@prefix fhir: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . # - resource ------------------------------------------------------------------- a fhir:CodeSystem ; fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot ; fhir:id [ fhir:v "v2-0252"] ; # fhir:text [ fhir:status [ fhir:v "generated" ] ; fhir:div "

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem v2-0252


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

statusstatushttp://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#statuscodeStatus of the concept
deprecateddeprecatedhttp://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v2-table-deprecatedcodeVersion of HL7 in which the code was deprecated


This case-sensitive code system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0252 defines the following codes in a Is-A hierarchy:

AW Abatement of event after product withdrawnAbatement of event after product withdrawn
BE Event recurred after product reintroducedEvent recurred after product reintroduced
LI Literature reports association of product with eventLiterature reports association of product with event
IN Event occurred after product introducedEvent occurred after product introduced
EX Alternative explanations for the event availableAlternative explanations for the event available
PL Effect observed when patient receives placeboEffect observed when patient receives placebo
TC Toxic levels of product documented in blood or body fluidsToxic levels of product documented in blood or body fluids
DR Dose response observedDose response observed
SE Similar events in past for this patientSimilar events in past for this patient
OE Occurrence of event was confirmed by objective evidenceOccurrence of event was confirmed by objective evidence
OT OtherOther
" ] ; # fhir:extension ( [ fhir:url [ fhir:v "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg"^^xsd:anyURI ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "oo" ] ] ) ; # fhir:url [ fhir:v "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0252"^^xsd:anyURI] ; # fhir:identifier ( [ fhir:system [ fhir:v "urn:ietf:rfc:3986"^^xsd:anyURI ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.18.147" ] ] ) ; # fhir:version [ fhir:v "2.0.0"] ; # fhir:name [ fhir:v "CausalityObservations"] ; # fhir:title [ fhir:v "causalityObservations"] ; # fhir:status [ fhir:v "active"] ; # fhir:experimental [ fhir:v "false"^^xsd:boolean] ; # fhir:date [ fhir:v "2019-12-01"^^xsd:date] ; # fhir:publisher [ fhir:v "Health Level Seven International"] ; # fhir:contact ( [ fhir:telecom ( [ fhir:system [ fhir:v "url" ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "http://hl7.org" ] ] [ fhir:system [ fhir:v "email" ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "hq@HL7.org" ] ] ) ] ) ; # fhir:description [ fhir:v "HL7-defined code system of concepts used to record event observations regarding what may have caused a product related event. Used in HL7 Version 2.x messaging in the PCR segment."] ; # fhir:purpose [ fhir:v "Underlying Master Code System for V2 table 0252 (Causality Observations)"] ; # fhir:copyright [ fhir:v "This material derives from the HL7 Terminology (THO). THO is copyright ©1989+ Health Level Seven International and is made available under the CC0 designation. For more licensing information see: https://terminology.hl7.org/license.html"] ; # fhir:caseSensitive [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean] ; # fhir:valueSet [ fhir:v "http://terminology.hl7.org/ValueSet/v2-0252"^^xsd:anyURI ; fhir:link ] ; # fhir:hierarchyMeaning [ fhir:v "is-a"] ; # fhir:compositional [ fhir:v "false"^^xsd:boolean] ; # fhir:versionNeeded [ fhir:v "false"^^xsd:boolean] ; # fhir:content [ fhir:v "complete"] ; # fhir:property ( [ fhir:code [ fhir:v "status" ] ; fhir:uri [ fhir:v "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#status"^^xsd:anyURI ] ; fhir:description [ fhir:v "Status of the concept" ] ; fhir:type [ fhir:v "code" ] ] [ fhir:code [ fhir:v "deprecated" ] ; fhir:uri [ fhir:v "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v2-table-deprecated"^^xsd:anyURI ] ; fhir:description [ fhir:v "Version of HL7 in which the code was deprecated" ] ; fhir:type [ fhir:v "code" ] ] ) ; # fhir:concept ( [ fhir:id [ fhir:v "2368" ] ; fhir:code [ fhir:v "AW" ] ; fhir:display [ fhir:v "Abatement of event after product withdrawn" ] ; fhir:definition [ fhir:v "Abatement of event after product withdrawn" ] ; fhir:property ( [ fhir:code [ fhir:v "status" ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "A" ] ] ) ] [ fhir:id [ fhir:v "2369" ] ; fhir:code [ fhir:v "BE" ] ; fhir:display [ fhir:v "Event recurred after product reintroduced" ] ; fhir:definition [ fhir:v "Event recurred after product reintroduced" ] ; fhir:property ( [ fhir:code [ fhir:v "status" ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "A" ] ] ) ] [ fhir:id [ fhir:v "2370" ] ; fhir:code [ fhir:v "LI" ] ; fhir:display [ fhir:v "Literature reports association of product with event" ] ; fhir:definition [ fhir:v "Literature reports association of product with event" ] ; fhir:property ( [ fhir:code [ fhir:v "status" ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "A" ] ] ) ] [ fhir:id [ fhir:v "2371" ] ; fhir:code [ fhir:v "IN" ] ; fhir:display [ fhir:v "Event occurred after product introduced" ] ; fhir:definition [ fhir:v "Event occurred after product introduced" ] ; fhir:property ( [ fhir:code [ fhir:v "status" ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "A" ] ] ) ] [ fhir:id [ fhir:v "2372" ] ; fhir:code [ fhir:v "EX" ] ; fhir:display [ fhir:v "Alternative explanations for the event available" ] ; fhir:definition [ fhir:v "Alternative explanations for the event available" ] ; fhir:property ( [ fhir:code [ fhir:v "status" ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "A" ] ] ) ] [ fhir:id [ fhir:v "2373" ] ; fhir:code [ fhir:v "PL" ] ; fhir:display [ fhir:v "Effect observed when patient receives placebo" ] ; fhir:definition [ fhir:v "Effect observed when patient receives placebo" ] ; fhir:property ( [ fhir:code [ fhir:v "status" ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "A" ] ] ) ] [ fhir:id [ fhir:v "2374" ] ; fhir:code [ fhir:v "TC" ] ; fhir:display [ fhir:v "Toxic levels of product documented in blood or body fluids" ] ; fhir:definition [ fhir:v "Toxic levels of product documented in blood or body fluids" ] ; fhir:property ( [ fhir:code [ fhir:v "status" ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "A" ] ] ) ] [ fhir:id [ fhir:v "2375" ] ; fhir:code [ fhir:v "DR" ] ; fhir:display [ fhir:v "Dose response observed" ] ; fhir:definition [ fhir:v "Dose response observed" ] ; fhir:property ( [ fhir:code [ fhir:v "status" ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "A" ] ] ) ] [ fhir:id [ fhir:v "2376" ] ; fhir:code [ fhir:v "SE" ] ; fhir:display [ fhir:v "Similar events in past for this patient" ] ; fhir:definition [ fhir:v "Similar events in past for this patient" ] ; fhir:property ( [ fhir:code [ fhir:v "status" ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "A" ] ] ) ] [ fhir:id [ fhir:v "2377" ] ; fhir:code [ fhir:v "OE" ] ; fhir:display [ fhir:v "Occurrence of event was confirmed by objective evidence" ] ; fhir:definition [ fhir:v "Occurrence of event was confirmed by objective evidence" ] ; fhir:property ( [ fhir:code [ fhir:v "status" ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "A" ] ] ) ] [ fhir:id [ fhir:v "2378" ] ; fhir:code [ fhir:v "OT" ] ; fhir:display [ fhir:v "Other" ] ; fhir:definition [ fhir:v "Other" ] ; fhir:property ( [ fhir:code [ fhir:v "status" ] ; fhir:value [ fhir:v "A" ] ] ) ] ) . # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------