HL7 Terminology (THO)
6.2.0 - Publication
This page is part of the HL7 Terminology (v6.2.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Generated Narrative: Bundle hxutg1-1-0-1
Bundle hxutg1-1-0-1 of type collection
Entry 1 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v3-ActCode-cs-1-0-1
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v3-ActCode-cs-1-0-1
Provenance for CodeSystem ActCode
Occurrence ?? --> 2000-08-03 15:28:56+1000 Recorded 2010-01-01 12:00:00+1000 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Woody Beeler Custodian MnM WG
Entry 2 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v3-ActClass-vs-1-0-1
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v3-ActClass-vs-1-0-1
Provenance for ValueSet ActClass
Occurrence ?? --> 2000-08-03 15:28:56+1000 Recorded 2010-01-01 12:00:00+1000 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Woody Beeler Custodian MnM WG
Entry 3 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v3-ActClass-cs-1-0-1
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v3-ActClass-cs-1-0-1
Provenance for CodeSystem ActClass
Occurrence ?? --> 2000-08-03 15:28:56+1000 Recorded 2010-01-01 12:00:00+1000 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Woody Beeler Custodian MnM WG
Entry 4 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-IECColourManagement-cs-3-0-9
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-IECColourManagement-cs-3-0-9
Provenance for CodeSystem IEC 61966-2-1: Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1: Colour management - Default RGB colour space - sRGB
Occurrence ?? --> 2022-02-11 Recorded 2022-02-11 15:18:40-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 5 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-IECColourManagement-ns-3-0-9
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-IECColourManagement-ns-3-0-9
Provenance for NamingSystem IEC 61966-2-1: Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1: Colour management - Default RGB colour space - sRGB
Occurrence ?? --> 2022-02-11 Recorded 2022-02-11 15:19:19-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 6 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-MEDRT-cs-3-0-11
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-MEDRT-cs-3-0-11
Provenance for CodeSystem Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT)
Occurrence ?? --> 2022-02-17 Recorded 2022-02-17 14:05:40-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 7 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-MEDRT-ns-3-0-11
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-MEDRT-ns-3-0-11
Provenance for NamingSystem Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT)
Occurrence ?? --> 2022-02-17 Recorded 2022-02-17 14:06:10-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 8 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-payeetype-cs-4-0-14
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-payeetype-cs-4-0-14
Provenance for CodeSystem Payee Type Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2022-08-29 Recorded 2022-08-29 16:20:06-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Corey Spears Custodian Financial Management
Entry 9 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-RadLex-cs-4-0-1
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-RadLex-cs-4-0-1
Provenance for CodeSystem RadLex radiology lexicon
Occurrence ?? --> 2022-04-26 Recorded 2022-04-26 14:06:10-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 10 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-RadLex-ns-4-0-1
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-RadLex-ns-4-0-1
Provenance for NamingSystem RadLex radiology lexicon
Occurrence ?? --> 2022-04-26 Recorded 2022-04-26 14:06:10-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 11 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-CMSPlaceofServiceCodes-cs-4-0-2
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-CMSPlaceofServiceCodes-cs-4-0-2
Provenance for CodeSystem CMS Place of Service Codes (POS)
Occurrence ?? --> 2022-04-28 Recorded 2022-04-28 13:38:59-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 12 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-CMSPlaceofServiceCodes-ns-4-0-2
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-CMSPlaceofServiceCodes-ns-4-0-2
Provenance for NamingSystem CMS Place of Service Codes (POS)
Occurrence ?? --> 2022-04-28 Recorded 2022-04-28 13:42:48-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 13 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ADAUniversalToothDesignationSystem-cs-4-0-3
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ADAUniversalToothDesignationSystem-cs-4-0-3
Provenance for CodeSystem ADA Universal Tooth Designation System
Occurrence ?? --> 2022-04-28 Recorded 2022-04-28 17:42:05-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 14 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ADAUniversalToothDesignationSystem-ns-4-0-3
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ADAUniversalToothDesignationSystem-ns-4-0-3
Provenance for NamingSystem ADA Universal Tooth Designation System
Occurrence ?? --> 2022-04-28 Recorded 2022-04-28 17:43:52-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 15 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ADAAreaOralCavitySystem-cs-4-0-4
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ADAAreaOralCavitySystem-cs-4-0-4
Provenance for CodeSystem American Dental Association Area of Oral Cavity System
Occurrence ?? --> 2022-04-28 Recorded 2022-04-28 23:10:39-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 16 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ADAAreaOralCavitySystem-ns-4-0-4
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ADAAreaOralCavitySystem-ns-4-0-4
Provenance for NamingSystem American Dental Association Area of Oral Cavity System
Occurrence ?? --> 2022-04-28 Recorded 2022-04-28 23:11:44-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 17 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-W3CDID-cs-3-0-4
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-W3CDID-cs-3-0-4
Provenance for CodeSystem W3C Decentralized Identifier (DID)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-02-14 Recorded 2023-02-14 00:37:49-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 18 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-W3CDID-ns-3-0-4
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-W3CDID-ns-3-0-4
Provenance for NamingSystem W3C Decentralized Identifier (DID)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-02-14 Recorded 2023-02-14 00:37:49-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 19 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-MONDO-cs-3-0-5
