@prefix fhir: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . # - resource ------------------------------------------------------------------- a fhir:CodeSystem; fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; fhir:Resource.id [ fhir:value "discharge-disposition"]; fhir:Resource.meta [ fhir:Meta.lastUpdated [ fhir:value "2020-04-09T17:10:28.568-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime ]; fhir:Meta.profile [ fhir:value "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/shareablecodesystem"; fhir:index 0; fhir:link ] ]; fhir:DomainResource.text [ fhir:Narrative.status [ fhir:value "generated" ]; fhir:Narrative.div "
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Discharge disposition

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This value set defines a set of codes that can be used to where the patient left the hospital.

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This code system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/discharge-disposition defines the following codes:

\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n \n Code\n \n \n \n \n \n Display\n \n \n \n \n \n Definition\n \n \n
home\n \n \n \n \n \n HomeThe patient was dicharged and has indicated that they are going to return home afterwards.
alt-home\n \n \n \n \n \n Alternative homeThe patient was discharged and has indicated that they are going to return home afterwards, but not the patient's home - e.g. a family member's home.
other-hcf\n \n \n \n \n \n Other healthcare facilityThe patient was transferred to another healthcare facility.
hosp\n \n \n \n \n \n HospiceThe patient has been discharged into palliative care.
long\n \n \n \n \n \n Long-term careThe patient has been discharged into long-term care where is likely to be monitored through an ongoing episode-of-care.
aadvice\n \n \n \n \n \n Left against adviceThe patient self discharged against medical advice.
exp\n \n \n \n \n \n ExpiredThe patient has deceased during this encounter.
psy\n \n \n \n \n \n Psychiatric hospitalThe patient has been transferred to a psychiatric facility.
rehab\n \n \n \n \n \n RehabilitationThe patient was discharged and is to receive post acute care rehabilitation services.
snf\n \n \n \n \n \n Skilled nursing facilityThe patient has been discharged to a skilled nursing facility for the patient to receive additional care.
oth\n \n \n \n \n \n OtherThe discharge disposition has not otherwise defined.
\n \n \n
" ]; fhir:DomainResource.extension [ fhir:index 0; fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg" ]; fhir:Extension.valueCode [ fhir:value "pa" ] ], [ fhir:index 1; fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status" ]; fhir:Extension.valueCode [ fhir:value "draft" ] ], [ fhir:index 2; fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm" ]; fhir:Extension.valueInteger [ fhir:value "1"^^xsd:integer ] ]; fhir:CodeSystem.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/discharge-disposition"]; fhir:CodeSystem.identifier [ fhir:index 0; fhir:Identifier.system [ fhir:value "urn:ietf:rfc:3986" ]; fhir:Identifier.value [ fhir:value "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1093" ] ]; fhir:CodeSystem.version [ fhir:value "4.2.0"]; fhir:CodeSystem.name [ fhir:value "DischargeDisposition"]; fhir:CodeSystem.title [ fhir:value "Discharge disposition"]; fhir:CodeSystem.status [ fhir:value "draft"]; fhir:CodeSystem.experimental [ fhir:value "false"^^xsd:boolean]; fhir:CodeSystem.date [ fhir:value "2020-05-09T12:49:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime]; fhir:CodeSystem.publisher [ fhir:value "FHIR Project team"]; fhir:CodeSystem.contact [ fhir:index 0; fhir:ContactDetail.telecom [ fhir:index 0; fhir:ContactPoint.system [ fhir:value "url" ]; fhir:ContactPoint.value [ fhir:value "http://hl7.org/fhir" ] ] ]; fhir:CodeSystem.description [ fhir:value "This value set defines a set of codes that can be used to where the patient left the hospital."]; fhir:CodeSystem.caseSensitive [ fhir:value "true"^^xsd:boolean]; fhir:CodeSystem.valueSet [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/ValueSet/encounter-discharge-disposition"; fhir:link ]; fhir:CodeSystem.content [ fhir:value "complete"]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept [ fhir:index 0; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "home" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Home" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The patient was dicharged and has indicated that they are going to return home afterwards." ] ], [ fhir:index 1; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "alt-home" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Alternative home" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The patient was discharged and has indicated that they are going to return home afterwards, but not the patient's home - e.g. a family member's home." ] ], [ fhir:index 2; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "other-hcf" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Other healthcare facility" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The patient was transferred to another healthcare facility." ] ], [ fhir:index 3; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "hosp" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Hospice" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The patient has been discharged into palliative care." ] ], [ fhir:index 4; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "long" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Long-term care" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The patient has been discharged into long-term care where is likely to be monitored through an ongoing episode-of-care." ] ], [ fhir:index 5; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "aadvice" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Left against advice" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The patient self discharged against medical advice." ] ], [ fhir:index 6; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "exp" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Expired" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The patient has deceased during this encounter." ] ], [ fhir:index 7; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "psy" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Psychiatric hospital" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The patient has been transferred to a psychiatric facility." ] ], [ fhir:index 8; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "rehab" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Rehabilitation" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The patient was discharged and is to receive post acute care rehabilitation services." ] ], [ fhir:index 9; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "snf" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Skilled nursing facility" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The patient has been discharged to a skilled nursing facility for the patient to receive additional care." ] ], [ fhir:index 10; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "oth" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Other" ]; fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "The discharge disposition has not otherwise defined." ] ] . # - ontology header ------------------------------------------------------------ a owl:Ontology; owl:imports fhir:fhir.ttl . # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------