Code | Display | Comments |
_ActAccountCode | ActAccountCode | |
ACCTRECEIVABLE | account receivable | |
CASH | Cash | |
CC | credit card | |
AE | American Express | |
DN | Diner's Club | |
DV | Discover Card | |
MC | Master Card | |
V | Visa | |
PBILLACCT | patient billing account | |
_CreditCard | CreditCard | |
_ActAdjudicationCode | ActAdjudicationCode | |
_ActAdjudicationGroupCode | ActAdjudicationGroupCode | |
CONT | contract | |
DAY | day | |
LOC | location | |
MONTH | month | |
PERIOD | period | |
PROV | provider | |
WEEK | week | |
YEAR | year | |
AA | adjudicated with adjustments | |
ANF | adjudicated with adjustments and no financial impact | |
AR | adjudicated as refused | |
AS | adjudicated as submitted | |
_ActAdjudicationResultActionCode | ActAdjudicationResultActionCode | |
DISPLAY | Display | |
FORM | Print on Form | |
_ActBillableModifierCode | ActBillableModifierCode | |
CPTM | CPT modifier codes | |
HCPCSA | HCPCS Level II and Carrier-assigned | |
_ActBillingArrangementCode | ActBillingArrangementCode | |
BLK | block funding | |
CAP | capitation funding | |
CONTF | contract funding | |
FINBILL | financial | |
ROST | roster funding | |
SESS | sessional funding | |
FFS | fee for service | |
FFPS | first fill, part fill, partial strength | |
FFCS | first fill complete, partial strength | |
TFS | trial fill partial strength | |
_ActBoundedROICode | ActBoundedROICode | |
ROIFS | fully specified ROI | |
ROIPS | partially specified ROI | |
_ActCareProvisionCode | act care provision | |
_ActCredentialedCareCode | act credentialed care | |
_ActCredentialedCareProvisionPersonCode | act credentialed care provision peron | |
CACC | certified anatomic pathology and clinical pathology care | |
CAIC | certified allergy and immunology care | |
CAMC | certified aerospace medicine care | |
CANC | certified anesthesiology care | |
CAPC | certified anatomic pathology care | |
CBGC | certified clinical biochemical genetics care | |
CCCC | certified clinical cytogenetics care | |
CCGC | certified clinical genetics (M.D.) care | |
CCPC | certified clinical pathology care | |
CCSC | certified colon and rectal surgery care | |
CDEC | certified dermatology care | |
CDRC | certified diagnostic radiology care | |
CEMC | certified emergency medicine care | |
CFPC | certified family practice care | |
CIMC | certified internal medicine care | |
CMGC | certified clinical molecular genetics care | |
CNEC | certified neurology care | |
CNMC | certified nuclear medicine care | |
CNQC | certified neurology with special qualifications in child neurology care | |
CNSC | certified neurological surgery care | |
COGC | certified obstetrics and gynecology care | |
COMC | certified occupational medicine care | |
COPC | certified ophthalmology care | |
COSC | certified orthopaedic surgery care | |
COTC | certified otolaryngology care | |
CPEC | certified pediatrics care | |
CPGC | certified Ph.D. medical genetics care | |
CPHC | certified public health and general preventive medicine care | |
CPRC | certified physical medicine and rehabilitation care | |
CPSC | certified plastic surgery care | |
CPYC | certified psychiatry care | |
CROC | certified radiation oncology care | |
CRPC | certified radiological physics care | |
CSUC | certified surgery care | |
CTSC | certified thoracic surgery care | |
CURC | certified urology care | |
CVSC | certified vascular surgery care | |
LGPC | licensed general physician care | |
_ActCredentialedCareProvisionProgramCode | act credentialed care provision program | |
AALC | accredited assisted living care | |
AAMC | accredited ambulatory care | |
ABHC | accredited behavioral health care | |
ACAC | accredited critical access hospital care | |
ACHC | accredited hospital care | |
AHOC | accredited home care | |
ALTC | accredited long term care | |
AOSC | accredited office-based surgery care | |
CACS | certified acute coronary syndrome care | |
CAMI | certified acute myocardial infarction care | |
CAST | certified asthma care | |
CBAR | certified bariatric surgery care | |
CCAD | certified coronary artery disease care | |
CCAR | certified cardiac care | |
CDEP | certified depression care | |
CDGD | certified digestive/gastrointestinal disorders care | |
CDIA | certified diabetes care | |
CEPI | certified epilepsy care | |
CFEL | certified frail elderly care | |
CHFC | certified heart failure care | |
CHRO | certified high risk obstetrics care | |
CHYP | certified hyperlipidemia care | |
CMIH | certified migraine headache care | |
CMSC | certified multiple sclerosis care | |
COJR | certified orthopedic joint replacement care | |
CONC | certified oncology care | |
COPD | certified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease care | |
CORT | certified organ transplant care | |
CPAD | certified parkinsons disease care | |
CPND | certified pneumonia disease care | |
CPST | certified primary stroke center care | |
CSDM | certified stroke disease management care | |
CSIC | certified sickle cell care | |
CSLD | certified sleep disorders care | |
CSPT | certified spine treatment care | |
CTBU | certified trauma/burn center care | |
CVDC | certified vascular diseases care | |
CWMA | certified wound management care | |
CWOH | certified women's health care | |
_ActEncounterCode | ActEncounterCode | |
AMB | ambulatory | |
EMER | emergency | |
FLD | field | |
HH | home health | |
IMP | inpatient encounter | |
ACUTE | inpatient acute | |
NONAC | inpatient non-acute | |
OBSENC | observation encounter | |
PRENC | pre-admission | |
SS | short stay | |
VR | virtual | |
_ActMedicalServiceCode | ActMedicalServiceCode | |
ALC | Alternative Level of Care | |
CARD | Cardiology | |
CHR | Chronic | |
DNTL | Dental | |
DRGRHB | Drug Rehab | |
GENRL | General | |
MED | Medical | |
OBS | Obstetrics | |
ONC | Oncology | |
PALL | Palliative | |
PED | Pediatrics | |
PHAR | Pharmaceutical | |
PHYRHB | Physical Rehab | |
PSYCH | Psychiatric | |
SURG | Surgical | |
_ActClaimAttachmentCategoryCode | ActClaimAttachmentCategoryCode | |
AUTOATTCH | auto attachment | |
DOCUMENT | document | |
HEALTHREC | health record | |
IMG | image attachment | |
LABRESULTS | lab results | |
MODEL | model | |
WIATTCH | work injury report attachment | |
XRAY | x-ray | |
_ActConsentType | ActConsentType | |
ICOL | information collection | |
IDSCL | information disclosure | |
INFA | information access | |
INFAO | access only | |
INFASO | access and save only | |
IRDSCL | information redisclosure | |
RESEARCH | research information access | |
RSDID | de-identified information access | |
RSREID | re-identifiable information access | |
_ActContainerRegistrationCode | ActContainerRegistrationCode | |
ID | Identified | |
IP | In Position | |
L | Left Equipment | |
M | Missing | |
O | In Process | |
