated as of the release indicated. deprecated 2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19833 v3
1 TransmissionRelationshipTypeCode TransmissionRelationshipTypeCode

**Description:**A code specifying the meaning and purpose of every TransmissionRelationship instance. Each of its values implies specific constraints to what kinds of Transmission objects can be related and in which way.

2020-01-01 CWE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19833 v3
1 UnitsOfMeasureCaseSensitive UnitsOfMeasureCaseSensitive


2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12839 v3
1 URLScheme URLScheme

A Universal Resource Locator (URL) is a type of telecommunications address specified as Internet standard RFC 1738 [http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1738.txt]. The URL specifies the protocol and the contact point defined by that protocol for the resource.

2020-01-01 CNE 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14866 v3
1 AdministrativeSex Administrative Sex (0001)

The domain of possible values for a patient's sex.

1 V2MaritalStatus Marital Status (0002)

The domain of possible values for a person's marital (civil/legal) status.

1 EventType Event Type (0003)

The domain of possible values for the trigger event for Version 2.x interface messages.

1 PatientClass Patient Class (0004)

The domain of possible values that systems to categorize patients by site in HL7 Version 2.x interfaces.

1 V2Race Race (0005)

The domain of possible values for the patient's race.

1 Religion Religion (0006)

The domain of possible values for a person's religion.

1 AdmissionType Admission Type (0007)

The domain of possible values for the circumstances under which the patient was or will be admitted.

1 AcknowledgmentCode Acknowledgment code (0008)

The domain of possible values for acknowledgment codes used in Version 2.x message. For details of usage, see message processing rules in the published Standard.

1 AmbulatoryStatus Ambulatory Status (0009)

The domain of possible values for permanent or transient handicapped conditions of a person.

1 TransactionType Transaction Type (0017)

The domain of possible values for a type of financial transaction.

1 PatientType Patient Type (0018)

The domain of possible values for the patient type. No suggested values.

1 AnesthesiaCode Anesthesia Code (0019)

The domain of possible values for the anesthesia used during the procedure. No suggested values.

1 BadDebtAgencyCode Bad Debt Agency Code (0021)

The domain of possible values for the bad debt agency to which the account was transferred.

1 BillingStatus Billing Status (0022)

The domain of possible values for whether the particular insurance has been billed and, if so, the type of bill. No suggested values.

1 AdmitSource Admit Source (0023)

The domain of possible values for where the patient was admitted. No suggested values.

1 FeeSchedule Fee Schedule (0024)

The domain of possible values for the appropriate fee schedule to be used for this transaction posting.

1 Priority Priority (0027)

The domain of possible values for the allowed priorities for obtaining the specimen.

1 Charge_PriceIndicator Charge/Price Indicator (0032)

The domain of possible values for which price schedule is to be used for room and bed charges. No suggested values.

1 OrderStatus Order status (0038)

The domain of possible values for the status of an order. The purpose of these values are to report the status of an order either upon request (solicited), or when the status changes (unsolicited). The values are not intended to initiate action. It is assumed that the order status value always reflects the status as it is known to the sending application at the time that a message is sent. Only the filler can originate these values.

1 CompanyPlanCode Company Plan Code (0042)

The domain of possible values for an insurance company plan uniquely. No suggested values.

1 ConditionCode Condition Code (0043)

The domain of possible values for the condition code.

1 ContractCode Contract Code (0044)

The domain of possible values for the type of contract entered into by the healthcare facility and the guarantor for the purpose of settling outstanding account balances.

1 CourtesyCode Courtesy Code (0045)

The domain of possible values for whether the patient will be extended certain special courtesies.

1 CreditRating Credit Rating (0046)

The domain of possible values for past credit experience.

1 DepartmentCode Department Code (0049)

The domain of possible values for the department that controls a specified transaction code.

1 AccidentCode Accident Code (0050)

The domain of possible values for the type of accident.

1 DiagnosisCode Diagnosis Code (0051)

The domain of possible values for the primary diagnosis code for billing purposes.

1 DiagnosisType Diagnosis Type (0052)

The domain of possible values that specify a type of diagnosis being sent.

1 DiagnosisRelatedGroup Diagnosis Related Group (0055)

The domain of possible values for the diagnostic related group (DRG) for the transaction.

1 DrgGrouperReviewCode DRG Grouper Review Code (0056)

The domain of possible values for that the grouper results have been reviewed and approved.

1 ConsentCode Consent Code (0059)

The domain of possible values for the type of consent that was obtained for permission to treat the patient.

1 CheckDigitScheme Check Digit Scheme (0061)

The domain of possible values for the check digit scheme employed.

1 EventReason Event Reason (0062)

The domain of possible values for the reason for an event.

1 Relationship Relationship (0063)

The domain of possible values for an actual personal relationship that the next of kin/associated party has to a patient.

1 FinancialClass Financial Class (0064)

The domain of possible values for the financial class assigned to a person.

1 SpecimenActionCode Specimen Action Code (0065)

The domain of possible values for actions to be taken with respect to the specimens that accompany or precede an order. The purpose of these are to further qualify (when appropriate) the general action indicated by the order control code.

1 EmploymentStatusV2 Employment Status (0066)

The domain of possible values for the guarantor's employment status.

1 GuarantorType Guarantor Type (0068)

The domain of possible values for the type of guarantor, e.g., individual, institution, etc. No suggested values.

1 HospitalService Hospital Service (0069)

The domain of possible values for the treatment or type of surgery the patient is scheduled to receive.

1 InsurancePlanId Insurance Plan ID (0072)

The domain of possible values for the identifier of an insurance plan with which a transaction should be associated.

1 InterestRateCode Interest Rate Code (0073)

The domain of possible values for the amount of interest that will be charged the guarantor on any outstanding amounts.

1 DiagnosticServiceSectionId Diagnostic Service Section ID (0074)

The domain of possible values for a section of a diagnostic service where an observation may be performed.

1 MessageType Message Type (0076)

The domain of possible values for message types.

1 InterpretationCodes Interpretation Codes (0078)

The domain of possible values for a categorical assessment of an observation value. Discussion: These interpretation codes are sometimes called "abnormal flags", however, the judgment of normalcy is just one of the common rough interpretations, and is often not relevant. For example, the susceptibility interpretations are not about "normalcy", and for any observation of a pathologic condition, it does not make sense to state the normalcy, since pathologic conditions are never considered "normal."

1 NatureOfAbnormalTesting Nature of Abnormal Testing (0080)

The domain of possible values for the nature of an abnormal test.

1 OutlierType Outlier Type (0083)

The domain of possible values for the type of outlier (i.e. period of care beyond DRG-standard stay in facility) that has been paid.

1 PerformedBy Performed by (0084)

The domain of possible values for a composite number/name of a person/group that performed a test/procedure/transaction, etc.

1 ObservationResultStatusCodesInterpretation Observation Result Status Codes Interpretation (0085)

The domain of possible values for observation result status. These codes reflect the current completion status of the results for one Observation Identifier.

1 PlanId Plan ID (0086)

The domain of possible values for the coding structure that identifies the various plan types (i.e., Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross, HMO, etc.).

1 Pre-admitTestIndicator Pre-Admit Test Indicator (0087)

The domain of possible values for whether the patient must have pre-admission testing done in order to be admitted.

1 ProcedureCode Procedure Code (0088)

The domain of possible values for a unique identifier assigned to a procedure, if any, associated with a charge.

1 V2QueryPriority Query Priority (0091)

The domain of possible values for a time frame in which a querry response is expected.

1 Re-admissionIndicator Re-Admission Indicator (0092)

The domain of possible values which are used to specify that a patient is being re-admitted to a healthcare facility from which they were discharged, and indicates the circumstances around such re-admission.

1 ReleaseInformation Release Information (0093)

The domain of possible values for whether the healthcare provider can release information about a patient and what information can be released.

1 TypeOfAgreement Type of Agreement (0098)

The domain of possible values for codes to further identify an insurance plan.

1 VipIndicator VIP Indicator (0099)

The domain of possible values for a type of VIP.

1 InvocationEvent Invocation event (0100)

The domain of possible values for codes for an event precipitating/triggering a charge activity.

1 ProcessingId Processing ID (0103)

The domain of possible values for whether the message is part of a production, training or debugging system.

1 VersionId Version ID (0104)

The domain of possible values which are used to identify an HL7 version in the Version 2.x family of published standards.

1 SourceOfComment Source of Comment (0105)

The domain of possible values which are used to specify the source of a comment.

1 TransferToBadDebtCode Transfer to Bad Debt Code (0110)

The domain of possible values for that the account was transferred to bad debts and gives the reason. No suggested values.

1 DeleteAccountCode Delete Account Code (0111)

The domain of possible values for that the account was deleted from the file and gives the reason. No suggested values.

1 DischargeDisposition Discharge Disposition (0112)

The domain of possible values for the disposition of the patient at time of discharge (i.e., discharged to home, expired, etc.). No suggested values. In the US, this field should use the Official Uniform Billing (UB) 04 2008 numeric codes found on form locator 17.

1 DischargedToLocation Discharged to Location (0113)

The domain of possible values for the healthcare facility to which the patient was discharged. No suggested values.

1 DietType Diet Type (0114)

The domain of possible values for a special diet type for a patient. No suggested values.

1 ServicingFacilities Servicing Facilities (0115)

The domain of possible values for the healthcare facility with which this visit is associated in a multiple facility environment. No suggested values.

1 BedStatus Bed Status (0116)

The domain of possible values for the state of a bed in an inpatient setting, and is used to determine if a patient may be assigned to it or not.

1 AccountStatus Account Status (0117)

The domain of possible values for the account status. No suggested values.

1 MajorDiagnosticCategory Major Diagnostic Category (0118)

The domain of possible values for the major diagnostic category. No suggested values.

1 OrderControlCodes Order Control Codes (0119)

The domain of possible values which are used to determine the function of the order segment. Depending on the message, the action specified by one of these control codes may refer to an order or an individual service.

1 ResponseFlag Response Flag (0121)

The domain of possible values allowing the placer (sending) application to determine the amount of information to be returned from the filler.

1 ChargeType Charge Type (0122)

The domain of possible values for someone or something other than the patient to be billed for a service.

1 ResultStatus Result Status (0123)

The domain of possible values for a status of results for an order.

1 TransportationMode Transportation Mode (0124)

The domain of possible values for how (or whether) to transport a patient, when applicable, for an ordered service.

1 ValueType Value Type (0125)

The domain of possible values for the format of the observation value in the Observation Result (OBX).

1 QuantityLimitedRequest Quantity Limited Request (0126)

The domain of possible values for the maximum length of a query response that can be accepted by a requesting system, and are expressed as units of mesaure of query response objects.

1 AllergenType Allergen Type (0127)

The domain of possible values fora classification of general allergy categories (drug, food, pollen, etc.).

1 AllergySeverity Allergy Severity (0128)

The domain of possible values for the general severity of an allergy.

1 AccommodationCode Accommodation Code (0129)

The domain of possible values for the fiancial accommodation type of the bed or room which implies the rate to be used when occupied by a patient under specific medical conditions, which determines how it is billed. No suggested values.

