HL7 Terminology (THO)
6.0.2 - Publication International flag

This page is part of the HL7 Terminology (v6.0.2: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: eventType

Official URL: http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0003 Version: 2.13.0
Active as of 2019-12-01 Responsible: Health Level Seven International Computable Name: EventType
Other Identifiers: OID:2.16.840.1.113883.18.4

Copyright/Legal: This material derives from the HL7 Terminology (THO). THO is copyright ©1989+ Health Level Seven International and is made available under the CC0 designation. For more licensing information see: https://terminology.hl7.org/license.html

HL7-defined code system of concepts specifying the trigger event for Version 2.x interface messages. Used in HL7 Version 2.x messaging in the MSH segment.

Underlying Master Code System for V2 table 0003 (Event Type)

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem v2-0003


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

status status http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#status code Status of the concept
deprecated deprecated http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v2-table-deprecated code Version of HL7 in which the code was deprecated
V2 Concept Comment v2-concComment http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v2-concComment string V2 Concept Comment
V2 Concept Comment As Published v2-concCommentAsPub http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v2-concCommentAsPub string V2 Concept Comment As Published


This case-sensitive code system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0003 defines the following codes in a Is-A hierarchy:

CodeDisplayDefinitiondeprecatedV2 Concept CommentV2 Concept Comment As PublishedDeutsch (German, de)
X01 PEX - Product experience PEX - Product experience 2.9
A01 ADT/ACK - Admit/visit notification ADT/ACK - Admit/visit notification stationäre Aufnahme
A02 ADT/ACK - Transfer a patient ADT/ACK - Transfer a patient Verlegung
A03 ADT/ACK - Discharge/end visit ADT/ACK - Discharge/end visit Entlassung
A04 ADT/ACK - Register a patient ADT/ACK - Register a patient Besuchsmeldung (nicht-stationär)
A05 ADT/ACK - Pre-admit a patient ADT/ACK - Pre-admit a patient Voraufnahme eines Patienten
A06 ADT/ACK - Change an outpatient to an inpatient ADT/ACK - Change an outpatient to an inpatient Änderung von ambulant in stationär
A07 ADT/ACK - Change an inpatient to an outpatient ADT/ACK - Change an inpatient to an outpatient Änderung von stationär in ambulant
A08 ADT/ACK - Update patient information ADT/ACK - Update patient information Änderung von Patienteninformationen
A09 ADT/ACK - Patient departing - tracking ADT/ACK - Patient departing - tracking Patient verläßt Einrichtung
A10 ADT/ACK - Patient arriving - tracking ADT/ACK - Patient arriving - tracking Patient erreicht Einrichtung
A11 ADT/ACK - Cancel admit/visit notification ADT/ACK - Cancel admit/visit notification Stornierung für A01 und A04
A12 ADT/ACK - Cancel transfer ADT/ACK - Cancel transfer Stornierung für A02
A13 ADT/ACK - Cancel discharge/end visit ADT/ACK - Cancel discharge/end visit Stornierung für A03
A14 ADT/ACK - Pending admit ADT/ACK - Pending admit Geplante Aufnahme
A15 ADT/ACK - Pending transfer ADT/ACK - Pending transfer Geplante Verlegung
A16 ADT/ACK - Pending discharge ADT/ACK - Pending discharge Geplante Entlassung
A17 ADT/ACK - Swap patients ADT/ACK - Swap patients Bettentausch zweier Patienten
A18 ADT/ACK - Merge patient information ADT/ACK - Merge patient information Deprecated Deprecated Patienteninformation zusammenführen
A19 QRY/ADR - Patient query QRY/ADR - Patient query Deprecated Deprecated Anfrage nach Patientendaten
A20 ADT/ACK - Bed status update ADT/ACK - Bed status update Änderung des Bettenstatus
A21 ADT/ACK - Patient goes on a "leave of absence" ADT/ACK - Patient goes on a "leave of absence" Beginn einer Patientenabwesenheit
A22 ADT/ACK - Patient returns from a "leave of absence" ADT/ACK - Patient returns from a "leave of absence" Ende einer Patientenabwesenheit
A23 ADT/ACK - Delete a patient record ADT/ACK - Delete a patient record Löschen eines Patientensatzes
A24 ADT/ACK - Link patient information ADT/ACK - Link patient information Verknüpfen von Patientendaten
A25 ADT/ACK - Cancel pending discharge ADT/ACK - Cancel pending discharge Stornierung einer eingeleiteten Entlassung
A26 ADT/ACK - Cancel pending transfer ADT/ACK - Cancel pending transfer Stornierung einer eingeleiteten Verlegung
A27 ADT/ACK - Cancel pending admit ADT/ACK - Cancel pending admit Stornierung einer eingeleiteten Aufnahme
A28 ADT/ACK - Add person information ADT/ACK - Add person information Personendaten hinzufügen
A29 ADT/ACK - Delete person information ADT/ACK - Delete person information Löschung von personenbezogenen Daten
A30 ADT/ACK - Merge person information ADT/ACK - Merge person information Deprecated Deprecated veraltet
A31 ADT/ACK - Update person information ADT/ACK - Update person information Ändern personenbezogener Daten
A32 ADT/ACK - Cancel patient arriving - tracking ADT/ACK - Cancel patient arriving - tracking Stornierung eines Patientenzugangs (Bettenzuweisung)
A33 ADT/ACK - Cancel patient departing - tracking ADT/ACK - Cancel patient departing - tracking Stornierung eines Patientenabgangs (Bettenfreigabe)
A34 ADT/ACK - Merge patient information - patient ID only ADT/ACK - Merge patient information - patient ID only Deprecated Deprecated Abgleich nur der Patientennummer (veraltet)
A35 ADT/ACK - Merge patient information - account number only ADT/ACK - Merge patient information - account number only Deprecated Deprecated Abgleich nur der Abrechnungsnummer / Debitorenkontonummer (veraltet)
A36 ADT/ACK - Merge patient information - patient ID and account number ADT/ACK - Merge patient information - patient ID and account number Deprecated Deprecated Abgleich von Patientennummer und Abrechnungsnummer / Debitorenkontonummer (veraltet)