R | Process Completed | |
X | Container Unavailable | |
_ActControlVariable | ActControlVariable | |
AUTO | auto-repeat permission | |
ENDC | endogenous content | |
REFLEX | reflex permission | |
_ECGControlVariable | ECGControlVariable | |
_ActCoverageConfirmationCode | ActCoverageConfirmationCode | |
_ActCoverageAuthorizationConfirmationCode | ActCoverageAuthorizationConfirmationCode | |
AUTH | Authorized | |
NAUTH | Not Authorized | |
_ActCoverageEligibilityConfirmationCode | ActCoverageEligibilityConfirmationCode | |
ELG | Eligible | |
NELG | Not Eligible | |
_ActCoverageLimitCode | ActCoverageLimitCode | |
_ActCoverageQuantityLimitCode | ActCoverageQuantityLimitCode | |
COVPRD | coverage period | |
LFEMX | life time maximum | |
NETAMT | Net Amount | |
PRDMX | period maximum | |
UNITPRICE | Unit Price | |
UNITQTY | Unit Quantity | |
COVMX | coverage maximum | |
_ActCoveredPartyLimitCode | ActCoveredPartyLimitCode | |
_ActCoveragePartyLimitGroupCode | ActCoveragePartyLimitGroupCode | |
_ActCoverageTypeCode | ActCoverageTypeCode | |
_ActInsurancePolicyCode | ActInsurancePolicyCode | |
EHCPOL | extended healthcare | |
HSAPOL | health spending account | |
AUTOPOL | automobile | |
COL | collision coverage policy | |
UNINSMOT | uninsured motorist policy | |
PUBLICPOL | public healthcare | |
DENTPRG | dental program | |
DISEASEPRG | public health program | |
CANPRG | women's cancer detection program | |
ENDRENAL | end renal program | |
HIVAIDS | HIV-AIDS program | |
MANDPOL | mandatory health program | |
MENTPRG | mental health program | |
SAFNET | safety net clinic program | |
SUBPRG | substance use program | |
SUBSIDIZ | subsidized health program | |
SUBSIDMC | subsidized managed care program | |
SUBSUPP | subsidized supplemental health program | |
WCBPOL | worker's compensation | |
_ActInsuranceTypeCode | ActInsuranceTypeCode | |
_ActHealthInsuranceTypeCode | ActHealthInsuranceTypeCode | |
DENTAL | dental care policy | |
DISEASE | disease specific policy | |
DRUGPOL | drug policy | |
HIP | health insurance plan policy | |
LTC | long term care policy | |
MCPOL | managed care policy | |
POS | point of service policy | |
HMO | health maintenance organization policy | |
PPO | preferred provider organization policy | |
MENTPOL | mental health policy | |
SUBPOL | substance use policy | |
VISPOL | vision care policy | |
DIS | disability insurance policy | |
EWB | employee welfare benefit plan policy | |
FLEXP | flexible benefit plan policy | |
LIFE | life insurance policy | |
ANNU | annuity policy | |
TLIFE | term life insurance policy | |
ULIFE | universal life insurance policy | |
PNC | property and casualty insurance policy | |
REI | reinsurance policy | |
SURPL | surplus line insurance policy | |
UMBRL | umbrella liability insurance policy | |
_ActProgramTypeCode | ActProgramTypeCode | |
CHAR | charity program | |
CRIME | crime victim program | |
EAP | employee assistance program | |
GOVEMP | government employee health program | |
HIRISK | high risk pool program | |
IND | indigenous peoples health program | |
MILITARY | military health program | |
RETIRE | retiree health program | |
SOCIAL | social service program | |
VET | veteran health program | |
_ActDetectedIssueManagementCode | ActDetectedIssueManagementCode | |
_ActAdministrativeDetectedIssueManagementCode | ActAdministrativeDetectedIssueManagementCode | |
_AuthorizationIssueManagementCode | Authorization Issue Management Code | |
EMAUTH | emergency authorization override | |
21 | authorization confirmed | |
1 | Therapy Appropriate | |
19 | Consulted Supplier | |
2 | Assessed Patient | |
22 | appropriate indication or diagnosis | |
23 | prior therapy documented | |
3 | Patient Explanation | |
4 | Consulted Other Source | |
5 | Consulted Prescriber | |
6 | Prescriber Declined Change | |
7 | Interacting Therapy No Longer Active/Planned | |
14 | Supply Appropriate | |
15 | Replacement | |
16 | Vacation Supply | |
17 | Weekend Supply | |
18 | Leave of Absence | |
20 | additional quantity on separate dispense | |
8 | Other Action Taken | |
10 | Provided Patient Education | |
11 | Added Concurrent Therapy | |
12 | Temporarily Suspended Concurrent Therapy | |
13 | Stopped Concurrent Therapy | |
9 | Instituted Ongoing Monitoring Program | |
_ActFinancialDetectedIssueManagementCode | ActFinancialDetectedIssueManagementCode | |
_ActExposureCode | ActExposureCode | |
CHLDCARE | Day care - Child care Interaction | |
CONVEYNC | Common Conveyance Interaction | |
HLTHCARE | Health Care Interaction - Not Patient Care | |
HOMECARE | Care Giver Interaction | |
HOSPPTNT | Hospital Patient Interaction | |
HOSPVSTR | Hospital Visitor Interaction | |
HOUSEHLD | Household Interaction | |
INMATE | Inmate Interaction | |
INTIMATE | Intimate Interaction | |
LTRMCARE | Long Term Care Facility Interaction | |
PLACE | Common Space Interaction | |
PTNTCARE | Health Care Interaction - Patient Care | |
SCHOOL2 | School Interaction | |
SOCIAL2 | Social/Extended Family Interaction | |
SUBSTNCE | Common Substance Interaction | |
TRAVINT | Common Travel Interaction | |
WORK2 | Work Interaction | |
_ActFinancialTransactionCode | ActFinancialTransactionCode | |
CHRG | Standard Charge | |
REV | Standard Charge Reversal | |
_ActIncidentCode | ActIncidentCode | |
MVA | Motor vehicle accident | |
SCHOOL | School Accident | |
SPT | Sporting Accident | |
WPA | Workplace accident | |
_ActPatientSafetyIncidentCode | ActPatientSafetyIncidentCode | |
_ActInformationAccessCode | ActInformationAccessCode | |
ACADR | adverse drug reaction access | |
ACALL | all access | |
ACALLG | allergy access | |
ACCONS | informational consent access | |
ACDEMO | demographics access | |
ACDI | diagnostic imaging access | |
ACIMMUN | immunization access | |
ACLAB | lab test result access | |
ACMED | medication access | |
ACMEDC | medical condition access | |
ACMEN | mental health access | |
ACOBS | common observations access | |
ACPOLPRG | policy or program information access | |
ACPROV | provider information access | |
ACPSERV | professional service access | |
ACSUBSTAB | substance abuse access | |
_ActInformationAccessContextCode | ActInformationAccessContextCode | |
INFAUT | authorized information transfer | |
INFCON | after explicit consent | |
INFCRT | only on court order | |
INFDNG | only if danger to others | |
INFEMER | only in an emergency | |
INFPWR | only if public welfare risk | |
INFREG | regulatory information transfer | |
_ActInformationCategoryCode | ActInformationCategoryCode | |
ALLCAT | all categories | |
ALLGCAT | allergy category | |
ARCAT | adverse drug reaction category | |
COBSCAT | common observation category | |
DEMOCAT | demographics category | |
DICAT | diagnostic image category | |
IMMUCAT | immunization category | |