1 VisitUserCode Visit User Code (0130)

The domain of possible values for categories of a patient's visit with respect to an individual institution's needs, and is expected to be different on a site-specific basis.

1 ContactRole Contact Role (0131)

The domain of possible values for a relationship role that the next of kin/associated parties plays with regard to a patient. Also used in referrals, for example, it may be necessary to identify the contact representative at the clinic that issued a referral.

1 TransactionCode Transaction Code (0132)

The domain of possible values that are used by an institution for the purpose of uniquely identifying a transaction based on the Transaction Type. For example, procedure, supply item, or test for charges; or to identify the payment medium for payments.

1 AssignmentOfBenefits Assignment of Benefits (0135)

The domain of possible values which indicate whether an insured person agreed to assign the insurance benefits to a healthcare provider. If so, the insurance will pay the provider directly.

1 Yes/noIndicator Yes/no Indicator (0136)

The domain of possible values for either Yes or No used in fields containing binary answers generally user-specified.

1 MailClaimParty Mail Claim Party (0137)

The domain of possible values for a party to which a claim should be mailed when claims are sent by mail.

1 EmployerInformationData Employer Information Data (0139)

The domain of possible values for the required employer information data for UB82 form locator 71. No suggested values.

1 MilitaryService Military Service (0140)

The domain of possible values for the military branch. This field is defined by CMS or other regulatory agencies.

1 MilitaryRank/grade Military Rank/Grade (0141)

The domain of possible values for the military rank/grade of the patient. Australia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Defence_Force_ranks Canada: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/honours-history-badges-insignia/rank.page United States: published in the Defense Travel Administrator's Manual, Appendix M: Military Rank/Civilian Pay Grade Abbreviations and Service Agency Names, http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/Docs/Training/DTA_App_M.pdf

1 MilitaryStatus Military Status (0142)

The domain of possible values for the military status of the patient. This field is defined by CMS or other regulatory agencies.

1 Non-coveredInsuranceCode Non-covered Insurance Code (0143)

The domain of possible values for the reason a service is not covered. No suggested values.

1 EligibilitySource Eligibility Source (0144)

The domain of possible values for the source of information about the insured's eligibility for benefits.

1 RoomType Room Type (0145)

The domain of possible values for the room type.

1 AmountType Amount Type (0146)

The domain of possible values for amount quantity type.

1 PolicyType Policy Type (0147)

The domain of possible values for the policy type.

1 MoneyOrPercentageIndicator Money or Percentage Indicator (0148)

The domain of possible values for whether the amount is currency or a percentage.

1 DayType Day Type (0149)

The domain of possible values for whether the days are denied, pending or approved.

1 CertificationPatientType Certification Patient Type (0150)

The domain of possible values for the category or type of patient for which this certification is requested.

1 SecondOpinionStatus Second Opinion Status (0151)

The domain of possible values for the status of the second opinion. No suggested values.

1 SecondOpinionDocumentationReceived Second Opinion Documentation Received (0152)

The domain of possible values for if accompanying documentation has been received by the provider. No suggested values.

1 ValueCode Value Code (0153)

The domain of possible values for the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) code. In the US, the codes defined in code system 2.16.840.1.113883.6.301.6 nubc-ValueCode-cs are often used.

1 AcknowledgmentConditions Accept/Application Acknowledgment Conditions (0155)

The domain of possible values which identify conditions under which accept acknowledgments are required to be returned in response to a message, and required for enhanced acknowledgment mode.

1 DietCodeSpecificationType Diet Code Specification Type (0159)

The domain of possible values for the type of diet.

1 TrayType Tray Type (0160)

The domain of possible values for the type of dietary tray.

1 AllowSubstitution Allow Substitution (0161)

The domain of possible values for whether substitutions are allowed and, if so, the type of substitutions allowed.

1 V2RouteOfAdministration Route of Administration (0162)

The domain of possible values for the route of administration.

1 BodySite Body Site (0163)

The domain of possible values that specify a body site from which a specimen is obtained.

1 AdministrationDevice Administration Device (0164)

The domain of possible values for the mechanical device used to aid in the administration of the drug or other treatment. Common examples are IV-sets of different types.

1 AdministrationMethod Administration Method (0165)

The domain of possible values for the specific method requested for the administration of the drug or treatment to the patient.

1 RxComponentType RX Component Type (0166)

The domain of possible values for the RX component type.

1 SubstitutionStatus Substitution Status (0167)

The domain of possible values for the substitution status.

1 ProcessingPriority Processing Priority (0168)

The domain of possible values for one or more available priorities for performing the observation or test.

1 ReportingPriority Reporting Priority (0169)

The domain of possible values for the available priorities reporting the test results when the user is asked to specify the reporting priority independent of the processing priority.

1 DerivedSpecimen Derived Specimen (0170)

The domain of possible values for the parents and children for diagnostic studies, especially in microbiology, where the initial specimen (e.g., blood) is processed to produce results (e.g., the identity of the bacteria grown out of the culture). The process also produces new "specimens" (e.g., pure culture of staphylococcus, and E. coli), and these are studied by a second order process (bacterial sensitivities). The parents (e.g., blood culture) and children (e.g., penicillin MIC) are identified in such cases.

1 Citizenship Citizenship (0171)

The domain of possible values for the information related to a person's country citizenship. No suggested values.

1 VeteransMilitaryStatus Veterans Military Status (0172)

The domain of possible values for the military status assigned to a veteran. No suggested values.

1 CoordinationOfBenefits Coordination of Benefits (0173)

The domain of possible values for whether this insurance works in conjunction with other insurance plans or if it provides independent coverage and payment of benefits regardless of other insurance that might be available to the patient.

1 NatureOfService_Test_Observation Nature of Service/Test/Observation (0174)

The domain of possible values for an identification of a test battery, an entire functional procedure or study, a single test value (observation), multiple test batteries or functional procedures as an orderable unit (profile), or a single test value (observation) calculated from other independent observations, typically used as an indicator for Master Files.

1 MasterFileIdentifierCode Master File Identifier Code (0175)

The domain of possible values which are represented by codes identifying HL7 Versions 2.x Master Files.

1 ConfidentialityCode Confidentiality Code (0177)

The domain of possible values for the degree to which special confidentiality protection should be applied to the observation.

2   x_BasicConfidentialityKind x_BasicConfidentialityKind

Domain of possible values for basic confidentiality, as used and defined in the CDA base R2 standard.

Violates ConceptDomain naming rules, and appears to be an erroneous error using the value set name as the concept domain name. cda
1 FileLevelEventCode File Level Event Code (0178)

The domain of possible values for file-level events for master files.

1 V2ResponseLevel Response Level (0179)

The domain of possible values for application response levels defined for a given Master File Message at the MFE segment level, and used for MFN-Master File Notification message.

1 MasterfileActionCode Record-level Event Code (0180)

The domain of possible values for a record-level event for a master file record.

1 MfnRecord-levelErrorReturn MFN Record-level Error Return (0181)

The domain of possible values for the status of the requested update. Site-defined table, specific to each master file being updated via this transaction.

1 StaffType Staff type (0182)

The domain of possible values for the staff person's sex. No suggested values.

1 Active/Inactive Active/Inactive (0183)

The domain of possible values for whether a person is currently a valid staff member.

1 Department Department (0184)

The domain of possible values for the institution department to which this person reports or belongs. No suggested values.

1 PreferredMethodOfContact Preferred Method of Contact (0185)

The domain of possible values for which of a group of multiple phone numbers is the preferred method of contact for this person.

1 PractitionerCategory Practitioner Category (0186)

The domain of possible values for the category of practitioner. No suggested values.

1 ProviderBilling Provider Billing (0187)

The domain of possible values for how provider services are billed.

1 EthnicGroup Ethnic Group (0189)

The domain of possible values further defining a patient's ancestry. In the US, a current use is to use these codes to report ethnicity in line with US federal standards for Hispanic origin.

1 AddressType Address Type (0190)

The domain of possible values for types or kinds of addresses.

1 TypeOfReferencedData Type of Referenced Data (0191)

The domain of possible values declaring the general type of media data that is encoded.

1 AmountClass Amount Class (0193)

The domain of possible values for the amount quantity class.

1 NameType Name Type (0200)

The domain of possible values for types of names for persons.

1 TelecommunicationUseCode Telecommunication Use Code (0201)

The domain of possible values for specifying a specific use of a telecommunication number. Best practice is to use this concept whenever a telecommunication number or access string is specified.

1 TelecommunicationEquipmentType Telecommunication Equipment Type (0202)

The domain of possible values for specifying a type of telecommunication equipment. Best practice is to use this concept whenever a telecommunication number or access string for particular equipment is specified.

1 IdentifierType Identifier Type (0203)

The domain of possible values for the type of identifier.

1 OrganizationalNameType Organizational Name Type (0204)

The domain of possible values that specify the type of name for an organization i.e., legal name, display name.

1 PriceType Price Type (0205)

The domain of possible values to identify the intent for the dollar amount on a pricing transaction.

1 SegmentActionCode Segment Action Code (0206)

The domain of possible values for actions to be applied for segments when an HL7 version 2 interface is operating in "action code mode" (a kind of update mode in the Standard).

1 V2ProcessingMode Processing Mode (0207)

The domain of possible values that indicate an archival process or an initial load process.

1 QueryResponseStatus Query Response Status (0208)

The domain of possible values defining precise response status concepts in support of HL7 Version 2 query messaging. It is commonly used to indicate no data is found that matches the query parameters, but no error.

1 V2RelationalOperator Relational Operator (0209)

The domain of possible values to define the relationship between HL7 segment field names identified in a query construct.

1 RelationalConjunction Relational Conjunction (0210)

The domain of possible values used with relational operator values to group more than one segment field name.

1 AlternateCharacterSets Alternate Character Sets (0211)

The domain of possible values that identify one of a number of possible standard alternate character sets for a message, either single-byte or double-byte.

1 Nationality Nationality (0212)

The domain of possible values that identify the nation or national grouping to which the person belongs. This information may be different from a person’s citizenship in countries in which multiple nationalities are recognized (for example, Spain: Basque, Catalan, etc.).

1 PurgeStatusCode Purge Status Code (0213)

The domain of possible values that define the state of a visit relative to its place in a purge workflow.

1 SpecialProgramCode Special Program Code (0214)

The domain of possible values that record a health insurance program required for healthcare visit reimbursement.

1 PublicityCode Publicity Code (0215)

The domain of possible values for a level of publicity of information about a patient for a specific visit.

1 PatientStatusCode Patient Status Code (0216)

The domain of possible values that define the state of a care episode for a patient.

1 VisitPriorityCode Visit Priority Code (0217)

The domain of possible values that define a relative level of urgency applied to a patient visit.

1 PatientChargeAdjustment Patient Charge Adjustment (0218)

The domain of possible values that indicate which adjustments should be made to a guarantor’s charges. For example, when a hospital agrees to adjust a guarantor’s charges to a sliding scale. No suggested values.

1 RecurringServiceCode Recurring Service Code (0219)

The domain of possible values that indicate whether a treatment is continuous. No suggested values.

1 V2LivingArrangement Living Arrangement (0220)

The domain of possible values characterizing the situation that patient-associated parties live in at their residential address.

