CodeSystem Comparison between vs



        .copyrightCopyright HL7. Licensed under creative commons public domain
            .descriptionCode system of concepts which specify the route of administration. Used in HL7 Version 2.x messaging in the RXR segment.
                      .publisherHL7, Inc
                        .purposeUnderlying Master Code System for V2 table 0162 (Route of Administration)


                                    .APApply ExternallyAA
                                            .ETEndotrachial TubeAAused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia deliveryused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia deliveryused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia deliveryused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia delivery
                                              .GTTGastrostomy TubeAA
                                                .GUGU IrrigantAA
                                                  .IMRImmerse (Soak) Body PartAA
                                                          .ICVIntracervical (uterus)AA
                                                                .IHAIntrahepatic ArteryAA
                                                                                    .MMMucous MembraneAA
                                                                                          .NPNasal ProngsAAused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia deliveryused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia deliveryused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia deliveryused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia delivery
                                                                                            .NTNasotrachial TubeAA
                                                                                                          .RMRebreather MaskAAused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia deliveryused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia deliveryused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia deliveryused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia delivery
                                                                                                            .SDSoaked DressingAA
                                                                                                                    .TRATracheostomyAAused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia deliveryused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia deliveryused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia deliveryused primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia delivery