LABCAT | lab test category | |
MEDCCAT | medical condition category | |
MENCAT | mental health category | |
PSVCCAT | professional service category | |
RXCAT | medication category | |
_ActInvoiceElementCode | ActInvoiceElementCode | |
_ActInvoiceAdjudicationPaymentCode | ActInvoiceAdjudicationPaymentCode | |
_ActInvoiceAdjudicationPaymentGroupCode | ActInvoiceAdjudicationPaymentGroupCode | |
ALEC | alternate electronic | |
BONUS | bonus | |
CFWD | carry forward adjusment | |
EDU | education fees | |
EPYMT | early payment fee | |
GARN | garnishee | |
INVOICE | submitted invoice | |
PINV | paper invoice | |
PPRD | prior period adjustment | |
PROA | professional association deduction | |
RECOV | recovery | |
RETRO | retro adjustment | |
TRAN | transaction fee | |
_ActInvoicePaymentCode | ActInvoiceAdjudicationPaymentGroupCode | |
_ActInvoiceAdjudicationPaymentSummaryCode | ActInvoiceAdjudicationPaymentSummaryCode | |
INVTYPE | invoice type | |
PAYEE | payee | |
PAYOR | payor | |
SENDAPP | sending application | |
_ActInvoiceDetailCode | ActInvoiceDetailCode | |
_ActInvoiceDetailClinicalProductCode | ActInvoiceDetailClinicalProductCode | |
UNSPSC | United Nations Standard Products and Services Classification | |
_ActInvoiceDetailDrugProductCode | ActInvoiceDetailDrugProductCode | |
GTIN | Global Trade Item Number | |
UPC | Universal Product Code | |
_ActInvoiceDetailGenericCode | ActInvoiceDetailGenericCode | |
_ActInvoiceDetailGenericAdjudicatorCode | ActInvoiceDetailGenericAdjudicatorCode | |
COIN | coinsurance | |
COPAYMENT | patient co-pay | |
DEDUCTIBLE | deductible | |
PAY | payment | |
SPEND | spend down | |
COINS | co-insurance | |
_ActInvoiceDetailGenericModifierCode | ActInvoiceDetailGenericModifierCode | |
AFTHRS | non-normal hours | |
ISOL | isolation allowance | |
OOO | out of office | |
_ActInvoiceDetailGenericProviderCode | ActInvoiceDetailGenericProviderCode | |
CANCAPT | cancelled appointment | |
DSC | discount | |
ESA | extraordinary service assessment | |
FFSTOP | fee for service top off | |
FNLFEE | final fee | |
FRSTFEE | first fee | |
MARKUP | markup or up-charge | |
MISSAPT | missed appointment | |
PERFEE | periodic fee | |
PERMBNS | performance bonus | |
RESTOCK | restocking fee | |
TRAVEL | travel | |
URGENT | urgent | |
_ActInvoiceDetailTaxCode | ActInvoiceDetailTaxCode | |
FST | federal sales tax | |
HST | harmonized sales Tax | |
PST | provincial/state sales tax | |
_ActInvoiceDetailPreferredAccommodationCode | ActInvoiceDetailPreferredAccommodationCode | |
_ActEncounterAccommodationCode | ActEncounterAccommodationCode | |
_HL7AccommodationCode | HL7AccommodationCode | |
I | Isolation | |
P | Private | |
S | Suite | |
SP | Semi-private | |
W | Ward | |
_HCPCSAccommodationCode | HCPCSAccommodationCode | |
_ActInvoiceDetailClinicalServiceCode | ActInvoiceDetailClinicalServiceCode | |
_CPT5 | CPT5 | |
_ICD10PCS | ICD10PCS | |
_ActInvoiceDetailOralHealthProcedureCode | ActInvoiceDetailOralHealthProcedureCode | |
_ActInvoiceGroupCode | ActInvoiceGroupCode | |
_ActInvoiceInterGroupCode | ActInvoiceInterGroupCode | |
CPNDDRGING | compound drug invoice group | |
CPNDINDING | compound ingredient invoice group | |
CPNDSUPING | compound supply invoice group | |
DRUGING | drug invoice group | |
FRAMEING | frame invoice group | |
LENSING | lens invoice group | |
PRDING | product invoice group | |
_ActInvoiceRootGroupCode | ActInvoiceRootGroupCode | |
CPINV | clinical product invoice | |
CP | clinical product invoice | |
CSINV | clinical service invoice | |
CS | clinical service invoice | |
CSPINV | clinical service and product | |
FININV | financial invoice | |
OHSINV | oral health service | |
PAINV | preferred accommodation invoice | |
PA | preferred accommodation invoice | |
RXCINV | Rx compound invoice | |
RXC | Rx compound invoice | |
RXDINV | Rx dispense invoice | |
RXD | Rx dispense invoice | |
SBFINV | sessional or block fee invoice | |
VRXINV | vision dispense invoice | |
_ActInvoiceElementSummaryCode | ActInvoiceElementSummaryCode | |
_InvoiceElementAdjudicated | InvoiceElementAdjudicated | |
ADNFPPELAT | adjud. nullified prior-period electronic amount | |
ADCNPPELAT | adjud. nullified prior-period electronic amount | |
ADNFPPELCT | adjud. nullified prior-period electronic count | |
ADCNPPELCT | adjud. nullified prior-period electronic count | |
ADNFPPMNAT | adjud. nullified prior-period manual amount | |
ADCNPPMNAT | adjud. nullified prior-period manual amount | |
ADNFPPMNCT | adjud. nullified prior-period manual count | |
ADCNPPMNCT | adjud. nullified prior-period manual count | |
ADNFSPELAT | adjud. nullified same-period electronic amount | |
ADCNSPELAT | adjud. nullified same-period electronic amount | |
ADNFSPELCT | adjud. nullified same-period electronic count | |
ADCNSPELCT | adjud. nullified same-period electronic count | |
ADNFSPMNAT | adjud. nullified same-period manual amount | |
ADCNSPMNAT | adjud. nullified same-period manual amount | |
ADNFSPMNCT | adjud. nullified same-period manual count | |
ADCNSPMNCT | adjud. nullified same-period manual count | |
ADNPPPELAT | adjud. non-payee payable prior-period electronic amount | |
ADNPPPELCT | adjud. non-payee payable prior-period electronic count | |
ADNPPPMNAT | adjud. non-payee payable prior-period manual amount | |
ADNPPPMNCT | adjud. non-payee payable prior-period manual count | |
ADNPSPELAT | adjud. non-payee payable same-period electronic amount | |
ADNPSPELCT | adjud. non-payee payable same-period electronic count | |
ADNPSPMNAT | adjud. non-payee payable same-period manual amount | |
ADNPSPMNCT | adjud. non-payee payable same-period manual count | |
ADPPPPELAT | adjud. payee payable prior-period electronic amount | |
ADPPPPELCT | adjud. payee payable prior-period electronic count | |
ADPPPPMNAT | adjud. payee payable prior-period manual amout | |
ADPPPPMNCT | adjud. payee payable prior-period manual count | |
ADPPSPELAT | adjud. payee payable same-period electronic amount | |
ADPPSPELCT | adjud. payee payable same-period electronic count | |
ADPPSPMNAT | adjud. payee payable same-period manual amount | |
ADPPSPMNCT | adjud. payee payable same-period manual count | |
ADRFPPELAT | adjud. refused prior-period electronic amount | |
ADRFPPELCT | adjud. refused prior-period electronic count | |
ADRFPPMNAT | adjud. refused prior-period manual amount | |
ADRFPPMNCT | adjud. refused prior-period manual count | |
ADRFSPELAT | adjud. refused same-period electronic amount | |
ADRFSPELCT | adjud. refused same-period electronic count | |
ADRFSPMNAT | adjud. refused same-period manual amount | |
ADRFSPMNCT | adjud. refused same-period manual count | |
_InvoiceElementPaid | InvoiceElementPaid | |
PDNFPPELAT | paid nullified prior-period electronic amount | |
PDCNPPELAT | paid nullified prior-period electronic amount | |