1 ContactReason Contact Reason (0222)

The domain of possible values that indicate a reason for contacting a guarantor, for example, to phone a guarantor if payments are late. No suggested values.

1 LivingDependency Living Dependency (0223)

The domain of possible values identifying specific living conditions (e.g., spouse dependent on patient, walk-up) that are relevant to an evaluation of the patient's healthcare needs.

1 TransportArranged Transport Arranged (0224)

The domain of possible values defining whether patient transportation preparations are in place.

1 EscortRequired Escort Required (0225)

The domain of possible values indicating whether a patient must be accompanied while travelling to a diagnostic service department.

1 ManufacturersOfVaccines Manufacturers of Vaccines (code=MVX) (0227)

The domain of possible values for the organization that manufactures a vaccine. The values are maintained by the US Centers of Disease Control. Note that the source of truth for these code values are maintained by the CDC, and the code system may be accessed at URL: https://phinvads.cdc.gov/vads/SearchCodeSystems_search.action?searchOptions.searchText=PH_ManufacturersOfVaccinesMVX_CDC_NIP. The value set is also maintained by the CDC, and may be accessed at URL: https://phinvads.cdc.gov/vads/SearchValueSets_search.action?searchOptions.searchText=PHVS_ManufacturersOfVaccinesMVX_CDC_NIP

1 DiagnosisClassification Diagnosis Classification (0228)

The domain of possible values that classify whether a patient visit can be related to a diagnosis.

1 DrgPayor DRG Payor (0229)

The domain of possible values that identify a Diagnostic Resource Group Payor. US Realm. No suggested values.

1 ProcedureFunctionalType Procedure Functional Type (0230)

The domain of possible values that classify a procedure.

1 StudentStatus Student Status (0231)

The domain of possible values that designate whether a guarantor is a full or part time student.

1 InsuranceCompanyContactReason - Insurance Company Contact Reason (0232)

The domain of possible values that describe why an insurance company has been contacted.

1 Non-concurCode_Description Non-Concur Code/Description (0233)

The domain of possible values that specify a non-concur code and description for a denied request, used in insurance claims processing. No suggested values.

1 ReportTiming Report Timing (0234)

The domain of possible values to identify the time span of a report or the reason for a report sent to a regulatory agency.

1 ReportSource Report Source (0235)

The domain of possible values to identify where a report sender learned about an event.

1 EventReportedTo Event Reported To (0236)

The domain of possible values to identify the type of entity to which the event has been reported.

1 EventQualification Event Qualification (0237)

The domain of possible values to qualify an event related to a product experience.

1 EventSeriousness Event Seriousness (0238)

The domain of possible values to a sender to designate an event as serious or significant.

1 EventExpected Event Expected (0239)

The domain of possible values to communicate whether an event has been judged to be expected or unexpected.

1 EventConsequence Event Consequence (0240)

The domain of possible values to describe the impact of an event on a patient.

1 PatientOutcome Patient Outcome (0241)

The domain of possible values to describe the overall state of a patient as a result of patient care.

1 PrimaryObserversQualification Primary Observer's Qualification (0242)

The domain of possible values to provide a general description of the kind of health care professional who provided the primary observation.

1 IdentityMayBeDivulged Identity May Be Divulged (0243)

The domain of possible values to define whether the primary observer has given permission for their identification information to be provided to a product manufacturer.

1 SingleUseDevice Single Use Device (0244)

The domain of possible values that indicate whether a product is designed for a single use. No suggested values.

1 ProductProblem Product Problem (0245)

The domain of possible values that indicate if a product problem would exist if a product malfunction could lead to death or serious injury.

1 ProductAvailableForInspection Product Available for Inspection (0246)

The domain of possible values that indicate that the product is available for analysis. No suggested values.

1 StatusOfEvaluation Status of Evaluation (0247)

The domain of possible values that describes the status of product evaluation.

1 ProductSource Product Source (0248)

The domain of possible values to describe the evaluation state of a product identified in an incident.

1 GenericProduct Generic Product (0249)

The domain of possible values that indicate whether the product used is a generic or a branded product. No suggested values.

1 RelatednessAssessment Relatedness Assessment (0250)

The domain of possible values to provide an estimate of whether an issue with a product was the cause of an event.

1 ActionTakenInResponseToTheEvent Action Taken in Response to the Event (0251)

The domain of possible values to define the action taken as a result of an event related to a product issue.

1 CausalityObservations Causality Observations (0252)

The domain of possible values to record event observations regarding what may have caused a product related event.

1 IndirectExposureMechanism Indirect Exposure Mechanism (0253)

The domain of possible values to identify the mechanism of product transmission when the product has not been directly applied to the patient.

1 KindOfQuantity Kind of Quantity (0254)

The domain of possible values that describe the underlying kind of property represented by an observation. The categories distinguish concentrations from total amounts, molar concentrations from mass concentrations, partial pressures from colors, and so forth. These are discussed more fully in the LOINC Users' Manual. They are derived from the approach described in 1995 edition of the IUPAC Silver Book. These distinctions are used in IUPAC and LOINC standard codes. The distinctions of true quantities in this table are based primarily on dimensional analyses. The table contains a number of "families," those related to simple counts (number, number concentration, etc.), to mass (mass, mass concentration, etc.), to enzyme activity (catalytic content, catalytic concentration, etc.), and molar or equivalents (substance content, substance concentration).

1 DurationCategories Duration Categories (0255)

The domain of possible values that classify an observation definition as intended to measure a patient's state at a point in time.

1 TimeDelayPostChallenge Time Delay Post Challenge (0256)

The domain of possible values to classify an observation definition as being a component of a challenge test.

1 NatureOfChallenge Nature of Challenge (0257)

The domain of possible values to further describe an observation definition that is characterized as a challenge observation.

1 RelationshipModifier Relationship Modifier (0258)

The domain of possible values to an observation definition to describe the subject of an observation in relation to a patient.

1 Modality Modality (0259)

The domain of possible values that define the imaging apparatus expected to be used to acquire an observation. This table has been removed from the standard as of 2.7 in favor of table 0910.

1 PatientLocationType Patient Location Type (0260)

The domain of possible values that identify the kind of location described in the location definition.

1 LocationEquipment Location Equipment (0261)

The domain of possible values that identify the equipment available in a location definition identified as a room or bed.

1 PrivacyLevel Privacy Level (0262)

The domain of possible values that identify the level of privacy a patient will be afforded when assigned to this location definition.

1 LevelOfCare Level of Care (0263)

The domain of possible values that identify the level of care a patient may be afforded when assigned to this location definition.

1 LocationDepartment Location Department (0264)

The domain of possible values used to specify the institution’s department to which a location belongs, or its cost center.

1 SpecialtyType Specialty Type (0265)

The domain of possible values that identify the specialty of the care professional who is supported when using this location definition.

1 DaysOfTheWeek Days of the Week (0267)

The domain of possible values to identify the day(s) of the week when a location may be scheduled for appointments.

1 Override Override (0268)

The domain of possible values that define whether a Charge Description Master description may be overridden or if it must be overridden.

1 ChargeOnIndicator Charge On Indicator (0269)

The domain of possible values that define the event upon which a charge should be generated.

1 V2DocumentType Document Type (0270)

The domain of possible values that identify the kind of patient document.

1 DocumentCompletionStatus Document Completion Status (0271)

The domain of possible values to record the state of a document in a workflow.

1 DocumentConfidentialityStatus Document Confidentiality Status (0272)

The domain of possible values that specify the degree to which special confidentiality protection should be applied to information. The assignment of data elements to these categories is left to the discretion of the healthcare organization.

1 DocumentAvailabilityStatus Document Availability Status (0273)

The domain of possible values to define whether a patient document is appropriate or available for use in patient care.

1 DocumentStorageStatus Document Storage Status (0275)

The domain of possible values to describe the availability of a document in relation to the type of storage.

1 AppointmentReasonCodes Appointment reason codes (0276)

The domain of possible values that describe the kind of appointment or the reason why an appointment has been scheduled.

1 AppointmentTypeCodes Appointment Type Codes (0277)

The domain of possible values that an appointment request to describe the kind of appointment.

1 FillerStatusCodes Filler status codes (0278)

The domain of possible values that describe an appointment status from the perspective of the entity assigned to fulfill the appointment.

1 AllowSubstitutionCodes Allow Substitution Codes (0279)

The domain of possible values that indicate whether the appointment resource may be substituted for another by the entity assigned to fulfill the appointment.

1 ReferralPriority Referral Priority (0280)

The domain of possible values that designate the urgency of a referral.

1 ReferralType Referral Type (0281)

The domain of possible values that identify the general category of healthcare professional desired to satisfy a referral.

1 ReferralDisposition Referral Disposition (0282)

The domain of possible values that identify the expected response from the healthcare professional receiving a referral.

1 ReferralStatus Referral Status (0283)

The domain of possible values that define the state of a referral.

1 ReferralCategory Referral Category (0284)

The domain of possible values that describe the patient care setting where a referral should take place.

1 InsuranceCompanyIdCodes Insurance Company ID Codes (0285)

The domain of possible values for the identification of the insurance company or other entity that administers the authorizing coverage plan. No suggested values.

1 ReferralProviderRole Provider Role (0286)

The domain of possible values that define the relationship between a referral recipient and a patient or between a referral initiator and a patient.

1 Problem_GoalActionCode Problem/Goal Action Code (0287)

The domain of possible values to Patient Care for the intent of a problem or goal.

1 CensusTract Census Tract (0288)

The domain of possible values for the census tract in which the specified address resides. No suggested values.

1 County/Parish County/Parish (0289)

The domain of possible values for the county or parish in which the specified address resides. No suggested values.

1 SubtypeOfReferencedData Subtype of Referenced Data (0291)

The domain of possible values for a subset of the media subtypes of binary data that are encoded in an ascii structure or stream.

1 VaccinesAdministered Vaccines Administered (0292)

The domain of possible values for the administered vaccines. The values are maintained by the US Centers of Disease Control.. The code system is maintained by the CDC, and may be found at URL; https://phinvads.cdc.gov/vads/ViewCodeSystem.action?id=2.16.840.1.113883.12.292 The value set is maintained by the CDC and may be found at URL: https://phinvads.cdc.gov/vads/ViewValueSet.action?id=ABDEE003-77C3-48E7-B941-EBF92B6B81FC

1 BillingCategory Billing Category (0293)

The domain of possible values for the billing category codes for any classification systems needed, for example, general ledger codes and UB92 categories. No suggested values.

1 TimeSelectionCriteriaParameterClassCodes Time Selection Criteria Parameter Class Codes (0294)

The domain of possible values that describe acceptable start and end times, as well as days of the week, for appointment or resource scheduling.

1 Handicap Handicap (0295)

The domain of possible values for an associated party's disability. No suggested values.

1 PrimaryLanguage Primary Language (0296)

The domain of possible values for the patient's primary language. No suggested values.

1 CnIdSource CN ID Source (0297)

The domain of possible values for the CN identification source. No suggested values.

1 CpRangeType CP Range Type (0298)

The domain of possible values that specify whether a composite price range is experssed as a flat rate or a percentage.

