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CodeSystem: specimenSourceCodes
Official URL :
Version :
as of 2019-12-01
HL7, Inc
Computable Name : SpecimenSourceCodes
Other Identifiers: id: urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.18.28
Copyright/Legal : Copyright HL7. Licensed under creative commons public domain
HL7-defined code system of concepts which specify sources for speciments for clinical testing. These concepts are used in HL7 Version 2.x messaging in the OBR segment prior to version 2.7, and was replaced by the concepts in code system 2.16.840.1.133883.18.311 specimenType and code system 2.16.840.1.133883.18.312 specimenCollectionMethod as of version 2.5 and thereafter.
Underlying Master Code System for V2 table 0070 (Specimen Source Codes)
This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:
This code system defines the following properties for its concepts
Code URI Type Description status code Status of the concept deprecated code Version of HL7 in which the code was deprecated
This code system
defines the following codes:
Code Display Definition deprecated Deutsch (German, de) MN Amniotic Fluid Amniotic Fluid 2.6 Fruchtwasser OTH Other Other 2.6 Diverse TIS Tissue Tissue 2.6 Gewebe ABS Abscess Abscess Abszeß AMN Amniotic fluid Amniotic fluid Fruchtwasser ASP Aspirate Aspirate Aspirationssubstrat BPH Basophils Basophils Basophile ABLD Arterial blood Arterial blood 2.6 Arterielles Blut BIFL Bile fluid Bile fluid BLDA Blood arterial Blood arterial arterielles Blut BBL Blood bag Blood bag Blutkonserve BLDC Blood capillary Blood capillary Kapillarblut BPU Blood product unit Blood product unit BLDV Blood venous Blood venous venöses Blut BON Bone Bone Knochen BRTH Breath (use EXHLD) Breath (use EXHLD) Atemluft BRO Bronchial Bronchial Bronchialwege BRN Burn Burn Brandwunde CALC Calculus (=Stone) Calculus (=Stone) Steinchen, Konkrement CDM Cardiac muscle Cardiac muscle Herzmuskel CNL Cannula Cannula Kanüle CTP Catheter tip Catheter tip Katheterspitze CSF Cerebral spinal fluid Cerebral spinal fluid Cerebralflüssigkeit CVM Cervical mucus Cervical mucus Cervicalschleim CVX Cervix Cervix Zervix COL Colostrum Colostrum Kolostrum, Vormilch CBLD Cord blood Cord blood 2.6 Nabelschnurblut BLDCO Cord blood Cord blood Nabelschnurblut CNJT Conjunctiva Conjunctiva Konjunktiven CUR Curettage Curettage Curettagematerial CYST Cyst Cyst Zyste DIAF Dialysis fluid Dialysis fluid DOSE Dose med or substance Dose med or substance DRN Drain Drain Drainage DUFL Duodenal fluid Duodenal fluid EAR Ear Ear Ohr EARW Ear wax (cerumen) Ear wax (cerumen) ELT Electrode Electrode Elektrode ENDC Endocardium Endocardium Endocard ENDM Endometrium Endometrium Endometrium EOS Eosinophils Eosinophils Eosinophile RBC Erythrocytes Erythrocytes Erythrozyten EYE Eye Eye Auge EXHLD Exhaled gas (=breath) Exhaled gas (=breath) 2.6 EXG Exhaled gas (=breath) Exhaled gas (=breath) FIB Fibroblasts Fibroblasts Fibroblasten FLT Filter Filter Filter FIST Fistula Fistula Fistel FLU Body fluid, unsp Body fluid, unsp Körperflüssigkeit (unspezifiziert) GAS Gas Gas Gas GAST Gastric fluid/contents Gastric fluid/contents Magenflüssigkeit GEN Genital Genital Genitale GENC Genital cervix Genital cervix Genitale - Cervix GENL Genital lochia Genital lochia Wochenfluß / Lochien GENV Genital vaginal Genital vaginal Genitale - Vagina HAR Hair Hair Haare IHG Inhaled Gas Inhaled Gas inhaliertes Gas