PDNFPPELCT | paid nullified prior-period electronic count | |
PDCNPPELCT | paid nullified prior-period electronic count | |
PDNFPPMNAT | paid nullified prior-period manual amount | |
PDCNPPMNAT | paid nullified prior-period manual amount | |
PDNFPPMNCT | paid nullified prior-period manual count | |
PDCNPPMNCT | paid nullified prior-period manual count | |
PDNFSPELAT | paid nullified same-period electronic amount | |
PDCNSPELAT | paid nullified same-period electronic amount | |
PDNFSPELCT | paid nullified same-period electronic count | |
PDCNSPELCT | paid nullified same-period electronic count | |
PDNFSPMNAT | paid nullified same-period manual amount | |
PDCNSPMNAT | paid nullified same-period manual amount | |
PDNFSPMNCT | paid nullified same-period manual count | |
PDCNSPMNCT | paid nullified same-period manual count | |
PDNPPPELAT | paid non-payee payable prior-period electronic amount | |
PDNPPPELCT | paid non-payee payable prior-period electronic count | |
PDNPPPMNAT | paid non-payee payable prior-period manual amount | |
PDNPPPMNCT | paid non-payee payable prior-period manual count | |
PDNPSPELAT | paid non-payee payable same-period electronic amount | |
PDNPSPELCT | paid non-payee payable same-period electronic count | |
PDNPSPMNAT | paid non-payee payable same-period manual amount | |
PDNPSPMNCT | paid non-payee payable same-period manual count | |
PDPPPPELAT | paid payee payable prior-period electronic amount | |
PDPPPPELCT | paid payee payable prior-period electronic count | |
PDPPPPMNAT | paid payee payable prior-period manual amount | |
PDPPPPMNCT | paid payee payable prior-period manual count | |
PDPPSPELAT | paid payee payable same-period electronic amount | |
PDPPSPELCT | paid payee payable same-period electronic count | |
PDPPSPMNAT | paid payee payable same-period manual amount | |
PDPPSPMNCT | paid payee payable same-period manual count | |
_InvoiceElementSubmitted | InvoiceElementSubmitted | |
SBBLELAT | submitted billed electronic amount | |
SBBLAT | submitted billed electronic amount | |
SBBLELCT | submitted billed electronic count | |
SBBLCT | submitted billed electronic count | |
SBNFELAT | submitted nullified electronic amount | |
SBCNAT | submitted nullified electronic amount | |
SBNFELCT | submitted cancelled electronic count | |
SBCNCT | submitted cancelled electronic count | |
SBPDELAT | submitted pending electronic amount | |
SBPDAT | submitted pending electronic amount | |
SBPDELCT | submitted pending electronic count | |
SBPDCT | submitted pending electronic count | |
_ActInvoiceOverrideCode | ActInvoiceOverrideCode | |
COVGE | coverage problem | |
EFORM | electronic form to follow | |
FAX | fax to follow | |
GFTH | good faith indicator | |
LATE | late invoice | |
MANUAL | manual review | |
OOJ | out of jurisdiction | |
ORTHO | orthodontic service | |
PAPER | paper documentation to follow | |
PIE | public insurance exhausted | |
PYRDELAY | delayed by a previous payor | |
REFNR | referral not required | |
REPSERV | repeated service | |
UNRELAT | unrelated service | |
VERBAUTH | verbal authorization | |
_ActListCode | ActListCode | |
_ActObservationList | ActObservationList | |
CARELIST | care plan | |
CONDLIST | condition list | |
INTOLIST | intolerance list | |
PROBLIST | problem list | |
RISKLIST | risk factors | |
GOALLIST | goal list | |
_ActTherapyDurationWorkingListCode | ActTherapyDurationWorkingListCode | |
_ActMedicationTherapyDurationWorkingListCode | act medication therapy duration working list | |
ACU | short term/acute | |
CHRON | continuous/chronic | |
ONET | one time | |
PRN | as needed | |
MEDLIST | medication list | |
CURMEDLIST | current medication list | |
DISCMEDLIST | discharge medication list | |
HISTMEDLIST | medication history | |
_ActProcedureCategoryList | ActProcedureCategoryList | |
_ActMonitoringProtocolCode | ActMonitoringProtocolCode | |
CTLSUB | Controlled Substance | |
_DEADrugSchedule | DEADrugSchedule | |
INV | investigational | |
LU | limited use | |
OTC | non prescription medicine | |
RX | prescription only medicine | |
SA | special authorization | |
SAC | special access | |
_ActNonObservationIndicationCode | ActNonObservationIndicationCode | |
IND01 | imaging study requiring contrast | |
IND02 | colonoscopy prep | |
IND03 | prophylaxis | |
IND04 | surgical prophylaxis | |
IND05 | pregnancy prophylaxis | |
_ActObservationVerificationType | act observation verification | |
VFPAPER | verify paper | |
VRFPAPER | verify paper | |
_ActPaymentCode | ActPaymentCode | |
ACH | Automated Clearing House | |
CHK | Cheque | |
DDP | Direct Deposit | |
NON | Non-Payment Data | |
_ActPharmacySupplyType | ActPharmacySupplyType | |
DF | Daily Fill | |
EM | Emergency Supply | |
SO | Script Owing | |
FF | First Fill | |
FFC | First Fill - Complete | |
FFP | First Fill - Part Fill | |
FFSS | first fill, partial strength | |
TF | Trial Fill | |
FS | Floor stock | |
MS | Manufacturer Sample | |
RF | Refill | |
UD | Unit Dose | |
RFC | Refill - Complete | |
RFCS | refill complete partial strength | |
RFF | Refill (First fill this facility) | |
RFFS | refill partial strength (first fill this facility) | |
RFP | Refill - Part Fill | |
RFPS | refill part fill partial strength | |
RFS | refill partial strength | |
TB | Trial Balance | |
TBS | trial balance partial strength | |
UDE | unit dose equivalent | |
_ActPolicyType | ActPolicyType | |
_ActConsent | _ActConsent | |
_ActDecision | _ActDecision | |
GRANTORCHOICE | grantor choice | |
IMPLIED | implied consent | |
IMPLIEDD | implied consent with opportunity to dissent | |
NOCONSENT | no consent | |
OPTIN | opt-in | |
OPTINR | opt-in with restrictions | |
OPTOUT | op-out | |
OPTOUTE | opt-out with exceptions | |
_ActPrivacyConsentDirective | _ActPrivacyConsentDirective | |
_ActGDPRConsentDirective | _ActGDPRConsentDirective | |
GDPRCD | GDPR Consent Directive | |
GDPRResearchCD | GDPR Research Consent Directive | |
_ActGenericConsentDirective | _ActGenericConsentDirective | |
OIC | opt-in to personal information or effect collection in a registry or repository | |
OIS | opt-in to personal information or effect sharing via a registry or repository | |
OOC | opt-out of personal information or effect collection in a registry or repository | |
OOS | opt-out of personal information or effect sharing via a registry or repository | |
_ActUSPrivacyConsentDirective | _ActUSPrivacyConsentDirective | |
42CFRPart2CD | 42 CFR Part 2 consent directive | |
CompoundResearchCD | Compound HIPAA Research Authorization and Informed Consent for Research | |
HIPAAAuthCD | HIPAA Authorization Consent Directive | |
HIPAAConsentCD | HIPAA Consent Directive | |
HIPAAResearchAuthCD | HIPAA Authorization for Disclosure for Research Consent Directive | |