A37 ADT/ACK - Unlink patient information ADT/ACK - Unlink patient information Auflösung einer Verknüpfung von Patientendaten
A38 ADT/ACK - Cancel pre-admit ADT/ACK - Cancel pre-admit Stornierung zu A05
A39 ADT/ACK - Merge person - patient ID ADT/ACK - Merge person - patient ID Deprecated Deprecated Zusammenführung von Information über externe ID (veraltet)
A40 ADT/ACK - Merge patient - patient identifier list ADT/ACK - Merge patient - patient identifier list Zusammenführung v. Pat-Information über ID-Liste
A41 ADT/ACK - Merge account - patient account number ADT/ACK - Merge account - patient account number Zusammenführung von Konten über Kontonummer
A42 ADT/ACK - Merge visit - visit number ADT/ACK - Merge visit - visit number Zusammenführung v.Fall-Information über Fallnummer
A43 ADT/ACK - Move patient information - patient identifier list ADT/ACK - Move patient information - patient identifier list Korrektur einer falschen Zuordnung bzgl. PID-Liste
A44 ADT/ACK - Move account information - patient account number ADT/ACK - Move account information - patient account number Korrektur einer falschen Zuordnung bzgl.Abrechungsnummer
A45 ADT/ACK - Move visit information - visit number ADT/ACK - Move visit information - visit number Korrektur einer falschen Zuordnung bzgl.Fallnummer
A46 ADT/ACK - Change patient ID ADT/ACK - Change patient ID Deprecated Deprecated Änderung der externen Pat.ID (PID-2)
A47 ADT/ACK - Change patient identifier list ADT/ACK - Change patient identifier list Änderung der internen Pat.ID (PID-3)
A48 ADT/ACK - Change alternate patient ID ADT/ACK - Change alternate patient ID Deprecated Deprecated Änderung der alternativen Pat.ID (PID-4)
A49 ADT/ACK - Change patient account number ADT/ACK - Change patient account number Änderung der Abrechungsnummer (PID-18)
A50 ADT/ACK - Change visit number ADT/ACK - Change visit number Änderung der Fallnummer (PV1-19)
A51 ADT/ACK - Change alternate visit ID ADT/ACK - Change alternate visit ID Änderung der alternativen Fallnummer (PV1-50)
A52 ADT/ACK - Cancel leave of absence for a patient ADT/ACK - Cancel leave of absence for a patient
A53 ADT/ACK - Cancel patient returns from a leave of absence ADT/ACK - Cancel patient returns from a leave of absence
A54 ADT/ACK - Change attending doctor ADT/ACK - Change attending doctor Änderung des behandelnden Arztes
A55 ADT/ACK - Cancel change attending doctor ADT/ACK - Cancel change attending doctor Stornierung der Änderung des behandelnden Arztes
A60 ADT/ACK - Update allergy information ADT/ACK - Update allergy information Aktualisierung der Allergie-Informationen
A61 ADT/ACK - Change consulting doctor ADT/ACK - Change consulting doctor
A62 ADT/ACK - Cancel change consulting doctor ADT/ACK - Cancel change consulting doctor
B01 PMU/ACK - Add personnel record PMU/ACK - Add personnel record
B02 PMU/ACK - Update personnel record PMU/ACK - Update personnel record
B03 PMU/ACK - Delete personnel re cord PMU/ACK - Delete personnel re cord
B04 PMU/ACK - Active practicing person PMU/ACK - Active practicing person
B05 PMU/ACK - Deactivate practicing person PMU/ACK - Deactivate practicing person
B06 PMU/ACK - Terminate practicing person PMU/ACK - Terminate practicing person
B07 PMU/ACK - Grant Certificate/Permission PMU/ACK - Grant Certificate/Permission
B08 PMU/ACK - Revoke Certificate/Permission PMU/ACK - Revoke Certificate/Permission
C01 CRM - Register a patient on a clinical trial CRM - Register a patient on a clinical trial Registrierung eines Patienten f.eine klin.Studie
C02 CRM - Cancel a patient registration on clinical trial (for clerical mistakes only) CRM - Cancel a patient registration on clinical trial (for clerical mistakes only) Löschung der Registrierung
C03 CRM - Correct/update registration information CRM - Correct/update registration information Korrektur/Änderung der Registrierung
C04 CRM - Patient has gone off a clinical trial CRM - Patient has gone off a clinical trial Patient ist aus der Studie ausgeschieden
C05 CRM - Patient enters phase of clinical trial CRM - Patient enters phase of clinical trial Patient tritt in Studienphase ein
C06 CRM - Cancel patient entering a phase (clerical mistake) CRM - Cancel patient entering a phase (clerical mistake) Löschung des Eintritts in eine Studienphase
C07 CRM - Correct/update phase information CRM - Correct/update phase information Korrektur/Änderung der Angaben zur Studienphase
C08 CRM - Patient has gone off phase of clinical trial CRM - Patient has gone off phase of clinical trial Patient ist aus Studienphase ausgeschieden
C09 CSU - Automated time intervals for reporting, like monthly CSU - Automated time intervals for reporting, like monthly Festlegung des Zeitintervalls für autom. Berichte
C10 CSU - Patient completes the clinical trial CSU - Patient completes the clinical trial Patient beendet Studie
C11 CSU - Patient completes a phase of the clinical trial CSU - Patient completes a phase of the clinical trial Patient beendet eine Studienphase
C12 CSU - Update/correction of patient order/result information CSU - Update/correction of patient order/result information Korrektur/Änderung von Anforderungen/Ergebnissen
CNQ Cancel Query Cancel Query Stornierung einer Anfrage
E01 Submit HealthCare Services Invoice Submit HealthCare Services Invoice
E02 Cancel HealthCare Services Invoice Cancel HealthCare Services Invoice
E03 HealthCare Services Invoice Status HealthCare Services Invoice Status
varies MFQ/MFR - Master files query (use event same as asking for e.g., M05 - location) MFQ/MFR - Master files query (use event same as asking for e.g., M05 - location) 2.9 allgemeine Stammdatenanfrage
E04 Re-Assess HealthCare Services Invoice Request Re-Assess HealthCare Services Invoice Request
E10 Edit/Adjudication Results Edit/Adjudication Results
E12 Request Additional Information Request Additional Information
E13 Additional Information Response Additional Information Response
E15 Payment/Remittance Advice Payment/Remittance Advice
E20 Submit Authorization Request Submit Authorization Request