1 Encoding Encoding (0299)

The domain of possible values identifying the type of encoding used to represent successive octets of binary data as displayable ASCII characters. These are defined by IETF; more information may be found at https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1521.txt

1 NamespaceId Namespace ID (0300)

The domain of possible values for the unique name of the system that stores the data. It was previously named the Application ID. No suggested values.

1 UniversalIdType Universal ID Type (0301)

The domain of possible values for the type of UID (Universal Identifier).

1 PointOfCare Point of Care (0302)

The domain of possible values for the point where patient care is administered. It is conditional on Person Location Type (e.g., nursing unit or department or clinic). No suggested values.

1 Room Room (0303)

The domain of possible values for the patient's room. No suggested values.

1 Bed Bed (0304)

The domain of possible values for the patient's bed. No suggested values.

1 PersonLocationType Person Location Type (0305)

The domain of possible values for the categorization of the person's location.

1 LocationStatus Location Status (0306)

The domain of possible values for the status or availability of the location, such as the bed status. No suggested values.

1 Building Building (0307)

The domain of possible values for the building where the person is located. No suggested values.

1 Floor Floor (0308)

The domain of possible values for the floor where the person is located. No suggested values.

1 CoverageType Coverage Type (0309)

The domain of possible values for the type of insurance coverage or what types of services are covered for the purposes of a billing system. For example, a physician billing system will only want to receive insurance information for plans that cover physician/professional charges.

1 JobStatus Job Status (0311)

The domain of possible values for a next of kin/associated party's job status.

1 PolicyScope Policy Scope (0312)

The domain of possible values for the extent of insurance coverage for a participating member (e.g., single, family, etc.). No suggested values.

1 PolicySource Policy Source (0313)

The domain of possible values for how an insurance policy is established. No suggested values.

1 LivingWillCode Living Will Code (0315)

The domain of possible values for whether or not the patient has a living will and, if so, whether a copy fo the living will is on file at the healthcare facility. If the patient does not have a living will, the value of this field indicates whether the patient was provided information on living wills.

1 OrganDonorCode Organ Donor Code (0316)

The domain of possible values for whether the patient wants to donate his/her organs and whether an organ donor card or similar documentation is on file with the healthcare organization.

1 Annotations Annotations (0317)

The domain of possible values for the coded entry associated with a given point in time during the waveform recording. Note codes beyond 9903 may exist; extensions to this table may be done by incrementing the code value.

1 DepartmentCostCenter Department Cost Center (0319)

The domain of possible values for the accounting code that identifies the department in order to charge for the item. No suggested values.

1 ItemNaturalAccountCode Item Natural Account Code (0320)

The domain of possible values identifying an item in order to charge for the item. No suggested values.

1 DispenseMethod Dispense Method (0321)

The domain of possible values for the method by which treatment is dispensed.

1 CompletionStatus Completion Status (0322)

The domain of possible values for the status of the treatment administration event.

1 LocationCharacteristicId Location Characteristic ID (0324)

The domain of possible values for an identifier code to show which characteristic is being communicated with the segment.

1 LocationRelationshipId Location Relationship ID (0325)

The domain of possible values for an identifier code to show which relationship is being communicated with the segment.

1 VisitIndicator Visit Indicator (0326)

The domain of possible values for the level on which data are being sent. It is the indicator used to send data at two levels, visit and account. HL7 recommends sending an "A" or no value when the data in the message are at the account level or "V" to indicate that the data sent in the message are at the visit level.

1 JobCode Job Code (0327)

The domain of possible values that specify a person's job code. No suggested values.

1 EmployeeClassification Employee Classification (0328)

The domain of possible values that specify a person's employee classification. No suggested values.

1 QuantityMethod Quantity Method (0329)

The domain of possible values to specify the method by which the quantity distributed is measured.

1 MarketingBasis Marketing Basis (0330)

The domain of possible values to specify the basis for marketing approval.

1 FacilityType Facility Type (0331)

The domain of possible values to specify the type of facility.

1 SourceType Source Type (0332)

The domain of possible values to indicate (in certain systems) whether a lower level source identifier is an initiate or accept type.

1 DriversLicenseIssuingAuthority Driver's License Issuing Authority (0333)

The domain of possible values for the driver's license issuing authority. No suggested values.

1 DisabledPersonCode Disabled Person Code (0334)

The domain of possible values that specify to which person the disability information relates in the message. For example, if the value is PT, the disability information relates to the patient.

1 RepeatPattern Repeat Pattern (0335)

The domain of possible values that specify the interval between repeated services. See the Comment/Usage Note in the table below, as the table contains both precoordinated codes that may be used in an HL7 field or component and also explanatory patterns illustrating the syntax used to construct expressions using the codes and other modifiers.

1 ReferralReason Referral Reason (0336)

The domain of possible values that specify the reason for which the referral will take place.

1 CertificationStatus Certification Status (0337)

The domain of possible values to specify the status of the practitioner's speciality certification.

1 PractitionerIdNumberType Practitioner ID Number Type (0338)

The domain of possible values for the type of number used for the practitioner identification.

1 AdvancedBeneficiaryNoticeCode Advanced Beneficiary Notice Code (0339)

The domain of possible values for the status of the patient's or the patient's representative's consent for responsibility to pay for potentially uninsured services. This element was introduced to satisfy CMS Medical Necessity requirements for outpatient services in the United States. Includes concepts such as (a) whether the associated diagnosis codes for the service are subject to medical necessity procedures, (b) whether, for this type of service, the patient has been informed that they may be responsible for payment for the service, and (c) whether the patient agrees to be billed for this service.

1 ProcedureCodeModifier Procedure Code Modifier (0340)

The domain of possible values that specify a procedure code modifier to a procedure code. Procedure code modifiers are defined by regulatory agencies such as CMS and the AMA. Multiple modifiers may be reported. The modifiers are sequenced in priority according to user entry. This is a requirement of the UB and the 1500 claim forms. Multiple modifiers are allowed and the order placed on the form affects reimbursement.

1 GuarantorCreditRatingCode Guarantor Credit Rating Code (0341)

The domain of possible values that specify a guarantor's credit rating. No suggested values.

1 MilitaryRecipient Military Recipient (0342)

The domain of possible values that specify a designation as a military recipient. This field is defined by CMS or other regulatory agencies. No suggested values.

1 MilitaryHandicappedProgramCode Military Handicapped Program Code (0343)

The domain of possible values that specify a military program for the handicapped in which a patient is enrolled. No suggested values.

1 Patient'sRelationshipToInsured Patient's Relationship to Insured (0344)

The domain of possible values that specify the relationship of the patient to the insured, as defined by CMS or other regulatory agencies.

1 AppealReason Appeal Reason (0345)

The domain of possible values that specify reasons an appeal was made on a non-concur for certification. No suggested values.

1 CertificationAgency Certification Agency (0346)

The domain of possible values that specify a certification agency. No suggested values.

1 CountrySubdivision State/Province (0347)

The domain of possible values for the names of the principal country subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states). The values in the table are country specific. For example, in the US, the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) alpha codes may be used by local agreement.

1 OccurrenceCode Occurrence Code (0350)

The domain of possible values that specify the event or occurrence relating to a bill that may affect payer processing.

1 OccurrenceSpan Occurrence Span (0351)

The domain of possible values that identify an event that relates to the payment of a claim.

1 CweStatuses CWE statuses (0353)

The domain of possible values that represent an exception identifier code; that is, a code that is not defined in the value set (either model or site-extended). These are occationsally referred to a 'flavors of null' although this set of concepts is specific to the CWE datatype used in Version 2 messaging, and the codes may be used in the 'identifier' component of the 'triplets' in that datatype.

1 MessageStructure Message Structure (0354)

The domain of possible values of abstract message structure codes. Each code identifies a specific message structure abstract syntax as published in the HL7 Version 2 standard.

1 PrimaryKeyValueType Primary Key Value Type (0355)

The domain of possible values to specify the type for the master file record identifier.

1 AlternateCharacterSetHandlingScheme Alternate Character Set Handling Scheme (0356)

The domain of possible values that specify the scheme used when any alternative character sets are specified in the second or later iterations of MSH-18 Character Set, and if any special handling scheme is needed.

1 MessageErrorConditionCodes Message Error Condition Codes (0357)

The domain of possible values for the HL7 (communications) error code.

1 PractitionerGroup Practitioner Group (0358)

The domain of possible values for the name and/or code of a group of practitioners to which this practitioner belongs. No suggested values.

1 DiagnosisPriority Diagnosis Priority (0359)

The domain of possible values that identify the significance or priority of the diagnosis code. Note that the codes are numeric, and the number of the code represents the ordinal priority of the associated diagnosis. The predefined codes are the most common, and just a starter set, as the codes are an unbounded list; additional ranked procedures may be signified by incrementing the code value as needed.

1 Degree/License/Certificate Degree/License/Certificate (0360)

The domain of possible values for an educational degree (e.g., MD). Used in the CNN datatype (names and identifiers of clinicians) in Version 2 messaging.

1 Application Application (0361)

The domain of possible values that identify a sending application among all other applications within the network enterprise. The network enterprise consists of all those applications that participate in the exchange of HL7 messages within the enterprise. No suggested values.

1 Facility Facility (0362)

The domain of possible values for the site-specific name for the facility used by this application. No suggested values.

1 AssigningAuthority Assigning Authority (0363)

The domain of possible values for a unique name of the system (or organization or agency or department) that creates the data. No suggested values.

1 CommentType Comment Type (0364)

The domain of possible values that identify the type of comment text being sent in the specific comment record.

1 EquipmentState Equipment State (0365)

The domain of possible values that identify the status the equipment was in at the time the transaction was initiated.

1 Local_RemoteControlState Local/Remote Control State (0366)

The domain of possible values that identify the current state of control associated with the equipment. Equipment can either work autonomously ('Local' control state) or it can be controlled by another system, e.g., LAS computer ('Remote' control state).

1 AlertLevel Alert Level (0367)

The domain of possible values that identify the highest level of the alert state (e.g.,highest alert severity) that is associated with the indicated equipment (e.g. processing event, inventory event, QC event).

1 RemoteControlCommand Remote Control Command (0368)

The domain of possible values that identify the comment the component is to initiate.

1 SpecimenRole Specimen Role (0369)

The domain of possible values that identify the role of a sample.

1 ContainerStatus Container Status (0370)

The domain of possible values that identify the status of the unique container in which the specimen resides at the time the transaction was initiated.

1 Additive/Preservative Additive/Preservative (0371)

The domain of possible values for any additive introduced to the specimen before or at the time of collection. These additives may be introduced in order to preserve, maintain or enhance the particular nature or component of the specimen.

1 SpecimenComponent Specimen Component (0372)

The domain of possible values that identify the specimen component, e.g., supernatant, sediment, etc.

1 Treatment Treatment (0373)

The domain of possible values that identify the specimen treatment performed during lab processing.

1 SystemInducedContaminants System Induced Contaminants (0374)

The domain of possible values that identify the specimen contaminant identifier associated with the specimen in the container.

1 ArtificialBlood Artificial Blood (0375)

The domain of possible values that identify the artificial blood identifier associated with the specimen.

