HL7 Terminology (THO)
5.1.0 - Publication International flag

This page is part of the HL7 Terminology (v5.1.0: Release) based on FHIR R4. The current version which supercedes this version is 5.2.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

: ActPriority - TTL Representation

Active as of 2019-03-20

Raw ttl | Download

@prefix fhir: <http://hl7.org/fhir/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------

 a fhir:CodeSystem;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot;
  fhir:Resource.id [ fhir:value "v3-ActPriority"]; # 
  fhir:Resource.language [ fhir:value "en"]; # 
  fhir:DomainResource.text [
     fhir:Narrative.status [ fhir:value "generated" ];
     fhir:Narrative.div "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\"><p><b>Properties</b></p><p><b>This code system  defines the following properties for its concepts</b></p><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td><b>Code</b></td><td><b>URI</b></td><td><b>Type</b></td><td><b>Description</b></td></tr><tr><td>Specializes</td><td/><td>Coding</td><td>The child code is a more narrow version of the concept represented by the parent code.  I.e. Every child concept is also a valid parent concept.  Used to allow determination of subsumption.  Must be transitive, irreflexive, antisymmetric.</td></tr><tr><td>Generalizes</td><td/><td>Coding</td><td>Inverse of Specializes.  Only included as a derived relationship.</td></tr><tr><td>internalId</td><td>http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v3-internal-id</td><td>code</td><td>The internal identifier for the concept in the HL7 Access database repository.</td></tr><tr><td>status</td><td>http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#status</td><td>code</td><td>Designation of a concept's state. Normally is not populated unless the state is retired.</td></tr></table><p><b>Concepts</b></p><p>This code system <code>http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActPriority</code> defines the following codes:</p><table class=\"codes\"><tr><td><b>Lvl</b></td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td><td><b>Definition</b></td><td><b>internalId</b></td><td><b>status</b></td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">A<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-A\"> </a></td><td>ASAP</td><td>As soon as possible, next highest priority after stat.</td><td>16868</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CR<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-CR\"> </a></td><td>callback results</td><td>Filler should contact the placer as soon as results are available, even for preliminary results. (Was &quot;C&quot; in HL7 version 2.3's reporting priority.)</td><td>16876</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CS<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-CS\"> </a></td><td>callback for scheduling</td><td>Filler should contact the placer (or target) to schedule the service. (Was &quot;C&quot; in HL7 version 2.3's TQ-priority component.)</td><td>16871</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">  CSP<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-CSP\"> </a></td><td>callback placer for scheduling</td><td>Filler should contact the placer to schedule the service. (Was &quot;C&quot; in HL7 version 2.3's TQ-priority component.)</td><td>16872</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">  CSR<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-CSR\"> </a></td><td>contact recipient for scheduling</td><td>Filler should contact the service recipient (target) to schedule the service. (Was &quot;C&quot; in HL7 version 2.3's TQ-priority component.)</td><td>16873</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">EL<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-EL\"> </a></td><td>elective</td><td>Beneficial to the patient but not essential for survival.</td><td>12239</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">EM<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-EM\"> </a></td><td>emergency</td><td>An unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action.</td><td>12241</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">P<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-P\"> </a></td><td>preop</td><td>Used to indicate that a service is to be performed prior to a scheduled surgery. When ordering a service and using the pre-op priority, a check is done to see the amount of time that must be allowed for performance of the service. When the order is placed, a message can be generated indicating the time needed for the service so that it is not ordered in conflict with a scheduled operation.</td><td>16870</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PRN<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-PRN\"> </a></td><td>as needed</td><td>An &quot;as needed&quot; order should be accompanied by a description of what constitutes a need. This description is represented by an observation service predicate as a precondition.</td><td>16875</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">R<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-R\"> </a></td><td>routine</td><td>Routine service, do at usual work hours.</td><td>16869</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">RR<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-RR\"> </a></td><td>rush reporting</td><td>A report should be prepared and sent as quickly as possible.</td><td>16877</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">S<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-S\"> </a></td><td>stat</td><td>With highest priority (e.g., emergency).</td><td>16867</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">T<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-T\"> </a></td><td>timing critical</td><td>It is critical to come as close as possible to the requested time (e.g., for a through antimicrobial level).</td><td>16874</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">UD<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-UD\"> </a></td><td>use as directed</td><td>Drug is to be used as directed by the prescriber.</td><td>20843</td><td>active</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">UR<a name=\"v3-ActPriority-UR\"> </a></td><td>urgent</td><td>Calls for prompt action.</td><td>12240</td><td>active</td></tr></table></div>"
  ]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActPriority"]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.identifier [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:Identifier.system [ fhir:value "urn:ietf:rfc:3986" ];
     fhir:Identifier.value [ fhir:value "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.5.7" ]
  ]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.version [ fhir:value "2.1.0"]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.name [ fhir:value "ActPriority"]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.title [ fhir:value "ActPriority"]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.status [ fhir:value "active"]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.experimental [ fhir:value "false"^^xsd:boolean]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.date [ fhir:value "2019-03-20"^^xsd:date]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.publisher [ fhir:value "Health Level 7"]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.contact [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:ContactDetail.name [ fhir:value "Health Level Seven" ]
  ]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.description [ fhir:value "A set of codes (e.g., for routine, emergency), specifying the urgency under which the Act happened, can happen, is happening, is intended to happen, or is requested/demanded to happen."]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.caseSensitive [ fhir:value "true"^^xsd:boolean]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.hierarchyMeaning [ fhir:value "is-a"]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.content [ fhir:value "complete"]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.property [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:Element.extension [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/StructureDefinition/ext-mif-relationship-symmetry" ];
       fhir:Extension.valueCode [ fhir:value "antisymmetric" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/StructureDefinition/ext-mif-relationship-transitivity" ];
       fhir:Extension.valueCode [ fhir:value "transitive" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 2;
       fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/StructureDefinition/ext-mif-relationship-reflexivity" ];
       fhir:Extension.valueCode [ fhir:value "irreflexive" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 3;
       fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/StructureDefinition/ext-mif-relationship-isNavigable" ];
       fhir:Extension.valueBoolean [ fhir:value "true"^^xsd:boolean ]     ], [
       fhir:index 4;
       fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/StructureDefinition/ext-mif-relationship-relationshipKind" ];
       fhir:Extension.valueCode [ fhir:value "Specializes" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 5;
       fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/StructureDefinition/ext-mif-relationship-inverseName" ];
