Name | Value | Comments |
compose.inactive | | |
compose.lockedDate | | |
copyright | | |
date | 2014-03-26 | |
description | **Description:** The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control GIS Spatial Data Accuracy Tiers have been derived from the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy as a means to categorize the accuracy of spatial data assignment utilizing a variety of tools for capturing coordinates including digitizers, geocoding software and global positioning system devices. | |
experimental | | false | |
immutable | | |
jurisdiction | | |
name | SCDHECGISSpatialAccuracyTiers | |
publisher | | |
purpose | | |
status | active | |
title | SCDHEC-GISSpatialAccuracyTiers | |
url | | |
version | 2.0.0 | |