Code | Display | Specializes | Generalizes | internalId | status | notSelectable | HL7usageNotes | subsumedBy | Comments |
_ActAccommodationReason | ActAccommodationReason | | | 20937 | 20937 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ActCoverageReason | ActCoverageReason | | | 22164 | 22164 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ActInformationManagementReason | ActInformationManagementReason | | | 22675 | 22675 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ActInvalidReason | ActInvalidReason | | | 23235 | 23235 | active | active | | | | |
_ActInvoiceCancelReason | ActInvoiceCancelReason | | | 20941 | 20941 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ActNoImmunizationReason | ActNoImmunizationReason | | | 21529 | 21529 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | | | 21530 | 21530 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ClinicalResearchEventReason | ClinicalResearchEventReason | | | 22391 | 22391 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ClinicalResearchObservationReason | ClinicalResearchObservationReason | | | 22392 | 22392 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | | | 22393 | 22393 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ControlActNullificationReasonCode | ControlActNullificationReasonCode | | | 22809 | 22809 | active | active | | | | |
_ControlActNullificationRefusalReasonType | ControlActNullificationRefusalReasonType | | | 23277 | 23277 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ControlActReason | ControlActReason | | | 21491 | 21491 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_GenericUpdateReasonCode | GenericUpdateReasonCode | | | 22395 | 22395 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | patient profile query reason | | | 21715 | 21715 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_PharmacySupplyRequestFulfillerRevisionRefusalReasonCode | PharmacySupplyRequestFulfillerRevisionRefusalReasonCode | | | 22863 | 22863 | active | active | | | | |
_RefusalReasonCode | RefusalReasonCode | | | 22906 | 22906 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_SchedulingActReason | SchedulingActReason | | | 20942 | 20942 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_StatusRevisionRefusalReasonCode | StatusRevisionRefusalReasonCode | | | 23014 | 23014 | active | active | | | | |
_SubstanceAdministrationPermissionRefusalReasonCode | SubstanceAdministrationPermissionRefusalReasonCode | | | 22856 | 22856 | active | active | | | | |
_SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | | | 21531 | 21531 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason | SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason | | | 20943 | 20943 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_TransferActReason | TransferActReason | | | 20944 | 20944 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ActAdjudicationReason | ActAdjudicationReason | | | 20938 | 20938 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ActBillableServiceReason | ActBillableServiceReason | | | 22209 | 22209 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ActCoverageLevelRasonCode | ActCoverageLevelRasonCode | | | 22081 | 22081 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ActImmunizationReason | ActImmunizationReason | | | 22077 | 22077 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ConrolActNullificationReasonCode | ConrolActNullificationReasonCode | | | 22394 | 22394 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_NonPerformanceReasonCode | NonPerformanceReasonCode | | | 21569 | 21569 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ReasonForNotEvaluatingDevice | ReasonForNotEvaluatingDevice | | | 21408 | 21408 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
_ReferralReasonCode | ReferralReasonCode | | | 21568 | 21568 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | | |
BONUS | | | | 17436 | 17436 | retired | retired | | | | |
CHD | Children only | | | 22082 | 22082 | retired | retired | | | | |
DEP | Dependents only | | | 22083 | 22083 | retired | retired | | | | |
ECH | Employee and children | | | 22084 | 22084 | retired | retired | | | | |
EDU | | | | 17438 | 17438 | retired | retired | | | | |
EMP | Employee only | | | 22085 | 22085 | retired | retired | | | | |
ESP | Employee and spouse | | | 22086 | 22086 | retired | retired | | | | |
FAM | Family | | | 22087 | 22087 | retired | retired | | | | |
IND | Individual | | | 22088 | 22088 | retired | retired | | | | |
INVOICE | | | | 19726 | 19726 | retired | retired | | | | |
PROA | | | | 17435 | 17435 | retired | retired | | | | |
RECOV | | | | 17437 | 17437 | retired | retired | | | | |
RETRO | | | | 17434 | 17434 | retired | retired | | | | |
SPC | Spouse and children | | | 22089 | 22089 | retired | retired | | | | |
SPO | Spouse only | | | 22090 | 22090 | retired | retired | | | | |
TRAN | | | | 19727 | 19727 | retired | retired | | | | |