E21 Cancel Authorization Request Cancel Authorization Request
E22 Authorization Request Status Authorization Request Status
E24 Authorization Response Authorization Response
E30 Submit Health Document related to Authorization Request Submit Health Document related to Authorization Request reserved for future/not yet defined reserved for future/not yet defined
E31 Cancel Health Document related to Authorization Request Cancel Health Document related to Authorization Request reserved for future/not yet defined reserved for future/not yet defined
I01 RQI/RPI - Request for insurance information RQI/RPI - Request for insurance information Anforderung von Versicherungsdaten
I02 RQI/RPL - Request/receipt of patient selection display list RQI/RPL - Request/receipt of patient selection display list Anforderg.einer Patientenauswahlliste (zur Anzeige)
I03 RQI/RPR - Request/receipt of patient selection list RQI/RPR - Request/receipt of patient selection list Anforderg.einer strukt. Patientenauswahlliste
I04 RQD/RPI - Request for patient demographic data RQD/RPI - Request for patient demographic data Anforderung demographischer Informationen
I05 RQC/RCI - Request for patient clinical information RQC/RCI - Request for patient clinical information Deprecated Deprecated Anforderung klinischer Informationen
I06 RQC/RCL - Request/receipt of clinical data listing RQC/RCL - Request/receipt of clinical data listing Deprecated Deprecated Anforderung strukt. klinischer Informationen
I07 PIN/ACK - Unsolicited insurance information PIN/ACK - Unsolicited insurance information unaufgeforderte Übermittlung v. Versicherungsdaten
I08 RQA/RPA - Request for treatment authorization information RQA/RPA - Request for treatment authorization information Anforderung Kostenübernahmeerklärung
I09 RQA/RPA - Request for modification to an authorization RQA/RPA - Request for modification to an authorization Anforderg bzgl. Änderung Kostenübernahmeerklärung
I10 RQA/RPA - Request for resubmission of an authorization RQA/RPA - Request for resubmission of an authorization erneute Anforderung Kostenübernahmeerklärung
I11 RQA/RPA - Request for cancellation of an authorization RQA/RPA - Request for cancellation of an authorization Anfordrg Stornierg einer Kostenübernahmeerklärung
I12 REF/RRI - Patient referral REF/RRI - Patient referral Überweisung eines Patienten
I13 REF/RRI - Modify patient referral REF/RRI - Modify patient referral Änderung einer Patientenüberweisung
I14 REF/RRI - Cancel patient referral REF/RRI - Cancel patient referral Stornierung einer Patientenüberweisung
I15 REF/RRI - Request patient referral status REF/RRI - Request patient referral status Statusabfrage bzgl. Patientenüberweisung
I16 Collaborative Care Referral Collaborative Care Referral
I17 Modify Collaborative Care Referral Modify Collaborative Care Referral Deprecated Deprecated
I18 Cancel Collaborative Care Referral Cancel Collaborative Care Referral Deprecated Deprecated
I19 Collaborative Care Query/Collaborative Care Query Update Collaborative Care Query/Collaborative Care Query Update
I20 Asynchronous Collaborative Care Update Asynchronous Collaborative Care Update
I21 Collaborative Care Message Collaborative Care Message
I22 Collaborative Care Fetch / Collaborative Care Information Collaborative Care Fetch / Collaborative Care Information
J01 QCN/ACK - Cancel query/acknowledge message QCN/ACK - Cancel query/acknowledge message
J02 QSX/ACK - Cancel subscription/acknowledge message QSX/ACK - Cancel subscription/acknowledge message
K11 RSP - Segment pattern response in response to QBP^Q11 RSP - Segment pattern response in response to QBP^Q11
K13 RTB - Tabular response in response to QBP^Q13 RTB - Tabular response in response to QBP^Q13
K15 RDY - Display response in response to QBP^Q15 RDY - Display response in response to QBP^Q15
K21 RSP - Get person demographics response RSP - Get person demographics response
K22 RSP - Find candidates response RSP - Find candidates response
K23 RSP - Get corresponding identifiers response RSP - Get corresponding identifiers response
K24 RSP - Allocate identifiers response RSP - Allocate identifiers response
K25 RSP - Personnel Information by Segment Response RSP - Personnel Information by Segment Response
K31 RSP -Dispense History Response RSP -Dispense History Response
K32 Find Candidates including Visit Information Response Find Candidates including Visit Information Response
K33 Get Donor Record Candidates Response Message Get Donor Record Candidates Response Message
K34 Segment Pattern Response Message Segment Pattern Response Message
M01 MFN/MFK - Master file not otherwise specified MFN/MFK - Master file not otherwise specified Deprecated Deprecated Stammdatenänderung (veraltet)
M02 MFN/MFK - Master file - staff practitioner MFN/MFK - Master file - staff practitioner Stammdatenänderung - Ärzte
M03 MFN/MFK - Master file - test/observation MFN/MFK - Master file - test/observation Deprecated Deprecated Stammdatenänderung - Tests / Untersuchungen
M04 MFN/MFK - Master files charge description MFN/MFK - Master files charge description Stammdatenänderung - delayed appl ack
M05 MFN/MFK - Patient location master file MFN/MFK - Patient location master file Stammdatenänderung - Aufenthaltsorte
M06 MFN/MFK - Clinical study with phases and schedules master file MFN/MFK - Clinical study with phases and schedules master file Stammdatenänderung - Abrechnungskataloge
M07 MFN/MFK - Clinical study without phases but with schedules master file MFN/MFK - Clinical study without phases but with schedules master file Stammdatenänderung - klinische Studien ohne Phasen
M08 MFN/MFK - Test/observation (numeric) master file MFN/MFK - Test/observation (numeric) master file Stammdatenänderung - Tests/Untersuchung mit numerischen Ergebnissen
M09 MFN/MFK - Test/observation (categorical) master file MFN/MFK - Test/observation (categorical) master file Stammdatenänderung - Tests mit nicht numerischen Ergebnissen
