Code | Display | Comments |
338 | Village of Afognak | Native Village of Afognak | - display changed from left to right
339 | Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove | |
340 | Native Village of Akhiok | |
341 | Akiachak Native Community | |
342 | Akiak Native Community | |
343 | Native Village of Akutan | |
344 | Village of Alakanuk | |
345 | Alatna Village | |
346 | Native Village of Aleknagik | |
347 | Algaaciq Native Village (St. Mary's) | |
348 | Allakaket Village | |
349 | Native Village of Ambler | |
350 | Village of Anaktuvuk Pass | |
351 | Yupiit of Andreafski | |
352 | Angoon Community Association | |
353 | Village of Aniak | |
354 | Anvik Village | |
355 | Arctic Village (See Native Village of Venetie Trib | Arctic Village | - display changed from left to right
356 | Asa carsarmiut Tribe (formerly Native Village of M | Asa'carsarmiut Tribe | - display changed from left to right
357 | Native Village of Atka | |
358 | Village of Atmautluak | |
359 | Atqasuk Village (Atkasook) | Native Village of Atqasuk | - display changed from left to right
360 | Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Gover | Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government | - display changed from left to right
361 | Beaver Village | |
362 | Native Village of Belkofski | |
363 | Village of Bill Moore's Slough | |
364 | Birch Creek Tribe | |
365 | Native Village of Brevig Mission | |
366 | Native Village of Buckland | |
367 | Native Village of Cantwell | |
368 | Native Village of Chanega (aka Chenega) | Native Village of Chenega (aka Chanega) | - display changed from left to right
369 | Chalkyitsik Village | |
370 | Village of Chefornak | |
371 | Chevak Native Village | |
372 | Chickaloon Native Village | |
373 | Native Village of Chignik | Chignik Bay Tribal Council | - display changed from left to right
374 | Native Village of Chignik Lagoon | |
375 | Chignik Lake Village | |
376 | Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan) | |
377 | Chilkoot Indian Association (Haines) | |
378 | Chinik Eskimo Community (Golovin) | |
379 | Native Village of Chistochina | Cheesh-Na Tribe | - display changed from left to right
380 | Native Village of Chitina | |
381 | Native Village of Chuathbaluk (Russian Mission, Ku | Native Village of Chuathbaluk (Russian Mission, Kuskokwim) | - display changed from left to right
382 | Chuloonawick Native Village | |
383 | Circle Native Community | |
384 | Village of Clark's Point | Village of Clarks Point | - display changed from left to right
385 | Native Village of Council | |
386 | Craig Community Association | Craig Tribal Association | - display changed from left to right
387 | Village of Crooked Creek | |
388 | Curyung Tribal Council (formerly Native Village of | Curyung Tribal Council | - display changed from left to right
389 | Native Village of Deering | |
390 | Native Village of Diomede (aka Inalik) | |
391 | Village of Dot Lake | |
392 | Douglas Indian Association | |
393 | Native Village of Eagle | |
394 | Native Village of Eek | |
395 | Egegik Village | |
396 | Eklutna Native Village | |
397 | Native Village of Ekuk | |
398 | Ekwok Village | Native Village of Ekwok | - display changed from left to right
399 | Native Village of Elim | |
400 | Emmonak Village | |
401 | Evansville Village (aka Bettles Field) | |
402 | Native Village of Eyak (Cordova) | |
403 | Native Village of False Pass | |
404 | Native Village of Fort Yukon | |
405 | Native Village of Gakona | |
406 | Galena Village (aka Louden Village) | |
407 | Native Village of Gambell | |
408 | Native Village of Georgetown | |
409 | Native Village of Goodnews Bay | |
410 | Organized Village of Grayling (aka Holikachuk) | |
411 | Gulkana Village | Gulkana Village Council | - display changed from left to right
412 | Native Village of Hamilton | |
413 | Healy Lake Village | |
414 | Holy Cross Village | Holy Cross Tribe | - display changed from left to right
415 | Hoonah Indian Association | |
416 | Native Village of Hooper Bay | |
417 | Hughes Village | |
418 | Huslia Village | |
419 | Hydaburg Cooperative Association | |
420 | Igiugig Village | |
421 | Village of Iliamna | |
422 | Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope | |
423 | Iqurmuit Traditional Council (formerly Native Vill | Iqugmiut Traditional Council | - display changed from left to right
424 | Ivanoff Bay Village | Ivanof Bay Tribe | - display changed from left to right
425 | Kaguyak Village | |
426 | Organized Village of Kake | |
427 | Kaktovik Village (aka Barter Island) | |
428 | Village of Kalskag | |
429 | Village of Kaltag | |
430 | Native Village of Kanatak | |
431 | Native Village of Karluk | |
432 | Organized Village of Kasaan | |
433 | Native Village of Kasigluk | Kasigluk Traditional Elders Council | - display changed from left to right
434 | Kenaitze Indian Tribe | |
435 | Ketchikan Indian Corporation | Ketchikan Indian Community | - display changed from left to right
436 | Native Village of Kiana | |
437 | King Island Native Community | |
438 | King Salmon Tribe | |
439 | Native Village of Kipnuk | |
440 | Native Village of Kivalina | |
441 | Klawock Cooperative Association | |
442 | Native Village of Kluti Kaah (aka Copper Center) | |
443 | Knik Tribe | |
444 | Native Village of Kobuk | |
445 | Kokhanok Village | |
446 | Native Village of Kongiganak | |
447 | Village of Kotlik | |
448 | Native Village of Kotzebue | |
449 | Native Village of Koyuk | |
450 | Koyukuk Native Village | |
451 | Organized Village of Kwethluk | |
452 | Native Village of Kwigillingok | |
453 | Native Village of Kwinhagak (aka Quinhagak) | |
454 | Native Village of Larsen Bay | |
455 | Levelock Village | |