1 SpecialHandlingCode Special Handling Code (0376)

The domain of possible values describing how a specimen and/or container needs to be handled from the time of collection through the initiation of testing.

1 OtherEnvironmentalFactors Other Environmental Factors (0377)

The domain of possible values that identify the other environmental factors associated with the specimen in a specific container, e.g., atmospheric exposure.

1 CarrierType Carrier Type (0378)

The domain of possible values that identify a type of carrier. Because the geometry can be different, the carrier type should, if possible, express the number of positions in the carrier. The definition assumes hierarchical nesting using the following phrases: container is located in a carrier, carrier is located in a tray. No suggested values.

1 ContainerTrayType Tray Type (0379)

The domain of possible values that identify a type of tray. Because the geometry can be different, the tray type should, if possible, express the number of positions in the tray. The definition assumes hierarchical nesting using the following phrases: container is located in a carrier, carrier is located in a tray. No suggested values.

1 SeparatorType Separator Type (0380)

The domain of possible values that identify a type of separator being used (e.g., a gel separator in a container - not to be confused with the communication separators). It is recommended the first table entry be "NO" meaning "No Separator". No suggested values.

1 CapType Cap Type (0381)

The domain of possible values that identify a type of cap that is to be used with a container for decapping, piercing or other mechanisms. No suggested values.

1 DrugInterference Drug Interference (0382)

The domain of possible values that identify a drug interference associated with a specimen. No suggested values.

1 SubstanceStatus Substance Status (0383)

The domain of possible values identifying the status of the inventoried item. The status indicates the current status of the substance.

1 SubstanceType Substance Type (0384)

The domain of possible values identifying the type of substance.

1 ManufacturerIdentifier Manufacturer Identifier (0385)

The domain of possible values that identify a manufacturer of a substance. Relevant external code systems may be used, e.g., HIBCC Manufacturers Labeler ID Code (LIC), UPC, NDC, etc. No suggested values.

1 SupplierIdentifier Supplier Identifier (0386)

The domain of possible values that identify a supplier of a substance. No suggested values.

1 CommandResponse Command Response (0387)

The domain of possible values identifying the response of the previously issued command.

1 ProcessingType Processing Type (0388)

The domain of possible values identifying the processing type that applies to the test code. If this attribute is omitted, then regular production is the default.

1 AnalyteRepeatStatus Analyte Repeat Status (0389)

The domain of possible values identifying the repeat status for the analyte/result (e.g. original, rerun, repeat, reflex). The following are assumptions regarding the table values: Repeated without dilution — performed usually to confirm correctness of results (e.g., in case of results flagged as "Panic" or mechanical failures). Repeated with dilution — performed usually in the case the original result exceeded the measurement range (technical limits). Reflex test — this test is performed as the consequence of rules triggered based on other test result(s).

1 SegmentGroup Segment Group (0391)

The domain of possible values for the optional segment groups which are to be included in a response.

1 MatchReason Match Reason (0392)

The domain of possible values identifying what search components (e.g., name, birthdate, social security number) of the record returned matched the original query where the responding system does not assign numeric match weights or confidence levels. It provides a method for passing a descriptive indication of the reason a particular record was found.

1 MatchAlgorithms Match Algorithms (0393)

The domain of possible values identifying the name or identity of the specific search algorithm to which the RCP-5 Search Confidence Threshold and the QRI-1 Candidate Confidence refer.

1 V2ResponseModality Response Modality (0394)

The domain of possible values identifying the timing and grouping of the response message(s).

1 V2ModifyIndicator Modify Indicator (0395)

The domain of possible values identifying whether the subscription is new or is being modified.

1 CodingSystem Coding System (0396)

The domain of possible values of specifying the coding system. This table is maintained outside of the published Version 2 standards, and may be found at http://www.hl7.org/Special/committees/vocab/table_0396/index.cfm.

1 V2Sequencing Sequencing (0397)

The domain of possible values identifying how the field or parameter will be sorted and, if sorted, whether the sort will be case sensitive (the default) or not.

1 ContinuationStyleCode Continuation Style Code (0398)

The domain of possible values identifying whether it is a fragmented message or part of an interactive continuation message.

1 CountryCode Country Code (0399)

The domain of possible values that identifies a country of origin for a message. It will be used primarily to specify default elements, such as currency denominations. The values to be used are those of ISO 3166. The ISO 3166 table has three separate forms of the country code: HL7 specifies that the 3-character (alphabetic) form be used for the country code.

1 GovernmentReimbursementProgram Government Reimbursement Program (0401)

The domain of possible values for codes that indicate an agency that the practitioner is authorized to bill for medical services. Existing codes only for use in the United States.

1 SchoolType School Type (0402)

The domain of possible values for a categorization of an academic institution that grants a degree to a Staff Member.

1 LanguageAbility Language Ability (0403)

The domain of possible values for codes that indicate the ability that a Staff Member possesses with respect to the language.

1 LanguageProficiency Language Proficiency (0404)

The domain of possible values which specify the level of knowledge a person possesses with respect to a language ability identified.

1 OrganizationUnit Organization Unit (0405)

The domain of possible values which specify the hierarchical components of an organization unit, as defined by the institution. No suggested values.

1 ParticipantOrganizationUnitType Participant Organization Unit Type (0406)

The domain of possible values that specify the environment in which the provider acts in the role associated with the provider type, and inludes codes for venues outside of formal organized healthcare settings, such as Home. The provider environment is not the specialty for the provider.

1 ApplicationChangeType Application Change Type (0409)

The domain of possible values that specify a type of change being requested (if NMR query) or announced (if NMD unsolicited update).

1 SupplementalServiceInformationValues Supplemental Service Information Values (0411)

The domain of possible values that specify supplemental service information sent between a placer system and a filler system for the universal procedure code reported in OBR-4 Universal Service ID. This specifies ordering information detail that is not available in other specific tables for fields in the OBR segment. These might be details such as whether a study is to be done on the right or left, for example, where the study is of the arm and the order master file does not distinguish right from left, or whether a study is to be done with or without contrast (when the order master file does not make such distinctions).

1 CategoryIdentifier Category Identifier (0412)

The domain of possible values that specify a category name (term given to a group of service items for the purpose of classification). Examples: Laboratory, Pharmacy, Diagnostic Imaging, etc. No suggested values.

1 ConsentIdentifier Consent Identifier (0413)

The domain of possible values that provide an identifier for the consent specified for a service item. No suggested values.

1 UnitsOfTime Units of Time (0414)

The domain of possible values that specify a unit of time. No suggested values.

1 TransferType Transfer Type (0415)

The domain of possible values that specify a type of hospital receiving a transfer patient, which affects how a facility is reimbursed under diagnosis related group (DRG's), for example, exempt or non-exempt.

1 ProcedureDrgType Procedure DRG Type (0416)

The domain of possible values that specify a procedure's priority ranking relative to its DRG.

1 TissueTypeCode Tissue Type Code (0417)

The domain of possible values that specify the type of tissue removed from a patient during a procedure.

1 ProcedurePriority Procedure Priority (0418)

The domain of possible values specifying a number that identifies the significance or priority of the procedure code.

1 SeverityOfIllnessCode Severity of Illness Code (0421)

The domain of possible values specifying the severity ranking of a patient's illness.

1 TriageCode Triage Code (0422)

The domain of possible values specifying a patient's prioritization within the context of this abstract.

1 CaseCategoryCode Case Category Code (0423)

The domain of possible values specifying the reason a non-urgent patient presents to the emergency room for treatment instead of a clinic or physican office.

1 GestationCategoryCode Gestation Category Code (0424)

The domain of possible values specifying the status of the birth in relation to the gestation

1 NewbornCode Newborn Code (0425)

The domain of possible values specifying whether the baby was born in or out of the facility.

1 BloodProductCode Blood Product Code (0426)

The domain of possible values specifying the blood product code.

1 RiskManagementIncidentCode Risk Management Incident Code (0427)

The domain of possible values specifying the incident that occurred during a patient's stay.

1 IncidentTypeCode Incident Type Code (0428)

The domain of possible values specifying a classification of the incident type.

1 ProductionClassCode Production Class Code (0429)

The domain of possible values specifying the code and/or text indicating the primary use for which the living subject was bred or grown.

1 ModeOfArrivalCode Mode of Arrival Code (0430)

The domain of possible values specifying how the patient was brought to the healthcare facility.

1 RecreationalDrugUseCode Recreational Drug Use Code (0431)

The domain of possible values specifying what recreational drugs the patient uses.

1 AdmissionLevelOfCareCode Admission Level of Care Code (0432)

The domain of possible values specifying the acuity level assigned to the patient at the time of admission.

1 PrecautionCode Precaution Code (0433)

The domain of possible values specifying non-clincal precautions that need to be taken with the patient.

1 PatientConditionCode Patient Condition Code (0434)

The domain of possible values specifying the patient's current medical condition for the purpose of communicating to non-medical outside parties, e.g. family, employer, religious minister, media, etc.

1 AdvanceDirectiveCode Advance Directive Code (0435)

The domain of possible values specifying the patient's instructions to the healthcare facility.

1 SensitivityToCausativeAgentCode Sensitivity to Causative Agent Code (0436)

The domain of possible values specifying the reason the patient should not be exposed to a substance.

1 AlertDeviceCode Alert Device Code (0437)

The domain of possible values specifying any type of allergy alert device the patient may be carrying or wearing.

1 AllergyClinicalStatus Allergy Clinical Status (0438)

The domain of possible values specifying the verification status for the allergy.

1 DataTypes Data Types (0440)

The domain of possible values specifying the data type.

1 ImmunizationRegistryStatus Immunization Registry Status (0441)

The domain of possible values for the immunization registry status of the patient.

1 LocationServiceCode Location Service Code (0442)

The domain of possible values specifying the types of services provided by the location.

1 ProviderRole Provider Role (0443)

The domain of possible values for the functional involvement with the activity being transmitted (e.g., Case Manager, Evaluator, Transcriber, Nurse Care Practitioner, Midwife, Physician Assistant, etc.).

1 NameAssemblyOrder Name Assembly Order (0444)

The domain of possible values specifying the preferred display order of the components of this person name.

1 IdentityReliabilityCode Identity Reliability Code (0445)

The domain of possible values for the reliability of patient/person identifying data transmitted via a transaction.

1 SpeciesCode Species Code (0446)

The domain of possible values for the species of living organism.

1 BreedCode Breed Code (0447)

The domain of possible values for the specific breed of animal.

1 NameContext Name Context (0448)

The domain of possible values specifying the context in which a name is used.

1 EQPEventType Event Type (0450)

The domain of possible values specifying the type of event of the message.

1 SubstanceIdentifier Substance Identifier (0451)

The domain of possible values specifying the substance that is in inventory.

1 HealthCareProviderTypeCode Health Care Provider Type Code (0452)

The domain of possible values for the major grouping of the service or occupation of a practitioner at a specific organization unit.

1 HealthCareProviderClassification Health Care Provider Classification (0453)

The domain of possible values for the more specific service or occupation within the healthcare provider type of the practitioner at a specific organization unit.

1 HealthCareProviderAreaOfSpecialization Health Care Provider Area of Specialization (0454)

The domain of possible values for the segment of the population that a health care provider chooses to service, a specific medical service, a specialization in treating a specific disease, or any other descriptive characteristic about a provider’s practice relating to the services rendered of a practitioner at a specific organization unit.

