HL7 Terminology (THO)
5.1.0 - Publication International flag

This page is part of the HL7 Terminology (v5.1.0: Release) based on FHIR R4. The current version which supercedes this version is 5.2.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

: RoleClassActiveMoiety - TTL Representation

Active as of 2014-03-26

Raw ttl | Download

@prefix fhir: <http://hl7.org/fhir/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------

 a fhir:ValueSet;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot;
  fhir:Resource.id [ fhir:value "v3-RoleClassActiveMoiety"]; # 
  fhir:Resource.language [ fhir:value "en"]; # 
  fhir:DomainResource.text [
     fhir:Narrative.status [ fhir:value "generated" ];
     fhir:Narrative.div "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\"><ul><li>Include codes from <a href=\"CodeSystem-v3-RoleClass.html\"><code>http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-RoleClass</code></a> where concept  is-a  <a href=\"CodeSystem-v3-RoleClass.html#v3-RoleClass-ACTM\">ACTM</a></li></ul></div>"
  ]; # 
  fhir:ValueSet.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/ValueSet/v3-RoleClassActiveMoiety"]; # 
  fhir:ValueSet.identifier [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:Identifier.system [ fhir:value "urn:ietf:rfc:3986" ];
     fhir:Identifier.value [ fhir:value "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20109" ]
  ]; # 
  fhir:ValueSet.version [ fhir:value "2.0.0"]; # 
  fhir:ValueSet.name [ fhir:value "RoleClassActiveMoiety"]; # 
  fhir:ValueSet.title [ fhir:value "RoleClassActiveMoiety"]; # 
  fhir:ValueSet.status [ fhir:value "active"]; # 
  fhir:ValueSet.experimental [ fhir:value "false"^^xsd:boolean]; # 
  fhir:ValueSet.date [ fhir:value "2014-03-26"^^xsd:date]; # 
  fhir:ValueSet.description [ fhir:value "The molecule or ion that is responsible for the intended pharmacological action of the drug substance, excluding those appended or associated parts of the molecule that make the molecule an ester, salt (including a salt with hydrogen or coordination bonds), or other noncovalent derivative (such as a complex, chelate, or clathrate).\r\n\r\nExamples: heparin-sodium and heparin-potassium have the same active moiety, heparin; the active moiety of morphine-hydrochloride is morphine."]; # 
  fhir:ValueSet.immutable [ fhir:value "true"^^xsd:boolean]; # 
  fhir:ValueSet.compose [
     fhir:ValueSet.compose.include [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:ValueSet.compose.include.system [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-RoleClass" ];
       fhir:ValueSet.compose.include.filter [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:ValueSet.compose.include.filter.property [ fhir:value "concept" ];
         fhir:ValueSet.compose.include.filter.op [ fhir:value "is-a" ];
         fhir:ValueSet.compose.include.filter.value [ fhir:value "ACTM" ]       ]     ]
  ]. # 

# - ontology header ------------------------------------------------------------

 a owl:Ontology;
  owl:imports fhir:fhir.ttl.