Code | URL | Type | Description |
Specializes | | Coding | The child code is a more narrow version of the concept represented by the parent code. I.e. Every child concept is also a valid parent concept. Used to allow determination of subsumption. Must be transitive, irreflexive, antisymmetric. |
Generalizes | | Coding | Inverse of Specializes. Only included as a derived relationship. |
internalId | | code | The internal identifier for the concept in the HL7 Access database repository. |
appliesTo | | string | Haven't a clue! |
status | | code | Designation of a concept's state. Normally is not populated unless the state is retired. |
notSelectable | | boolean | Indicates that the code is abstract - only intended to be used as a selector for other concepts |
Lvl | Code | Display | Definition | internalId | appliesTo | status | Not Selectable |
1 | AM | AM | Every morning at institution specified times. | 10721 | H0600-1200 IST | active | |
1 | BED | at bedtime | At bedtime (institution specified time). | 23940 | | active | |
1 | BID | BID | Two times a day at institution specified time | 10703 | /(12 h) IST | active | |
1 | JB | JB | Regular business days (Monday to Friday excluding holidays) | 10723 | J1-5 \JH | active | |
1 | JE | JE | Regular weekends (Saturday and Sunday excluding holidays) | 10724 | J6-7 \JH | active | |
1 | JH | GTSAbbreviationHolidays | Holidays | 10725 | | active | |
2 | _GTSAbbreviationHolidaysChristianRoman | GTSAbbreviationHolidaysChristianRoman | Christian Holidays (Roman/Gregorian \[Western\] Tradition.) | 21080 | | active | true |
3 | JHCHREAS | JHCHREAS | Easter Sunday. The Easter date is a rather complex calculation based on Astronomical tables describing full moon dates. Details can be found at \[, and\]. Note that the Christian Orthodox Holidays are based on the Julian calendar. | 10730 | | active | |
3 | JHCHRGFR | JHCHRGFR | Good Friday, is the Friday right before Easter Sunday. | 10731 | | active | |
3 | JHCHRNEW | JHCHRNEW | New Year's Day (January 1) | 10729 | M0101 | active | |
3 | JHCHRPEN | JHCHRPEN | Pentecost Sunday, is seven weeks after Easter (the 50th day of Easter). | 10732 | | active | |
3 | JHCHRXME | JHCHRXME | Christmas Eve (December 24) | 10727 | M1224 | active | |
3 | JHCHRXMS | JHCHRXMS | Christmas Day (December 25) | 10728 | M1225 | active | |
2 | JHNNL | The Netherlands National Holidays | **Description:**The Netherlands National Holidays. | 22658 | | active | |
3 | JHNNLLD | Liberation day (May 5 every five years) | **Description:**Liberation day (May 5 every five years) | 22660 | | active | |
3 | JHNNLQD | Queen's day (April 30) | **Description:**Queen's day (April 30) | 22659 | | active | |
3 | JHNNLSK | Sinterklaas (December 5) | **Description:**Sinterklaas (December 5) | 22661 | | active | |
2 | JHNUS | GTSAbbreviationHolidaysUSNational | United States National Holidays (public holidays for federal employees established by U.S. Federal law 5 U.S.C. 6103). | 10733 | | active | |
3 | JHNUSCLM | JHNUSCLM | Columbus Day, the second Monday in October. | 10743 | M1008-14 J1 | active | |
3 | JHNUSIND | JHNUSIND | Independence Day (4th of July) | 10739 | M0704 | active | |
3 | JHNUSIND1 | JHNUSIND1 | Alternative Monday after 4th of July Weekend \[5 U.S.C. 6103(b)\]. | 10741 | M0705 J1 | active | |
3 | JHNUSIND5 | JHNUSIND5 | Alternative Friday before 4th of July Weekend \[5 U.S.C. 6103(b)\]. | 10740 | M0703 J5 | active | |
3 | JHNUSLBR | JHNUSLBR | Labor Day, the first Monday in September. | 10742 | M0901-07 J1 | active | |
3 | JHNUSMEM | JHNUSMEM | Memorial Day, the last Monday in May. | 10736 | M0525-31 J1 | active | |
3 | JHNUSMEM5 | JHNUSMEM5 | Friday before Memorial Day Weekend | 10737 | M0522-28 J5 | active | |
3 | JHNUSMEM6 | JHNUSMEM6 | Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend | 10738 | M0523-29 J6 | active | |
3 | JHNUSMLK | JHNUSMLK | Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the third Monday in January. | 10734 | M0115-21 J1 | active | |
3 | JHNUSPRE | JHNUSPRE | Washington's Birthday (Presidential Day) the third Monday in February. | 10735 | M0215-21 J1 | active | |
3 | JHNUSTKS | JHNUSTKS | Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November. | 10745 | M1122-28 J4 | active | |
3 | JHNUSTKS5 | JHNUSTKS5 | Friday after Thanksgiving. | 10746 | M1123-29 J5 | active | |
3 | JHNUSVET | JHNUSVET | Veteran's Day, November 11. | 10744 | M1111 | active | |
1 | MO | monthly | Monthly at institution specified time. | 23942 | | active | |
1 | PM | PM | Every afternoon at institution specified times. | 10722 | H1200-1800 IST | active | |
1 | Q1H | every hour | Every hour at institution specified times. | 23936 | | active | |
1 | Q2H | every 2 hours | Every 2 hours at institution specified times. | 23937 | | active | |
1 | Q3H | every 3 hours | Every 3 hours at institution specified times. | 23938 | | active | |
1 | Q4H | Q4H | Every 4 hours at institution specified time | 23746 | 4 h IST | active | |
1 | Q6H | Q6H | Every 6 hours at institution specified time | 23747 | 6 h IST | active | |
1 | Q8H | every 8 hours | Every 8 hours at institution specified times. | 23939 | | active | |
1 | QD | QD | Every day at institution specified times. | 23744 | 1 d IST | active | |
1 | QID | QID | Four times a day at institution specified time | 10705 | /(6 h) IST | active | |
1 | QOD | QOD | Every other day at institution specified times. | 23745 | 2 d IST | active | |
1 | TID | TID | Three times a day at institution specified time | 10704 | /(8 h) IST | active | |
1 | WK | weekly | Weekly at institution specified time. | 23941 | | active | |