M10 MFN/MFK - Test /observation batteries master file MFN/MFK - Test /observation batteries master file Stammdatenänderung - Testprofile
M11 MFN/MFK - Test/calculated observations master file MFN/MFK - Test/calculated observations master file Stammdatenänderung - berechnete Ergebnisse
M12 MFN/MFK - Master file notification message MFN/MFK - Master file notification message
M13 MFN/MFK - Master file notification - general MFN/MFK - Master file notification - general
M14 MFN/MFK - Master file notification - site defined MFN/MFK - Master file notification - site defined
M15 MFN/MFK - Inventory item master file notification MFN/MFK - Inventory item master file notification
R0R R0R - Pharmacy prescription order query response R0R - Pharmacy prescription order query response 2.9
M16 MFN/MFK - Master File Notification Inventory Item Enhanced MFN/MFK - Master File Notification Inventory Item Enhanced
M17 DRG Master File Message DRG Master File Message
M18 MFN/MFK - Master file notification - Test/Observation (Payer) MFN/MFK - Master file notification - Test/Observation (Payer)
N01 NMQ/NMR - Application management query message NMQ/NMR - Application management query message Deprecated Deprecated
N02 NMD/ACK - Application management data message (unsolicited) NMD/ACK - Application management data message (unsolicited)
O01 ORM - Order message (also RDE, RDS, RGV, RAS) ORM - Order message (also RDE, RDS, RGV, RAS) Deprecated Deprecated Auftrag / Verordnung
O02 ORR - Order response (also RRE, RRD, RRG, RRA) ORR - Order response (also RRE, RRD, RRG, RRA) Deprecated Deprecated Auftragsbestätigung
O03 OMD - Diet order OMD - Diet order
O04 ORD - Diet order acknowledgment ORD - Diet order acknowledgment
O05 OMS - Stock requisition order OMS - Stock requisition order
O06 ORS - Stock requisition acknowledgment ORS - Stock requisition acknowledgment
O07 OMN - Non-stock requisition order OMN - Non-stock requisition order
O08 ORN - Non-stock requisition acknowledgment ORN - Non-stock requisition acknowledgment
O09 OMP - Pharmacy/treatment order OMP - Pharmacy/treatment order
O10 ORP - Pharmacy/treatment order acknowledgment ORP - Pharmacy/treatment order acknowledgment
O11 RDE - Pharmacy/treatment encoded order RDE - Pharmacy/treatment encoded order
O12 RRE - Pharmacy/treatment encoded order acknowledgment RRE - Pharmacy/treatment encoded order acknowledgment
O13 RDS - Pharmacy/treatment dispense RDS - Pharmacy/treatment dispense
O14 RRD - Pharmacy/treatment dispense acknowledgment RRD - Pharmacy/treatment dispense acknowledgment
O15 RGV - Pharmacy/treatment give RGV - Pharmacy/treatment give
O16 RRG - Pharmacy/treatment give acknowledgment RRG - Pharmacy/treatment give acknowledgment
O17 RAS - Pharmacy/treatment administration RAS - Pharmacy/treatment administration
O18 RRA - Pharmacy/treatment administration acknowledgment RRA - Pharmacy/treatment administration acknowledgment
O19 OMG - General clinical order OMG - General clinical order
O20 ORG/ORL - General clinical order response ORG/ORL - General clinical order response
O21 OML - Laboratory order OML - Laboratory order
O22 ORL - General laboratory order response message to any OML ORL - General laboratory order response message to any OML
O23 OMI - Imaging order OMI - Imaging order
O24 ORI - Imaging order response message to any OMI ORI - Imaging order response message to any OMI
O25 RDE - Pharmacy/treatment refill authorization request RDE - Pharmacy/treatment refill authorization request
O26 RRE - Pharmacy/Treatment Refill Authorization Acknowledgement RRE - Pharmacy/Treatment Refill Authorization Acknowledgement
O27 OMB - Blood product order OMB - Blood product order
O28 ORB - Blood product order acknowledgment ORB - Blood product order acknowledgment
O29 BPS - Blood product dispense status BPS - Blood product dispense status
O30 BRP - Blood product dispense status acknowledgment BRP - Blood product dispense status acknowledgment
O31 BTS - Blood product transfusion/disposition BTS - Blood product transfusion/disposition
O32 BRT - Blood product transfusion/disposition acknowledgment BRT - Blood product transfusion/disposition acknowledgment
O33 OML - Laboratory order for multiple orders related to a single specimen OML - Laboratory order for multiple orders related to a single specimen
O34 ORL - Laboratory order response message to a multiple order related to single specimen OML ORL - Laboratory order response message to a multiple order related to single specimen OML
O35 OML - Laboratory order for multiple orders related to a single container of a specimen OML - Laboratory order for multiple orders related to a single container of a specimen
R05 QRY/DSR - query for display results (See Q01) QRY/DSR - query for display results (See Q01) 2.9 Anfrage nach anzeigeorientierten Ergebnissen
O36 ORL - Laboratory order response message to a single container of a specimen OML ORL - Laboratory order response message to a single container of a specimen OML
R06 UDM - unsolicited update/display results (See Q05) UDM - unsolicited update/display results (See Q05) 2.9 unaufgeforderte Änderung anzeigeorientierter Ergebnisse
O37 OPL - Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order Message OPL - Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order Message
O38 OPR - Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message OPR - Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message
O39 Specimen shipment centric laboratory order Specimen shipment centric laboratory order
O40 Specimen Shipment Centric Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message Specimen Shipment Centric Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message
O41 DBC - Create Donor Record Message DBC - Create Donor Record Message
O42 DBU - Update Donor Record Message DBU - Update Donor Record Message
RAR RAR - Pharmacy administration information query response RAR - Pharmacy administration information query response 2.9 Antwort bzgl. der Behandlungs-/Darreichungsform
O43 General Order Message with Document Payload Acknowledgement Message General Order Message with Document Payload Acknowledgement Message
