Code | Display | Comments |
RET | retest | |
SCH | scheduled | |
TRM | termination | |
UNS | unscheduled | |
NPT | non-protocol | |
PPT | per protocol | |
UPT | per definition | |
_ActAccommodationReason | ActAccommodationReason | |
ACCREQNA | Accommodation Requested Not Available | |
FLRCNV | Floor Convenience | |
MEDNEC | Medical Necessity | |
PAT | Patient request | |
_ActCoverageReason | ActCoverageReason | |
_EligibilityActReasonCode | EligibilityActReasonCode | |
_ActIneligibilityReason | ActIneligibilityReason | |
COVSUS | coverage suspended | |
DECSD | deceased | |
REGERR | registered in error | |
_CoverageEligibilityReason | CoverageEligibilityReason | |
AGE | age eligibility | |
CRIME | crime victim | |
DIS | disability | |
EMPLOY | employment benefit | |
FINAN | financial eligibility | |
HEALTH | health status | |
MULTI | multiple criteria eligibility | |
PNC | property and casualty condition | |
STATUTORY | statutory eligibility | |
VEHIC | motor vehicle accident victim | |
WORK | work related | |
_ActCoverageProviderReason | ActCoverageProviderReason | |
_ActCoverageServiceReason | ActCoverageServiceReason | |
_CoverageExclusionReason | CoverageExclusionReason | |
_CoverageFinancialParticipationReason | CoverageFinancialParticipationReason | |
_CoverageLimitationReason | CoverageLimitationReason | |
_ActInformationManagementReason | ActInformationManagementReason | |
_ActHealthInformationManagementReason | ActHealthInformationManagementReason | |
_ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason | |
OVRER | emergency treatment override | |
OVRINCOMP | incompetency override | |
OVRPJ | professional judgment override | |
OVRPS | public safety override | |
OVRTPS | third party safety override | |
PurposeOfUse | purpose of use | |
HMARKT | healthcare marketing | |
HOPERAT | healthcare operations | |
CAREMGT | care management | |
DONAT | donation | |
FRAUD | fraud | |
GOV | government | |
HACCRED | health accreditation | |
HCOMPL | health compliance | |
HDECD | decedent | |
HDIRECT | directory | |
HDM | healthcare delivery management | |
HLEGAL | legal | |
HOUTCOMS | health outcome measure | |
HPRGRP | health program reporting | |
HQUALIMP | health quality improvement | |
HSYSADMIN | health system administration | |
LABELING | labeling | |
METAMGT | metadata management | |
MEMADMIN | member administration | |
MILCDM | military command | |
PATADMIN | patient administration | |
PATSFTY | patient safety | |
PERFMSR | performance measure | |
RECORDMGT | records management | |
SYSDEV | system development | |
HTEST | test health data | |
TRAIN | training | |
HPAYMT | healthcare payment | |
CLMATTCH | claim attachment | |
COVAUTH | coverage authorization | |
COVERAGE | coverage under policy or program | |
ELIGDTRM | eligibility determination | |
ELIGVER | eligibility verification | |
ENROLLM | enrollment | |
MILDCRG | military discharge | |
REMITADV | remittance advice | |
HRESCH | healthcare research | |
BIORCH | biomedical research | |
CLINTRCH | clinical trial research | |
CLINTRCHNPC | clinical trial research without patient care | |
CLINTRCHPC | clinical trial research with patient care | |
PRECLINTRCH | preclinical trial research | |
DSRCH | disease specific healthcare research | |
POARCH | population origins or ancestry healthcare research | |
TRANSRCH | translational healthcare research | |
PATRQT | patient requested | |
FAMRQT | family requested | |
PWATRNY | power of attorney | |
SUPNWK | support network | |
PUBHLTH | public health | |
DISASTER | disaster | |
THREAT | threat | |
TREAT | treatment | |
CLINTRL | clinical trial | |
COC | coordination of care | |
ETREAT | Emergency Treatment | |
BTG | break the glass | |
ERTREAT | emergency room treatment | |
POPHLTH | population health | |
