@prefix fhir: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . # - resource ------------------------------------------------------------------- a fhir:CodeSystem; fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; fhir:Resource.id [ fhir:value "list-order"]; fhir:Resource.meta [ fhir:Meta.lastUpdated [ fhir:value "2020-04-09T21:10:28.568+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ]; fhir:Meta.profile [ fhir:value "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/shareablecodesystem"; fhir:index 0; fhir:link ] ]; fhir:DomainResource.text [ fhir:Narrative.status [ fhir:value "generated" ]; fhir:Narrative.div "

This code system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/list-order defines the following codes:

user Sorted by UserThe list was sorted by a user. The criteria the user used are not specified.
system Sorted by SystemThe list was sorted by the system. The criteria the user used are not specified; define additional codes to specify a particular order (or use other defined codes).
event-date Sorted by Event DateThe list is sorted by the data of the event. This can be used when the list has items which are dates with past or future events.
entry-date Sorted by Item DateThe list is sorted by the date the item was added to the list. Note that the date added to the list is not explicit in the list itself.
priority Sorted by PriorityThe list is sorted by priority. The exact method in which priority has been determined is not specified.
alphabetic Sorted AlphabeticallyThe list is sorted alphabetically by an unspecified property of the items in the list.
category Sorted by CategoryThe list is sorted categorically by an unspecified property of the items in the list.
patient Sorted by PatientThe list is sorted by patient, with items for each patient grouped together.
" ]; fhir:DomainResource.extension [ fhir:index 0; fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg" ]; fhir:Extension.valueCode [ fhir:value "sd" ] ]; fhir:CodeSystem.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/list-order"]; fhir:CodeSystem.identifier [ fhir:index 0; fhir:Identifier.system [ fhir:value "urn:ietf:rfc:3986" ]; fhir:Identifier.value [ fhir:value "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1107" ] ]; fhir:CodeSystem.version [ fhir:value "0.1.0"]; fhir:CodeSystem.name [ fhir:value "ListOrderCodes"]; fhir:CodeSystem.title [ fhir:value "List Order Codes"]; fhir:CodeSystem.status [ fhir:value "draft"]; fhir:CodeSystem.experimental [ fhir:value "false"^^xsd:boolean]; fhir:CodeSystem.date [ fhir:value "2022-11-04T18:21:49-06:00"^^xsd:dateTime]; fhir:CodeSystem.publisher [ fhir:value "FHIR Project"]; fhir:CodeSystem.contact [ fhir:index 0; fhir:ContactDetail.telecom [ fhir:index 0; fhir:ContactPoint.system [ fhir:value "url" ]; fhir:ContactPoint.value [ fhir:value "http://hl7.org/fhir" ] ] ]; fhir:CodeSystem.description [ fhir:value "Base values for the order of the items in a list resource."]; fhir:CodeSystem.caseSensitive [ fhir:value "true"^^xsd:boolean]; fhir:CodeSystem.valueSet [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/ValueSet/list-order"; fhir:link ]; fhir:CodeSystem.content [ fhir:value "complete"]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept [ fhir:index 0; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "user" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Sorted by User" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The list was sorted by a user. The criteria the user used are not specified." ] ], [ fhir:index 1; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "system" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Sorted by System" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The list was sorted by the system. The criteria the user used are not specified; define additional codes to specify a particular order (or use other defined codes)." ] ], [ fhir:index 2; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "event-date" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Sorted by Event Date" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The list is sorted by the data of the event. This can be used when the list has items which are dates with past or future events." ] ], [ fhir:index 3; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "entry-date" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Sorted by Item Date" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The list is sorted by the date the item was added to the list. Note that the date added to the list is not explicit in the list itself." ] ], [ fhir:index 4; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "priority" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Sorted by Priority" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The list is sorted by priority. The exact method in which priority has been determined is not specified." ] ], [ fhir:index 5; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "alphabetic" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Sorted Alphabetically" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The list is sorted alphabetically by an unspecified property of the items in the list." ] ], [ fhir:index 6; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "category" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Sorted by Category" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The list is sorted categorically by an unspecified property of the items in the list." ] ], [ fhir:index 7; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "patient" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Sorted by Patient" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The list is sorted by patient, with items for each patient grouped together." ] ] . # - ontology header ------------------------------------------------------------ a owl:Ontology; owl:imports fhir:fhir.ttl . # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------