RDR RDR - Pharmacy dispense information query response RDR - Pharmacy dispense information query response 2.9 Antwort bzgl. des zu verabreichenden Medikamentes bzw. der Behandlung
Q04 EQQ - Embedded query language query EQQ - Embedded query language query 2.9
O44 Donor Registration - Minimal Message Donor Registration - Minimal Message
RER RER - Pharmacy encoded order information query response RER - Pharmacy encoded order information query response 2.9 Antwort bzgl. des zu verabreichenden Medikamentes bzw. der Behandlung
O45 Donor Eligibility Observations Message Donor Eligibility Observations Message
RGR RGR - Pharmacy dose information query response RGR - Pharmacy dose information query response 2.9 Antwort bzgl. der Dosis bzw. der Frequenz der Behandlung
O46 Donor Eligiblity Message Donor Eligiblity Message
Q07 VQQ - Virtual table query VQQ - Virtual table query 2.9
O47 Donor Request to Collect Message Donor Request to Collect Message
Q08 SPQ - Stored procedure request SPQ - Stored procedure request 2.9
O48 Donation Procedure Message Donation Procedure Message
Q09 RQQ - event replay query RQQ - event replay query 2.9
O49 Pharmacy/Treatment Dispense Request Message Pharmacy/Treatment Dispense Request Message
O50 Pharmacy/Treatment Encoded Order Acknowledgment Pharmacy/Treatment Encoded Order Acknowledgment
O51 OSU – Order Status Update OSU – Order Status Update
O52 OSU – Order Status Update Acknowledgement OSU – Order Status Update Acknowledgement
O53 ORL - General Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message (Patient Optional) ORL - General Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message (Patient Optional)
O54 ORL - Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message – Multiple Order Per Specimen (Patient Optional) ORL - Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message – Multiple Order Per Specimen (Patient Optional)
O55 ORL - Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message – Multiple Order Per Container of Specimen (Patient Optional) ORL - Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message – Multiple Order Per Container of Specimen (Patient Optional)
O56 ORL - Specimen Shipment Centric Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message (Patient Optional) ORL - Specimen Shipment Centric Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message (Patient Optional)
O57 OMQ- General Order Message with Document Payload OMQ- General Order Message with Document Payload
O58 ORX - General Order Message with Document Payload Acknowledgement Message ORX - General Order Message with Document Payload Acknowledgement Message
O59 OML - Laboratory order for additional work up Fulfillment order for work up on a previously communicated result or submitted specimen An example is the IHE LCC profile describes this message in the LAB-7 transaction
P01 BAR/ACK - Add patient accounts BAR/ACK - Add patient accounts Eröffnung eines Patientenkontos
P02 BAR/ACK - Purge patient accounts BAR/ACK - Purge patient accounts Löschen der Abrechnungsdaten eines Patientenkontos
P03 DFT/ACK - Post detail financial transaction DFT/ACK - Post detail financial transaction Leistungs- und Abrechnungsinformationen
P04 QRY/DSP - Generate bill and A/R statements QRY/DSP - Generate bill and A/R statements Deprecated Deprecated Druck und Anzeige von Rechnungen
P05 BAR/ACK - Update account BAR/ACK - Update account Änderung eines Patientenkontos
P06 BAR/ACK - End account BAR/ACK - End account Abschluß eines Patientenkontos
P07 PEX - Unsolicited initial individual product experience report PEX - Unsolicited initial individual product experience report unaufgeforderte individueller Produktersterfahrungsbericht
R03 QRY/DSR Display-oriented results, query/unsol. update (for backward compatibility only) (Replaced by Q05) QRY/DSR Display-oriented results, query/unsol. update (for backward compatibility only) (Replaced by Q05) 2.9 Anzeigeorientiertes Ergebnis
P08 PEX - Unsolicited update individual product experience report PEX - Unsolicited update individual product experience report Änderung individueller Produktersterfahrungsbericht
P09 SUR - Summary product experience report SUR - Summary product experience report Deprecated Deprecated zusammenfassender Produkterfahrungsbericht
P10 BAR/ACK -Transmit Ambulatory Payment Classification(APC) BAR/ACK -Transmit Ambulatory Payment Classification(APC)
R07 EDR - Enhanced Display Response EDR - Enhanced Display Response 2.9
P11 DFT/ACK - Post Detail Financial Transactions - New DFT/ACK - Post Detail Financial Transactions - New
R08 TBR - Tabular Data Response TBR - Tabular Data Response 2.9
P12 BAR/ACK - Update Diagnosis/Procedure BAR/ACK - Update Diagnosis/Procedure
PC1 PPR - PC/ problem add PPR - PC/ problem add Problem hinzufügen
R09 ERP - Event Replay Response ERP - Event Replay Response 2.9
PC2 PPR - PC/ problem update PPR - PC/ problem update Problem ändern
PC3 PPR - PC/ problem delete PPR - PC/ problem delete Problem löschen
PC4 QRY - PC/ problem query QRY - PC/ problem query Deprecated Deprecated Problem abfragen
PC5 PRR - PC/ problem response PRR - PC/ problem response Deprecated Deprecated Problem Anfrage beantworten
PC6 PGL - PC/ goal add PGL - PC/ goal add Ziel hinzufügen
PC7 PGL - PC/ goal update PGL - PC/ goal update Ziel ändern
PC8 PGL - PC/ goal delete PGL - PC/ goal delete Ziel löschen
PC9 QRY - PC/ goal query QRY - PC/ goal query Deprecated Deprecated Ziel abfragen
PCA PPV - PC/ goal response PPV - PC/ goal response Deprecated Deprecated Ziel Anfrage beantworten
PCB PPP - PC/ pathway (problem-oriented) add PPP - PC/ pathway (problem-oriented) add (problemorientierte) Leitlinie hinzufügen
PCC PPP - PC/ pathway (problem-oriented) update PPP - PC/ pathway (problem-oriented) update (problemorientierte) Leitlinie ändern
PCD PPP - PC/ pathway (problem-oriented) delete PPP - PC/ pathway (problem-oriented) delete (problemorientierte) Leitlinie löschen