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-MONDO-cs-3-0-5
Provenance for CodeSystem Mondo Disease Ontology
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-02-14 Recorded 2023-02-14 10:16:20-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 20 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-MONDO-ns-3-0-5
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-MONDO-ns-3-0-5
Provenance for NamingSystem Mondo Disease Ontology
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-02-14 Recorded 2023-02-14 10:16:20-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 21 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ICD11MMS-cs-3-0-6
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ICD11MMS-cs-3-0-6
Provenance for CodeSystem International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision Mortality and Morbidity Statistics (MMS)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-02-14 Recorded 2023-02-14 12:12:56-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 22 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ICD11MMS-ns-3-0-6
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ICD11MMS-ns-3-0-6
Provenance for NamingSystem International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision Mortality and Morbidity Statistics (MMS)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-02-14 Recorded 2023-02-14 12:12:56-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 23 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v2-tables-vs-5-1-1
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v2-tables-vs-5-1-1
Provenance for CodeSystem V2 Table List
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-05-08 Recorded 2023-05-08 11:47:41-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Ted Klein Custodian V2MG
Entry 24 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v3-loinc-ns-5-1-2
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v3-loinc-ns-5-1-2
Provenance for NamingSystem Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes (LOINC)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-05-08 Recorded 2023-05-08 13:58:46-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Gaurav Vaidya Custodian ITS
Entry 25 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-appointment-cancellation-reason-cs-5-1-3
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-appointment-cancellation-reason-cs-5-1-3
Provenance for CodeSystem Appointment cancellation reason
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-05-09 Recorded 2023-05-09 13:07:16-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Brian Postlethwaite Custodian PA
Entry 26 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-V2Tables-cs-5-1-4
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-V2Tables-cs-5-1-4
Provenance for CodeSystem V2 Table List
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-15 Recorded 2023-06-15 10:15:46-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Ted Klein Custodian V2MG
Entry 27 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-iri-ns-5-1-5
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-iri-ns-5-1-5
Provenance for NamingSystem Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-17 Recorded 2023-06-17 23:29:02-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Gaurav Vaidya Custodian ITS
Entry 28 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-hl7-work-group-cs-5-1-6
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-hl7-work-group-cs-5-1-6
Provenance for CodeSystem HL7Workgroup
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-18 Recorded 2023-06-18 21:08:59-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian TI
Entry 29 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-measure-supplemental-data-cs-5-1-7
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-measure-supplemental-data-cs-5-1-7
Provenance for CodeSystem MeasureSupplementalData
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-18 Recorded 2023-06-18 21:15:41-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian CQI
Entry 30 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-measure-aggregate-method-cs-5-1-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-measure-aggregate-method-cs-5-1-8
Provenance for CodeSystem Measure Aggregate Method
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-18 Recorded 2023-06-18 23:18:01-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian CQI
Entry 31 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-measure-aggregate-method-vs-5-1-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-measure-aggregate-method-vs-5-1-8
Provenance for ValueSet Measure Aggregate Method
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-18 Recorded 2023-06-18 23:18:08-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian CQI
Entry 32 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-measure-supplemental-data-vs-5-1-7
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-measure-supplemental-data-vs-5-1-7
Provenance for ValueSet MeasureSupplementalData
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-18 Recorded 2023-06-18 23:19:01-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian CQI
Entry 33 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-certainty-rating-cs-5-1-10
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-certainty-rating-cs-5-1-10
Provenance for CodeSystem StatisticCertaintyRating
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-19 Recorded 2023-06-19 00:35:32-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian CDS
Entry 34 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-directness-cs-5-1-11
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-directness-cs-5-1-11
Provenance for CodeSystem EvidenceDirectness
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-19 Recorded 2023-06-19 07:42:04-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian CDS
Entry 35 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-synthesis-type-cs-5-1-12
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-synthesis-type-cs-5-1-12
Provenance for CodeSystem StatisticSynthesisType
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-19 Recorded 2023-06-19 08:00:56-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian CDS
Entry 36 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-cdshooks-indicator-cs-5-1-22
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-cdshooks-indicator-cs-5-1-22
Provenance for CodeSystem CDS Hooks Indicator