1 TypeOfBillCode Type of Bill Code (0455)

The domain of possible values specifying the specific type of bill with digit 1 showing type of facility, digit 2 showing bill classification and digit 3 showing frequency.

1 RevenueCode Revenue code (0456)

The domain of possible values specifying a service line revenue code. These are claim codes indicating the identifying number for the product or service provided.

1 OverallClaimDispositionCode Overall Claim Disposition Code (0457)

The domain of possible values specifying the final status of the claim.

1 OceEditCode OCE Edit Code (0458)

The domain of possible values that specify the edits that result from processing the HCPCS/CPT procedures for a record after evaluating all the codes, revenue codes, and modifiers.

1 ReimbursementActionCode Reimbursement Action Code (0459)

The domain of possible values for the action to be taken during reimbursement calculations.

1 DenialOrRejectionCode Denial or Rejection Code (0460)

The domain of possible values for the OCE status of the line item.

1 LicenseNumber License Number (0461)

The domain of possible values for the license number for the facility.

1 LocationCostCenter Location Cost Center (0462)

The domain of possible values for the cost center to which this location belongs.

1 InventoryNumber Inventory Number (0463)

The domain of possible values specifying an identifying stock number, if any, which might be used, for example, as a cross reference for materials management.

1 FacilityId Facility ID (0464)

The domain of possible values for the facility of the institution for which a specified price is valid. For use when needing multi-facility pricing.

1 Name_AddressRepresentation Name/Address Representation (0465)

The domain of possible values for an indication of the representation provided by the data item.

1 AmbulatoryPaymentClassificationCode Ambulatory Payment Classification Code (0466)

The domain of possible values for the derived Ambulatory Payment Classification (APC) code.

1 ModifierEditCode Modifier Edit Code (0467)

The domain of possible values that specify the edits of the modifiers for each line or HCPCS/CPT.

1 PaymentAdjustmentCode Payment Adjustment Code (0468)

The domain of possible values for any payment adjustment due to drugs or medical devices.

1 PackagingStatusCode Packaging Status Code (0469)

The domain of possible values for the packaging status of the service.

1 ReimbursementTypeCode Reimbursement Type Code (0470)

The domain of possible values for the fee schedule reimbursement type applied to a line item.

1 QueryName Query Name (0471)

The domain of possible values for the name of a query.

1 TqConjunctionId TQ Conjunction ID (0472)

The domain of possible values for that a second timing specification is to follow using the repeat delimiter.

1 ServiceFormularyStatus Formulary Status (0473)

The domain of possible values for whether or not the service (pharmaceutical) is in the formulary.

1 PractitionerOrganizationUnitType Practitioner Organization Unit Type (0474)

The domain of possible values for the classification of the organization unit.

1 ChargeTypeReason Charge Type Reason (0475)

The domain of possible values for the choice of, and providing the clinical rationale for, a selected charge type.

1 V2MedicallyNecessaryDuplicateProcedureReason Medically Necessary Duplicate Procedure Reason (0476)

The domain of possible values specifying the reason the procedure code found in OBR-44 Procedure Code is a duplicate of one ordered/charged previously for the same patient within the same date of service and has been determined to be medically necessary.

1 ControlledSubstanceSchedule Controlled Substance Schedule (0477)

The domain of possible values for the class of the drug or other substance if its usage is controlled by legislation.

1 SubstanceFormularyStatus Formulary Status (0478)

The domain of possible values for whether or not the pharmaceutical substance is part of the local formulary.

1 PharmaceuticalSubstances Pharmaceutical Substances (0479)

The domain of possible values for a medical substance or treatment that has been ordered to be given to a patient, as encoded by a pharmacy or treatment supplier.

1 PharmacyOrderTypes Pharmacy Order Types (0480)

The domain of possible values for the general category of pharmacy order which may be used to determine the processing path the order will take.

1 OrderType Order Type (0482)

The domain of possible values for whether the order is to be executed in an inpatient setting or an outpatient setting.

1 AuthorizationMode Authorization Mode (0483)

The domain of possible values of forms of authorization a recorder may receive from the responsible practitioner to create or change an order.

1 DispenseType Dispense Type (0484)

The domain of possible values for the type of dispensing event that occurred.

1 ExtendedPriorityCodes Extended Priority Codes (0485)

The domain of possible values describing the urgency of a request carried in an order.

1 SpecimenType Specimen Type (0487)

The domain of possible values that describe the precise nature of an entity that may be used as the source material for an observation.

1 SpecimenCollectionMethod Specimen Collection Method (0488)

The domain of possible values for the specimen collection method.

1 RiskCodes Risk Codes (0489)

The domain of possible values for any known or suspected specimen hazards, e.g., exceptionally infectious agent or blood from a hepatitis patient.

1 SpecimenRejectReason Specimen Reject Reason (0490)

The domain of possible values for the reasons a specimen may be rejected for a specified observation/result/analysis.

1 SpecimenQuality Specimen Quality (0491)

The domain of possible values for the degree or grade of excellence of the specimen at receipt.

1 SpecimenAppropriateness Specimen Appropriateness (0492)

The domain of possible values for the suitability of the specimen for the particular planned use as determined by the filler.

1 SpecimenCondition Specimen Condition (0493)

The domain of possible values for a mode or state of being that describes the nature of a specimen.

1 SpecimenChildRole Specimen Child Role (0494)

The domain of possible values for for child specimens the relationship between this specimen and the parent specimen.

1 BodySiteModifier Body Site Modifier (0495)

The domain of possible values for the modifier for the body site.

1 ConsentType Consent Type (0496)

The domain of possible values for to what the subject is consenting, i.e. what type of service, surgical procedure, information access/release or other event.

1 ConsentMode Consent Mode (0497)

The domain of possible values for the method in which a subject provides consent.

1 ConsentStatus Consent Status (0498)

The domain of possible values for whether the consent has been sought and granted.

1 ConsentBypassReason Consent Bypass Reason (0499)

The domain of possible values for the reason the subject's consent was not sought.

1 ConsentDisclosureLevel Consent Disclosure Level (0500)

The domain of possible values to specify how much information was disclosed to the subject as part of the informed consent process.

1 ConsentNon-disclosureReason Consent Non-Disclosure Reason (0501)

The domain of possible values that specify a reason the subject did not receive full disclosure.

1 Non-subjectConsenterReason Non-Subject Consenter Reason (0502)

The domain of possible values to specify a reason consent was granted by a person other than the subject of the consent.

1 Sequence_ResultsFlag Sequence/Results Flag (0503)

The domain of possible values to specify the sequencing relationship between the current service request and a related service request(s) specified in the same information model structure.

1 SequenceConditionCode Sequence Condition Code (0504)

The domain of possible values to specify the relationship between the start/end of the related service request(s) and the current service request.

1 CyclicEntry_ExitIndicator Cyclic Entry/Exit Indicator (0505)

The domain of possible values to specify if this service request is the first or last service request in a cyclic series of service requests.

1 ServiceRequestRelationship Service Request Relationship (0506)

The domain of possible values to specify an additional or alternate relationship between this service request and other service requests.

1 ObservationResultHandling Observation Result Handling (0507)

The domain of possible values regarding the handling of a result. For example, an order may specify that the result (e.g., an x-ray film) should be given to the patient for return to the requestor.

1 BloodProductProcessingRequirements Blood Product Processing Requirements (0508)

The domain of possible values that specify additional information about the blood component class associated with the Universal Service ID. The placer of the order can specify any required processing of the blood product that must be completed prior to transfusion to the intended recipient.

1 IndicationForUse Indication for Use (0509)

The domain of possible values that specify the reason the blood product was ordered.

1 BloodProductDispenseStatus Blood Product Dispense Status (0510)

The domain of possible values to specify the current status of the specified blood product as indicated by the filler or placer. For example, the first status change of a product that may trigger a Blood Product Dispense Status Message occurs when it first becomes linked to a patient and is ready to dispense. The placer system may use the Blood Product Dispense Status Message to request the transfusion service to dispense the product. When the blood product is delivered or issued to a patient, the status of the blood product would be changed to indicate that it has now been "dispensed".

1 BpObservationStatusCodesInterpretation BP Observation Status Codes Interpretation (0511)

The domain of possible values to specify the interpretation for the blood product observation status codes. A status is considered preliminary until a blood product has reached a final disposition for the patient. For example, when the product is first cross-matched and a status message is sent, it would be considered preliminary. When the product is dispensed to the patient, that status would also be considered preliminary. However, once the product is transfused, the status would be considered final.

1 CommercialProduct Commercial Product (0512)

The domain of possible values that specify a commercial product. Examples of commercial products are blood derivatives such as Rh Immune Globulin and Factor VIII concentrate, Leukoreduction filters and blood administration sets.

1 BloodProductTransfusion_DispositionStatus Blood Product Transfusion/Disposition Status (0513)

The domain of possible values to specify the current status of the specified blood product as indicated by the placer. For example, the placer may return the blood product to the transfusion service unused because an IV could not be started. The blood component may have been entered, but the line was clogged and could not be used, in which case the component must be wasted. A final status would indicate that the product has actually been "transfused."

1 TransfusionAdverseReaction Transfusion Adverse Reaction (0514)

The domain of possible values that specify the type of adverse reaction that the recipient of the blood product experienced.

1 TransfusionInterruptedReason Transfusion Interrupted Reason (0515)

The domain of possible values that specify the reason the transfusion of the blood product was interrupted.

1 ErrorSeverity Error Severity (0516)

The domain of possible values for the severity of an application error as reported during acknowledgment of messages. Knowing if something is Error, Warning or Information is intrinsic to how an application handles the content and the information flow.

1 InformPersonCode Inform Person Code (0517)

The domain of possible values that specify who (if anyone) shouldor should not be informed of an error.

1 OverrideType Override Type (0518)

The domain of possible values that specify what type of override can be used to override the specific error identified.

1 OverrideReason Override Reason (0519)

The domain of possible values that specify the override codes that can be used to override enforcement of the application rule that generated an error.

1 V2MessageWaitingPriority Message Waiting Priority (0520)

The domain of possible values to specify how important the most important waiting mesasge is. For example, if there are 3 low priority messages, 1 medium priority message and 1 high priority message, the message waiting priority would be "high", because that is the highest priority of any new message waiting.

1 OverrideCode Override Code (0521)

The domain of possible values that specify the reason for the business rule override.

1 ComputationType Computation Type (0523)

The domain of possible values to specify if the change is computed as a percent change or as an absolute change.

1 Privilege Privilege (0525)

The domain of possible values that specify the institutional privilege.

1 PrivilegeClass Privilege Class (0526)

The domain of possible values that specify the class category of institutional privilege.

1 CalendarAlignment Calendar Alignment (0527)

The domain of possible values to specify an alignment of the repetition to a calendar (e.g., to distinguish every 30 days from "the 5th of every month").

1 EventRelatedPeriod Event Related Period (0528)

The domain of possible values to specify a common (periodical) activity of daily living.

1 Organization_Agency_Department Organization, Agency, Department (0530)

The domain of possible values that specify the agency or department that assigned a specified identifier.

