HL7 Terminology (THO)
5.3.0 - Publication International flag

This page is part of the HL7 Terminology (v5.3.0: Release) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

: AdministrativeGender - XML Representation

Active as of 2019-03-20

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<CodeSystem xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
  <id value="v3-AdministrativeGender"/>
  <language value="en"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">Placeholder</div>
  <url value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-AdministrativeGender"/>
    <system value="urn:ietf:rfc:3986"/>
    <value value="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.5.1"/>
  <version value="2.1.0"/>
  <name value="AdministrativeGender"/>
  <title value="AdministrativeGender"/>
  <status value="active"/>
  <experimental value="false"/>
  <date value="2019-03-20"/>
  <publisher value="Health Level 7"/>
    <name value="Health Level Seven"/>
               value="The gender of a person used for adminstrative purposes (as opposed to clinical gender)"/>
  <caseSensitive value="true"/>
  <hierarchyMeaning value="is-a"/>
  <content value="complete"/>
      <valueCode value="antisymmetric"/>
      <valueCode value="transitive"/>
      <valueCode value="irreflexive"/>
      <valueBoolean value="true"/>
      <valueCode value="Specializes"/>
      <valueString value="Generalizes"/>
    <code value="Specializes"/>
                 value="The child code is a more narrow version of the concept represented by the parent code.  I.e. Every child concept is also a valid parent concept.  Used to allow determination of subsumption.  Must be transitive, irreflexive, antisymmetric."/>
    <type value="Coding"/>
      <valueCode value="antisymmetric"/>
      <valueCode value="transitive"/>
      <valueCode value="irreflexive"/>
      <valueBoolean value="true"/>
      <valueCode value="Generalizes"/>
      <valueString value="Specializes"/>
    <code value="Generalizes"/>
                 value="Inverse of Specializes.  Only included as a derived relationship."/>
    <type value="Coding"/>
    <code value="internalId"/>
                 value="The internal identifier for the concept in the HL7 Access database repository."/>
    <type value="code"/>
    <code value="status"/>
    <uri value="http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#status"/>
                 value="Designation of a concept's state. Normally is not populated unless the state is retired."/>
    <type value="code"/>
    <code value="F"/>
    <display value="Female"/>
    <definition value="Female"/>
      <code value="status"/>
      <valueCode value="active"/>
      <code value="internalId"/>
      <valueCode value="10174"/>
    <code value="M"/>
    <display value="Male"/>
    <definition value="Male"/>
      <code value="status"/>
      <valueCode value="active"/>
      <code value="internalId"/>
      <valueCode value="10173"/>
    <code value="UN"/>
    <display value="Undifferentiated"/>
                value="En: The gender of a person could not be uniquely defined as male or female, such as intersex. Nl: Het geslacht van een persoon kan niet uniek worden gedefinieerd als man of vrouw, zoals een intersekse-conditie.

*Open Issue:* This is a short-term stopgap solution to the definition issue, full solutions are being worked out by the Gender Harmony project launched in 2019."/>
      <code value="status"/>
      <valueCode value="active"/>
      <code value="internalId"/>
      <valueCode value="17718"/>