This page is part of the HL7 Terminology (v4.0.0: Release) based on FHIR R4. The current version which supercedes this version is 5.2.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions 
: ObservationMethodAggregate - JSON Representation
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"resourceType" : "ValueSet",
"id" : "v3-ObservationMethodAggregate",
"language" : "en",
"text" : {
"status" : "generated",
"div" : "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\"><ul><li>Include codes from <a href=\"CodeSystem-v3-ObservationMethod.html\"><code></code></a> where concept is-a <a href=\"CodeSystem-v3-ObservationMethod.html#v3-ObservationMethod-_ObservationMethodAggregate\">_ObservationMethodAggregate</a></li></ul></div>"
"url" : "",
"identifier" : [
"system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
"value" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20450"
"version" : "2.0.0",
"name" : "ObservationMethodAggregate",
"title" : "ObservationMethodAggregate",
"status" : "active",
"date" : "2014-03-26",
"description" : "A set of codes that defines how a set of values are summarized in an aggregated computation, for use with sets of values do describe which aggregated statistic functions are to be applied (e.g., average, mode, min, max, standard deviation, variance).",
"compose" : {
"include" : [
"system" : "",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
"value" : "_ObservationMethodAggregate"