1 Institution Institution (0531)

The domain of possible values that specify the institution where a staff member is or was active.

1 ExpandedYes_NoIndicator Expanded Yes/no Indicator (0532)

The domain of possible values to specify an expansion on the original Yes/No indicator table by including "flavors of null". It is intended to be applied to fields where the response is not limited to "yes" or "no".

1 ApplicationErrorCode Application Error Code (0533)

The domain of possible values that specify the application specific code identifying the specific error that occurred.

1 NotifyClergyCode Notify Clergy Code (0534)

The domain of possible values that specify whether the clergy should be notified.

1 SignatureCode Signature Code (0535)

The domain of possible values that indicate how a patient/subscriber authorization signature is obtained and how it is being retained by a provider.

1 CertificateStatus Certificate Status (0536)

The domain of possible values that specify the status of the certificate held by a health professional.

1 Institution2 Institution (0537)

The domain of possible values that specify the institution a specified practitioner began or intends to begin practicing at (e.g., at hospital, at physician organization, at managed care network).

1 InstitutionRelationshipType Institution Relationship Type (0538)

The domain of possible values that specify the relationship the staff person has with the institution for whom he/she provides services.

1 CostCenterCode Cost Center Code (0539)

The domain of possible values that specify the organization unit in the General Ledger to which the staff member is currently assigned.

1 InactiveReasonCode Inactive Reason Code (0540)

The domain of possible values that specify the reason the staff member is inactive.

1 SpecimenTypeModifier Specimen Type Modifier (0541)

The domain of possible values that specify the modifying or qualifying description(s) about the specimen type.

1 SpecimenSourceTypeModifier Specimen Source Type Modifier (0542)

The domain of possible values that specify the modifying or qualifying description(s) about the specimen source site.

1 SpecimenCollectionSite Specimen Collection Site (0543)

The domain of possible values that specify the modifying or qualifying description(s) about the specimen collection site. This Domain differs from SpecimenSourceSite in those cases where the source site must be approached via a particular site (e.g., anatomic location). For example, in the case where a liver biopsy is obtained via a percutaneous needle, the collection site would be the point of entry of the needle. For venous blood collected from the left radial vein, the collection site could be “antecubital fossa”.

1 ContainerCondition Container Condition (0544)

The domain of possible values to specify at each receipt the status of the container in which the specimen is shipped in chain of custody cases where specimens are moved from lab to lab. If the container is compromised in any way (seal broken, container cracked or leaking, etc.), then this status needs to be recorded for legal reasons.

1 JurisdictionalBreadth Jurisdictional Breadth (0547)

The domain of possible values that specify the breadth/extent of the jurisdiction where the qualification is valid.

1 SignatorysRelationshipToSubject Signatory's Relationship to Subject (0548)

The domain of possible values that specify the relationship of the consenter to the subject.

1 NdcCodes NDC Codes (0549)

The domain of possible values that specify the National Drug Codes (NDC) that are required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for electronic claims for pharmacy charges.

1 BodyParts Body Parts (0550)

The domain of possible values to specify the part of the body.

1 AdvancedBeneficiaryNoticeOverrideReason Advanced Beneficiary Notice Override Reason (0552)

The domain of possible values that specify the reason the patient did not sign an Advanced Beneficiary Notice.

1 InvoiceControlCode Invoice Control Code (0553)

The domain of possible values that specify what invoice action is being performed by this message.

1 InvoiceReasonCodes Invoice Reason Codes (0554)

The domain of possible values that specify the reason for an invoice.

1 InvoiceType Invoice Type (0555)

The domain of possible values that specify the type of invoice.

1 BenefitGroup Benefit Group (0556)

The domain of possible values that specify the benefit group.

1 PayeeType Payee Type (0557)

The domain of possible values that specify the type of payee (e.g., organization, person).

1 PayeeRelationshipToInvoice Payee Relationship to Invoice (0558)

The domain of possible values used to specify the relationship to the invoice for Person Payee Types.

1 Product_ServiceStatus Product/Service Status (0559)

The domain of possible values that specify the processing status for the Product/Service Code.

1 QuantityUnits Quantity Units (0560)

The domain of possible values that specify the adjustment quantity.

1 Product_ServicesClarificationCodes Product/Services Clarification Codes (0561)

The domain of possible values that specify the Product/Service Code.

1 ProcessingConsiderationCodes Processing Consideration Codes (0562)

The domain of possible values that specify special processing requested of Payer for this Product/Service Line Item (e.g., hold until paper supporting documentation is received by Payer).

1 AdjustmentCategoryCode Adjustment Category Code (0564)

The domain of possible values used to specify the category of adjustment and is used to assist in determining which table is used for Adjustment Reason.

1 ProviderAdjustmentReasonCode Provider Adjustment Reason Code (0565)

The domain of possible values used to specify the reason for this adjustment.

1 BloodUnitType Blood Unit Type (0566)

The domain of possible values used to specify the type of blood unit

1 WeightUnits Weight Units (0567)

The domain of possible values of units of measure that are used to specify weight.

1 VolumeUnits Volume Units (0568)

The domain of possible values of units of measure that are used to specify volume.

1 AdjustmentAction Adjustment Action (0569)

The domain of possible values used to specify the action requested of a party that receives an adjustment.

1 PaymentMethodCode Payment Method Code (0570)

The domain of possible values used to specify the method for the movement of payment.

1 InvoiceProcessingResultsStatus Invoice Processing Results Status (0571)

The domain of possible values used to specify the processing status for an Invoice Processing Result.

1 TaxStatus Tax status (0572)

The domain of possible values used to specify the tax status of a provider.

1 UserAuthenticationCredentialTypeCode User Authentication Credential Type Code (0615)

The domain of possible values for a type of user authentication credential.

1 AddressExpirationReason Address Expiration Reason (0616)

The domain of possible values for the reason this address was marked as "ended".

1 AddressUsage Address Usage (0617)

The domain of possible values for how an address is intended to be used.

1 ProtectionCode Protection Code (0618)

The domain of possible values for that an address needs to be treated with special care or sensitivity.

1 ItemStatusCodes Item Status Codes (0625)

The domain of possible values for the state of an inventory item within the context of an inventory location.

1 ItemImportanceCodes Item Importance Codes (0634)

The domain of possible values that denote a level or importance of an inventory item within the context of an inventory location.

1 ReorderTheoryCodes Reorder Theory Codes (0642)

The domain of possible values for the calculation method used to determine the resupply schedule.

1 LaborCalculationType Labor Calculation Type (0651)

The domain of possible values for the method used to calculate employee labor and measure employee productivity.

1 DateFormat Date Format (0653)

The domain of possible values for the date format for a decontamination/sterilization instance.

1 DeviceType Device Type (0657)

The domain of possible values for the kind of device as defined by the manufacturer.

1 LotControl Lot Control (0659)

The domain of possible values for whether the sterilization load for a device is built in the sub-sterile area adjacent to an Operating Room or the Central Processing Department.

1 DeviceDataState Device Data State (0667)

The domain of possible values for the state of the data as provided from a device.

1 LoadStatus Load Status (0669)

The domain of possible values for the status of the information provided in a device sterilization or decontamination cycle.

1 DeviceStatus Device Status (0682)

The domain of possible values for the state of a device.

1 CycleType Cycle Type (0702)

The domain of possible values for the type of cycle that is being executed. A cycle type is a specific sterilization method used for a specific type of supply item.

1 AccessRestrictionValue Access Restriction Value (0717)

The domain of possible values for the policies governing the information to which access is contolled.

1 AccessRestrictionReasonCode Access Restriction Reason Code (0719)

The domain of possible values for the reason for the restricted access.

1 MoodCodes Mood Codes (0725)

The domain of possible values for the functional state of an order.

1 CclValue CCL Value (0728)

The domain of possible values for the clinical complexity level (CCL) value for the determined diagnosis related group (DRG) for this diagnosis.

1 DrgDiagnosisDeterminationStatus DRG Diagnosis Determination Status (0731)

The domain of possible values for the status of a diagnosis for a diagnosis related group (DRG) determination.

1 GrouperStatus Grouper Status (0734)

The domain of possible values for the status of a grouper in general.

1 DrgStatusPatient DRG Status Patient (0739)

The domain of possible values for whether the length of stay is normal or respectively shorter or longer than normal.

1 DrgStatusFinancialCalculation DRG Status Financial Calculation (0742)

The domain of possible values for the status of the diagnosis related group (DRG) calculation regarding the financial aspects.

1 DrgGroupingStatus DRG Grouping Status (0749)

The domain of possible values for the status of the use of the gender information for diagnosis related group (DRG) determination.

1 StatusWeightAtBirth Status Weight At Birth (0755)

The domain of possible values for the status of the use of the weight at birth for diagnosis related group (DRG) determination.

1 DrgStatusRespirationMinutes DRG Status Respiration Minutes (0757)

The domain of possible values for the status of the use of the respiration minutes information for diagnosis related group (DRG) determination.

1 StatusAdmission Status Admission (0759)

The domain of possible values for the admission status for the diagnosis related group (DRG) determination.

1 DRGProcedureDeterminationStatus DRG Procedure Determination Status (0761)

The domain of possible values for the status of the use of this particular procedure for the diagnosis related group (DRG) determination.

1 DRGProcedureRelevance DRG Procedure Relevance (0763)

The domain of possible values for the relevance of this particular procedure for the diagnosis related group (DRG) determination.

1 ResourceTypeOrCategory Resource Type or Category (0771)

The domain of possible values for a high level categorization of resources.

1 ItemStatus Item Status (0776)

The domain of possible values for the status (useful for reporting and item usage purposes) that applies to an item.

1 ItemType Item Type (0778)

The domain of possible values for a classification of material items into like groups as defined and utilized within an operating room setting for charting procedures.

1 ApprovingRegulatoryAgency Approving Regulatory Agency (0790)

The domain of possible values for the regulatory agency by which the item has been approved, such as the FDA or AMA.

1 RulingAct Ruling Act (0793)

The domain of possible values for an act containing a rule that the item is legally required to be included in notification reporting.

1 SterilizationType Sterilization Type (0806)

The domain of possible values specifying the type of sterilization used for sterilizing the inventory supply item in the ITM segment.

1 MaintenanceCycle Maintenance Cycle (0809)

The domain of possible values specifying the maintenance cycle used for the inventory supply item, such as the number of times to sharpen after five uses.

1 MaintenanceType Maintenance Type (0811)

The domain of possible values specifying the type of maintenance performed on the inventory supply item. This is different than the maintenance cycle in the sense that it can describe the number of maintenance cycles that can be performed before disposing of the inventory supply item.

1 Package Package (0818)

The domain of possible values specifying the packaging unit in which this inventory supply item can be ordered or issued when purchased from the vendor in the related vendor segment.

1 MimeTypes MIME Types (0834)

The domain of possible values specifying the general type of data.

1 ProblemSeverity Problem Severity (0836)

The domain of possible values specifying the severity of a problem.

1 ProblemPerspective Problem Perspective (0838)

The domain of possible values specifying from whose perspective a problem was identified.