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-19 Recorded 2023-06-19 09:39:06-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian CDS
Entry 37 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-condition-ver-status-cs-5-1-13
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-condition-ver-status-cs-5-1-13
Provenance for CodeSystem ConditionVerificationStatus
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-19 Recorded 2023-06-19 23:45:02-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Michelle Miller Custodian PC
Entry 38 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-consentscope-cs-5-1-14
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-consentscope-cs-5-1-14
Provenance for CodeSystem Consent Scope Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-19 Recorded 2023-06-19 23:52:36-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author David Pyke Custodian CBCP
Entry 39 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-sex-parameter-for-clinical-use-cs-5-1-15
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-sex-parameter-for-clinical-use-cs-5-1-15
Provenance for CodeSystem Sex Parameter For Clinical Use
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 07:36:54-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian TSMG
Entry 40 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-sex-parameter-for-clinical-use-vs-5-1-15
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-sex-parameter-for-clinical-use-vs-5-1-15
Provenance for ValueSet Sex Parameter for Clinical Use
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 07:37:05-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian TSMG
Entry 41 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-gender-identity-vs-5-1-15
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-gender-identity-vs-5-1-15
Provenance for ValueSet Gender Identity
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 07:37:34-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian TSMG
Entry 42 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-recorded-sex-or-gender-type-vs-5-1-15
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-recorded-sex-or-gender-type-vs-5-1-15
Provenance for ValueSet Recorded Sex Or Gender Type
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 07:37:47-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian TSMG
Entry 43 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-pronouns-vs-5-1-15
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-pronouns-vs-5-1-15
Provenance for ValueSet Personal Pronouns
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 07:38:03-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian TSMG
Entry 44 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-MVX-cs-5-1-16
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-MVX-cs-5-1-16
Provenance for CodeSystem Manufacturers of Vaccines (MVX)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 10:05:57-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 45 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-MVX-ns-5-1-16
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-MVX-ns-5-1-16
Provenance for NamingSystem Manufacturers of Vaccines (MVX)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 10:06:06-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 46 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-mdr-cs-5-1-17
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-mdr-cs-5-1-17
Provenance for CodeSystem Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 11:43:18-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 47 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-mdr-ns-5-1-17
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-mdr-ns-5-1-17
Provenance for NamingSystem Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 11:43:25-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 48 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-CVX-ns-5-1-18
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-CVX-ns-5-1-18
Provenance for NamingSystem Vaccine Administered Code Set (CVX)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 13:06:41-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 49 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-CVX-cs-5-1-18
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-CVX-cs-5-1-18
Provenance for CodeSystem Vaccine Administered Code Set (CVX)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 13:06:50-0600 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 50 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-CDCLocal-cs-5-1-19
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-CDCLocal-cs-5-1-19
Provenance for CodeSystem CDC Local Coding System
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 20:28:29-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 51 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-CDCLocal-ns-5-1-19
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-CDCLocal-ns-5-1-19
Provenance for NamingSystem CDC Local Coding System
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 20:28:29-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 52 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-OpenEligibilityTaxonomy-cs-5-1-20
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-OpenEligibilityTaxonomy-cs-5-1-20
Provenance for CodeSystem Open Eligibility Taxonomy
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 23:46:53-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 53 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-OpenEligibilityTaxonomy-ns-5-1-20
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-OpenEligibilityTaxonomy-ns-5-1-20
Provenance for NamingSystem Open Eligibility Taxonomy
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-20 Recorded 2023-06-20 23:46:53-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 54 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-X12ServiceTypeCodes-cs-5-1-21
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-X12ServiceTypeCodes-cs-5-1-21
Provenance for CodeSystem X12 Service Type Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-21 Recorded 2023-06-21 01:23:16-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 55 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-X12ServiceTypeCodes-ns-5-1-21
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-X12ServiceTypeCodes-ns-5-1-21
Provenance for NamingSystem X12 Service Type Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-21 Recorded 2023-06-21 01:23:16-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 56 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v3-ActSite-cs-3-1-24