HIPAAROAD | HIPAA Right of Access Directive | |
MDHHS-5515 | Michigan Consent to Share Behavioral Health Information for Care Coordination Purposes | |
MDHHS-5515MMHC | Michigan Consent to Share Behavioral Health Information for Care Coordination Purposes-Michigan Mental Health Code | |
MDHHS-5515Part2 | Michigan Consent to Share Behavioral Health Information for Care Coordination Purposes-US 42 CFR Part 2 | |
USResearchInformedAssent | Informed Assent for Research | |
USResearchInformedConsent | Informed Consent for Research | |
USBroadResearchConsent | Broad Consent for Research | |
_ActInformationActionPolicy | _ActInformationActionPolicy | |
INFOACCESS | access information | |
INFOCOLLECT | collect information | |
INFODEIDENTIFIY | deidentify information | |
INFODISCLOSE | disclose information | |
INFOMASK | mask information | |
INFOREADONLY | read only information | |
INFOREDACT | redact information | |
INFOREDISCLOSE | redisclose information | |
INFOREIDENTIFY | reidentify information | |
INFOUSE | use information | |
_ActInformationPolicy | _ActInformationPolicy | |
JurisIP | jurisdictional information policy | |
JurisCUI | jurisdictional controlled unclassified information policy | |
JurisDEID | jurisdictional de-identified information policy | |
JurisLDS | jurisdictional limited data set | |
JurisNSI | jurisdictional non-sensitive information policy | |
JurisPI | jurisdictional public information policy | |
JurisSP-CUI | jurisdictional specified controlled unclassified information policy | |
JurisUUI | jurisdictional uncontrolled unclassified information policy | |
OrgIP | organizational information policy | |
OrgCUI | organizational basic controlled unclassified information policy | |
OrgDEID | organizational de-identified informati)on policy | |
OrgLDS | organizational limited data set information policy | |
OrgNSI | organizational non-sensitive information policy | |
OrgPI | organizational public information policy | |
OrgSP-CUI | organizational specified controlled unclassified information policy | |
OrgUUI | organizational uncontrolled unclassified information policy | |
PersIP | personal information policy | |
PersDEID | personal de-identified information policy | |
PersLDS | personal limited data set information policy | |
PersNSI | personal non-sensitive information policy | |
PersPI | personal public information policy | |
_ActPrivacyPolicy | ActPrivacyPolicy | |
_ActConsentDirective | ActConsentDirective | |
EMRGONLY | emergency only | |
NOPP | notice of privacy practices | |
_ActPrivacyLaw | ActPrivacyLaw | |
_ActGDPRPrivacyLaw | General Data Protection Regulation | |
_ActUSPrivacyLaw | _ActUSPrivacyLaw | |
42CFRPart2 | 42 CFR Part2 | |
CommonRule | Common Rule | |
HIPAAAuth | HIPAA Authorization for Disclosure | |
HIPAAConsent | HIPAA Consent | |
HIPAANOPP | HIPAA notice of privacy practices | |
HIPAAPsyNotes | HIPAA psychotherapy notes | |
HIPAAROA | HIPAA Right of Access | |
HIPAASelfPay | HIPAA self-pay | |
Title38Section7332 | Title 38 Section 7332 | |
a) HIPAAConsent | HIPAA Consent | |
_InformationSensitivityPolicy | InformationSensitivityPolicy | |
_ActInformationSensitivityPolicy | ActInformationSensitivityPolicy | |
ETH | substance abuse information sensitivity | |
GDIS | genetic disease information sensitivity | |
HIV | HIV/AIDS information sensitivity | |
MST | military sexual trauma information sensitivity | |
PREGNANT | pregnancy information sensitivity | |
SCA | sickle cell anemia information sensitivity | |
SDV | sexual assault, abuse, or domestic violence information sensitivity | |
SEX | sexuality and reproductive health information sensitivity | |
SPI | specially protected information sensitivity | |
BH | behavioral health information sensitivity | |
COGN | cognitive disability information sensitivity | |
DVD | developmental disability information sensitivity | |
EMOTDIS | emotional disturbance information sensitivity | |
MH | mental health information sensitivity | |
PSY | psychiatry disorder information sensitivity | |
PSYTHPN | psychotherapy note information sensitivity | |
SUD | substance use disorder information sensitivity | |
ETHUD | alcohol use disorder information sensitivity | |
OPIOIDUD | opioid use disorder information sensitivity | |
STD | sexually transmitted disease information sensitivity | |
TBOO | taboo | |
VIO | violence information sensitivity | |
IDS | Identifier Sensitivity | |
SICKLE | sickle cell | |
_EntitySensitivityPolicyType | EntityInformationSensitivityPolicy | |
DEMO | all demographic information sensitivity | |
DOB | date of birth information sensitivity | |
GENDER | gender and sexual orientation information sensitivity | |
LIVARG | living arrangement information sensitivity | |
MARST | marital status information sensitivity | |
PATLOC | patient location | |
RACE | race information sensitivity | |
REL | religion information sensitivity | |
_RoleInformationSensitivityPolicy | RoleInformationSensitivityPolicy | |
B | business information sensitivity | |
EMPL | employer information sensitivity | |
LOCIS | location information sensitivity | |
SSP | sensitive service provider information sensitivity | |
ADOL | adolescent information sensitivity | |
CEL | celebrity information sensitivity | |
VIP | celebrity information sensitivity | |
DIA | diagnosis information sensitivity | |
DRGIS | drug information sensitivity | |
EMP | employee information sensitivity | |
PDS | patient default information sensitivity | |
PHY | physician requested information sensitivity | |
PRS | patient requested information sensitivity | |
COMPT | compartment | |
ACOCOMPT | accountable care organization compartment | |
CDSSCOMPT | CDS system compartment | |
CTCOMPT | care team compartment | |
FMCOMPT | financial management compartment | |
HRCOMPT | human resource compartment | |
LRCOMPT | legitimate relationship compartment | |
PACOMPT | patient administration compartment | |
RESCOMPT | research project compartment | |
RMGTCOMPT | records management compartment | |
ActTrustPolicyType | trust policy | |
TRSTACCRD | trust accreditation | |
TRSTAGRE | trust agreement | |
TRSTASSUR | trust assurance | |
TRSTCERT | trust certificate | |
TRSTFWK | trust framework | |
TRSTMEC | trust mechanism | |
COVPOL | benefit policy | |
SecurityPolicy | security policy | |
AUTHPOL | authorization policy | |
ACCESSCONSCHEME | access control scheme | |
DELEPOL | delegation policy | |
ObligationPolicy | obligation policy | |
ANONY | anonymize | |
AOD | accounting of disclosure | |
AUDIT | audit | |
AUDTR | audit trail | |
CPLYPOL | comply with policy | |
CPLYCC | comply with confidentiality code | |
CPLYCD | comply with consent directive | |
CPLYCUI | comply with controlled unclassified information policy | |
CPLYJPP | comply with jurisdictional privacy policy | |