1 ReferralDocumentationCompletionStatus Referral Documentation Completion Status (0865)

The domain of possible values specifying to the receiving provider that the clinical history in the message is incomplete and that more will follow.

1 TelecommunicationExpirationReason Telecommunication Expiration Reason (0868)

The domain of possible values specifying the reason this contact number/email was marked as "ended".

1 SupplyRiskCodes Supply Risk Codes (0871)

The domain of possible values specifying any known or suspected hazard associated with this material item.

1 Product_ServiceCode Product/Service Code (0879)

The domain of possible values specifying what service was delivered/received.

1 Product_ServiceCodeModifier Product/Service Code Modifier (0880)

The domain of possible values specifying additional optional modifier(s) for the Product/Service Code (e.g., after hours - evening, after hours - weekend).

1 RoleExecutingPhysician Role Executing Physician (0881)

The domain of possible values specifying the account role of the physician, for example, only billing for the professional part, the technical part or both.

1 MedicalRoleExecutingPhysician Medical Role Executing Physician (0882)

The domain of possible values specifying the role of the physician ("self-employed" or "employed").

1 SideOfBody Side of body (0894)

The domain of possible values specifying the side of the body ("left" or "right").

1 PresentOnAdmissionIndicator Present On Admission (POA) Indicator (0895)

The domain of possible values specifying the present on admission indicator for this particular diagnosis.

1 SecurityCheckScheme Security Check Scheme (0904)

The domain of possible values specifying the scheme for a security check.

1 ShipmentStatus Shipment Status (0905)

The domain of possible values specifying the status of a shipment.

1 V2ActPriority ActPriority (0906)

The domain of possible values specifying the priority for a shipment.

1 V2Confidentiality Confidentiality (0907)

The domain of possible values specifying the confidentiality for a shipment.

1 PackageType Package Type (0908)

The domain of possible values specifying the type of package.

1 PatientResultsReleaseCategorizationScheme Patient Results Release Categorization Scheme (0909)

The domain of possible values specifying the scheme for the patient results release categorization.

1 AcquisitionModality Acquisition Modality (0910)

The domain of possible values specifying the modality for the acquisition of an image.

1 Participation Participation (0912)

The domain of possible values that represent functional involvement of a caregiver or member of a care team with an activity being transmitted (e.g., Case Manager, Evaluator, Transcriber, Nurse Care Practitioner, Midwife, Physician Assistant, etc.).

1 MonetaryDenominationCode Monetary Denomination Code (0913)

The domain of possible values specifying the denomination in which the quantity is expressed. Values commonly used are the three-character codes specified in ISO-4217 (1.0.4217 iso4217).

1 RootCause Root Cause (0914)

The domain of possible values specifying a root cause.

1 ProcessControlCode Process Control Code (0915)

The domain of possible values specifying a process control code.

1 RelevantClinicialInformation Relevant Clincial Information (0916)

The domain of possible values for additional clinical information about the patient or specimen to report the supporting and/or suspected diagnosis and clinical findings on requests for interpreted diagnostic studies.

1 BolusType Bolus Type (0917)

The domain of possible values specifying a type of bolus.

1 PcaType PCA Type (0918)

The domain of possible values specifying a type of PCA.

1 ExclusiveTest Exclusive Test (0919)

The domain of possible values that define if a test should be a specific event with no other tests to be performed with this test, or not, or other special circumstances.

1 PreferredSpecimen_AttributeStatus Preferred Specimen/Attribute Status (0920)

The domain of possible values that indicate whether a Specimen/Attribute is Preferred or Alternate for collection of a particular specimen.

1 CertificationTypeCode Certification Type Code (0921)

The domain of possible values specifying the code for a certification type.

1 CertificationCategoryCode Certification Category Code (0922)

The domain of possible values specifying the code for a certification category.

1 ProcessInterruption Process Interruption (0923)

The domain of possible values specifying whether a process was interrrupted and whether a needle had been inserted in the donor's arm prior to the interruption.

1 CumulativeDosageLimitUom Cumulative Dosage Limit UoM (0924)

The domain of possible values specifying the unit of measure (UoM) for the cumulative dosage limit.

1 PhlebotomyIssue Phlebotomy Issue (0925)

The domain of possible values specifying a phlebotomy issue.

1 PhlebotomyStatus Phlebotomy Status (0926)

The domain of possible values specifying the status of a phlebotomy.

1 ArmStick Arm Stick (0927)

The domain of possible values specifying the arm(s) receiving a stick.

1 WeightUnitsSNAFU Weight Units (0929)

The domain of possible values of units of measure that are used to specify weight.

1 VolumeUnitsSNAFU Volume Units (0930)

The domain of possible values of units of measure that are used to specify volume.

1 TemperatureUnits Temperature Units (0931)

The domain of possible values specifying the units of transport temperature.

1 DonationDurationUnits Donation Duration Units (0932)

The domain of possible values specifying the units of donation duration.

1 IntendedProcedureType Intended Procedure Type (0933)

The domain of possible values specifying the type of intended procedure.

1 OrderWorkflowProfile Order Workflow Profile (0934)

The domain of possible values specifying the profile of the order workflow.

1 ProcessInterruptionReason Process Interruption Reason (0935)

The domain of possible values specifying the reason for a process interruption.

1 V2ObservationType Observation Type (0936)

The domain of possible values for types of observations to enable systems to distinguish between observations sent along with an order, versus observations sent as the result to an order.

1 ObservationSub-type Observation Sub-Type (0937)

The domain of possible values specifying an observation sub-type.

1 CollectionEvent_ProcessStepLimit Collection Event/Process Step Limit (0938)

The domain of possible values specifying the limit for a collection event or process step.

1 CommunicationLocation Communication Location (0939)

The domain of possible values specifying a communication location.

1 LimitationTypeCodes Limitation Type Codes (0940)

The domain of possible values specifying a type of limitation.

1 PayerCoverageProcedureCode Procedure Code (0941)

The domain of possible values specifying procedure codes that may impact payer coverage requirements, for example procedure code 1234 is not covered by a payer ABCD or may be covered in conjunction with a specific diagnosis code which can be identifeid in DPS-1 Diagnosis Code. The procedure codes should be drawn from appropriate externally defined procedure codes, for example in the US Realm these include CPT-4 codes defined by the American Medical Association and ICD codes published by CMS.

1 EquipmentStateIndicatorTypeCode Equipment State Indicator Type Code (0942)

The domain of possible values that specify the type of measurement of the state of an automated laboratory instrument.

1 TransportDestination Transport Destination (0943)

The domain of possible values that identify the destination for transport of a specific container.

1 TransportRoute Transport Route (0944)

The domain of possible values that identify the route for transport of a specific container.

1 Auto-dilutionType Auto-Dilution Type (0945)

The domain of possible values for the pre‑configured dilution to be applied on the instrument, which can be used instead of a numeric declaration.

1 SupplierType Supplier Type (0946)

The domain of possible values for the type of supplier that will distribute the supply items associated to a contract number.

1 ClassOfTrade Class of Trade (0947)

The domain of possible values for the purchasing channel with which the contract is associated such as Hospital, Retail, etc.

1 RelationshipType Relationship Type (0948)

The domain of possible values for the type of relationship that is established between the instances of Source Information and Target Information.

1 orderControlCodeReason Order Control Code Reason (0949)

The domain of possible values that describe reasons for the chosen order control codes.

1 orderStatusModifier Order Status Modifier (0950)

The domain of possible values that further define an identified status.

1 reasonForStudy Reason for Study (0951)

The domain of possible values that provide additional information to the universal service identifier on why a test, study or review was ordered.

1 ConfidentialityV2 Confidentiality Classification (0952)

Types of privacy metadata classifying an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability) according to its level of sensitivity, which is based on an analysis of applicable privacy policies and the risk of financial, reputational, or other harm to an individual or entity that could result if made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes. Usage Note : Confidentiality codes may be used in security labels and privacy markings to classify IT resources based on sensitivity to indicate the obligation of a custodian or receiver to ensure that the protected resource is not made available or disclosed to individuals, entities, or processes (security principals) unless authorized per applicable policies. Confidentiality codes may also be used in the clearances of initiators requesting access to protected resources. Map: Definition aligns with ISO 7498-2:1989 - Confidentiality is the property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes

1 WorkClassificationODH Work Classification ODH (0959)

Types of a person’s employment type as defined by compensation and sector (e.g. paid vs. unpaid, self-employed vs. not self-employed, government vs. private, etc.).

1 DataAbsentReason Data Absent Reason (0960)


1 DeviceTypeSNAFU Device Type (0961)

Domain of concepts describing what kind a particular device is. Focus here is on devices used in the medical field.

1 DeviceStatusSNAFU Device Status (0962)

The domain describing the availability status of a device.

1 DeviceSafety Device Safety (0963)

The domain describing safety characteristics of medical devices.

1 ServiceReason Service Reason (0964)

Domain of concepts describing reasons why a particular service was performed. This could be explaining why something was ordered differently than typically done, or explain that it was ordered by mistake.  Patient disability requires it  No provider in network  Patient paid out of pocket

1 ContractType Contract Type (0965)

The domain of possible values describing the scope of contracts in a masterfile, e.g.: • Local • Regional • Global

1 PricingTierLevel Pricing Tier Level (0966)

The domain of possible values describing the declared level of pricing for a particular product under a contract, usually based on a discount for larger orders under the contract – often assigned numerically, e.g.: • Tier 1 • Tier 2 • Tier 3

1 ContainerFormV2 Container Form (0967)

The domain of possible values describing shape or type of the container, e.g.: • Tube/vial • Jar • Bag • Block • Slide

1 ContainerMaterial Container Material (0968)

The domain of possible values describing the material a container is made of or indication that the container may be a virtual type, e.g.: • Glass • Plastic • Whole Slide Image

1 ContainerCommonName Container Common Name (0969)

Codes created by an organization as a shorthand way to express a combination of container attributes; for example the combination of SAC-47 (Container Form) of “Tube/vial” + SAC-48 (Container Material) of “Glass” + SAC-27 (Additive) of “EDTA” may be referenced commonly in an organization as a “Lavender Top”, e.g.: • Lavender Top • Wet Mount (slides for parasitology) • LJ plate (for Mycobacterium cultures)

1 OnlineVerificationResult Online Verification Result (0970)

Domain of values for the results of an operation to perform online verification of insurance data

1 OnlineVerificationResultErrorCode Online Verification Result Error Code (0971)

Domain of values representing a type of error from a failed operation to perform online verification of insurance data.



2023-11-14reviseTSMGMarc DuteauAdd standard copyright and contact to internal content; up-476
2020-10-25reviseModeling and Methodology WGLloyd McKenzieComment out illegal duplicate bindings
2020-08-17reviseVocabulary WGTed KleinFix technical errror in v2 source - spaces not permitted in code values
2020-07-31reviseVocabulary WGTed KleinTechnical correction: the Deprecation information in the last V3 Coremif from harmonization was not imported; the missing information for the deprecated Concept Domains. The Deprecated Domains are: ObservationPopulationInclusionType, TransmissionRelationshipTypeCode, and TriggerEventID
2020-05-06reviseVocabulary WGTed KleinMigrated to the UTG maintenance environment and publishing tooling.