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v3-ActSite-cs-3-1-24
Provenance for CodeSystem ActSite
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-06-21 Recorded 2023-06-21 11:43:36-0600 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian TSMG
Entry 57 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-usage-context-type-cs-5-2-1
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-usage-context-type-cs-5-2-1
Provenance for CodeSystem UsageContextType
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-08-31 Recorded 2023-08-31 15:49:03-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Lloyd McKenzie Custodian TSMG
Entry 58 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-cpt-usable-vs-5-2-2
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-cpt-usable-vs-5-2-2
Provenance for ValueSet AMA CPT Usable Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-06 Recorded 2023-09-06 09:49:31-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Reuben Daniels Custodian FHIR Product Director
Entry 59 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-cpt-all-vs-5-2-2
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-cpt-all-vs-5-2-2
Provenance for ValueSet AMA CPT All Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-06 Recorded 2023-09-06 09:51:50-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Reuben Daniels Custodian FHIR Product Director
Entry 60 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-cpt-base-vs-5-2-2
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-cpt-base-vs-5-2-2
Provenance for ValueSet AMA CPT Base Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-06 Recorded 2023-09-06 09:51:59-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Reuben Daniels Custodian FHIR Product Director
Entry 61 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-cpt-modifiers-vs-5-2-2
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-cpt-modifiers-vs-5-2-2
Provenance for ValueSet AMA CPT Modifier Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-06 Recorded 2023-09-06 09:52:13-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Reuben Daniels Custodian FHIR Product Director
Entry 62 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v2-0396-cs-5-2-3
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v2-0396-cs-5-2-3
Provenance for CodeSystem codingSystem
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-06 Recorded 2023-09-06 13:31:09-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 63 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v2-0396-cs-5-2-4
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v2-0396-cs-5-2-4
Provenance for CodeSystem codingSystem
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-06 Recorded 2023-09-06 22:22:44-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 64 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v2-tables-cs-5-2-5
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v2-tables-cs-5-2-5
Provenance for CodeSystem V2 Table List
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-06 Recorded 2023-09-06 22:28:11-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Ted Klein Custodian vocab
Entry 65 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-sex-parameter-for-clinical-use-cs-5-2-6
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-sex-parameter-for-clinical-use-cs-5-2-6
Provenance for CodeSystem Sex Parameter For Clinical Use
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-06 Recorded 2023-09-06 23:38:13-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian TI
Entry 66 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ICD-9CM-diagnosiscodes-cs-5-2-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ICD-9CM-diagnosiscodes-cs-5-2-8
Provenance for CodeSystem ICD-9-CM (diagnosis codes)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-07 Recorded 2023-09-07 00:55:39-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 67 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ICD-9CM-diagnosiscodes-ns-5-2-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ICD-9CM-diagnosiscodes-ns-5-2-8
Provenance for NamingSystem ICD-9-CM (diagnosis codes)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-07 Recorded 2023-09-07 00:56:11-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 68 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ICD-9CM-procedurecodes-ns-5-2-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ICD-9CM-procedurecodes-ns-5-2-8
Provenance for NamingSystem ICD-9-CM (procedure codes)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-07 Recorded 2023-09-07 00:56:26-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 69 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ICD-9CM-procedurecodes-cs-5-2-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ICD-9CM-procedurecodes-cs-5-2-8
Provenance for CodeSystem ICD-9-CM (procedure codes)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-07 Recorded 2023-09-07 00:56:36-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 70 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-icd9cm-ns-5-2-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-icd9cm-ns-5-2-8
Provenance for NamingSystem ICD-9CM
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-07 Recorded 2023-09-07 00:58:31-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 71 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-icd9cm-cs-5-2-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-icd9cm-cs-5-2-8
Provenance for CodeSystem ICD-9CM
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-07 Recorded 2023-09-07 01:07:45-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 72 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-CDPS-cs-5-2-9
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-CDPS-cs-5-2-9
Provenance for CodeSystem Chronic Illness and Disability Payment System (CDPS)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-07 Recorded 2023-09-07 10:05:31-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 73 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-CDPS-ns-5-2-9
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-CDPS-ns-5-2-9
Provenance for NamingSystem Chronic Illness and Disability Payment System (CDPS)
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-07 Recorded 2023-09-07 10:05:40-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 74 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-payeetype-cs-5-2-10
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-payeetype-cs-5-2-10
Provenance for CodeSystem Payee Type Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-07 Recorded 2023-09-07 10:18:29-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Corey Spears Custodian FM