456 | Lesnoi Village (aka Woody Island) | Tangirnaq Native Village | - display changed from left to right
457 | Lime Village | |
458 | Village of Lower Kalskag | |
459 | Manley Hot Springs Village | |
460 | Manokotak Village | |
461 | Native Village of Marshall (aka Fortuna Ledge) | |
462 | Native Village of Mary's Igloo | |
463 | McGrath Native Village | |
464 | Native Village of Mekoryuk | |
465 | Mentasta Traditional Council | |
466 | Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Island Reserv | Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Island Reserve | - display changed from left to right
467 | Native Village of Minto | |
468 | Naknek Native Village | |
469 | Native Village of Nanwalek (aka English Bay) | |
470 | Native Village of Napaimute | |
471 | Native Village of Napakiak | |
472 | Native Village of Napaskiak | |
473 | Native Village of Nelson Lagoon | |
474 | Nenana Native Association | |
475 | New Koliganek Village Council (formerly Koliganek | New Koliganek Village Council | - display changed from left to right
476 | New Stuyahok Village | |
477 | Newhalen Village | |
478 | Newtok Village | |
479 | Native Village of Nightmute | |
480 | Nikolai Village | |
481 | Native Village of Nikolski | |
482 | Ninilchik Village | |
483 | Native Village of Noatak | |
484 | Nome Eskimo Community | |
485 | Nondalton Village | |
486 | Noorvik Native Community | |
487 | Northway Village | |
488 | Native Village of Nuiqsut (aka Nooiksut) | |
489 | Nulato Village | |
490 | Nunakauyarmiut Tribe (formerly Native Village of T | Nunakauyarmiut Tribe | - display changed from left to right
491 | Native Village of Nunapitchuk | |
492 | Village of Ohogamiut | |
493 | Village of Old Harbor | Alutiiq Tribe of Old Harbor | - display changed from left to right
494 | Orutsararmuit Native Village (aka Bethel) | Orutsararmiut Traditional Native Council | - display changed from left to right
495 | Oscarville Traditional Village | |
496 | Native Village of Ouzinkie | |
497 | Native Village of Paimiut | |
498 | Pauloff Harbor Village | |
499 | Pedro Bay Village | |
500 | Native Village of Perryville | |
501 | Petersburg Indian Association | |
502 | Native Village of Pilot Point | |
503 | Pilot Station Traditional Village | |
504 | Native Village of Pitka's Point | Pitka's Point Traditional Council | - display changed from left to right
505 | Platinum Traditional Village | |
506 | Native Village of Point Hope | |
507 | Native Village of Point Lay | |
508 | Native Village of Port Graham | |
509 | Native Village of Port Heiden | |
510 | Native Village of Port Lions | |
511 | Portage Creek Village (aka Ohgsenakale) | |
512 | Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & S | Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands (Saint George Island and Saint Paul Island) | - display changed from left to right
513 | Qagan Tayagungin Tribe of Sand Point Village | Qagan Tayagungin Tribe of Sand Point | - display changed from left to right
514 | Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska | |
515 | Rampart Village | |
516 | Village of Red Devil | |
517 | Native Village of Ruby | |
518 | Saint George Island(See Pribilof Islands Aleut Com | Saint George Island | - display changed from left to right
519 | Native Village of Saint Michael | |
520 | Saint Paul Island (See Pribilof Islands Aleut Comm | Saint Paul Island | - display changed from left to right
521 | Village of Salamatoff | Salamatof Tribe | - display changed from left to right
522 | Native Village of Savoonga | |
523 | Organized Village of Saxman | |
524 | Native Village of Scammon Bay | |
525 | Native Village of Selawik | |
526 | Seldovia Village Tribe | |
527 | Shageluk Native Village | |
528 | Native Village of Shaktoolik | |
529 | Native Village of Sheldon's Point | Native Village of Nunam Iqua | - display changed from left to right
530 | Native Village of Shishmaref | |
531 | Shoonaq Tribe of Kodiak | Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak | - display changed from left to right
532 | Native Village of Shungnak | |
533 | Sitka Tribe of Alaska | |
534 | Skagway Village | |
535 | Village of Sleetmute | |
536 | Village of Solomon | |
537 | South Naknek Village | |
538 | Stebbins Community Association | |
539 | Native Village of Stevens | |
540 | Village of Stony River | |
541 | Takotna Village | |
542 | Native Village of Tanacross | |
543 | Native Village of Tanana | |
544 | Native Village of Tatitlek | |
545 | Native Village of Tazlina | |
546 | Telida Village | |
547 | Native Village of Teller | |
548 | Native Village of Tetlin | |
549 | Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tb | Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes | - display changed from left to right
550 | Traditional Village of Togiak | |
551 | Tuluksak Native Community | |
552 | Native Village of Tuntutuliak | |
553 | Native Village of Tununak | |
554 | Twin Hills Village | |
555 | Native Village of Tyonek | |
556 | Ugashik Village | |
557 | Umkumiute Native Village | Umkumiut Native Village | - display changed from left to right
558 | Native Village of Unalakleet | |
559 | Native Village of Unga | |
560 | Village of Venetie (See Native Village of Venetie | Village of Venetie | - display changed from left to right
561 | Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government (Arcti | Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government (Arctic Village and Village of Venetie) | - display changed from left to right
562 | Village of Wainwright | |
563 | Native Village of Wales | |
564 | Native Village of White Mountain | |
565 | Wrangell Cooperative Association | |
566 | Yakutat Tlingit Tribe | |