PCE QRY - PC/ pathway (problem-oriented) query QRY - PC/ pathway (problem-oriented) query Deprecated Deprecated (problemorientierte) Leitlinie abfragen
PCF PTR - PC/ pathway (problem-oriented) query response PTR - PC/ pathway (problem-oriented) query response Deprecated Deprecated (problemorientierte) Leitlinie Anfrage beantworten
PCG PPG - PC/ pathway (goal-oriented) add PPG - PC/ pathway (goal-oriented) add (zielorientierte) Leitlinie hinzufügen
PCH PPG - PC/ pathway (goal-oriented) update PPG - PC/ pathway (goal-oriented) update (zielorientierte) Leitlinie ändern
PCJ PPG - PC/ pathway (goal-oriented) delete PPG - PC/ pathway (goal-oriented) delete (zielorientierte) Leitlinie löschen
PCK QRY - PC/ pathway (goal-oriented) query QRY - PC/ pathway (goal-oriented) query Deprecated Deprecated (zielorientierte) Leitlinie abfragen
PCL PPT - PC/ pathway (goal-oriented) query response PPT - PC/ pathway (goal-oriented) query response Deprecated Deprecated (zielorientierte) Leitlinie Anfrage beantworten
Q01 QRY/DSR - Query sent for immediate response QRY/DSR - Query sent for immediate response Deprecated Deprecated Anfrage mit sofortiger Antwort
Q02 QRY/QCK - Query sent for deferred response QRY/QCK - Query sent for deferred response Deprecated Deprecated Anfrage mit verzögerter Antwort
Q03 DSR/ACK - Deferred response to a query DSR/ACK - Deferred response to a query Deprecated Deprecated Verzögerte Antwort auf Anfrage
Q05 UDM/ACK - Unsolicited display update message UDM/ACK - Unsolicited display update message Sofortige Bildschirmanzeige (Eilmeldung)
Q06 OSQ/OSR - Query for order status OSQ/OSR - Query for order status Deprecated Deprecated Abfrage des Auftragsstatus
Q11 QBP - Query by parameter requesting an RSP segment pattern response QBP - Query by parameter requesting an RSP segment pattern response
Q13 QBP - Query by parameter requesting an RTB - tabular response QBP - Query by parameter requesting an RTB - tabular response
Q15 QBP - Query by parameter requesting an RDY display response QBP - Query by parameter requesting an RDY display response
Q16 QSB - Create subscription QSB - Create subscription
Q17 QVR - Query for previous events QVR - Query for previous events
Q21 QBP - Get person demographics QBP - Get person demographics
Q22 QBP - Find candidates QBP - Find candidates
Q23 QBP - Get corresponding identifiers QBP - Get corresponding identifiers
Q24 QBP - Allocate identifiers QBP - Allocate identifiers
Q25 QBP - Personnel Information by Segment Query QBP - Personnel Information by Segment Query
Q26 ROR - Pharmacy/treatment order response ROR - Pharmacy/treatment order response Deprecated Deprecated
Q27 RAR - Pharmacy/treatment administration information RAR - Pharmacy/treatment administration information Deprecated Deprecated
Q28 RDR - Pharmacy/treatment dispense information RDR - Pharmacy/treatment dispense information Deprecated Deprecated
Q29 RER - Pharmacy/treatment encoded order information RER - Pharmacy/treatment encoded order information Deprecated Deprecated
Q30 RGR - Pharmacy/treatment dose information RGR - Pharmacy/treatment dose information Deprecated Deprecated
Q31 QBP Query Dispense history QBP Query Dispense history
Q32 Find Candidates including Visit Information Find Candidates including Visit Information
Q33 QBP - Get Donor Record Candidates QBP - Get Donor Record Candidates
Q34 QBP - Get Donor Record QBP - Get Donor Record
R01 ORU/ACK - Unsolicited transmission of an observation message ORU/ACK - Unsolicited transmission of an observation message unangeforderte Übermittlung eines Befundes
R02 QRY - Query for results of observation QRY - Query for results of observation Deprecated Deprecated Anfrage nach Untersuchungsergebnis
R04 ORF - Response to query; transmission of requested observation ORF - Response to query; transmission of requested observation Deprecated Deprecated Antwort auf Anfrage / Übermittlung eines angeforderten Ergebnisses
R21 OUL - Unsolicited laboratory observation OUL - Unsolicited laboratory observation Deprecated Deprecated
R22 OUL - Unsolicited Specimen Oriented Observation Message OUL - Unsolicited Specimen Oriented Observation Message
R23 OUL - Unsolicited Specimen Container Oriented Observation Message OUL - Unsolicited Specimen Container Oriented Observation Message
R24 OUL - Unsolicited Order Oriented Observation Message OUL - Unsolicited Order Oriented Observation Message
R25 OPU - Unsolicited Population/Location-Based Laboratory Observation Message OPU - Unsolicited Population/Location-Based Laboratory Observation Message
R26 OSM - Unsolicited Specimen Shipment Manifest Message OSM - Unsolicited Specimen Shipment Manifest Message
R30 ORU - Unsolicited Point-Of-Care Observation Message Without Existing Order - Place An Order ORU - Unsolicited Point-Of-Care Observation Message Without Existing Order - Place An Order
R31 ORU - Unsolicited New Point-Of-Care Observation Message - Search For An Order ORU - Unsolicited New Point-Of-Care Observation Message - Search For An Order
R32 ORU - Unsolicited Pre-Ordered Point-Of-Care Observation ORU - Unsolicited Pre-Ordered Point-Of-Care Observation
R33 ORA - Observation Report Acknowledgement ORA - Observation Report Acknowledgement
R40 ORU - Unsolicited Report Alarm ORU - Unsolicited Report Alarm
R41 Observation Report Alert Acknowledgement Observation Report Alert Acknowledgement
R42 ORU – Unsolicited Device Event Observation Message ORU – Unsolicited Device Event Observation Message
R43 ORU – Unsolicited Patient-Device Association Observation Message ORU – Unsolicited Patient-Device Association Observation Message
ROR ROR - Pharmacy prescription order query response ROR - Pharmacy prescription order query response Deprecated Deprecated Antwort bzgl. der Verschreibungsanforderung des Arzneiverordnung bzw. d.Behandlg
S01 SRM/SRR - Request new appointment booking SRM/SRR - Request new appointment booking Terminanforderung
S02 SRM/SRR - Request appointment rescheduling SRM/SRR - Request appointment rescheduling Anforderung für Terminverschiebung