Entry 75 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-payeetype-vs-5-2-10
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-payeetype-vs-5-2-10
Provenance for ValueSet Payee Type Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-07 Recorded 2023-09-07 10:20:20-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Corey Spears Custodian FM
Entry 76 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-claimcareteamrole-cs-5-2-11
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-claimcareteamrole-cs-5-2-11
Provenance for CodeSystem Claim Care Team Role Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-07 Recorded 2023-09-07 11:37:33-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Corey Spears Custodian FM
Entry 77 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-claim-careteamrole-vs-5-2-11
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-claim-careteamrole-vs-5-2-11
Provenance for ValueSet Claim Care Team Role Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-09-07 Recorded 2023-09-07 11:37:54-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Corey Spears Custodian FM
Entry 78 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-measure-population-cs-5-3-1
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-measure-population-cs-5-3-1
Provenance for CodeSystem Measure Population Type
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-11-09 Recorded 2023-11-09 12:12:41-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian CQI
Entry 79 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v2-0396-cs-5-3-2
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v2-0396-cs-5-3-2
Provenance for CodeSystem codingSystem
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-11-09 Recorded 2023-11-09 15:20:29-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 80 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-edible-substance-type-vs-5-3-3
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-edible-substance-type-vs-5-3-3
Provenance for ValueSet Types of Edible Substances
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-11-09 Recorded 2023-11-09 22:52:50-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian OO
Entry 81 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-consentcategorycodes-cs-5-3-4
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-consentcategorycodes-cs-5-3-4
Provenance for CodeSystem Consent Category Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-11-10 Recorded 2023-11-10 11:36:31-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author David Pyke Custodian CBCP
Entry 82 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-POAIndicators-vs-5-3-5
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-POAIndicators-vs-5-3-5
Provenance for ValueSet Present on Admission Indicators
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-11-13 Recorded 2023-11-13 11:20:45-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian CQI
Entry 83 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-hcpcs-Level-II-cs-5-3-6
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-hcpcs-Level-II-cs-5-3-6
Provenance for CodeSystem Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) level II alphanumeric codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-11-13 Recorded 2023-11-13 14:10:11-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 84 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-hcpcs-Level-II-ns-5-3-6
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-hcpcs-Level-II-ns-5-3-6
Provenance for NamingSystem Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) level II alphanumeric codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-11-13 Recorded 2023-11-13 14:10:48-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 85 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v3-HealthCareCommonProcedureCodingSystem-vs-5-3-6
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v3-HealthCareCommonProcedureCodingSystem-vs-5-3-6
Provenance for ValueSet HealthCareCommonProcedureCodingSystem
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-11-13 Recorded 2023-11-13 14:11:14-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 86 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ISO3166Part1-cs-5-3-7
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ISO3166Part1-cs-5-3-7
Provenance for CodeSystem ISO 3166-1 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 1: Country code
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-11-13 Recorded 2023-11-13 20:51:01-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian TSMG
Entry 87 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ISO3166Part2-cs-5-3-7
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ISO3166Part2-cs-5-3-7
Provenance for CodeSystem ISO 3166-2 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 2: Country subdivision code
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-11-13 Recorded 2023-11-13 20:51:16-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian TSMG
Entry 88 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ISO3166Part3-cs-5-3-7
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ISO3166Part3-cs-5-3-7
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-11-13 Recorded 2023-11-13 20:51:23-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian TSMG
Entry 89 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v3-TribalEntityUS-cs-5-3-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v3-TribalEntityUS-cs-5-3-8
Provenance for CodeSystem TribalEntityUS
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-11-14 Recorded 2023-11-14 01:00:50-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian TI
Entry 90 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ucum-common-vs-5-4-1
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ucum-common-vs-5-4-1
Provenance for ValueSet Common UCUM units
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-12-20 Recorded 2023-12-20 13:08:13-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian TI
Entry 91 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ucum-units-vs-5-4-1
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ucum-units-vs-5-4-1
Provenance for ValueSet UCUM Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2023-12-20 Recorded 2023-12-20 13:08:19-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian TI
Entry 92 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-organization-type-cs-5-4-1
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-organization-type-cs-5-4-1
Provenance for CodeSystem Organization type