ACCREQNA | Accommodation Requested Not Available | | | 17429 | 17429 | active | active | | | _ActAccommodationReason | _ActAccommodationReason | |
FLRCNV | Floor Convenience | | | 17430 | 17430 | active | active | | | _ActAccommodationReason | _ActAccommodationReason | |
MEDNEC | Medical Necessity | | | 17428 | 17428 | active | active | | | _ActAccommodationReason | _ActAccommodationReason | |
PAT | Patient request | | | 14880 | 14880 | active | active | | | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | |
_MedicallyNecessaryDuplicateProcedureReason | MedicallyNecessaryDuplicateProcedureReason | | | 22210 | 22210 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ActBillableClinicalServiceReason | _ActBillableClinicalServiceReason | |
_ActBillableClinicalServiceReason | ActBillableClinicalServiceReason | | | 20939 | 20939 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ActBillableServiceReason | _ActBillableServiceReason | |
OVRER | emergency treatment override | | | 22194 | 22194 | active | active | | The patient is unable to provide consent, but the provider determines they have an urgent healthcare related reason to access the record. | The patient is unable to provide consent, but the provider determines they have an urgent healthcare related reason to access the record. | _ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | _ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | |
OVRINCOMP | incompetency override | | | 23877 | 23877 | active | active | | | _ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | _ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | |
OVRPJ | professional judgment override | | | 22197 | 22197 | active | active | | The patient, while able to give consent, has not. However the provider believes it is in the patient's interest to access the record without patient consent. | The patient, while able to give consent, has not. However the provider believes it is in the patient's interest to access the record without patient consent. | _ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | _ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | |
OVRPS | public safety override | | | 22195 | 22195 | active | active | | The patient, while able to give consent, has not. However, the provider believes that access to masked patient information is justified because of concerns related to public safety. | The patient, while able to give consent, has not. However, the provider believes that access to masked patient information is justified because of concerns related to public safety. | _ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | _ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | |
OVRTPS | third party safety override | | | 22196 | 22196 | active | active | | The patient, while able to give consent, has not. However, the provider believes that access to masked patient information is justified because of concerns related to the health and safety of one or more third parties. | The patient, while able to give consent, has not. However, the provider believes that access to masked patient information is justified because of concerns related to the health and safety of one or more third parties. | _ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | _ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | |
_EligibilityActReasonCode | EligibilityActReasonCode | | | 21493 | 21493 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ActCoverageReason | _ActCoverageReason | |
_ActCoverageProviderReason | ActCoverageProviderReason | | | 22168 | 22168 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ActCoverageReason | _ActCoverageReason | |
_ActCoverageServiceReason | ActCoverageServiceReason | | | 22169 | 22169 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ActCoverageReason | _ActCoverageReason | |
_CoverageExclusionReason | CoverageExclusionReason | | | 22165 | 22165 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ActCoverageReason | _ActCoverageReason | |
_CoverageFinancialParticipationReason | CoverageFinancialParticipationReason | | | 22166 | 22166 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ActCoverageReason | _ActCoverageReason | |
_CoverageLimitationReason | CoverageLimitationReason | | | 22167 | 22167 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ActCoverageReason | _ActCoverageReason | |
_ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | | | 22198 | 22198 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | Used to convey the reason that a provider or other entity may or has accessed personal healthcare information. Typically, this involves overriding the subject's consent directives. | Used to convey the reason that a provider or other entity may or has accessed personal healthcare information. Typically, this involves overriding the subject's consent directives. | _ActHealthInformationManagementReason | _ActHealthInformationManagementReason | |