CPLYJSP | comply with jurisdictional security policy | |
CPLYOPP | comply with organizational privacy policy | |
CPLYOSP | comply with organizational security policy | |
DECLASSIFYLABEL | declassify security label | |
DEID | deidentify | |
DELAU | delete after use | |
DOWNGRDLABEL | downgrade security label | |
DRIVLABEL | derive security label | |
ENCRYPT | encrypt | |
ENCRYPTR | encrypt at rest | |
ENCRYPTT | encrypt in transit | |
ENCRYPTU | encrypt in use | |
HUAPRV | human approval | |
LABEL | assign security label | |
MASK | mask | |
MINEC | minimum necessary | |
PERSISTLABEL | persist security label | |
PRIVMARK | privacy mark | |
CUIMark | CUI Mark | |
PSEUD | pseudonymize | |
REDACT | redact | |
UPGRDLABEL | upgrade security label | |
PrivacyMark | privacy mark | |
ControlledUnclassifiedInformation | ControlledUnclassifiedInformation | |
CUI | CUI | |
CUIP | (CUI) | |
UUI | (U) | |
SecurityLabelMark | Security Label Mark | |
ConfidentialMark | confidential mark | |
COPYMark | copy of original mark | |
DeliverToAddresseeOnlyMark | deliver only to addressee mark | |
RedisclosureProhibitionMark | prohibition against redisclosure mark | |
RestrictedConfidentialityMark | restricted confidentiality mark | |
DRAFTMark | Draft Mark | |
RefrainPolicy | refrain policy | |
NOAUTH | no disclosure without subject authorization | |
NOCOLLECT | no collection | |
NODSCLCD | no disclosure without consent directive | |
NODSCLCDS | no disclosure without information subject's consent directive | |
NOINTEGRATE | no integration | |
NOLIST | no unlisted entity disclosure | |
NOMOU | no disclosure without MOU | |
NOORGPOL | no disclosure without organizational authorization | |
NOPAT | no disclosure to patient, family or caregivers without attending provider's authorization | |
NOPERSISTP | no collection beyond purpose of use | |
NORDSCLCD | no redisclosure without consent directive | |
NORDSLCD | no redisclosure without consent directive | |
NORDSCLCDS | no redisclosure without information subject's consent directive | |
NORDSCLW | no disclosure without jurisdictional authorization | |
NORELINK | no relinking | |
NOREUSE | no reuse beyond purpose of use | |
NOVIP | no unauthorized VIP disclosure | |
ORCON | no disclosure without originator authorization | |
_ActProductAcquisitionCode | ActProductAcquisitionCode | |
LOAN | Loan | |
RENT | Rent | |
TRANSFER | Transfer | |
SALE | Sale | |
_ActSpecimenTransportCode | ActSpecimenTransportCode | |
SREC | specimen received | |
SSTOR | specimen in storage | |
STRAN | specimen in transit | |
_ActSpecimenTreatmentCode | ActSpecimenTreatmentCode | |
ACID | Acidification | |
ALK | Alkalization | |
DEFB | Defibrination | |
FILT | Filtration | |
LDLP | LDL Precipitation | |
NEUT | Neutralization | |
RECA | Recalcification | |
UFIL | Ultrafiltration | |
_ActSubstanceAdministrationCode | ActSubstanceAdministrationCode | |
DRUG | Drug therapy | |
FD | food | |
IMMUNIZ | Immunization | |
BOOSTER | Booster Immunization | |
INITIMMUNIZ | Initial Immunization | |
_ActTaskCode | ActTaskCode | |
OE | order entry task | |
LABOE | laboratory test order entry task | |
MEDOE | medication order entry task | |
PATDOC | patient documentation task | |
ALLERLREV | allergy list review | |
CLINNOTEE | clinical note entry task | |
DIAGLISTE | diagnosis list entry task | |
DISCHINSTE | discharge instruction entry | |
DISCHSUME | discharge summary entry task | |
PATEDUE | patient education entry | |
PATREPE | pathology report entry task | |
PROBLISTE | problem list entry task | |
RADREPE | radiology report entry task | |
IMMLREV | immunization list review | |
REMLREV | reminder list review | |
WELLREMLREV | wellness reminder list review | |
PATINFO | patient information review task | |
ALLERLE | allergy list entry | |
CDSREV | clinical decision support intervention review | |
CLINNOTEREV | clinical note review task | |
DISCHSUMREV | discharge summary review task | |
DIAGLISTREV | diagnosis list review task | |
IMMLE | immunization list entry | |
LABRREV | laboratory results review task | |
MICRORREV | microbiology results review task | |
MICROORGRREV | microbiology organisms results review task | |
MICROSENSRREV | microbiology sensitivity test results review task | |
MLREV | medication list review task | |
MARWLREV | medication administration record work list review task | |
OREV | orders review task | |
PATREPREV | pathology report review task | |
PROBLISTREV | problem list review task | |
RADREPREV | radiology report review task | |
REMLE | reminder list entry | |
WELLREMLE | wellness reminder list entry | |
RISKASSESS | risk assessment instrument task | |
FALLRISK | falls risk assessment instrument task | |
_ActTransportationModeCode | ActTransportationModeCode | |
_ActPatientTransportationModeCode | ActPatientTransportationModeCode | |
AFOOT | pedestrian transport | |
OnFoot | pedestrian transport | |
AMBT | ambulance transport | |
AMBAIR | fixed-wing ambulance transport | |
Fixed-wingAmbulance | fixed-wing ambulance transport | |
AMBGRND | ground ambulance transport | |
GroundAmbulance | ground ambulance transport | |
AMBHELO | helicopter ambulance transport | |
HelicopterAmbulance | helicopter ambulance transport | |
Ambulance | ambulance transport | |
LAWENF | law enforcement transport | |
LawEnforcementVehicle | law enforcement transport | |
PRVTRN | private transport | |
PrivateTransport | private transport | |
PUBTRN | public transport | |
PublicTransport | public transport | |
_ObservationType | ObservationType | |
_ActSpecObsCode | ActSpecObsCode | |
ARTBLD | ActSpecObsArtBldCode | |
DILUTION | ActSpecObsDilutionCode | |
AUTO-HIGH | Auto-High Dilution | |
AUTO-LOW | Auto-Low Dilution | |
PRE | Pre-Dilution | |
RERUN | Rerun Dilution | |
EVNFCTS | ActSpecObsEvntfctsCode | |
INTFR | ActSpecObsInterferenceCode | |
FIBRIN | Fibrin | |
HEMOLYSIS | Hemolysis | |
ICTERUS | Icterus | |
LIPEMIA | Lipemia | |
VOLUME | ActSpecObsVolumeCode | |
AVAILABLE | Available Volume | |
CONSUMPTION | Consumption Volume | |
CURRENT | Current Volume | |
INITIAL | Initial Volume | |
_AnnotationType | AnnotationType | |
_ActPatientAnnotationType | ActPatientAnnotationType | |
ANNDI | diagnostic image note | |
ANNGEN | general note | |
ANNIMM | immunization note | |
ANNLAB | laboratory note | |
ANNMED | medication note | |
_ECGAnnotationType | ECGAnnotationType | |
_GeneticObservationType | GeneticObservationType | |
GENE | gene | |
_ImmunizationObservationType | ImmunizationObservationType | |
OBSANTC | antigen count | |
OBSANTV | antigen validity | |
_IndividualCaseSafetyReportType | Individual Case Safety Report Type | |
PAT_ADV_EVNT | patient adverse event | |
VAC_PROBLEM | vaccine product problem | |
_LOINCObservationActContextAgeType | LOINCObservationActContextAgeType | |