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-02-29 Recorded 2024-02-29 10:40:52-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Josh Mandel Custodian PA
Entry 93 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-cs-service-referral-method-5-4-2
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-cs-service-referral-method-5-4-2
Provenance for CodeSystem ReferralMethod
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-02-29 Recorded 2024-02-29 13:17:42-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Carmen Tao Custodian TI
Entry 94 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-artifact-version-policy-codes-cs-5-4-5
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-artifact-version-policy-codes-cs-5-4-5
Provenance for CodeSystem Artifact Version Policy Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-01 Recorded 2024-03-01 10:06:33-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Bryn Rhodes Custodian CDS
Entry 95 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-artifact-version-policy-vs-5-4-5
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-artifact-version-policy-vs-5-4-5
Provenance for ValueSet Artifact Version Policy
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-01 Recorded 2024-03-01 10:06:38-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Bryn Rhodes Custodian CDS
Entry 96 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-artifact-identifier-type-cs-5-4-6
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-artifact-identifier-type-cs-5-4-6
Provenance for CodeSystem Artifact Identifier Type Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-01 Recorded 2024-03-01 22:51:38-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian CQI
Entry 97 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-artifact-identifier-type-vs-5-4-6
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-artifact-identifier-type-vs-5-4-6
Provenance for ValueSet Artifact Identifier Type
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-01 Recorded 2024-03-01 22:51:43-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Abdullah Rafiqi Custodian CQI
Entry 98 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v3-HealthcareServiceLocation-vs-5-4-4
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v3-HealthcareServiceLocation-vs-5-4-4
Provenance for ValueSet HealthcareServiceLocation
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-01 Recorded 2024-03-01 18:48:05-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian SD
Entry 99 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-cql-access-modifier-cs-5-4-7
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-cql-access-modifier-cs-5-4-7
Provenance for CodeSystem CQL Access Modifier
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-01 Recorded 2024-03-01 23:11:26-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Bryn Rhodes Custodian CDS
Entry 100 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-cql-access-modifier-vs-5-4-7
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-cql-access-modifier-vs-5-4-7
Provenance for ValueSet CQL Access Modifier
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-01 Recorded 2024-03-01 23:11:30-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Bryn Rhodes Custodian CDS
Entry 101 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ae-clinical-research-causality-relatedness-vs-5-4-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ae-clinical-research-causality-relatedness-vs-5-4-8
Provenance for ValueSet Adverse Event Clinical Research Causality Relatedness
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 10:25:07-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Bret Heale Custodian BRR
Entry 102 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-adverse-event-clinical-research-grades-vs-5-4-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-adverse-event-clinical-research-grades-vs-5-4-8
Provenance for ValueSet Adverse Event Clinical Research Grades
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 10:25:31-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Bret Heale Custodian BRR
Entry 103 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-adverse-event-clinical-research-outcomes-vs-5-4-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-adverse-event-clinical-research-outcomes-vs-5-4-8
Provenance for ValueSet Adverse Event Clinical Research Outcomes
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 10:25:57-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Bret Heale Custodian BRR
Entry 104 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ae-clinical-research-seriousness-criteria-vs-5-4-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ae-clinical-research-seriousness-criteria-vs-5-4-8
Provenance for ValueSet Adverse Event Clinical Research Seriousness Criteria
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 10:26:16-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Bret Heale Custodian BRR
Entry 105 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-software-system-type-codes-cs-5-4-9
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-software-system-type-codes-cs-5-4-9
Provenance for CodeSystem Software System Type Codes
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 19:18:53-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Bryn Rhodes Custodian CDS
Entry 106 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-software-system-type-vs-5-4-9
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-software-system-type-vs-5-4-9
Provenance for ValueSet Software System Type
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 19:19:11-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Bryn Rhodes Custodian CDS
Entry 107 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-hc-CCDD-cs-5-4-10
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-hc-CCDD-cs-5-4-10
Provenance for CodeSystem Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 19:33:08-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 108 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-CCDD-ns-5-4-10
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-CCDD-ns-5-4-10
Provenance for NamingSystem Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 19:33:28-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 109 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-cmshcc-cs-5-4-11
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-cmshcc-cs-5-4-11
Provenance for CodeSystem CMS Hierarchical Condition Categories
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 19:38:16-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 110 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-cmshcc-ns-5-4-11