IT Intubation tube Intubation tube Tubus ISLT Isolate Isolate LAM Lamella Lamella Lamellen WBC Leukocytes Leukocytes Leukozyten LN Line Line Zugang LNA Line arterial Line arterial Arterieller Zugang PER Peritoneum Peritoneum 2.6 Peritoneum LNV Line venous Line venous Venöser Zugang LIQ Liquid NOS Liquid NOS LYM Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphozyten MAC Macrophages Macrophages Makrophagen MAR Marrow Marrow Knochenmark MEC Meconium Meconium Meconium MBLD Menstrual blood Menstrual blood Menstruationsblut MLK Milk Milk Milch MILK Breast milk Breast milk Brustmilch NAIL Nail Nail Nagel NOS Nose (nasal passage) Nose (nasal passage) Nase (Nasenwege) ORH Other Other Andere PAFL Pancreatic fluid Pancreatic fluid PAT Patient Patient Patient PRT Peritoneal fluid /ascites Peritoneal fluid /ascites Peritonealflüssigkeit / Ascites PLC Placenta Placenta Placenta PLAS Plasma Plasma Plasma PLB Plasma bag Plasma bag Plasmabeutel PLR Pleural fluid (thoracentesis fld) Pleural fluid (thoracentesis fld) Pleuraflüssigkeit (nach Thoracocentese) PMN Polymorphonuclear neutrophils Polymorphonuclear neutrophils Polymorphkernige Neutrophile PPP Platelet poor plasma Platelet poor plasma PRP Platelet rich plasma Platelet rich plasma PUS Pus Pus Eiter TISB Tissue bone marrow Tissue bone marrow 2.6 Knochenmarksgewebe RT Route of medicine Route of medicine SAL Saliva Saliva Speichel SEM Seminal fluid Seminal fluid 2.6 Sperma TISL Tissue lung Tissue lung 2.6 Lungengewebe SMN Seminal fluid Seminal fluid SER Serum Serum Serum TISP Tissue peritoneum Tissue peritoneum 2.6 Peritonealgewebe SKN Skin Skin Haut SKM Skeletal muscle Skeletal muscle Skelettmuskel TISC Tissue curettage Tissue curettage 2.6 Kürettagegewebe SPRM Spermatozoa Spermatozoa Spermien SPT Sputum Sputum Sputum SPTC Sputum - coughed Sputum - coughed Sputum - Hustenauswurf SPTT Sputum - tracheal aspirate Sputum - tracheal aspirate Sputum - tracheal aspiriert STON Stone (use CALC) Stone (use CALC) Steine STL Stool = Fecal Stool = Fecal Stuhl SWT Sweat Sweat Schweiß SNV Synovial fluid (Joint fluid) Synovial fluid (Joint fluid) Synovialflüssigkeit TEAR Tears Tears Tränen THRT Throat Throat Rachanbstrich THRB Thrombocyte (platelet) Thrombocyte (platelet) Thrombozyten TISS Tissue Tissue Gewebe TISG Tissue gall bladder Tissue gall bladder Gallenblasengewebe TLGI Tissue large intestine Tissue large intestine TLNG Tissue lung Tissue lung TISPL Tissue placenta Tissue placenta Placentagewebe TSMI Tissue small intestine Tissue small intestine TISU Tissue ulcer Tissue ulcer Ulcusgewebe TUB Tube NOS Tube NOS ULC Ulcer Ulcer Geschwür UMB Umbilical blood Umbilical blood Nabelblut UMED Unknown medicine Unknown medicine unbekannte Medizin URTH Urethra Urethra Urethra UR Urine Urine Urin URC Urine clean catch Urine clean catch Mittelstrahlurin URT Urine catheter Urine catheter Katheterurin URNS Urine sediment Urine sediment USUB Unknown substance Unknown substance VITF Vitreous Fluid Vitreous Fluid VOM Vomitus Vomitus Erbrochenes BLD Whole blood Whole blood Gesamtes Blut BDY Whole body Whole body Gesamter Körper WAT Water Water WICK Wick Wick Zwischengefäß bei Infusoren (?) WND Wound Wound Wundabstrich WNDA Wound abscess Wound abscess Wundabszeß WNDE Wound exudate Wound exudate Wundexsudat WNDD Wound drainage Wound drainage Wunddrainage XXX To be specified in another part of the message To be specified in another part of the message