       fhir:Extension.valueString [ fhir:value "Generalizes" ]     ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.code [ fhir:value "Specializes" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.description [ fhir:value "The child code is a more narrow version of the concept represented by the parent code.  I.e. Every child concept is also a valid parent concept.  Used to allow determination of subsumption.  Must be transitive, irreflexive, antisymmetric." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.type [ fhir:value "Coding" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 1;
     fhir:Element.extension [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/StructureDefinition/ext-mif-relationship-symmetry" ];
       fhir:Extension.valueCode [ fhir:value "antisymmetric" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/StructureDefinition/ext-mif-relationship-transitivity" ];
       fhir:Extension.valueCode [ fhir:value "transitive" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 2;
       fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/StructureDefinition/ext-mif-relationship-reflexivity" ];
       fhir:Extension.valueCode [ fhir:value "irreflexive" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 3;
       fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/StructureDefinition/ext-mif-relationship-isNavigable" ];
       fhir:Extension.valueBoolean [ fhir:value "true"^^xsd:boolean ]     ], [
       fhir:index 4;
       fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/StructureDefinition/ext-mif-relationship-relationshipKind" ];
       fhir:Extension.valueCode [ fhir:value "Generalizes" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 5;
       fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/StructureDefinition/ext-mif-relationship-inverseName" ];
       fhir:Extension.valueString [ fhir:value "Specializes" ]     ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.code [ fhir:value "Generalizes" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.description [ fhir:value "Inverse of Specializes.  Only included as a derived relationship." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.type [ fhir:value "Coding" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 2;
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.uri [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v3-internal-id" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.description [ fhir:value "The internal identifier for the concept in the HL7 Access database repository." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.type [ fhir:value "code" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 3;
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.uri [ fhir:value "http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#status" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.description [ fhir:value "Designation of a concept's state. Normally is not populated unless the state is retired." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.property.type [ fhir:value "code" ]
  ]; # 
  fhir:CodeSystem.concept [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "A" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "ASAP" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "As soon as possible, next highest priority after stat." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "16868" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 1;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "CR" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "callback results" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Filler should contact the placer as soon as results are available, even for preliminary results. (Was \"C\" in HL7 version 2.3's reporting priority.)" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "16876" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 2;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "CS" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "callback for scheduling" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Filler should contact the placer (or target) to schedule the service. (Was \"C\" in HL7 version 2.3's TQ-priority component.)" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "16871" ]     ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.concept [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "CSP" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "callback placer for scheduling" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Filler should contact the placer to schedule the service. (Was \"C\" in HL7 version 2.3's TQ-priority component.)" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
         fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]       ], [
         fhir:index 1;
         fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
         fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "16872" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "CSR" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "contact recipient for scheduling" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Filler should contact the service recipient (target) to schedule the service. (Was \"C\" in HL7 version 2.3's TQ-priority component.)" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
         fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]       ], [
         fhir:index 1;
         fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
         fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "16873" ]       ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 3;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "EL" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "elective" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Beneficial to the patient but not essential for survival." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "12239" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 4;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "EM" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "emergency" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "An unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "12241" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 5;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "P" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "preop" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Used to indicate that a service is to be performed prior to a scheduled surgery. When ordering a service and using the pre-op priority, a check is done to see the amount of time that must be allowed for performance of the service. When the order is placed, a message can be generated indicating the time needed for the service so that it is not ordered in conflict with a scheduled operation." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "16870" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 6;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "PRN" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "as needed" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "An \"as needed\" order should be accompanied by a description of what constitutes a need. This description is represented by an observation service predicate as a precondition." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "16875" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 7;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "R" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "routine" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Routine service, do at usual work hours." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "16869" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 8;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "RR" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "rush reporting" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "A report should be prepared and sent as quickly as possible." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "16877" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 9;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "S" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "stat" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "With highest priority (e.g., emergency)." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "16867" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 10;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "T" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "timing critical" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "It is critical to come as close as possible to the requested time (e.g., for a through antimicrobial level)." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "16874" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 11;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "UD" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "use as directed" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Drug is to be used as directed by the prescriber." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "20843" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 12;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "UR" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "urgent" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Calls for prompt action." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "status" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "active" ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.code [ fhir:value "internalId" ];
       fhir:CodeSystem.concept.property.valueCode [ fhir:value "12240" ]     ]
  ]. # 

# - ontology header ------------------------------------------------------------

 a owl:Ontology;
  owl:imports fhir:fhir.ttl.