_ActHealthInformationPrivacyReason | ActHealthInformationPrivacyReason | |
_ActInformationPrivacyReason | ActInformationPrivacyReason | |
MARKT | marketing | |
OPERAT | operations | |
LEGAL | subpoena | |
ACCRED | accreditation | |
COMPL | compliance | |
ENADMIN | entity administration | |
OUTCOMS | outcome measure | |
PRGRPT | program reporting | |
QUALIMP | quality improvement | |
SYSADMN | system administration | |
PAYMT | payment | |
RESCH | research | |
SRVC | service | |
_ActInvalidReason | ActInvalidReason | |
ADVSTORAGE | adverse storage condition | |
COLDCHNBRK | cold chain break | |
EXPLOT | expired lot | |
OUTSIDESCHED | administered outside recommended schedule or practice | |
PRODRECALL | product recall | |
_ActInvoiceCancelReason | ActInvoiceCancelReason | |
INCCOVPTY | incorrect covered party as patient | |
INCINVOICE | incorrect billing | |
INCPOLICY | incorrect policy | |
INCPROV | incorrect provider | |
_ActNoImmunizationReason | ActNoImmunizationReason | |
IMMUNE | immunity | |
MEDPREC | medical precaution | |
OSTOCK | product out of stock | |
PATOBJ | patient objection | |
PHILISOP | philosophical objection | |
RELIG | religious objection | |
VACEFF | vaccine efficacy concerns | |
VACSAF | vaccine safety concerns | |
_ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason | |
FRR01 | order stopped | |
FRR02 | stale-dated order | |
FRR03 | incomplete data | |
FRR04 | product unavailable | |
FRR05 | ethical/religious | |
FRR06 | unable to provide care | |
_ClinicalResearchEventReason | ClinicalResearchEventReason | |
_ClinicalResearchObservationReason | ClinicalResearchObservationReason | |
_CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode | |
ALTCHOICE | try another treatment first | |
CLARIF | prescription requires clarification | |
DRUGHIGH | drug level too high | |
HOSPADM | admission to hospital | |
LABINT | lab interference issues | |
NON-AVAIL | patient not-available | |
PREG | parent is pregnant/breast feeding | |
SALG | allergy | |
SDDI | drug interacts with another drug | |
SDUPTHER | duplicate therapy | |
SINTOL | suspected intolerance | |
SURG | patient scheduled for surgery | |
WASHOUT | waiting for old drug to wash out | |
_ControlActNullificationReasonCode | ControlActNullificationReasonCode | |
ALTD | altered decision | |
EIE | entered in error | |
NORECMTCH | no record match | |
_ControlActNullificationRefusalReasonType | ControlActNullificationRefusalReasonType | |
INRQSTATE | in requested state | |
NOMATCH | no match | |
NOPRODMTCH | no product match | |
NOSERMTCH | no service match | |
NOVERMTCH | no version match | |
NOPERM | no permission | |
NOUSERPERM | no user permission | |
NOAGNTPERM | no agent permission | |
NOUSRPERM | no user permission | |
WRNGVER | wrong version | |
_ControlActReason | ControlActReason | |
_MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode | medication order abort reason | |
DISCONT | product discontinued | |
INEFFECT | ineffective | |
MONIT | response to monitoring | |
NOREQ | no longer required for treatment | |
NOTCOVER | not covered | |
PREFUS | patient refuse | |
RECALL | product recalled | |
REPLACE | change in order | |
DOSECHG | change in medication/dose | |
REPLACEFIX | error in order | |
UNABLE | unable to use | |
_MedicationOrderReleaseReasonCode | medication order release reason | |
HOLDDONE | suspend reason no longer applies | |
HOLDINAP | suspend reason inappropriate | |
_ModifyPrescriptionReasonType | ModifyPrescriptionReasonType | |
ADMINERROR | administrative error in order | |
CLINMOD | clinical modification | |
_PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | PharmacySupplyEventAbortReason | |
CONTRA | contraindication | |
FOABORT | order aborted | |
FOSUSP | order suspended | |
NOPICK | not picked up | |