S03 SRM/SRR - Request appointment modification SRM/SRR - Request appointment modification Anforderung für inhaltliche Terminänderung
S04 SRM/SRR - Request appointment cancellation SRM/SRR - Request appointment cancellation Absage eines Termins
S05 SRM/SRR - Request appointment discontinuation SRM/SRR - Request appointment discontinuation Aussetzung des aktuellen oder weiterer Termine
S06 SRM/SRR - Request appointment deletion SRM/SRR - Request appointment deletion Stornierung eines Termins
S07 SRM/SRR - Request addition of service/resource on appointment SRM/SRR - Request addition of service/resource on appointment Anforderung zusätzlicher Leistungen/Voraussetzungen zu einem Termin
S08 SRM/SRR - Request modification of service/resource on appointment SRM/SRR - Request modification of service/resource on appointment Änderungsanforderung für zusätzliche Leistungen/Voraussetzungen zu einem Termin
S09 SRM/SRR - Request cancellation of service/resource on appointment SRM/SRR - Request cancellation of service/resource on appointment Absage für zusätzliche Leistungen/Voraussetzungen zu einem Termin
S10 SRM/SRR - Request discontinuation of service/resource on appointment SRM/SRR - Request discontinuation of service/resource on appointment Aussetzung für zusätzliche Leistungen/Voraussetzungen zu einem Termin
S11 SRM/SRR - Request deletion of service/resource on appointment SRM/SRR - Request deletion of service/resource on appointment Stornierung für zusätzliche Leistungen/Voraussetzungen zu einem Termin
S12 SIU/ACK - Notification of new appointment booking SIU/ACK - Notification of new appointment booking Benachrichtigung über Terminvergabe
S13 SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment rescheduling SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment rescheduling Benachrichtigung für Terminverschiebung
S14 SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment modification SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment modification Benachrichtigung für inhaltliche Terminänderung
S15 SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment cancellation SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment cancellation Benachrichtigung über Terminabsage
S16 SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment discontinuation SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment discontinuation Benachrichtigung über Aussetzung des aktuellen oder weiterer Termine
S17 SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment deletion SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment deletion Benachrichtigung über Stornierung eines Termins
S18 SIU/ACK - Notification of addition of service/resource on appointment SIU/ACK - Notification of addition of service/resource on appointment Benachrichtigung über zusätzlicher Leistungen/Voraussetzungen zu einem Termin
S19 SIU/ACK - Notification of modification of service/resource on appointment SIU/ACK - Notification of modification of service/resource on appointment Änderungsbenachrichtigung f.zusätzl. Leistungen/Voraussetzungen zu einem Termin
S20 SIU/ACK - Notification of cancellation of service/resource on appointment SIU/ACK - Notification of cancellation of service/resource on appointment Benachrichtigung f. zusätzliche Leistungen/Voraussetzungen zu einem Terminabsage
S21 SIU/ACK - Notification of discontinuation of service/resource on appointment SIU/ACK - Notification of discontinuation of service/resource on appointment Benachrichtigung über Aussetzung für zusätzliche Leistungen/Voraussetzungen
S22 SIU/ACK - Notification of deletion of service/resource on appointment SIU/ACK - Notification of deletion of service/resource on appointment Benachrichtigung Stornierg.f.zusätzl.Leistungen/Voraussetzungen zu einem Termin
S23 SIU/ACK - Notification of blocked schedule time slot(s) SIU/ACK - Notification of blocked schedule time slot(s) Benachrichtigung über nicht verfügbare Zeitbereiche
S24 SIU/ACK - Notification of opened ("unblocked") schedule time slot(s) SIU/ACK - Notification of opened ("unblocked") schedule time slot(s) Benachrichtigung über (wieder) verfügbare Zeitbereiche
S25 SQM/SQR - Schedule query message and response SQM/SQR - Schedule query message and response Deprecated Deprecated Anfrage nach Zeitplaninformation
S26 SIU/ACK Notification that patient did not show up for schedule appointment SIU/ACK Notification that patient did not show up for schedule appointment Benachrichtigung über Nichterscheinen eines Patienten
S27 SIU/ACK - Broadcast Notification of Scheduled Appointments SIU/ACK - Broadcast Notification of Scheduled Appointments
S28 SLR/SLS - Request new sterilization lot SLR/SLS - Request new sterilization lot
S29 SLR/SLS - Request Sterilization lot deletion SLR/SLS - Request Sterilization lot deletion
S30 STI/STS - Request item STI/STS - Request item
S31 SDR/SDS - Request anti-microbial device data SDR/SDS - Request anti-microbial device data
S32 SMD/SMS - Request anti-microbial device cycle data SMD/SMS - Request anti-microbial device cycle data
S33 STC/ACK - Notification of sterilization configuration STC/ACK - Notification of sterilization configuration
S34 SLN/ACK - Notification of sterilization lot SLN/ACK - Notification of sterilization lot
S35 SLN/ACK - Notification of sterilization lot deletion SLN/ACK - Notification of sterilization lot deletion
S36 SDN/ACK - Notification of anti-microbial device data SDN/ACK - Notification of anti-microbial device data
S37 SCN/ACK - Notification of anti-microbial device cycle data SCN/ACK - Notification of anti-microbial device cycle data
S38 Containers Prepared for Specimen Collection Describes the event before specimen collection, when containers have been prepared
S39 Specimen Collection Successful Describes the event when specimen collection was successful
S40 Specimen Collection Unsuccessful Describes the event when specimen collection was not successful and provides a means to document the reason