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-cmshcc-ns-5-4-11
Provenance for NamingSystem CMS Hierarchical Condition Categories
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 19:38:29-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 111 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v2-0396-cs-5-4-11
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v2-0396-cs-5-4-11
Provenance for CodeSystem codingSystem
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 19:38:51-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 112 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-SO-cs-5-4-12
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-SO-cs-5-4-12
Provenance for CodeSystem Sequence Ontology
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 19:42:34-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 113 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-SO-ns-5-4-12
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-SO-ns-5-4-12
Provenance for NamingSystem Sequence Ontology
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 19:42:36-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 114 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-OMOP-cs-5-4-13
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-OMOP-cs-5-4-13
Provenance for CodeSystem OHDSI Standardized Vocabularies
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 19:48:58-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 115 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-OMOP-ns-5-4-13
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-OMOP-ns-5-4-13
Provenance for NamingSystem OHDSI Standardized Vocabularies
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 19:49:06-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian HTA
Entry 116 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v3-AddressUse-cs-5-4-14
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v3-AddressUse-cs-5-4-14
Provenance for CodeSystem AddressUse
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 23:05:37-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian TI
Entry 117 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-jurisdiction-vs-5-4-15
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-jurisdiction-vs-5-4-15
Provenance for ValueSet Jurisdiction ValueSet
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 23:12:36-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Reuben Daniels Custodian TI
Entry 118 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-appointment-cancellation-reason-cs-5-4-16
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-appointment-cancellation-reason-cs-5-4-16
Provenance for CodeSystem Appointment cancellation reason
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 23:24:12-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Brian Postlethwaite Custodian PA
Entry 119 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-diagnosis-role-cs-5-4-16
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-diagnosis-role-cs-5-4-16
Provenance for CodeSystem Diagnosis Role
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 23:24:22-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Brian Postlethwaite Custodian PA
Entry 120 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-endpoint-connection-type-cs-5-4-16
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-endpoint-connection-type-cs-5-4-16
Provenance for CodeSystem Endpoint Connection Type
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 23:24:35-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Brian Postlethwaite Custodian PA
Entry 121 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-service-category-cs-5-4-16
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-service-category-cs-5-4-16
Provenance for CodeSystem Service category
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 23:24:44-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Brian Postlethwaite Custodian PA
Entry 122 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-service-type-cs-5-4-16
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-service-type-cs-5-4-16
Provenance for CodeSystem Service type
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 23:24:56-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Brian Postlethwaite Custodian PA
Entry 123 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-hl7-work-group-cs-5-4-17
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-hl7-work-group-cs-5-4-17
Provenance for CodeSystem HL7Workgroup
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 23:29:20-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Marc Duteau Custodian TI
Entry 124 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v3-nuccProviderCodes-cs-5-4-18
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v3-nuccProviderCodes-cs-5-4-18
Provenance for CodeSystem NUCC Health Care Provider Taxonomy
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 23:35:55-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 125 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v3-nuccProviderCodes-ns-5-4-18
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v3-nuccProviderCodes-ns-5-4-18
Provenance for NamingSystem NUCC Health Care Provider Taxonomy
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 23:36:07-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 126 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v3-icpc2E-cs-5-4-19
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v3-icpc2E-cs-5-4-19
Provenance for CodeSystem International Classification of Primary Care, second edition (1998)
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 23:40:24-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 127 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v3-icpc2E-ns-5-4-19
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v3-icpc2E-ns-5-4-19
Provenance for NamingSystem International Classification of Primary Care, second edition (1998)
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-02 Recorded 2024-03-02 23:40:41-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 128 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-cs-hcp-lan-apm-framework-5-4-20
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-cs-hcp-lan-apm-framework-5-4-20
Provenance for CodeSystem The Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network (HCPLAN) Alternative Payment Model (APM) Framework Categories