PurposeOfUse | purpose of use | | | 23408 | 23408 | active | active | | The rationale or purpose for an act relating to the management of personal health information, such as collecting personal health information for research or public health purposes. | The rationale or purpose for an act relating to the management of personal health information, such as collecting personal health information for research or public health purposes. | _ActHealthInformationManagementReason | _ActHealthInformationManagementReason | |
_ActHealthInformationPrivacyReason | ActHealthInformationPrivacyReason | | | 22677 | 22677 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ActHealthInformationManagementReason | _ActHealthInformationManagementReason | |
COVSUS | coverage suspended | | | 19731 | 19731 | active | active | | | _ActIneligibilityReason | _ActIneligibilityReason | |
DECSD | deceased | | | 19729 | 19729 | active | active | | | _ActIneligibilityReason | _ActIneligibilityReason | |
REGERR | registered in error | | | 19730 | 19730 | active | active | | | _ActIneligibilityReason | _ActIneligibilityReason | |
_ActHealthInformationManagementReason | ActHealthInformationManagementReason | | | 22676 | 22676 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ActInformationManagementReason | _ActInformationManagementReason | |
_ActInformationPrivacyReason | ActInformationPrivacyReason | | | 22697 | 22697 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ActInformationManagementReason | _ActInformationManagementReason | |
MARKT | marketing | | | 22708 | 22708 | active | active | | | _ActInformationPrivacyReason | _ActInformationPrivacyReason | |
OPERAT | operations | | | 22699 | 22699 | active | active | | | _ActInformationPrivacyReason | _ActInformationPrivacyReason | |
PAYMT | payment | | | 22698 | 22698 | active | active | | | _ActInformationPrivacyReason | _ActInformationPrivacyReason | |
RESCH | research | | | 22707 | 22707 | active | active | | | _ActInformationPrivacyReason | _ActInformationPrivacyReason | |
SRVC | service | | | 22709 | 22709 | active | active | | | _ActInformationPrivacyReason | _ActInformationPrivacyReason | |
ADVSTORAGE | adverse storage condition | | | 23238 | 23238 | active | active | | | _ActInvalidReason | _ActInvalidReason | |
EXPLOT | expired lot | | | 23236 | 23236 | active | active | | | _ActInvalidReason | _ActInvalidReason | |
OUTSIDESCHED | administered outside recommended schedule or practice | | | 23240 | 23240 | active | active | | | _ActInvalidReason | _ActInvalidReason | |
PRODRECALL | product recall | | | 23237 | 23237 | active | active | | | _ActInvalidReason | _ActInvalidReason | |
INCCOVPTY | incorrect covered party as patient | | | 19733 | 19733 | active | active | | | _ActInvoiceCancelReason | _ActInvoiceCancelReason | |
INCINVOICE | incorrect billing | | | 19735 | 19735 | active | active | | | _ActInvoiceCancelReason | _ActInvoiceCancelReason | |
INCPOLICY | incorrect policy | | | 19734 | 19734 | active | active | | | _ActInvoiceCancelReason | _ActInvoiceCancelReason | |
INCPROV | incorrect provider | | | 19736 | 19736 | active | active | | | _ActInvoiceCancelReason | _ActInvoiceCancelReason | |
IMMUNE | immunity | | | 21745 | 21745 | active | active | | | _ActNoImmunizationReason | _ActNoImmunizationReason | |
MEDPREC | medical precaution | | | 21747 | 21747 | active | active | | | _ActNoImmunizationReason | _ActNoImmunizationReason | |
OSTOCK | product out of stock | | | 21744 | 21744 | active | active | | | _ActNoImmunizationReason | _ActNoImmunizationReason | |
PATOBJ | patient objection | | | 21740 | 21740 | active | active | | | _ActNoImmunizationReason | _ActNoImmunizationReason | |
PHILISOP | philosophical objection | | | 21742 | 21742 | active | active | | | _ActNoImmunizationReason | _ActNoImmunizationReason | |
RELIG | religious objection | | | 21741 | 21741 | active | active | | | _ActNoImmunizationReason | _ActNoImmunizationReason | |
VACEFF | vaccine efficacy concerns | | | 21746 | 21746 | active | active | | | _ActNoImmunizationReason | _ActNoImmunizationReason | |
VACSAF | vaccine safety concerns | | | 21743 | 21743 | active | active | | | _ActNoImmunizationReason | _ActNoImmunizationReason | |
FRR01 | order stopped | | | 21748 | 21748 | active | active | | | _ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | _ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | |
FRR02 | stale-dated order | | | 21749 | 21749 | active | active | | | _ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | _ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | |
FRR03 | incomplete data | | | 21750 | 21750 | active | active | | | _ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | _ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | |
FRR04 | product unavailable | | | 21751 | 21751 | active | active | | | _ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | _ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | |
FRR05 | ethical/religious | | | 21752 | 21752 | active | active | | | _ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | _ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | |
FRR06 | unable to provide care | | | 21753 | 21753 | active | active | | | _ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | _ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | |
RET | retest | | | 21623 | 21623 | active | active | | | _ClinicalResearchEventReason | _ClinicalResearchEventReason | |
SCH | scheduled | | | 21622 | 21622 | active | active | | | _ClinicalResearchEventReason | _ClinicalResearchEventReason | |
TRM | termination | | | 21624 | 21624 | active | active | | | _ClinicalResearchEventReason | _ClinicalResearchEventReason | |
UNS | unscheduled | | | 21625 | 21625 | active | active | | | _ClinicalResearchEventReason | _ClinicalResearchEventReason | |
NPT | non-protocol | | | 21628 | 21628 | active | active | | | _ClinicalResearchObservationReason | _ClinicalResearchObservationReason | |
PPT | per protocol | | | 21626 | 21626 | active | active | | | _ClinicalResearchObservationReason | _ClinicalResearchObservationReason | |
UPT | per definition | | | 21627 | 21627 | active | active | | | _ClinicalResearchObservationReason | _ClinicalResearchObservationReason | |
ALTCHOICE | try another treatment first | | | 21691 | 21691 | active | active | | | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
CLARIF | prescription requires clarification | | | 21689 | 21689 | active | active | | | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
DRUGHIGH | drug level too high | | | 21694 | 21694 | active | active | | | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
HOSPADM | admission to hospital | | | 21684 | 21684 | active | active | | | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
LABINT | lab interference issues | | | 21687 | 21687 | active | active | | | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
NON-AVAIL | patient not-available | | | 21695 | 21695 | active | active | | | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
PREG | parent is pregnant/breast feeding | | | 21692 | 21692 | active | active | | | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
SALG | allergy | | | 21685 | 21685 | active | active | | | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
SDDI | drug interacts with another drug | | | 21690 | 21690 | active | active | | | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
SDUPTHER | duplicate therapy | | | 21688 | 21688 | active | active | | | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
SINTOL | suspected intolerance | | | 21686 | 21686 | active | active | | | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
SURG | patient scheduled for surgery | | | 21696 | 21696 | active | active | | | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
WASHOUT | waiting for old drug to wash out | | | 21693 | 21693 | active | active | | | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | _CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
ALTD | altered decision | | | 22024 | 22024 | active | active | | | _ControlActNullificationReasonCode | _ControlActNullificationReasonCode | |
EIE | entered in error | | | 22023 | 22023 | active | active | | | _ControlActNullificationReasonCode | _ControlActNullificationReasonCode | |
NORECMTCH | no record match | | | 22908 | 22908 | active | active | | | NOMATCH | NOMATCH | |
INRQSTATE | in requested state | | | 23015 | 23015 | active | active | | | _StatusRevisionRefusalReasonCode | _StatusRevisionRefusalReasonCode | |
NOMATCH | no match | | | 22907 | 22907 | active | active | | | _RefusalReasonCode | _RefusalReasonCode | |
NOPERM | no permission | | | 22911 | 22911 | active | active | | | _RefusalReasonCode | _RefusalReasonCode | |
WRNGVER | wrong version | | | 23278 | 23278 | active | active | | | _ControlActNullificationRefusalReasonType | _ControlActNullificationRefusalReasonType | |
_MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | medication order abort reason | | | 21701 | 21701 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ControlActReason | _ControlActReason | |
_MedicationOrderReleaseReasonCode | medication order release reason | | | 21711 | 21711 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ControlActReason | _ControlActReason | |
_ModifyPrescriptionReasonType | ModifyPrescriptionReasonType | | | 23634 | 23634 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ControlActReason | _ControlActReason | |
_PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | | | 22849 | 22849 | active | active | | | _ControlActReason | _ControlActReason | |
_PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode | pharmacy supply event stock reason | | | 21721 | 21721 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ControlActReason | _ControlActReason | |
_PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | pharmacy supply request renewal refusal reason | | | 21727 | 21727 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ControlActReason | _ControlActReason | |
_SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode | supply order abort reason | | | 21736 | 21736 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ControlActReason | _ControlActReason | |
_ControlActReasonConditionNullify | ControlActReasonConditionNullify | | | 21492 | 21492 | retired | retired | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _ControlActReason | _ControlActReason | |
AGE | age eligibility | | | 21565 | 21565 | active | active | | | _CoverageEligibilityReason | _CoverageEligibilityReason | |
CRIME | crime victim | | | 21558 | 21558 | active | active | | | _CoverageEligibilityReason | _CoverageEligibilityReason | |
DIS | disability | | | 21560 | 21560 | active | active | | | _CoverageEligibilityReason | _CoverageEligibilityReason | |
EMPLOY | employment benefit | | | 21556 | 21556 | active | active | | | _CoverageEligibilityReason | _CoverageEligibilityReason | |
FINAN | financial eligibility | | | 21564 | 21564 | active | active | | | _CoverageEligibilityReason | _CoverageEligibilityReason | |
HEALTH | health status | | | 21562 | 21562 | active | active | | | _CoverageEligibilityReason | _CoverageEligibilityReason | |
MULTI | multiple criteria eligibility | | | 21566 | 21566 | active | active | | | _CoverageEligibilityReason | _CoverageEligibilityReason | |
PNC | property and casualty condition | | | 21561 | 21561 | active | active | | | _CoverageEligibilityReason | _CoverageEligibilityReason | |
STATUTORY | statutory eligibility | | | 21563 | 21563 | active | active | | | _CoverageEligibilityReason | _CoverageEligibilityReason | |
VEHIC | motor vehicle accident victim | | | 21559 | 21559 | active | active | | | _CoverageEligibilityReason | _CoverageEligibilityReason | |
WORK | work related | | | 21557 | 21557 | active | active | | | _CoverageEligibilityReason | _CoverageEligibilityReason | |
_ActIneligibilityReason | ActIneligibilityReason | | | 20940 | 20940 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _EligibilityActReasonCode | _EligibilityActReasonCode | |
_CoverageEligibilityReason | CoverageEligibilityReason | | | 21555 | 21555 | active | active | BooleanType[true] | BooleanType[true] | | _EligibilityActReasonCode | _EligibilityActReasonCode | |
CHGDATA | information change | | | 21673 | 21673 | active | active | | | _GenericUpdateReasonCode | _GenericUpdateReasonCode | |
FIXDATA | error correction | | | 21674 | 21674 | active | active | | | _GenericUpdateReasonCode | _GenericUpdateReasonCode | |
MDATA | merge data | | | 23469 | 23469 | active | active | | | _GenericUpdateReasonCode | _GenericUpdateReasonCode | |
NEWDATA | new information | | | 21672 | 21672 | active | active | | | _GenericUpdateReasonCode | _GenericUpdateReasonCode | |
UMDATA | unmerge data | | | 23470 | 23470 | active | active | | | _GenericUpdateReasonCode | _GenericUpdateReasonCode | |
DISCONT | product discontinued | | | 21706 | 21706 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | |
INEFFECT | ineffective | | | 21703 | 21703 | active | active | | | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | |
MONIT | response to monitoring | | | 21702 | 21702 | active | active | | | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | |
NOREQ | no longer required for treatment | | | 21704 | 21704 | active | active | | | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | |
NOTCOVER | not covered | | | 21709 | 21709 | active | active | | | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | |
PREFUS | patient refuse | | | 21710 | 21710 | active | active | | | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | |
RECALL | product recalled | | | 21707 | 21707 | active | active | | | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | |
REPLACE | change in order | | | 23262 | 23262 | active | active | | | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | |
REPLACEFIX | error in order | | | 23263 | 23263 | active | active | | | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | |
UNABLE | unable to use | | | 21708 | 21708 | active | active | | | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | _MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | |
HOLDDONE | suspend reason no longer applies | | | 21713 | 21713 | active | active | | | _MedicationOrderReleaseReasonCode | _MedicationOrderReleaseReasonCode | |
HOLDINAP | suspend reason inappropriate | | | 21712 | 21712 | active | active | | | _MedicationOrderReleaseReasonCode | _MedicationOrderReleaseReasonCode | |
ADMINERROR | administrative error in order | | | 23635 | 23635 | active | active | | | _ModifyPrescriptionReasonType | _ModifyPrescriptionReasonType | |
CLINMOD | clinical modification | | | 23636 | 23636 | active | active | | | _ModifyPrescriptionReasonType | _ModifyPrescriptionReasonType | |
ADMREV | administrative review | | | 22221 | 22221 | active | active | | | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | |
LEGAL | subpoena | | | 21719 | 21719 | active | active | | | OPERAT | OPERAT | |
PATCAR | patient care | | | 21717 | 21717 | active | active | | | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | |
PATREQ | patient request query | | | 21716 | 21716 | active | active | | | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | |
PRCREV | practice review | | | 21720 | 21720 | active | active | | | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | |
REGUL | regulatory review | | | 21991 | 21991 | active | active | | | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | |
RSRCH | research | | | 21718 | 21718 | active | active | | | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | |
VALIDATION | validation review | | | 21992 | 21992 | active | active | | | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | |
CONTRA | contraindication | | | 22855 | 22855 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | _PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | |
FOABORT | order aborted | | | 22852 | 22852 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | _PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | |
FOSUSP | order suspended | | | 22853 | 22853 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | _PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | |
NOPICK | not picked up | | | 22850 | 22850 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | _PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | |
PATDEC | patient changed mind | | | 22851 | 22851 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | _PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | |
QUANTCHG | change supply quantity | | | 22854 | 22854 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | _PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | |
FLRSTCK | floor stock | | | 21722 | 21722 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode | |
LTC | long term care use | | | 21725 | 21725 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode | |
OFFICE | office use | | | 21724 | 21724 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode | |
PHARM | pharmacy transfer | | | 21726 | 21726 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode | |
PROG | program use | | | 21723 | 21723 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode | |
LOCKED | locked | | | 22864 | 22864 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyRequestFulfillerRevisionRefusalReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyRequestFulfillerRevisionRefusalReasonCode | |
NOUSERPERM | no user permission | | | 22865 | 22865 | active | active | | | NOPERM | NOPERM | |
UNKWNTARGET | unknown target | | | 22866 | 22866 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyRequestFulfillerRevisionRefusalReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyRequestFulfillerRevisionRefusalReasonCode | |
ALREADYRX | new prescription exists | | | 21732 | 21732 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | |
FAMPHYS | family physician must authorize further fills | | | 21731 | 21731 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | |
MODIFY | modified prescription exists | | | 21733 | 21733 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | |
NEEDAPMT | patient must make appointment | | | 21728 | 21728 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | |
NOTAVAIL | prescriber not available | | | 21730 | 21730 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | |
NOTPAT | patient no longer in this practice | | | 21729 | 21729 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | |
ONHOLD | medication on hold | | | 21734 | 21734 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | |
PRNA | product not available | | | 22867 | 22867 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | |
STOPMED | prescriber stopped medication for patient | | | 23625 | 23625 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | |
TOOEARLY | too early | | | 21735 | 21735 | active | active | | | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | _PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | |
BLK | Unexpected Block (of Schedule) | | | 14885 | 14885 | active | active | | | _SchedulingActReason | _SchedulingActReason | |
DEC | Patient Deceased | | | 14884 | 14884 | active | active | | | _SchedulingActReason | _SchedulingActReason | |
FIN | No Financial Backing | | | 14882 | 14882 | active | active | | | _SchedulingActReason | _SchedulingActReason | |
MED | Medical Status Altered | | | 14883 | 14883 | active | active | | | _SchedulingActReason | _SchedulingActReason | |
MTG | In an outside meeting | | | 14886 | 14886 | active | active | | | _SchedulingActReason | _SchedulingActReason | |
PHY | Physician request | | | 14881 | 14881 | active | active | | | _SchedulingActReason | _SchedulingActReason | |
FILLED | fully filled | | | 23016 | 23016 | active | active | | | _StatusRevisionRefusalReasonCode | _StatusRevisionRefusalReasonCode | |
