ValueSet Comparison between vs


ErrorValueSet.versionValues for version differ: '2.0.0' vs '2.0.1'
InformationValueSet.dateValues for date differ: '2014-03-26' vs '2023-06-02'


        • Values Differ
        .descriptionType of security metadata observation made about an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. Security metadata are used in security labels. According to ISO/TS 22600-3:2009(E) A.9.1.7 SECURITY LABEL MATCHING, Security label matching compares the initiator’s clearance to the target’s security label. All of the following must be true for authorization to be granted: * The security policy identifiers shall be identical, * The classification level of the initiator shall be greater than or equal to that of the target (that is, there shall be at least one value in the classification list of the clearance greater than or equal to the classification of the target), and * For each security category in the target label, there shall be a security category of the same type in the initiator’s clearance and the initiator’s classification level shall dominate that of the target.Type of security metadata observation made about an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. Security metadata are used in security labels. According to ISO/TS 22600-3:2009(E) A.9.1.7 SECURITY LABEL MATCHING, Security label matching compares the initiator's clearance to the target's security label. All of the following must be true for authorization to be granted: * The security policy identifiers shall be identical, * The classification level of the initiator shall be greater than or equal to that of the target (that is, there shall be at least one value in the classification list of the clearance greater than or equal to the classification of the target), and * For each security category in the target label, there shall be a security category of the same type in the initiator'ijs clearance and the initiator's classification level shall dominate that of the target.
        • Values Differ
                          • Values Differ




                              .SECCATOBSsecurity category observation
                                .SECCLASSOBSsecurity classification observation
                                  .SECCONOBSsecurity control observation
                                    .SECINTOBSsecurity integrity observation
                                      .SECALTINTOBSsecurity alteration integrity observation
                                        .SECDATINTOBSsecurity data integrity observation
                                          .SECINTCONOBSsecurity integrity confidence observation
                                            .SECINTPRVOBSsecurity integrity provenance observation
                                              .SECINTPRVABOBSsecurity integrity provenance asserted by observation
                                                .SECINTPRVRBOBSsecurity integrity provenance reported by observation
                                                  .SECINTSTOBSsecurity integrity status observation
                                                      .TRSTACCRDOBStrust accreditation observation
                                                        .TRSTAGREOBStrust agreement observation
                                                          .TRSTCERTOBStrust certificate observation
                                                            .TRSTFWKOBStrust framework observation
                                                              .TRSTLOAOBStrust assurance observation
                                                                .TRSTMECOBStrust mechanism observation