HL7 Terminology
1.0.0 - Publication

This page is part of the HL7 Terminology (v1.0.0: Release) based on FHIR R4. The current version which supercedes this version is 5.2.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

PharmacyServiceProviderTechnicianHIPAA - TTL Representation

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@prefix fhir: <http://hl7.org/fhir/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------

 a fhir:ValueSet;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot;
  fhir:Resource.id [ fhir:value "v3-PharmacyServiceProviderTechnicianHIPAA"];
  fhir:Resource.language [ fhir:value "en"];
  fhir:DomainResource.text [
     fhir:Narrative.status [ fhir:value "generated" ];
     fhir:Narrative.div "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\"><h2>PharmacyServiceProviderTechnicianHIPAA</h2><div><p>(1) A person with specialized training in a narrow field of expertise whose occupation requires training and is skilled in specific technical processes and procedures. (2) An individual having special skill or practical knowledge in an area, such as operation and maintenance of equipment or performance of laboratory procedures involving biochemical analyses. Special technical qualifications are normally required, though an increasing number or technicians also possess university degrees in science, and occasionally doctorate degrees. The distinction between technician and technologist in the health care field is not always clear.</p>\n</div><ul><li>Include these codes as defined in <a href=\"CodeSystem-v3-HealthcareProviderTaxonomyHIPAA.html\"><code>http://nucc.org/provider-taxonomy</code></a><table class=\"none\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-v3-HealthcareProviderTaxonomyHIPAA.html#v3-HealthcareProviderTaxonomyHIPAA-1847P3400N\">1847P3400N</a></td><td>Pharmacy Service Providers; Technician; Pharmacy</td><td/></tr></table></li></ul></div>"
  fhir:ValueSet.url [ fhir:value "http://terminology.hl7.org/ValueSet/v3-PharmacyServiceProviderTechnicianHIPAA"];
  fhir:ValueSet.identifier [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:Identifier.system [ fhir:value "urn:ietf:rfc:3986" ];
     fhir:Identifier.value [ fhir:value "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.13361" ]
  fhir:ValueSet.version [ fhir:value "2.0.0"];
  fhir:ValueSet.name [ fhir:value "PharmacyServiceProviderTechnicianHIPAA"];
  fhir:ValueSet.title [ fhir:value "PharmacyServiceProviderTechnicianHIPAA"];
  fhir:ValueSet.status [ fhir:value "retired"];
  fhir:ValueSet.date [ fhir:value "2014-03-26T00:00:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime];
  fhir:ValueSet.description [ fhir:value "(1) A person with specialized training in a narrow field of expertise whose occupation requires training and is skilled in specific technical processes and procedures. (2) An individual having special skill or practical knowledge in an area, such as operation and maintenance of equipment or performance of laboratory procedures involving biochemical analyses. Special technical qualifications are normally required, though an increasing number or technicians also possess university degrees in science, and occasionally doctorate degrees. The distinction between technician and technologist in the health care field is not always clear."];
  fhir:ValueSet.compose [
     fhir:ValueSet.compose.include [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:ValueSet.compose.include.system [ fhir:value "http://nucc.org/provider-taxonomy" ];
       fhir:ValueSet.compose.include.concept [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:ValueSet.compose.include.concept.code [ fhir:value "1847P3400N" ]       ]     ]

# - ontology header ------------------------------------------------------------

 a owl:Ontology;
  owl:imports fhir:fhir.ttl.