PATINELIG | patient not eligible | | | 22858 | 22858 | active | active | | | _SubstanceAdministrationPermissionRefusalReasonCode | _SubstanceAdministrationPermissionRefusalReasonCode | |
PROTUNMET | protocol not met | | | 22857 | 22857 | active | active | | | _SubstanceAdministrationPermissionRefusalReasonCode | _SubstanceAdministrationPermissionRefusalReasonCode | |
PROVUNAUTH | provider not authorized | | | 22859 | 22859 | active | active | | | _SubstanceAdministrationPermissionRefusalReasonCode | _SubstanceAdministrationPermissionRefusalReasonCode | |
ALGINT | allergy intolerance | | | 22259 | 22259 | active | active | | | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | |
COMPCON | compliance concern | | | 22260 | 22260 | active | active | | | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | |
THERCHAR | therapeutic characteristics | | | 21815 | 21815 | active | active | | | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | |
TRIAL | clinical trial drug | | | 22261 | 22261 | active | active | | | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | |
CT | continuing therapy | | | 19989 | 19989 | active | active | | | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason | |
FP | formulary policy | | | 19990 | 19990 | active | active | | | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason | |
OS | out of stock | | | 19987 | 19987 | active | active | | | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason | |
RR | regulatory requirement | | | 19988 | 19988 | active | active | | | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason | _SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason | |
IMPROV | condition improved | | | 21737 | 21737 | active | active | | | _SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode | _SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode | |
INTOL | intolerance | | | 21990 | 21990 | active | active | | | _SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode | _SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode | |
NEWSTR | new strength | | | 21739 | 21739 | active | active | | | _SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode | _SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode | |
NEWTHER | new therapy | | | 21738 | 21738 | active | active | | | _SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode | _SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode | |
ER | Error | | | 15984 | 15984 | active | active | | | _TransferActReason | _TransferActReason | |
RQ | Request | | | 15985 | 15985 | active | active | | | _TransferActReason | _TransferActReason | |
COLDCHNBRK | cold chain break | | | 23239 | 23239 | active | active | | | ADVSTORAGE | ADVSTORAGE | |
CLINTRCHNPC | clinical trial research without patient care | | | 23868 | 23868 | active | active | | | CLINTRCH | CLINTRCH | |
CLINTRCHPC | clinical trial research with patient care | | | 23869 | 23869 | active | active | | | CLINTRCH | CLINTRCH | |
PRECLINTRCH | preclinical trial research | | | 23870 | 23870 | active | active | | | CLINTRCH | CLINTRCH | |
ELIGDTRM | eligibility determination | | | 23420 | 23420 | active | active | | | COVERAGE | COVERAGE | |
ELIGVER | eligibility verification | | | 23457 | 23457 | active | active | | | COVERAGE | COVERAGE | |
ENROLLM | enrollment | | | 23458 | 23458 | active | active | | | COVERAGE | COVERAGE | |
MILDCRG | military discharge | | | 23876 | 23876 | active | active | | | COVERAGE | COVERAGE | |
BTG | break the glass | | | 23924 | 23924 | active | active | | | ETREAT | ETREAT | |
ERTREAT | emergency room treatment | | | 23925 | 23925 | active | active | | | ETREAT | ETREAT | - definition changed from left to right
CAREMGT | care management | | | 22683 | 22683 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
DONAT | donation | | | 23412 | 23412 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
FRAUD | fraud | | | 23413 | 23413 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
GOV | government | | | 23414 | 23414 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
HACCRED | health accreditation | | | 22692 | 22692 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
HCOMPL | health compliance | | | 22689 | 22689 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
HDECD | decedent | | | 23415 | 23415 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
HDIRECT | directory | | | 23416 | 23416 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
HDM | healthcare delivery management | | | 23926 | 23926 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
HLEGAL | legal | | | 22690 | 22690 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
HOUTCOMS | health outcome measure | | | 22688 | 22688 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
HPRGRP | health program reporting | | | 22691 | 22691 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