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-07 Recorded 2024-03-07 22:57:18-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 129 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ns-hcp-lan-apm-framework-5-4-20
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ns-hcp-lan-apm-framework-5-4-20
Provenance for NamingSystem The Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network (HCPLAN) Alternative Payment Model (APM) Framework Categories
Occurrence ?? --> 2024-03-07 Recorded 2024-03-07 22:57:40-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Jessica Bota Custodian TSMG
Entry 130 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-v2-tables-cs-6-1-2
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-v2-tables-cs-6-1-2
Provenance for CodeSystem V2 Table List
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 12:20:39-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Ted Klein Custodian TI
Entry 131 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-accepting-patients-cs-6-1-3
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-accepting-patients-cs-6-1-3
Provenance for CodeSystem Accepting Patients
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 13:32:50-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Ming Dunajick Custodian PA
Entry 132 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-accepting-patients-vs-6-1-3
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-accepting-patients-vs-6-1-3
Provenance for ValueSet Accepting Patients
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 13:32:54-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Ming Dunajick Custodian PA
Entry 133 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-virtual-healthcare-delivery-method-cs-6-1-4
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-virtual-healthcare-delivery-method-cs-6-1-4
Provenance for CodeSystem Virtual Healthcare Delivery Method
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 15:43:50-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Ming Dunajick Custodian PA
Entry 134 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-virtual-healthcare-delivery-method-vs-6-1-4
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-virtual-healthcare-delivery-method-vs-6-1-4
Provenance for ValueSet Virtual Healthcare Delivery Method
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 15:43:54-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Ming Dunajick Custodian PA
Entry 135 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-care-service-accessibility-cs-6-1-5
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-care-service-accessibility-cs-6-1-5
Provenance for CodeSystem Care Service Accessibility
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 17:30:48-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Ming Dunajick Custodian PA
Entry 136 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-care-service-accessibility-vs-6-1-5
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-care-service-accessibility-vs-6-1-5
Provenance for ValueSet Care Service Accessibility
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 17:30:53-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Ming Dunajick Custodian PA
Entry 137 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx16-organization-affiliation-role-for-hie-cs-6-1-6
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx16-organization-affiliation-role-for-hie-cs-6-1-6
Provenance for CodeSystem Organization Affiliation Role for HIE
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 17:46:17-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Ming Dunajick Custodian PA
Entry 138 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx16-organization-affiliation-role-cs-6-1-7
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx16-organization-affiliation-role-cs-6-1-7
Provenance for CodeSystem Organization Affiliation Role
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 17:46:21-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Ming Dunajick Custodian PA
Entry 139 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx16-organization-affiliation-role-vs-6-1-6
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx16-organization-affiliation-role-vs-6-1-6
Provenance for ValueSet Organization Affiliation Role
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 17:46:25-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Ming Dunajick Custodian PA
Entry 140 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx17-organization-type-cs-6-1-7
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx17-organization-type-cs-6-1-7
Provenance for CodeSystem Organization type
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 18:00:36-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Ming Dunajick Custodian PA
Entry 141 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ndh-healthcare-service-category-cs-5-1-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ndh-healthcare-service-category-cs-5-1-8
Provenance for CodeSystem NDH Healthcare Service Category
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 18:59:07-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Ming Dunajick Custodian PA
Entry 142 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-ndh-healthcare-service-category-vs-5-1-8
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-ndh-healthcare-service-category-vs-5-1-8
Provenance for ValueSet NDH Healthcare Service Category
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 18:59:15-0700 Activity create Agents
Type who Author Ming Dunajick Custodian PA
Entry 143 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-adverse-event-causality-method-cs-5-1-9
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-adverse-event-causality-method-cs-5-1-9
Provenance for CodeSystem AdverseEventCausalityMethod
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 19:27:55-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Michelle Miller Custodian Patient Care
Entry 144 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-adverse-event-category-cs-5-1-10
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-adverse-event-category-cs-5-1-10
Provenance for CodeSystem AdverseEventCategory
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 19:37:15-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Michelle Miller Custodian PA
Entry 145 - fullUrl = http://terminology.hl7.org/fhir/Provenance/hx1c-goal-category-cs-5-1-11
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance hx1c-goal-category-cs-5-1-11
Provenance for CodeSystem Goal category
Occurrence ?? --> 2025-01-20 Recorded 2025-01-20 19:41:10-0700 Activity revise Agents
Type who Author Michelle Miller Custodian PA