21611-9 | age patient qn est | |
21612-7 | age patient qn reported | |
29553-5 | age patient qn calc | |
30525-0 | age patient qn definition | |
30972-4 | age at onset of adverse event | |
_MedicationObservationType | MedicationObservationType | |
REP_HALF_LIFE | representative half-life | |
SPLCOATING | coating | |
SPLCOLOR | color | |
SPLIMAGE | image | |
SPLIMPRINT | imprint | |
SPLSCORING | scoring | |
SPLSHAPE | shape | |
SPLSIZE | size | |
SPLSYMBOL | symbol | |
_ObservationIssueTriggerCodedObservationType | ObservationIssueTriggerCodedObservationType | |
_CaseTransmissionMode | case transmission mode | |
AIRTRNS | airborne transmission | |
ANANTRNS | animal to animal transmission | |
ANHUMTRNS | animal to human transmission | |
BDYFLDTRNS | body fluid contact transmission | |
BLDTRNS | blood borne transmission | |
DERMTRNS | transdermal transmission | |
ENVTRNS | environmental exposure transmission | |
FECTRNS | fecal-oral transmission | |
FOMTRNS | fomite transmission | |
FOODTRNS | food-borne transmission | |
HUMHUMTRNS | human to human transmission | |
INDTRNS | indeterminate disease transmission mode | |
LACTTRNS | lactation transmission | |
NOSTRNS | nosocomial transmission | |
PARTRNS | parenteral transmission | |
PLACTRNS | transplacental transmission | |
SEXTRNS | sexual transmission | |
TRNSFTRNS | transfusion transmission | |
VECTRNS | vector-borne transmission | |
WATTRNS | water-borne transmission | |
_ObservationQualityMeasureAttribute | ObservationQualityMeasureAttribute | |
AGGREGATE | aggregate measure observation | |
CMPMSRMTH | composite measure method | |
CMPMSRSCRWGHT | component measure scoring weight | |
COPY | copyright | |
CRS | clinical recommendation statement | |
DEF | definition | |
DISC | disclaimer | |
FINALDT | finalized date/time | |
GUIDE | guidance | |
IDUR | improvement notation | |
ITMCNT | items counted | |
KEY | keyword | |
MEDT | measurement end date | |
MSD | measurement start date | |
MSRADJ | risk adjustment | |
MSRAGG | rate aggregation | |
MSRIMPROV | health quality measure improvement notation | |
MSRJUR | jurisdiction | |
MSRRPTR | reporter type | |
MSRRPTTIME | timeframe for reporting | |
MSRSCORE | measure scoring | |
MSRSET | health quality measure care setting | |
MSRTOPIC | health quality measure topic type | |
MSRTP | measurement period | |
MSRTYPE | measure type | |
RAT | rationale | |
REF | reference | |
SDE | supplemental data elements | |
STRAT | stratification | |
TRANF | transmission format | |
USE | notice of use | |
_ObservationSequenceType | ObservationSequenceType | |
TIME_ABSOLUTE | absolute time sequence | |
TIME_RELATIVE | relative time sequence | |
_ECGObservationSequenceType | ECGObservationSequenceType | |
_ObservationSeriesType | ObservationSeriesType | |
_ECGObservationSeriesType | ECGObservationSeriesType | |
REPRESENTATIVE_BEAT | ECG representative beat waveforms | |
RHYTHM | ECG rhythm waveforms | |
_PatientImmunizationRelatedObservationType | PatientImmunizationRelatedObservationType | |
CLSSRM | classroom | |
GRADE | grade | |
SCHL | school | |
SCHLDIV | school division | |
TEACHER | teacher | |
_PopulationInclusionObservationType | PopulationInclusionObservationType | |
DENEX | denominator exclusions | |
DENEXCEP | denominator exceptions | |
DENOM | denominator | |
IPOP | initial population | |
IPPOP | initial patient population | |
MSROBS | measure observation | |
MSRPOPL | measure population | |
MSRPOPLEX | measure population exclusions | |
NUMER | numerator | |
NUMEX | numerator exclusions | |
_PreferenceObservationType | _PreferenceObservationType | |
PREFSTRENGTH | preference strength | |
ADVERSE_REACTION | Adverse Reaction | |
ASSERTION | Assertion | |
CASESER | case seriousness criteria | |
CDIO | case disease imported observation | |
CRIT | criticality | |
CTMO | case transmission mode observation | |
DX | ObservationDiagnosisTypes | |
ADMDX | admitting diagnosis | |
DISDX | discharge diagnosis | |
INTDX | intermediate diagnosis | |
NOI | nature of injury | |
_ObservationDiagnosisTypes | ObservationDiagnosisTypes | |
GISTIER | GIS tier | |
HHOBS | household situation observation | |
ISSUE | detected issue | |
_ActAdministrativeDetectedIssueCode | ActAdministrativeDetectedIssueCode | |
_ActAdministrativeAuthorizationDetectedIssueCode | ActAdministrativeAuthorizationDetectedIssueCode | |
NAT | Insufficient authorization | |
SUPPRESSED | record suppressed | |
VALIDAT | validation issue | |
KEY204 | Unknown key identifier | |
KEY205 | Duplicate key identifier | |
COMPLY | Compliance Alert | |
DUPTHPY | Duplicate Therapy Alert | |
DUPTHPCLS | duplicate therapeutic alass alert | |
DUPTHPGEN | duplicate generic alert | |
ABUSE | commonly abused/misused alert | |
FRAUD | potential fraud | |
PLYDOC | Poly-orderer Alert | |
PLYPHRM | Poly-supplier Alert | |
DOSE | Dosage problem | |
DOSECOND | dosage-condition alert | |
DOSEDUR | Dose-Duration Alert | |
DOSEDURH | Dose-Duration High Alert | |
DOSEDURHIND | Dose-Duration High for Indication Alert | |
DOSEDURL | Dose-Duration Low Alert | |
DOSEDURLIND | Dose-Duration Low for Indication Alert | |
DOSEH | High Dose Alert | |
DOSEHINDA | High Dose for Age Alert | |
DOSEHIND | High Dose for Indication Alert | |
DOSEHINDSA | High Dose for Height/Surface Area Alert | |
DOSEHINDW | High Dose for Weight Alert | |
DOSEIVL | Dose-Interval Alert | |
DOSEIVLIND | Dose-Interval for Indication Alert | |
DOSEL | Low Dose Alert | |
DOSELINDA | Low Dose for Age Alert | |
DOSELIND | Low Dose for Indication Alert | |
DOSELINDSA | Low Dose for Height/Surface Area Alert | |
DOSELINDW | Low Dose for Weight Alert | |
MDOSE | maximum dosage reached | |
OBSA | Observation Alert | |
AGE | Age Alert | |
ADALRT | adult alert | |
GEALRT | geriatric alert | |
PEALRT | pediatric alert | |
COND | Condition Alert | |
HGHT | | |
LACT | Lactation Alert | |
PREG | Pregnancy Alert | |
WGHT | | |
CREACT | common reaction alert | |
GEN | Genetic Alert | |
GEND | Gender Alert | |
LAB | Lab Alert | |
REACT | Reaction Alert | |
ALGY | Allergy Alert | |
INT | Intolerance Alert | |
RREACT | Related Reaction Alert | |
RALG | Related Allergy Alert | |
RAR | Related Prior Reaction Alert | |
RINT | Related Intolerance Alert | |
BUS | business constraint violation | |
CODE_INVAL | code is not valid | |
CODE_DEPREC | code has been deprecated | |
FORMAT | invalid format | |
ILLEGAL | illegal | |
LEN_RANGE | length out of range | |
LEN_LONG | length is too long | |
LEN_SHORT | length is too short | |
MISSCOND | conditional element missing | |
MISSMAND | mandatory element missing | |
NODUPS | duplicate values are not permitted | |
NOPERSIST | element will not be persisted | |
REP_RANGE | repetitions out of range | |
MAXOCCURS | repetitions above maximum | |