HQUALIMP | health quality improvement | | | 22687 | 22687 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
HSYSADMIN | health system administration | | | 22695 | 22695 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
MEMADMIN | member administration | | | 22694 | 22694 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
MILCDM | military command | | | 23875 | 23875 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
PATADMIN | patient administration | | | 22693 | 22693 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
PATSFTY | patient safety | | | 22696 | 22696 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
PERFMSR | performance measure | | | 23417 | 23417 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
RECORDMGT | records management | | | 23418 | 23418 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
SYSDEV | system development | | | 23873 | 23873 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
TRAIN | training | | | 23419 | 23419 | active | active | | | HOPERAT | HOPERAT | |
CLMATTCH | claim attachment | | | 23421 | 23421 | active | active | | | HPAYMT | HPAYMT | |
COVAUTH | coverage authorization | | | 23422 | 23422 | active | active | | | HPAYMT | HPAYMT | |
COVERAGE | coverage under policy or program | | | 23456 | 23456 | active | active | | | HPAYMT | HPAYMT | |
REMITADV | remittance advice | | | 23423 | 23423 | active | active | | | HPAYMT | HPAYMT | |
BIORCH | biomedical research | | | 23864 | 23864 | active | active | | | HRESCH | HRESCH | |
CLINTRCH | clinical trial research | | | 23424 | 23424 | active | active | | | HRESCH | HRESCH | |
DSRCH | disease specific healthcare research | | | 23865 | 23865 | active | active | | | HRESCH | HRESCH | |
POARCH | population origins or ancestry healthcare research | | | 23866 | 23866 | active | active | | | HRESCH | HRESCH | |
TRANSRCH | translational healthcare research | | | 23867 | 23867 | active | active | | | HRESCH | HRESCH | |
LABELING | labeling | | | 23871 | 23871 | active | active | | | HSYSADMIN | HSYSADMIN | |
METAMGT | metadata management | | | 23872 | 23872 | active | active | | | HSYSADMIN | HSYSADMIN | |
NOPRODMTCH | no product match | | | 22909 | 22909 | active | active | | | NOMATCH | NOMATCH | |
NOSERMTCH | no service match | | | 22910 | 22910 | active | active | | | NOMATCH | NOMATCH | |
NOVERMTCH | no version match | | | 23279 | 23279 | active | active | | | NOMATCH | NOMATCH | |
NOAGNTPERM | no agent permission | | | 22913 | 22913 | active | active | | | NOPERM | NOPERM | |
NOUSRPERM | no user permission | | | 22912 | 22912 | retired | retired | | | NOPERM | NOPERM | |
ACCRED | accreditation | | | 22704 | 22704 | active | active | | | OPERAT | OPERAT | |
COMPL | compliance | | | 22702 | 22702 | active | active | | | OPERAT | OPERAT | |
ENADMIN | entity administration | | | 22705 | 22705 | active | active | | | OPERAT | OPERAT | |
OUTCOMS | outcome measure | | | 22701 | 22701 | active | active | | | OPERAT | OPERAT | |
PRGRPT | program reporting | | | 22703 | 22703 | active | active | | | OPERAT | OPERAT | |
QUALIMP | quality improvement | | | 22700 | 22700 | active | active | | | OPERAT | OPERAT | |
SYSADMN | system administration | | | 22706 | 22706 | active | active | | | OPERAT | OPERAT | |
FAMRQT | family requested | | | 23426 | 23426 | active | active | | | PATRQT | PATRQT | |
PWATRNY | power of attorney | | | 23427 | 23427 | active | active | | | PATRQT | PATRQT | |
SUPNWK | support network | | | 23428 | 23428 | active | active | | | PATRQT | PATRQT | |
DISASTER | disaster | | | 23410 | 23410 | active | active | | | PUBHLTH | PUBHLTH | |
THREAT | threat | | | 23411 | 23411 | active | active | | | PUBHLTH | PUBHLTH | |
HMARKT | healthcare marketing | | | 22678 | 22678 | active | active | | | PurposeOfUse | PurposeOfUse | |
HOPERAT | healthcare operations | | | 22686 | 22686 | active | active | | | PurposeOfUse | PurposeOfUse | |
HPAYMT | healthcare payment | | | 22685 | 22685 | active | active | | | PurposeOfUse | PurposeOfUse | |
HRESCH | healthcare research | | | 22679 | 22679 | active | active | | | PurposeOfUse | PurposeOfUse | |
PATRQT | patient requested | | | 23425 | 23425 | active | active | | | PurposeOfUse | PurposeOfUse | |
PUBHLTH | public health | | | 23409 | 23409 | active | active | | | PurposeOfUse | PurposeOfUse | |
TREAT | treatment | | | 22680 | 22680 | active | active | | | PurposeOfUse | PurposeOfUse | |
DOSECHG | change in medication/dose | | | 21705 | 21705 | active | active | | | REPLACE | REPLACE | |
HTEST | test health data | | | 23874 | 23874 | active | active | | | SYSDEV | SYSDEV | |
CLINTRL | clinical trial | | | 22684 | 22684 | active | active | | | TREAT | TREAT | |
COC | coordination of care | | | 23927 | 23927 | active | active | | | TREAT | TREAT | - definition changed from left to right
ETREAT | Emergency Treatment | | | 22682 | 22682 | active | active | | | TREAT | TREAT | |
POPHLTH | population health | | | 22681 | 22681 | active | active | | | TREAT | TREAT | |