S41 Specimen Departed Describes the event when a specimen has been moved from a location
S42 Specimen Arrived Describes the event when a specimen has been moved to a location
S43 Specimen Accepted Describes the event when a specimen has been accepted on the receiver side of a specimen movement
S44 Specimen Rejected Describes the event when a specimen has been rejected by the receiver side of a specimen movement
S45 Specimen Re-identified Describes the event when a specimen has been assigned an identifier
S46 Specimen De-identified Describes the event when a specimen identifier has been removed to anonymize it
S47 Specimen Sent to Archive Describes the event when a specimen has been moved into storage >
S48 Specimen Retrieved from Archive Describes the event when a specimen has been moved out of storage
S49 Specimen Disposed of Describes the event when a specimen has been permanently disposed of
S50 Specimen Procedure Step Successful , with Derived Specimen(s) Describes the event when one or more specimen(s) has(ve) been created from one or more specimen(s)
S51 Specimen Procedure Step Successful, no Derived Specimen(s) Describes the event when a specimen has been successfully processed without producing any child specimen(s)
S52 Specimen Procedure Step Unsuccessful Describes the event when a specimen could not be successfully processed and provides a means to document the reason
T01 MDM/ACK - Original document notification MDM/ACK - Original document notification Benachrichtigung über die Neuanlage eines Dokuments ohne Inhalt
T02 MDM/ACK - Original document notification and content MDM/ACK - Original document notification and content Benachrichtigung über die Neuanlage eines Dokuments mit Inhaltsübermittlung
T03 MDM/ACK - Document status change notification MDM/ACK - Document status change notification Benachrichtigung über die Statusänderung eines Dokuments (ohne Inhalt)
T04 MDM/ACK - Document status change notification and content MDM/ACK - Document status change notification and content Benachrichtigung über die Statusänderung eines Dokuments (mit Inhalt)
T05 MDM/ACK - Document addendum notification MDM/ACK - Document addendum notification Benachrichtigung über die Ergänzung eines Dokuments (ohne Inhalt)
T06 MDM/ACK - Document addendum notification and content MDM/ACK - Document addendum notification and content Benachrichtigung über die Ergänzung eines Dokuments (mit Inhalt)
T07 MDM/ACK - Document edit notification MDM/ACK - Document edit notification Benachrichtigung über die Änderung eines Dokuments (ohne Inhalt)
T08 MDM/ACK - Document edit notification and content MDM/ACK - Document edit notification and content Benachrichtigung über die Änderung eines Dokuments (mit Inhalt)
T09 MDM/ACK - Document replacement notification MDM/ACK - Document replacement notification Benachrichtigung über den Austausch eines Dokuments (ohne Inhalt)
T10 MDM/ACK - Document replacement notification and content MDM/ACK - Document replacement notification and content Benachrichtigung über den Austausch eines Dokuments (mit Inhalt)
T11 MDM/ACK - Document cancel notification MDM/ACK - Document cancel notification Benachrichtigung über die Löschung eines Dokuments
T12 QRY/DOC - Document query QRY/DOC - Document query Deprecated Deprecated Dokumentanfrage
U01 ESU/ACK - Automated equipment status update ESU/ACK - Automated equipment status update
U02 ESR/ACK - Automated equipment status request ESR/ACK - Automated equipment status request
U03 SSU/ACK - Specimen status update SSU/ACK - Specimen status update
U04 SSR/ACK - specimen status request SSR/ACK - specimen status request
U05 INU/ACK - Automated equipment inventory update INU/ACK - Automated equipment inventory update
U06 INR/ACK - Automated equipment inventory request INR/ACK - Automated equipment inventory request
U07 EAC/ACK - Automated equipment command EAC/ACK - Automated equipment command
U08 EAR/ACK - Automated equipment response EAR/ACK - Automated equipment response
U09 EAN/ACK - Automated equipment notification EAN/ACK - Automated equipment notification
U10 TCU/ACK - Automated equipment test code settings update TCU/ACK - Automated equipment test code settings update
U11 TCR/ACK - Automated equipment test code settings request TCR/ACK - Automated equipment test code settings request
U12 LSU/ACK - Automated equipment log/service update LSU/ACK - Automated equipment log/service update
U13 LSR/ACK - Automated equipment log/service request LSR/ACK - Automated equipment log/service request
U14 INR/ACK – Automated Equipment Inventory Request INR/ACK – Automated Equipment Inventory Request
V01 VXQ - Query for vaccination record VXQ - Query for vaccination record Deprecated Deprecated Anfrage nach Impfstatus eines Patienten
V02 VXX - Response to vaccination query returning multiple PID matches VXX - Response to vaccination query returning multiple PID matches Deprecated Deprecated Antwort auf Impfstatusanfrage bei nicht-eindeutiger Patienten-ID
V03 VXR - Vaccination record response VXR - Vaccination record response Deprecated Deprecated Antwort auf Impfstatusanfrage zu einem Patienten
V04 VXU - Unsolicited vaccination record update VXU - Unsolicited vaccination record update unaufgeforderte Änderung zu dem Impfstatus eines Patienten
Varies MFQ/MFR - Master files query (use event same as asking for e.g., M05 - location) MFQ/MFR - Master files query (use event same as asking for e.g., M05 - location) allgemeine Stammdatenanfrage
W01 ORU - Waveform result, unsolicited transmission of requested information ORU - Waveform result, unsolicited transmission of requested information Deprecated Deprecated unaufgeforderte Übermittlung von Signaldaten
W02 QRF - Waveform result, response to query QRF - Waveform result, response to query Deprecated Deprecated angeforderte Übermittlung von Signaldaten


2023-11-14reviseMarc DuteauTSMGAdd standard copyright and contact to internal content; up-476
2020-05-06reviseTed KleinVocabulary WGMigrated to the UTG maintenance environment and publishing tooling.