MINOCCURS | repetitions below minimum | |
_ActAdministrativeRuleDetectedIssueCode | ActAdministrativeRuleDetectedIssueCode | |
KEY206 | non-matching identification | |
OBSOLETE | obsolete record returned | |
_ActSuppliedItemDetectedIssueCode | ActSuppliedItemDetectedIssueCode | |
_AdministrationDetectedIssueCode | AdministrationDetectedIssueCode | |
_AppropriatenessDetectedIssueCode | AppropriatenessDetectedIssueCode | |
_InteractionDetectedIssueCode | InteractionDetectedIssueCode | |
FOOD | Food Interaction Alert | |
TPROD | Therapeutic Product Alert | |
DRG | Drug Interaction Alert | |
NHP | Natural Health Product Alert | |
NONRX | Non-Prescription Interaction Alert | |
PREVINEF | previously ineffective | |
DACT | drug action detected issue | |
TIME | timing detected issue | |
ALRTENDLATE | end too late alert | |
ALRTSTRTLATE | start too late alert | |
_DrugActionDetectedIssueCode | DrugActionDetectedIssueCode | |
_TimingDetectedIssueCode | TimingDetectedIssueCode | |
ENDLATE | End Too Late Alert | |
STRTLATE | Start Too Late Alert | |
_SupplyDetectedIssueCode | SupplyDetectedIssueCode | |
ALLDONE | already performed | |
FULFIL | fulfillment alert | |
NOTACTN | no longer actionable | |
NOTEQUIV | not equivalent alert | |
NOTEQUIVGEN | not generically equivalent alert | |
NOTEQUIVTHER | not therapeutically equivalent alert | |
TIMING | event timing incorrect alert | |
INTERVAL | outside requested time | |
MINFREQ | too soon within frequency based on the usage | |
HELD | held/suspended alert | |
TOOLATE | Refill Too Late Alert | |
TOOSOON | Refill Too Soon Alert | |
HISTORIC | record recorded as historical | |
PATPREF | violates stated preferences | |
PATPREFALT | violates stated preferences, alternate available | |
_ActFinancialDetectedIssueCode | ActFinancialDetectedIssueCode | |
_ClinicalActionDetectedIssueCode | ClinicalActionDetectedIssueCode | |
CAREGAP | Caregap | |
KSUBJ | knowledge subject | |
KSUBT | knowledge subtopic | |
OINT | intolerance | |
ALG | Allergy | |
DALG | Drug Allergy | |
EALG | Environmental Allergy | |
FALG | Food Allergy | |
DINT | Drug Intolerance | |
DNAINT | Drug Non-Allergy Intolerance | |
EINT | Environmental Intolerance | |
ENAINT | Environmental Non-Allergy Intolerance | |
FINT | Food Intolerance | |
FNAINT | Food Non-Allergy Intolerance | |
NAINT | Non-Allergy Intolerance | |
SEV | Severity Observation | |
_ActPrivilegeCategorizationType | ActPrivilegeCategorizationType | |
_AdverseSubstanceAdministrationEventActionTakenType | AdverseSubstanceAdministrationEventActionTakenType | |
_CommonClinicalObservationType | CommonClinicalObservationType | |
_FDALabelData | FDALabelData | |
FDACOATING | coating | |
FDACOLOR | color | |
FDAIMPRINTCD | imprint code | |
FDALOGO | logo | |
FDASCORING | scoring | |
FDASHAPE | shape | |
FDASIZE | size | |
_ObservationAllergyTestCode | observation allergy test | |
_ObservationAllergyTestType | ObservationAllergyTestType | |
_ObservationCausalityAssessmentType | observation causality assessment | |
_ObservationDosageDefinitionPreconditionType | observation dosage definition precondition type | |
_ObservationGenomicFamilyHistoryType | ObservationGenomicFamilyHistoryType | |
_ObservationIndicationType | ObservationIndicationType | |
_ObservationIssueTriggerMeasuredObservationType | ObservationIssueTriggerMeasuredObservationType | |
_ObservationQueryMatchType | ObservationQueryMatchType | |
_ObservationVisionPrescriptionType | ObservationVisionPrescriptionType | |
_PatientCharacteristicObservationType | PatientCharacteristicObservationType | |
_SimpleMeasurableClinicalObservationType | SimpleMeasurableClinicalObservationType | |
_ROIOverlayShape | ROIOverlayShape | |
CIRCLE | circle | |
ELLIPSE | ellipse | |
POINT | point | |
POLY | polyline | |
C | corrected | |
DIET | Diet | |
BR | breikost (GE) | |
DM | diabetes mellitus diet | |
FAST | fasting | |
FORMULA | formula diet | |
GF | gluten free | |
LF | low fat | |
LP | low protein | |
LQ | liquid | |
LS | low sodium | |
N | normal diet | |
NF | no fat | |
PAF | phenylalanine free | |
PAR | parenteral | |
RD | reduction diet | |
SCH | schonkost (GE) | |
SUPPLEMENT | nutritional supplement | |
T | tea only | |
VLI | low valin, leucin, isoleucin | |
DRUGPRG | drug program | |
F | final | |
PRLMN | preliminary | |
SECOBS | SecurityObservationType | |
SECCATOBS | security category observation | |
SECCLASSOBS | security classification observation | |
SECCONOBS | security control observation | |
SECINTOBS | security integrity observation | |
SECALTINTOBS | security alteration integrity observation | |
SECDATINTOBS | security data integrity observation | |
SECINTCONOBS | security integrity confidence observation | |
SECINTPRVOBS | security integrity provenance observation | |
SECINTPRVABOBS | security integrity provenance asserted by observation | |
SECINTPRVRBOBS | security integrity provenance reported by observation | |
SECINTSTOBS | security integrity status observation | |
TRSTACCRDOBS | trust accreditation observation | |
TRSTAGREOBS | trust agreement observation | |
TRSTCERTOBS | trust certificate observation | |
TRSTFWKOBS | trust framework observation | |
TRSTLOAOBS | trust assurance observation | |
TRSTMECOBS | trust mechanism observation | |
SUBSIDFFS | subsidized fee for service program | |
WRKCOMP | (workers compensation program | |
_ActAdjudicationInformationCode | ActAdjudicationInformationCode | |
_ActBillableTreatmentPlanCode | ActBillableTreatmentPlanCode | |
_ActCognitiveProfessionalServiceCode | ActCognitiveProfessionalServiceCode | |
_ActIdentityDocumentCode | ActIdentityDocumentCode | |
_ActOrderCode | ActOrderCode | |
_ActPrivilegeCategorization | ActPrivilegeCategorization | |
_ActProcedureCode | ActProcedureCode | |
_ActBillableServiceCode | ActBillableServiceCode | |
_ActMedicalBillableServiceCode | ActMedicalBillableServiceCode | |
_ActNonMedicalBillableServiceCode | ActNonMedicalBillableServiceCode | |
_ActOralHealthProcedureCode | ActOralHealthProcedureCode | |
_ActRegistryCode | ActRegistryCode | |
_ActSecurityObjectCode | ActSecurityObjectCode | |
_AdvanceBeneficiaryNoticeType | AdvanceBeneficiaryNoticeType | |
_CPT4 | CPT4 | |
_ExternallyDefinedActCodes | ExternallyDefinedActCodes | |
_HL7DefinedActCodes | HL7DefinedActCodes | |
_ActDetectedIssueCode | ActDetectedIssueCode | |
_HL7TriggerEventCode | HL7TriggerEventCode | |
_SubstanceAdministrationActCode | SubstanceAdministrationActCode | |
_IndividualCaseSafetyReportCriteria | IndividualCaseSafetyReportCriteria | |
_IndividualCaseSafetyReportProductCharacteristic | IndividualCaseSafetyReportProductCharacteristic | |
_ObservationActAgeGroupType | ObservationActAgeGroupType | |
COPAY | | |
DEDUCT | | |
PRA | | |
STORE | Storage | |
CODINGGAP | | Codinggap | |