PATDEC | patient changed mind | |
QUANTCHG | change supply quantity | |
_PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode | pharmacy supply event stock reason | |
FLRSTCK | floor stock | |
LTC | long term care use | |
OFFICE | office use | |
PHARM | pharmacy transfer | |
PROG | program use | |
_PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode | pharmacy supply request renewal refusal reason | |
ALREADYRX | new prescription exists | |
FAMPHYS | family physician must authorize further fills | |
MODIFY | modified prescription exists | |
NEEDAPMT | patient must make appointment | |
NOTAVAIL | prescriber not available | |
NOTPAT | patient no longer in this practice | |
ONHOLD | medication on hold | |
PRNA | product not available | |
STOPMED | prescriber stopped medication for patient | |
TOOEARLY | too early | |
_SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode | supply order abort reason | |
IMPROV | condition improved | |
INTOL | intolerance | |
NEWSTR | new strength | |
NEWTHER | new therapy | |
_ControlActReasonConditionNullify | ControlActReasonConditionNullify | |
_GenericUpdateReasonCode | GenericUpdateReasonCode | |
CHGDATA | information change | |
FIXDATA | error correction | |
MDATA | merge data | |
NEWDATA | new information | |
UMDATA | unmerge data | |
_PatientProfileQueryReasonCode | patient profile query reason | |
ADMREV | administrative review | |
PATCAR | patient care | |
PATREQ | patient request query | |
PRCREV | practice review | |
REGUL | regulatory review | |
RSRCH | research | |
VALIDATION | validation review | |
_PharmacySupplyRequestFulfillerRevisionRefusalReasonCode | PharmacySupplyRequestFulfillerRevisionRefusalReasonCode | |
LOCKED | locked | |
UNKWNTARGET | unknown target | |
_RefusalReasonCode | RefusalReasonCode | |
_SchedulingActReason | SchedulingActReason | |
BLK | Unexpected Block (of Schedule) | |
DEC | Patient Deceased | |
FIN | No Financial Backing | |
MED | Medical Status Altered | |
MTG | In an outside meeting | |
PHY | Physician request | |
_StatusRevisionRefusalReasonCode | StatusRevisionRefusalReasonCode | |
FILLED | fully filled | |
_SubstanceAdministrationPermissionRefusalReasonCode | SubstanceAdministrationPermissionRefusalReasonCode | |
PATINELIG | patient not eligible | |
PROTUNMET | protocol not met | |
PROVUNAUTH | provider not authorized | |
_SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason | |
ALGINT | allergy intolerance | |
COMPCON | compliance concern | |
THERCHAR | therapeutic characteristics | |
TRIAL | clinical trial drug | |
_SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason | SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason | |
CT | continuing therapy | |
FP | formulary policy | |
OS | out of stock | |
RR | regulatory requirement | |
_TransferActReason | TransferActReason | |
ER | Error | |
RQ | Request | |
_ActAdjudicationReason | ActAdjudicationReason | |
_ActBillableServiceReason | ActBillableServiceReason | |
_ActBillableClinicalServiceReason | ActBillableClinicalServiceReason | |
_MedicallyNecessaryDuplicateProcedureReason | MedicallyNecessaryDuplicateProcedureReason | |
_ActCoverageLevelRasonCode | ActCoverageLevelRasonCode | |
_ActImmunizationReason | ActImmunizationReason | |
_ConrolActNullificationReasonCode | ConrolActNullificationReasonCode | |
_NonPerformanceReasonCode | NonPerformanceReasonCode | |
_ReasonForNotEvaluatingDevice | ReasonForNotEvaluatingDevice | |
_ReferralReasonCode | ReferralReasonCode | |
BONUS | | |
CHD | Children only | |
DEP | Dependents only | |
ECH | Employee and children | |
EDU | | |
EMP | Employee only | |
ESP | Employee and spouse | |
FAM | Family | |
IND | Individual | |
PROA | | |
RECOV | | |
RETRO | | |
SPC | Spouse and children | |
SPO | Spouse only | |
TRAN | | |